Sunday, October 31, 2021

Why Did Putin's Russia Flip on Covid?

Source: Edward Slavsquat

Bombshell RT op-ed: Russia being 'reset' by power-hungry oligarchs?

Amazing and brave commentary from Russia's famously inquisitive state media!

By Edward Slavsquat | October 30, 2021
RT blows the whistle!

Are There Any Questions About Who Runs France?

Editor's note: It was an obscure French hack writer who delivered for the Rothschild's the ideology of conservatism (a weaponized "ism") in order to "conserve" the central banking warfare model. Nothing has changed since the mid-1700s when this French hack writer was hired by Rothschild until today where in France we see the same Rothschild (representing aristocratic central banking families and bloodlines) interests controlling ("funding both sides throughout history") France. Our suggestion is if you are a "conservative", or a liberal for that matter, you may want to recalibrate your deeply embedded ideological mind set. It is intended to send you into the trenches and out into the streets in pitched battles against each other armed with an indefensible ideology. 

Source: Europe Reloaded

Funding Both Sides: France's New 'Right' Candidate Backed by Rothschilds' Connections

September 18, 2021 | By TLB Staff

Ambushed: Stay Off Trump's Platform

Editor's note: That's a bold statement isn't it? "Donald Trump traitor to America." Here's the proof. These law firms are in actuality crime families that can bend any law or laws for their own purposes. There is just too much detail in the report to republish here so please go to AIM's site to review this important research. This ongoing horror story gets delivered on October 31, 2021. To Trump supporters all across America, do not allow yourselves to be pulled into anymore ambushes as WWIV rages all around you where there is no distinction between civilian and military information war combatants. The way forward is not voting for politicians and supporting them but to build new institutions starting at the county level. Walk away from this system. Redirect your energy, resources and time to rebuild on your terms because in reality it is all about you not Trumpstein.

Source: AIM

Donald Trump Traitor to America
October 31, 2021 

No One Does "Information Terrorism" Like Zionist Israel

Source: RT News

'Information terrorism' is being conducted in Australia, according to new book that targets powerful Israeli lobby

By Chris Sweeney | October 29, 2021
'Dateline Jerusalem: Journalism's Toughest Assignment' by John Lyons © Monash University Publishing 

We all like to think that reporting is free from political pressure. However, a new book claims that Australia's media landscape has been infiltrated by 'the pro-Israel lobby' and it may have infected their whole system. 

Unconventional Weapons

Humiliate and Mock the Self-Appointed Global Elite at Every Opportunity

Editor's note: We are in what has been described as "WWIV." A very real war in which the central banking warfare model is using governments as their proxies to war on populations in respective countries. There are an anticipated 30,000 people including saprophytic bureaucrats flying into Glasgow in the UK to attend the 26th COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. A week of clinking glasses drinking expensive wine, lobster and steak dinners, luxury hotels, private jets and chauffeured limousines (Joseph Stolen shows up in Rome with an 85 car motorcade) to attend a conference on "climate change." And Booster Boris can go jump in a lake as the UK hosts these central banking predators.

'Them and us': Vaccine passport rules for public but not world leaders at COP26 spark outrage over dual Covid standards

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Oh Shit, It's Beagle Time

Editor's note: Anyone who supported Fauci are going down. Watch as these people start jumping ship like the rats they are.

Industry Capture of Government Leading to Systemic Failure

Editor's note: WWIV is raging and most people do not know how to defend themselves from this overt attack or even know that it is raging all around them. Think of governments as proxies. What is WWIV the final war? WWIV is the central banking warfare model and their related corporations especially pharmaceutical corporations using governments to war on civilian populations around the world.

Source: Technocratic Tyranny
By Vicky Davis | October 30, 2021

In the retrospective analysis of the history that put this country on the path of a Communist totalitarian territory – no longer a nation-state, no longer a free country, no longer capable of moral value judgments relative to our historical traditions, a Commission was found that reveals the turning point – the Y in the road as it were. The purpose of the Commission was to define an industrial policy for the United States. Industrial policy is generally a feature of communist governments for central planning of the economy. Since the Commission was led by a computer industry CEOs, the policies they recommended were for the benefit of the computer industry turning the government into the manager of people via the national systems they recommended and implemented with the CEOs pulling the strings. 

Chicago: Getting Shot and Killed Outpaces Covid Deaths

Editor's note: Apparently in Chicago in certain no-go zones, the folks there are not too hip about staying home. Your chances of getting shot and killed in Chicago living in certain areas are better than dying from Covid.
"Welcome to Chicago where year-to-date 3,906 people have been shot with 713 people dead. We are doing a better job of killing people than from Covid."

