Wednesday, October 20, 2021

There's only one tribe that can successfully pull off the slo-mo collapse of the entire planetary civilization.

Editor's note: A couple of back-to-back articles on our possible current circumstances. We are in the final phase of the central bankers' ultimate endgame: total integrated digital control. 

Source: SOTN

October 19, 2021 | by State of the Nation

It's the very same tribe of banksters that was behind World War II, the Great Depression, World War I, 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, Armenian Genocide, as well as the Ukrainian Genocide.
Did we forget the 9/11 terrorist attacks when these ZioNazis used the US Military and various organs of the US Government to carry out that false flag operation that savagely killed nearly 3000 Americans?
Special Submission
SOTN Exclusive

Very few know that the top level of advisors and other leaders of Hitler's Nazi regime were Ashkenazi Jews. These men were the richest and most powerful banksters, industrialists, politicians, doctors, attorneys, accountants, etc. within the German, Austrian and Swiss Zionist Movement.

This is where the word Nazi really comes from — AshkeNAZI; now known as the ZioNazis who run Zionist Israel. See: Here's why the AshkeNAZI Zionists were so determined to stampede European Jews to Israel with the WW2 Holohoax

Because the entire U.S. Federal Government has been completely taken over by these same ZioNazis, it has become a ZOG—Zionist Occupied Government.

The totally tyrannical ZOG in Washington, D.C. has exposed itself as never before with the brazen execution of OPERATION COVID-19. With the reckless implementation of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, the ZioNazis have further demonstrated their stranglehold on virtually every governmental and corporate entity "inside the Beltway".

In light of the patently unlawful vaccine mandates, the American ZOG is attempting to exert maximum command and control over all three branches of American government. Such a bold and unconstitutional usurpation of power by these ZioNazis represents the final push toward a totalitarian fascist-communist regime in support of the globalist-driven New World Order.

ZioNazis & Banksters

It’s critical for every Patriot to correctly understand that the ZioNazis and banksters launched their global crime wave in earnest with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Yes, they have made much mischief worldwide before then going back centuries, but with the illegal establishment of the Federal Reserve System, the banskters* could create the fiat money out of thin air necessary to fund and finance all of their crime sprees against humanity.
KEY POINTS: The original banksters were exclusively Ashkenazi Jewish bankers and precious metal merchants but who have since been joined by bankers of every ilk and stripe. However, the top leadership of the Central Banking Cartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate remains the Ashkenazi Zionist bankers as well as Crypto-Jewish bankers, some of whom are even more entrenched through their Italian Black Nobility bloodlines. See: OPERATION COVID-19 & the Italian Black Nobility
The ZioNazis greatest crime spree committed against all of humanity — by far — is the ongoing COVID CON. This global criminal conspiracy of epic proportions could only have been carried out as a biowar on the entire human race with LOTs of money—fake fiat money, that is.

That's why it was imperative for both the international banksters and ZioNazis to hail from the same tribe. In point of fact, their devastating handiwork goes way beyond THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC and other manmade cataclysms over the past 100 plus years listed above. As follows:

Criminal Muscle & Institutional Enforcement

But how do these ZioNazis and banksters enforce their worldwide regime of extreme corruption and pervasive criminality to the point where they act with total impunity?

How have they been able to sufficiently terrorize nations around the globe with a never-ending series of bioterrorist attacks to the point of coercing the citizenries to take an exceedingly dangerous and deadly Covid vaccine?

Who but the Khazarian Mafia has the deep and wide global networks in place to threaten and intimidate every single head of state and corporate CEO on Earth?

Every person on the planet should be aware that the primary weapon deftly used by the Khazarian Mafia is terrorism. And, that within their arsenal of terrorism, bioterrorism is their most powerful weapon.

As a matter of historical fact, this incorrigible cabal of criminally insane psychopaths pulled off the genocidal Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 in nearly the same way they have perpetrated the 2020/2021 depopulation event notoriously known as the COIVD-19 Plandemic. See: Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Really a Bioterror Attack on Humanity

Which brings us to the $64,000 question: What won't these vicious murderers, inveterate thieves and pathological liars do?


There is absolutely no crime spree against humanity that this tribe will not commit to attain total world domination, with Jerusalem as the international capital of their long planned One World Government.

Reader BEWARE! Take heed and take action before it's too late.

SOTN Editor's Note: There is much confusion throughout the Alt Media as to whether this ZioNazi tribe of globalists, banksters and hitmen is set on forming a fascist or communist One World Government. In fact, it is both. Who can deny the raw fascism associated with the COVID-1984 tyranny emerging across the planet today? Likewise, who could contradict the creeping socialism, marxism and communism, especially throughout the traditionally Christian, capitalist countries of the West? The communist-run Democrat Party is very close to pushing the button on a full-blown bolshevik revolution now that NWO globalist traitors Biden-Harris were criminally installed via the stolen 2020 POTUS election. The same tribe of ZioNazis used the identical playbook when they successfully pulled off the Spanish Flu Pandemic right along with the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Revolution. See: The Democrat-Run COMMUNIST TAKEOVER PLOT Is About Ready To Go Prime Time

There's an old saying: "As Russia goes, so goes the USA."

