Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Shock the Monkey

International Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

I have been getting a lot of messages from people frustrated that can't convince their families not to take the 'jab' regardless of the rock-solid evidence it is nothing more than a global experiment waged on the compliant.

But I have a win - win idea about this.

Instead of trying to fix 'stupid' do this instead. Take out $5 million dollar life insurance policies on each of them. Now that 124 million Democratic voters are inoculated for elimination and for the ensuing expensive medical issues that will bankrupt any family and make the medical industry rich, it's time to take advantage of 'stupid'. If that doesn't shock them into a mind change their sorry little monkey brains need leave the gene pool anyway. 


Editor's note: Here is how you fight back as the "stupid" begin to be removed from the gene pool. Get some red cloth then cut the cloth into a triangular shape like the image below. Then in the middle of the triangle place "unvaccinated" on it. Then wear it so that it is plainly visible to others. This is warfare. A propaganda war so learn how to fight back. It is not a kinetic war but a very real war we are in so go asymmetrical and irregular.  This red triangle is what the Nazis used to mark their political enemies. Wear it in public.

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