China and Bush Foundation Defend Wuhan Lab

Editor's note: The Bush deep state (Peter Dale Scott) family reminds us of Martin Bormann who set up an elaborate system of 700 dummy corporations (these people are experts at setting up shell companies) in various countries just before the collapse of the Third Reich to hide loot pillaged out of Europe later partially used to establish the Bilderberg Group. There have been three terrorist attacks on America under the Bush deep state syndicate (faction) in power: the AIDS/HIV attack (good job Fauci), the events of 9/11 and the Covid fake pandemic attack on civilization. Under George H.W. Bush ("he was a very good friend of China"), 700 corporations were set up in China preparing for the eventuality of what we see today with China overtaking America through the CCP. Here we are today with an estimated 100 cargo ships many from China sitting off the southern ports of California waiting to be offloaded. What is on those ships that might be under search with investigators possibly looking for something that might explain the delays in offloading?  

Source: BreakForNews
By Fintan Dunne | October 29, 2021 

The Deviancy Is Out in the Open…God Help Us All

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Shocked Beyond Belief

Sir Oliver Klosov

When this gay transgender trans sexual LGBT horse shit was in the closet it has very little impact on normal healthy society, but now with this crap being promoted even in the schools it is only a matter of time before this nation falls into the degeneracy that lead to the fall of the Roman empire.

How bad is it? It is this bad: 

Why We Need to Scrap the House of Lords (And the House of Windsor)

Editor's note: "House of Lords?" Even the name, "lords" has to go. Giving the House of Windsor a run for their money with the Individual Voters Alliance Non (I.V.A.N.) Party. Boris 'Booster' Johnson: What a disgrace to humanity. Fifty-two cards to a deck and the UK House of Lords pulls out the Joker.

Individual Voters Alliance Non Party (I.V.A.N.) Party (The House of Talbot)

Friday, October 29, 2021

Conclave of Demons

Editor's note: Climate change is depopulation. There is no other way to interpret it as long as these global elite at the top of this central banking warfare model remain in existence. What gives these people the "authority to make radical changes?" Their power to create "fairy dust" magic money while you remain in debt bondage slavery (neo-feudalism) .

Wisconsin sheriff claims to have proof of election fraud

Editor's note: Stand behind your county sheriffs and support them because they are the last line of defense against all out tyranny. 

Source: Washington Examiner

by Asher Notheis, Breaking News Reporter | October 28, 2021

A Wisconsin sheriff claims to have found proof of election fraud in one of the most unusual places: a nursing home.

The Sheriff's Office of Racine County held a press conference on Thursday to reveal a deceased resident at a nursing home voted absentee in the 2020 election. The Ridgewood Care Facility resident, named Shirley, died on Oct. 9, 2020, a month before the election was held. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Commercial Militia To Be Subpoenaed

Editor's note: More on the commercial militia's (FBI) attempt to frame (ambush) and set up ("patriot purge") Americans for a fall while Geraldo Rivera (Rivera's mother was of Russian-Jewish descent) runs cover for the commercial militia. Full story here: Defense Attorney to Subpoena FBI over "Insurrection Hoax"

The Coming Trick

We Have a Big Problem Here: "We gotta take these MF'ers out."

Editor's note: The broad sweeping generalities here about "whites" is blood libel. There is no such thing as "whites" so discard it. There are German, Swedish, French, Norwegian and Russian people for example, all with their own unique cultures and people but not "white." The Rutgers "professor" here is a street level communist. Full story here: Rutgers Prof Brittney Cooper On White People: 'We Gotta Take These Motherf**kers Out'

Remove Maui County Mayor Michael Victorino – Hawaii Is Sending Out an SOS – Unlike the People Living in Florida, the People of Hawaii Are Under COVID Assault – Hawaii Is Being Used As the "Diamond Princess" – Prepare To Remove Hawaiian State Officials

Editor's note: This has nothing to do with being "saddened," Mayor Victorino. How is it the states of Florida and Hawaii are so diametrically opposed in their response to Covid? The state of Florida (Florida is anti-lockdown) under DeSantis is suing the federal government over vaccine (injection) mandates, while the state of Hawaii under Governor Ige (another Democrat who has "lost his mind"), are aggressively pushing for vaccine (injections) mandates, masks, further lockdowns and Covid injections for children? All this is based on a false theory of what viruses and germ theory are, something the state government officials of Hawaii and bureaucrats need to learn before lawsuits start eliminating them. Retaliation on these government officials is coming with their incompetence and irresponsibility being made apparent daily. Do not allow to happen to the people of Hawaii as we are seeing happen to people in the state of Michigan (cytokine storm despite being "debunked" by "fact checkers"?) after taking the Covid injections. This shit has become so profoundly disturbing antidepressants are now being sold as a way out of Covid.

Source: Maui News

Campaign launched to recall mayor

Victorino says he is 'saddened' but administration is doing the best it can
Maui residents step forward to speak about their reasons for wanting to move forward with the recall process on Saturday outside the Maui County building in Wailuku. The recall process includes collecting signatures of support from at least 20 percent of registered voters. Bruce Douglas photo 

Coming Into Focus: Hillary's Secretive, Russiagate-Flogging Pair of Super-Lawyers

Editor's note: There is something lurking in the background here nobody wants to discuss and certainly not in the media. What needs to come into focus that very few sources will do, is to point out that these two "super lawyers," Michael Sussman and Marc Elias, are Jewish. On this point, it would be clearer if RealClearInvestigations pointed this fact out. It is also important to point out the husband of Halyna Hutchins shot by Alec Baldwin, Matthew Hutchins, works for the law firm Latham & Watkins. Latham & Watkins' client is Michael Sussmann – the Clinton attorney who was recently indicted by John Durham. Crowdstrike's reports on the DNC server breach have never been publicly released by the FBI. Why is this? Could it be these tech firms connected to the DNC including CrowdStrike and Fusion GPS have been penetrated by Israeli intelligence and intelligence-linked tech firms? There is evidence DNC data was exfiltrated and that has still not been revealed as to how or by who exactly. Michael Sussmann is a national security and cyber security lawyer. Sussmann has investigated cyber security crimes and computer intrusions, this would mean Susmann is considered an "expert" in cyber crimes. Who really hacked into the DNC?

