January 7, 2012
How Obama’s Fast and Furious changed Interpol’s NATO key
We believe that Crown Agents' Sister Michelle Obama procured the change in Entrust public key infrastructure needed to conceal Fast and Furious arms trafficking by Interpol’s NATO agents and the transportation of a decoy assault weapon used to kill ATF agent, Brian Terry.
British Invisibles’ Trusted Traders - Michelle Obama Hired To Hide Husband's Role - Worker-Sabotage Team - Insecticide Bomb - Bhopal, India
ATF Agents Ordered to Let Guns Go
ATF Agents: We Were Ordered to Let Guns Go
See #20
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
“ATF Agents: We Were Ordered to Let Guns Go WASHINGTON, DC - Stunning testimony in Congress Wednesday about guns bought in Arizona that landed in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. During a Capitol Hill hearing about Operation Fast and Furious, several federal firearms agents told Congress they watched those illegal sales happen but were ordered to step aside. … At Wednesday's congressional hearing, three ATF agents testified about the problems they saw with Operation Fast and Furious. They say higher ups ordered them to step aside even when they witnessed illegal gun sales. "Rather than conduct any enforcement actions we took notes we recorded observations, tracked movements of these individuals, wrote reports, nothing more. Knowing all the while that just days after these purchases, the guns we saw these individuals buy would begin turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. And yet we still did nothing," says John Dodson, A.T.F. Special Agent. These agents say there were ordered to let thousands of guns just walk away. The idea was to track those weapons and get the big cheese, but often that didn't happen. The guns made their way into Mexico and many were used as murder weapons. .. The Justice Department says they told ATF agents no guns should be allowed to cross the border into Mexico. They are planning to do an investigation into the program. And for his part, President Obama has called this ATF operation a 'mistake'. .. Statement by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer “I am outraged by findings in a new Congressional report that alleges federal agents were instructed to stand aside and do nothing as up to 2,000 weapons were illegally purchased in Arizona and resold. In many cases, the end result appears to have been the arming of violent drug cartels south of the border. “During Operation Fast and Furious in 2010, according to this report, agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms were ordered to simply track these ‘straw buyer’ weapons sales but not intervene. Longtime federal agents have now testified before Congress that allowing these weapons to leave the premises, a practice generally known as ‘gun walking,’ was a marked departure from accepted law enforcement practices. “ATF agents lost track of many of these weapons, including assault weapons and .50 caliber sniper rifles. A significant number undoubtedly found their way to Mexican drug cartels. Tragically, two AK-47s traced back to Operation Fast and Furious later turned up at the crime scene near Rio Rico, Arizona, where Arizona Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by bandits. Authorities are still looking for the murder weapon.”
“Bill Conner, Entrust CEO, Addresses United Nations, INTERPOL [which allegedly adopted Entrust PKI to support and conceal a global NATO murder-for-hire service while Canadian Norman Inkster - former RCMP Commissioner - served as Interpol President from 1992 to 1994] During a gathering of media, foreign press and United Nations member countries June 15 in New York City, Entrust CEO and President Bill Conner— a special guest of INTERPOL Secretary General Ron K. Noble — explored the global challenges in cybercrime. Following is a transcript of that speech, which includes the vision, innovation and strategic position of both Entrust and Conner. It outlines today's current threats that target organizations of all sizes, in all parts of the world, as they continue to fight online crime, international fraud and identity theft. … Innovation for Interpol Ron has given you his perspective and challenges as the CEO of INTERPOL. Let me give you the perspective and challenges as a corporate CEO. We have financial responsibility to stakeholders, customers, employees, partners and the public at large. But, we are equally devoted to wearing our hat as citizens, neighbors and consumers. In identity-based security, we all rely on government entities to provide the most trusted credentials. What Entrust has done is build a bridge between these national credentials, global credentials and enterprise-wide credentials by delivering a single counterfeit-proof identity document. Entrust is particularly proud to have partnered with INTERPOL in the development of this new level of identity-based security that will assist INTERPOL officers and law enforcement around the world in their travel and in their pursuit of transnational criminals [and development of alibis for contract killing of top officials in targeted sovereign states]. The INTERPOL Global Smart eID & eVisa provides an integrated smartcard service that enables secure officer credentials at an employee and government level worldwide. This unprecedented credential and service provides secure access to INTERPOL facilities and networks. Officers only need the one single credential for secure, enterprise-wide access and crossing borders. It allows for virtual borders at event venues like those happening right now in South Africa with the FIFA World Cup where our cards are being used by INTERPOL officers as we speak. Identity-Based Security At the core of INTERPOL's multipurpose smartcard is Entrust's technology and services, which allows organizations to establish and maintain a trustworthy environment. Our credentialing service provides secure access to buildings and facilities, INTERPOL networks and data. This enables INTERPOL to control access to resources, prevent theft of information and comply with privacy and digital signature regulations and laws on a global basis. INTERPOL's use of strong multipurpose eIDs helps ensure that the identities of INTERPOL officers aren't misused to perpetrate fraud or crimes against the agency or individual countries.””
