Sunday, January 31, 2021

Why the US Will Continue to Meddle in Thailand...

Editor's note: Proceeding article on what is going on in Thailand as the US attempts circumventing the government there to bring Thailand in as a buffer against China's expansion on its Belt & Road Initiative. Reuters is not a news source, rather, it is an extension of US, Canadian and UK multinational corporations. The point is every Reuters news release must be scrutinized. Readers will discover further down in this republished material there is a solution on how to defeat the mainstream media. Read on...


Source: Land Destroyer

January 31, 2021 (Brian Berletic - LD) - I explain why US foreign policy never changes regardless of who is in the White House - how corporate-funded think tanks actually produce US foreign policy and how Washington merely rubber-stamps it.

I also explain steps nations like Thailand can take to protect themselves from constant US interference in their internal political affairs. 

One Way Or Another, the Ponzi Scheme is Going Down - Let the Games Start - A Silver Arrow Straight Into the Heart of the Banksters - Get These Leeches Off Our Backs - List of Criminals With Silver Shorts

Sensory Overload Using Mind Control Trauma-Based Techniques on a Global Scale

Editor's note: The following clips demonstrate how you scare the living crap out of the world and traumatize them into obedience. The mental health of people in various nations have been destroyed and that was one goal. Destroy the psychology and the psyche of people and they have done a spectacular job of it. It is almost as if the entire world is locked into Guantanamo Bay using these images of extreme sensory overload using mind control trauma-based techniques. We are amazed people haven't gone into these media centers and just walk in a take them over. These were just some of the videos used to terrify the world into Covid black magic. 

FEMA asks Pentagon to ready as many as 10,000 troops to support nationwide vaccine push

Editor's note: World War Covid between the US and China. And what about the seasonal flu? Scientific fraud on a colossal scale. And now these people want to bring in the military to enforce the fraud. 


Source: CBS News


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has asked the Pentagon to ready as many as 10,000 troops to support 100 COVID-19 vaccination sites nationwide, with the goal of administering 450,000 vaccinations a day.

The federal government envisions 50 "mega" vaccination sites capable of administering 6,000 shots per day, in addition to 50 "large" vaccination sites providing 3,000 shots per day, according to defense officials. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Redirect Populism Into Monetary Reform - Money Creation - All Hands on Deck - Buy Locally - Use Your Skills: There Is Something for Everyone to Do - 80 Million Voters Suddenly Said "Enough" - Moving Out of Digitized Chattel Slavery - Return to Land Jurisdiction Government

Editor's note: There is nothing more the central banking elite want with their predatory usurious money creation system and the oligarchs who use this system having first run at magic money, than to embroil Americans in a "civil war." This is what the oligarch class through their ownership of foreign federal subcontractors, large privately-owned, for-profit commercial corporations, the military and the media are aggressively agitating for in America. Don't let them get away with it. They have private intelligence networks working the dialectic to get Americans to rebel to the point of violence. Take the populist momentum and use it to develop monetary reform and new systems in a "parallel society" to circumvent these oligarchs.

Oligarchs Who Own America Are Preparing - US Congress and Senate Work for the Oligarchy - This Commercial System Practices Slavery - Oligarchs Fear a Populist Revolt - Peasant/Slave Class Need to Build Their Own Parallel Society - Central Control (Oligarchs) Destroy Civilization

Editor's note: The massive disparity between the wealth owned and controlled by the oligarch class who rule America and the average American has become so wide that there is now general fear a real populist uprising might lead to a violent and bloody confrontation. Americans need to be mindful of the fact that the FBI spends most of its resources and time drawing out disgruntled Americans as "white supremacists" and "white nationalists" setting them up to carry out "acts of violence" only to be imprisoned. There are other ways to organize like setting up a "parallel society" to move around coming potential civil unrest and violence. To give better perspective on oligarchs this essay is recommended reading:

Oligarchy in America

The oligarch class who own both the US congress and senate who have their lawyers inside the offices of your "elected oligarch corporate bagmen" have introduced H.R.127. The oligarch class are fearful of a populist uprising that could bring carnage to their wealth and assets. When a population (commercial system of slavery) are pushed in the extreme there is absolutely no way of calculating the dimensions of any coming potential violence. There is an entire black population who have been disenfranchised from any benefits of the financial and economic system they are yoked to. 73 percent of the murders in America are murders being perpetrated by the black population and if it isn't apparent by now they are desperate. 

Germany Claims AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Only 8% Effective In People Over 65

Editor's note: Who will be liable if anything goes wrong including possible death after receiving an AstraZeneca/BioNTech "experimental" Covid injection? The manufacturers of the Covid injections have been relieved of all liability. If you are injured, damaged or worse killed after receiving a Covid injection, what are you going to do? Report it to VAERS? Our immediate advice is to stop calling them "vaccines." This is a medical procedure. 

Source: Great Game India

January 30, 2021

According to a report by Germany's Standing Vaccination Commission, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is only effective 8% in people over 65.

Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics and Public Trauma

Source: Winter Watch

May 17, 2019 | By Russ Winter
"The biological, psychological, moral and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the pathocrats, a biological necessity." — Dr. Andrew Łobaczewski (1921 – 2008) 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Reclaiming Our Minds and Our World: Lessons from Survivors and Veterans

Freeing Our Minds to Reclaim Our Lives: Lessons from Two Mind Control Survivors

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guests Deborah Golding and Ann Diamond, January 24, 2021
Kevin does a live introduction before airing a rerun from May 10, 2020

Download audio

Rand Paul Disagrees With Antony Blinken as US Secretary of State - Rep. Jim Traficant Remembered - Any Reciprocity Here? - Israel to Replace America - Serving Political Zionist Ambitions - Coming "Domestic War On Terrorism" - Decades of War In the Middle East

Editor's note: We dug out a clip from the past to view before going onto a recent clip of Rand Paul speaking to an empty house (typical), about why Rep. Paul disagrees with Banana Republic Biden's handlers deciding on Antony Blinken for the new US secretary of state. Paul knows Blinken is Jewish with deep connections to Israel with Bilken's coming policies only strengthening Israel's resolve in the region using America to get that job done. Get ready Iran, these people are coming for you.