Source: RealClearInvestigations

Here are the prime movers of the false Trump-Russia theory that roiled U.S. politics for years: Clinton lawyers Michael Sussmann, left, and Marc Elias. Some of Sussmann's role emerges in his recent indictment for lying to the FBI -- but more consequential acts are outlined below. And Elias's role in the Steele dossier was hidden through lies, "with sanctimony, for a year," as one journalist put it.

By Aaron Maté | RealClearInvestigations | October 19, 2021 

The US Is Back

Editor's note: Full story here: Cool "Afghanistan Withdrawal", Bro

Israeli Physicians & Scientists Warn FDA: Vaccine Data is Flawed

Editor's note: Full story here: Israeli Physicians & Scientists Warn FDA: Vaccine Data is Flawed

Despite the flawed data and risks (who needs dogs to experiment on when you have children) it is time to go after the children: US States Placing Covid Vaccine Orders For 5 – 11 Yr Olds, As They Await Approval

Who needs Wuhan anymore when the vaccinated are the incubators for new variants!

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Still at Large

Sir Oliver Klosov
There was a time when the global elite needed a quiet clandestine place to do their virus cooking. But now that seems like it has progressed to a new level of terror. Apparently the vaccinated are incubators of the new variants and the lab rats to make this a global infection like the ship rats that climbed down the tie down lines to spread bubonic plague all over Europe starting in October 1347, when 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. 

Understand the Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs – Removing Financial Privacy – Government Monitoring Spending in Real Time – Central Banks Will Have "Absolute Control" – Path to Slavery – Those Who Issue CBCDs Have the Power Over How It Is Spent

Editor's note: Bringing cash to an end is the ultimate goal here with the BIS's (Bank for International Settlements) experimentation with CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). When you listen to these central bankers like Agustín Carstens talk about their plans including CBCDs, they will put you to sleep it is so boring. That is part of the stealth: nobody knows what central bankers are doing and when you do listen to them they usually bore the crap out of you. Agustín Carstens sits in a very powerful position. The BIS is the central bank of all central banks and Agustín Carstens thinks CBDCs are going to be the big "game changer." We recommend getting through the boring talks because the BIS is going to create the equivalence of cash with CBDCs. The BIS doesn't know who is using for example a $100 bill, but with CBDCs the BIS and central banks will have "absolute control" and will have the technology to enforce the "essential liability of the central bank." That means control over your cash. What would the central banks do with that "absolute control?" Suppose there was another convenient Covid outbreak, the central bank could step in to shut off your access to dining out. Or what about cutting off your access to fuel? This is only the beginning.

Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence

BIS to test international settlements for digital currencies with central banks

By Gaurav Raghuvanshi | September 2, 2021

The Bank for International Settlements and four central banks will test the use of digital currencies for cross-border transactions, as global regulators seek to improve the speed of movement of money in a cheaper, more transparent manner. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Actress Joanna Lumley Calls For Rationing and Social Climate Credits

Editor's note: Elitist British Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) actress Joanna Lumley with a net worth around $25 million doesn't want you flying, enjoying your leisure time and thinks you should be rationed. Now that Covid injections have been given, Covid passports issued and your digital data stored to track your movements, you will not be allowed to go to the same hangouts where this elite class head to in their leisure time. 

Source: Super Frost Blog 
British actress Joanna Lumley

Guest essay by Eric Worrall | October 27, 2021 

Joanna Lumley, whose glamorous high flying lifestyle includes long holidays in Bhutan, the Swiss Alps, and at least one trip on the Trans Siberian Railway, wants ordinary people's leisure activities and travel to be restricted by a climate rationing system. 

Destruction of Human and Analog Existence Via Israel

Editor's note: Are we living in what an A.I. take over is putting us through with this global fake Covid pandemic and Covid injections to get the world's population locked into these digital surveillance data systems via injections, QR codes, Covid passports (the military intelligence MITRE Corp is behind embedded digital passports), digital footprints, blockchain technology? In case no one has figured it out yet, this is not about a pandemic, Covid injections to prevent infection or containing a virus; this is about setting up the digital surveillance infrastructure to extract your data as the new commodity. Immunizations are the platform for digital identity. All you need is your smart phone and you're ready to go. Once in the digital system you're not getting out. Everything you do, buy, sell and everyone you associate with and what you do and where you go is now digitally tracked. You are the last frontier for predatory big tech firms and financial giants like BlackRock destroying human and analog civilization. Everything going on in Israel is by design and so is the chaos.

