Entire Florida Police Department Busted Laundering Tens of Millions for International Drug Cartels
By Justin Gardner on December 31, 2015
Mafia organization or police department? Hard to tell.
Bal Harbour, FL – The village of Bal Harbour, population 2,513, may have a tiny footprint on the northern tip of Miami Beach, but its police department had grand aspirations of going after international drug traffickers, and making a few million dollars while they were at it.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Asset Forfeiture Laws Turn Police Departments Into Professional Money Launderers - License to Launder: Cash, Cops and The Drug Cartels - The "War on Drugs" is The Real Scheme That Should be Investigated - Bank Robbers With Badges - The Amount of Money Involved is too Big to Interdict - Two Year Financial Incentive: US$55 Million - Who Do Drug Cartels Call?: The Local Police - Federal Cooperation in Money Laundering
Paris attacks: who warned Éric de Rothschild?
Source: Panamza
INFO PANAMZA – The man supposed to have been "warned Friday morning" – according to an Israeli media outlet – of the "impending" attacks is none other than Baron Éric de Rothschild, multimillionaire businessman and president of France's "Jewish Community Security Service" (SPCJ). Revelations.
2015.11.19 at 19h48
Edmond de Rothschild, banker, member of the Bilderberg steering committee, and grandson of a historic patron of Zionism.
INFO PANAMZA – The man supposed to have been "warned Friday morning" – according to an Israeli media outlet – of the "impending" attacks is none other than Baron Éric de Rothschild, multimillionaire businessman and president of France's "Jewish Community Security Service" (SPCJ). Revelations.
2015.11.19 at 19h48
"A Rothschild who is not rich, not Jewish, not a philanthropist, not a banker, not industrious, and who does not lead a certain lifestyle is not a Rothschild"The author – deceased in 1997 – of this frank declaration?
Edmond de Rothschild, banker, member of the Bilderberg steering committee, and grandson of a historic patron of Zionism.
House of Rothschild,
Zionist Crimes
AD: Was Address Fire in Dubai Terroism in a Serco News Injection or a Cameron Media Play?
Was The Address Fire In Dubai Terrorism? New Year's Eve Celebrations Continued Despite The Downtown Blaze
Claire Elizabeth Felter
January 1, 2016
Claire Elizabeth Felter
January 1, 2016
#2550: US/UK Cabinets Use Serco Injected News – USS Cole In 8(a) Trap – ISIS Red Switch Charles de Gaulle
Offer to brief James Webb and Ben Carson on how Serco (formerly RCA GB 1929)
injects news to destroy candidates who threaten joint control of the
United Kingdom and the United States
corrupt cabinet officers
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 31, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asserts that advisers to the US/UK cabinet offices of the Clinton and Blair governments used Serco injected news for media plays to support the fraudulent attribution of acts of sabotage at mass-casualty events to long-range virtual terrorist groups.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government Is Hiding
December 29, 2015
by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well-known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz before her arrest in 2011. Image source [1].
by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well-known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years.
An Empire of War and Death - Ten Features of War, American Style - "We're Number One!" - A Culture of War Porn and Snuff Films - 17 Agencies Chewing Up US$70 Billion a Year - America's Death Squads - The Celebration of All Things Military - Thousands Killed Without Any Links to Plots Aganist America - 2016 Looking to be More Killing - All for the Ruling Capitalist Oligarchy
War, American Style
W.J. Astore
A common belief shared by U.S. political pundits and a compliant and complicit U.S. media is that America never chooses its wars: it's dragged into them. Last October, I read an article in the "liberal" New York Times that caught the mood perfectly. It worried the U.S. was being "sucked into" wars in the Middle East, drawn in, inexorably, by forces the world's lone superpower couldn't control. As if America's leaders had no choice. As if they (and we) couldn’t walk away whenever we so chose.
The National Security Agency, just one of seventeen agencies devoted to intelligence
W.J. Astore
A common belief shared by U.S. political pundits and a compliant and complicit U.S. media is that America never chooses its wars: it's dragged into them. Last October, I read an article in the "liberal" New York Times that caught the mood perfectly. It worried the U.S. was being "sucked into" wars in the Middle East, drawn in, inexorably, by forces the world's lone superpower couldn't control. As if America's leaders had no choice. As if they (and we) couldn’t walk away whenever we so chose.
