Abel Danger Prologue to Chapter 3
A career as an Air Force fighter pilot gives some emotional insights into what being at the point of the POLICY SPEAR can mean. An Academy education and 44 years of studying international relations and cyber-intelligence will leave an individual disappointed at how little Americans, English and other global citizens comprehend about complex issues. That's what we'll talk about here as we have forestalled the River Thames False Flag ‘event’ penciled in for 12 August, 2012 and any ‘naughty activity’ that David Cameron’s manipulator may have in store for the ‘IDES OF JANUARY’..as HMS Daring shows up just in the Nick of time. Nick Clegg or St. Nick? Time will tell as Zuma Cameron Soetoro need to make the Pelindaba Nukes disappear, in a grotesque euphemism; see also Christopher Story, Dr. David Kelly and the teenage Latvian ‘satanist offering’.
While much has been shrouded in secrecy, it is possible that before 12 August, 2012 the shroud of secrey can be removed and The Truth can be revealed for all who have eyes to see. Please join Abel Danger Global in recognizing the Prince of Peace in 2012 as we wait to see who was found murdered at Sandringham on New Year’s Eve, 2011/2012. Auld Lang Syne to the departed, and for those of us left behind, turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s Veiled Secret, the Crystal Ship, THE BACKDOOR MAN and Latvia
– Late-breaking - Jane the Ripper
– Late-breaking - Jane the Ripper
USS Bon Homme Richard CVA31
Dateline Gatineau QE, 25 December, 2011, BBC: An unfortunate mid-air collision involving Canada Defence Force ‘rising star’ Colonel Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION William, on work release for NorAD Operation Santa Claus and Santa Claus and his gift laden sleigh ruins Christmas dream of Judge Jennifer McKinnon and Mary Jane Binks that the name MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN might not be memorialized in “The 12 Days of Justice”, thus keeping MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN’s Chicago Secret ‘veiled’, capeche?
Twelve Days of Justice
(alternative title: Ode to Mary Elizabeth Harriman and Kara Homolka)
Sing along with Abel Danger Singers to this Welsh traditional, c. 2011
(alternative title: Ode to Mary Elizabeth Harriman and Kara Homolka)
Sing along with Abel Danger Singers to this Welsh traditional, c. 2011
On the first day of Russell's trial, his fat beard gave to me...
A pervert in lingerie
On the second day of Christmas, Mary Liz gave to me...
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the third day of Christmas, Mary-Liz gave to me...
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the fourth day of Christmas Harriman gave to me
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the fifth day of Christmas Ms. Williams gave to me
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the sixth day of Christmas his fat beard gave to me
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the seventh day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the eighth day of Christmas Ms. Williams gave to me
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the ninth day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the tenth day of Christmas Ms Williams gave to me
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the eleventh day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
11 Phartinghams Pharting
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the twelfth day of Christmas Harriman gave to me
12 indictments coming
11 Phartinghams Pharting
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
A pervert in lingerie
On the second day of Christmas, Mary Liz gave to me...
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the third day of Christmas, Mary-Liz gave to me...
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the fourth day of Christmas Harriman gave to me
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the fifth day of Christmas Ms. Williams gave to me
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the sixth day of Christmas his fat beard gave to me
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the seventh day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the eighth day of Christmas Ms. Williams gave to me
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the ninth day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the tenth day of Christmas Ms Williams gave to me
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the eleventh day of Christmas Mary-Liz gave to me
11 Phartinghams Pharting
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
On the twelfth day of Christmas Harriman gave to me
12 indictments coming
11 Phartinghams Pharting
10 Lords-a-tossing
9 Wankers dancing
8 Dykes not milking
7 Osamas swimming
6 Broads not laying
5 Golden Clues
4 Frightened Judges
3 Lesbo crime scenes
2 Twisted Sisters
And a pervert in lingerie.
Perhaps if elected leaders throughout the world were required to have been in the military and have been projectors of force, tip of the spear, or the recipients of projected force, the world would be at peace and the strong defenses and strong leaders of a free world would reject the ‘death for profit’ scenarios playing out in Afghanistan, Pakistan, recently Iraq, soon if Abel Danger cannot stop it, Iran, and the worst case which epitomized the hypocrisy of ‘sissy world leaders’, Libya. Hillary, Cameron, Sarkozy; step down. Wait a minute, only Hillary and Cameron step down, if Shorty stepped down he would be subterranean, perhaps Shorty should step up before Merkel ‘gives him up’.
While our investigators in Nairobi scan military records to see if DA BRO served in the Kenyan armed forces, Abel Danger Agent Pepe L’Sieu suggests that Barry Soetoro should be shown the door, perhaps the BACK DOOR, see also PROMIS, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates and MDA Mindbox as it relates to Wells Fargo robosigning woes in litigation with the state of Massachusetts. Surely he and Sasquatch could find service sector employment with SEIU, their community organizing arm not to be confused with Junior Seau of the Chargers or Pepe L’Sieu of Abel Danger.
Abel Danger Pepe L’Sieu, Abel Danger San Juan, Puerto Rico PR Chief, Fajardo PR
A BOXING DAY greeting to Laureen Harper, Lena Trudea and Adrienne Clarkson: here is the rising star of the Canadian Forces and EW pilot who got his CL604 jet in the FIELD OF VIEW both at the North Tower and over Shanksville on the morning of 9/11 when Canada attacked America for benefit of the goose stepping Greco-Kraut royals who have brokered deals with France and Germany to TUBE ENGLAND while UK citizens thought Scameron and the Khazarian were TUBEing the EU although it will be too little, too late as Scameron’s $71 trillion Carbon Scam fails as first Canada, and then (redacted, redacted and redacted) tell Al Gore and his all-male Chorus of Carbon Gas Goons, that they are pulling out of the Kyoto Proto-Scam, which would have died a natural death in 2012 regardless of whether an old Phartingham dies prior to, during, or after, the Golden Jubilee Flotilla that is a SCUTTLEGATE target for 12 August, 2012. Perhaps Al FATBOY Gore will need a Procto-Scan as the Proto-Scam vaporizes, leaving no carbon footprint behind. Meanwhile, to bring you up to speed on Abel Danger Operation ZIPPER 2011, when we last were conscious Agent Hoss was inserting, I say again, inserting, Zipper Team 9, including Agent #9, between White Rock and Vancouver where MacDonald Detwiler launched the Wells Fargo/Bank of America Mindbox attack on US mortagees for benefit of the Greco Greek Goose-steppers trashing England and UK FBO the short guy from France and “it” of undetermined gender from Germany, capeche? As our Bank Examiners descend on Isle of Mann to check the J P Morgan money laundering operation, see also Sandor-Chicago, we take you back to the action in British Columbia where Agent #9 helps take down the CANADIAN STALLION and his beard.
Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s BOY TOY to deflect observations of the Homolka-Harriman deal?
Agent Chips’ 1940 Studebaker Champion
Will George THE POSSUM Jones have this car in Mahnomen, Minnesota in April, 2012 at the Shooting Star Casino? Will the secrets of the Benedictine Booty at Collegeville, Minnesota be exposed by then? Is it a coincidence that the Booty stored at St John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota started migrating OUTWARD in 1978 when Agent Chips began an airline pilot career in nearby Minneapolis? What does the Minneapolis FBI now know of the Booty Deposits made at Collegeville between 1945 and 1978 when Agent Chips first worked to expose the Benedictine Booty and its linkage to Penn State, Syracuse, Franklin Coverup, Elder Bush White House and the Obama SOS-CV Chicago Operation in an old mattress factory? Some clues may be at this website:
Perhaps enough Squaddies have died for City of London’s Kew Opium Fields in Afghanistan?
Agent Hoss had seen 6 alternating red-green laser shots from the top of the Pacific Hotel so he knew the rooftop landing was compromised. Seeing that the green lights preceded the red lights he understood he was to offset to the starboard, or to the right for you landlubbers or staid economists or lesbian RCMP bikers, see also HAIRY MARMOTS but do not mention MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN or Judge McKinnon, Judge Jennifer McKinnon,of Canada may get her boxer shorts in a bunch. Seeing a dim circle of green, he cancelled both the automatic navigation system and FADEC to ensure the experiences of the 1994 RAF Chinook FADEC hit in Scotland, the 1996 Ron Brown T43 ALS hit in Croatia, the Turkish Air 1951 FADEC hit in Amsterdam, the Speedbird 38 FADEC hit at Heathrow, the Air France 447 hit enroute Rio to Paris and the RQ-170 diverted to Iran by Lynne or Norman’s Chinese sympathizers at Lockheed Martin were not foisted upon his Puma or his Abel Danger passengers. Whereas City of London TWISTED SISTERS could corrupt FADEC engine signals ( Turkish 1951, Speedbird 38,) and realign automatic final approach guidance software (RAF Chinook, Ron Brown T43) or in the case of Air France 447 and the RQ-170 drone landing in Iran, both, Hoss knew that automation was not always the pilot’s friend. As he went into a low hover inside the green ring, all seven Abel Danger swimmers used rope ladders to egress the Puma and disappear into the woods on four different cardinal headings not to be confused with Catholic Cardinals ( Ratzinger? ) heading to prison when what is concealed BEHIND THE PINE CURTAIN at St. Johns in Collegeville is revealed prior to the Queens Golden Jubilee or Prince Phartingham’s funeral. As Chips and Agent #9 headed to the north, they arrived at the hotel first and let themselves in through the service entrance as an SEIU non-sympathizer allowed them entry just as Agent #9 was hoping to do for Chips. Making their way to a service elevator, Chips crawled into a laundry cart as Agent #9 dropped her laundry and put on a chambermaid uniform, apron, shoes and ID but no underpinnings so as to be able to expedite a SYGADYL operation if one would be called for by Chips. As the service elevator car arrived at the 3rd floor she pushed the cart towards Room 311, opened the door and turned on a vacuum cleaner, which sucked. Of course if the polarity were reversed, it would blow, see also Kagan, Obama, Soetero, Napolitano, Lena Tuna or Sasquatch. May as well toss in Hillary Roadhog, Lavendar Merkin...

“Chips, I cannot do that as I left my room key in 313” as she removed her chambermaid outfit and reclined, not waiting for the invocation of SYGADYL ops. As she pushed a tumbler of Famous Grouse towards Agent Chips she cooed “Can I offer you a Scotch and Sofa” as she reclined.
“Oh no” responded Chips, not yet getting her drift but starting to get her scent.
As Chips and Agent #9 engaged in an in depth security probe, Agents Diehard and Dwarf in the laundry cart took turns FIELD-stripping their weapons and reassembling them while blind folded with pillow cases scavenged from the 3rd floor laundry cart. As one man worked with his weapon, the other would monitor CLIPPER until they got the ‘all green’ signal that all four of the cardinal heading teams were in their assigned rooms of floors 3 and 4 of the PINK PALACE in Surrey BC. Agent Moxie G had made the room assignments and she and Stone were in 321, 323 while KP Cebu and Fanny G were in 421,423 and Skymaster and Miss Jones, Miss A W Jones, were directly above Chips and Agent #9 in 411 and 413. Agent Herculean Spyglass and Lady Viagra had departed the Toronto Airport for Minneapolis to translate for Banzai Pipeline and Agent Bean (Pastel Jade Green) if Operation ZIPPER needed to ‘roll over into’ French as the Indian Survivors of Air India 182 or the Native Tribal Elders or survivors of the Pickton Pig Farm Cannibalized Prostitutes wish to speak in a language other than English because the atrocities executed by the TWISTED SISTERS were so perverse there were no words in the English language that could define the evil, see also Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION Williams and his former POWER COUPLE playmate Mary Elizabeth Harriman whose attorney and Judge have colluded to shelter the Canadian Stallion’s 50% of the Homulka Hideout from attorneys representing his rape, murder and panty raid victims or their survivors.
