Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History

Ed.'s note: Webster Tarpley explains the nature of oligarchy and why it is one of the most insidious and totalitarian forms of rule in existence. Today, oligarchical authoritarian rule has metastasized into the likes of Chelsea Clinton making $9 million being on a corporate board with absolutely no real world experience. Then we see Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden pull in millions off a deal his dad consummated by steering $1.8 billion in "aid" money to Ukraine. No matter which way the media who are in on it spin these stories millions of dollars were still transacted creating huge conflicts of interest.  This is how oligarchs work. We as Americans are going to have to end oligarchy in America. Oligarchy is destroying us as a people, as a nation and as individuals. Oligarchs can and do destroy entire economies and countries. As Matthew Raphael Johnson says of oligarchy's cancer metastasizing into universities: "Today, the university is a parody of scholarship and education. It rewards incompetents and sycophants who use selective ignorance to protect their conscience and speech codes to protect their positions of power. These vapid functionaries poison young minds with the most formulaic, useless liberal bromide that this institutionalized mediocrity can pretend is an 'education' and still take home six figures." Despite how western intellectuals try to spin the idea America is not an oligarchy by trying to alter the definitions of oligarchy, make no mistake about it: America is an oligarchy. A permanent political class of authoritarians. These oligarchs have their power in organizations that are all based on institutional corruption. Everything oligarchs do and their organizations like universities (academics) have to be run through a filter of corruption to understand them.

Chelsea Clinton Has Raked In $9 Million From Sitting On Corporate Board

Court Filing Accuses Hunter Biden Of $156 Million Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme

Webster Tarpley: The Iron Rule of Oligarchy

Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History

Republicanism as domination & oligarchy - Matt Raphael Johnson

Understanding Nominalism & Natural Law - Matt Raphael Johnson 


World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Ukrainian Oligarch Paid $700,000 To The Husband Of A House Judiciary Committee Democrat

Against Oligarchy


America Is an Oligarchy. It Doesn't Have to Be.

At one point in Russian history thesis how the Russians took care of oligarchs.

Ivan the 'Terrible' Wasn't Terrible at All - an Oligarch-Busting, Virtuous Hero, Demonized by the West

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