If Rand Paul even comes close to mentioning this fact, he would be jettisoned from the congress immediately. Blinken is already in close contact with his counterparts in Israel "guaranteeing Israel's security" while America has endured decades of Talpiot. Is there any reciprocity (what is going on in Rhode Island?) here? Does America receive anything in return? 

Revealed: Jeffrey Epstein Received at Least $200 Million From Billionaires Les Wexner and Leon Black

Source: SOTN

Why did Jeffrey Epstein receive upwards of $200 million from billionaire these movers and shakers?

January 26, 2021 by State of the Nation
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

Jeffrey Epstein received $158 million from billionaire Leon Black and $46 million at a bare minimum from billionaire Les Wexner, according to the latest numbers.

THE GREAT REOPENING: There's No Stopping It!

Source: SOTN

And, "NO!", it will not be televised in any way, shape or form!

January 28, 2021 | by State of the Nation
State of the Nation

The whole world is now witnessing the greatest awakening in human history. Can you feel it?!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Smaller the Lines, the Bigger the Laser - The Machines That Build the Machines - Powering Up the Fourth Industrial Revolution - ASML's Relation With China - Lithography (EUV) Powered by Zeiss: Most Expensive Machines in the World - Covid-Induced World Trade Crumbles Except Technology

Editor's note: When President Trump occupied the White House (he was allegedly being betrayed by Tel Aviv), there was political pressure exerted on the Netherlands-based ASML to prevent China from accessing ASML's advanced technology. ASML manufactures the machines that manufacture microprocessors. Whatever country ends up with the machines that make the machines and related technology, will own the future of technology related to microprocessors. They will power up A.I. Israel wants to own that future and so does China - badly. Both are greedy, xenophobic cultures – notoriously so, in fact. They're resented for such. What the CEO of ASML likely knows but doesn't admit, is that Israel and China technology, trade and investment are becoming closer. Now that Trump has been replaced with Banana Republic Biden, will we see political circumstances between Israel and China continue?

While the world has gone into convulsions over the WEF and Davos-induced "Great Reset" destroying economies in countries all over the world under cover of the global fake Covid pandemic, the tech industry related to microprocessor engineering and manufacturing is going strong. At the core of ASML lithography machines are the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) lasers that etch out the wafers. ASML has a monopoly on the industry with Taiwan's TSMC, Samsung, Apple and Intel all relying on ASML's lithography machines.  At the core of ASML's lithography machines are the lasers engineered and manufactured by the German firm Zeiss (Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH). Without Zeiss' EUV lasers nothing works. The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" will turn into the "Great Reopening."

Stay Focused On the Technology - Technology Is Power - "Anti-Semitism" and "White Supremacism" Drives Jews Into the Zionist Camp - Intel's Andrew Grove: "Stop the Outsourcing of Technology and Jobs From America" - Your Stimulus Check Just Got Sent to Israel

Editor's note: The reason why the City of London's "forward fire base" in Israel cannot allow the BDS movement to get out of control in the US is because Israel cannot afford to be shut off from removing America's industrial and technological base to Israel. Don't get caught up in this "anti-semitism" bullshit, the white nationalist nonsense, or the white supremacist con that we are constantly brought back to for good reason. "White supremacism" and "Anti-semitism" drives Jews into the political Zionist camp that ONLY makes Israel more powerful. Get it? It is bad enough Americans have to deal with the Christian-Zionist cult that can be traced right back to the Israeli Knesset

Stay intently focused on the technology. What did the Hungarian-Jew Andrew Grove (András István Gróf) who built Intel along with Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore say?  Grove was screaming at the top of his lungs to "stop outsourcing technology and jobs from America." The exact opposite of the other Jew, the existentialist German Jew Henry Kissinger who worked to de-industrialize America. Now look at Intel today. It's junk, totally compromised and is likely going to get stomped by AMD and TSMC. The big question now is will Intel move all their operations to Israel and come back in a spectacular way?

We Don't Need Any More of These Private School Kid Graduate Morons

Editor's note: The UK's Dominic Cummings despite a few recent flaws (£800 million controversial Covid tests) that might have been intentional, wrote an interesting blog piece last year called "Two hands are a lot — we're hiring data scientists, project managers, policy experts, assorted weirdos…" that we partially republished below. What's Cummings basically saying? Cummings is saying "they have jobs at 10 Downing Street" but they don't want Yale graduates, Oxford graduates, they don't want Cambridge graduates. They want people who have been beaten, and bashed, and raped, and traumatized; people who have had the shit kicked out of them on the streets, they want people who have been drug dealers, they want people who have traveled the world, they want people who have lived a f*cking life and not another one of these university private school kid graduate dumbass morons. 10 Downing Street needs more people with "genuine cognitive diversity." Bloody cheers, Dominic Cummings. 

Source: Dominic Cummings Blog

'Two hands are a lot' — we're hiring data scientists, project managers, policy experts, assorted weirdos…


'This is possibly the single largest design flaw contributing to the bad Nash equilibrium in which … many governments are stuck. Every individual high-functioning competent person knows they can't make much difference by being one more face in that crowd.' Eliezer Yudkowsky, AI expert, LessWrong etc. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

After COVID, Davos Moves to Great Reset

Editor's note: Since about 2009 China has replaced the US as the #1 location for direct foreign investment. The WEF and Davos-directed "Great Reset" rollout implementing their "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (4IR) in coordination with the world's "giga rich plutocrat families" through their central banks including the IMF and the World Bank using their frontman Klaus Schwab, are moving rapidly to collapse the US economy and move the technology and industrial base to Israel. The other disturbing component being rolled out is the biosecurity state very few understand. This is a fact we have covered before but a subject researchers and geopolitical observers will not take on. Israel is becoming the base of operations for artificial intelligence (A.I.), Internet of Bodies (IoB), Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous systems, human capital bonds, robotics, drones, biotechnology and cyber security. With Israel's technological support being provided, China will become the financial capital of the world post-2032.