Triad Claw Suggests Massive Satanic Jewish Conspiracy

October 19, 2021
(Triad Claw hand sign --holding middle finger together--signals membership in Kabbalist conspiracy. EVERYBODY was involved. See complete list

The Corona hoax may be the tip of a spear that stretches back centuries. The spear is aimed at the heart of mankind.

Triad Claw - Humanity is Hapless Victim of Ancient Satanic Plot

Is it possible that almost everyone of importance in the past was a crypto Jew and Satanist?

David Livingstone traces the modern origins of the Illuminati (Satanic) conspiracy to the expulsion of the Marranos from Spain in1492. (Marranos were Jews who pretended to be Christians.)

Here is his synopsis:

"The expulsion of Marrano Jews from Spain in 1492 created a messianic fervor, which inspired the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria.

Columbus, Cortes, Pizarro were all Marranos, looking to conquer new territory as a refuge from the expulsion.

Marranos entered Franciscans, Dominicans, and Carmelites, and included Saint Teresa of Avila.

Marranos also created the Jesuits. Marranos went to Italy and fostered the Renaissance, which was Christian Kabbalah. One of its most important exponents was Reuchlin, who was the great-uncle to Luther's partner. Luther was also interested in Kabbalah and was hailed as a possible messiah by the Jews.

In England, Christian Kabbalah was expressed by Spenser, Marlowe and John Dee who inspired the Rosicrucians, who were based on the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria. Rosicrucian fleeing to England were responsible for fanning millenarian expectations about the coming of a messiah in 1666. At their heart was Menasseh ben Israel, chief Rabbi of Amsterdam, who funded Cromwell to carry out his revolution. The result was the re-admittance of the Jews to England.

Menasseh's circle, known as the Hartlib Circle, or the Invisible College, evolved into the Royal Society and were all connected to Sabbetai Zevi and his mission. It also included John Milton, William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania and John Winthrop the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The so-called "Pilgrims" were Rosicrucians, escaping "persecution" to found a Jewish-Christian colony in the New World, modelled after Francis Bacon's Rosicrucian tract, "The New Atlantis."

A much longer & more detailed version of the article below. and in this chapter from his latest book Ordo Ab Chao available from Amazon

from Sept 9, 2019
by David Livingstone

The Spanish Inquisition and the Expulsion from Spain in 1492, were some of the most pivotal events in modern times.

Jewish converts infiltrated Christianity, where they could exact their revenge. Jewish Kabbalists became Christian Kabbalists. When they entered Italy, they fostered the Renaissance, and in Amsterdam, the Northern Renaissance.

Luther established Protestantism, creating a schism that permanently removed large sections of Christian Europe from Catholic Control. Rosicrucians cultivated the career of the foremost false prophet and Jewish apostate: Sabbatai Zevi.

Leaving from the Netherlands, these secret Rosicrucians, known to American history as the "Pilgrims", set sail for the New World via England, where they hoped to found a new Masonic experiment, known as The New Atlantis.

In 1290, King Edward issued a decree to have all Jews expelled from England. All the crowned heads of Europe then followed his example. France expelled the Jews in 1306. In 1348 Saxony followed suit. In 1360 Hungary, in 1370 Belgium, in 1380 Slovakia, in 1420 Austria, in 1444 the Netherlands.

As in other parts of Europe, violent persecution had been growing in Spain and Portugal, where in 1391, hundreds of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to Catholicism. Publicly, the Jewish converts were known as Marranos, and also as Conversos were Christians but secretly they continued to practice Judaism.


While secret conversion of Jews to another religion during the Spanish Inquisition is the most known example, as Rabbi Joachim Prinz explained in The Secret Jews, "Jewish existence in disguise predates the Inquisition by more than a thousand years."[1]

There were also the examples of the first Gnostic sects, which comprised of Merkabah mystics who entered Christianity. Likewise, in the seventh century, the Quran advised the early Muslim community, "And a faction of the People of the Scripture say [to each other], "Belief in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their religion."[2]

As demonstrated by Louis I. Newman in Jewish Influences on Christian Reform Movements, a similar tendency can be attributed to the advent of Catharism and eventually to Protestantism and other Christian heresies. The Cathars, also known as the Albigensians, were a Gnostic sect of the thirteenth century who worshipped Lucifer. Their influence extended to the legends of the Holy Grail, by way of the Templars, and thereby to Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. In his denunciation the heresy, Adversus Albigenses, Lucas of Tuy, a Spanish monk, noted:

The secular heads and judges of the cities hear the doctrines of heresy from Jews whom they number among their familiars and friends... They teach other Jews to propose their blasphemies against Christians, in order that they can thus pervert the Catholic faith. All the synagogues of the malignant Jews have patrons, and they placate the leaders with innumerable gifts, and seduce by gold the judges to their own culture..."[3]

Marranos joined orders like the Franciscans, Dominicans and Discalced Carmelites, where their prophetic eschatology was often branded as heresy.[4] The Discalced Carmelites were established in 1593 by two Spanish saints, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross.

