Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Auctioned Keys of Small Business Administration - 8(a) Companies - Federal Bridge Partners - Pfizer - Anthrax-Laced Attack - U.S. Post Office

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 31, 2012

Did Kristine Marcy’s anthrax key use Federal Bridge Authority?

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy auctioned off keys of Small Business Administration 8(a) companies to Federal Bridge partners such as Pfizer, and authorized an anthrax-laced letter attack on the U.S. Post Office in the aftermath of 9/11.

House Speaker Newt Gingrich - 8(a) Keys To The Federal Bridge - Royal Mail and U.S. Post Office Agents - Anthrax-Laced Letters - Post-9/11 Targets

See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“Fox News: Should We Vaccinate Kids For Bio Terror Attack?”

Pattern of the Times:

Monday, January 30, 2012

House Speaker Newt Gingrich - 8(a) Keys To The Federal Bridge - Royal Mail and U.S. Post Office Agents - Anthrax-Laced Letters - Post-9/11 Targets

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 30, 2012

Speaker’s 8(a) keys to Federal Bridge for Royal Mail anthrax spores

We believe that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich used 8(a) keys to the Federal Bridge to authorize Royal Mail and U.S. Post Office agents to send anthrax-laced letters to post-9/11 targets for a man-in-the-middle propaganda attack on the United States.

Delegation of Root Authority - Former Speakers Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert - Public Keys - Royal Mail Anthrax Attack - Phony COG Exercise On 9/11

“9/11 - Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001

UK MOD had root authority for 9/11 and anthrax but is controlled through Royal Mail
Note SAFE BioPharma – i.e. anthrax – link to Federal Bridge and the U.S. Post Office

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Warmist Bastion: MET Office - Admission Warming Is Over - Mini Ice Age Looming? - Thames Will Be Freezing

Note: The Met Office in Britain has been implicated by the research of Hawkins and McConnell archived at abeldanger.net. Hawks Café, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger have evidence that Met Office agents used bogus `dimming' (cooling) effects of a virtual volcanic ash plume to trigger violations of CO2e emission caps at FC-KU crime scenes – such as the WTC buildings on 9/11 – and it is alleged rewarded saboteurs who terminated (?) the violators with a share in the proceeds of cat bond claims filed on behalf of Bullingdon cat bond sponsors by the Sidley Austin law firm against the witting or unwitting underwriters at Lloyd's of London.

Computers at the Meteorological Office (MET) - Weather Simulation - Catastrophe Bonds - ‘Fairy Dust’ - Almost Like Game Theory

Volcanic Ash Cloud: MET Office Blamed for Unnecessary 6-Day Closure

Source: Mail Online

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again)
Met Office releases new figures which show no warming in 15 years

29th January 2012

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.

The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.

Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

Paperclip Identity For Barack Hussein Obama - Matrix 5 Man-In-The-Middle Attacks - Office of The President - City and Guilds' Livery Companies

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 29, 2012

Did Crown Sister Marcy build Obama's Paperclip identity?

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy built a Paperclip identity for Barack Hussein Obama to conceal Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle attacks on the office of the President of the United States by the City and Guilds’ Livery Companies of London.

“Kevin Collins’ Coach is Right ..January 29, 2012 | Suzanne Eovaldi, staff writer Posted on Sun Jan 29 2012 08:34:45 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) by jmaroneps37 “I’ve never seen anything like this,” Private Investigator Susan Daniels told Judge Michael Malihi under oath, as she reviewed her research into Barack Obama’s social security numbers investigation! Her analysis centered on a Connecticut resident “born in 1890″ whose official registration somehow is mixed in with the Obama social security investigation. Testimony at the court hearing of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot for reelection in 2012 revealed stunning sworn facts that clearly places into question the sitting president’s authenticity. In an interview after the administrative hearing, Daniels said, “I discovered immediately. . .( that social security number) was fraudulent. . .was.. no way it was accurate.”