One of the WEF forum's participants includes Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the Covid vaccine rollout in Israel. It has been described as "exciting" as the "fastest vaccine rollout in the world." Why would that be exciting for Israel? Because Pfizer and Astrazeneca have agreements with Israel's biotechnology industry that established a R&D lab in Israel to "research developmental A.I.-based computational technologies that will help find personalized drugs and treatments for patients." That's the cover story anyway. What they are working on is to transition to trans-humanism and the only way to do that is to introduce technology into the human body. Google is also on the way to machine-man transition with Google being deeply involved in injectables. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

No Quantifiable Virus Available - The Great 2020 Disappearing Influenza Act - We Are In the Territory of Fraud - We Have an Isolation Problem - Shocking Research - "Higher Cycles Are Garbage" - Participants In the Church of Covid Will Still Believe

Editor's note: The psychopathic fascist elite running this global WEF and Davos-induced "Great Reset" in conjunction with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) structured by the world's most powerful central banks under cover of this global fake Covid pandemic are going to have to double down. Expect them to become increasingly vicious coming down hard on people like in the Netherlands where people there have had enough of the lockdowns. The corporate criminal syndicate WHO, finally announced that the "PCR tests done at higher cycles are garbage." And now a WHO "official" is making the charge the pandemic originated out of a lab in China as the "result of a leak." It's been reported elsewhere the Covid virus was out before an alleged leak at the Wuhan lab. Looks to us as though these factions are all turning on each other in panic.

That source linked above from Anti-Empire originated from Zero Hedge so be advised, Zero Hedge is a suspect intelligence operation. The highest paid US federal employee (the "mendacious midget") has just announced that "double-masking is likely more effective against coronavirus." As more and more people figure out masks do not stop the spread of coronavirus and refuse to wear them, expect increasingly more bizarre actions from the techno fascist Covidcrats. In Ireland, the lockdowns there are so severe the Irish state has been turning revenue on violators. Doesn't it seem as though the closer you live to Klaus Schwab's WEF operations there in Switzerland the more the Covid restrictions there are in place?

Plan: Radicalize the American People - Domestic War on Terrorism - Create Terrorists by First Radicalizing Them - Americans: DO NOT Fall for the Dialectic Trap Being Set for You - Stop Being Distracted - Focus on Israel as America Collapses - This Is About Raw Power and Money

Editor's note: We posted some material about retired General McCrystal (McCrystal is fully plugged into Israel and is likely where he is getting his ideas) suggesting that Trump supporters (MAGA) should be looked at as "domestic terrorists" and a "new war on terrorism" be opened up on Americans who supported Trump. What readers should probably consider is not supporting any politician or "leader" at this point; because as America's industrial and technological base is being transferred to Israel like with Intel, the global elitist bankers firmly in control who are shifting economic and financial power to Israel and China, will work to create political confrontation and violence in America by radicalizing Americans. Biden's Bolshevik handlers have already moved to allow China into America's electrical power grid. The radicalization of Americans will come through the media (intelligence and counter intelligence like Fox News) and Big Tech's control over social media. It was initiated in Washington on January 6.

This cynical manipulation of the American people into political confrontation is meant to further divide, isolate and distract them. Extremism is going to be heavily promoted by the oligarch class who run America, so you need to be aware of this if you decide to get "radical" in your personal approach to America's present circumstances. The same thing that was done to destroy pan-Arabism by weaponizing Islam is going to be done to the American people by radicalizing them. This isn't about politics, about the political divide between the left and the right and the ideological abyss between conservative and liberal. This is about raw power, greed and money with factions including inside the Pentagon where the temporarily appointed acting Secretary of Defense (November 9, 2020 to January 20, 2021) Christopher Miller, referred to the Pentagon as: "This fucking place is rotten. It's rotten." 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Bill Eats Organic Filet Mignon on His $644 Million Yacht - If It's Not "Sustainable" You Won't Eat - WEF's "Great Reset": Destroy Restaurants, Independent Farmers and Bars - Bill the Farmer - Consolidation of Food Supply Chain

Editor's note: One component of the WEF and Davos-directed "Great Reset" with their "Fourth Industrial Revolution" under cover of the global Covid fake pandemic, is to collapse food supply chains. Once the food chains and independent farmers are destroyed, global food cartels and supply chains can be taken over. When this is accomplished you will have access to only sterile industrial foods required to minimally sustain you during your short duration high output digitized existence. This explains why the first businesses to be destroyed were restaurants, bars and pubs. Under this WEF, Davos, IMF and World Bank imposed economic "Great Reset" model, thousands of restaurants, bars, small independent farmers and pubs are not "sustainable" according to the coming green economy planned under Agenda 2030. 

Source: The Land Report

Bill Gates: America's Top Farmland Owner

January 11, 2021 | by Eric OKeefe
The co-founder of Microsoft and his wife rank as America's largest private farmland owners.

Step Up to the Slot Machine to Get Your Covid Jab

Editor's note: Bit of an exaggeration in the title of this post? Hardly. When you consent to taking the Covid injections (two will be required) it is literally like pulling the handle or pushing the flashy knobs on a slot machine. If you "win" the jackpot you risk getting injured or even losing your life as we see the Covid jab statistics and results starting to be compiled around the world.

