To those awake whom it may concern
February 8, 2011
We believe that Crown Agents Sisters are using 8(a) 911 encryption codes to hide the procurement of victims through Conair* and SOS Children's Villages (cf. Maurice Strong 1950) networks for the use of Clinton Rubin LLC associates to entrap top officials as witnesses or actors in pedophile snuff films and oath taking ceremonies.
Conair = United States Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (cf. Marcy 1996)
Abel Danger now has evidence that Kristine Marcy, a Crown Agents' Sister and Clinton Rubin associate, conspired with Bruce McConnell, Robert Hanssen and Julian Assange to build an Onion Router backdoor into the 8(a) and 911 first-responder encryption codes ; the said backdoor appears to have given Clinton Rubin associates the ability to stand down the US Air Force on 9/11 and launch pedophile man-in-the-middle attacks on top officials in the United States government and sovereign allies around the world.
We allege that Kristine Marcy promoted Robert Hanssen as an extorted or extorting pedophile, to Senior Executive Service status in 2000 and him through the Conair network into the Supermax C4 prison complex to assist in a bogus continuity of government exercise on 9/11 intended to bypass POTUS 43 and hide an attempted pedophile coup d'etat.
We note that Gareth Williams, seconded to MI6 from GCHQ, the root authority for Crown Agents' PKI/Onion Router, had hacked the 8(a)/9/11 backdoor and we allege that he was a victim of a contract hit by Clinton Rubin pedophiles.
In the excerpted notes, we remind our readers of the concepts of 'spoliation of evidence' and `misprision of treason' as they apply to many common law jurisdictions in the English-speaking world and also the offence and penalties related to `murder-for-hire' (contract killing) as recognized in the U.S. Criminal Code.
"In law, spoliation of evidence is the intentional or negligent withholding, hiding [e.g. hiding source of commands to alleged pedophile SOS agents provocateurs in Egypt with ASSANGISTA ONION ROUTER encryption], altering, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding. Spoliation has two consequences: the act is criminal by statute and may result in fines and incarceration for the parties who engaged in the spoliation; also, case law has established that proceedings that might have been altered by the spoliation may be interpreted under a spoliation inference. The spoliation inference is a negative evidentiary inference that a finder of fact can draw from a party's destruction of a document or thing that is relevant to an ongoing or reasonably foreseeable civil or criminal proceeding: the finder of fact can review all evidence uncovered in as strong a light as possible against the spoliator and in favor of the opposing party. The theory of the spoliation inference is that when a party destroys evidence, it may be reasonable to infer that the party had "consciousness of guilt" or other motivation to avoid the evidence. Therefore, the factfinder may conclude that the evidence would have been unfavorable to the spoliator. Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a spoliator" ... "Misprision of treason is an offence found in many common law jurisdictions around the world, having been inherited from English law. It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority. It is therefore unusual in that it is a criminal offence which may be committed through inaction .. Procedure The procedure on trials for misprision of treason is the same as that on trials for murder. It is classified as an indictable-only offence. Limitation A person may not be indicted for misprision of treason committed within the United Kingdom unless the indictment is signed within three years of the commission of that offence. Scottish Parliament Misprision of treason is a reserved matter on which the Scottish Parliament cannot legislate .. United States In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform the President, a federal judge or State Governor or State judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to 7 years in federal prison. It is also a crime punishable under the criminal laws of many states." .. "The "murder-for-hire" statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1958, was enacted as part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, Pub.L. 98-473, Ch. X, Part A (Oct. 12, 1984). Section 1958(a) provides: Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including the intended victim) to use the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of any State or the United States as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay anything of pecuniary value, or who conspires to do so [violates this statute] .. According to the legislative history, § 1958 covers both the "hit man" and the contractor under the theory that the contractor causes the hit man to travel or use facilities in interstate commerce. S. Rep. 225 at 306. The maximum penalty for violating § 1958 varies with the severity of the conduct: a fine and/or ten years for any violation; a fine and/or twenty years if personal injury results; and a fine of not more than $250,000 and/or death or life imprisonment if death results. If the death penalty might be applicable, the United States Attorney's Office must comply with the guidelines at USAM 9-10.000".
