Thursday, January 31, 2013

#1370 Marine Links Sidley Cricketers’ Princely Spread Bets to Rosemary Smith’s Switchboard 9/11

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin’s practitioners of a centuries-old Cricketers and Bullingdon spread-bet racket to the 9/11 murder of Sidley switchboard operator Rosemary Smith and the ultra vires transfer of a princely authority to trigger the incendiary-bomb demolition of the WTC Twin Towers to the AXA/Equitable Building, 787 7th Ave, New York.

Re: Groupe Axa - From Arkancide to Kyoto 9/11

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

#1369 Marine Links Sidley Austin to Sandy Hook Spread-Bet Shooter’s Death On Day Before the Shoot!

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin to the death of Sandy Hook alleged spread-bet shooter Adam P. Lanza on December 13 2012, the day before 20 children were shot in or near a DMORT Region II portable morgue.

McConnell alleges that Sidley Austin alumnae, led by terrorist mentor Bernardine Dohrn and her protegee Michelle Obama, in a conspiracy with his sister Kristine Marcy, have run a latter-day ‘Operation Paperclip’ for the British Bankers' Association since the 1970s where the women used identity theft and forged papers to place spread-bet actors or agents at events or in positions associated with the construction of the BBA's “nationwide revolutionary network to bomb and to kill”.

#1368 Marine Links Sister Marcy’s Nearly-Perfect Furloughed Murders to Spread-Bet JonBenet

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s use of Nortel JABS and JPATS aircraft to book and move furloughed prisoners through nearly-perfect (?) murder crimes scenes around the world, to spread betting on the time (midnight?) at which a snuff-film crew would record JonBenet Ramsey’s death by torture, rape and garrote on Christmas Day, 1996.

#1367 Marine Links Bombardier Sidley Spread-Bet Switchboard to Carbon Steel Twin Towers Fraud

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Bombardier Capital and Sidley Austin’s spread-bet switchboard in the North Tower on 9/11 to fraudulent spread-bet positions in the weight of carbon (CO2) and steel saved and sold from the WTC Twin Towers’ demolition in what Dr. Thomas Barnett described as the ‘first live-broadcast mass snuff film in human history’.

McConnell alleges five Sidley Austin attorneys who escaped from the North Tower on 9/11, mingled Rothschild Family assets with Bombardier pension funds in fraudulent spread-bet positions and, around 8:32 a.m. that morning, they had Sidley Austin switchboard operator and prospective whistleblower, Rosemary Smith, assassinated.

Prequel 1: Rothschild Family Fortune - Bombardier Master Trust Mingled With Equity of Canada? - Procured Aircraft - Air France 447

Prequel 2: #1365 Marine Links Bernardine Dohrn’s Spread-Bet Switchboard Timer Key to North Tower Stairwell Bombs

Monday, January 28, 2013

#1366 Marine Links Bullingdon Habeus Corpus Spread-Bet Crime to Bernardine Pig-Farm Wood Chipper Time

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Bullingdon Club's habeus corpus spread-bet crimes to B.C. pig farm raves – allegedly staged by Chicago's torture expert Bernardine Dohrn – where extorted and subsequently blackmailed guests were forced to place under/over bets on the time needed to feed live prostitutes through a wood chipper and destroy evidence of the manner in which they died.

McConnell points out that Dohrn, the terrorist mentor of Barack and Michelle Obama, was hired into the Students for a Democratic Society in the ‘60s by New York's BIC – Bullingdon International Club whose alumni included the late John Profumo and the late Nazi-loving Duke of Windsor – to launch the 'Days of Rage' riots in Chicago in 1968.

#1365 Marine Links Bernardine Dohrn’s Spread-Bet Switchboard Timer Key to North Tower Stairwell Bombs

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin’s erstwhile pedophile psychopath Bernardine Dohrn to the spread-bet switchboard-timer Entrust key, allegedly used to trigger North Tower stairwell bombs at 8:32 a.m., 14 minutes before impact of the al-Qaeda drone, on 9/11.

McConnell points out that Dohrn’s Libor spread-bet handlers in the British Banker’s Association needed her to trap all the people in the floors above the impact zone and then liquidate 658 workers at Cantor Fitzgerald and 295 workers at Marsh & McLennan to collect the ‘vig’ from both sides of the spread bet.

#1364 Marine Links Sidley Spread-Bet Switchboard Timer to Obama Mentor’s North Tower Bombs

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin’s spread-bet switchboard timers in New York to the synchronized firing of incendiary bombs inside and outside the North Tower in a 9/11 bombing sequence, allegedly designed by Obama's Sidley mentor, Bernardine Dohrn.

McConnell points out that Sidley Austin had extorted (C ivil action No. 99-197 Eastern District of Virginia] the trustees of New York City Pension Funds to participate in various spread bets associated with the 9/11 attack on the North Tower through Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ MindBox program.

Prequel 1:
#1361 Marine Sidley Austin’s War-Game Switchboard to Sam Cam’s Spread Bet Building #7

Sunday, January 27, 2013

#1363 Marine Links Obama to Canadian BlackBerry Spread-Bet Vig, Mumbai Torture-Terror Gig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barack Obama to the BlackBerry Entrust PKI keys which he allegedly used to authorize the spread-bet body count needed by Pakistan-born Canadian Tahawwur Rana to share out the ‘vig’ for a Mumbai torture-terror gig among extortionists hired through the Chicago office of the Sidley Austin law firm’s century-old client, Western Union.

#1362 Marine Obama BlackBerry Spread-Bet Triggers to Cruddas’ London Underground Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barack Obama’s development of BlackBerry spread-bet triggers for synchronized infrastructure bombing attacks, to ‘vigs’ allegedly distributed by Peter Cruddas to London Underground saboteurs after 7/7.

McConnell notes that Obama and Cruddas appear to have developed an encrypted spread-bet vig distribution system in the mid-1980s which relies on Western Union and the BIC 'hawala' system to pay saboteurs, assassins and deception experts hired to trigger major pre-insured arbitraged events, euphemistically described as tragedies!

McConnell also notes the presence of Rudi Giuliani near the site of the 7/7 bombings, consistent with Cruddas and Obama’s alleged use of Mayor’s (Giuliani's) Office of Emergency Management in WTC#7 and personal communications devices (Nokia) to synchronize spread betting and ignition of Twin Towers incendiary bombs on 9/11.

#1361 Marine Sidley Austin’s War-Game Switchboard to Sam Cam’s Spread Bet Building #7

#1361 Marine Sidley Austin’s War-Game Switchboard to Sam Cam’s Spread Bet Building #7

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the murder of Sidley Austin switchboard operator Rosemary Smith and sabotage of the law firm’s client communications systems in WTC #1 on 9/11 to “Global Guardian” spread-bet trading in WTC Building #7, allegedly initiated in the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management with the authority of a forged Royal Warrant bought (?) by Peter Cruddas and hand carried to New York by Samantha Cameron on 9/10.