#2549: Jim And Ben's Intelligence Stuns Serco Red-Switch Pentagon – China Nine Eyes ISIS – 8(a) Charles de Gaulle
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Recover Hawkeye Surveillance Aircraft
Red Switch Networks transferred by SECNAV to FS Charles de Gaulle
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 30, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) claims that open-source intelligence – shared with Jim Webb and Ben Carson – has stunned Serco operatives of the Pentagon's Defense Red Switch Network by exposing their role as long-range mentors of the 9/11 attacks.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Did AD provide Ben Carson with intelligence (Serco's Red Switch operatives) which showed him China was preparing to move into Syria which has left the Pentagon stunned and speechless?
'My sources are better than theirs': Carson claims he is better informed about Syria than the White House - and will this weekend give Obama 'evidence' that China's involved
Carson claimed during the debate that China is involved militarily Syria; the White House said yesterday it has no knowledge of that
At a campaign stop today, the Republican claimed he has evidence - and he's going to give it to the president soon
Obama's spokesman said he was 'speechless' today when presented with Carson's latest claim
Another Carson debate claim: 'Outside of Anbar in Iraq, there's a big energy field. Take that from them....We could do that, I believe, fairly easily'
Obama was asked about it during an ABC interview on Thursday, a portion of which aired this morning: 'He doesn't know much about it,' he said
By Francesca Chambers, White House Correspondent For Dailymail.com
13 November 2015 | Updated: 22:58 GMT, 13 November 2015
Carson claimed during the debate that China is involved militarily Syria; the White House said yesterday it has no knowledge of that
At a campaign stop today, the Republican claimed he has evidence - and he's going to give it to the president soon
Obama's spokesman said he was 'speechless' today when presented with Carson's latest claim
Another Carson debate claim: 'Outside of Anbar in Iraq, there's a big energy field. Take that from them....We could do that, I believe, fairly easily'
Obama was asked about it during an ABC interview on Thursday, a portion of which aired this morning: 'He doesn't know much about it,' he said
By Francesca Chambers, White House Correspondent For Dailymail.com
13 November 2015 | Updated: 22:58 GMT, 13 November 2015
#2548: Jim And Ben As Media Crime-Time Busters? – Serco's Red-Switch 8(a) Media Play – SECNAV Spot-Fixed Pentagon Bomb
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Recover Hawkeyes Surveillance Aircraft and Red Switch Networks allegedly transferred by SECNAV
French Ship Charles de Gaulle for the 9/11 attacks
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 29, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asks if Jim Webb and Ben Carson could serve as independent running mates in the 2016 presidential campaign and use their forensic and military teaming skills to bust a media crime-time network in the White House.
Monday, December 28, 2015
#2547: Can Jim Webb Stop SECNAV Arkancide? – Serco's Red Switch Khobar Towers – 8(a) Visas Benghazi Ammo
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Combat SECNAV's Treasonous Transfer of Hawkeye Surveillance Aircraft
Defense Red Switch Networks to the French Ship Charles de Gaulle
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 28, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asks if a prospective U.S. President Jim Webb could stop Hillary Clinton from using the office of The Secretary of the Navy (or SECNAV) to Arkancide whistle blowers who might otherwise derail her presidential campaign or expose her attempted coup d'état on 9/11.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
#2546: Serco’s Long Range 8(a) Arkancides – Trump Casino Death Pools – England's Navy Red-Switch Treason
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Recover Hawkeye Surveillance Aircraft and Red Switch Networks
The French Ship Charles de Gaulle
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 27, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asserts that Serco's 8(a) companies are providing Hillary Clinton with a long-range Arkancide service to kill (carbon cap) or intimidate anyone who stands in the way of her presidential campaign or threatens to expose her attempted coup d’état of 9/11.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
#2545: Serco's Crime-Scene Carbon Caps – Clinton's 8(a) Red-Switch Triggers –Twin Towers Death-Pool Trump
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Recover Serco's Nine (Hawk) Eyes Surveillance Aircraft
Red Switch Networks on the FS Charles de Gaulle
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 26, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asserts that Serco provides real-time surveillance and a long-range carbon cap and kill service at crimes scenes for the 'Nine Eyes' countries with implied 'Spectre' identities listed as: 'The Five Eyes' plus Brazil, Russia, India and China.