"CENDI PRINCIPALS AND ALTERNATES MEETING Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. December 12, 1996 MINUTES WELCOME Ms. Buffum opened the meeting at 9:15 am. OIRA Update on Issues and Activities Bruce McConnell, Director, OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Mr. McConnell opened his remarks indicating that OIRA and CENDI share many of the same interests. He said that it has been a pleasure working with CENDI in the past, and he considers CENDI to be one of the best models for interagency collaboration. Mr. McConnell's "white" board has three categories of issues that require OIRA attention,"out of control," "not quite under control" and "under control". He selected those items to discuss that might be of interest to CENDI. Mr. McConnell grouped these issues into legislative priorities, policy-related, and technology. ... Technology Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA). This act, sponsored by Klinger and Cohen, created the CIO Council and repealed the Brooke's Act. OMB now oversees the technology procurements through the budget process, treating technology like any other capital investment procurement. OMB won't provide detailed oversight; instead, the decisions are put in the hands of the agencies. This whole process is effective for the FY98 budget that is now in the appeals process. The details are being worked through this process. Raines Rules [to trigger collapse of U.S. mortgage industry]. Raines was previously the Fannie Mae director and knows computing infrastructures. Raines Rules 97-02 provide eight criteria that should be met by any information systems investment. There is increased emphasis on determining the system architecture in advance of the purchase of individual hardware/software components. They found that agencies have limited experience in doing this kind of planning. Even the theoretical work in this field is not widely understood. However, the use of architectural models is becoming more prevalent within the private sector. DoD has some good architectures and models from which other agencies could learn. An architecture group will be formed under the CIO Council. Year 2000. Mr. McConnell stated that he believes the risks and problems resulting from the date change are being underestimated [used to set up a bogus continuity of government exercise with pedophile top officials on Y2K and again on 9/11]]. OIRA has declared this a high risk area, especially where data is exchanged between organizations. This is an issue that cannot be delayed. System changes should be in place by the end of 1998 so that testing can occur during 1999. A group, chaired by Kathleen Adams of the Social Security Administration, has already been established under the CIO Council. Government Wide Agency Contracts (GWAC). Since the NIH GWAC was reported in federal computer magazines, NIH has been swamped with orders, but it doesn't have the infrastructure to do the contract administration. Policies will be needed with respect to when agencies enter into these agreements. In the Spring, guidance will be issued that identifies the CIO as the official agency with reform oversight responsibility, including management ability to limit outside orders based on the agency's ability to handle them. In general, the increased flexibility given agencies in procurement over the last two to three years has been good. CIO Council. The ITMRA set up the CIO Council, establishing additional duties and elevating the position of the CIO. The actual outcome within the agencies needs to be reviewed to determine if the CIO is functioning in line with the Paperwork Reduction Act and other requirements, and if they report directly to the agency head. Some agencies have changed and others have not. Some CIOs are active and others are still being recruited. The CIO Council meets monthly. It is still in the self-organizing phase. They are hoping for leadership roles for collaboration and cooperation. The affinity groups under the Council already include the Year 2000 Group mentioned above. Information technology (IT) has been the focus of the group, but OIRA is trying to remind the Council of its information management (IM) duties as well. The Information Call for how much each agency will reduce paperwork next year will be handled through the CIO offices; OIRA is hoping that this IM-related task will lead to more emphasis on IM issues. NTIS Developments in Electronic Commerce ... NTIS is building on its core competencies to respond to its customers need for electronic commerce. NTIS customers, including other government agencies and commercial firms that do business with the government, are driving NTIS toward electronic commerce (EC). The customers are looking to NTIS to provide electronic commerce so they can comply with regulations, downsize their organizations, and otherwise see the benefits of a non-paper environment. These core competencies include existing products/services, experience and the infrastructure for computer systems and security, telecommunications networks, and electronic financial transactions. Products/Services. Currently, NTIS provides technical data in the NTIS collection and the EC/EDI (electronic data interchange) and CALS Resource Locator through the CALS Information Center on the WWW, that provides access to over 150 different resources on electronic commerce. The market is now moving NTIS toward supplying DoD/DLA technical data packages via the WWW in support of electronic commerce. Technical data packages include military specifications, standards and drawings, industry standards, and commercial logistics data products and