“Susan Daniels Testifies in Atlanta: Obama's Social Security Number is Fraudulent”

“Operation Paperclip”

See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Delegation of Root Authority - Former Speakers Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert - Public Keys - Royal Mail Anthrax Attack - Phony COG Exercise On 9/11

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 29, 2012

Speakers’ root authority for Royal Mail anthrax key

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sisters delegated a root authority to former Speakers Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert to change public keys during a Royal Mail anthrax attack which followed the Sisters' phony continuity-of-government exercise on 9/11.

Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 ..."

“[War of 1812 – U.S. Patent Office was spared by predecessor to Crown Agents] Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert Remembers September 11, 2001 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-50231PMMs

Speakers Federal Bridge used Royal Mail root authority to send anthrax-laced letter through U.S. Post Office after 9/11.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Financial Crimewave – Market Rigging – Economies Based on Fraud – Stoking Demand Without Supply – War Profiteers and Kleptocrats – The Biggest Pig?

Hedge Funds: to the Hague! – Who's the Biggest Pig? – Stoking Demand Without Supply – Financial Crimewave – Sea of Speculative Capital – Market Rigging – Economies Based on Fraud – War Profiteers and Kleptocrats – Price-Fixing and Algorithmic Program Trading – And Free-Market Competition?

Keiser Report: Dangerous Species of Bankers (E240)

Posted on January 24, 2012

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Google searching Davos; the Federal Open Market Committee getting high on its own money supply; bankers leaving the planet to live in parallel universes and the evidence for the manipulation of precious metals.

Worshipful Company of Insurers - Costa Concordia Hacked - SOHOware Operatives - Man-In-The-Middle Attack - Mystery Blonde

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 28, 201

How Worshipful Insurers’ blonde hacked Costa Concordia bridge

We believe that the Worshipful Company of Insurers hacked the Costa Concordia bridge through a computer, allegedly loaded by SOHOware operatives for a man-in-the-middle attack on the captain, only to be 'confiscated' by a mystery blonde.

Forensic Economic Inquiry into the RMS Titanic


The Insurers’ Blonde

Abel Danger agents are hunting for the blonde as part of our plan to expose City and Guilds’ man-in-the-middle insurance frauds on Lloyd's Names and an M.O. which dates back to at least 1912 when Royal Mail agents in the General Post Office telegraphed an order to the Titanic captain to change course thirty minutes before the ship was run at full speed into an ice pack.

Forensic Economic Inquiry into the RMS Titanic

"Costa Concordia: authorities search for cruise ship captain's laptop .. Italian authorities are searching for the personal computer of the captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, amid reports that it was taken away by a mystery blonde woman in the hours after the disaster. "

"Description: SOHOware Inc. began as NDC Communications Inc., a company founded in 1990 by Dr. C.T. Wu. In 2000, NDC Communications changed its name to SOHOware (for "small office/home office" [or – more likely – the sex trap centre in London's West End set up by City and Guilds through the pedophile Kray Twins and their pimping mummy]) in order to better reflect their business, corporate culture and commitment. The company is mainly focused on providing home and small office networking solutions.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Crown Agents In Ottawa - Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates - Entrust PKI Root Authorities - Hit-Team Members - Phony COG - Cheyenne Mountain

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 27, 2012

Ottawa’s Entrust root authorities for Pig Farm 9/11

We believe that Crown Agents in Ottawa hired Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates to develop Entrust PKI root authorities needed by hit-team members to murder victims at the Pickton pig farm in B.C. – starting in 1979 – and nearly 3,000 innocents during the phony continuity-of-government exercise staged out of Cheyenne Mountain by NORAD Sister Susan Beharriell on 9/11.