Friday, December 25, 2015
#2544: Haig and Trump's Twin-Towers Death Pools – Serco's Nine Eyes Clock – Red-Switch 8(a) Kit
Re Request for Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Recover Serco's Nine (Hawk) Eyes Surveillance Aircraft
Red Switch Networks on the FS Charles de Gaulle
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 25, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) asserts that the late General Haig and Donald Trump set up death pool suites at MGM and Trump Plaza casinos where selected online bettors predicted death times for key victims of the controlled demolitions of the NYC Twin Towers on 9/11.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Consequences of Privatizing War: Massive Disconnect Between Obama and the U.S. Military: Evidence Shows US Military Gave Intelligence to Syria's Assad, While CIA Armed and Funded I$I$ and Other Extremists
Source: AWD News
December 23, 2015
The Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) have been indirectly providing intelligence on the Islamic State to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, in direct contrast to the Obama administration’s agenda of regime change, in an effort to stop Syria from becoming another failed state from which terrorists can operate.
December 23, 2015
The Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) have been indirectly providing intelligence on the Islamic State to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, in direct contrast to the Obama administration’s agenda of regime change, in an effort to stop Syria from becoming another failed state from which terrorists can operate.
Military Contractors Caught On Tape Bragging About Future Profits From War On I$I$
By Colin Taylor
Posted on December 7, 2015
A secretly recorded speech at a Credit Suisse investor conference reveals that the arms manufacturers and defense contractors of America are applauding the escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, salivating at the thought of the profits to be made by pumping the region full of dangerous and expensive military materiel. Top executives from Lockheed Martin (the designer of the much-maligned and exorbitantly expensive F-35 fighter jet program), Oshkosh (producer of infantry fighting vehicles) and Raytheon (producer of cruise missiles and electronic warfare devices) all gathered to celebrate the apparently imminent escalation of the US bombing campaign against Daesh (ISIS/ISIL), the intrusion of Russian forces into the Syrian Civil War and the Saudi Arabian bombing campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Posted on December 7, 2015
A secretly recorded speech at a Credit Suisse investor conference reveals that the arms manufacturers and defense contractors of America are applauding the escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, salivating at the thought of the profits to be made by pumping the region full of dangerous and expensive military materiel. Top executives from Lockheed Martin (the designer of the much-maligned and exorbitantly expensive F-35 fighter jet program), Oshkosh (producer of infantry fighting vehicles) and Raytheon (producer of cruise missiles and electronic warfare devices) all gathered to celebrate the apparently imminent escalation of the US bombing campaign against Daesh (ISIS/ISIL), the intrusion of Russian forces into the Syrian Civil War and the Saudi Arabian bombing campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Turkey Preparing to Allow Sarin Gas to Pass Through Into Syria - The Syrian Government DOES NOT Have Sarin Gas - What Arsenal are Sarin Gas Precursors Being Transported From? - Is Sarin Gas Being Prepared In Mosul? - Are Sarin Gas Components Coming out of Saudi Arabia? - Sarin Gas is Classified as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" (UN Resolution 687) - Who is Arming Daesh/I$I$ With Sarin Gas? - Is Sarin Gas Being Transported Under Cover of NGOs? - Blaming Damascus for Turkey's Atrocities
Source: Sputnik
Ankara Launches Smear Campaign Against MP for Exposing Daesh Sarin Source
December 23, 2015
The deputy of the Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Eren Erdem organized a press conference in Parliament, during which he responded to the accusations of betraying the interests of Turkey by saying that shipments of sarin gas went to Syria via Turkey.