Source: Jerusalem Post

Has Israel become the over-inoculation nation on COVID-19? - analysis

The policy presents particular difficulties for those who were not vaccinated with Pfizer and for whom a booster might not be advisable or available.

Jerusalem resident Phillip Brieff is seen getting the third COVID-19 booster shot at a Meuhedet clinic, on August 1, 2021. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

This Is What War Looks Like - The Meaning of "Immunocompromised": You're F*cked

Editor's note: How many people know there is a CDC Foundation? The CDC Foundation officially states the foundation "operates independently from CDC as a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Georgia." Whatever they mean by "operating independently" is anyone's guess. No organization "operates independently" when you trace the money. The creation of the CDC Foundation was "authorized by section 399F of the Public Health Service Act to support the mission of CDC in partnership with the private sector, including organizations, foundations, businesses, educational groups, and individuals." What they actually mean is that the CDC Foundation takes money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex including GAVI Alliance (GAVI is building a digital database). The meaning of "immunocompromised" in CDC jargon means you have been f*cked up by the Covid injections - war.

Source: News Punch

CDC Says Immunocompromised Will Need A Fourth Covid Vaccination

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What Is It Called When the State Takes Over Control of Banking and Central Political Control Over Capital and Wages?

Editor's note: To collapse America and move it in the direction of China, Joseph Stolen's handlers are attempting to place Saule Omarova to serve as Comptroller of the Currency. It is not the "red scare" that we should be concerned about with the Leninist-trained Omarova. It is the fact that Omarova intends to concentrate all major aspects of the US banking system in the hands of the Federal Reserve. Omarova is calling for "the complete migration of demand deposit accounts to the Federal Reserve" to restructure the "quintessential a------ industry." Omarova wants state control of banking and central political control of capital and wages. However, Omarova is a critic of cryptocurrencies, is she all that bad then?

Biden's Nominee Omarova Has a Published Plan to Move All Bank Deposits to the Fed and Let the New York Fed Short Stocks

Source: Moonbattery

Profiles in Neo-Stalinism: Saule Omarova

October 1, 2021

The USA spent $trillions developing a vast nuclear arsenal because Americans would rather go up in a mushroom cloud than subsist as slaves under communist rule. Then our Marxist adversaries infiltrated and subverted the media and education establishments. They ate away at our national character. Government grew as our love of freedom weakened. Eventually, we came to be ruled by Marxists without a shot being fired. 

MINTCAST Cruel Britannia: Britain's Real Role in the World

Source: Mint Press News

Britons themselves remember their empire extremely fondly, far more positively than those in countries subjugated by the crown.

by Alan Macleod | October 25, 2021

Despite a number of embarrassing political events over the past number of years, Great Britain still likes to regard itself as a forward-thinking, world-leading country and a force for good. Surveys show that the United Kingdom retains a great deal of positive sentiment around the world.

And despite the savagery of the era, Britons themselves remember their empire extremely fondly, far more positively than those in countries subjugated by the crown. In 2014, a poll by YouGov found that 59% of the public considered the country's empire something to be proud of, with only 19% thinking it was a shameful episode in British history. Perhaps more startling is the fact that more than three times as many Britons believed that their colonies were better off than worse off under their control. 

Hollywood Celebrities Do Not Go to Prison Because They Are Gods

"Guns don't kill people Alec Baldwin kills people"

Critical Race Theory Has Turned Black Men (Those Acutely Infected With CRT) On White Women

Editor's note: Critical Race Theory (CRT) has caused white women in many cities all across America to dress like slobs and street bums so that they are not targeted by aggressive black men. These circumstances are going to get worse. See discussion after the following article. The Jewish group dynamics in America has allowed them to become the most successful and privileged ethnic groups in America. Critical Race Theory is a Jewish intellectual weapon used to protect Jewish power, status, success and privilege in America. As we have witnessed CRT is being deftly deployed against Americans both black and white. Arm yourselves (CNN fake news as usual bullshitting you on this story) then pick your tribe.

Critical Race Theory and the Jewish Project


The Last Vestige of the Vox Populi

Monday, October 25, 2021

US Military Degradation Compared To China's Military

Editor's note: The final collapse of America will be its woke military and we see this happening with almost every news report about the US military. The long term goal seems to be China moving into American institutions to take over the country, depopulate the country then use North America as a food producing resource for China. It is likely Canada will fall first with nearly half of Canada's population experiencing some type of difficulty obtaining food. It also seems that China is trying to decouple its real estate market from the neoliberal predators of western imperial finance. 

This is the Bolshevik street level vanguard: Social justice warriors are woke Western imperialists and just as arrogant and patronising as the colonisers of the 18th Century

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

Editor's note: News update for 18 December 2021. This is part two of revolver's investigation into Ray Epps.

News update for 5 August 2022 on this Ray Epps guy:

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

Source: Revolver
In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6. 