Crown Agents - Pedophile Chain of Command - Canada's Susan Beharriel's Wag The Dog Story - Camouflaged Destruction - United 93 - Russell Williams

“Entrust Canada Sales: Ottawa 1000 Innovation Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2K 3E7 .. Entrust Beijing Room 18th, 9/F, Tower, China Central Place 79 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District, Beijing China 100025 P.R. China [Ottawag is using Entrust to conceal transfer of details of all joint weapons programs developed with America to the Communist Chinese]

“Does Entrust Authority Security Manager interoperate with other PKI Networks? Entrust Authority Security Manager offers the following PKI networking features: supports certificate extensions used by Microsoft client-side PKI capabilities to allow easier deployment of Entrust certificates in Microsoft environments, facilitating optimal interoperability. … is able to take a CA root in the hierarchical trust model offline, enabling organizations to set up trusted trading groups in business-to-business relationships while maintaining maximum security for the CA root. … supports Active Directory on supported Windows® platforms, LDAP, and x.500 compliant Directories … ensures that directories can be networked to allow for the retrieval of user certificates, cross-certificates and revocation information, thereby providing security, flexibility and potential cost savings. … supports hierarchical cross-certification, which is ideal within organizations where multiple CAs are needed and where one root CA can securely control all other CAs. .. supports peer-to-peer cross-certification, which is ideal between organizations where each organization has secure control over its own organization and maximum flexibility to form relationships as business requirements dictate.”

“The U.S. Federal PKI and the Federal Bridge Certification Authority Peter Alterman, Ph.D. Senior Advisor to the Chair, Federal PKI Steering Committee and Acting Director, Federal Bridge Certification Authority 1. The U. S. Federal PKI The goals of the U.S. Federal PKI are to create a cross-governmental, ubiquitous, interoperable Public Key Infrastructure and the development and use of applications which employ that PKI in support of Agency business processes. In addition, the U.S. Federal PKI must interoperate with State governments and with other national governments. Our goals recognize that the purpose of deploying a PKI is to provide secure electronic government services utilizing Internet technology, not only to satisfy the little hearts of a dedicated cadre of techno-nerds and paranoiac security gurus but to serve the citizenry. While it is fair to say that PKI technology today is powerful and deployable, nobody who is even the least familiar with it would claim that it is simple and straightforward to implement, let alone structure an aggregation of PKIs. Which leads us to ask the question: Why a U.S. Federal PKI? The simple answer is that U.S. Federal Agencies are mandated by the Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 to begin providing electronic government services by October 21, 2003. A third argument against a single U.S. Federal PKI is vendor concern. In the absence of a single, dominant PKI vendor, the ongoing battle for market share would be over if the U.S. were to do what the Government of Canada did and select a single vendor for a government-wide PKI [Entrust and Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates, the company which built the MitM radio system for the pig farm and the MitM IAP software for the FAA on 9/11]. To the vendor community, the potential benefits of such a huge win are far outweighed by the disastrous probability of losing such a competition. [They have already lost; Ottawa set root authorities for the RCMP, Vancouver Police Department, the FBI and the Pentagon to support man-in-the-middle attacks at the pig farm and the 9/11 crimes scenes.]


Russell Williams Investigation Suppressed - PROJECT HATFIELD Halted - Pedophile Entrapment Techniques - Canadian Planning and Deployment of 9/11


Thank you. It appears Fantino suppressed a 'complete investigation' of Russell Williams and his reward was Secretary of Defense under Peter MacKay. I. E. he protected MacKay or someone superior to MacKay by halting PROJECT HATFIELD before it led to the real issue. I believe the real issue is the pedophile entrapment techniques that Russell and Mary Elizabeth Harriman were involved in as part of something much more damaging than 2 murders, 4 rapes and 82 fetish break ins. I believe the real issue was the Canadian planning and deployment of the 9/11 attack against the United States of America for benefit of the Queen, the Crown Agents, the Vatican and the United States Senior Executive Service. I wonder why it cost Canada $1.2B to provide security for a G8/G20 event and it only cost the US $9M.

Perhaps the $1.2B was some form of payment to big players in 9/11 and the later suppression of the investigation triggered by Project Hatfield.

