Monday, October 4, 2021

The Well Concealed Criminal Conspiracy Carried Out by the Medical Mafia (Medical Tyranny) – The COVID Regime With It's Professional Class of Obedient "Doctor$" and "P$ychiatri$t$" - Big Pharma; Big Covid; Big Doctors

Source: SOTN

Really, just how much are these doctors hitmen getting paid to jab every one of US?!?!?! (Video)

October 4, 2021 | by State of the Nation

America's Doctors are the
Medical Mafia Hitmen for the
Covid Super Vaccination Agenda 

Submitted by The Coronavirus Coach 
SOTN Exclusive

SOTN Editor's Note: Make no mistake, every well-planned and highly organized genocide requires a large group of carefully selected hitmen to carry out the actual mass murders. 

In the case of the ongoing global genocide via the extremely dangerous and deadly Covid vaccines, that group is made up of both medical doctors and specialty physicians.

Medical doctors have always been nothing but glorified pharmaceutical salesman working full-time for Big Pharma; hence, the tight business relationship between these two parties was well established many decades ago. Therein lies the real problem as The Coronavirus Coach explains below.
"I have been a Coronavirus Coach and Covid Vaccine Consultant since December of 2019. My first client nearly died three times of COVID-19 that December before SAR-CoV-2 was even reported during the third week of January 2020.

Since that abrupt initiation into the world of Covid, as an Integrative Health Consultant, I have been working with clients in virtually 24 time zones around the world. Most of those clients who did not have COVID-19 requested advice on whether they should receive the various vaccines. All the other clients were either Covid vaccine-injured; or their family members were seriously vaccine injured.

Because I was well aware of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda before it was ever implemented, my advice has always been the same:. Anyone who takes any COVID-19 injections does so at their peril

I have expressed this dire concern to every client who sought a recommendation, never wavering from this carefully considered guidance.

Therefore, I was quite surprised to see so many COVID-19 patients and vaccine clients, one day, just suddenly take the vaccine, oftentimes two doses. Almost always they told me after the Covid injections were completed.

Some of these folks were very solid in the anti-vax camp who had read all the damning vaccine exposés and viewed all the more damning videos. They were as informed and aware as any client could be.

"What the heck just happened?", I would always ask myself after these rather frustrating Covid coaching sessions when the clients shared their personal vaccination stories.

Of course, I knew exactly what happened, but the clients rarely portrayed the true story as it occurred in their doctor's office. After all, having been a Pre Med Biology major on the way to Medical School in the 1970s, I had made the quite deliberate decision not to spend my career being a highly "glorified pharmaceutical salesman."

However, I was not aware of the fact that doctors had morphed into full-blown genocidal psychopaths under contract with their paymasters at Big Pharma. And, that they are eagerly conducting hits on their own very trusting lifelong patients like this remarkably unscrupulous and prevaricating psychiatrist just tried to do. (See the disturbing video that follows.)

Go to SOTN to listen to embedded Rumble video there:

Now bear in mind that Stephen Sobel, M.D. is no ordinary doctor and psychiatrist. He’s considered to be one of the best, maybe even the best and the brightest of them all. The following excerpt was taken from his bio published by Psychology Today.

Stephen Sobel, M.D., is a Clinical Instructor at U.C. San Diego School of Medicine and Supervising Psychiatrist of the Free Clinic for the Homeless run by U.C.S.D. School of Medicine. Dr. Sobel is in the private practice of adult and adolescent psychiatry in Carlsbad, California. He specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, ADD/ADHD, substance abuse, eating disorders, and behavioral medicine in adults and adolescents.

Dr. Sobel is the author of the critically acclaimed bestseller Successful Psychopharmacology: Evidence-Based Treatment Solutions for Achieving Remission, a guide to the art and science of choosing and using psychotropic medications to achieve remission for medical and mental health professionals.

Dr. Sobel has authored several articles in such publications as the American Journal of Psychiatry, Current Psychiatry, Journal Watch, and Managed Behavioral Health Care. Dr. Sobel is an internationally recognized psychiatric expert and lecturer having taught over 20,000 physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, and psychotherapists how to successfully achieve remission of their patients' symptoms and how to fully return them to successful function in their lives. Dr. Sobel has been honored as the "Teacher of the Year" by the U. S. Psychiatric Congress. He is the only primary clinical psychiatrist ever to be so honored.

He is a Consulting Psychiatrist for the National Football League and Major League Baseball. Dr. Sobel is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and an Expert Reviewer for the Medical Board of California.

Dr. Sobel received his undergraduate degree with honors from Duke University and his medical degree with honors from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He received advanced training in Adult Psychiatry from St. Bartholomew's Medical Center in London, England. Dr. Sobel completed his internship in Medicine at Georgetown University and his residency in Psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego.
Now I know what I, as a vax consultant, am really up against. How in the world can a lowly Integrative Health Consultant possibly compete with a Big Pharma hitman like Dr. Sobel?! The financial incentives, alone, to jab every single patient with a Covid injection must be as exorbitant as they are unconscionable!

Not only that, but the AMA, APA, ADA and every other financially vested professional association, must be so heavily endowed by Big Pharma that any doc who decides to leave the vaccine reservation is immediately black-balled for life … before they lose their medical license; or are hounded by the IRS; or are hit with a flurry of medical malpractice lawsuits; and/or see their reputation totally destroyed by a false news report about Medicare fraud or doctor prescription abuse … … … or much, MUCH worse. Just how many free-thinking fringe physicians have committed suicide by firing 3 shots into the back of their heads?!

Y’all got the point, yes?!?!

The corporate, professional and peer pressure to Covid vaccinate every single patient in America today is now so intense, there's simply no way out for a doc with a conscience except early retirement.

Which brings us back to the formidable RICO-level crime syndicate triad composed of the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, and the Government & Corporate Health Insurance Industries.

Let's face it, when Medicare or a private health insurer is offering extraordinary financial incentives to vax every patient in sight, a patient will receive the hard sell and full court press that Dr. Sobel put on his steadfast and elusive prey. But given the sheer tenacity of a vax hitman like Sobel, how can any patient but the smartest and most aware and unshakable resist such an overwhelming and perfectly scripted sales pitch?!?! Big Pharma must send these doctors to a special vaccine training program that teaches them how to NEVER take "No, thank you!" for a response.

One wonders why most of these doctors even went to Medical School in the first place. The whole lot of them could have avoided hundreds of thousands of dollars in school loans and gone straight to work for Big Pharma right out of their undergrad biology or chemistry programs. Plus, they could have comfortably retired at 55, and never suffered through a single multi-million dollar malpractice litigation.

So, the next time your family member or close friend says they won't get the Covid shot, make sure you track their doctor appointments — even with their specialists — because they're all in on this extremely profitable medically perpetrated genocide—BIG TIME!!!"

~~~ End of The Coronavirus Coach testimony ~~~ 

Please go to SOTN to read more. 

If these "quarantine camps" are established as is alleged you can be damn well assured it will be these Big Pharma psycho doctors in these camps giving the injections.

'Quarantine Facilities' Being Prepared For Americans 'Unable To Isolate at Home'

Stephen Sobel is fixated on the one:

The fixation on the One, and the obsession with a Virus; the Individual vs. the Collective Trance

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