From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
January 26, 2012
Why Bombardier pilot’s pedophiles hacked Con Air JonBenét
We believe that pedophile associates of erstwhile Bombardier pilot Russell Williams hacked ConAir* public key infrastructure to hide the deployment of the NORAD Santa snuff-film production team which allegedly recorded the rape, torture and murder of JonBenét Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.
Alfonso Gagliano's Revenge - Mayor Rudi Giuliani - New York Crime Bosses - Russell Williams - PKI Locks Picked - Phony 9/11 COG Exercise

Feeling lucky punks?

“[*ConAir = United States Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System] You won't need a reservation on this airline -- no matter how many travelers flood the airport. Don't worry about traffic or parking. Shuttles are provided. And the price is right -- you fly for free. But think carefully before you step aboard. This is ConAir, and all the passengers are federal prisoners. "We don't serve mixed drinks," said Thomas Little, chief of air operations for the program, officially titled the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, or J-Pats. Call it ConAir and Little knows what you mean. It's the name the air transport system has picked up inside the U.S. Marshals Service, which flies a fleet of 13 airplanes on regular routes across the country every day. During the past year, the prisoner airline spent $24 million moving more than 100,000 federal inmates -- including 12,000 from San Diego -- to and from trials, prisons and medical centers nationwide. The inmates fly mostly on 727s and DC-9s. But the airline, which has merged with the air wing of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, also operates Convair 580s, a Lear jet [allegedly modified by Bombardier to support public key infrastructure hacking by Russell Williams and his EW SWAT team] and a number of smaller aircraft. Among the most infamous of its recent travelers were Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski and the men accused in the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building, Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh. Nichols and McVeigh were transported in the dead of night in an operation much akin to a clandestine military operation, Little said. He did not want to go into details but mentioned that a decoy plane was among the ploys used to guard against possible attempts by supporters to free the suspects. During the past year, the prisoner airline spent $24 million moving more than 100,000 federal inmates -- including 12,000 from San Diego -- to and from trials, prisons and medical centers nationwide. Federal officials have always been circumspect about the fine points of prisoner movement. But ConAir soon could gain a higher public profile with the planned release in June of a movie by the same name. In the Disney film, Nicolas Cage plays a hapless prisoner who wanders into a hijack plot aboard a Marshals Service plane carrying a group of high-security inmates. The Hollywood marshals rough up some of the prisoners, and the plane crashes, leaving the real Marshals Service frowning on the silver screen's invention, said Kristine Marcy, a top official in charge of detentions. "We don't beat up our prisoners, and our planes certainly don't crash," Marcy [Field McConnell’s sister who allegedly ordered modifications which allowed Russell Williams to hack and divert Con Air planes carrying pedophiles to be freed or furloughed] said on a recent trip to San Diego, where she was trying to find more jail space for federal prisoners.”Encore eût-il fallu que nous le sussions – Madame Williams (née Harriman)?
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