To those awake whom it may concern
January 31, 2011
Abel Danger is researching Maurice Strong and co-founders and partners in the pedophile matrix allegedly launched from an SOS Children's Villages base New York in 1950 (see notes); they appear to have joint ventured with Crown Agents Sisters' (see link) Hillary 'It takes a village to raise a child' Clinton, to illegally procure patented Onion Router encryption devices from the U.S. Navy and to hide the betrayal of trust in the sovereign state such as Egypt, with 'supranational government of an intellectual [pedophile] elite and world bankers' [David Rockefeller].
In the excerpted notes, we remind our readers of the concepts of 'spoliation of evidence' and `misprision of treason' as they apply to many common law jurisdictions in the English-speaking world and also the offence and penalties related to `murder-for-hire' (contract killing) as recognized in the U.S. Criminal Code.
Yours sincerely,
"In law, spoliation of evidence is the intentional or negligent withholding, hiding [e.g. hiding source of commands to alleged pedophile SOS agents provocateurs in Egypt with ASSANGISTA ONION ROUTER encryption], altering, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding. Spoliation has two consequences: the act is criminal by statute and may result in fines and incarceration for the parties who engaged in the spoliation; also, case law has established that proceedings that might have been altered by the spoliation may be interpreted under a spoliation inference. The spoliation inference is a negative evidentiary inference that a finder of fact can draw from a party's destruction of a document or thing that is relevant to an ongoing or reasonably foreseeable civil or criminal proceeding: the finder of fact can review all evidence uncovered in as strong a light as possible against the spoliator and in favor of the opposing party. The theory of the spoliation inference is that when a party destroys evidence, it may be reasonable to infer that the party had "consciousness of guilt" or other motivation to avoid the evidence. Therefore, the factfinder may conclude that the evidence would have been unfavorable to the spoliator. Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a spoliator" ... "Misprision of treason is an offence found in many common law jurisdictions around the world, having been inherited from English law. It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority. It is therefore unusual in that it is a criminal offence which may be committed through inaction .. Procedure The procedure on trials for misprision of treason is the same as that on trials for murder. It is classified as an indictable-only offence. Limitation A person may not be indicted for misprision of treason committed within the United Kingdom unless the indictment is signed within three years of the commission of that offence. Scottish Parliament Misprision of treason is a reserved matter on which the Scottish Parliament cannot legislate .. United States In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform the President, a federal judge or State Governor or State judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382). It is punishable by a fine and up to 7 years in federal prison. It is also a crime punishable under the criminal laws of many states." .. "The "murder-for-hire" statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1958, was enacted as part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, Pub.L. 98-473, Ch. X, Part A (Oct. 12, 1984). Section 1958(a) provides: Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including the intended victim) to use the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of any State or the United States as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay anything of pecuniary value, or who conspires to do so [violates this statute] .. According to the legislative history, § 1958 covers both the "hit man" and the contractor under the theory that the contractor causes the hit man to travel or use facilities in interstate commerce. S. Rep. 225 at 306. The maximum penalty for violating § 1958 varies with the severity of the conduct: a fine and/or ten years for any violation; a fine and/or twenty years if personal injury results; and a fine of not more than $250,000 and/or death or life imprisonment if death results. If the death penalty might be applicable, the United States Attorney's Office must comply with the guidelines at USAM 9-10.000".
"Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future! By Henry Lamb January, 1997 Shortly after his selection as U.N. Secretary General, Kofi Annan told the Lehrer News Hour that Ingvar Carlsson and Shirdath Ramphal, co-chairs of the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance, would be among those asked to help him reform the sprawling, world-wide U.N. bureaucracy. His first choice, however, announced in the Washington Post on January 17, 1997, was none other than Maurice Strong, also a member of the Commission on Global Governance. Strong's first exposure to the U.N. came in 1947 when, at 18, he went to New York to take a job as assistant pass officer in the Identification Unit of the Security Section. Helived with Noah Monod, then treasurer of the U.N. Here, he first met David Rockefeller and learned that the U.N.'s funds were handled by Rockefeller's Chase Bank. He also met the other Rockefeller brothers and other influential people as well" .... "Strong, Maurice F., 1929- . Papers, 1948-2000: Guide Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard College Library. Harvard University 30 May 2003 © 2001 The President and Fellows of Harvard College .. Last update on 2009 December 4 .. Series II. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954 History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d.Best places to see game [re: Africa]: ... n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of Mau Mau [allegedly SOS Children's Villages' pedophile] oath ceremonies)" .. "Maurice Strong: Another Hidden Ruler .. man is a super-connected multi-billionaire with global power .. Let’s take a look at the world Maurice Strong is building for us .. “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle-class… involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, ownership of motor vehicles, small electric appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable… A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.” .. Observe the following riff from a 1990 interview with a Canadian magazine: “Each year the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set the economic agendas for the year ahead. What if a small group of these word leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? Will the rich countries agree to reduce their impact on the environment? Will they agree to save the earth? The group’s conclusion is ‘no.’ The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about a world collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists - they’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock exchanges, and computers, and gold supplies, a panic. Then they prevent the markets from closing. They jam the gears. They have mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davros as hostage. The markets can’t close. The rich countries...?” and Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out of the window. .. This the new reality of the century, with profound implications for the shape of our institutions of governance, national and international. By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life.""