(Kara and Mary Lez would have love tussles here while the Canadian Stallion was sniffing around)The OPP helped with evidence spoliation while brown wrapping paper blocked the light from the innards of this $700K Lezzy Love Den and Glamourboy’s humps burned the Canadian Stallion’s military uniforms to ensure spoliation of Colonel Russell Williams’ DNA from the evidence room of the RCMP office near Chalk River while Canadian MPs look the other way and Judge Jennifer McKinnon wonders if she can prevent the exposure of their identities and email addresses prior to RCMP Corporal Catherine Galliford addressing THE TRUTH which may cause a STINT OF SUFFERING for the Patron of the GAPAN which planned the cowardly Canadian attack on America on 11 September, 2011. When RCMP Corporal Galliford addresses the Truth in the presence of Tribal Elders she will be supported by Abel Danger just as Khalid Sheik Muhammed was resulting in the KSM Trial being cancelled in favor of Fast and Furious Spoliation techniques of the Obama SOS-CV Chicago events set for June 6, 2012.
ThibaLo@parl.gc.ca , ChongM@parl.gc.ca, TrostB@parl.gc.ca , BigraB@parl.gc.ca , CardiS@parl.gc.ca , LafraM@parl.gc.ca , CulleN@parl.gc.ca , GallaC@parl.gc.ca , HawnL@parl.gc.ca , McTeaD@parl.gc.ca , AlghaO@parl.gc.ca , AnderDa@parl.gc.ca , BevinD@parl.gc.ca , DebelC@parl.gc.ca , OuellCh@parl.gc.ca , CrowdJ@parl.gc.ca , ChowO@parl.gc.ca , LunnG@parl.gc.ca , BerniM@parl.gc.ca , pm@pm.gc/ca
While Judge Jennifer McKinnon wrestles with her conscience, and Kara and Mary Lez wrestle with each other behind the brown paper sun blockers, meanwhile at the Pink Palace, Abel Danger learns that Operation Zipper is to be upgraded to Operation (redacted) if Prince Phartingham has a stint of bad health within bio-weap IR range of Cambridge University or a young Latvian coed who was enrolled there, capeche? As the 9/11 noose tightens on GAPAN, Abbotsford, RCMP British Columbia and Prince Phartingham, see also Holstein, something’s gotta give. Gee, perhaps Agent #9 will assist.

Pres limo alien tech April 2009
At 1342 hours, 11 October, 2011, Agent Herculean Spyglass arrived at the Minneapolis International Airport along with Lady Viagra. Agent Banzai Pipeline had sent Agent Courtly Stonewall to retrieve Herculean and Lady V. in the same Presidential Limo that had gathered evidence from inside Alien Technologies in Fargo which was not named after Barry Soetero even though as a Fulbright Scholar it was evident to anyone without their head up and locked that Barry Boy was an alien just as his puppet master from the Austria-Hungary-Romania triangle was. Courtly Stonewall handed the Canadian C4ISR infiltration team a package for Operation (redacted) and included in the package was a schedule indicating that upon arrival at Global HQ in Wisconsin, Herculean Spyglass was to pound the pavement in front of Molly’s On Main at 501 Main Street, Plum City, while Lady Viagra would be debriefed by Agent Banzai Pipeline over a Two Women beer at the southside bar in what once was a hospital. As anyone in CIA, BVD, MIT or MI6 fully understands, Two Women Beer is available only in Wisconsin prior to the Victory Party scheduled for Friday, 20 July, 2012 at Vino in the Valley hosted by Abel Danger to commemorate the ‘collapsed campaign tents’ of Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Newt Salamander, Muff Rummy, Prick Rarry, Rick Sanitorium or the token Mormon with links to China and Dr. Know leaving only Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Agent Chips to mount, I say again, MOUNT, a ticket ordained to defeat Soros’ puppet after the Chicago SOS-CV Mattress issue raised by Blabby Blago and Lena Tuna Trap is linked to one of the four RINOs targeted by Abel Danger’s White House Branch, not to be confused with Bourbon and Branch which was the beverage of choice for both Agent #9 and Chips when they were deployed aField in Marble Falls, Canton, or Victoria, Texas, where they cooperated with Texas Rangers in exposing Victoria’s Secret while working as private dicks.
Abel Danger Toronto, Canada Bureau Chief HERCULEAN SPYGLASS passes Trout Pond
Mary Elizabeth Harriman and Kara Homulka pounding the pavement?
Diehard was cleaning his weapon as the ‘all green’ signal was received by Agent Dwarf of the Plum North, who then sent IMs to Banzai Pipeline and Agent Bean in Global as well as Herculean Spyglass of Gatineau who had monitored the comings and goings of Mary Elizabeth Harriman as her attorney moved her from place to place to keep Kara’s whereabouts unknown to most others not connected with Abel Danger, the leaderless intel agency that is seeking confirmation Kara Holmulka is now Mrs Teale and that Teale is teaching at a kindergarten in Guadaloupe—[ Grand Bois Le Gosier Public institution, 110 students, Grand Bois, 97190 Le Gosier, Guadeloupe ] where she often jogs with Mary Elizabeth Harriman as they try to shed pounds put on during their recent ‘trip of commitment’ where they often jogged right after a ‘love tussle’ and while Mrs Teale is misleading the youth of Guadaloupe, she also is involved in an internet business: http://www.bebedouceur.com/ it would appear to Lt. Colombo if Peter Falk had not died. Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s girlfriend, the murderous Kara Homulka-Bernardo, now is married to Thierry Bordelais, former Montrealer born in the Caribbean, according the MacLeans which is neither a toothpaste nor MASH character who wears a fly fishing hat.
Is Karla fit to be a mother?
Agent Dwarf was well aware that Guadaloupe has an educational exchange program with the province of Quebec as he learned from Agent Herculean Spyglass who had been listening through the bugs placed by the OPP cops who scuffed Mary’s kitchen floor while searching the dwelling for Colonel Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION Williams’ HARD DRIVE which allegedly held the images of pedophile targets who the PRIDE OF CANADIAN FORCES hoped to boink if he ran out of enlisted women from CFB Trenton where he had served as [ ham fisted ] transport pilot for the Greco-Greek goosesteppers who had a stranglehold on Canada FBO the Carbon Scam as well as TSol, I cannot write Treasury Solicitor or Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s Judge Jennifer McKinnon may get her desert camo boxer shorts in a bunch; dare I suggest a DOUBLE SNUGGY or for younger readers, wedgie? As Spyglass listened to the action inside the Canadian Stallion’s former repository for panties harvested from 9 year old girls, et. al, he heard the tinkling of a wine bottle making contact with a cheap Walmart wine goblet as a cheap mono record player was programmed to play a little known song from the 60’s as Mary Elizabeth Harriman prepared for another night alone; assuming Laureen’s RCMP hump ( see hairy marmot ) or Lena Tuna Trap didn’t stop by for a power mash but rather than play the song TABLE FOR TWO FOR ONE by B J Thomas ( b. 1942 ). Dwarf obstructed the signal between the stylus and the speaker, singular, and a song from 1968 when Chic Burlingame and Chips were plebes at Annapolis reminded MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN that had she not favored perverts like THE CANADIAN STALLION she perhaps could have HOOKED a real hombre with all of that [ Chicago Harriman ] railroad money backing her up. As Spyglass performed his duties afoot, Abel Danger Global Agents in Operation ZIPPER got a blast from Agent Marquis d’Cartier, AD Chief of ELINT and MiTM Infiltration not to be confused with Lesbian Insemination which is handled by Assange and some Scandanavian Lesbos, we understand.
Royal Crown Agent Marquis d’Cartier to Abel Danger Global, all assets in Operation Zipper, copy Umbrellaman and Gravedigger: Mary Elizabeth Harriman was a fat-phobic youngster but looooved junk food. So naturally she came up with the Health Check system whereby food product manufacturers, restaurants etc according to Health Canada guidelines (which are mostly harmful, especially re sodium intake) can voluntarily use the heart check logo on products for a 'modest fee’, say enough to buy the $700K Harriman-Holmulka love nest that became vacant when fickle Kara ran off with, of all things, a man: Killer Kara “ Teale” is married to Thierry Bordelais, former Montrealer born in the caribbean. http://www.macleans.ca/article.jsp?content=20070604_106076_106076 That means that each box of product x has an additional fee which goes directly into the Heart & Stoke foundation coffers, or MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN ‘love bungaloo’ or Ms. Bernardo-Homulka-Teale-Bordelais whose true identity is as muddled as the Kenyan mutt. But said fee is probably passed on to the consumer. So we're paying for what? And where is all this money going? We need Agent Skymaster of AD Legal to seek permission from Judge Jennifer McKinnon to allow this GOOGLE SEARCH to displace MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN as the #1 search item at www.abeldanger.net as MEH also is on the accountability reference group for Imagine Canada --a mafia branch which looks out for NGOs and charities http://www.imaginecanada.ca/standards/program_history
[Mary Jane Binks + Jennifer McKinnon + Kara Homulka + Mary Elizabeth Harriman + Chips]
Edgar John Benson PC FCA does not necessarily indicate that he was a Plum City Frequent Chips Associate according to Ms Binks no relationship to Miss Jones, Miss A W Jones or DeAnn Pladson (www.deannpladson.com)(www.marymaring.com). Marquis, Calendar Boy March
Agent Chips and Agent #9 had just executed their third SWITCH when an incoming Clipper from the Tugboat Twins in Portsmouth, England, where the USS GUADALCANAL LPH-7, had made a port call in July of 1970 with a young Agent Chips aboard as PR of NATRON II. Chips kept hammering home his message to Agent #9 while she monitored her HOT WAX PALATE CLIPPER while eating green grapes and an occasionally bon-bon, many pink, some pastel yellow or white. She harked back to their getaway planned for the night of 1 December, 2011 at their exclusive hideway which shall remain nameless unless Judge Jennifer McKinnon and Attorney Mary Jane Binks do not object to it being named. Until the Canadian legal entities trying to suppress 9/11 discovery and links to Mary Elizabeth Harriman and the DEFLOWER GIRL, the hotel where Chips and his DBMT Agent #9 will perform intel probes shall be referred to as MCR, but not Marine Corps Reserve, capeche?
Pervert Pursuers TUGBOAT TWINS Immediate Clipper to all Agents AFIELD in Operation ZIPPER, copy Umbrellaman, Gravedigger and Agent Jam: We have received intel from Blechtley Park that we can anticipate a MARY CELESTE experience on 12 August 2012 if Abel Danger cannot block the false flag penciled in by TSol, United States Senior Executive Service and the PINE CURTAIN PERVERTS in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Avenue, Denver and Collegeville, Minnesota (pedophile capitol of North America?). We have been tipped that WORLD VISION and SOS-Children’s Villages are linked to Penn State, Syracuse, Franklin CoverUp and a quasi-government HUMAN COMPROMISE protocol dating back to 1968 according to a snitch in the New Jersey Congressman’s office friendly to Resorts International, Ocean City, Maryland, as well as several other locales that cannot be identified in writing due to the gag order of Judge Jennifer McKinnon who has made any publication of these random letters, MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN, a double no-no, capeche? Isahn Barbouti’s valet has indicated we need to get the video of a four engine airliner at Stapleton Airport in Denver in late 80’s that held 220+ children and was protected by US Marshal Service who may have been unaware that this jet was holding prospective underage items of disposable pleasure to be deployed by Larry King, Penn State, Franklin Credit Union and useless humps at Dupont Circle and Embassy Row in Washington according to a Keystone snitch who is neither Nittany nor Fine, if you know where our heads are at. Sam Cam and her limp aide have much downside; code name Anthony Lynton, recent covertee to the Vatican’s cult. Hamish will be in conference room at 1900 this date with Indian reps of Air India 182, Native Tribal Elders seeking justice for the Pickton Prostitute Cannibal Scam and also IFALPA and ALPA pilots from Qantas, Air Canada and (redacted) Air Lines wondering why ALPA did not share the illegal modifications with IFALPA before Air France 447 generated re-insurance revenue for the struggling International Banksters who were reeling from blowback from the MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates MDA-MERS Mindbox Wells Fargo implosion. Tugboat Twins, enroute Blechtley. We are not alone.