McConnell notes that Barack Obama served an apprenticeship in spread betting during his work on leveraged lease and currency swaps with BIC in New York in 1984 and went on to develop a Blackberry spread-bet application with Peter Cruddas prior to 9/11.

#1360 Marine Links Sam Cam’s Spread-Bet War Game to Building #7 Massive Attack

Fair money for Ireland - Debt-free, interest-free currency, issued directly to citizens - From tyranny to freedom - Open-source money and law - Spread the message!

Hi all,

The cause of the current debt crisis is not GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

In fact, the cause is, as usual... debt-based money, issued by private banks, and loaned, AT INTEREST, to people and governments.

The inevitable outcome of money being issued as loans, with interest not created, but payable on the debt... is financial ruin.

A child could get this.

But the economic gurus never seem to get it.

I would be interested to have a reply from each and every one of you, to this question:

Do you agree with my simple statement, that the problem is debt-based money, issued by private banks, and loaned, AT INTEREST, to people and governments?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

#1360 Marine Links Sam Cam’s Spread-Bet War Game to Building #7 Massive Attack

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Samantha Cameron’s work in New York during Global Guardian – a Libor-funded spread bet-war game between two mythical enemies on September 10-12, 2001 – to the BBC time-stamped script for a ‘Massive Attack’ on WTC Building 7.

Prequel 1:
#1359 Marine Links Nancy Campbell’s Spread-Bet Pension to Prisoners’ JUSTIN Pig-Farm Vig

Prequel 2:
MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates - Implementation of JUSTIN - Alleged Stolen Promis Software - Hidden DNA - Piggy Palace Good Times Society

Fishmonger asset

Friday, January 25, 2013

#1359 Marine Links Nancy Campbell’s Spread-Bet Pension to Prisoners’ JUSTIN Pig-Farm Vig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Nancy Campbell’s spread-betting pension plan (bcIMC) to a joint-venture investment in Macdonald, Dettwiler and Associates’ JUSTIN system, allegedly used to move furloughed prisoners through raves at the Pickton pig farm and establish a vig based on the time they took to disappear a prostitute’s body in a wood chipper.

Prequel 1:
MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates - Implementation of JUSTIN - Alleged Stolen Promis Software - Hidden DNA - Piggy Palace Good Times Society

Prequel 2:
#1342 Marine Links Nancy Campbell’s Spread-Bet Pension Key to Pig-Farm Wood Chipper “ON”

#1358 Marine Links Jarrett’s Pedophile Spread-Bet Instruments to White House Women and Girls

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked, Valerie Jarrett’s ‘pedophile spread-bet negotiable instruments’ to the White House Council on Women and Girls which the former Chair of the Chicago Stock Exchange allegedly set up to extort ‘over /under bettors’ with precise body counts as in the case of the 20 children, executed and disfigured in the DMORT Region V murder-for-vig attack on the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

18 U.S.C. § 1958 : US Code - Section 1958: Murder For Hire - Crown Agents' Sisters - Night Is Falling - Abel Danger Update: Nov. 1, 2011 

Valerie Jarrett Introduces the Council on Women and Girls Website

#1357 Marine Links Grassy Knoll Spread-Bet Snipers to Heath Artillery and Profumo Bullingdon Club

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked an alleged deployment of a ‘Grassy Knoll’ spread-bet sniper to kill U.S. President John F. Kennedy in November 1963, to the late Edward Heath, the former allegedly-pedophile commander of the Honourable Artillery Company, and the late John Profumo, Bullingdon Club alumnus and former allegedly-pedophile U.K. Minister for War.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

#1356 Marine Links Cameron Spread-Bet Hackers’ Keys to Solo 9/11 for 8:32 + 10

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked David Cameron’s hacker team led by Julian Assange and Gary McKinnon (Solo) to the use of Nortel’s Entrust keys to set up a spread bet for the 9/11 impact time of the attack on WTC # 1 equal to 8:32 + 14 (Delay in departure time of decoy!).

 “8:32 And when they said: O Allah! If this be indeed the truth from Thee, then rain down stones on us or bring on us some painful doom”

#1355 Marine Links Operation PaperCHIP Spread-Bet Key to Algeria Vig, Body Count Spree

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Operation PaperCHIP (Cameron Harper Interpol Prison) spread-bet (Entrust) key to a bookmaker’s vig allegedly used to buy fake papers for the furloughed or escaped prisoners responsible for the recent Algeria body-count (69?) spree.

#1354 Marine Links Harper to Furloughed Spread-Bet Key, Taliban Escape, Algerian Body Count

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Corporate-Government Merging of Public & Private Information Systems - Manufacturing the "Compelling Reason" - Manipulating Emotion to Inhibit Rational Thought - Problem-Reaction-Solution

Source: Channeling Reality

Assault on Consciousness 

You can tell from my website, that I've been studying what's going on in our country for quite a long time. In age, I'm closer to the grave than the cradle, and I can say with absolute certainty that there is nothing normal going on. The government has gone rogue. There is an insurgency. A police state is rolling out. Government has merged with corporations for the collection and dissemination of information that will serve the purpose of managing the economy, the people, and the places where we live and work. These information systems are the implementation of collectivism, and they will enable fascist management of every aspect of your life. Rather than talking about communism (commonism), people are talking about "different forms of capitalism". Red China is already under a system of "state capitalism" and the United States is headed in that direction. The information management systems are key components in the move to "state capitalism" (state-managed capitalism); but even that is not quite accurate, because the majority of information systems are networked globally, and they are global systems for global governance. So that's where we are.

#1354 Marine Links Harper to Furloughed Spread-Bet Key, Taliban Escape, Algerian Body Count

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Stephen Harper’s development of an Entrust PKI spread-bet key system to the furloughed or escaped prisoners who deliver (?) numbers which bookmakers use to collect ‘vigs’ from over-under bettors.

McConnell notes Harper appears to have used Entrust PKI to authorize the escape of 480 spread-bet prisoners from Kandahar's Sarpoza prison in April 2011 and the murders of 65 to 70 body-counted workers at an Algerian gas plant in January 2013.

#1353 Marine Links Harper Spread-Bet Carbon Trade to North Tower 8:32 + 14 Delayed

Monday, January 21, 2013

#1353 Marine Links Harper Spread-Bet Carbon Trade to North Tower 8:32 + 14 Delayed

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Stephen Harper’s alleged role in spread-bet carbon trades in Calgary and New York in September 2001, to the 9/11 8:46 a.m. (8:32 + 14 minutes delayed) impact time of American Airlines Flight 11 on WTC# 1 (North Tower) and the murder of 658 workers at the world’s No.# 1 carbon trader, Cantor Fitzgerald. 