services and software. Computer Systems and Security. NTIS currently operates the FedWorld Information Network for public access to a wide range of government databases. In addition, the ADSTAR Document Processing System provides electronic ordering of documents. The market is moving NTIS toward secure networks and systems. As part of this effort, NTIS is working on proactive protection against hacking and acting as a physical firewall for other organizations. NTIS will also serve as a site for Federal Certification of Digital IDs which are used to authenticate transactions. By serving as a certification site, NTIS will ensure that its customers continue to get access to encrypted e-mail. They are working with the GITS group on Federal Key Recovery Management that allows recovery of public-private key pairs for encrypted data. NTIS is also working in the areas of digital cash, PC cards for purchases, and interagency electronic funds transfers. Telecommunications. NTIS currently runs a BBS and an Internet node with ftp and WWW sites. The current bandwidth is 22MB. Gateways are also provided to networked information located outside NTIS. The market is moving toward increased gateway capabilities to value-added networks, Intranets, and virtual data repositories. Higher bandwidth via fiber optic cable networks will be needed to support a wider range of services, including interactive customer service using products such as VoiceView and Net Meeting, an electronic white board. Real-time updating and notification of transactions and relevant information via e-mail or pager are also in the future. Financial Transactions. Financial transactions will also become more electronic. NTIS's Order Now system allows users to place orders online for the most recent 30-60 days' worth of new publications. Payment can be made through a variety of payment mechanisms, including credit cards. This service can be hooked into any NTIS product or service, or connected to any linked system to provide subscription management. While people are still concerned about the security of credit card transactions via the Internet, NTIS is experimenting with the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) standard which should alleviate many of the current problems. Electronic commerce at NTIS is bringing together all these core competencies. The aim is to provide integrated solutions for the customers by investing in new technology, forming partnerships with government and industry, and developing new products and services which will be marketed through NTIS and FedWorld. A pilot EC project is now underway. The Tech Data Package Material Information System (TDPMIS) provides access to DoD Technical Data Packages (TDPs) related to supply item procurements or bid sets. Military, federal, industrial, and international specifications and standards; military and commercial vendor drawings of the item required; along with other procurement information such as contract history, are provided via TDPMIS. This project could reach an estimated 300,000 organizations that do business with the federal government. The TDPMIS aims to reduce the burden of FOIA and TDP requests to speed up and reduce the cost of the federal procurement cycle. An estimated $35-70 million per year is spent fulfilling procurement requests. The agency can save money and redeploy resources if the information is retrieved and downloaded or printed locally by the requester. TDPMIS is based on expressed user needs. The vendor requires speedy access and delivery of the technical data. Given the logistics and current infrastructures of many of the potential TDPMIS customers, the access must be via commercially available hardware and software, using existing open telecommunications channels. The TDPMIS system utilizes the previous agreement forged between Kinkos and NTIS for the remote use of Kinkos printing technologies to supply hard copies to requesters. In this case, the equipment may include color printers and plotters for the delivery of CAD/CAM drawings and graphics. As part of the TDPMIS pilot project, the Naval Supply Depot in Philadelphia is providing access to its TDPs via the TDPMIS. Potential suppliers can locate the technical information they require, including graphics and drawings, and the Navy does not have the cost of responding to the requests. This saves several hundred thousand dollars per year at this single installation. NTIS's approach to a project such as TDPMIS is to collaborate with private industry and DoD/DLA. They also look for the "best of breed" in COTS products for the infrastructure. NTIS is also working with commercial value-added networks and agents such as the ECRCs to support small business and the state-run PTACs. In this way, the technical research and development is performed by organizations other than NTIS. Some aspects of the TDPMIS will actually be developed in parallel. Western Telecommun-ication, Inc. (WTCI) was selected to provide access to fiber optic cables. In addition, Scangraphics, Inc. and SRC, Inc. have been funded to provide a competitive product to that provided by WTCI. NTIS acknowledges the customers' problems with legacy systems and, therefore, has built the front-end of the system into the client. The user simply installs a free plug-in for his machine when he first accesses the system. NTIS has approximately 350,000 visits to its WWW sites per day. This increases during tax season when customers are accessing the tax forms online. They are working with a group that will bring together the technologies under Voice View where both voice and data can be communicated over the same line."