"In 1974, Jehan El-Sadat, wife of the Egyptian President at that time, Anwar El-Sadat paid a visit to Austria. It was during this visit that she and Hermann Gmeiner decided that an SOS Children's Village should be built in Egypt. The SOS Children's Village was built together with a kindergarten in Nasr City, a district of Cairo. They were able to go into operation at the end of 1976. The Egyptian Society for SOS Children's Villages was founded a year later as the legal body for the SOS Children's Village work in the country. Because of the many orphaned and abandoned children in Egypt, SOS Children's Villages decided to build more facilities in the country. The results were an SOS Children's Village in Amria, near Alexandria in 1980 and another in Tanta in 1984. Both SOS Children's Village children and children from the neighbourhood visit the attached SOS Kindergartens. In 1987 the SOS Hermann Gmeiner School in Alexandria opened its doors to the public, which is nowadays run externally. An SOS Youth Facility was set up in 1981 for the youths who had outgrown the SOS Children's Village in Cairo [alleged SOS pedophile agents provocateurs in Cairo riots designed by Clinton to overthrow sovereign government of Egypt] . Here they are helped to prepare to live on their own and are assisted in looking for jobs. Asyut, in the south of the country was hit by flooding caused by heavy rain at the end of 1994. This was followed by an explosion at an oil depot. Both these incidents caused massive loss of life and many thousands of people lost their homes. SOS-Kinderdorf International reacted immediately by setting up an SOS Emergency Relief Programme. An emergency village was erected to house 42 families and both a medical centre and social centre were set up to help people affected by the disasters. These were handed over to the Egyptian government later on and are not run by SOS anymore. Egypt's First Lady, Suzanne Mubarak [Crown Agents Sister and Femme Compromise] helped lay the cornerstone for an SOS Hermann Gmeiner School in Cairo in 1995. The school was opened in time for the new school year in 1997 and has the capacity to take in 3,000 pupils.It is run by the "Futures Language School" group. In mid-2003, a joint project with the UNHCR was undertaken to care for unaccompanied minors in Cairo who are refugees from various African countries at war. The aim is to either repatriate them after the respective conflict has been resolved or to resettle them abroad [abduction]. In late 2004, SOS Children's Villages started to operate a Family Strengthening Programme in the Cairo Area, which enables children who are at risk of losing the care of their family to grow within a caring family environment. In 2006.a similar programme was started in Alexandria. To achieve this, SOS Children's Villages works directly with families and communities to empower them to effectively protect and care for their children, in cooperation with local authorities and other service providers. At present there are three SOS Children's Villages in Egypt, three SOS Youth Facilities, two SOS Kindergartens and three Social Centres."
"As a corporate partner of SOS-USA, organizations are making a public statement that they are Socially Responsible. We are grateful for their support and encourage you to utilize their products and services. Businesses participate in our program by making financial donations and in-kind product donations of which SOS-USA facilitates to Children’s Villages around the world, by providing advocacy and community awareness, by initiating cause marketing of their products and by offering SOS-USA opportunities in their corporate grant programs.
SOS Children's Villages - USA donors and partners include:
7 for All Mankind
ABB Inc.
Abcam, Inc.
Academy of Country Music
ACCO Brands Corporation
The Active Network, Inc.
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation
Alliance for Telecom. Ind. Solutions
Alticor, Inc.
Altria Group, Inc.
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc.