McConnell points out that on 9/11, Harper was the only political leader in the world with the technical knowledge needed to set up an E-spread-bet trading capability in Canada where carbon emissions by planes and people in New York could be terminated at a time that made the 8:32 verse of the Quran look like a self-fulfilling prophecy!

University of Calgary - Entrust Public key Infrastructure - Matrix Of University-Based Community Organizers - Carlton Bartels At CO2.COM

Tom Flanagan and Stephen Harper allegedly used spread-bet dictator games to trade emissions on 9/11

#1352 Marine Links Harper Entrust, Obama Spread-Bet Keys to Climate-Change Body Count In Algérie

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Harper's Entrust and Obama's Illinois spread-bet keys to the climate-change hostages' body count for a Canadian false-flag attack on a gas plant in Algérie.

#1351 Marine Links Sandy Hook Libor Father to Sidley Austin Spread-Bet Vig

#1351 Marine Links Sandy Hook Libor Father to Sidley Austin Spread-Bet Vig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Peter Lanza, the father of Adam Lanza – alleged shooter of 20-children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School during a DMORT V training exercise – to a Libor spread-bet murder-for-vig service, allegedly operated since 1984 by Bernardine Dohrn and Michelle Obama and their erstwhile terrorist associates at Sidley Austin.

#1350 Marine Links Sidley Austin Spread-Bet Vig to Grassy Knoll and Sandy Hook Gig

Sunday, January 20, 2013

#1350 Marine Links Sidley Austin Spread-Bet Vig to Grassy Knoll and Sandy Hook Gig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked erstwhile partners in an alleged Sidley Austin ‘spread-bet vig’ bookmaker business out of Chicago, to gigs including those in which Sidley partners appear to have hired shooters to assassinate JFK in a spread-bet time or distance from the ‘Grassy Knoll’, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, in 1963, and to kill 20 children in a body-count spread bet at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., during an exercise on December 14, 2012.

McConnell notes that his Abel (sp.?) Danger counter-intelligence researchers have traced the M.O. of Sidley Austin’s modern spread-bet service back to the late Edward Heath, a former pedophile prime minister of the United Kingdom and a former commander of the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) whose actors were allegedly hired in murder-for-vig gigs in the assassination of JFK on November 22, 1963 and the London Underground Bombing of 7/7/2005.

Needless to say, if there is a 'Day of the Jackal' sniper attack during the POTUS 44 swearing-in ritual on Monday 21st January, McConnell's Abel Danger team's cloud-centric CSI will focus on the principals of Sidley's decades-old spread-bet murder-for-vig service out of London and Chicago.

#1347 Marine Links Obama’s Spread-Bet Habeas Corpus to Body Snatchers of Sandy Hook

Sidley’s abusive tax shelters were allegedly designed to conceal payments of a share in spread bet vigs to saboteurs, assassins and deception experts who place the event within the spread.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fastest Growing Crime In America: Child Porn and Child Trafficking - National Crisis: Federal Employees Involved In Child Porn - Children Sold In Commerce - Civilization Turns on Its Children

#1349 Marine Links Sister’s Furloughed-Prisoner Spread Bet to Carver’s 20-children Vig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s development of JABS* for furloughed-prisoner spread betting to Wayne Carver’s delivery (?) of a 20-children body count at the Sandy Hook Elementary School to justify a share in a vig allegedly paid into the U.S. Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture fund operated by Marcy and Eric Holder since 1984.

Nortel's Joint Automated Booking System – Allegedly used by Kristine Marcy, a 1996 Gore-Hammer Award winner for re-inventing governemnt, in a furloughed spread bet on the time of a Christmas Day money shot of the snuff-film murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)

#1347 Marine Links Obama’s Spread-Bet Habeas Corpus to Body Snatchers of Sandy Hook

#1348 Marine links pedophile pimp and Harper spread-bet pilot to 9:26+ Pentagon bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Russell Williams, an alleged EW flying pedophile pimp and Stephen Harper’s former spread-bet pilot, to a Canadian war game conspiracy on 9/11 to explode bombs in the United States Capitol Building and the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center at 9:26 (a.m.) plus any delay in minutes in the decoy planes’ departure times.

McConnell alleges Williams set up the spread-bet parameters for Harper’s Global Guardian war game so that the U.S. Navy Command Center was destroyed by bombs timed to coincide with AA Flight 77’s arrival overhead (9:26 + 10 minutes delayed departure = 9:36) while the Capitol was to be destroyed by bombs timed to coincide with the expected arrival overhead of United 93 (9:26 + 40 minutes = 10:06).

McConnell notes that Harper’s spread-bet bookmaker’s selection of over/under betting for a time of 9:26 plus decoy delay, was an amateurish attempt to make the Allah referred to in Quran Verse 9:26 look more prescient than the God referred to in The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States.

#1347 Marine Links Obama’s Spread-Bet Habeas Corpus to Body Snatchers of Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barack Obama’s spread-bet habeas corpus to Wayne Carver’s DMORT Region II portable morgue and actors who were given scripts to describe how 20 children were killed in the documentary;“Body Snatchers of Sandy Hook”.


#1346 Marine Links Obama’s Honourable Artillery Spread-Bet Targets to Day of the Jackal's Swearing In

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barack Obama’s Honourable Artillery Company's spread-bet targets to a 'Day of the Jackal' swearing-in ceremony where cross-dressing U.K.-trained (Turdi) snipers appear to have infiltrated the same-sex bodyguard detail which takes care of POTUS 44.

Friday, January 18, 2013

#1344 Marine Links Obama’s 20-Children Spread-Bet MindBox Vig to Sandy Hook DMORT Morgue

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barack Obama – alleged spread-bet bookmaker for the 20 children killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School – to the DMORT-morgue crew’s share in the MindBox ‘vig’ for cleaning up the crime scene.

McConnell notes that Canada’s MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates developed MindBox spread-bet rules for the likes of Obama so spread-bet bookmakers can automatically deduct the vig – after over-under bets have equalized around numbers such as 20 dead children (say) on December 14, 2012 or 343 dead firefighters (say) on 9/11 - to pay off the saboteurs, assassins and deception actors who have helped hit the numbers!