John of the Cross was born Juan de Yepes y Alvarez, into a Marrano family.[5] John's mystical theology is influenced by the Neoplatonic tradition of pseudo-Dionysus, a Christian theologian and philosopher of the late fifth to early sixth century.[6]

The author pseudonymously identifies himself as the figure of Dionysius the Areopagite, the Athenian convert of the apostle Paul. The Dionysian mystical teachings were universally accepted throughout the East, amongst both Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians, and also had a strong impact in later medieval western mysticism, most notably Meister Eckhart.

Based upon preliminary reports made by members of the Discalced Carmelite mission in Basra during the sixteenth century, the Mandaeans of Iraq are called "Christians of Saint John."[7] Often identified with the Sabians, the source of the occult teachings of the Ismailis, which were reportedly transmitted to the Templars. For this reason, the Mandeans were the "Eastern Mystics" of Rosicrucian legend, who later became the basis of the Sabbatean sect of the Asiatic Brethren.

Teresa of Avila's paternal grandfather, Juan Sanchez de Toledo, was a Marano.[8]

During a bout of severe illness, Teresa experienced periods of religious ecstasy. Around 1556, when various friends suggested these were diabolical, her confessor, the Jesuit Saint Francis Borgia, reassured her of their divine inspiration.

The House of Borgia, an Italo-Spanish noble family, which rose to prominence during the Italian Renaissance, was widely rumored to be of Marano origin.[9]

The Borgias became prominent in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, producing two popes: Pope Callixtus III during 1455-1458, and Pope Alexander VI, during 1492-1503. Especially during the reign of Alexander VI, they were suspected of many crimes, including adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder, especially by arsenic poisoning.[10]

Maranos were also involved in the creation of the order of the Jesuits. Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Jesuits in 1534, had been a member of a heretical sect known as the Alumbrados, meaning "Illuminated," which was composed mainly of Conversos.[11]

Although there is no direct evidence that Loyola himself was a Marrano, according to "Lo Judeo Conversos en Espana Y America" (Jewish Conversos in Spain and America), Loyola is a typical Converso name.[12] As revealed by Robert Maryks, in The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews, Loyola's successor Diego Laynez was a Marrano, as were many Jesuit leaders who came after him.[13] In fact, Marranos increased in numbers within Christian orders to the point where the papacy imposed "purity of blood" laws, placing restrictions on the entrance of New Christians to institutions like the Jesuits.

(Columbus was searching for a new homeland for the Jews. Judging from Theodore Roosevelt, left, Columbus found it)


Important - Portraits of Marano Conspirators Throughout History

Livingstone adds- I think you'll find these 2 quotes particularly fascinating:

Samuel Usque (c.1500 - after 1555), a Portuguese Marrano who settled in Ferrara, wrote an apology titled the Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel, where he warned European rulers: "You should consider how much harm you bring upon yourself by compelling Jews to accept your faith, for these ways... in the end become the means that undermine and destroy them [European rulers]" Jews were God's chosen people, Usque reminded his readers, and when they were forced to convert, they became God's chosen agents against their oppressors: "Since throughout Christendom Christians have forced Jews to change their religion, it seems to be divine retribution that these Jews should strike back with the weapons that are put into their hands to punish those who compelled them to change their faith..."

As explained by Samuel Usque, since so many Marranos left Spain for England, France and Germany, as well as the Low Countries, "that generation of converts has spread all over the whole realm, and though a long time has elapsed, these converts still give an indication of their non-Catholic origin by the new Lutheran beliefs which are presently found among them, for they are not comfortable in the religion which they received so unwillingly."

First Comment from James Perloff-

Whatever flaws could be in this post--and it is often difficult to be that certain about events that occurred several centuries ago--it captures the big picture in a very concise and edifying way. Compelling comments from readers as well. Incidentally, I don't think anyone who has read Martin Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies could ever believe he was allied with them, at least consciously. Very revelatory if the Borgias were in fact Marranos! Thanks for posting on a broad era of history that is usually overlooked in alternative media. 

Please go to Henry Makow's website to learn more. 

Editor's note: And where is Popey in Rome today standing on Covid injections and a backer of Covid passports? Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio works for his Judaic overlords) is not a "pope," he's a friggin' central bank executive in fancy expensive white gowns. If Jesus were around he would show up at the Vatican temple (den of vipers) with a leather whip and whoop popey's ass. The Covid injections, Covid passports, masks, lockdowns and SARS-CoV-2 is not a global pandemic, this is the central banker's last move.

And on the streets of Italy? Have a look...maybe this time instead of "storming the Bastille" like the French,  the Italians should storm the Vatican?


Do Jews Rule the World? Are Jews an Elite? Does ZOG control the USA? Or are Jews scapegoats, and helpless victims? [How many people make an elite?]

Jacob Thorkelson in US Congressional Record on Jews in British Aristocracy

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