As Chips endeavored to PROVIDE PLEASURE, Agent #9 grabbed another 3 grapes and harked back to the insurance scams deployed out of Boston, Massachusetts; home also of Jane Garvey’s crappola airport security and Mitt Romney’s launch point in his effort to point out that Newt Gingrich has converted to Catholicism, see also Salamander, only to please wife #3 and qualify as a Soros-approved sham candidate who will soon join Pawlenty-Cain-Perry in the series of dominoes who fall to the Abel Danger REAPER, which is neither an MQ-9 Reaper nor an RQ-170 false flag. There is no reason to link Newt Gingrich with Opus Dei Louis Freeh who has been sent to Pennsylvania to suppress any evidence against any OPUS DEI or Papal Perverts ensnarled in a Sandusky-Fine-(redacted) triangle not to be confused with a ménage-a-trois such as SamCam-Tricky-Limpwad, capeche? Meanwhile, back in Washington DC Lena Trudeau, Kristine Marcy and Hillary Clinton try and determine who is FROGFACE and who is LARDASS, answers on 11 o’clock news, barring Murdoch squelching by the red headed love child second only to Sara Ferguson in ‘gross tonnage’. As Agent #9 grabbed another bunch of green grapes and called ‘switch’, an incoming Clipper from a snitch inside Clinton-Rubin-Tomoye at 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW and 1425 K St NW came in as an Immediate. Before reading the item below recall that CRT is ‘cathode ray tube’ and CRS is the medical condition that besets old politicians who are cornered by Abel Danger, CRS= can’t remember shit.
Agent CRS (Clinton-Rubin Snitch) IMMEDIATE Clipper to Operation ZIPPER FIELD Agents, Global HQ, Umbrellaman, copy Herculean Spyglass and Agent Viagra, Gatineau/Plum City: Chips, et. al., Most of America is familiar with the sex scandals surrounding President Clinton, Representative Barney Frank, Representative Dan Crane, Representative Gerry Studds, Representative Mark Foley and BDBB ( back door ball-boy) coaches Sandusky and Fine in the Keystone State. But there is a even more sinister and serious problem in Washington and among leaders throughout the country. This sinister problem seems not to have been seriously investigated for years. The problem involves pedophilia sex parties, child kidnapping, child sex slaves, pornography, blackmail, murder, cover-ups, and impeded investigations. This problem has been exposed by credible investigators such as retired New York police detective Jim Rothstein, Ted Gunderson, former Senior Special Agent-in-Charge for the FBI and the Abel Danger Global Dragnet causing Jerry Sandusky to consider a Third Mile option as Prince Phartingham has a ‘stint’ of ill health to establish an alibi for the discovery of a teenage Latvian at Sandringham, perhaps. It has also been documented in cases such as the Omaha Child Sex Ring, the alleged Finders international child-kidnapping ring, the McMartin Preschool sex-abuse trial, and the the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch as well as many other. Jim Rothstein shed light on the national problem of government protection of pedophiles in a 2002 radio interview.
Foley is only the tip of the Iceberg – A Serious Investigation of Pedophilia Among Our Leaders In Washington Needs To Be Conducted!
While he was a New York Police Detective, Jim “investigated and was successful in gaining convictions of several notorious criminals dealing in child prostitution and kidnapping both locally and nationally.” Jim says that that there are satanic links to child kidnappings but that “law enforcement personnel often refuse to investigate” these satanic links and “they insist there is no such thing.” According to Jim and many others: “The evidence shows that child kidnapping may and probably does often have the cooperation of local and national police departments and the FBI, why else would Louis Freeh (FBI-Opus Dei) be assigned to cover for Sandusky and Fine in Pennsylvania. Further, Jim says that good cops who take on these cases find that they become victims themselves. They are harassed by higher ups within their department and even by other agents from around the country. Pressures are exerted on them to holdup or even halt their investigations. According to Jim, one of his most troubling cases was that of Willie Dunn. Dunn was a major supplier of children; he was involved in kidnapping and the buying and selling of children. Dunn was convicted and sentenced to prison but somebody within our government set him free. After being set free, Dunn continued kidnapping, buying and selling children across the country. He was prosecuted and convicted a number of times but Jim says, each time 'someone would let him out to continue his operations around the United States.'” Can Abel Danger please focus on United States Senior Executive Service and US Marshals Service in years 1985-1988 as it pertains to Denver and Omaha and also perhaps help locate Shanna Peoples recently of Geneva, Alabama? YELLOW DRESS at 1425 K St. NW, Washington. PS,Clinton Rubin took the bait, can you meet at the usual spot for a Maxx beer when you meet with FAA next week to discuss Randy Babbitt’s relationship to Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)(Pro Se) and his unfitness for duty with FAA? CRS
(Video forthcoming)
(Video forthcoming)
Agent# 9 had just gone under the covers on a ‘hunting trip’ and had found what she was hunting for. As the video of Agent YELLOW DRESS from Clinton Rubin played on a closed loop DVD player attached to the TV in Room 311, an Abel Danger knock was heard by Agent Chips but not by his Texas counterpart Agent #9. Chips heard the three knock prelude, followed by 5 fast, hard knocks and the 5 hard knocks reminded Chips of why he so much enjoyed time spent with the double breasted mattress thrasher who favored Marble Falls over Canton, excepting Trade Days in Canton which always included the first Monday in each month. Knowing they had only 5 minutes to become ready for duty he completed his obligation and summonsed Agent #9 to join him for a post enduro briefing while she set out her ‘travel clothers’ for the upcoming E4B ‘Nightwatch 12’ flight from KGGW to EVGN in Oxfordshire where a 9/11 Victory Party had been held on 11 September, 2011, attended by 3 young Latvians.
“Agent 9, we are to be at another time and place in 4 minutes, it appears that both 10 Downing and 24 Sussex feel at risk as Corporal Catherine Gulliford, Abel Danger and the Native Elders seek justice for the Pig Farm Cannibal victims. Constable Karen Katz is now suing fellow officer Baldev Singh Bamra, the federal attorney general, the federal minister of pubic safety and the B.C. Solicitor General who since 1953 has taken his/hers/its goose-step marching orders for Herr Holstein, lover of Latvians? Recommend that we shroud ourselves and do not speak at the conference downstairs 2 minutes from now. And if we are spoken to by anyone other than Abel Danger Agents, suggest we give them NO REPLY”.
RCMP Faces another harassment lawsuit
As both AD Agents adorned themselves with FCTs in desert camo, Chips took a Marine Corps shower as #9 ‘freshened up’ behind a closed door to the Loo in Room 311 as she harked back to the balmy night in August, 1965, when Agent Chips had tried to telephone but they’d said she wasn’t home which was a lie. When the anticipated Abel Danger knocks came at the end of the 5 minute window, Chips and #9 joined Diehard and Dwarf for an elevator ride to the main floor of the Pink Palace Hotel south of White Rock but north of Surrey in British Columbia where GAPAN had numerous Boeing transports illegally modified for deployment on 11 September, 2001.
The elevator had just lurched to a halt on the ground floor as Agent #9’s Clipper Hot Wax gun went off with a Priority Clipper from Agent Dirty Driveway who was working a ‘wire’ at 221A Baker Street on secondment from Blechtley Park where he had influenced the decision by MI6 to reopen the Gareth Williams murder investigation on 24 September, 2010, acting on information gathered by Abel Danger concerning the TWISTED SISTERS and United States Senior Executive Service, two entities that would cause Newt Salamander and Mutt Rummey to go the way of Tim ‘misprision of treason’ Pawlenty and Herman ‘fraud involving a HBC school, Morris Brown College,’ in Atlanta in 2002. Newt Salamander’s conversion to Catholocism to please wife #3 a Greek Oath Swearer from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa and Mutt Rummey’s ‘summer of suffering’ in Paris 1968 would be laid on the table by Abel Danger effectively biting them both in the ass.
It was a rare reflection by Mitt Romney on his life as a young Mormon, offered as proof to struggling Americans that, despite being born into privilege and amassing a $250-million fortune, he too had known hard times, see squalid quarters above. A day after being labelled "out of touch" for casually offering a $10,000 bet to a rival candidate, Romney told supporters he had experienced austerity as a missionary in France, using a bucket for a lavatory and a hose for a shower. "You're not living high on the hog at that kind of level," he said.
But the Republican presidential hopeful spent a significant portion of his 30-month mission in a Paris mansion described as a "palace" by fellow American missionaries. Although he spent time in other French cities, for much of 1968 Romney lived in the Mission Home, a 19th-century neoclassical building in Paris. [Is this a Setlement House - style Jane the Ripper?]"It was a house built by and for rich people," said Richard Anderson, the son of the mission president at the time of Romney's stay. Anderson, 70, of Kaysville, Utah, said Romney aides had asked him not to speak publicly about their time together there [Were they buggering little boys?]. In his remarks, Romney said of his French lodgings: "I don't recall any of them having a refrigerator. We shopped before every meal." Anderson said that as well as a refrigerator, the mansion had "a Spanish chef called Pardo and a house boy [OMG], who prepared lunch and supper five days a week." It would appear that Rick Perry’s “2 out of 3 memory lapsing” has now infected the Romney campaign with selective amnesia also. But as Rick Perry mentioned when he could not remember the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, “two out of three ain’t bad” indicating to Ron Paul and Mutt Rummy that he’d “told them all I possibly could”.
Please note that Newt Salamander and Mutt Rummey are ficticious characters unlike Mary Elizabeth Harriman, Mary Jane Binks, Judge Jennifer McKinnon, Constable Karen Katz , Baldev Singh Bamra and Corporal Catherine Galliford of Canada. If Judge Jennifer and Attorney Mary Jane succeed in ‘gagging’ the term Mary Elizabeth Harriman, Abel Danger may refer to her as THE CANADIAN STALLION’S BARREN BROOD MARE assuming ‘Big Chief’ Glamourboy doesn’t cry fowl, in which case he’d be plucked, in a manner of speaking.