Co-Authored MindBox Rules - Pension-Plan Investors - Extorted Recovery of Distressed Debt - ‘Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society’ - Matrix 5 - Cutouts

Obama lectures on spread betting by the “Have nots” at the University of Chicago

Thursday, January 17, 2013

#1343 Marine Links Keynesian Spread-Bet Pedophiles to Obama’s Twin Towers Pass-Through Book

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked BIC's network of Keynesian spread-bet pedophiles in New York in 1984, to their protégé Barack Obama’s alleged book of over-under bets, allegedly used to select a value for Wells Fargo’s WTC Twin Towers pass-through certificates on 9/11.

McConnell alleges that Keynes’ pedophile protégés are structuring spread bets in such a manner as to compromise government officials with inter alia kiddie porn and secretly confiscate their citizens' wealth using the hidden forces of “economic law on the side of destruction in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose”.

McConnell observes that the problem for these people is the diagnostician has landed.

#1330 Marine Links Sam Cam Little Red Spread Bets to Obama Twin Towers DMORT Fraud

How Obama got Keynes wrong

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 17

Los Cristeros y El Ksatriya Involucrar A Los Asesinos 
Barak Loser Obama, Un Fracaso Total Para La Reina 
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79, A Dismal Failure for Queen 
Sam Cam’s “spread” wets Royal Bed as MLK Sniper Demonstrates in Moscow


Al Gore, You May Wish To Fly To Germany With The Queen’s Two Pussies

#1342 Marine Links Nancy Campbell’s Spread-Bet Pension Key to Pig-Farm Wood Chipper “ON”

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Nancy Campbell pension plan (bcIMC) and its joint-venture investments in Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ Entrust key technology for spread betting with the UK MoD and the State of Illinois Terrorism Task Force, to a start button (‘ON’) on the wood chipper at the Pickton pig farm which, when pushed, would signal the amount of money to be collected by the bookmaker as a ‘vig’ at raves where up to 100 prostitutes died between 1979 and 2001.

McConnell draws readers and fellow sleuths’ attention to evidence of Libor loans and pension-fund spread betting on the number (#20) of dead children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, with Connecticut medical examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver’s use of a wood chipper at a 1988 jury trial to match striations on the bone fragments of a euthanized pig with the remains of Richard Crafts' murdered wife, Helle Crafts.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

#1341 Marine Links Pearl Harbour Keynesian Spread-Bet Apprentice to Bullingdon 9:26 Pentagon Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the late John Profumo, an alleged Pearl-Harbour Keynesian spread-bet bookmaker’s apprentice and former U.K. Minister for War, to Bullingdon Club betting on either side of a selected detonation time of 9:26 a.m. for the bombing of the Pentagon on 9/11, fraudulently attributed to ‘al-Qaeda’ hijackers of AA Flight 77.

McConnell points out AA Flight 77 was 11 minutes late in departure and infers that the alleged Toynbee Hall pedophile, John Profumo, must have forgot to buck out the 11 minute delay from an impact time of 9:37 a.m., meaning the Bullingdon spread-bet bookmaker wanted an impact time of 9:26 a.m. to make the Americans look stupid and Quran verse 9:26 [9:37 – 0:11] a self-fulfilling prophecy for al-Qaeda!

#1337 Marine Links Sam Cam to Keynesian Spread Bet Key and Wells Fargo Twin Towers Steel

“John Profumo (1916-2006)”

#1340 Marine Links Jarrett’s Spread-Bet Body-Count Key to Deepwater Horizon Schlumberger Crew

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett’s spread-bet fine and body-count key to a London-based bookmaker’s PKI authority allegedly given to remove Schlumberger’s cement-bond logging crew from the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible drilling rig 11 hours before the ignition of incendiaries at 9:56 p.m. CDT on April 20, 2010 resulted in the sinking of the rig, a $4.5 billion fine against BP (paid as ‘vig’!) and the wrongful death of 11 workers.

Aaron Swartz - MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring? - A War Has Been Started That Will Not End Until MIT Falls On Their Swords - January 15, 2012


Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An 
MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring? 

By Yoichi Shimatsu 
Exclusive to 

Let us start by dismissing the prosecution’s ludicrous charge that any programmer as talented as Aaron Swartz would dedicate his life to stealing an archive that dispenses its academic papers for a few dollars apiece to the public or for free to students under department accounts. MIT professors, who are so full of themselves, are the only ones who might take seriously such a fool’s errand as a worthy objective for the brilliant and rebellious Swartz or the law suit as the cause of his so-called “suicidal depression.”

Aaron H. Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013)

The mass media have been fed, and eagerly swallowed, the unpalatable lies hurled against a courageous young man whose guilt lies solely in his disgust at the online filth from “respectable” Internet paragons who have deviously corrupted the morals of his generation. America’s leading center for computer science has unleashed a campaign of slander against Swartz, who cannot defend himself through the media or in the docket now that he is dead.

#1339 Marine Links Bettina Spread-Bet Entrust Key to Obama 20-Children Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Bettina Jordan-Barber’s sale of UK MoD Entrust keys for spread betting over the Federal Bridge Certification Authority, to the delivery by Obama’s spread bet bookmakers in the State of Illinois of a 20-children body count on December 14, 2012 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut. 

McConnell notes Bettina Jordan-Barber has been selling Entrust spread-bet keys to Obama’s organized crime associates in Illinois since at least 2004 and suggests that the Federal Bridge Certification Authority’s spread-bet bookmakers should be treated as a RICO Enterprise engaged in global spoliation of evidence and mass murder for hire.

“Masscre 29 Killed 20 Children Dead Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting [Note FBCA spread-bet bookie builds up towards 20 children to get balance]

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 16

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

#1338 Marine Links Obama Day of the Spread-Bet Jackal to Sister Marcy’s Swearing-In Sniper Time

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Michelle Obama’s ‘Day of the Spread-Bet Jackal’ script to a swearing-in sniper time which his sister Kristine Marcy has allegedly booked through JABS to balance betting activity at the moment when a British sniper is authorized to kill a top official (Judge Roberts?) at the POTUS swearing-in ceremony on January 21, 2013.

See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)

#1325 Marine Links Valerie Bowman Sniper Key to Day of the Jackal’s Swearing In “Final Report - 

The DC Sniper (Part 1/4)”

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 14, 2013

Source: presidentialfield

Abel Danger Broadcast January 14, 2013

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here

#1337 Marine Links Sam Cam to Keynesian Spread Bet Key and Wells Fargo Twin Towers Steel

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Samantha Cameron's trip on 9/10 to New York to the covert transfer of Keynesian spread-bet PKI keys which allowed the Naudet Brothers to position their camera crews to record impact times of drones hitting the Twin Towers and demolition times of buildings which generated scrap-steel sales for master servicer Wells Fargo.