America: The Personal Life Is Dead


Dr. Fauci: Double-masking makes 'common sense' and is likely more effective

Editor's note: HIV/AIDS conman Fauci suggests Americans wear double masks to "protect" themselves and others from the sexed up Corona virus as Trump watches Fauci livid with anger. As many keen observers and researchers including doctors have concluded, governments have long since realized the Covid does not constitute a public health threat, but other agendas have since hijacked the global Covid containment effort we are witnessing unfold.


Source: CNBC

January 25 2021 | By Cory Stieg
Dr. Anthony Fauci arrives for US President Joe Biden address about the Covid-19 response before signing executive orders in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on January 21, 2021. Mandel Ngan | Reuters 

Bolsheviks Are Obsessed With Disinfectants and Cleanliness - Bolsheviks Concept of the Dead Soul - When the Soul is Dead the Private Life Is Dead - The Dead Are Being Resurrected - QAnon: Messianic Mind F#ck - Their Sacred Mantra: Kill the Virus

Editor's note: Make certain you comprehend a very significant fact when you go over this material. When the Bolsheviks come to power they deny the soul. Once the soul is dead then privacy is dead. As it turns out, those who fell for the QAnon mind fuck got gamed. It also turns out that it was mostly Protestant-associated or influenced Americans who got punked by QAnon as a game, while it was mostly Catholics who didn't fall for the QAnon psyop. Fascinating isn't it? Games are where weak compromised males find their "manhood." Where they can say they "won" by killing a fictitious enemy in a game. They found their "manliness" and their purpose through QAnon online gaming.  

Just like the return of Jesus Christ messianic syndrome, QAnon followers were waiting for their "savior." Look at the Bolshevik UK (City of London; commercial warfare death cult) Professor Brian Cox (knighted a CBE) who is now trying to tell us the "soul is dead." More elitist intellectual cunning masquerading as "science" to make it easier to exterminate you by eviscerating your soul. Look carefully at what is going on with these increasingly totalitarian regimes with massive human rights (and individual rights) abuses concerning their crackdown on populations over this global fake Covid pandemic operation. Get ready because as Biden declared his "science agenda" these soulless ghouls are getting ready to wipe out your soul.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Archiving the Covid Injection Carnage

Editor's note: If this information is actually from the CDC website (VAERS) it means everyone over 65 who takes the Covid injections falls under UN Agenda 2030 for SDG #3 on "sustainability" and "health": triage. 

ACH (1423) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – Another USS Liberty Attack? The Forgotten And Unsolved Saga Of Arrow Air Flight 1285

Source: ACH
January 6, 2021 by achitchcock

In today's show originally broadcast on January 6, 2021 Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, "Another USS Liberty Attack? The Forgotten And Unsolved Saga Of Arrow Air Flight 1285."

Who is Klaus Martin Schwab?

by Anon 

Findings here are entirely based on internet search and therefore available to everyone. 

US Defense Intelligence Agency Buys Your Smartphone Location Data From Brokers

Editor's note: The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) can now pinpoint you for a drone strike on their newly declared domestic war on terrorism. 

Source: Great Game India

January 24, 2021

US Defense Intelligence Agency has just confirmed that the US government does indeed buy your location data collected from your smartphones by brokers.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Internet of Bodies (IoB) - Hacking Your DNA - Two Types of Estates - Control Over All Substance on the Planet - Plantation Earth Is an Energy Harvesting Machine - Fused Over to Transhumanism - Hollywood Entrainment Movies - Accessing Human Nervous Systems - Tanzania Stiffs the EU for $27 Million

Editor's note: Here is what we need to think about. The world's oligarchs are attempting to have all of us code our existence into an open air prison system (panopticon) run by a constellation of satellites under 5G and 6G where we are going to be risked profiled in real time controlled through behavioral programming. Unless you correct your political status all property on earth including you are held in some form of estate in this hierarchical Babylonian commercial system. This system goes back centuries and is no easy task to try and figure out. 

In this hierarchical corporate feudal system the crown, lords and vassals or the sovereign holds all the land and grants land to the landed gentry or the nobility. There is a contract in place to conduct this and it is called the "Oath of Fidelity Contract" that contracts fidelity back to the lord or to the sovereign. All of these lands are titled. There is a history of how land has been overlaid with this system of insurance and land titling. The substance of the living planet and the living bodies on the planet as real living matter and the substance of all things that matter. The legal and monetary system is an overlay and overlaid on the land with a system of titling and monetized debt. It also is overlaid on our bodies in the form of a title with insurance and a method for monetizing the debt attached to us.

WHO Changes PCR Test Criteria To Cover-up False Positives

Source: Great Game India
January 23, 2021

The World Health Organization (WHO) has changed its PCR test criteria to cover-up false positives and cautioned experts not to rely solely on the results of a PCR test to detect the coronavirus. 

Beijing Joe's Handler's Make Their Move - US Submerged Into China's Systems - Your Consent Is the Primary Victory - Commercial Warfare - China Has the Key to America's Backdoor - We Are Not Cognizant of What Is Happening - Understanding the Enemy's Mindset

Editor's note: Most Americans are basically ignorant of how "their" government is set up and how it is being run in their name. Unless you take a systems approach to try and understand what is being built in the US it is very difficult to see the entire system and what is unfolding on a global level. When you begin examining many video clips that are available like the video below you begin to develop a better understanding. What strikes us in many cases is just how incompetent "our" government is for a war we are currently in. We have published material below on Silent Weapons and Quiet Wars because in this material it is apparent the war is against us. Listen to this video -

Friday, January 22, 2021

Reclaiming Canada: The Republic of Kanata raises its flag

January 15, 2021 in Vancouver and across the Nation

Would Hank Aaron Have Lived Without the Covid Injection?

Source: AP

Hank Aaron, baseball's one-time home run king, dies at 86

By PAUL NEWBERRY | January 22, 2021
ATLANTA (AP) — His name is all over the baseball record book and, indeed, Hank Aaron could do it all.