Glamour Boy upgrades from Hairy Marmot
Royal Crown Agent Dirty Driveway Priority Clipper to AD Agents in Operation Zipper, copy Ginger Cookie, Vani, Grapevine and Trance Dancer: Diplomacy is war by other means and trade is the diplomacy of the market. If the market ceases to function, then we fall back on the state and international diplomacy - and if this does not deliver what we as a nation need to survive, then we are back to square one - military power. In the present situation it pans out like this - the UK's vital interests in being able to import the food, goods & energy we need is essential to prevent the collapse not only of our economy but our society as a whole. Therefore our defence forces need to be able not only to step in and hold the line if our allies evaporate, or if the French scuttle HMS Daring like they attempted with HMS Astute, but also to project our power down our international supply chains not only to keep trade routes open, but ultimately to wrest control of essential resources - i.e. oil fields, grain sources etc - from those who are no longer willing to supply us with what we need in event of global financial system collapse brokered by those who seek to implode UK and US via sham puppets Scameron and Soetoro; google PARA LIMPDIX. The fragility of the world's financial system is now palpable, if the Euro collapses, whether by City of London design or by the tinkering of Lagarde/Marcy or DSK/Merkin, this will have profound and widespread impacts we can only guess at. Imagine having to send an expeditionary force into the middle east to take and hold oil supplies again or to ensure flow of Opium if America pulls out of Afghanistan as the PAT TILLMAN TRIO is delivered Justice. The events staged at Smolensk-Katyn on 10 April, 2010 should be a wake up call. http://www.zestawienia.salon24.pl/ Watch for robust results for the NYSE, banks other than Wells Fargo, and gains of 35 percent (annualized) and more in select funds at www.usaa.com during the first 91 days of 2012. The big bankers in Europe realize, late, that the SCUTTLEGATE 12 August, 2012 has been exposed by Abel Danger and numerous countries will be staying home from the London Olympics citing security concerns such as those expressed by Abel Danger to Stephen Harper in August, 2009, which resulted in a SAFE OLYMPICS at Whistler and the imprisonment of MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN’S ‘beard’, according to Kara, Mary Jane and Jennifer wiretaps. Dirty Driveway, Richmond upon Thames.
Beard is a slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (Boyfriend or Girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation; hence RCMP-OPP taking of Russell Williams’ hard drive in exchange for lesser plea. The term can be used in heterosexual and homosexual contexts, but with increasing acceptance of gay culture, references to beards are seen in mainstream television and movies as well as Canada’s Parliament and other entertainment venues such as the soon to be announced “Jill the Ripper” major motion picture to be filmed in Brighton, England in an effort to redirect scrutiny of that crime back to Jane Addams, Chicago and the world center of effluence; see also Rahm and Barry and Hillary, yuk!
Agent Diehard saw the elevator doors open and he adjusted himself to dress right, indicating that Dwarf, Chips and Agent #9 should turn left out of the elevator, walk between the pool and the restaurant, where upon they would meet Agent Hamish Charles Watson who was aware of who had placed a bug called SHADE inside 221B Baker Street to ensure that the Jane Addams “Jill the Ripper’ Operation deployed from Chicago’s Hull House would not go awry in the late 19th century. Much like in the early 21st century Rahm Emmanuel will not be popular with his ‘handlers’ if the relationship between the SOS-Children’s Village facility in Chicago’s old mattress factory links back to Barry Soetoro or his disbarred arranged beard. Hamish saw the quartet approaching from the elevator azimuth and motioned for them to join the group in a large conference room that had 5 topics listed on the welcome poster gracing a three legged easel not be be confused with Agent #9, a two legged easy.
Air India 182, 23 June 1985
Pickton Pig Farm-Mary Louise Wright-1998
Whistler Olympic False Flag Attack – Mary Elizabeth Harriman
Qantas-Air Canada-Air New Zealand + Strangler’s Suite Aircraft
Mitt Romney’s 1968 summer vacation in Paris
--- Lunch break 1145-1300 ---
Pickton Pig Farm-Mary Louise Wright-1998
Whistler Olympic False Flag Attack – Mary Elizabeth Harriman
Qantas-Air Canada-Air New Zealand + Strangler’s Suite Aircraft
Mitt Romney’s 1968 summer vacation in Paris
--- Lunch break 1145-1300 ---
Hamish led the quartet into the large conference room and seated them at a table set for 8 at the rear left hand corner of the room. Scanning the room (for security purposes) Diehard and Dwarf saw three tables of 8 where 24 Indians were seated, representatives of RCMP and VPD at a table for eight with one chair vacant. Towards the right forward corner they saw a table of eight with representatives of CSIS and former Abbotsford Airport air traffic controllers, a table of eight at right rear where union safety officials of Qantas, Air Canada, Air New Zealand and (redacted) airlines from the United States were seated, in the right rear corner where campaign workers loyal to Pawn Ral, Prick Rarry, Rick Sanatorium, Jon Housechink were seated with open seats where Tim Pawlenty and Herman Cain supporters had ‘no shown’. As they took the seat where the folded Smytheson note cards had their names written in cursive gilt, not to be confused with ‘aggressive inference of guilt’, see also spoliation of evidence and misprision of treason, a representative of an Arizona Sheriff approached the seat where Chips was viewing the ample bounty of the double breasted mattress thrasher seated immediately to his right.

At that moment Agents Stone and Moxie G arrived at the table and noticed they did not have places set for them. Agent #9 saw an opportunity and she stood and whispered to Agent Stone, “Stone and Moxie, please take our seats, Agent Chips and I have just been asked to participate in a phone conference with the United States Sheriff’s organization planning the January, 2012 meeting in Las Vegas. I will try hard to get Chips back down for the afternoon session if the phone conference allows.”
Agent #9 suggested to Agent Longhair that they repair to Room 313 so their Clippers phones would have a 5 bar signal due to the location of Room 313 relative to the MW tower along King George Highway, Surrey. Agent Longhair and an attractive raven haired woman nodded in the affirmative and Chips, Agent #9 and the two Arizona ‘rangers’ made their way back to the elevator, trailed by Agent Diehard who was adjusting himself, grunting and holding hi S&W .50 caliber in a ‘loving’ way. While the package of four waited for the Service Elevator they had called, Diehard went up the fire escape stairs two at a time to ensure his arrival on the 3rd floor prior to the ‘clients’. As he waited patiently for the elevator he adjusted himself, grunted and scanned a flyer advertising a meeting in Las Vegas set for January, 2012, where oath serving Sheriffs from across America would gather to learn of their constitutional authorities and obligations and why Rolls-Royce was so quick to pay $100M for the ‘oil filler pipe’ discrepancy.
Peace Officers Uniting to End State and Federal Tyranny
Diehard gave an OK sign as the party of four left the elevator while Agent #9 drew her plastic door key from her sequined clutch bag which she had purchased in Seguin, Texas while visiting Agent Chips at NAS Chase FIELD in 1974. Diehard went in first and checked behind the curtains, in the bathroom and under the bed. He also turned the volume down on the DVD player that was playing western music that had covered for the enduro security briefing that Agent #9 and Chips had been engaged in prior to the meeting in the large conference room. Diehard indicated he’d be in Room 311 if needed and he let himself in via the adjoining door. Chips and Agent #9 both were intrigued as he had no key. That’s no key, not nookie, gutter alert. As Agent Longhair and his distaff associate sat side by side on the maroon sofa, Agent Chips pulled the desk chair over as Agent #9 retrieved a pitcher of Bloody Marys and four 16 ounce Spirit of Ramey cocktail glasses not to be confused with the RED TAIL Mustang which was a steganographic hint of a movie soon to be released regarding the TUSKEEGEE AIRMEN. Chips and ‘Raven’ graciously accepted the eye openers as Agent Longhair indicated ‘no thanks’ and withdrew a flask of tequila, 1800 tequila, from a breast pocket on the inside of his blue blazer next to a S&W .38.
“Longhair, this is the Sheriff calling regarding ESF and Las Vegas, do you have a moment to chat?”
“Yes that is fine Sheriff, I am in Surrey BC on the Pickton Pig caper and am in a private room with Raven, Agent Chips and Agent #9 from your Lone Star state, do you mind if I put his on a speaker so we can all 5 be on the same page?” As Longhair re-entered the spacious suite he heard an affirmative from the Sheriff and got a glimpse of Pastel Avocado from someone who shall remain nameless not to be confused with MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN whose relationship to the Canadian Attack of 9/11 will not be clearly established in Prince Holstein’s life time according to Privy Council Protocols dating to 1953.
“That’s fine, let me know when to start” responded the Sheriff who had plans to be at the Quebe Sisters concert in Marble Falls, Texas on 17 December, 2011 if the Canton project allowed him time. Agent Longhair from the Biltmore area of Phoenix settled on the maroon sofa and selected SPKR on his Clipper flask as he poured himself two inches of tequila and noticed Raven’s posture as his mind wandered back to Operation BROWN SUGAR at Bobby-Qs in Phoenix during late February, 2010 when Chips was on assignment involving Lockheed D21 drones and the war-head less Atlas that may, or may not have been, fired from the Phoenix area on the evening of 8 November, 2010, commonly referred to as the MYSTERY MISSILE.
“Longhair and friends, after months of work, the research on the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund is finally finished! It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc) not to link New York to DSK in a way disrespectful to Christine Lagarde or Kristine Marcy. ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness). It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, Arkansas Prison system’s HIV, Canada’s attack on America on 9/11, MI6’s 7/7 caper, Katrina, Deepwater Horizon, Gareth Williams assassination and (redacted) scheduled for June, 2012 as well as the apparently cancelled London Olympics FALSE FLAG penciled in for 12 August, 2012. We are watching Tomoye/Clinton Rubin/Serco on K Street while the Soetoros try to gain distance from the Chicago Mattress Factory and Blago and Pat Marcy’s Outfit. Crunchbase and it’s relationship to Wells Fargo-MDA-Mindbox-MERS-mortgage spells trouble for Buffett and I refer not the the maestro of Margaritaville. I have just texted Hamish and will check for his response. However, as you four mull this over, I have to go feed horses, goats and all manners of farmy animals, but we have set up our MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN watch outpost at the corner of Principale and Empire in Frogville, Quebec, Canada. We think we can put a tail on her as well as the bugs we have in her Chambre chaud fumant or whatever room the Frogs sleep in. I find it statistically improbable that both Tomoye and Google had computer functions entitled CRUNCHBASE. If you get a chance, review Psalm 94:16 regarding THE CALL and Ephesians 5:11 regarding THE MISSION. While some missions may seem impossible for vertically challenged effeminate male actors that are cult members, the mission assigned to Abel Danger is possible and His will, will be done. Out the door, Sheriff, on Clipper 3.”
Agents #9, Raven, Longhair and Chips heard a pronounced click followed by 2 less noticeable clicks as the Sheriff signed off and Tomoye stopped listening as did CRUNCHBASE. As Longhair reached into his breast pocket and Raven topped off the BM glasses, not to be confused with Bruce McConnell or Nancy Pelosi’s mafia associate from Baltimore, Maryland, an incoming Immediate Clipper from Atomic Betty was causing Chips’ Clipper Squirt Gun to vibrate, which set off a vicarious reaction in Agent #9 to his right.
Royal Crown Agent Atomic Betty Immediate Clipper to all players in Operation ZIPPER, copy Umbrellaman, Gravedigger and Dirty Driveway: Agent Pastel Manly Mocha, the photo you requested was provided by an attorney for one of the Stallion’s surviving victims who seeks justice. This photo is where Kara and Mary Liz went when the OPP were searching the house for evidence. Yes the 700K place where MEH made the coppers pay to repair the scratches they made on her gleaming hardwood floors lamenting the fact that the CANADIAN STALLION seldom provided hard wood for her! On a seemingly unrelated note I think that former Treasury Solicitor Juliet Wheldon has defined the world's water reserves as 'ownerless goods' or bona vacantia as the SOS-Children’s Villages may have concluded regarding ‘global orphans’, which of course tracks back to the Benedictine Odor in Collegeville, Minnesota that was storing NAZI PLUNDER from 1945 to 1978, it would appear. Referring to ‘bona vacantia’ while Hillary Roadhog is still furious regarding the ‘withdrawn weiner’, I remain always ready to deploy on urgent sleuthing missions; code 274B. Atomic Betty, Gatineau, Calendar Girl June.