Ankara Launches Smear Campaign Against MP for Exposing Daesh Sarin Source
December 23, 2015
The deputy of the Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Eren Erdem organized a press conference in Parliament, during which he responded to the accusations of betraying the interests of Turkey by saying that shipments of sarin gas went to Syria via Turkey.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Earth-Day Kerry's White-Flag Navy – Obama's ISIS Air Force – Hawkeye Friends on Charles de Gaulle
'ISIS Air Force': US Airstrike Takes Out Battalion of Iraqi Troops Who Were Battling ISIS
December 18, 2015 By 21wire 24 Comments
21st Century Wire says…
December 18, 2015 By 21wire 24 Comments
21st Century Wire says…
Capitalism, the Internet, and the Rebirth of the Entrepreneur
Published: 27 May 2015 | Written by Jeff Nielson | Bullion Bulls Canada
Ideologies are extremely slippery concepts. Indeed, they have become (intentionally) categories of quasi-religious dogma which sabotage thought more than they communicate thinking. It is for this reason that the dogma of all these ideological zealots rarely finds its way into any of these commentaries.
Today's subject, however, is one where it is impossible to fully explore it without spending some time wallowing in this dogma – specifically the ideology known as "capitalism". In fact, this discussion is also an ideal means of exposing how/why all of these idiot-ideologies are almost completely intellectually bankrupt as vehicles of analysis.
Ideologies are extremely slippery concepts. Indeed, they have become (intentionally) categories of quasi-religious dogma which sabotage thought more than they communicate thinking. It is for this reason that the dogma of all these ideological zealots rarely finds its way into any of these commentaries.
Today's subject, however, is one where it is impossible to fully explore it without spending some time wallowing in this dogma – specifically the ideology known as "capitalism". In fact, this discussion is also an ideal means of exposing how/why all of these idiot-ideologies are almost completely intellectually bankrupt as vehicles of analysis.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
The Documented Connection: CIA Insider Creates Sunni (I$I$) Cottage Industry - H.E. Shaykh Abdalrazzaq Hatem al-Sulayman (al-Suleiman) Retains Greenhill Group LLC - Conspiracy Theory Becomes Conspiracy Fact - The CIA Allies With Ba'ath and I$I$ - Iraq Destroyed to Create Sunni-Jihadi-stan - Washington Lobbying Creates Semi-Autonomous Region in Anbar - Hundreds of Million$ Pumped Into Iraq Insurgency? - Anbar Turned Into a Wasteland - I$I$ Walks Off With the Oil
ISIS, Al Qaeda And The CIA: The Documented Connection
by Tyler Durden on December 17, 2015
The Middle East is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, and one growing to towering heights these days says the US created the Islamic State. But while the US may well have aided ISIS in its formative days with covert supplies of weapons and CIA funding (directly or indirectly, via Turkey leading political families) the one nation most responsible for iteration after iteration of "terrorist organizations" is Saudi Arabia which "created" not only the Islamic State, but al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and many other Sunni Jihadist groups in Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan.
by Tyler Durden on December 17, 2015
The Middle East is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, and one growing to towering heights these days says the US created the Islamic State. But while the US may well have aided ISIS in its formative days with covert supplies of weapons and CIA funding (directly or indirectly, via Turkey leading political families) the one nation most responsible for iteration after iteration of "terrorist organizations" is Saudi Arabia which "created" not only the Islamic State, but al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and many other Sunni Jihadist groups in Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan.
Noam Chomsky is and always has been a spook
by Miles Mathis
First published November 29, 2015
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by personal research. If you can't swallow it, join the club. I couldn't swallow it for years, either.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Pentagon's Mercenaries Rampage Through Iraq and Syria - US Strikes I$I$ Targets: A Few Farm Tractors and a Stadium - Russia Takes Out the Entire I$I$ Oil Tanker Lorry Fleet - Biggest Benefactor of I$I$ Stolen Oil: Israel - I$I$ Is a Saudi Army In Disguise - German BND About to Put the Screws to Saudi Arabia? - Russia Ends Saudi Arabia's Ambition to Control the World's Oil Market - Saudi (Convenient Middleman) Enablers: I$I$ British-Based Servers - I$I$ Conoco Oil ('Filler er up') - From Ceyhan to the Port of Ashod - Raqqa's Rockefellers - Oil Broker Uncle Farid - Saudi Arabia is the Nexus of Terrorism and Instability - Multitasking I$I$: Transportation; Mercenaries; Oil Engineers; Brokers; Terrorists
November 30, 2015
A question about an old oil pipeline that fed Israel from Northern Iraq where the Kurds live: How come the Israelis are still getting cheap oil, when the pipeline in question runs right through ISIL [I$I$] controlled territory?
