Sunday, January 31, 2021

FEMA asks Pentagon to ready as many as 10,000 troops to support nationwide vaccine push

Editor's note: World War Covid between the US and China. And what about the seasonal flu? Scientific fraud on a colossal scale. And now these people want to bring in the military to enforce the fraud. 


Source: CBS News


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has asked the Pentagon to ready as many as 10,000 troops to support 100 COVID-19 vaccination sites nationwide, with the goal of administering 450,000 vaccinations a day.

The federal government envisions 50 "mega" vaccination sites capable of administering 6,000 shots per day, in addition to 50 "large" vaccination sites providing 3,000 shots per day, according to defense officials. 
The first of the FEMA-powered vaccination sites are expected to be operating by mid-February, a senior White House official told CBS News, and will scale up as vaccine production intensifies in the coming months.

FEMA's "Prepare to Deploy Order" to the Department of Defense (DOD) is expected to be approved, but has not yet been greenlighted. California, Virginia, Michigan, Delaware and New Mexico are among the states that have requested federally run vaccine centers.

The FEMA-run sites will be entirely new in most cases, according to a senior White House official, but the federal agency will work with governors to provide personnel and support to existing state-run vaccination centers where they're needed. The agency will offer funding, logistics, staffing and mobile vaccination clinics, but governors are free turn down DOD deployments to their state.

California Governor Gavin Newsom's office, which has been struggling with high infection rates for months, is relying on FEMA for help in establishing "high-volume vaccination sites" in several locations. The California National Guard announced it will be assisting at two facilities to start: Cal Expo-Sacramento and the Long Beach Convention Center.

Please go to CBS News to read more.

Full Circle
In a post below, A Treasure Trove, I linked to a website that contains English translations of the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka, a German virologist doctor.** These are, it appears, reprints of articles from the magazine Wissenshafftplus, which translates to Science Plus Knowledge Creates More. I have been deeply immersed in the work, and feel at this time that I finally have a handle on virology, that is, the supposed science as it is done in the post-Enders era. More about that later.

Pasteur and science fraud

I think back now to Louis Pasteur, and maybe I am being too conspiratorial, but he appears to me to have been a front for others, mostly likely people in the pharmaceutical business. What does it tell us when he keeps two sets of notes, a dishonest set for the public, and honest ones to be kept private. Pasteur told his family that his private notes were never to be published, but his grandson, Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot, donated his notebooks to the French National Library, which published them. In 2014, Prof. Gerard Geison of Princeton University published them for English readers in a book titled The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. At $71 for the paperback, I balked. Here's a review that tempts me, however:
"Geison has discovered that Pasteur's two most famous experiments were tainted by lies and scientific, if not moral, misconduct. The author's deconstruction of the Pasteur myth is not an attempt to discredit the man or his works but to present the unadorned truth. Well written and scholarly, with extensive notes and bibliography, this book is highly recommended." ― Library Journal
All that aside, what does this say? What does it mean when we know he was deliberately duplicitous? For me, it says that Pasteur was a hire, and knew he would not be found out because behind him was power. Germ theory as given us from Pasteur down has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry, made us all less healthy with vaccines, and has turned doctors into natural born killers.

Enders' game

So I read in Lanka's work that
"… the idea of the virus as a poison was elegantly and scientifically disproved and abandoned in 1951 and that since 1952 another idea had to be invented: The idea that viruses are a collection of dangerous genes. Here again, it is concealed that there is still no solid scientific proof for the assumption of such gene accumulations, which could be called viruses."
The event that kept viruses alive was the 1954 Nobel Prize given to Prof. John Franklin Enders for his speculation that viruses are dangerous protein toxins.
Enders and his colleagues, with their only publication from June 1, 1954, developed the idea that cells that die in the test tube after supposedly infected material is added would turn into viruses. This dying is simultaneously issued as isolation of the virus -because supposedly something is brought into the laboratory from outside -, and the reproduction of the suspected virus and the dying cell mass is used as a vaccine. Enders, his colleagues and all virologists overlooked – because of the Nobel Prize's blindness – that the death of the cells in the laboratory is not caused by a virus, but because the cells are unintentionally and unnoticed but systematically killed in the laboratory. [Emphasis added.]
That's again looking like fraud. From that time forward virologists have been "isolating" viruses by these methods, and without benefit of negative control. Says Lanka, if they did such control as part of their work, they would discover that the cells that die from viruses actually die from virologists and their methods. Since 1954, 66 years, they have never truly isolated any virus, much less shown that viruses are involved in disease.

Virologists and science fraud

I have struggled with this since February of last year, trying to understand the concept of "isolation" by means of centrifuge, repeated filtration and purification, resulting in a "gold standard." I have argued that there is no gold standard for SARS-CoV-2, and that the genome of the supposed virus therefore cannot be identified, so that there is nothing to test for. Why does this argument always fall on deaf ears? It is because virology has been gutted of any real science, and by means of subterfuge the word "isolate" has been co-opted to mean its opposite. That, in my view, is fraud, and as with Louis Pasteur, it is fraud that has saved the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry.

Lanka is forgiving of all of this, where I am not. Says Lanka,
Contrary to what most people believe, pathogenic viruses do not exist. The claims about the existence of viruses and viral diseases are based on historic misinterpretations and not, as I thought in the past – on fraud or deliberate deception. We now have new, better, and in the positive meaning of the word "scientific" discoveries and explanations for the origin, therapy and prevention of many diseases, some of which are still called "viral" today.
In other words, Enders was wrong, but there was not enough known for him to be called dishonest. Maybe so, but that was 66 years ago! Can anyone in the field of virology speak up and now set us straight? If they do, they are out of work. Lanka views it all as subject to inevitable change, but I see modern virology as written in stone, never doubting or reflecting on itself. Of course, we are dealing with human failings, virologists who never became smarter than their teachers, but still, I look at virus hunters as engaged in deliberate fraud, the purpose of which is to protect industries from financial ruin. Most probably do not realize this, but a few surely must, and those few are involved in science fraud.

Please go to Piece of Mindful to read the entire article. 



The Vaccine Caravan Rolls On - Where Is Your Badge? - Beat the Virus: Practice Media Distancing

Huh? What is going on here?

Are you muzzled with a face diaper?


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