Chips explained to Agents #9, Raven and Longhair that due to Judge Jennifer McKinnon’s effort to suppress information relating to the divorce proceedings of MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN, it was the opinion of Mary Jane Boinks and Judge Judy that if MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN and Kara Homulka wished to impersonate Hillary Roadhog and Lavendar Merkin ‘in the rack’ perhaps they should escape to some non descript location and indulge themselves away from the $700K dump that the Canadian Stallion signed over to ‘plain jane’ to help her assuage her feelings of being undesirable to males who didn’t like to dress up in little girls panties but were not averse to removing similar items from attractive adult ladies against their will even if it killed them. Perhaps the female (?) who inherited $350K of equity to ensure that THE CANADIAN STALLION’S victims were ‘stiffed’, had been jilted as a ‘plain jane’ teen and rather than commit ‘hari kari’ she engaged in an ongoing tryst with the beard of Canada’s other MALE CHAMPION Paul Bernardo. What say you, PM Stephen Harper, or does a Hairy Marmot have your ‘staid economist’ tongue?
Hillary Roadhog and Lavendar Merkin on Operation ARKANSAS OVERLOAD, 1988
As the door closed behind the exiting pair of Arizona Rangers, Agent #9 heard the door to the adjoining room close also as Diehard resumed his protective tail of the ranger pair from Arizona. Agent #9 looked at the clock on the wall and was opening the door to Room 311 as Agent Chips’ Clipper Squirt Gun went off with a Priority Clipper from Marquis d’ Cartier, Chief of ELINT and MitM Infiltration at Abel Danger, Global. Agent #9 indicated she would be next door while Chips took the incoming Clipper, removing her sweater as she disappeared into a darkened Room 311. Chips noticed three more IOCs tossed into the adjoining doorway and heard the hallway door dead bolt as it was locked next door. However, as true professional, Chips sped read the Clippers as he noticed Agent Longhair had left his tequila flask, sadly empty.
Royal Crown Agent Marquis d’Cartier Immediate Clipper to Hamish, Chips, Atomic Betty, Dwarf, Rico Gambolino, copy Bachmann Turner Over and Mother Moose: Chips et. al., prepare for White House run as Chicago has taken down Cain and now Atlanta and Colorado Springs may REFLEX Obama to hit Chicago with revelation of O'Grady's pedophile key to mattress factory and Obama election frauds as Blago had led us to believe during October 2nd briefing. We believe that Crown Agents' Sister Sheila M. O'Grady ( Abel Danger code SMO’G ) procured public key infrastructure bugging devices for use in a converted mattress factory in Chicago to monitor and entrap the pedophile guests of SOS Children’s Villages of Illinois and subsequently extort support for election frauds which have transformed Barack Obama, or whoever he is, from a U.S. senator into POTUS 44, you may wish to see http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/02/abel-danger-mischief-makers.html Recall that Obama’s biological DNA provider was the GASH GOURMET who wrote Black Sex Rebel with nom d plume Bob Green and then notice sign behind El Porko on left and and the Porcine Princess on the right in this file photo which links GASH GOURMET with CHICAGO GOURMET or when...
Sex Rebel- Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet) By Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's Communist Mentor. Have You Read it?
Chips was looking forward to sharing the Herman Cain info with Agent #9 and as he entered the darkened Room 311 stepping over four items of clothing, one quite moist. However, as he saw what was centered on the four poster bed he realized that the lady had decided to skip the conference downstairs, forego the briefing on Chicago-Cain, and was ready for a security probe in another format, in the interest of national security. Chips felt another Clipper vibrate and that caused a spike in MI of Agent #9 so he laid down his Clipper as he harked back to a visit to Bourbon Street that he and #9 had enjoyed on a hot afternoon in August of 1975 when he had flown his TA4J Sky Hawk from NAS Chase FIELD in Beeville, Texas which today has the McConnell Unit of the Texas Prison to the Belle Chase military airport that has direct links to the ‘rent-a-seals’ who helped Hillary Roadhog, LaFarge and Wade Rathke with Project Katriana HAARP-poon involving the U2-S aircraft number 80-1077 which departed Beale AFB, CA between 5 and 6 a.m. on the morning that the LaFarge barge CH3 attack on New Orleans occurred thanks in part the the heavier participant in Arkansas’s 1988 Operation Overload. As he joined his Global Intel AssSet, he noticed that the sheets, though moist, were not yet tangled. That gave him a good idea, which Agent #9 really got into and vice versa, as they stirred up some ‘gumbo’, capeche?
Chips had noticed a blinking red LED light on the Fire Detector so he selected #311 on his Clipper cel phone to disable the CCTV feed to 1 Canada Square on Isle of Dogs as well as 1455 K Street on Avenue of Hogs, see also Sidley Austin, Sheila O’Grady and Kristine Marcy not to be confused with Pat Marcy of Chicago-Obama linkage according to Blabby Blago’s wire from 11 July, 2009 or Fort Marcy Park where Vincent Foster was killed by order of (redacted) according to an aviator from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who died with George H. W. Bush’s personal phone number in his wallet. Chips did not want to have Tomoye-CIA-COL have a view to the security probe that Agent #9 was anticipating much as Carly Simon once had according to Abel Danger Musical Archivist Mitch Stack of Wimberly, Texas. As #9 performed a TI check of the PTRC, Chips ignored an incoming Routine from Hamish who was three floors below sipping a Double Mineral water with signature lime slice.
Carl Marcy
Royal Crown Agent Hamish Routine Clipper to all Agents on Operation ZIPPER, copy Sluggo, Bravo Mike and Chicago Congas DEB: Just got the call from the disgruntled employee fired by Sheila M. O’Grady, Matrix 5 principal and former Chief of Staff of the allegedly extorted former man-in-the-middle Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, with whom she shared responsibility for the City’s $5 billion dollar annual budget and the management of nearly 40,000 employees spread over more than 40 city departments. SMO’G, Abel Danger code SMOG, currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors of SOS Children’s Villages of Illinois, a charitable organization, allegedly set up by Canadian Privy Councilor Maurice Strong to help pedophile pimps entrap and extort city, state and federal government leaders during fraudulent erection campaigns such as the one which put the Soetoros into the White House while posing as Obamas; she allegedly oversaw the development of a former mattress factory in Chicago into an SOS Children’s Village for pedophiles; we believe this is where Donald Young, Larry Sinclair, Larry Bland and Nate Spence learned to play “pin the tail of a donkey” with a chain smoking skinny Kenyan in an arranged marriage with a bearded Sasquatch according to this link: http://patdollard.com/2011/11/report-mother-of-obama%E2%80%99s-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/; she allegedly hired tradesmen through the ‘Pickton’ Guild of Professional Home Services to install Entrust public key infrastructure (‘PKI’) bugging devices in the SOS Villages to record encounters between child and adult victims of a global pedophile entrapment and extortion matrix; she allegedly used Entrust public key infrastructure to contact pedophile members of Kristine Marcy’s Senior Executive Service, pardon the redundancy, and procure personnel records on Herman Cain; she allegedly ‘doctored’ these records and transferred them to the National Restaurant Association (NRA) to serve as a decoy front and support allegations that Cain was a ‘black’ sexual predator (see also Frank Marshal Davis, Gash Gourmet) and knock him out of contention for the 2012 presidential elections and secure a second term for the less black Barack Hussein Obama whose predatory impulses were aimed at Robert Wone, Larry Sinclair, Nate Spence, Larry Bland and Donald Young, the dead choir boy whose mother thinks every American should listen to Larry Sinclair at this link: http://patdollard.com/2011/11/report-mother-of-obama%E2%80%99s-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/ ; she is the President of the Illinois Restaurant Association, a non-profit trade association, allegedly controlled by City and ‘Rippergate’ Guilds of London Livery Companies including the Worshipful Company of Cooks; she has held various responsible positions with the City of Chicago including that of First Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development and Director of Code Enforcement for the City’s Zoning Department; she holds an undergraduate degree from St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, where she majored in hedonistic studies; a graduate degree from the London School of Economics [where she was allegedly recruited into a pedophile matrix, embedded in University Settlements and City and Guilds], where she concentrated her studies in urban planning; and a law degree from the University of Notre Dame” Hamish. PS If you and Agent #9 wished to have your seats back, Agent Moxie G just led Agent Stone up to the fourth floor for a ‘de-briefing’.
Agent #9 whispered in Chips’ good ear “Do you remember that day in South Africa where we were to meet at the fast food outlet before a road trip to Pelindaba to see both the SOS-Children’s Village and where Jacob Zuma-David Cameron-Barry Soetoro had stored the missing nuke that led to the deaths of Dr. David Kelly and Christopher Story so that their ‘leaking’ would not jeopardize Operation SCUTTLEGATE 2012, and I asked a restaurant employee “where’s my Chips” and she called your room?”
Chips did not respond because he was doing some “Marine Uncovers False Flag” work and could not be distracted by a video of big breasts while he was engaged in pleasuring someone similarly endowed, not to conjure up thoughts of Corazan Dulce, Chips and the Double Breasted Mattress Thrasher from Operation Gold Coast 2009 as chronicled in Chapter 3 of the 2nd Olympic Debt book that caused Stephen GLAMOUR BOY Harper to incarcerate Colonel Russell CANADIAN STALLION Williams to prevent Operation Jockey Boy to be linked to Camp Mirage, Whistler Olympics, SCUTTLEGATE 2012, the attack of 9/11 or the woman who MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN’s attorney is trying to keep a lid on her true identity.
Gore CO2e Rules for a Twin Towers Fuel Air Bomb
Litigate – Climategate – Weathergate and the Piggy Palace Snuff Film
Litigate – Climategate – Weathergate and the Piggy Palace Snuff Film
Agent #9 cooed “Side oiler, pile driver” as she repositioned to receive the main thrust of the intel probe not to be confused with the probe seen beyond the front cockpit on the right side of this aircraft which is USAF F4D 64-0965, later N424FS, which was used by BAE and TRACOR to perfect drone-to-drone air refuelings although as history will soon prove RQ-170 Sentinel, MQ-9 Reapers, and NPR airliners can all be remotely snatched by anyone having the VPN keys and codes to the that are controlling these types of flying vehicles. That is to suggest that while a military drone pilot at Creech or Fargo may take off, cruise and land the drone; a non-military VPN infiltrator could cause Hellfire attacks on anyone or cause the drone to land somewhere unintended…say, Iran.
F4D 64-0965 Crew Chiefs MSgt John Barsgard and MSgt Dave Sunram, ND ANG
Chips was doing his darndest to perform ‘side oiler, pile driver’ in a way that Agent #9 was deserving of. As she started into her ‘end of the procedure uptempo’ rapid cycling, Chips thought back to the campaign of Ron Paul and wondered which of his conservative donors located in Victoria, Texas had the secret that Colonel Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION Williams and his ‘Canadian brother’ Brian Williams of TV show called THE ROCK, or more appropriately, THE CROCK ( Canadian Rock ), had learned of during a mission from Trenton to New Orleans/Belle Chasse in 2005. Prior to his becoming follicly impaired after pulling his own hair out due to the frustrations of being the lesser half of a power couple with MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN, Russell had often grinned like a CHESIRE CAT, see also snide CROCK host, except when he was photographed in little girls’ dainties such as caused his superiors in Canadian Forces to promote him ahead of his peers due to his menacing look while wearing scimpy dainties which would certainly qualify him for Canada’s Circle Jerk of Honor award with Baril and Bouchard for helping attack America on 9/11 had he not had his CL604 ‘little white jet’ get videotaped alongside UA175’s replacement drone and “eye witnessed” by Susan McElwain and two others near Shanksville PA causing Bush II to throw Tom Ridge a bone to bury.