McConnell notes that both David Cameron and Maynard Keynes spent time at Treasury learning how to operate the spread bet scam.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 15

Los Soldados Cristianos De Destino Nazis Asesinos De Niños En Cristeros Dos As Chips Smokes Dubie
Soetoro, Hillary, Holder Screwed Up. Period. End of Story

Gun Appreciation Day - January 19, 2013 - Location: Your Local Gun Shop - "Hands Off the Guns"

Source: Gun Appreciation Day

Join the First National Gun Appreciation day - January 19, 2013

#1336 Marine Links CFR Spread-Bet Bookmaker to WTC#7 5:20 and JFK Before Grassy Knoll

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Peter G. Peterson – a Keynesian hedge-fund manager and alleged Council on Foreign Relations’ spread-bet bookmaker – to the apparent demolition of WTC#7 in New York at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11 and the two or more snipers who killed JFK before his car reached the ‘grassy knoll’ in Dealey Plaza, Dallas on November 22, 1963.

McConnell notes that John Maynard Keynes, a predatory pedophile, pioneered hedge-fund spread betting in the '20s and used entrapment and extortion to obtain silence and support for spread-bet frauds from early members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

#1335 Marine Links Viscountess Astor Krayleigh Enterprises Spread Bets to Body Count Building #7

Peter Peterson, former chair of Council of Foreign Relations and Blackstone Group owner of mortgage on WTC#7 where Bank of America was master servicer of the over-insured Libor-leveraged lease.

#1335 Marine Links Viscountess Astor Krayleigh Enterprises Spread Bets to Body Count Building #7

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a Viscountess Astor and Krayleigh Enterprises to alleged spread-bet body counting by Samantha Cameron in WTC Building #7 during the 9/11 Massive Attack, fraudulently attributed to al-Qaeda.

Prequel 1:
#1334 Marine Links Obama’s 20-Children Spread-Bet Crime to DMORT Morgue and Region V

Ray Novak, Stephen Harper's gay lover - Principal Secretary in Canada's PMO - Protégé of Tom Flanagan (U. of Calgary) - Corporate Canada's Catholic Cabal

Note to readers: Further tips regarding Ray Novak (and, of course, his relationship to and with Stephen Harper, Canada's current Prime Minister) are welcome at the bottom of this post, in the Comments section. We're all paying their salaries; we may as well find out what we're receiving for our money. Thanks! (And do check back for updates.) 

Source: BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all…

Holy smokes... Wherry article that is Conservative-friendly

July 20, 2010 — BC Blue

Ray Novak with a Blackberry, a coffee, dark circles under his eyes 

Aaron Wherry of Maclean's writes a great profile piece on PM Stephen Harper’s right-hand man Ray Novak here.

I’ve worked with Ray and he is not only the nicest guy you will ever meet in politics, he is also the most competent.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

#1334 Marine Links Obama’s 20-Children Spread-Bet Crime to DMORT Morgue and Region V

Plum City – ( States Marine Field McConnell has linked Michelle Obama’s 20-children spread-bet crime at the Sandy Hook Elementary School exercise on December 14, 2012 to the deployment of a DMORT morgue and a Region V bookmaker formula developed in Chicago and London.

McConnell – a Top Gun fighter pilot – notes that spread-bet OODA loops are funny things for those inside them trying to count dead bodies.


#1333 Marine Links Sister’s Swearing-in Day of the Jackal to Spread-Bet Sniper DoJ Forfeiture Fund

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s plans for a ‘Swearing-in Day of the Jackal’ to ‘vigs’ which she allegedly paid out of the U.S. DoJ’s Asset Forfeiture Fund to spread-bet snipers for the murders of Pat Tillman and Brian Terry and, potentially, of one or more principals at the POTUS 44 swearing-in ceremony on January 21, 2013. McConnell has reason to believe his sister has gone under cover to prepare a team of Francophone jackals for the 21st of January and the ceremony should be postponed until his story is checked.

See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)

Prequel 1:
#1317 Marine Links Kristine Marcy Crime-Scene Transport to Valerie Bowman Beslan and Sandy Hook

Prequel 2:
Marine Links Sister Kristine Marcy’s Most Wanted JABS to Clinton Ambassador’s Rape

Prequel 3:
#1332 Marine Links Wayne Carver Spread-Bet Pension Vig to Double Tap In the Back of Lanza Head

Prequel 4:
Marine Links Marcy’s Dirty Forfeiture Fund to HSBC's BBA Fast and Furious Contract Hits

#1332 Marine Links Wayne Carver Spread-Bet Pension Vig to Double Tap In the Back of Lanza Head

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a ‘vig’ due or paid to Wayne Carver’s pension fund by Canada Square London bookmakers for spread bets on the Sandy Hook body count, to an alleged double-tap shooting in the back of Adam Lanza’s head.

McConnell suggests autopsies are repeated on all the Sandy Hook victims by coroners independent of the Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds and its major holding in BNP Paribas and the $88 trillion Libor spread-betting fraud operated out of HSBC’s office at Canada Square, London, since 1996.

Prequel 1:
#1317 Marine Links Kristine Marcy Crime-Scene Transport to Valerie Bowman Beslan and Sandy Hook

Prequel 2:
#1330 Marine Links Sam Cam Little Red Spread Bets to Obama Twin Towers DMORT Fraud

“How to shoot a "double tap""

#1331 Marine Links Esmeralda Pedophiles’ Spread-Bet Vig to HSBC Head Count Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the type of 'vig' collected by the late Kray Twins – pedophile custodians of the Esmeralda’s Barn spread-bet casino in the 1960s – to the DOJ's Asset Forfeiture Fund which his sister Kristine Marcy has run since 1984 and which appears to hold the vig collected from HSBC clients who bet on the head count of victims of the shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newton, Conn on 14 December 2012.

#1317 Marine Links Kristine Marcy Crime-Scene Transport to Valerie Bowman Beslan and Sandy Hook

“Sandy Hook Hoax "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver”

Saturday, January 12, 2013

#1330 Marine Links Sam Cam Little Red Spread Bets to Obama Twin Towers DMORT Fraud

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Samantha Cameron Family’s spread bet positions through 9/11 to Obama’s alleged design of a leveraged-lease pass-through insurance certificate for the Twin Towers, fraudulently triggered after DMORT Region V commander Frank Saul’s wife placed a ‘Little Red’ doll among the eutectic steel debris at Ground Zero.

Given a ‘Day of the Jackal’ hit team from the Honourable Artillery Company (founded 1537) may have entered the United States to ensure the Obama swearing-in ceremony on January 21 achieves the rest of the goals set for 9/11, McConnell is advising Congress to issue letters of marque and reprisal to allow him to confiscate the assets of the Samantha Cameron Family and its Twin Towers’ spread-bet enablers.