It is my belief Russell Williams planned a 5th victim whereupon he would have gone to supervise the Winter Olympics and committed suicide to provide closure for his (unconsumated?) wife Mary Elizabeth Harriman. Russell, the expert lockpicker, was aware that Police Officer Jane Pellerin had found his DNA about the time of the Marie France Comeau caper and so Russell picked the lock of an outbuilding on neighbor Larry Jones' property, removed 3 items rich with Jones DNA and dumped Jessica Lloyd and the three items on a FIELDon Larry Jones property hoping that the police would transfer their suspicion to this 'patsy' Larry Jones. If Russell could have gotten to Whistler with Jones so implicated after a 5th attack ( MEH or Pellerin?) the investigation would have condemned a framed innocent man, Russell Williams would have died of a suicide presented as something else, and he would have had his 5th victim ( an Ace in pilot terms ) and taken the spotlight off of Mary Elizabeth Harriman. Because Abel Danger tipped Stephen Harper, Russell was arrested to block the suicide and ensure any DNA linking Russell to crimes other than 1,2,3,4 could be 'contained'. Unfortunately, when the Purple Pillow Case was picked up by four military members from Trenton, they may have had a breech of continuity and the removal of one IOC. It is my belief there is only one Tim Horton's between Cozy Cove and Trenton.

While Canada has great interest in suppressing revelation of the Truth, that is not possible when one is knowledgeable of Daniel 2:22 and Matthew 10:27:

22 He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.

27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

All of this information has been previously shared with 5 FBI offices and PM Stephen Harper as well as numerous Murdoch stream media outlets. The Truth is nigh.

Field McConnell
Abel Danger Global www.abeldanger.net
+001 715 307 8222

Crown Agents - Pedophile Chain of Command - Canada's Susan Beharriel's Wag The Dog Story - Camouflaged Destruction - United 93 - Russell Williams

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 27, 2012

Canada’s pedophile chain of command in United 93 Wag the Dog

We believe Crown Agents used a pedophile chain of command in Canada to authorize Sister Susan Beharriell to launch a Wag the Dog story and camouflage the destruction of United Flight 93 by Russell Williams in a continuity of government exercise on 9/11.

“Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville”


Harriman's pedophile chain of command in United 93 Wag the Dog

From: Field McConnell
To: PM Stephen Harper

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:28 AM
Subject: Harriman's pedophile chain of command in United 93 Wag the Dog

David Orchard is probably glad he is not named [ Pellerin-Reeves-Crowley-Foulkes-Beatty ] or
[ Johns-Fantino ] as something is about to hit the fan.

Doublecrossed is a story about Adler Barriman Seal and the US government. I am writing a sequel regarding Russell Williams and Peter MacKay. Of course, for security purposes I may refer to them as "Cramer and Stryker" in keeping with the Airplane/Kangaroo Court style of police work at OPP.

The Star calls Peter MacKay a “soldiers soldier” – Tim Harper needs to be sober when writing.

Nov 25, 2011—Defence Minister Peter MacKay — although he has remained silent on…infamous David Orchard affair, in which Mr. MacKay double-crossed…

Agent Chips
Abel Danger

Russell Williams’ DNA - C4I* Assets - Entrapped Top Officials - NORAD Santa Program - Online Witnesses To Rape - JonBenét Ramsey

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 26, 2012

Was Russell Williams DNA on NORAD Santa or JonBenét?
We believe that Russell Williams’ DNA will be found on C4I* assets allegedly used to entrap the top officials in the NORAD Santa program who became involuntary online witnesses to the rape, torture and murder of JonBenét Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.

“Q-and-A: Jon Benet Ramsey DNA Test”

“Canadian Cross-Dressing Colonel, Killer, Caught, Pleads Guilty To Murder!”

Pedophile Associates - Erstwhile Bombardier Pilot Russell Williams - ConAir* PKI Hacked - NORAD Santa - Snuff-Film Recorded - JonBenét Ramsey

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 26, 2012

Why Bombardier pilot’s pedophiles hacked Con Air JonBenét

We believe that pedophile associates of erstwhile Bombardier pilot Russell Williams hacked ConAir* public key infrastructure to hide the deployment of the NORAD Santa snuff-film production team which allegedly recorded the rape, torture and murder of JonBenét Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Alfonso Gagliano's Revenge - Mayor Rudi Giuliani - New York Crime Bosses - Russell Williams - PKI Locks Picked - Phony 9/11 COG Exercise

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 25, 2012

Lock picker Russell Williams key to Gagliano's Public Works 9/11

We believe Alfonso Gagliano revenged Mayor Rudi Giuliani’s attack on New York crime bosses by authorizing Russell Williams to pick the public key infrastructure locks of the Ministry of Public Works and Government Services and sabotage a phony 9/11 continuity of government exercise (Global Guardian).