“[Entrust] Public Key Infrastructure is a combination of policies, procedures, and computer hardware and software products providing a controlled framework for managing private and public key pairs. An effective Public Key Infrastructure is primarily focused on management rather than just the technology. A PKI also provides access to identifiers known as Public-Key Certificates. A Public-Key Certificate is an electronic data structure that binds an entity (e.g. user) to a public key. While public keys must be published and highly available, changes to the public encryption keys must not be allowed, otherwise an attacker could replace a recipient’s public key with his own. The sender would then mistakenly encrypt the message for the attacker instead of for the intended recipient. Many of the regulations, means, and infrastructure installations are established to protect the authenticity and integrity of the public keys. … The first NATO [Entrust] PKI Ad-hoc working group was hosted in April 1998 [allegedly by various Canadian Privy councilors and root authorities for Interpol/NATO hit teams in preparation for the 9/11 attack on America] The PKI for the NU/NR network is operational since Q4 2006. NCSA is hosting the PKI for the NS network since 2010. In 2011 NCSA will host the PKI for the NATO Messaging System (NMS), this specific PKI is dedicated for the NMS and will only provide PKI services during NMS phase 1. All present NPKI systems are considered an interim solution, NC3A is developing a cost estimate for the definite NPKI.”
“20. Michelle Obama (nee Robinson) [Revised January 7, 2012: Matrix 5 principal and wife of allegedly-extorted man-in-the-middle Barack Obama, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and the 44th President of the United States; she allegedly procured the change to Entrust public key infrastructure which allowed Interpol’s NATO agents to conceal Fast and Furious arms trafficking and the sale of the weapon used to kill ATF agent, Brian Terry; she allegedly authorized her Femme Comp Greek Life colleagues to use Entrust PKI to buy alibis for Interpol or NATO Matrix 5 contract hits; she allegedly led a Sidley Austin team in a 1991 visit to the Senior Executive Service in Washington D.C. to sponsor use of 9-1-1 Clipper encryption chips to monitor Matrix 5 MitM propaganda attacks on witnesses to ‘Star Chamber’ contract hits; she allegedly used 9-1-1 Clipper chips to monitor the 2009 contract hit of Wendy Ladner Beaudry at a Vancouver, B.C. crime scene allegedly controlled by terrorist alumni of the Jane Addams’ University Settlement Movement (founded Chicago 1891); she allegedly worked with terrorist mentor Bernardine Dohrn on the design of a Greek Life abortion trap which generated VideoGuard-encrypted images of a feminist AKA nutcracker at work on JonBenet Ramsey’s skull; she allegedly used said images to extort the support or silence of Permira officials and Norman Mineta and Walker Lee Evey for the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle attack on 9/11 and various targeted murders including Captain Chic Burlinghame III, pilot of AA Flight 77; she allegedly extorted various Illinois and Chicago pension fund managers, including the managers of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) and the Chicago Firemen’s Annuity & Benefit fund (CFABF) to buy Permira VideoGuard and conceal a co-production with Murdoch’s News Corp. of Matrix 5 propaganda and pay-per-view snuff films on 9/11; in July 2008, she was allegedly awarded an honorary membership to the 100-year-old black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha for her abortion trap services to secure Greek Life Settlement control of Matrix 5 propaganda and the Treasury Solicitor’s office; she allegedly used Clipper encryption to synchronize the spoliation of evidence of a VideoGuard snuff-film studio in WTC#7 serving pay-per-view pedophile clients of SOS Children’s Villages in over 100 countries; she was allegedly recruited in 1984 at Princeton for a career as a Matrix 5 sextortionist by Henry Bienen, a Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] handler and future president of Northwestern University; she was recruited in a period when the CIA has enough professors under Agency contract to staff a large university; she helped Weather Underground terrorist boss Bernardine Dohrn build NU’s matrix of five community groups (‘Matrix 5’) using Entrust public key infrastructure provided by Bienen to authorize contract killing, sabotage and virtual deception; she was born 1964 in Chicago, Illinois