November 30, 2015
Saudi-financed I$I$ oil thieves and the world's most talented multitasking geniuses in transportation, mercenary work, oil engineering, brokering and the most feared terrorists.
A question about an old oil pipeline that fed Israel from Northern Iraq where the Kurds live: How come the Israelis are still getting cheap oil, when the pipeline in question runs right through ISIL [I$I$] controlled territory?
Sunday, December 13, 2015
It's Time to Stop "Supporting Our Troops": Thirty Million People Killed by U.S. Since the End of World War II
By Joachim Hagopian
Global Research, December 13, 2015
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, US NATO War Agenda
With the 115 year old tradition of the annual Army-Navy football classic on Saturday, the so called "America's game" and "rivalry for the ages" is now once again upon us. This occasion never fails to pay reverent homage to America's so called "cream of the crop" elitist military academies and always from the president to celebrities Americans give tribute to our armed forces. At this time we hear that familiar patriotic mantra "support our troops" mindlessly repeated. So it seems appropriate now to take a cold hard look to examine what it actually means to "support our troops."
Global Research, December 13, 2015
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, US NATO War Agenda
With the 115 year old tradition of the annual Army-Navy football classic on Saturday, the so called "America's game" and "rivalry for the ages" is now once again upon us. This occasion never fails to pay reverent homage to America's so called "cream of the crop" elitist military academies and always from the president to celebrities Americans give tribute to our armed forces. At this time we hear that familiar patriotic mantra "support our troops" mindlessly repeated. So it seems appropriate now to take a cold hard look to examine what it actually means to "support our troops."
Israel and CRIF-Hijacked France: Partners in War Crimes - Geopolitricks Intended to Create an Israeli Colonial Pseudo-Kurdistan - Jewish Supremacist Zionists Intend to Steal More Territory for Their Bandit State - I$I$ = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service - Phoney "Daesh" in Syria and Iraq - "Islamic State" Is Not Islamic and Is Not a State - Turkey's Erdoğan Crime Family Must Be Deposed - U.S. State Department's "Arab Spring" (Jewish Winter) - "Israel"™ Needs a "Color Revolution" to Remove Its Fanatical Government From Power, and Full Right of Return for Dispossessed Palestinians - Prosecute Rogue State Terrorists (Cameron, Blair, Netanyahu, etc.) as War Criminals - "Ethnic Cleansing"™: Keeps Your Supremacist Cult's Dirty Laundry Kosher Clean!
France and Israël launch a new war in Iraq and Syria
by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network | 23 November 2015
ελληνικά Deutsch English Español français italiano Português русский عربي norsk Nederlands فارسى čeština
On one hand, the French government is mobilising all its media in order to keep its population focused on the attacks of November 13th. On the other, with Israël, it is launching a new war in Iraq and Syria. The objective is no longer to overthrow the secular Syrian régime, nor to destroy its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states. The dream of an Israeli nation between the Nile and the Euphrates is back.