Vaccine Side Effect? Norway Sounds Alarm As 23 Elderly Patients Die After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine

Editor's note: Start archiving this eugenics program being rolled out under cover of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca Covid injections. The Davos, WEF, City of London, IMF and World Bank business model moving into the future under Agenda 2030 is going to use "sustainability" on the world's population - at lower levels. Start with the elderly and work down the "useless eater" chain leads to large reductions in paying out social welfare. This is a war...

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Japan’s Moonshot Program - The Cloud Is a Militarized Space - 127 Million Masked Japanese Sleep Walking Into "Cyborg Avatar Capitalism" - Little Hiroshi Will Program His Own Extinction - "Harmonious Empowerment" - Japan Ups the Ante to 310 Million Covid Injectables

Editor's note: Sometimes wouldn't you like to punch a geek in the face? Japan is a significant component of the Davos and WEF-directed (including the IMF and World Bank) "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and the "Great Reset" under cover of the global Covid fake pandemic with Japan's "Moonshot" program. The "Moonshot" program will be connected to cloud computing and cloud computing is a militarized space. One of the goals of Japan's Moonshot program is called "Society 5.0." Leave it to the Japanese to call their Society 5.0 as "Cyborg Avatar Capitalism" calling it "harmonious empowerment."

The initial budget funding for this program is set at 100 billion JPY (approximately USD$965 million of QE money) over the next five years. The only problem here is that you don't get to push the green button on the "Great Reset." Every Japanese father's dream was to have his son play professional baseball. With Japan's "Moonshot" program every Japanese father will want little Hiroshi to become a game developer so little Hiroshi can virtually program his future into extinction.

Moonshot Goal #1

This Is What Happens When a Psychopathic Elite Are in Control - PCR Uses and Misuses, Medical Brainwashing - First Step: Take Off the Face Diapers and Act Like Adults - Second Step: Confront "Authority" - We Are Dealing With Imprisonment Without Due Process - HIV/AIDS Hoax: We Haven't Learned Anything - PCR Is the "Beating Heart of the Hoax"

Editor's note: We have compiled some excellent material today so grab a cup of coffee and arm yourselves with this information to fight off your psychopathic overlords driving this global Covid scam pandemic. Don't forget to pick up the last link on the Ten Stages of Genocide at the end of this post.

Source: Off Guardian

WATCH: "The New Normal"

New documentary exploring the origin and purpose behind the covid narrative

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Reclaiming Canada: The Republic of Kanata raises its flag

January 15, 2021 in Vancouver and across the Nation

Retired General McChrystal Compares MAGA Protesters to Al-Qaeda

Editor's note: Contrary to what McCrystal states about a "homegrown insurgency," there is no credible domestic terrorist threat in America. The only threat to America other than the government itself, is the Pentagon and the weapons and munitions manufactures it cuts deals with. That's corporate communism. The same thing that went on in the Soviet Union. The "government" buys from corporations and has insiders in the news reporting on the potential "threats." These people are certifiable psychotic control freaks. Like the article points out below, imagine you were some poor bloke from Arkansas who volunteered to serve in the army and you got your face shot off while serving under McCrystal in Afghanistan and you were a Trump supporter (MAGA)?

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming

Just what the hell these freaks in the Pentagon are up to is anyone's guess. However, don't be stupid. If you attempt coming after this system of commerce managed by a death cult, you will be considered an "enemy combatant", a "belligerent" and a "terrorist." Best to know who you are and your political standing secured to the land then come in peace. The Pentagon knows only one thing: violence. Wonder what McCrystal thinks of Trotskyites in his midst? That's just like the US military isn't it? Weaponize anything it can. We're wondering now if McChrystal isn't working to return America to the British Crown?

Religious Zealotry With Ferocity - Medical, Health and Scientific Tyranny - No Thanks, We Don't Consent - Covid Injections as a Wall Street Investment - $250 Million Spent to Convince People - "Take the Covid Injections and We Will Pay You $500" - Covid Injection Injuries Being Archived

Editor's note: Is there a complete Covid injection ingredient list available that can be reviewed? Are there legitimate concerns people have concerning being injected with an "experimental" Covid injection? Should people who have legitimate concerns about the Covid injections remain silent and not make those concerns known? If there are nano particulate ingredients in the Covid injections should that be a concern of their long term affects in the body? These are all questions and more that are being shut down on social media. People who have these concerns are considered "anti-vaxxers" (VICE is a private intelligence operation with undisclosed connections) so that they can be categorized, labeled, ostracized then silenced. Your concerns about the Covid injections being raised on social media are now going to be met with a "flatten the infodemic curve."

As the following The Daily Bell article will point out, "roughly 4 in 10 Americans" do not want the Covid injections. That is a substantial number of Americans who likely have legitimate concerns that are not being addressed by "authorities." Social media censors all information concerning opposition to the WHO on Covid injections, as well as information people are posting to social media of their concerns about the injections. One source being referenced on Twitter by an army of people who have no questions or objections to the Covid injections is the outfit Mary Ann Liebert Inc

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Retaliation Coming - "911 Commission for Domestic Terrorism" - America Just Got Branded With a Hammer & Sickle

Editor's note: The Bolsheviks are going to take power and they are going to retaliate. They only difference now is the Marxists have technology on their side.

Judge Says FAA Chief Helped Delta Air Lines Retaliate Against Pilot Who Raised Pilot Safety Concerns


Dear Fellow Aviation Whistleblowers,

I write to the many who are bcc'd in this email to implore you to watch the important 11 minute video below concerning the unlawful retaliation against Delta Airlines pilot whistleblower Karlene Petitt by her airline management.

Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset Agenda

Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

By Matthew Ehret | November 25, 2020
© Photo: Wikimedia 

According to such Great Reset luminaries as Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney, and the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab, humanity is expected to solve the dual threat of COVID and global warming in one revolutionary sweeping reform. 

Corporate Experimental Outposts Australia and New Zealand - Brutal Lockdowns - Cyborgs and Robotic Avatars for Everyone - Global Machinery Has Us In It's Crosshairs - Covid Injections Advance Data Mining Capabilities - 4IR Biosecurity State

Editor's note: Both Australia and New Zealand are experimental corporate outposts of the City of London, and as such, under the Davos and WEF-directed "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (4IR) and the "Great Reset" leading up to Agenda 2030 (their "vision" and not yours) and "sustainable development," countries and people will be further isolated ("social distancing" speeds up the isolation) and segregated. The plan is to blockchain your #ss. All of this is being covertly constructed under cover of the global Covid fake pandemic. This news about how Australia and New Zealand will be "cut off from the rest of the world" even with Covid vaccines (biosynthetic injections) given is a further extension of the technocratic surveillance biosecurity state being built. If you are a child growing up in New Zealand and Australia, those children will be digitally brainwashed for profit and emotional manipulation. What parent wants to put their "creations" through this digital totalitarianism? 

This global machinery has all of us in its crosshairs turning us into data and profit centers. What does this mean? It means the wealthy elite are going to data mine the poor - after receiving their Covid injections. The only way finance and capital can expand and grow is to push humans into a "virtual space" then exploit the data. This is where virtual existence will see people buying virtual items. There is a cost to this and that is the energy to run it. The work force in Australia and New Zealand will be engineered and then at some point turned over to artificial intelligence (A.I.). This is all being built into a virtual reality (will eventually be augmented reality) like in Japan where the worshippers of technology there are building their Moon Shot program where everyone in Japan has cyborgs and robotic avatars by 2050.

Trotskyites Appointing Their Nomenklatura to Administrative Bureaucracies

Editor's note: If readers do discovery on the Biden administration's selection for assistant health secretary, they will discover her/his Jewish background. The point is, how will Levine's decisions affect non-Jews and any future health related policies in relation to Israel with Israel's influence over American health issues? This despite claims to the contrary Israel's medical system is on the verge of collapse. Need any proof about confused allegiances? Watch this:



Joe Biden picks transgender doctor Rachel Levine as assistant health secretary in historic move

January 19, 2021
The highly-qualified Dr Levine is a graduate of Harvard and Tulane Medical School, and president of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.(AP: Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News) 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Intel Israel With Intel's New CEO - The "Cliff Approaches for Intel" - National Security Disaster - Intel's Second In Command - Chinese Inside TSMC - Total Subversion of the Online Culture War

Editor's note: Has anyone noticed China's version of the global Covid planned pandemic is pretty much finished while China's economy continues to expand? If you think China is the "problem," you need to read the linked article just below to grasp the far larger geopolitical reference point that would be far more beneficial for Americans than Pompeo slamming China every chance he can in front of the television cameras.  If China isn't really the bogey man Americans are being led to believe, where does that leave us considering the following Talpiot update?

Update: With 2.3% Growth, China Likely to Be Only Major Economy to Expand in 2020

January 17, 2021

Intel has fired its CEO.

New Intel CEO Pat Geslinger will not halt the technology transfer to Israel (Russia, China) or the decline of this tech giant.

Brendon O'Connell explains:

"Soon, it will all come crashing down. The cliff approaches for Intel - everybody knows it - but the industry rag whores wont say it."

Friday, January 15, 2021

Brazil says 'no' to great reset: 'Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis'

Editor's note: It sort of looks like the oligarchs at Davos and the IMF (bonded slavery) who run the WEF along with the WEF's frontman Klaus Schwab are going to have to return to the drawing bard to reconsider their "Great Reset" idea under what Schwab has called the "Fourth Industrial Revolution." It would seem Brazil's Minster of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo, has rejected the WEF's "Great Reset" on grounds the current circumstances are no solution to the global Covid "pandemic." Well, of course they aren't. And understand too the WEF's "Great Reset" was planned out years in advance and likely gamed with advanced algorithms to determine potential outcomes.

The media was also seeding (predictive programming) policy papers and "news" stories on pandemics to prepare the populations of respective countries for what was coming in 2020. See here, here and here, and one more here for good measure. Also, it is the technologically advanced countries like Germany, the UK, Canada, Italy, the US and Japan that are the biggest promoters of the "Great Reset" under cover of the global Covid fake pandemic, made all the more apparent with each passing day with ongoing "emergencies," media scare mongering and further lockdowns to prepare populations for their injections (biosynthetic medical procedure). Leaders in most other countries are still scratching their heads in bewilderment wondering what in the hell is going on.

COVID vaccine secret, a stunner

Editor's note: We need to stop calling these "vaccines." These are medical procedures to introduce biosynthetic materials into the bloodstream.

by Jon Rappoport | January 15, 2021

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From the off-guardian, January 3, 2021, "What Vaccine Trials?" by Iain Davis:

"…the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA [for the vaccine] do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed: 'The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person'."

And there we are, right back where I started, some time ago. If you don't have the isolated virus, how can you claim you've sequenced it?

Go Out and Enjoy Life, Screw the Covidcrats

COVID Lockdowns May Have No Clear Benefit vs Other Voluntary Measures, International Study Shows

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Nancy Pelosi wants $5,000 fines for lawmakers who ignore metal detectors, dodge Capitol security

Editor's note: Nancy Pelosi is afraid of being shot dead in the capital building. This is how bad it has become in America where the country is being divided right down the middle. Cleaved in half for a potential armed conflict - against the American people

Source: Yahoo News

By Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY | Friday, January 15, 2021

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed a new rule that would fine members who do not follow new security protocols, including walking through a metal detector, in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot.