Prequel 1: 
Marine Links Obama’s DMORT Key For Region V to Al-Qaeda Snuff Film; Broadcast Live

“Barack and Michelle Obama host David and Samantha Cameron at White House [Note 1:32 – The Great (Common) Purpose Pearl Harbour toast]

Friday, January 11, 2013

Abel Danger Letter to Trooper Campbell - Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Fall 2012

Dear Trooper Campbell:

Thank you for the message from Salina and Olathe. I have prayed in the name of Jesus that our efforts to do his will in our lives will be sufficient to block the next two events; those of 13 and 20 January, 2013. We have been called in Psalms 94:16 and promised victory in Psalms 91:11-14, Isaiah 54:17 and Proverbs 21:31.

Ephesians 5:11
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

I understand the concerns from the Troopers in your state. However, the sponsors of the KID KILL in Konnecticut are known and exposed. DMORT V, HSEEP, FEMA and three named individuals mentioned on Wednesdays show. We will mention more on todays' radio and Video event.

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 11, 2013

Source: presidentialfield

Abel Danger Broadcast January 11, 2013

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here

#1329 Marine Links Sam Cam’s Krayleigh Scrap Merchant to Wells Fargo Twin Towers Steel

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked William Ives – erstwhile pay-to-play associate of Samantha Cameron’s (‘Sam Cam’), a former Krayleigh Enterprises scrap metal merchant and a former bouncer at the Kray Twins’ Esmeralda’s Barn in Knightsbridge, West London – to spoliation of evidence by Wells Fargo, the WTC Twin Towers’ master servicer, of a Libor-leveraged lease fraud at Ground Zero involving the use of incendiary bombs on 9/11 and the removal of eutectic steel to smelters in India and China.

#1328 Marine Tracks Sister Marcy's Furloughed Killers to Garner, DMORT and Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has tracked a furlough network of prison-based killers, apparently set up by Serco with his sister Kristine Marcy and her husband's family in Chicago, to the deployment of a DMORT II portable morgue near Newtown's Garner Correctional Institution for the spoliation of the Sandy Hook crime scene.

#1317 Marine Links Kristine Marcy Crime-Scene Transport to Valerie Bowman Beslan and Sandy Hook

Pat Marcy (September 6, 1913 - March 13, 1993) was a legendary political boss with great influence over the Illinois Democratic Party. According to Federal prosecutors, as well as informants Robert Cooley and Michael J. Corbitt, he was also a trusted and valued associate of the Chicago Outfit. His official title was, "Secretary of the First Ward." FBI agent William Roemer believed Marcy to be a made man in the Chicago Outfit when Roemer testified before the Senate in 1983.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

#1327 Marine Links Bowman Early Pedophile Education to DMORT Bushmaster Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Barbara Bowman’s Early Pedophile Education of daughter Valerie Jarrett to pedophiles - apparently furloughed by the Garner Correctional Institute in Newtown – who allegedly planted Bushmaster rifles in a DMORT Region II morgue in an attempt to ‘dress’ the Sandy Hook crime scene.

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 14

Children’s Lives In Balance 
BB Chips Badgers Bankers From Every Direction 
Piers Morgan, Soen My Rooi Wit En Blou Esel 
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ‘79, Sukela Dek

Big Gun Final Shootout F-M Corral

#1326 Marine Links sister Marcy’s Pedophile Trusty key to Valerie Bowman’s Beslan and Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister, Kristine Marcy’s pedophile trusty PKI key – allegedly used in interstate and foreign trade by furloughed pedophiles – to Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman!) apparent procurement of U.K. General Dynamics’ Bowman radios for surveillance and target acquisition at the Beslan and Sandy Hook crime scenes.

Kristine Marcy has allegedly used Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System keys to move pedophile prisoners through crime scenes since 1996.

How (British) Nazis Captured the European Union to Continue the War with America

Nazi Ties to the European Union - WW2 Codebreaker Harry Beckhough

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#1325 Marine Links Valerie Bowman Sniper Key to Day of the Jackal’s Swearing In

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett’s ultra vires use of the U.K. MoD’s PKI root key to an HAC* Bowman-radio sniper network, allegedly hired for the Day of the Jackal re-swearing-in ceremony fof CUKC Barack Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro) as POTUS 44 on January 21, 2013.

HAC = Honourable Artillery Company (Founded as City of London enforcer in 1537; now operates General Dynamics' Bowman radio for surveillance and target acquisition)

McConnell asks fellow citizens to browse the links below to see if the caliber of bodyguards, hired by Jarrett to protect the principals of the swearing-in ceremony, matches the caliber of the HAC Jackal, apparently hired by Jarrett to attack them.

#1324 Marine Links Valerie Jarrett’s Bowman Sniper to Clansman Barry Swearing In

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 13

Protégé Underground Lesbian Group (PLUG) Unmasked
GULP Abel Swordsman
The Empty Chair, We Need to See

If Andrew Sullivan Is the Future of Journalism Then Journalism Is Fucked - Islamophobia Hate Propaganda - Our Best and Our Brightest Are Our Worst and Dimmest

Source: The New Face of Journalism


DATE: JAN 7TH, 2013

LAS VEGAS, NV: Andrew Sullivan [it should be realized Andrew Sullivan is a British citizen] is all over the news after announcing he’s going solo, parting ways with Tina Brown shortly after she put a pillow over Newsweek’s face.

But in all the media excitement over Sullivan’s decision to rely on the much-maligned subscription model for his revenues ("bold experiment!"... "A thrill!"... "a flag of hope for every writer!"... "a dramatic stand!"...) no one raised the most obvious question of all: Why would subscribers pay to support one of the most colossal serial-failures in American journalism of the past two decades?

Reports claim that Sullivan has already raised $400,000 from his readers. If Sullivan really has raised this much money, and if his subscription model genuinely succeeds thanks to tens of thousands of subscribers supporting his work, it means we’re witnessing something new and deeply disturbing: "mutualised" unaccountability (to use one of their idiotic neologisms); the democratization of rewarding media failure and fraud.

#1324 Marine Links Valerie Jarrett’s Bowman Sniper to Clansman Barry Swearing In

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a General Dynamics’ Bowman radio, allegedly procured for an SAS Blue Mountain sniper by Valerie Jarrett, to a deployment of DMORT portable morgues to cover mass casualty events at the swearing-in “Clansman Barry” Obama.

Given Jarrett procured GD Bowman radios for the Blue Mountain snipers who had been tasked by Mrs. Clinton to provide security for Clansman Barry’s U.S. Ambassador to Libya, the late and serially-sodomized Christopher Stevens, McConnell feels it is incumbent on him to alert Barry’s bodyguards to the risks posed to their same-sex boss or John Roberts if they show up for a replay of the extorted scam of 2009.