Alfonso Gagliano denies links to New York mafia
Alfonso Gagliano denies links to mafia

Homicidal lock picker Russell Williams describes murders in taped confession
Williams describes murders in taped confession

Williams and Gagliano Public Works’ key to Interpol back door and crimes of 9/11.

Electronic warfare pilot Russell Williams hacked Public Works PKI on 9/11. Fox News runs ‘Wag the Dog’ story from Ottawa war game script: “New Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens”

Field McConnell & David Hawkins: January 2012

Source: rumormillnewsradio.com, hawkscafe, captainsherlock.com

25 January 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

18 January 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2 [This is the only audio available due to weather related technical issues at Radio RMN]

11 January 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

4 January 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Canadian Commercial Corporation - Nortel Public Key Infrastructure (Entrust) - Homicidal Lock-Picker Pilot Russell Williams - NORAD Santa Event

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 25, 2012

Andrew Saxton’s Nortel key to Russell Williams JonBenét

We believe that Andrew Saxton Sr. and erstwhile colleagues at the Canadian Commercial Corporation used Nortel public key infrastructure (Entrust) to authorize their homicidal lock-picker pilot Russell Williams to stage a NORAD Santa event on Christmas Day 1996 and generate a snuff film of the torture murder of JonBenét Ramsey.

Prequel 1:
Her Majesty’s Crown Agents - 3rd Sex Uranian Infiltration - NORAD Santa Program - Snuff-Film Production Team - Uranian Murder of JonBenét Ramsey

Prequel 2:
House Speaker Dennis Hastert - Racketeering: Secretary of State for Illinois, George Ryan - Ottawa’s Entrust PKI - Overthrow of the US Government

Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“CCC is governed by a Board of Directors responsible for the affairs of the Corporation and ensuring the proper delivery of public policy on behalf of the Government of Canada. The Board provides leadership and guidance to the Corporation's management team, and sets the Corporation's strategic direction. It is composed of a Chairman, the President, and nine directors appointed by the Minister of International Trade and approved by the Governor-in-Council. .. Mr. Andrew Saxton has served as Executive Vice-President and Director of Laurentide Financial Corporation Ltd., President of Elite Insurance Company, Chairman of Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd., Director of BC Television Broadcasting System Ltd., President of the Granville Island Hotel and Marina Ltd. and Chairman of King George Development Corporation. It is notable that he was a founding member of all these companies. His extensive private sector experience and business accomplishments have led to several appointments to the boards of federal and provincial Crown corporations and agencies including the Canadian Forces Liaison Council and the Insurance Corporation of BC, where he was a Director and Chairman of the Investment Committee. His current corporate appointments include chairmanship of King George Financial Corporation and membership of the Canadian Advisory Board Impark. Mr. Saxton was most recently appointed to CCC’s Board of Directors on December 14, 2007.”

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

House Speaker Dennis Hastert - Racketeering: Secretary of State for Illinois, George Ryan - Ottawa’s Entrust PKI - Overthrow of the US Government

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 24, 2012

Speaker Hastert Entrust key to Racketeer Ryan's Illinois 9/11

We believe former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and the racketeering former Secretary of State for Illinois, George Ryan, used Ottawa’s Entrust public key infrastructure to conceal a conspiracy to overthrow the United States government by force on 9/11.

“Hastert screws up Star Spangled Banner on 9/11”

“Ex-Illinois Governor Convicted April 17, 2006 9:54 AM CBS News RAW: Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan was convicted of racketeering and fraud in a corruption scandal”
Ex-Illinois Governor Convicted

“2003: Nobody in Illinois”
2003: Nobody in Illinois

“9 11 Prior Knowledge Able Danger Hearing for Lt Col Anthony Shaffer in Congress C SPAN”


“The Secretary of State before White was George H. Ryan, a Republican from Kankakee, Illinois. He held the office from 1991 to 1999, when he became Governor of Illinois. Ryan's tenure as Secretary of State lead to his downfall in the "licenses for bribes" scandal: after a major automobile accident in Wisconsin that killed six children, investigators discovered that unqualified truck drivers were receiving drivers licenses in exchange for bribes. Ryan chose not to run for re-election in 2002, and in 2006, he was convicted of fraud, including using his authority as Secretary of State to end his office's internal investigation after it discovered the scheme.”