Pelosi announced the proposal Thursday. The House would not vote on the new rule until Jan. 21., a day after the inauguration, Pelosi's office said in a statement. 

Fulfillment of the Bunting Map - Trumpster: Mission Accomplished - Yes, But What Happened to the Technology? - Trumps Last Act: "Combat Anti-semitism" - Jewish Rabbi: "US Descending From the Stage of World History" - America's House Was "Burned Down" and the Thief Is Heading Back to Pan Eurasia

Editor's note: This is news we have been preparing ourselves for as Trumpster completes his mission: collapse America to turn "super power" status over to Israel. Israel goes from the "startup nation", to the "impact nation" and now transitions to the "super power nation." This while America is left in political uncertainty, destruction of families, potential violence and ongoing escalation of the working class being disenfranchised by the oligarchical elite consolidating wealth. Good luck, Israel, but before you burn the house down and head back to pan Eurasia, can you please thank Americans for the yearly financial outlay? That was one helluva an investment over 70 years. It is too bad Sheldon Adelson won't be here to witness Israel as the new "super power."

Readers are asked to read this article while biting your tongue for those who know all too well the rise of Jewish power including espionage in America. The fulfillment of the Bunting Map is almost complete as one of Israel's most respected rabbis, Shmuel Eliyahu, tells Israelis America is a waning power and Israel must step in to take over. We have been anticipating this for years as Trumpster completes his mission. Yes, there is hope for Israel. Trumpster's final act while in the White House: "Trump's order to combat antisemitism." We're not "anti-semitic," we just want to know what happened to all the technology removed from America over the past 50 plus years?

Bill Gates Said That the "Final Solution" to End Coronavirus Disease Is the Vaccine

Editor's note: The "final solution", Bill? This guy belongs at the International Court of Justice in Hague on a docket. Bring Klaus over at the WEF too, another gangster. These aren't "vaccines." These are medical devices (bioengineering with synthetics and nano particulates) being dropped into the human body.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Moderna's Plans: Vaccinate (Inject) 330 Million Americans - What Are Your Plans? - Covid Vaccine Market: $40 Billion - The Covid Gravy Train - MSNBC Moderna Info Commercial - FDA "Authorizes" Moderna's Covid Vaccine, But Do You "Authorize" It? - Johnny Gets Anaphylaxis

Editor's note: We all know why Johnny still can't read, but now look what little Johnny gets to look forward to for his 18th birthday. A Moderna Covid vaccine (injectable). JP Morgan and Wall Street not only love that Johnny can't read, but they just love that Johnny gets to have two Moderno Covid vaccines locking in their future market. JP Morgan is involved in privatizing education ("fracking humanity"), so maybe Johnny might be able to read - if he gets his vaccine and gets digitally plugged in for his data output for his "social impact bond." If Johnny could read, he would likely say: "F*ck this." This is how you would secure your future vaccine (injectable drugs) market. You tell everyone they will have to "live with coronavirus forever." What PR marketing firm did Moderna hire? 

Coronaviruses have been known since they were first identified in the 1960s and have been with the species for who knows how long, and now this schmuck at Moderna is telling us we will have to "live with coronaviruses forever." So while Trumpster tells us the "miracle vaccines" are ready for delivery, Anthony Fauci is now telling us "the Covid vaccines don't prevent infection." And we're all running around with masks on acting like a completely subdued slave idiot class?

Apps Now Being Developed for Global Vaccine Passport

Editor's note: The normalization of biometric passports is being stepped up and without mincing words this is all related to digital chattel slavery. When you look at the evidence what other conclusion is there? Does anyone seriously think for one second the stakeholder capitalists who run Davos are concerned about your welfare and you can use this technology to make your life better so you can self-actualize? Automation, artificial intelligence, ubiquitous surveillance, big data, cloud computing and synthetic biology are what is being planned. Track and trace apps will be replaced with injectable nano-robotic biosensors. The BioNTech and Moderna Covid vaccines are one component of this. Digital stepping stones to your data collection link. Look at the company Profusa (military biosensors) that collaborates with DARPA and what Moderna refers to with their Covid vaccines: the "software of life."

The Davos and WEF-directed "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset" (these lunatics get to push the green button) is about the consolidation of power. The induced trauma all over the world caused by these technocratic fascists when they "pushed the green button" is now immeasurably causing companies and businesses to close, hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs, shut down of supply chains including food, cynical and abusive lockdowns, forced "social distancing," increased suicides all over the world and the absurdity of wearing "mandatory" masks to identify the disenfranchised and slave class. Global capitalism represented by the people at Davos under cover of this global fake Covid pandemic and their vindictive Covidcrats in respective countries are paving the way for the concentration of wealth and ever more power. Life is being digitally reengineered on a huge scale to further serve the global technocratic elite. 

Public Service Announcement

Editor's note: DO NOT attend this 17 January 2021 event. It is a set up. There are far better ways to not consent concerning your political circumstances than to demonstrate you are an "enemy combatant", a "terrorist" and a "belligerent." This rally is being organized by people and private intelligence networks with funding you are not being provided full transparency on.

Public Service Announcement


January 13, 2021


What is DNS? When you type a site name, it is meaningless to a computer. Your computer sends the site's name to a DNS server and the DNS server then tells your computer what IP address the site is at, and your computer then accesses that IP address. Having the IP address work correctly has to be set up on purpose. Normally you cannot just hit a site's IP and have it load. This site is an exception. This site's IP address is and when you hit only that number, it still loads the most current page. 

"Great Covid Reset" Collapsing - Plan B: Bill Rolls Out "Climate Change" - Japan Gets Stiffed for 290 Million Doses of Covid Vaccines - Lockdowns Should Have Reduced CO2 Levels - "Great Reset" Goal: Destroy Economies - Prepare for the Next Pandemic: Climate Change

Editor's note: The Davos and WEF-directed "Great Reset" under Klaus Schwab's technocratic "Fourth Industrial Revolution" to restructure the world's financial and economic systems under cover of the "Great Covid Scam" is collapsing. It seems like President Trump will be replaced with Biden and no sooner than this happens Bill Gates announced climate change as a greater threat than Covid. These global elites can't make up their psychopathic minds. 