#1323 Marine Links Sister’s Protégée Lesbian Underground Group to Clansman Barry Passport Leaks

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s Protégée Lesbian Underground Group (‘PLUG’) at the SBA's mentor company, Stanley Inc. (now CGI), to the surveillance and murder of Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. and Christopher Stevens, both of whom, he believes, were suspected by his sister of leaking details of her 1981 'Clansman Barry' Obama passport frauds.

Prequel 1:
#1322 Marine Links the Clansman Barry Pack to the Bhopal Sidley Bomb

Prequel 2:
#1316 Marine Links Honourable Artillery's Clansman, Quetta ’81 to al-Qaeda Obama's Bowman, Pentagon 9/11

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

#1322 Marine Links the Clansman Barry Pack to the Bhopal Sidley Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Clansman Barry Pack tactical radio system – apparently procured for the STA* training of Barry Soetoro in 1981 in Quetta, Pakistan – to the water bombing of the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, where Sidley Austin agent Bernardine Dohrn, allegedly equipped saboteurs with the Barry Pack to coordinate the pumping of 47 tons of water into a bath of methyl iso-cyanate (MIC) and trigger a lucrative ‘short for snuff swap’ of Union Carbide shares on the Dow in 1984.

STA = Deep penetration of the enemy’s behind for surveillance and target acquisition.

McConnell invites Lloyd’s insurance fraud investigators to check Sidley Austin insiders for their apparent use of the General Dynamics’ Bowman Barry Pack – the modern day equivalent of the Racal Clansman Barry Pack – to trigger underwater explosives and a catastrophe bond associated with the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon for which Barry (a.k.a. Barack Obama) has shaken down BP and Transocean for a total of $5.5 billion in fines paid into Kristine Marcy’s (nee McConnell) DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund!

'Bhopal' Snuff-Film - City & Guilds Livery Companies - Eliminating Carbon Footprints - Contract-Hit and Spoliation Crews - Onion Router - D2 Banking

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 12

Operation COOKED GOOSE/Queen’s Fowl Pussy
DMORT V and HSEEP 3 No Match for Abel Danger

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of "Emergency". It was a tactic of Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini and Barry Soetoro.” Memoirs: The Great Depression, 1929-1941, p. 484—1951 (updated 7 December, 2012 by Abel Danger) Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) 31st President of the U.S.

Jarrett, Holder, Soetoro, Clinton and (redacted) Goose is Cooked

#1321 Marine Links Bowman Let's Roll Hack to Clansman Barry Pack

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked an MoD's Bowman-radio hack for a Let's Roll wag the story for Americans as they slept, to Barry Soetoro's 1981 training in Quetta in the operation of the Clansman radio pack for deep penetration behind enemy lines.

#1320 Marine Links Bettina-Bowman Encryption Key to London, Moscow Underground Bombs

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Bettina-Jordan Barber’s sale of MoD Bowman-radio encryption keys to Murdoch Wag the Dog media, to wireless trigger signals relayed to bombs in the London (2005) and Moscow (2010) Underground systems.

#1319 Marine Links Valerie Bowman Hack to Let’s Roll Dive With Red Bandanna From DMORT V

“FOX News Comments - 7/7/2005 London Bombings”

Monday, January 7, 2013

#1319 Marine Links Valerie Bowman Hack to Let’s Roll Dive With Red Bandanna From DMORT V

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman!) alleged use of General Dynamics Bowman radios for a hack of the Racal Vodaphone/Verizon Airfone network on 9/11, to a “Let’s Roll” dive with a 100 ton plane (United 93) into a crime scene from which Jarrett’s DMORT Region V crew collected a red bandanna and just enough debris to fill half a dumpster.


Attention: Newtown Police Department, State Police, Governor and Senator RSVP - Abel Danger Has Two Questions for Connecticut Public Servants

NEWTOWN POLICE DEPT, State Police, Governor and Senator RSVP

Are you getting the information that (redacted) former resident of Connecticut is sending? If yes, please explain why you have not responded.

Two statements from myself, Field McConnell:

I have known (redacted) for 6 years and during my filing of three federal lawsuits regarding False Flags Killing Zone Operation none of his information has not been proven to be accurate.

I have sworn 4 oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign or domestic:

(redacted) 14 Feb 67
USN 28 Jun 67
USMC 9 Jun 71
USAF 5 Jul 77

My three (3) Federal Lawsuits are Civil Case 3:07-cv-24 FIELD MCCONNELL v. BOEING AND AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION, INTL 2/27/07, Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 5/01/07 ( title redacted due to refiling currently), Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) 8Sep08. The third case is being refiled also.

#1318 Marine Links DMORT Clue in Wells Fargo Crime to Al-Qaeda Bowman from Region V

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a Wells Fargo ATM card, tracked as a DMORT false-flag clue at the WTC Twin Towers crime scene where Wells Fargo was hired as a master servicer in a double-occurrence spread-bet insurance fraud, to Al-Qaeda Bowman radio operators, allegedly deployed by Valerie Jarrett (nee Bowman) in New York for a phoney Tripod II exercise attended by representatives from a DMORT Region V Family Assistance Center Team.

Prequel 1:
Marine Links Obama’s DMORT Key For Region V to Al-Qaeda Snuff Film; Broadcast Live 

Prequel 2:
Marine Links Obama’s DMORT Morgue for Region V to BBC Crimewatch Widow Eckert Live

Prequel 3:
Marine links Obama’s DMORT Region V to Fresh Kills Pig Farm and Snuff Film Live


Abel Danger: Letter to Judge Jeanine - January 7, 2013 - Illuminating the Urinal

Judge Jeanine:


The legitimate gun carriers across America thank you. I will illuminate the Urinal in upcoming written, radio and video coverage of the staged atrocities at Columbine, Aurora, Cudahy, Newtown which are the same modus operandi as events in London ( 7/7 underground bomb ) and Moscow's underground bomb of 2010, Breslan school event of 2004 and Moscow theater event of 23 October of 2002.

#1317 Marine Links Kristine Marcy Crime-Scene Transport to Valerie Bowman Beslan and Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister, Kristine Marcy’s crime-scene transportation system (JPATS) to Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman!) alleged use of the Honorable Artillery Company’s Bowman radios to coordinate the shooting of school children at Beslan, North Ossetia in 2004 and near the Sandy Hook Elementary School's DMORTII morgue in Newtown on December 14, 2012.

Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised) 

Abel Danger 1·4·2013 Part I: Honourable Artillery Company - ROODA Loop Key - FOX News - Hull House in Chicago - Injected News From Tactical Radios - Lester Crown and Valerie Jarrett

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Abel Danger 1·4·2013 Part I: Honourable Artillery Company - ROODA Loop Key - FOX News - Hull House in Chicago - Injected News From Tactical Radios - Lester Crown and Valerie Jarrett

#1316 Marine Links Honourable Artillery's Clansman, Quetta ’81 to al-Qaeda Obama's Bowman, Pentagon 9/11

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the 1981 training operations at the Honorable Artillery Company’s Clansman radio base in Quetta, East Pakistan, to Barack Obama’s alleged use of Bowman radios in target acquisition for the al-Qaeda attack on the Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.

McConnell invites his sister Kristine Marcy to produce the OPM Paperclip passport file which she appears to have used to send a Barry Soetoro to the HAC Clansman training school in Quetta and, later, position a hybrid al-Qaeda-Obama identity for the Bowman MitM attack on the White House.

Prequel 1:
Crown Quetta pedophile brothels and Obama's SOS passport fraud

“The Honourable Artillery Company 2011 [Five centuries of contract killing for City Livery Companies!]

#1315 Marine Demands Letters of Marque – Links Valerie’s Bowman Radio to Al-Qaeda Gyroscope

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell will issue a formal demand to Congress to issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal to allow him to confiscate the assets of Thales, the foreign-owned company which was apparently extorted by Valerie Jarrett into integrating Bowman tactical radios with QRS-11 gyroscope missile-guidance systems in Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilots in order to execute the ballistic profiles flown by ‘al-Qaeda’ hijackers on 9/11.

In justification for his demand, McConnell will show Congress how Jarrett, Lester Crown and Anglo-French Thales (Racal) integrated Bowman-controlled laser-target designators with drones guided by al-Qaeda QRS 11 gyroscope to destroy the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.

Prequel 1:
#1306 Marine Links Lester Crown Bowman triggers to Twin Towers Pressure-Wave Bombs

Prequel 2:
QRS-11—Quartz Rate Sensor

Saturday, January 5, 2013

#1314 Marine Links Valerie Bowman Bombs to DMORT Snuff Films, Extorted Swearing In

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman) apparent sponsorship of Bowman-radio-triggered bombing attacks to a DMORT snuff film archive, allegedly built with, for example, images from 7/7 and Sandy Hook crime scenes to extort the likes of Justice John Roberts into swearing in Jarrett's protege, Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Obama), as POTUS 44.

McConnell invites citizens to investigate apparent joint ventures between Jarrett, General Dynamics and the Honourable Artillery Company to trigger the 7/7 bombing of the London Underground with Bowman radios and to back-haul images from Sandy Hook for their DMORT snuff-film extortion racket.

Prequel 1:

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 11 

Prequel 2:
#1306 Marine Links Lester Crown Bowman triggers to Twin Towers Pressure-Wave Bombs

“Valerie Jarrett [nee Bowman], Obama's puppet master, threatens Americans "After we win this election, it's our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go." - Valerie Jarrett [nee Bowman]

#1313 Marine Links Valerie Bowman-in-the-Middle Key to DMORT Bombs for Swearing In

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a Valerie Bowman (a.k.a. Jarett) Man-in-the-Middle PKI key for the U.K. MoD ‘s Bowman tactical radio system, to an alleged conspiracy to deploy DMORT bombers to Washington to enforce the swearing in of Jarrett’s Chicago-Way protégé, Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Obama) for his second presidential term. 

McConnell invites citizens to investigate Valerie Jarrett’s alleged Bowman-in-the-Middle (BitM) deployment of DMORT V FAC (Forward Air Control) teams for the simulated bombing attack on the Capitol Building during the 2001 war game Amalgam Virgo and the failed bombing attack during 9/11 (cf. United 93).

Prequel 1:
Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 11

Prequel 2:
#1306 Marine Links Lester Crown Bowman triggers to Twin Towers Pressure-Wave Bombs

Valerie Jarrett Truly Defines the "Culture of Corruption" - Michelle Malkin

Friday, January 4, 2013

Rwanda Genocide - 'pour encourager les autres' - triangular trade in weapons: machetes - Francophonie-British alliance - 'Sarko' in Balladur finance

Source: Yahoo Group; Hawks Cafe; Abel Danger

Overview of Events: Rwanda genocide, carbon-offset to 9/11 [Updated as of March 23, 2015]

The AGW issue is one of white-collar frauds as outlined below - properly dealt with in the civil courts - versus carbon-offset RICO crimes of extortion, mass murder for hire and genocide e.g. blowing up the Deepwater Horizon to force BP to cut its carbon footprint or killing nearly a million people in Rwanda.

We suggest that the principals in global carbon-offset RICO crimes are Crown Agents, using illegally delegated authority of the office of the Lord President of the [Privy] Council [incumbent Nick Clegg], and the head of the international trade law practice at DLA Piper [incumbent Mrs. Clegg].

If you follow the shipments of machetes for the Rwanda Genocide, you find they were procured by Crown Agents through Egypt and Boutros Boutros Ghali and the genocide was triggered with agents provocateurs hired through the BBC World Service Trust and moving on Crown Agent passports. It is alleged that Paul Desmarais Sr. (Canadian financier in Montreal and one of the ten richest [8th in 2008] persons in Canada) hired (Francophonie network) Nicholas Sarkozy ('Sarko') to launder money through Francophonie private equity and re-insurance groups which paid Hutus to kill nearly one million Tutsis and moderate Hutu allies during the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

Chicago's Candyman and Her Short for Snuff Swaps - Chapter 11

DMORT V at Katrina/Colgan Morts the Queen’s Pussies


Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 4, 2013

Source: presidentialfield

Abel Danger Broadcast January 4, 2013

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here

#1311 Marine Links Valerie Bowman’s ROODA Loop Crooks to Bin Laden Seals in Killer Chinook

Plum City ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman) Bowman ROODA loop crooks in Chicago to the Navy Seals who witnessed an alleged HAC ‘false flag’ attack on May 1, 2011 on a Bin Laden doppelganger corpse in Abbotabad, Pakistan, and who, in consequence, were killed as a collective whistleblower unit while being transported in a Chinook helicopter.

ROODA – Radio, Observe, Orient, Decide and Act
HAC – Honourable Artillery Company (Special Ops in Bowman Surveillance and Target Acquisition}

McConnell invites the Obama chain of command to check the log of discussions between Valerie Bowman’s crooks and Lester Crown (Former Chair of General Dynamics’ Bowman ROODA Loop) of April 29, 2010, to identify the co-conspirators in Operation Bin Laden Seals and the Killer Chinook.

#1306 Marine Links Lester Crown Bowman triggers to Twin Towers Pressure-Wave Bombs
Looking into our circumstances...