Her Majesty’s Crown Agents - 3rd Sex Uranian Infiltration - NORAD Santa Program - Snuff-Film Production Team - Uranian Murder of JonBenét Ramsey

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 24, 2012

Her Majesty’s Crown Uranians and Santa Williams's JonBenét

We believe that Her Majesty’s Crown Agents infiltrated 3rd Sex Uranians into the NORAD Santa program for 1996 and authorized Russell Williams to fly a snuff-film production team to Boulder, Colorado, to stage a Uranian murder of JonBenét Ramsey on Christmas Day.

Draft Ultimatum - VideoGuard Decoys - Matrix 5 Propaganda - Concealing Evidence - JonBenét Ramsey - 1996 NORAD Santa Exercise - The 9/11 Snuff Film

Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Canadian Governor General Le Governor General Roméo LeBlanc with wife, Diana Fowler LeBlanc, during Installation ceremony in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, February 8, 1995

Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Zeitgeist Movement Exposed - Glenn Beck On the The Fabian Society

Source: zeitgeistmovement.com

Attention Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

Please watch this – "Glenn Beck on Fabian Society"

Zeitgeist Movement Exposed - This cult is in for some serious bashing in the public arena, and this is just the start of it.

Compliments of the Abel Danger White House Group

Documentary: They Killed Him - Senator Paul Wellstone - Opposition To War On Iraq - The NTSB Failed Wellstone

Source: Wellstone: They Killed Him

They Killed Him at 10:18, the plane is disabled, seven miles from the airport. The King Air A-100 turbo prop flies treetop level over shocked witnesses, five miles out: no lights, crabbed cockeyed, engines spooling down, so low witnesses are amazed it stays airborn. Three more miles and the plane stalls, dropping into the woods, killing all eight on board: Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Mn), his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, aides Mary McEvoy, Tom Lapic, Will McLaughlin, pilot Richard Conry and co-pilot Michael Guess. How to account for the experienced pilots behavior, unless they had been disabled? But why would anyone go to such trouble to so publicly kill the senior senator from Minnesota? Cui bono? Who benefits? That’s the question VFW veterans in Willmar, Minnesota have. They heard the senator tell of the threat Vice President Cheney made to Wellstone shortly after the senator's no vote on the Iraq War. ‘Go along with the program, if you know what’s good for you and Minnesota. Stop sticking your nose into 9/11.’

Monday, January 23, 2012

Procured PKI - Matrix of Uranian Cells Inside DOJ Pride - Concealed Passport Fraud - Citizen of The UK and Colonies

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 23, 2012

Kristine Marcy’s Uranian Justice key to an Obama passport fraud

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy procured the public key infrastructure used by a matrix of Uranian cells inside DOJ Pride to conceal a passport fraud which would otherwise expose Barack Hussein Obama as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.

Crown Sister's Work: Obama Passport Frauds - Serial Identity Thefts - Trail of Fake Documents: Spoliation of Evidence - Extortion of Senior Executives

See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Sunday, January 22, 2012

VideoGuard Pay-Per-View Encryption Devices - Concealed Images of Pedophile Entrapment - House of Congress - Extortion of Actors - Wag The Dog

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 22, 2012

How Callista's pay-per-view entrapped Speaker of a Pedophile House

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Callista Gingrich procured VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices to conceal images of pedophile entrapment of the House of Congress associates of former Speaker Newt Gingrich and the extortion of actors who were forced to participate in Wag the Dog propaganda broadcasts during a phony continuity of government exercise on 9/11.