Decision Time, Francophonie - Clear and Present Danger

Editor's note: France's billionaire magnate Vincent Bolloré has been told to leave Africa or he will be "eradicated." Not surprising, Bolloré cut his teeth as an investment bank trainee at Edmond de Rothschild. And today he controls what the French people receive as "news." First thing to do is cut this Francophonie's control off over the media. 

Conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré tightens grip on French media

Source: The Loadstar

RTR: French group Bolloré considering selling African logistics divisions – Le Monde
By Loadstar Editorial  | October 15, 2021  

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Alleged Cyber Criminal Credited For Hacking Gab and Epik Has History Of Being An FBI Asset; Admits "Anonymous" Has Support Of US Intelligence

Source: National Justice

October 25, 2021 | By Eric Striker
A Canadian man who has publicly claimed credit for cyber attacks on free speech alternative website Gab and First Amendment domain registrar Epik has a history of being employed by the FBI

Mastodon = Honeypot - Big Con Don and Jared the Court Jew

Editor's note: If anyone votes for Trump in 2024 they really do need to have their heads thoroughly examined. Americans do not need to vote to "save" their nation. Stay off Trump's new social media and technology operation platform. Predatory privateers and thieves.

Hollywood Needs To Be Banned to the Hinterlands

Editor's note: Hollywood celebrities never go to prison because the cult has elevated them to Gods. If this is even half right this is typical for Hollyweird. More here:

Hollywood Insider Here

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Divine Image Destroyed

Editor's note: The Covid injections are designed to divide the population then destroy human and analog civilization.

A Lot of Speculation On This One

Source: News Punch

Alec Baldwin Shooting Victim Is Wife of Clinton Connected Lawyer Involved in Durham Indictment

October 23, 2021 | By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
The woman shot and killed by Alec Baldwin on Thursday was the wife of a Clinton connected lawyer involved in a recent Durham indictment. 

Benjamin Franklin Predicted AG Merrick Garland's Tactic

Greetings to my friends in the resistance:

As Ben Franklin said and as I have been saying all along in the end it is the Kazarian mafia Jew banks that are the problem, to quote Doctor Franklin:
"If Jews are not expelled by this Constitution within less than one hundred years, they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded within two hundred years, our children will be working in the field to feed Jews while they remain in the counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands."
How prophetic.

Indeed, this Kazarian Jewish mafia own the government vis-a-vis the Federal Reserve private bank; they therefore, own the money printing press and the power to create their "fairy dust" magic money. You might think the money printing has done nothing for you but you would be wrong. It has done incalculable and nearly irreversible damage to you, your freedom and our Republic. 

You Mean You Didn’t Know? – It’s All About the Flow of Money – Facebook Wants It All

Editor's note: It won't be long now before the world's population will owe their existence to Facebook. 

Source: Mint Press News

Facebook 'Whistleblower' Frances Haugen Represented by US Intelligence Insiders

The background of Frances Haugen's Whistleblower Aid legal team indicates she was cultivated to complete Facebook's transformation into a vehicle for the US national security state.
by Alexander Rubinstein | October 21st, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Where Does the Central Organizing Power Reside That Can Cause This?

Editor's note: Our antagonists sit in the City of London (neoliberal commercial warfare) as the central banking warfare model with our acquiescence to their debt bondage slavery. Once the infrastructure for the digital systems are constructed with the Covid injections being just one component, there will be no way out. The power structure operating out of the UK are now preparing their population for a knock down and Covid will be the culprit. What the UK health secretary Sajid Javid is actually saying is, the Covid injections are going to knock down thousands this flu season because their bodies have been primed and it will be blamed on Covid. Boris Johnson who is the descendent of a slave trading family should be the one to "stay home" and take his booster. His new nickname: "Booster Boris." We want to know what Gates and Johnson discussed at their recent dinner outside of "saving the world."

Jeffrey Sprecher Is About To Take Georgia Using Vernon Jones As His Proxy With "Billionaire Dark Money" - Georgia's Power Woman Kelley Loeffler: Sprecher's "Stepford Wife" - Uncle Tom's Cabin in Georgia

Editor's note: The power elite behind financial institutions are running the political machine in the state of Georgia with Jeffrey Sprecher power, money and influence. Jeffrey Sprecher took a "Stepford wife" 15 years younger than himself with Kelley Loeffler who was an employee at Sprecher's firm. And the irony of it all is that the author of "The Stepford Wives" is the Jewish author Ira Levin. Sprecher must have read Levin's novel and we all know what Ayn Rand discussed when writing novels don't we? Loeffler was picked by Brian Kemp as a temporary US senator from Georgia from 2020 to 2021 despite having no political experience. Public servants becoming multi millionaires. Sprecher is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Intercontinental Exchange, and chairman of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This is the political mechanism behind power politics in Georgia. The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) located in Atlanta, Georgia is behind ICE Trust involved in derivatives exchange in the estimated $600 trillion derivatives market. This powerful financial network in Georgia runs the racist frontman Vernon Jones who is a Clinton Democrat communist now posing as a Trump conservative convert with "billionaire dark money" behind him. Jones of course is black, and if you understand Sprecher's ethnicity, you should be able to piece together very quickly where Georgia is headed if the criminal (rape charges) racist Vernon Jones wins the election against Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp.