"Glimpsed in the half-light of a London evening, the figure may just have passed for female. She emerged cautiously from a doorway and folded herself into a battered red car. There were a few companions – among them a grim-visaged man with Nordic features and a couple of nerdy youngsters. One seemed to have given the old woman her coat ... Julian was born on 3 July 1971 in Townsville, in the state of Queensland, in Australia's sub-tropical north. His mother, Christine, was the daughter of Warren Hawkins, described by colleagues as a rigid and traditionalist academic who became a college principal; the family settled in Australia from 19th-century Scotland. Julian's biological father John Shipton is absent from much of the record: at 17, Christine abruptly left home, selling her paintings to buy a motorcycle, a tent and a map. Some 1,500 miles later she arrived in Sydney and joined its counter-culture scene. She fell in love with Shipton, a rebellious young man she met at an anti-Vietnam war demonstration in 1970. The relationship ended and he would play no further role in Assange's life for many years. They had no contact until after Assange turned 25. Later they met, with Julian discovering he had inherited his architect father's highly logical and dispassionate intellect. One friend said Shipton was "like a mirror shining back at Julian". Assange believed he had inherited his "rebel gene" from his unconventional father. In 2006, at the start of Julian's remarkable mission to uncover secrets, he registered the domain name under Shipton's name. After the birth of her child, Christine moved as a single mother to Magnetic Island, a short ferry ride across the bay from Townsville. She married Brett Assange, an actor and theatre director. Their touring lifestyle was the backdrop to Assange's early years. His stepfather staged and directed plays and his mother did the make-up, costumes and set design. During his childhood Assange attended 37 different schools, emerging with no qualifications whatsoever. "Some people are really horrified and say: 'You poor thing, you went to all these schools.' But actually during this period I really liked it," he later said. After her relationship with Brett Assange broke down, Christine became tempestuously involved with a third, much younger man, Keith Hamilton, an amateur musician and a member of a New Age group, the Santiniketan Park Association. He was also, according to Assange, a manipulative psychopath. "My mother became involved with a person who seems to be the son of Anne Hamilton-Byrne, of the Anne Hamilton-Byrne [SOS-sponsored pedophile] cult in Australia," said Assange, "and we kept getting tracked down, possibly because of leaks in the social security system, and having to leave very quickly to a new city, and lived under assumed names." For the next five or six years, the three lived as fugitives. When Assange was 13 or 14, his mother had rented a house across the street from an electronics shop. Assange began going there and working on a Commodore 64. His mother saved to buy the computer for her older son as a present. Assange began teaching himself code. At 16 he got his first modem. He attended a programme for gifted children in Melbourne, where he acquired "an introverted and emotionally disturbed" girlfriend, as he put it. Assange grew interested in science and roamed around libraries. Soon he discovered hacking. Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness & Obsession on the Electronic Frontier appeared in 1997. Published under the byline of Suelette Dreyfus, a Melbourne academic, Assange is credited as researcher, but his imprint his palpable – in parts it reads like an Assange biography. The book depicts the international computer underground of the 90s: "A veiled world populated by characters slipping in and out of the half-darkness. It is not a place where people use their real names." Assange chose an epigraph from Oscar Wilde: "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask [to spoliate evidence], and he will tell you the truth." "[He] went to school," runs the story in Underground. "Often he didn't. The school system didn't hold much interest for him. It didn't feed his mind … The Sydney computer system was a far more interesting place to muck around in than the rural high school."
High-level hacking By 1991 Assange was probably Australia's [Crown Agents Sisters'] most accomplished hacker. He and two others founded International Subversives magazine, offering tips on "phreaking" – how to break into telephone systems illegally and make free calls. The magazine had an exclusive readership: its circulation was just three, the [allegedly-pedophile] hackers themselves. In the spring of 1991, the three hackers found an exciting new target: MILNET, the US military's secret defence data network. Quickly, Assange discovered a back door [opened by Crown Agents Sisters Hillary Clinton and Kristine Marcy to support pedophile-in-the-middle attacks concealed with Entrust PKI revokable authorities and soon to be patented U.S. Navy's Onion Router encryption]. He got inside. "We had total control over it for two years," he later claimed. The hackers also routinely broke into the computer systems at Australia's National University."
"As a corporate partner of SOS-USA, organizations are making a public statement that they are Socially Responsible. We are grateful for their support and encourage you to utilize their products and services. Businesses participate in our program by making financial donations and in-kind product donations of which SOS-USA facilitates to Children’s Villages around the world, by providing advocacy and community awareness, by initiating cause marketing of their products and by offering SOS-USA opportunities in their corporate grant programs.
SOS Children's Villages - USA donors and partners include:
7 for All Mankind
ABB Inc.
Abcam, Inc.
Academy of Country Music
ACCO Brands Corporation
The Active Network, Inc.
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation
Alliance for Telecom. Ind. Solutions
Alticor, Inc.
Altria Group, Inc.
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc. [Spoliation of evidence of 8(a) incendiary bombs in WTC 1, 2, 6 and 7 and Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center on 911]
American Express Company
American Fidelity Corporation
Aon Foundation [WTC#2]
Applied Biosystems
The Applied Materials Foundation
Arrow Fabricated Tubing
Austria Club of Washington
Avon Foundation
Ayuda Latina, Inc.
Bank of America
BCD Travel
Bertelsmann [Desmarais]
Beverly Hills Farmer's Market Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minn.
Blue Mountain Quality Resources, Inc
Booz Allen Hamilton [Topoff]
Bridgeway Capital Management
Bristol-Myers Squibb Comp.