Perhaps if Stephen GLAMOUR BOY Harper had not allowed the spoliation of DNA rich evidence in the burning of CANADIAN STALLIONS’ uniforms, appropriate charges including those relating to the pedophile images on Russell’s home computer could have helped prevent pedophile abuse such as was witnessed in Geneva, Alabama ( Shanna Peoples ) , Fort Wayne, Indiana ( Aliahna Lemmon ) or in cases involving White House Call Boys as recorded more than 20 years ago during the Franklin Coverup, see www.behindthepinecurtain.com . Apparently some German-lineage royals in a variety of countries think that Matthew 18:5, 6 does not applied to 4th Reich Goose Steppers such as those that Psalm 91:11-14 allows me, not us, but ME, to target. Agents Chips and Hamish had suggested to PM Stephen Harper that he should retire Bouchard before the trials of Baril and Bouchard begin for their pivotal rolls in the attack on America of 9/11 ( NORAD HQ + 1st AF HQ Tyndall AFB ). As Agent #9 trembled, Chips harked back to the ‘shellacking’ the limpwad Canadian Forces CF18s took in William Tell, 1986, as Agents Chips and Roughrider won Profiles 1,2 and 5 of the 5 profile WORLD WIDE FIGHTER COMPETITION. Glamour Boy, do the right thing, soon. Laureen would understand, see also Hairy Marmot.
5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
And now for Psalm 91:
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he[a] loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
If I were an 87 year old son of Tesla’s trusted assistant with a birthday of 12 June, 1924 or an 89 year old recovering Greek with surname Holstein with a birthday of 10 June, 1922 and an appetite for 17 year olds who leans to his left while regaling his arranged bride with methane, I might consider taking an exit ‘stage door left’ prior to the events pencilled in for approximately 11 June, 2012 on the River Thames now that SCUTTLEGATE 2012 originally set for 12 August, 2012 had to be pushed up due to the Abel Danger Calendar and the singular scheduling note contained therein. I can almost hear the sound of furious goose stepping now as architects of the 4th Reich see the writing on the wall, capeche?
66 Canadians named to Order of Canada
Former PM Paul Martin, ex-coach Scotty Bowman among 15 Quebecers awarded prestigious honour
Chips sensed the nearing of the end their rainbow, he went ‘up tempo’ to finish a close second in the consensual intel probing of Agent #9 who he felt should be known as Agent 27, as she was three times the lady of any of her competition, knowing fully well that the disinfo machine known as the CROCK would be going uptempo in the removal of any news relating Brian Williams to Russell Williams to the suppression of the Truth as to Canada’s attack on America of 9/11 where Brian Williams CROCK predecessor PETER JENNINGS had planted the idea that Osama Bin Laden had somehow masterminded the Canadian attack on America funded by Carlyle Canada, planned by GAPAN’s Lord Garden as authorized by the goose stepping Holstein, utilizing Boeing jets modified in Abbotsford according to wiretaps of 3 Canadian PMs, a college prof in Calgary, and ugly wench in NAPAWASH, and the loose lipped Pickton brother. Happy New Year Canada, pay back is a mother. As Chips saw fireworks in his closed eyes, a satiated Agent #9 hit the mute button on her Encaustic Art Palate as Chips considered something pleasing to his own palate. Snapping them both into another time and space, an Abel Danger knock came on the door of Room 313 and Chips ambulated in an erect fashion to look through the peep hole. Before he could get to the door he saw a sheaf of papers being pushed under the door. He noticed the handwritten cover sheet signed by ELINT Chief Marquis d’Cartier who generally wrote in English, French or Arabic and he thought back to a night spent at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth when he was 18 and Agent #9 was younger where they met in a parking lot outside a bar in Dallas, and he realized even without Cialis for Daley Use ( according to Agent SMOG of Daley’s office ) he could still be like 18 again if he ‘doubled’ #9.
Chips, when you and Agent #9 are done debriefing each other please take a look at this book, it is a book that will never die—one of the great Christian classics. Written with passion and tenderness, it tells the dramatic, true stories of men, women, and children who, in the face of indescribable persecution, gave their lives for the sake of Christ. Covering the broad sweep of church history from the early church to the beginning of American foreign missions in the early 1800s, Fox’s Book of Martyrs continues to inspire and strengthen countless Christians with a vision of faith that, both in life and in death, commits itself utterly to the Lord of Life. Presented here in its most complete form, this book brings to life days when ‘a noble army, men and boys, the matron and the maid . . . climbed the steep ascent of heaven amid peril, toil, and pain. Recommend that Abel Danger commits to being in Geneva, Alabama by Valentine’s Day if Shanna Peoples is not returned to her family or if she suffers the same evil fate as Aliahna Lemmon. Remember Fox’s Book of Martyrs has initials FBOM where as the lawsuit of Field McConnell v. Barack Obama has the initials FM-BO for anyone in America who likes the smell of BO. As you consider your mission according to Ephesians 5:11, recall that as Jim Morrison learned at age 27 and as Dan Peek demonstrated at age 27, as you and Abel Danger shipmates steer the Crystal Ship against the BACKDOOR MAN in Ottawa and the Evil Cabal in City of London’s Canada, YOUR FATHER LOVES YOU. Marquis d’Cartier ELINT – MitM
Every heart, listen close….
…while hoping that lost child SHANNA PEOPLES comes home soon.
Cops: Babysitter bludgeoned girl, 9, then dismembered her
As Chips read the message from Marquis d’Cartier, Agent #9 turned on CHVI-FM, 0088.7 FM, Campbell River, Total Change Christian Ministries, Christian radio · CFIY-FM radio and heard a Christian version of a song from America as she freshened up and Chips, also an FM, was given a peak, not to be confused with Dan Peek, who clearly was given a vision, a vision of how lonely people could fill up their hearts if they would surrender, as Harper, Williams, Baril, Bouchard and Williams should do, now. Think of all the lonely people that the REFLEX ACTIONS to Canada’s attack on America have created around the world. Pay back is a mother, capeche? If the HMS Daring and the USS Carl Vinson were to take a pair of closely sequenced SUNBURN FF missiles simultaneous to several torpedoes disguised as IRAN HUTs, think back to this page 48 of 74 of Chapter 3 of Book 8; code 487438 and the Chicago ‘connect’ image that predated the false flag explosion at Moscow’s DMO airport of 24 January, 2011.
Not all lost children can come back home and at some point those who refuse to prosecute pedophile perverts will be held to account and face judgement, or more properly Judgement, upper case J intentional. The Franklin Coverup, the Penn State perverts, the Syracuse FINE JOB, the abuse of Native children and Mohawks in Canada ( which is a piece of real estate controlled by a pair of goose-stepping cypto-krauts ) and what was once safely hidden at the Benedictine Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota is all seen by He who is coming soon. Smug looks like those seen below, by Peter Jennings and now on the CROCK will be replaced as Judgement is delivered as the little souls wing their way to heaven and the grim reaper puts another notch or his gun barrel, or scythe, capeche?
Agent #9 could see that something in the message Chips was reading was concerning him greatly and she thought of ways she might soothe or provide comfort to him. Thinking back to her home town in the Lone Star State she recalled hearing of how Ron Paul’s staff had threatened to quit en masse if he continued to speak using his own discretion rather than regurgitate the collective opinion of his Congressional staff and the conservative financial backers in Victoria, not far from Palacious where Agent Chips and Leroy Griffiths flew a TA4J Sky Hawk over a low bridge in January, 1975 prior to a wild weekend at Bert’s Bar on the ‘base end’ of Beeville.
Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism
Some of his big donors in conservative Victoria, Texas lined his pockets well hoping that Ron Paul would keep Victoria’s Secret safe and as of 11 October, 2011 he had never reported what he had seen behind the veil of transparency during the Soros/Obama administration which had been charged by its City of London, Crown and Vatican sponsors to end the United States of America prior to 6 November, 2012 to avert an erection. However, just as Victoria’s Secret was made known to those with inquiring minds, the plans of 12 August, 2012 involving the Pelindaba nuke snatched by Cameron, Jacob Zuma and Barry Soetoro, was now revealed to the public for all, with eyes, to see. As she was thinking of another round of security debriefing, her Encaustic Palate Clipper device took an Immediate IM from Hamish who was in the lobby of the Pacific Hotel awaiting lunch with a party of 6.
IM from Hamish to Agent #9: #9 if you and Chips need a break from your exhaustive intel probing please join me for lunch as we have 9 seats at the round table and I only have 6 guests with me leaving a spot for your and the driver of the 36 Stud, dare I suggest Stud driver not to be confused with the Stud Finder tool you recently bought at Harbor Freight, 1735 N Story Rd Ste 134, Irving, TX 75061 Speaking of that, tell Chips that if Ron Paul falls victim to Abel Danger due to Victoria’s Secret, Mutt Rummy falls victim due to the revelation of his whereabouts in the summer of 1968, and Newt Salamander falls victim to his Tony B. Liar-like conversion to Catholocism to please the Vatican City henchman and his Luther College Greek Life Wife #3, perhaps the Victory Party pencilled in for 20 July, 2012 can include a ‘stud run’ beginning at Studebaker Park in Red Wing, Minnesota, followed by a stop at Flat Pennies Ice Cream, Lark Toys, a cruise on the Pearl of the Lake followed by the dinner at Vino in the Valley (www.vinointhevalley.com ) for 130 Abel Danger fans featuring Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, or both assuming we can send Ron Paul, Mutt Rummy and Newt Salamander the way of Tim Pawlenty ( misprision of Treason ) and Herman Cain. Rick Perry will fade away as his recall of two of the three agencies he’d close if the Diebold voting machines were programmed to make him the Second Servent of Soros has told American voters all they need to know about his lack of grasp of of the obvious. We are having a round of cheer presently and will be ordering lunch within 10 minutes, please join us, Hamish.
“Chips, Hamish just texted that he’d like us to join him and a party of six for lunch. By the way, if my name was Penny would that remind you of an Ice Cream store on the Great River Road in Pierce County, Wisconsin?”
Intrigued by the question Chips turned to see Agent #9 had ‘laid her cards on the table’ in a manner of speaking and he thought back to Johnny Tillotson’s mega hit Dreamy Eyes.
“Definitely not, Penny, and gauging by what I see I believe you need to triple your Agent number to Agent 27, which by strange coincidence is the number painted on the caboose at Flat Pennies in Bay City, Wisconsin. I am ready to go to lunch but you’ve given me a good idea for how to pass the afternoon if you recall my fondness for cabooses. In fact, I have an idea to float by you after we grab some food” as he mentally looked forward to some Afternoon Delight, which will surely be on the menu at Flat Pennies before 20 July, 2012.
As Agent #9 covered her ample bounty she thought of the Pinocchio toy at Lark Toys and thought about having Chips lie to her later on so that his nose would grow. She joined Chips in exiting Room 311 and turning towards the service elevator where Agent Diehard had been standing guard. He adjusted himself, grunted, and took the stairs to ensure a rude surprise did not await the pair of intel pros who would be collaborating on an Encaustic work of art to memorialize the enshrinement of a very special F4D during a parade ‘somewhere in the lone star state, some time in 2012’, long before the SCUTTLEGATE events including a Nuclear False Flag planned by the ‘cabal’ for 12 August, 2012. Chips recalled that 12 August, 1944 was the day used for their murder of Joe Kennedy, Jr. in the downing of a BQ-8, when torpex explosives were detonated early by Elliott Roosevelt from his ‘chase plane’ RAF Mosquito flying 300 feet behind in “fighting wing” position, but then again, everyone knows that already if they don’t have their heads up and locked.