Derivatives Clearing Group Decides Against Registration

By Ben Protess | December 28, 2010

The world's largest clearinghouse for credit-default swaps, ICE Trust, has had second thoughts about registering with regulators, citing concerns over new rules devised to bring transparency to the $600 trillion derivatives market

Covid: Natural Origin From a Bat or Manmade Bioweapon?

Editor's note: Looks to us the British are running cover for China's CCP on the origin of SARS-CoV-2. All of Dr. Malik Peiris credentials check out: Lancet (British), studied at Oxford, both Kwok-Yung Yuen who Peiris shared the one million dollars with were based in Hong Kong at the School of Public Health the University of Hong Kong, previous member of WHO, member of SAGE (experts on immunization), awarded the French Legion of Merit, fellow of the British Royal Society, and Peiris was born in the British Commonwealth of Sri Lanka. All of Peiri's credentials check out: he is a British asset. Sir David Li (awarded an OBE) who is the chancellor of the University of Hong Kong where Peiris is based, was born in London and is a British-Hong Kong banker and politician. That's it then. The CCP officially states "COVID-19 developed naturally jumping from a bat to another mammal species then to man." The British are good to go with this final conclusion solved with one million dollars. And none of these experts determined that natural immunity would have been the best course of action to take? Anthony Fauci must be relieved to hear of this great news from the CCP with British blessings.

Source: Great Game India

China Gives Nobel Prize To Lancet Investigator For Concluding Virus Developed Naturally

October 21, 2021

Dr. Malik Peiris, who previously served on the Lancet medical journal's COVID-19 origins investigation committee, received China's "Nobel Prize" for research concluding that COVID-19 developed naturally

Exclusive: America's Most Important Right-Wing Conference Of The Year Is An Israeli Influence Operation

Source: National Justice

October 20, 2021 | By Eric Striker
From October 31st to November 2nd, the mother of all right-wing intellectual conferences is scheduled to be hosted in Orlando, Florida.

The event, titled the National Conservatism Conference, will include keynote speeches from three Republican 2024 presidential contenders (Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley), a prominent billionaire (Peter Thiel), anda 2022 Senatorial favorite (J.D. Vance), whose campaign is being bankrolled by said billionaire. They are joined by 86 of the most prominent paleo-conservative, Traditionalist Catholic, neo-reactionary and conservative writers, academics and pundits in the United States. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

There's only one tribe that can successfully pull off the slo-mo collapse of the entire planetary civilization.

Editor's note: A couple of back-to-back articles on our possible current circumstances. We are in the final phase of the central bankers' ultimate endgame: total integrated digital control. 

Source: SOTN

October 19, 2021 | by State of the Nation

It's the very same tribe of banksters that was behind World War II, the Great Depression, World War I, 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, Armenian Genocide, as well as the Ukrainian Genocide.
Did we forget the 9/11 terrorist attacks when these ZioNazis used the US Military and various organs of the US Government to carry out that false flag operation that savagely killed nearly 3000 Americans?

WWIII: The Covid Vaccine (Injection) Die Off Is About to Begin in the UK

Editor's note: News from the war front. Those who have been Covid vaccinated (injected) in the UK are going to begin succumbing to the Covid injections. It looks like the deadline dates for getting the population injected are completely off target now. For those who have been Covid injected with initial and subsequent injections and boosters, Godspeed. You've been spiked - and these maniacs are about to spike children (get them all on vaccine passports and permanently locked into the central bankers' digital system). 

Source: New York Post Times

Britain should brace for 'early' flu outbreak that could kill 60,000 people, warn experts

By nytimespost | October 14, 2021
The confluence of influenza and coronavirus has fanned fears the UK could face a "twindemic" this winter, killing up to 60,000 Britons. Researchers have now warned that a surge in cases in Croatia could lead to an early outbreak of infections in the UK. The latest reports show that cases of seasonal flu are slowly ticking up. 

The Theft of Unearned Power

Editor's note: It is more than likely what we will see happen in the US after the regime of Joseph Stolen, new institutions will start appearing including schools, universities, hospitals, medical facilities, employment opportunities and better ways to organize outside of the federal government. For the Bolsheviks moving into positions of authority like we see with the "hyper aggressive" Catherine Lhamon who has just been moved back into the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, lying to establish power means nothing to them when they destroy lives because that is what the left (Bolsheviks) do. 

Source: The Federalist 

Senate Narrowly Confirms Due Process Foe Catherine Lhamon To Education Department
Ocotober 20, 2021 | By Jordan Davidson 

Was COVID Vaccine Fetal Tissue Obtained by the Murder of an Infant?

by Jon Rappoport | October 18, 2021

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With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we've seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.

Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.

On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, "Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine."

Cardinalli details the collection of fetal tissue for the cell line named HEK 293. This cell line was used for "testing" the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. 

Deep Fakes in the Public

International Asymmetric Biowarfare correspondent - Comparing Things

Sir Oliver Klosov

Do you think the people we see are the people that are there on television...think again. It is TV 'Programming' after all.