by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network | 23 November 2015
ελληνικά Deutsch English Español français italiano Português русский عربي norsk Nederlands فارسى čeština
On one hand, the French government is mobilising all its media in order to keep its population focused on the attacks of November 13th. On the other, with Israël, it is launching a new war in Iraq and Syria. The objective is no longer to overthrow the secular Syrian régime, nor to destroy its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states. The dream of an Israeli nation between the Nile and the Euphrates is back.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
#2536: Kerry's 8(a) Red Cap Treason – Serco Docked Ship, Cleared Skies, Killed SEALs – Spectre Marque on Charles de Gaulle
Outline Plan for Request to Congress
Letters of Marque and Reprisal
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 12, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) alleges that John Kerry's 8(a) protégées used the Defense Red Switch Network to link traitors as they negotiated a 1.5°C carbon cap to stand down Five Eyes armed forces in U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Friday, December 11, 2015
#2535: 8(a) Revenge IS Kerry (RISK) – Serco's Red-Switched Carrier – Abel Danger Letters of Marque
Outline Plan for Request to Congress
Letters of Marque and Reprisal
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 11, 2015
1. Abel Danger (AD) alleges that the SBA's disadvantaged 8(a) protégées are taking revenge on their mentors through proxy groups such as the Islamic State (IS), under the covert and treasonous direction of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry – the former Chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Zionist Agitprop Operation VICE Interviews the Vultures of Dull Music … We Mean, "Eagles of Death Metal" Crisis Hams
VICE News Eagles of Death Metal FAKE Interview Exposed
More deep-hoax exploration: Wagging the Moondoggie (RIP Dave McGowan); Are There Chinchillas on Mars? (viva Chris Bollyn)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015 | Aangirfan
Lord Jacob Rothschild, like Rupert Murdoch and Dick Cheney, is a shareholder in Genie Energy.
Lord Jacob Rothschild, like Rupert Murdoch and Dick Cheney, is a shareholder in Genie Energy.
Zionist Crimes
#2533: Kerry’s 2° of Nine-Eyes Treason – Serco Red Switch 8(a) ISIS – Reprise Charles de Gaulle to Rebadge as James E. Sabow
D-Day + 9 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 9, 2015
1. AD asserts that Secretary of State John Kerry – former Chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee – and mentors of the Nine Eyes surveillance network at the UN climate-change summit in Paris, are engaged in a treasonous conspiracy to immobilize the United States Navy's carrier fleets by imposing carbon caps spuriously intended to keep the earth's temperature from rising more than 2° Centigrade by 2050.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
San Bernardino: Military Psychological Warfare Delivered Through the Media - Flashing White Lights Are Used Exclusively For Law Enforcement (Police SUV) Vehicles - Remote Controlled SUV - A "Major Comedy Type Screwup" - Couple Handcuffed in the Backseat - Working the Population Into a Frenzy Over Islam - Alternative News Sites Parroting the MSM Script - Most "Truth Sites" Are Fakes (Later Turned to Weapons) - Farook(q) - San Bernardino Attack Eye-Witness: "Three Tall White Men Did It" - It Is Litmus Test Time
December 8, 2015
I have corrected this report to state it was an in production Ford Expedition, not a prototype Excursion.
While correcting me and saying it was a Ford Expedition and not an Excursion, yet another reader, after watching the video I linked (farther down this page), made the point that in the video the Expedition is not using the hazard lights, it is using headlight flashers that are exclusive to police vehicles. This proves it really was a Police SUV that was used for the "shoot out". I cropped the capture below to include the police lights on the pursuing cars, which prove the camera was not just blowing everything to white - if that was a normal SUV the flashing lights, clearly seen in the linked video SHOULD BE YELLOW. In America, it is illegal to have flashing white lights anywhere on a vehicle, this is designated for law enforcement only.
I have corrected this report to state it was an in production Ford Expedition, not a prototype Excursion.
While correcting me and saying it was a Ford Expedition and not an Excursion, yet another reader, after watching the video I linked (farther down this page), made the point that in the video the Expedition is not using the hazard lights, it is using headlight flashers that are exclusive to police vehicles. This proves it really was a Police SUV that was used for the "shoot out". I cropped the capture below to include the police lights on the pursuing cars, which prove the camera was not just blowing everything to white - if that was a normal SUV the flashing lights, clearly seen in the linked video SHOULD BE YELLOW. In America, it is illegal to have flashing white lights anywhere on a vehicle, this is designated for law enforcement only.
Greed and Corruption Describes Ireland - Former Fine Gael Councillor Hugh McElvaney: "I Want Loads of Money" - Can We Get a Remix of McElvaney? - How Deep Does the Political Corruption Go in Ireland? - What, "Ethical Standards" In Public Office? - Capitalism is Destructive Greed - If You Leave People With Their Own Discretion They Will Abuse It - Ireland Is a Kleptocracy - "Political Backlash", Mr Hugh McElvaney?
