January 22, 2012
How Callista's pay-per-view entrapped Speaker of a Pedophile House
We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Callista Gingrich procured VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices to conceal images of pedophile entrapment of the House of Congress associates of former Speaker Newt Gingrich and the extortion of actors who were forced to participate in Wag the Dog propaganda broadcasts during a phony continuity of government exercise on 9/11.
Extortion - Officials In the Council of Foundations - Develpment of DOJ Pride PKI Concealed Sale of Fast and Furious Weapons - DEA Agent Brian Terry
See #82
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
[Man-in-the-Middle] Newt and Callista Gingrich in anti-Islam propaganda clip: "The war on terror has only just begun"
Extortion of a Pedophile House
“[Spoliation inference Callista was using Elisabeth Murdoch’s Fox News pay-per-view encryption to conceal extorted MitM propaganda] In November 1998, following midterm losses and a Republican revolt, Newt Gingrich announced he would step down as House speaker and resign from Congress. Thirteen years after his downfall, Gingrich is now a contender for the Republican nomination for president. During his years away from office and campaigning, Gingrich stayed in the public spotlight as a frequent contributor and occasional host on Fox News. Between October 1999, when he was hired, and March 2, 2011, when his contract was suspended, Gingrich appeared on Fox News over 600 times. As a Fox News commentator, Gingrich regularly made incendiary and false remarks that helped ingratiate himself to the conservative base. But Gingrich's time at Fox News went beyond conservative punditry and attacks against progressives. Fox News was a powerful ally when it came to boosting Gingrich's political and business groups. AsThe Atlanta Journal Constitution noted, Gingrich "built a network of for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations that seamlessly promote his vision of American government and politics. ... Well before Gingrich announced his candidacy, those groups were providing him with money and public exposure." Fox News heavily promoted American Solutions for Winning the Future, which served as Gingrich's non-profit political organization before he ran for president. Fox News boosted the work and profile of the Center for Health Transformation, Gingrich's for-profit health care consulting company, and The Americano, Gingrich's Hispanic outreach organization. Fox News also served as a constant and reliable promotional vehicle for Gingrich Productions, a for-profit conservative multimedia company run by Newt and wife Callista.”http://mediamatters.org/blog/201201020001
“[Spoliation inference that Callista Gingrich used Elisabeth Murdoch’s Fox News pay-per-view encryption to conceal extorted MitM propaganda and allow someone who is not a natural born citizen – Barack Hussein Obama – to become President of the United States] Presidential Succession: An Overview with Analysis of Legislation Proposed in the 109th Congress Summary Whenever the office of President of the United States becomes vacant due to “removal ... death or resignation” of the chief executive, the Constitution provides that “the Vice President shall become President.” When the office of Vice President becomes vacant for any reason, the President nominates a successor, who must be confirmed by a majority vote of both houses of Congress. If both of these offices are vacant simultaneously, then, under the Succession Act of 1947, the Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes President, after resigning from the House and as Speaker. If the speakership is also vacant, then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate becomes President, after resigning from the Senate and as President Pro Tempore. If both of these offices are vacant, or if the incumbents fail to qualify for any reason, then cabinet officers are eligible to succeed, in the order established by law (3 U.S.C. §19, see Table 3). In every case, a potential successor must be duly sworn in his or her previous office, and must meet other constitutional requirements for the presidency, i.e., be at least 35 years of age, a “natural born citizen,” and for 14 years, a “resident within the United States.”
“82. Callista Louise Gingrich (née Bisek) [Revised January 22, 2012. She is the wife of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich; she married Gingrich on August 18, 2000 and, in 1999, testified that the couple began an affair in 1993, while he was still married; she allegedly procured VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices to conceal images of pedophile entrapment of her husband’s House associates and the extortion of actors who participated in a Wag the Dog propaganda broadcast during continuity of government exercises on 9/11; she allegedly extorted him to convert to Catholicism as a cover for his godless philandering; and the President of Gingrich Productions, a multimedia production company based in Washington, D.C.; she graduated cum laude from Luther College – an alleged sponsor of SOS Children’s Villages’ pedophile entrapment centers – in Decorah, Iowa, in 1988; she and her husband host and produce historical and public policy documentaries, editorials and advocacy films, allegedly for the purposes of man-in-the-middle attacks on faith-based and community initiatives; their alleged propaganda films include A City Upon a Hill, America at Risk, Nine Days that Changed the World, Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny, Rediscovering God in America, Rediscovering God in America II: Our Heritage, and We Have the Power; she has voiced several audio books, allegedly including the man-in-the-middle propaganda titles To Save America, Valley Forge, 5 Principles for a Successful Life, Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less, The Art of Transformation, Real Change, Contract with the Earth, and Rediscovering God in America; she wrote Sweet Land of Liberty, an alleged children’s propaganda book about American exceptionalism featuring Ellis the Elephant; she is the president of the Gingrich Foundation, a charitable nonprofit corporation which established the Newt L. and Callista L. Gingrich Scholarship at Luther College, an alleged sponsor with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation of SOS Pedophile Villages; she is the former Washington, D.C.-based staffer of the allegedly-extorted gay man-in-the-middle President and CEO of the Council on Foundations, Steven Craig "Steve" Gunderson, a former Republican congressman from Wisconsin; she allegedly extorted Gunderson and his LGBTQ colleagues in the Council of Foundations into funding developments in DOJ Pride public key infrastructure which conceal the sale of the Fast and Furious weapon used to kill DEA agent Brian Terry]”
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson
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