Does It Get Any Clearer Than This?

Note: We are in WWIII and western elites are working with the CCP.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Want to Vomit?

Editor's note: The Chinese will not meet any resistance moving into US institutions including hospitals to take over America. Look who will be shoving these Covid injections off on Americans including the military and children.

Source: The Federalist

Corporate Media, Democrats Praise Rachel Levine, A Man, For 'Historic' Female Admiral Title
OCTOBER 19, 2021 | By Jordan Davidson

Rachel Levine, who lead one of the worst COVID-19 pandemic responses in the U.S., was sworn in as a four-star admiral to the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps on Tuesday. 

Under Global Assault How Smart Are You? - In the Land of the Blind the One Eyed Pirate Is King

Editor's note: Central banking model of commercial warfare by privateers. Nothing has changed in 500 years accept for the potency and delivery systems of injections - and perhaps the sophistication of social engineering and control. Considering what we are being assaulted with on a global scale of monumental proportions, how smart are you? One aspect of this that comes into question is how can these vaccine manufacturers be making so much money when more and more people are refusing Covid injections? And then to protect these profits it appears Google is hiding statistics and information on injection-related deaths. 


Source: the Defender

'Unconscionable': Pfizer, Moderna to Rake in Combined $93 Billion in 2022 COVID Vaccine Sales

A report by health data analytics group, Airfinity, projects "unprecedented" sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in 2022. According to the People's Vaccine Alliance, the companies are pricing their vaccines by as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.

October 19, 2021 | By Megan Redshaw

Rockefeller Foundation In Coordination with the WEF Paper Published in 2010: "Lockstep"

Editor's note: The comment was made "the VAX is the FIRST SOCIAL CREDIT! in Klaus Schwab's 4th Industrial Revolution" (4IR). Is the U.S. military being sidelined that is apparently discussed in the WEF's "Lockstep" document linked below? The Rockefeller Foundation has a tight working relationship with Schwab's WEF. This is also all part of the Commons Project Foundation (CPF) working with the WEF to initiate what they call their Common Trust Network always under the empty shallow euphemism of "common good." There is no such thing as the "common good", certainly not for the stakeholders involved in these foundations, their financial backers, the WEF and the Davos gang. 

Source: Alter of Deceit

Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power

Money Printing Helps the Top One Percent the Most - Global Insurrection Coming Against Central Banks

Editor's note: The only way to head off a global insurrection that is coming against central banks is to annihilate the population with a pandemic and that pandemic that seems to be coming and is in the final planning stage is the Marburg pandemic. America has come to the end of its economic life after being harvested for 200 years. Its population are going to find themselves being triaged because they are no longer of any value. That is how the central banking warfare model has worked for the past 500 years. Covid is collapsing so the next pandemic will be required it appears:


Source: AIM

Cat Report

October 18, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Political Power of Facebook

Editor's note: Does it make any difference to Americans that Facebook relies on Israeli tech firms for its R&D? Understand too that the director of public relations for Facebook is run out of the UK by Nick Clegg. It won't be long now until Americans start answering to Facebook with their individuated avatars in a virtual world as digital doubles based on a planetary computer system run by A.I. Welcome to the metaverse. Facebook's intent after stealing the platform's technology from Leader Technologies. Facebook and Google need to be nationalized. 

Source: Voltaire Network

In the global imagination, Facebook would be a responsible social network that allows everyone to connect confidentially while censoring messages contrary to local laws. In practice, it is quite different. Facebook collects information about you for the NSA, censors your opinions and mints its own currency. In a few months, this company has become one of the most influential players in world politics.

By Thierry Meyssan | October 12, 2021
William Joel / The Verge

You Do Not Want To Be on the Wrong Side of History

Editor's note: More here: The 'Plandemic' and the Great Awakening

More: Remember Their Names - War Has Been Declared

CNN Is an Intelligence Operation and It Must Be Removed – America Has No Use for CNN – CNN's Media Coverage Is Borderline Terrorism – CNN Loses the Narrative and There Is No Taking It Back

Editor's note: There is no way out of this one. CNN is not the media. It creates sociological schizophrenic conditioning in the minds of its targeted audience and must be removed from America. CNN will never recapture the narrative and the only way out now is bankruptcy with an alleged fewer than one million viewers. If you rely on CNN as a news source there is no hope for you. CNN is the cause of "conspiracy theories." It is time we took apart CNN and their operatives beginning with "Doctor" Leana Wen who along with CNN are sales reps for the vaccine-industrial complex. 

Inslee: Kiss Our Ass

Editor's note: Inslee is a corporate Bolshevik Nomenklatura. Covid fallout is going to paralyze America and that has been the intention all along paving the way for the UN to be called in using the Chinese (Chinese [CCP] infiltration) military more than likely. More here:

WATCH: Washington state trooper resigns over vaccine mandate, tells Gov. Inslee to 'kiss my ass'

Pick a Card, Any Card

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Fighting For Freedom

Sir Oliver Klosov

I've been watching the new more militant 'V' videos and, as fun as they are and as pissed as I am personally about the way these scum bags are behaving, before we resort to violence, there are many non violent ways to fight this idiocracy...