** this is not Al Gore, seeè
Bachmann urges missile alert, blockade against Iran
Leaving the elevator on the main floor, lobby level, Chips and Agent #9 were greeted by Hamish, Atomic Betty, Ginger Cookie, an Indian from India, a Native Canadian Tribal Elder, a 43 year old female member of RCMP and a representative of VPD not to be confused with VPLs or the VPN that caused the attack on the Pentagon to ‘go live’ three minutes before Captain Gerald DeConto met the same fate that his Shipmate Captain Chic Burlingame had met 45 minutes prior in W386A airspace as arranged by Baril, Bouchard, Findley, Williams, and Marr and as reported, errantly, by the CROCK’s role model, Peter Jennings who had been the Crown news-confuser at both the 1972 Berlin Olympics ( “.it looks like the work of the Red Brigade.” ) and following the Crown-Vatican-City of London attack on America on the morning of 9/11 ( “.. where is the President, he should be visible at a time such as this..” ) which was launched from Canada. Period. Abbotsford, British Columbia for you buffalo nickel and Roosevelt dimers, capeche? Speaking of buffaloes, Abel Danger Agent Buck Fuffalo was recruited at a Williams and Ree Concert at the Gaslight Grill in September, 1979 prior to the new sewage lagoon being being built to the north and west of the Gaslight, whose light was extinguished shortly thereafter by the overwhelming ‘ambiance’ of methane. For the record, check middle of right verticle column here:
“Mineral waters all around, each with a double lime slice please, it’s on me” and looked to gauge the reaction of his lunchmates. Meanwhile, Chips handed the Latvian lady a 3 by 5 index card, salmon in color, unlined, with a room service order for Room 311 and indicated he’d like a Captain Sherlock Martini and that his fellow sleuth would like a Bourbon Branch, a double. The Latvian lady accepted the salmon colored 3 by 5 inch index card and, in return, handed a number of printed sheets of paper to Agent #9 prior to heading for the bar to get the drinks including 7 Mineral Waters with lime twists for Hamish and his captives. Agent #9 used her digital camera disguised as a cigarette holder to photo copy the 4 pages of notes. Agent Chips used his photographic memory to speed read them prior to folding them in half to return to the Latvian lady in whose country in 1937 Maurice Strong’s relative named Anna Louise, not to be confused with Louise Pickton Cannibal-Wright, had planned and later helped exterminate millions of Ukranians by withholding food from God’s little people, which some would characterize as genocide; see also NWO and those favoring the BS Carbon Disclosure Project. Perhaps Al Gore should next invent a methane disclosure project as that is something he’d have a lot more experience with according to the masseuse who refused to give him a massage unless he kept a window open and the exhaust fan on high. She also referred to him as ‘Shrimpy’. Chips set his Clipper Squirt Gun to dial itself in 3 minutes and ensured the ring tone was on and at full volume. He placed it on top of Agent #9 sequined purse and handed the folded papers to the Latvian lady as she placed a double Bourbon Branch in front of Agent #9 and a Captain Sherlock Martini, in classic 32 ounce schooner, in front of Chips, who could sense that the Smoked Oysters were having the effect #9 had intended for them so he whammoed 3 Rodney Baldinger NDSU Extend-o-peters so the lady would not be displeased.
Hamish lifted his Mineral Water high above the table and declared “I’d like to propose a toast” just as Agent Chips’ Clipper Squirt Gun signaled an incoming call with its Hawaii 5-0 ring tone.
Chips pretended to look at an IM in the LED and then interrupted Hamish saying “Hamish, hate to run but just got a message that Mother Moose and Bachmann Turner Over wish to have a three way phone conference and I need to be on the house phone in Room 311, please excuse me”.
Agent #9 chimed in “And Hamish, I am expecting a call from Dallas Avionics in 15 minutes, please enjoy the lunch and I will try and rejoin you for the afternoon session after Chips and I have a skull session upstairs.”
Agent #9 and Chips went to the elevator as Diehard indicated he’d take the stairs. As they got into the security of the elevator, Chips commented on what the Latvian lady had provided them both regarding the Treasury Solictor’s Office in England.
“In 1970 some new large Government Department's were formed. Some parts of the new departments had their own legal staff, while others relied on the Treasury Solicitor. Sir Edmund Compton was asked to report on what should happen in the future and in 1971 his report recommended that litigation and conveyancing were centralised under the Treasury Solicitor, who would be head of a legal career service. The Law Officer's Department was to remain as a small secretariat, staffed largely by secondments, such as the one Gareth Williams was on at the time of his murder, from other departments. Compton recommended that in departments where legal advice was of continuous importance lawyers should be members of the departmental team, whereas in departments where legal matters where not of continuous importance, advice should continue to come from the Treasury Solicitor. This forms the basis of the present arrangements. From 1st April 1991, most of the Treasury Solicitor's activities were placed on a repayment basis. Since that date, the Department has been required to recover its full costs by billing other Government Departments. On 1st April 1996, the Treasury Solicitor's Department became an Executive Agency. On the 1st January 2003 the Office of Government Commerce Legal Advisors transferred from the Treasury Legal Advisors team to the Central Advisory Divison. This also brought the procurement work in the Treasury Solicitor’s Department together. Currently the Agency is organised into the following Divisions: Litigation and Employment Group, Central Advisory Division (CAD), Culture, Media and Sport Advisory Division, Children, Schools and Families Advisory Division ( see also Common Purpose ), Treasury Advisory Division (TLA,)
European Division, Bona Vacantia ( see also SOS-CV and Water Wars ), Government Legal Service Secretariat (GLSS) and Corporate Resources Directorate. In the past 20 years, an explosion in the amount of public law litigation, and in particular judicial review, has led to an increase in the amount of litigation conducted by the Treasury Solicitor's Department. The enactment of the Human Rights Act, devolution in Scotland and Wales, and the ever increasing importance of European Community law, as well as the continuing development of judicial review, means that lawyers in the Treasury Solicitor's Department, be they litigators or advisors, find themselves at the centre of a rapidly changing legal world. Hence the ability of the woman with Bette Davis eyes to join Frogface (NAPAWASH) and Lardass (Department of State) in facilitating US Senior Executive Service participation with COL, Vatican and Canadian branches on 11 September, 2001 when they killed Captain Chic Burlingame with SMACsonic in W386A airspace and Captain Gerald DeConto with a Raytheon (redacted) guided by a BEI QRS11 and launched from a Raytheon owned A 3 Sky Warrior according to notes found in the glove box of a 1996 (redacted) owned by one of the 5 Raytheon executives ‘greased’ on 9-11.”
The elevator chime dinged 3 times to signal their arrival on the 3rd floor as Agent #9 gave Chips a quick status check finding him ‘rigged and ready for running’ to borrow a nautical term. Diehard pretended to be choosing which item to purchase from a vending machine as he kept a sharp eye on #9 and Chips as they ingressed Room 311. Chips went to the mini-bar to topoff his CSM with some additional Absolut Vodka, in the clear bottle with Royal Blue letters, while Agent #9 went to ‘freshen up’. As #9 slipped out of her meeting clothes and into her birthday suit, Agent Chips saw his Clipper Phone light up with an incoming Immediate from Agent Herculean Spyglass of Toronto, on Secondment to Abel Danger Global in Plum City where Tim Pawlenty’s campaign was scuttled prior to his 3rd place showing in Des Moines during the opening act of the Presidential FIELD charade of 2012.
Blabbermouth Herculean Spyglass Immediate Clipper to all players in Operation Zipper, copy Umbrellaman, Rico Gambolino, Dirty Driveway and Corazon Dulce: Hamish, Chips, Dallas Skin Painter et. al., got a message from an RCMP veteran who had worked Pickton and Ladner, now working for Interpol, not to be confused with Agent Chips Enter-pole. He is interested in the Treasury Solicitor as that position pertains to WWII, 9/11, Katrina and the False Flag planned for 12 August, 2012 (12-8-12).
The only continuous standing committee of Canada's Federal Cabinet is the Treasury Board
Secretariat, no relationship to the race horse although HORSE’S ASS comes to mind. The man who assisted to organize the finances of Western Canada Water, Jim Whiteside, had been a senior employee there. Jim died of a heart attack a few years ago. - another victim ? Jim told me about politicians taking bribes through offshore accounts in Canada, see also CCX-Isle of Man-Sandor-Chicago. That is how they pay the bribes in Canada. Wendy had told me that politicians were involved but did not say whom. Phillip Phartingham, (nee Holstein) is 33 degree Freemasonry - Royal Navy Lodge - joined 1952 and had been the ‘geriatric du jour’ at GAPAN from 1953’s Coronation to 2001’s FINAL ACT by the Worshipful Company of World Traitors. According to Glen |Kealey and CROCK, Freemasonry is the real government of BC. There are 147 lodges in BC with about 10,000 members. a bigger gang than Hell's Angels but lacking the good personal hygiene practices of Hell’s Angels according to a Hairy Marmot RCMP goon-ess who straddles a Harley, among other things, while hood-winking the Alberta Darling. Consider, Oliver - former BC judge, former BC Conflict of Interest Commissioner, former Consul General in Vancouver for Liberia, former British Intelligence officer and formal nice human, was a long time active Freemason. He came to BC in the 1960's and was a well known homosexual, see also Donald Young, Robert Wone, Larry Bland, Nate Spencer, Rammer Rahm and Sasquatch’s Beard. Oliver suddenly went into decline and dropped dead when CSIS, RCMP, and Vancouver police were asked to investigate Freemasonry and case fixing in the Vancouver courts about one year ago. Freemasonry has traditionally been a republican movement, see also bowel, but the Royal Family of England, see also bowel and loose stools, have a long membership in Freemasonry going back to post American and French revolutions. BC Freemasonry and probably much of Canadian Freemasonry is controlled out of London, specifically Isle of Dogs as Janet Napolitano and Elena Kagan have been told PETA will protect them there. American Freemasonry is controlled by a Council in the USA subservient to City of London, see also Judge Roberts and Pervert Protector of Pennsylvania name FREEH. I suspect that American Freemasons would be pissed to learn that their brother |Prince Phillip was an investor in a scheme to cheat them over access to Canadian water, which makes Prince Phartingham a brother phucer if you think back to what Canada did to Kim Tran Phuc in Viet-Nam; see also napalm. Could a psychic warrior employed by US black ops cause Prince Phillip to have artery problems ?? Child’s play, see Blackwater, XE, and Academi. The Blechtley queers suspect so but he probably has some psychic defences that were over powered if a psychic attack was carried out by Bullingdon faithfuls posing as real acamedicians at Cambridge with a briefing location of the Exhibition Pub in Over, Cambridgeshire, England or the alternate location, The Pike and Eel, Overcote Road, Needingworth, Cambridgeshire PE27 4TW Telephone (01480) 463336 . Any preference of whose up next, Hostein or Scherff? Spylass, Molly’s, The Plum
Chips was nursing his Captain Sherlock Martini when Agent #9 walked in wearing the same thing she was wearing when she came into the world, presenting three more options for any nursing attempts by Chips. As Chips indicated, not directly or verbally, what was behind choice 3, the house phone rang and #9 leaned over Chips to answer. He answered also, in effect.