Extortion - Officials In the Council of Foundations - Develpment of DOJ Pride PKI Concealed Sale of Fast and Furious Weapons - DEA Agent Brian Terry

See #82
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

[Man-in-the-Middle] Newt and Callista Gingrich in anti-Islam propaganda clip: "The war on terror has only just begun"

Elisabeth Murdoch’s pay-per-view

Extortion of a Pedophile House

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Extortion - Officials In the Council of Foundations - Develpment of DOJ Pride PKI Concealed Sale of Fast and Furious Weapons - DEA Agent Brian Terry

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 21, 2012

Gingrich’s Council of Foundations key to DOJ Pride Fast and Furious

We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Callista Gingrich extorted officials in the Council of Foundations into funding the development of DOJ Pride public key infrastructure and thereby helped to conceal the sale of the Fast and Furious weapons used to kill DEA agent Brian Terry.

Procured Private Key For Operation Fast and Furious - Concealed Weapons Trafficking - Department of Justice's 'Pride Of Dykes'

Newt Gingrich's thoughts on "Fast and Furious" scandal

Fox News on Fast & Furious: DOJ Knew About U.S. To Mexico "Gun Walking" Back In 2010

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Federal Bridges - Moving Pedophiles Through B.C.'s Bountiful Community - Extorted Silence - Utah Retirement System - Naked Shorting

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 19, 2012

Romney’s pedophile bridges to Bountiful sex in Utah naked shorts

We believe Crown Agents’ Sister Anne Romney used federal bridges to move pedophiles through B.C.’s Bountiful community and extort silence from terrified trustees of the Utah Retirement System re the naked short positions which they took prior to 9/11 and the subprime panic of 2007.

Thom Hartmann: Mormons, Polygamy, Sex Tapes & Pedophiles


Judge rules law against polygamy should stand
Judge rules law against polygamy should stand

Texas jury hears tape of Warren Jeffs discussing sex

Dammed to Heaven

Warfare and Intelligence Officers Changed Public Key - NATO Root Authority - 9/11 COG Exercise - Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center - Holy of Holies

See #80
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Public Key - Canadian Navy Spies - Executed Domain Hack - .TV Antenna - MS Costa Concordia - Woman On the Bridge - Insurance Fraud On Lloyd's

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 19, 2012

Did Murdoch sex and Navy spies use key to ground Costa Concordia on .tv?

We believe Crown Agents’ Sister Elisabeth Murdoch procured the public key used by Canadian Navy spies to execute a domain hack through a .tv antenna on the MS Costa Concordia – while a woman on the bridge diverted the attention of the captain – and ground the vessel in an attempted insurance fraud on Lloyd’s of London.

We allege that Murdoch and Canadian Navy spies used the same modus operandi – a .tv domain hack combined with a sexual diversion on the bridge – to camouflage the sinking of the B.C. Ferries’ M/V Queen of the North on March 22, 2006.

Warfare and Intelligence Officers Changed Public Key - NATO Root Authority - 9/11 COG Exercise - Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center - Holy of Holies

See #64
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Warfare and Intelligence Officers Changed Public Key - NATO Root Authority - 9/11 COG Exercise - Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center - Holy of Holies

From the Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern

January 18, 2012

Canadian Navy’s Holy of Holies – NATO Root Authority 9/11

We believe that Canadian Navy and Air Force electronic warfare and intelligence officers changed the public key used by a NATO Root Authority during a continuity of government exercise on 9/11 and thereby allowed ‘al-Qaeda' agents to destroy the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center which had just been upgraded by Amec (U.K.) to serve as America’s ‘Holy of Holies’ in the event of a nuclear war.

Public Key Infrastructure - News of the World Cutouts - Hidden Murder-For-Hire Services - Canary Wharf’s PKI - Matrix 5 Clients - Rebekah Brooks

Pattern of the Times:

CSIS missed Colonel Russell Williams and now Sub-Lieutenant Jeffrey Paul Delisle!!

Canadian Defence Minister Mackay’s Holy of Holies and the Honey Pot Wife

Canada changed NATO Root Authority on 9/11 and revoked the certificate needed by Captain Gerald Deconto, duty officer of the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center

Canadian Navy’s Holy of Holies in the Pentagon’s inner wall

Looking into our circumstances...