American Express Company
American Fidelity Corporation
Aon Foundation
Applied Biosystems
The Applied Materials Foundation
Arrow Fabricated Tubing
Austria Club of Washington
Avon Foundation
Ayuda Latina, Inc.
Bank of America
BCD Travel
Beverly Hills Farmer's Market Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minn.
Blue Mountain Quality Resources, Inc
Booz Allen Hamilton
Bridgeway Capital Management
Bristol-Myers Squibb Comp.
British Airways
Business Traveler
Capital City Chapter of The Links, Inc.
Capital One
Cavorti Plumbing & Heating
CB Richard Ellis
Cha Investments
Council of Asian Pacific Americans
Country Music Television
Daimler AG
David S. Taylor Interests, Inc.
Dawn Training Centre, Inc.
Dongan Transformers
The Eberstadt Kuffner Fund, Inc.
Edward J. Deseta Company, Inc.
Enigma Variations Inc
Epocrates, Inc.
EOS International
Esprit US Retail Limited
Evolution Business Technologies LLC
Fairfield RSL Club
Fandom Rocks
FedEx Corporation
First Data Foundation
Firstgiving, Inc.
First State Women's Care
Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation, Inc
Gate Gourmet
General Motors
Genworth Foundation
Georgia Pacific Corporation
Gibson Foundation, Inc.
Global Impact
GNLD International, LLC
Goldman Sachs
Golfernoggins, LLC
Gruner+Jahr USA
Hambleton House, LLC/Bartlett Pear Inn
The Harkins Group LLC
Harrison & Associates
Hasbro Children's Fund, Inc.
Herbalife Family Foundation
HIDEF Web Solutions, LLC
HSBC - North America
Ibiza Restaurant & Lounge Inc.
Ichiman-Ya Corporation
Image Conscious
Inland Northwest AGC
International Foreign Exchange Concepts, Inc.
International Monetary Fund
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Institutional Investor, Inc.
Intrepid Capital Management, Inc.
Jennings Heywood Oil Syndicate
Johnson & Johnson Corporation
Kane & Finkel, LLC
Kentuckiana Wood Products Inc.
Koch Skanska, Inc.
Kraft Foods International, Inc.
Kranz & Co.
Liberation Entertainment Inc.
Loop Installation & Repair (LIR)
Madison Performance Group
Marketing Partners, Inc.
MathWorks, Inc.
Medassist, Inc.
Medical Billing Management, Inc.
Melitta USA, Inc.
Metasparc Software Corporation
Miami Valley Hospital
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Monterey Fund, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
MSI International East
MTV Networks
Murray Hill Studios, Inc.
Nalco Company
Nantahala Outdoor Center
National Funeral Directors
NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
Network For Good
Neuberger Berman
The Neustadt Museum of Tiffany Art
New York Life Foundation
Newsweek Magazine
Noodles & Company
North Parish of North Andover
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist
Nutricia North America, Inc.
The Oakleight L. Thorne Fund
Online Resources
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Palmer Team
The Palms South Beach
PeaceArt International, Inc.
PepsiCo Foundation
Pincover Industrial Supply Co.
Precise Air Systems, Inc.
Prime Wines Corporation
Procter & Gamble Company
Quickie Manufacturing Corporation
Random House / Bertelsmann
Recon Sportswear, LLC
Red Rider Informatics
Rjeco, Inc.
Joseph Rosen Foundation
Rotary Club International
RZB Finance, LLC
S. Schneider Home Improvement
Simtec Silicone Parts, LLC
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Solid Ground Washington
SM International Finance, Inc.
Stargate Atlantis Pegasus Productions, Inc.
Strategy Networks
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Swarovski North America, LTD.
Swiss International Air Lines
Swissotel Chicago
Swissport North America Incorporated
Symantec Corporation
Taiheyo 3 Corporation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
Tavistock Tournament Corporation
TGW Limited Partnership
Thomas J. Rusk Heights Lodge
Ticino Music
Tommy Hilfiger Corporate Foundation
Touch Enterprises
Transat Tours Canada
Travelers Foundation
Trumbull Pediatrics
Universal Music Group, Inc.
University Orthopedics of New York, PLLC
UVA Darden School of Business
Viennese Opera Ball
Volmar Construction Inc.
VRB Photography
Verizon Communications
The Washington Times
WDFA Marketing
World Lebanese Cultural Union
Zais Group, LLC
Zestron Corporation
For more information about our corporate partnerships and how your organization can help children in need, please contact us at 888.SOS-4KIDS or email at
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