An unidentified caller with an accent which traced to Decorah, Iowa began “We now have Agents Chips and #9, Bachmann Turner Over and Mother Moose on the line. Please listen, and do not respond, Tomoye, SES and Academi are dialed in. We have arranged the Romney-boating of Leroy Newton McPherson, the thrice married, Lutheran-Baptist-Catholic man of ‘serial conviction and commitment’ to be followed by “He’s not telling the American people the truth. It’s just like his pretense that he’s a conservative, I just think he ought to be honest to the American people and try to win as the real Mitt Romney, not try to invent a poll-driven, consultant-guided version that goes around with talking points. I think he ought to be candid. I don’t think he’s being candid. And I should know, for instance I have campaigned as a Lutheran, a Baptist, and now, as a 3rd wife and Vatican pleasing Catholic, but do voters know the real N. Leroy McPherson? Do americans want a Mexican citizen, Massachusetts Mormon moderate who won’t level with you to be run against Barry Soetro who frankly will tear him apart just like he did Donald Young ( 24 December, 2007 ), Larry Sinclair, Robert Wone ( 2 August, 2006 ), Larry Bland ( 17 November,2007 ), Nate Spencer (26 December, 2007 ) and Soetoro’s granny ( just before the last erection, excuse me, election ). ‘Hair-do Romney will not survive against the Obama machine better known as the Chicago-Vatican Outfit controlled by Isle of Dogs, City of London, see also Rat-Zinger and Vatican. Besides, he has dark hair on top and gray roots; liar liar pants on fire. If Romney were savvy he might acquaint himself with two other openly gay men in Wright’s church: Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. In late 2007, as Soetoro began his ascent to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of 1½ months, all three men “conveniently” died: Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007; Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007; Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007. (Death certificates of Bland and Young, HERE.) and Polk Salad Annie, who was granted an 11 month reprieve as she didn’t need to be ‘ascended’ until the Diebold fix was in so she was not whacked until the day before the erection; see also Mike Connell, Ohio 2004, and G W Bush, capeche? George Soros, Kissinger and the Royals need to take the attention off Des Moines Iowa where Ron Paul is kicking the ass of the Federal Reserve, the Hired Haircut and is poised to take down Boy-wonder, as in wonder whose DNA he has. OH SHIT, gotta run. The woman with Bette Davis Eyes has gone missing and our Agent Dogwalker from Dorset and Nottingham, reports a female body has been found. I will call back in 4 hours.
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79, being clung to by Polk Salad Annie, age 57
“#9, no, that is just what they’d expect us to do. Until we find out for certain that it is neither Juliet “loose lips” Weldon, Cressida “ain’t got no” Dick, or Sarah the obese, let’s just stay ‘under cover’ and get into some southern music with a pounding beat, capeche?” Chips reached over, selected F4 on his Clipper Squirt Gun and pushed the C240 button calling for a ‘continuous loop’ 4 hours of Elvis singing Tony Joe White’s monster hit from 1974. Because he had selected C240, incoming Clippers started piling up in queue as Chips started pile-driving an associate from the Lone Star State.
…..recall The Highway and the woman that died to warn her lover……..( Alfred C. Noyes )
And still of a winter's (1-1-12) night, they say, when the wind is in the trees,
When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the PURPLE moor,
A highwayman comes riding—
A highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.
Over the cobbles he clatters and clangs in the dark inn-yard;
He taps with his whip on the shutters, but all is locked and barred;
He whistles a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.
When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the PURPLE moor,
A highwayman comes riding—
A highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.
Over the cobbles he clatters and clangs in the dark inn-yard;
He taps with his whip on the shutters, but all is locked and barred;
He whistles a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.
Blabbermouth Hamish FLASH Clipper to Agent Chips, FYEO: Chips, our Dorset Dogwalker reported the discovery and planted the two items regarding Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt and the Nazi booty, Nazi plunder from WWII, removed from the Benedictine Abbey at St. Johns University in Collegeville. Cressida Dick knows that those items plus a handwritten, in red, note with www.behindthepinecurtain.com were left with the body. Half a bob to a goat’s nob it is not reported when the coppers serve the Phartinghams, instead of the Truth. Bye the way, the note and the two evidence items were buried so if they do not used metal finders after spolating the body, we are IN LIKE FLINT. Hamish, I’ll be right up for a face to face.
As much as Chips needed to depart for Norwich and the Fur and Feather Inn, a deal was a deal and he’d promised Elvis and the lady 4 hours of his time so he excused himself, walked in an erect fashion to the door to Room 311, and left a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a hand written note indicating he’d departed for Brize Norton and that Agent #9 was getting her beauty rest. Then he walked back, jumped in the saddle, and spurred Agent #9 just as Charles Emerson Winchester might have spurred Pegasus. Truth be known, she had spurred him first by offering him the cowboy shirt off her back, capeche? Paul Davis and ‘Ride ‘em Cowboy’ crossed their minds as they rode off into the sunset, in a manner of speaking.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Norfolk, methane was released and the Royal Phartinghams reacted, in a variety of manners, though totally devoid of manners as they looked forward to the outing of TSol, City of London, and their Nazi roots, see also IRS 1996 and Corporation of District of Columbia, 1875, not to mention the conversion of the Federal Reserve to ‘perpetual’ status in 1927.
Over in Norfolk and environs, many nervous parties are jumping through their asses to cover their crimes against England, UK, US, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Libya and the native children in Alberta, Canada, in 1964; see also Mohawks. Meanwhile, in Marine Intel, Navy’s DEEP BLUE and the Agency one step ahead of Academi, a FLASH CLIPPER was sent to Chips, Umbrellaman, and Bellevue, Nebraska’s E4B command post, NIGHTWATCH 12.
Abel Danger Global FLASH Clipper to Chips, Umbrellaman and Nightwatch 12/MX/Crow: “Global Ops Director orders Nightwatch 12 to KGGW for Client 01 + 3, depart KGGW ATA +15, destination EGVN, code 10 on board. Strangle Merkin, Strangle parrot, Burlington to Hawk to KEF. Supersport, Global, The Plum.
Chips’ Clipper Squirt Gun had copied the ‘burn through’ so he doubled his stroke to finish off the winsome red-head from the Lone Star state. As she exploculated with gusto she screamed “Remember the Alamo”.
http://gallery.mac.com/kikicurry#100153 ( Nightwatcher)
Agent #9 wondered if the senile sino-phile ‘red dot special’, another obvious loser positioned by Soros to compliment the Murderock-Fox News false good news on US economy certain to return 35% to certain funds carried largely in ALPA and DoD retirement funds; see also AIG ( aggressive inference of guilt ) would ever get wind of what normal red blooded, not blue blooded, Americans thought regarding their shameless efforts to camoflauge themselves as something they aren’t. #9 and Chips watched as the results started rolling in: The Mrs has that reptile eyes look. As like Mrs McCain, Mrs Gingrich, Mrs Bush? Fluent Mandarin from a Mormon, what next, fluent Joseph Smith plural marriages for the one child Chinks? And how many adopted children in his flock? Who the hell are they impersonating; Angelina and Brad? Perhaps they should kick back, change their game, and get a life.
Chips and Agent #9 had just finished dressing and packing the bare essentials for the CL604 flight from Abbotsford to Glasgow to join NIGHTWATCH 12 for the Translant to Brize Norton when the sound of Mineral Water spilling outside the door to Room 311 got their attention. Chips check the peep hole while Agent #9 checked his TI, then let a much embarrassed Agent Hamish into the Room.
“Chips and Agent 10, we are being picked up in 4 minutes, service entrance, Rico Gambolino…”
"Hamish, it is Agent #9 and we have been waiting on you. Perhaps if you hadn’t spent 19 minutes on the step-stool trying to peep into our security briefing den we could have stopped at the Lobby Bar for a quick bracer before Rico shows up to speed us out to Cascade Aerospace where the borrowed MoD CL604 awaits. Let’s go.”
Agent #9 headed for the elevator where Diehard adjusted himself and grunted. Hamish was next carrying a two suiter and pulling a steamer trunk on wheels. Chips brought up the rear with his Bombay Leather bag holding 3 each men and women’s Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster Thongs, 24 tins of Smoked Oysters, 18 3 tab bubble wraps of Rodney Baldinger NDSU Extend-o-peters and a Six Pack of Alamo Beer. In the elevator Agent #9 brief Hamish on Bob Marley, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.
“Hamish, Bob Marley was lucid and become spiritually and morally conscience, as had John Lennon, Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley before him and Michael Jackson after him. Some believe that, toward the end, Michael Jackson was struggling to throw off music-industry demons, and that he had converted to Islam (whatever that means, these days). Some of his final recordings/videos are quite intriguing (check YouTube) – and I've never been a fan of his. However, just a Lennon indicated, MI6 and Vatican powers had positioned the Beatles to ‘soften up’ American youth so that when the Israelis resettle in Patagonia, the 4th Reich Remnants would be able to settle in what was once the United States of America……” Agent #9 had check the TI of Chips and stopped in mid statement as she was amazed at his…….resilence.
“Hamish, listen to George Harrison explain it during the quick trip to Abbotsford” as he handed him an iPod with BRAINWASHED cued up. They exited the elevator and went to the service entrance where Diehard and Dwarf climbed into the back of Rico’s 1970 Convertible for the short and fast ride over to Abbotsford.
Chips latched the trunk deck lid as Diehard and Dwarf removed the ‘shooting holes’ where the back up lights had been originally and placed their M249 SAWs at the ready, each with one in the chamber. As Rico pulled out of the brick circular employee’s entrance he noticed Agent #9 placing her head below the seat back level, apparently recalling the three lucky shots on JFK by the same Criminal Cabal that had done 9/11, Katrina, Deep Water Horizon and now was trying to move SCUTTLEGATE 2012 forward to facilitate the protection of MARY ELIZABETH HARRIMAN and her relationship to Russell Williams, the CANADIAN STALLION. As Agent #9 kept a low profile, Hamish in the right front seat handed Chips a copy of a message he had just sent to PM Stephen Harper [ pm@pm.gc.ca ] as well as Nick Clegg at #10 Dowdy Street.
Dear Prime Minister Harper: We at Abel Danger suggest you COME CLEAN before the Georgia Peaches have their way with LBS and that is not code for LDS or FDS. Just because Prince Philip has had Canada’s ‘lack of nuts’ in his grip since 1953 will not save you from Judgement over the attack of 9/11 or the 124 year history of pedophile crimes linking Chicago to Canada thru City of London, capeche?
Did Jane the Ripper’s Fairplay cipher hide telegraph-boy pedophile trap?
We believe the late Jane the Ripper Addams of Chicago used Fairplay ciphers to hide messages carried for pimps by telegraph boys to the victims of man-in-the-middle pedophile traps – allegedly including the Edwardian-era police detectives and officials who were apparently ordered to drop their investigations into the 1888 Whitechapel murders attributed to a mythical Jack the Ripper.
Chips was just about to read the pivotal word when one single loud explosive blast caused Hamish to spill his Mineral Water, Agent #9 to ‘almost choke’, and Rico Gamolino to pull into the center median of the motorway to Abbotford. As Agent #9 kept her head down and her mission on going, Chips could rear Rico’s lips in the mirrow … “FTW”.
Knowing that mirrors reverse symbology as do politicians, he knew that Rico was asking “W T F” and that caused Chips enough concern to drop to 93%TI, which was not unnoticed by Agent #9 as she redoubled her efforts and selected F4 on her Clipper Encaustic Palate knowing how much Chips had enjoyed deflowering a Flower Girl in a park in the summer of 1966.
Chips listened to the music and thought that in the 45 years since their first encounter in the rain in the rain, her appearance had changed very little, and what change there was was for the better.
Suddenly a bright light shone through, and Chips looked up at Rico as a second blast occurred, incredibly loud and extremely close, as the 1970 Cadillac AM radio started playing Barry Soetoro’s theme song, as if to cause departed spirits to ‘assume the position’.
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