to Marian and Fraser Robinson III, a Chicago city pump operator and a precinct captain for the mobbed-up Democratic Party machine; she graduated as a francophone from high school in 1981; Bienen guided her in sociology and African-American studies at Princeton where her 1985 thesis titled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community” shows her focus on the community organization of ethnic conflict; Bienen showed her how he had channeled Crown Agents’ funds to alleged Mau Mau pedophile oath taker Idi Amin and Milton Obote while Bienen taught at Makerere College in Kampala, Uganda (1963–65); how he had organized the assassination of Tom Mboya while he taught at the University College in Nairobi (1968–69); how he had organized student radicals at Columbia University (1971–72); how he had hired Francophone mercenaries to destabilize Nigeria while he taught at the University of Ibadan (1972–73); Bienen sent her to study law at Harvard where she started ‘rubbing raw the sores of discontent’; she helped to sponsor the crony hiring of professors who belonged to SBA 8(a)-listed minority groups; she launched libelous attacks on landlords using phony complaints from ‘virtual’ low-income tenants; she graduated from Harvard Law School in 1988; Bienen arranged for her to join Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin to develop expertise in intellectual property law and marketing; she was assigned to work in a ‘dual-use’ Sidley team to represent Union Carbide Corp. in its 1990 legal fight to complete a sale of a chemical business unit to Arco Chemical Co. AND to spoliate evidence of Matrix 5 sabotage of Union Carbide’s Bhopal plant in India where 47 tons of water was injected into a bath containing 42 tons of methyl isocyanate; she was also assigned to work on a ‘dual-use’ Sidley team to represent marketing and IP associated with Barney the Purple Dinosaur AND to spoliate evidence of investments by the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers in VideoGuard propaganda broadcast of BBC snuff films as virtual news over PBS; Obama and Dohrn allegedly equipped a Women @ Sidley group with key-escrow encryption protocols stolen by Bienen’s CIA colleagues from Ron Brown’s office; Obama and Bienen allegedly used drug money confiscated through Kristine Marcy’s DOJ Pride to build iCAIR for Matrix 5 sabotage, assassination and virtual deception; she allegedly designed and developed IP and patent protection for Unabomb devices trademarked with initials ‘FC’ standing for Femme Comp Inc; she was transferred in 1991 to work as mayoral assistant with Valerie Jarrett, then chief of staff to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley who became an easy target for sextortion and ultimately handed control of the City to terrorist leaders of the Settlement Movement; she was transferred in 1993 to head up a new Chicago office of Public Allies to create Matrix 5 training groups for young revolutionaries; Bienen showed Obama how to manipulate Canadian and American pension and insurance funds to capture control of a Bombardier Master Trust and to modify Bombardier aircraft to support EW/ELINT attacks on U.S. airlines during an ongoing Unabomb campaign; she was assigned as associate dean of student services at University of Chicago to radicalize students; she was assigned as executive director of community affairs at University of Chicago Hospitals to promote late-term abortion recording VideoGuard encrypted images for snuff film production in a corrupt collaboration with churches and community groups; she was rewarded with a pay increase from $122,000 to $316,000 a year and promotion to a vice president at the University of Chicago Hospitals for use of Entrust PKI in helping her husband win a U.S. Senate seat in 2004; in 2008 she allegedly worked with Bienen to sabotage Bear Stearns; she allegedly plays the role of intellectual property lawyer and principal extortionist of her fellow members on the Chicago Council on Global Affairs; she allegedly made treasonous use of SES Clipper and Entrust PKI to procure and trade in 9-1-1 snuff-film images of the 911 attacks and the presence of Settlement Movement killers at Mumbai Massacre crime scenes.]
Your redoubtable counter-intelligence services will have informed you that all changes to Entrust public keys – including those allegedly procured for Interpol’s Fast and Furious program by Michelle Obama – are authorized by root authorities in the Canadian Privy Council.
Ottawa – you have a problem.
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