British Airways
Business Traveler
Capital City Chapter of The Links, Inc.
Capital One
Cavorti Plumbing & Heating
CB Richard Ellis
Cha Investments
Council of Asian Pacific Americans
Country Music Television
Daimler AG
David S. Taylor Interests, Inc.
Dawn Training Centre, Inc.
Dongan Transformers
The Eberstadt Kuffner Fund, Inc.
Edward J. Deseta Company, Inc.
Enigma Variations Inc
Epocrates, Inc.
EOS International
Esprit US Retail Limited
Evolution Business Technologies LLC
Fairfield RSL Club
Fandom Rocks
FedEx Corporation
First Data Foundation
Firstgiving, Inc.
First State Women's Care
Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation, Inc
Gate Gourmet
General Motors
Genworth Foundation
Georgia Pacific Corporation
Gibson Foundation, Inc.
Global Impact
GNLD International, LLC
Goldman Sachs
Golfernoggins, LLC
Gruner+Jahr USA
Hambleton House, LLC/Bartlett Pear Inn
The Harkins Group LLC
Harrison & Associates
Hasbro Children's Fund, Inc.
Herbalife Family Foundation
HIDEF Web Solutions, LLC
HSBC - North America
Ibiza Restaurant & Lounge Inc.
Ichiman-Ya Corporation
Image Conscious
Inland Northwest AGC
International Foreign Exchange Concepts, Inc. []
International Monetary Fund
Independent Order of Odd Fellows [Oath taking ceremonies for traitors]
Institutional Investor, Inc.
Intrepid Capital Management, Inc.
Jennings Heywood Oil Syndicate
Johnson & Johnson Corporation
Kane & Finkel, LLC
Kentuckiana Wood Products Inc.
Koch Skanska, Inc.
KPMG [Pattern of the Times]
Kraft Foods International, Inc.
Kranz & Co.
Liberation Entertainment Inc.
Loop Installation & Repair (LIR)
Madison Performance Group
Marketing Partners, Inc.
MathWorks, Inc.
Medassist, Inc.
Medical Billing Management, Inc.
Melitta USA, Inc.
Metasparc Software Corporation
Miami Valley Hospital
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Monterey Fund, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
MSI International East
MTV Networks
Murray Hill Studios, Inc.
Nalco Company
Nantahala Outdoor Center
National Funeral Directors [!!!]
NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
Network For Good
Neuberger Berman
The Neustadt Museum of Tiffany Art
New York Life Foundation
Newsweek Magazine
Noodles & Company
Nortel [VoIP Pentagon 9/11]
North Parish of North Andover
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist
Nutricia North America, Inc.
The Oakleight L. Thorne Fund
Online Resources
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Palmer Team
The Palms South Beach
PeaceArt International, Inc.
PepsiCo Foundation
Pincover Industrial Supply Co.
Precise Air Systems, Inc.
Prime Wines Corporation
Procter & Gamble Company
Quickie Manufacturing Corporation
Random House / Bertelsmann
Recon Sportswear, LLC
Red Rider Informatics
Rjeco, Inc.
Joseph Rosen Foundation
Rotary Club International
RZB Finance, LLC
S. Schneider Home Improvement
Simtec Silicone Parts, LLC
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Solid Ground Washington
SM International Finance, Inc.
Stargate Atlantis Pegasus Productions, Inc.
Strategy Networks
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Swarovski North America, LTD.
Swiss International Air Lines
Swissotel Chicago
Swissport North America Incorporated
Symantec Corporation
Taiheyo 3 Corporation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
Tavistock Tournament Corporation
TGW Limited Partnership
Thomas J. Rusk Heights Lodge
Ticino Music
Tommy Hilfiger Corporate Foundation
Touch Enterprises
Transat Tours Canada
Travelers Foundation [Rubin]
Trumbull Pediatrics
Universal Music Group, Inc.
University Orthopedics of New York, PLLC
UVA Darden School of Business
Viennese Opera Ball
Volmar Construction Inc.
VRB Photography
Verizon Communications
The Washington Times
WDFA Marketing
World Lebanese Cultural Union
Zais Group, LLC
Zestron Corporation
For more information about our corporate partnerships and how your organization can help children in need, please contact us at 888.SOS-4KIDS or email at
Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a document standard which when implemented acts as common interface between two or more computer applications in terms of understanding the document transmitted. It is commonly used by big companies for e-commerce purposes, such as sending orders to warehouses or tracking their order. It is more than mere e-mail; for instance, organizations might replace bills of lading and even cheques with appropriate EDI messages. It also refers specifically to a family of standards.
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