Violence has its place after all other options run out but it has to be the last option for one reason...we must not have to justify violent methods to defeat the globalists to our children in the future after we win if we didn't try more civilized methods first. It paints the wrong message and sets precedents that open the path to choose this wrong door in the future. Don't get me wrong, I go to the shooting range weekly as the saying goes..."be prepared". Guns are like condoms...better to have one when you need it than need one and not have it. That being said...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

An English Village's Dirty Secret

Source: Consortium News

Matt Kennard and Phil Miller's new film about a BAE factory town features an ex-government adviser on Saudi arms sales speaking on camera with a journalist for the first time.

October 15, 2021 | By Matt Kennard and Phil Miller

Harry Kane has just scored a late goal, confirming England's win over Germany in this summer's Euros. We are seated under a marquee outside a pub near a main road in the nondescript village of Warton, Lancashire.

One of the punters stands up, lifting his Jägerbomb high into the air. "There were 10 German bombers in the sky," he sings as he dances awkwardly. "And the RAF from England shot one down." 

Farm to Fork: How the EU and the Davos Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture

Editor's note: Listen to news reports being put out by CNN (creates sociological schizophrenia) saying that Americans expecting the stores or shelves to be abundantly filled and Americans expecting the supply chains to function as they traditionally have through most of their lives in America, now have unreasonable expectations because according to CNN, "those were the before times." CNN (CNN has less than one million viewers) us using terminology to describe some kind of a dystopian future where society collapses. This is part of the digital control and surveillance systems (microprocessor reallocation going on so there are no shortages as alleged) that are being implemented where technology stands in the way of your freedom to move in society. 

By F. William Engdahl 29 September 2021

Whenever we hear the word "sustainable" we would be well-advised to take a critical look behind the nice sounding words. In the case of the globalist Agenda 2030 with its 17 sustainable goals by 2030, the one for creating a "sustainable agriculture", when looked at closely, will destroy a huge part of EU agriculture production and drive already rising global prices for food far higher. The EU Commission calls their Green Deal for food the cute title, "Farm to Fork." It is being backed by Klaus Schwab's omnipresent World Economic Forum and their Great Reset.
Image Attribution: CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2019 – Source: EP".( Image Original Attribution & Link: By European Parliament from EU - Hearing of Frans Timmermans (the Netherlands) - Executive Vice President-Designate - European Green Deal, CC BY 2.0, LINK 

Was January 6 Part of the FBI's 'Operation Cold Snap'?

Source: American Greatness

It's only a matter of time before we learn how many "Big Dans" or Stephen Robesons were part of January 6.

By Julie Kelly | October 14, 2021

The tony, bucolic town of Dublin, Ohio would be one of the last places in America expected to host a convention of white supremacist militiamen. Nestled along the Scioto River, the Columbus suburb's biggest claim to fame is hosting the PGA's annual Memorial Golf tournament every summer.

But in June 2020, days after the nation was roiled by Black Lives Matter looting and rioting, a man from Wisconsin named Stephen Robeson sponsored a "National Militia Conference" at a Dublin hotel. (Yes, that was the real name of the event.) 

Pilot Expert Witness Testimony/Evidence S20200617032

Editor's note: This is how you destroy (deindustrialization) and bring civilization to its knees while China's CCP (coal plants for China) is moving aggressively to bring down America. Hey Pete, we have some expert witness testimony here related to national security. What are you going to do about it?
Chasten and Pete Buttigieg shared this image of their newborn twins Penelope Rose and Joseph August on September 4, 2021. 

Nice kids, Pete, now on to more critical matters:

Dear DOT IG Soskin, DOT Secretary Buttigieg, FAA Administrator Dickson, FAA Chief Investigator Barnet, FAA Director Aviation Safety Barnet, and the FAA Hotline Team:

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Central Banks Cannibalize Humanity

Source: Silkthreads

The Central Banks Intend to Lay Claim to Bodies and Minds

October 7, 2021
The virus ushers in the proposed plans of Human Capital Bonds; modern digital slavery. 

We are reaching a point where it is no longer sustainable in our present trajectory, in terms of consumption of material goods. This "Great Reset" that is being framed as stakeholder capitalism, like the newer kinder version of capitalism, will essentially mean conditioning people to "live" within smaller physical footprints & virtualized spaces in digital environments. We are being pushed into the virtual world. That is where the new economic model of capitalist growth is happening. 

Stabbed to Death in a Church Because of His Opposition To Covid Vaccine Passports?!

Editor's note: Let this be a lesson: We are in an asymmetric war (4th generation warfare) and it doesn't matter if you are a civilian or in the military because everyone is involved now. America must not be broken up. It must consolidate power, kill its enemies and that includes China's CCP then rebuild.

Sir David Anthony Andrew Amess (26 March 1952 – 15 October 2021)

The End Is Near: Whose End Is the Question

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Very, Very Ready

Sir Oliver Klosov

If you want to see how it will be if we the people fail, here it is....

Looking into our circumstances...