The Covidcrats in Japan are panicking with non-stop television media coverage pounding into the heads of the Japanese hourly statistics on Covid infections and how Japan's modern medical infrastructure is "on the brink of collapsing in hot spots." It is non-stop media-generated scare mongering to break the resistance of Japanese so they will accept the Covid vaccines. Japan is on record for purchasing 290 million Covid vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. For the first time, news in Japan had on the head of the Japan Medical Association stating that "Covid virus (coronavirus) is worse than influenza." Until now, influenza statistics weren't reported. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

There Seems to Be a Disparity Here, Mike

Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Will Make Violent Revolution Inevitable

PBS Fires Principal Counsel Michael Beller After Advocating For Putting Children In Camps And Attacking The White House

Editor's note: Time to find a new line of work is it, Beller? Good. Maybe a job on the set of Sesame Street? The following essay might be a good overview of the political circumstances in America before going on to the following article on PBS's Beller. Consider Beller part of the US Nomenklatura.

The Mob Did Not Win!

Source: Bounding Into Comics

By John F. Trent | January 12, 2021 

PBS, the producers of Sesame Street, announced they fired their Principal Counsel Michael Beller after it was revealed by Project Veritas he advocated for putting children in re-education camps and throwing Molotov cocktails at the White House.

Monday, January 11, 2021

It's a Legitimate Question: Were Americans Ambushed? - What Does it Feel Like to Be Jerked Around? - Sheldon Adelson's "Trump Illusion" - Demoralized American People - Breaking Down Resistance to Agenda 2030 - When Will Americans Stop the Humiliation?

Editor's note: This editor was ridiculed and complained about for not being a "Donald Trump supporter", a QAnon promoter and for not being "patriotic enough." When it was announced way before 2016 that Donald Trump was going to run for the presidency and CEO of the US corporation, this editor suggested to others it was "an ambush." Americans don't really vote for the presidency and the CEO of the US corporation. The electoral college does that. That's why the electoral college was created: to "steal" elections. The oligarchs who own and run America made sure they wouldn't lose control of their power. Americans are "polled" at polling booths when they vote.

What did Sheldon Adelson say? Didn't Adelson say he would have "preferred the Israeli IDF uniform over a US military uniform" when he served in the US military? In fact, he regretted not serving in the Israeli IDF. Adelson is a Jewish oligarch who had easy access to magic money to become a casino-owning billionaire. His combined donations to Trump and the republicans of over $100 million (likely more) have paid off. There is no telling how much Sheldon Adelson with his alleged control over $30.5 billion has sent off to the City of London's "forward fire base" Israel, now the "impact nation."

Covidcrats Are the Virus - Covid Completely Cures Influenza - It's a Miracle! - Covidcrats in Scotland Beat the Shit Out of Homeowners - Green Agenda Is Going to Stomp Our Faces - Covid Is Cover to Restructure Economy for Green and Impact Bond Market

Editor's note: What is going on in Florida concerning the WEF-Davos-directed "Great Reset" initiating the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" under cover of Covid (the pretend pandemic) with the leadership of Professor Schwab that is different than the Maoist-run state of California? Isn't this amazing? California had the "worst coronavirus [influenza and common colds with associated fever] infection rate in the US last week." There is an obvious difference between how the Covidcrats are running Florida and the Covidcrats running California. California is still under "stay-at-home orders." Orders? The Covidcrats running these countries are all under orders to force this green agenda (green bonds) and we are all going to pay a price.

Source: Anti-Empire

With No Lockdown or Compulsory Muzzling, Florida Has Roughly Same Hospitalization Level as 2018 Flu Season

In other words: it's doing far better than Maoist California

By Daniel Horowitz | January 11, 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Big Tech Genocides Free Speech - Political Oppression - Parler Singled Out

Editor's note: The Bolsheviks running the big tech corporations can't deal with free speech. They hate it. Big tech including Amazon and Google have just initiated a genocide against free speech. Parler by the way is non-partisan. Big tech is making their move to consolidate power now moving to digital fascism. It is amazing this blog is still able to post material and news.

Parler Sues Amazon Web Services For Nuking It Out Of 'Political Animus'

Source: RT News

Parler goes offline as Amazon pulls the plug on the conservative social network

11 January 2021

Georgia's Jon Ossoff's Election (Paid) to the US Senate to Represent Israel

Editor's note: Bought and paid for by Jewish interests Jon Ossoff who is the US Senator elect from Georgia representing Israel, will owe his Jewish backers big time for getting him into the senate. Ossoff's father, Richard Ossoff, is of Russian Jewish and Lithuanian Jewish descent. Ossoff was raised Jewish. With Ossoff's Jewish paid for election to put him in the senate will mean the Democrats will control the senate for the first time in ten years, while old men in Palestine are beaten to within an inch of their lives - if they're that "fortunate." We are heading for confrontation in America: America's Whiteness crisis, and Zionism's

Source: The Unz Review

The Role of the Israel Lobby in Jon Ossoff's Ascendance


Lincoln Project co-founder accused of 'grooming' young men, offering jobs for sex

Editor's note: The Lincoln Project "protecting democracy" by protecting their access to young men.

Source: RT News

10 January 2021
John Weaver speaks to CBS News' '60 Minutes,' October 12, 2020 © YouTube / 60 Minutes 

Republican strategist John Weaver, a founding member of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project group, has been accused by conservative reporters and alleged victims of "preying" on young men by offering them work in exchange for sex. 
Looking into our circumstances...