Former Fine Gael Councillor Hugh McElvaney exposed
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio for December 9, 2015
This briefing presented
by C2CSI - Abel Danger
C2CSI - Abel Danger Broadcast for December 9, 2015
Further reading:
The Nightmare Unfolding in Oregon - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Torching Land - Fires Alleged to Have Killed 80 Head of Cattle - Those Who Oppose the BLM and Courts Are Considered "Terrorists", "Enemy Combatants" and "Billigerents" - Federal Bureaucracies Building Tyrannical Fiefdoms (BLM Budget: $1.2 Billion w/11,600 Employees)? - BLM Brings You "Good Tidings" and Season's Greetings
by C2CSI - Abel Danger
C2CSI - Abel Danger Broadcast for December 9, 2015
Hammond Case: Abuse of Power by BLM
Further reading:
The Nightmare Unfolding in Oregon - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Torching Land - Fires Alleged to Have Killed 80 Head of Cattle - Those Who Oppose the BLM and Courts Are Considered "Terrorists", "Enemy Combatants" and "Billigerents" - Federal Bureaucracies Building Tyrannical Fiefdoms (BLM Budget: $1.2 Billion w/11,600 Employees)? - BLM Brings You "Good Tidings" and Season's Greetings
#2532: Serco 8(a) Cap or Nine-Eyes Nukes – Dumbo Red Switch for ISIS de Gaulle – Marine Corps Letters of Marque and Reprisal
D-Day + 8 Progress Report
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 8, 2015
1. AD asserts that Serco has given delegates to UN climate-change summit a choice between adopting a carbon cap to save low-lying 8(a) islands from the spurious threat of flooding or receiving a four-minute warning of a nuclear attack on one of the Nine Eyes countries (Five Eyes + BRIC).
Beirut Bombing Disappears From the Media - "Just Another Terror Bombing" in Lebanon - Real Terrorist Bombing Compared to the Alleged Fakery at the Batalan Theater One Day Later: Beirut, Lebanon Terror Bombing on November 12, 2015 - 41 Killed and Over 200 Injured - Three Objectives of the Bombing in Beirut: Destabilize the Government of Lebanon; Set Hezbollah (Shiite) Against Sunni; Sabotage Hezbollah's Support and Fighting in Syria - Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army Fighting Together in Syria
Daesh claims Beirut twin bomb attack; 41 killed, over 200 injured
Monday, December 7, 2015
#2531: Serco 8(a) Nine-Eyes Death-Pool Clocks – Auld Alliance Carbon Cap – Dumbo de Gaulle's Marine Corps Track
D-Day + 7 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 7, 2015
1. AD asserts that Serco 8(a) companies are providing Nine Eyes timing signals from death-pool clocks in the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, U.K. and the U.S. Naval Observatory at the end of Embassy Row in Washington D.C.
The Nightmare Unfolding in Oregon - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Torching Land - Fires Alleged to Have Killed 80 Head of Cattle - Those Who Oppose the BLM and Courts Are Considered "Terrorists", "Enemy Combatants" and "Billigerents" - Federal Bureaucracies Building Tyrannical Fiefdoms (BLM Budget: $1.2 Billion w/11,600 Employees)? - BLM Brings You "Good Tidings" and Season's Greetings
What a nightmare from the criminal cabal occupying and usurping our country at every level! This poor ranching family, the Hammonds in Oregon, have been targeted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and are being driven from their land by FIRE! Please watch this short video posted below to see photo evidence of the killing of 80 cows and burning down a house as well as all other structures on the Hammond Ranch. Describing the destruction is a Bundy son of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada who were previously targeted.
From the Trenches: Biggest Fraud In UK History - "If You're Against Paedophilia, You're an Anti-Semite" - Forty-Year Theft - "Follow the Money" to 788-790 Finchley Road - Gas and Oil Boiler Room Companies Laundering Billions - Fraudulent Oil Deposit Claims - Will the US and UK Military Act? - AD Has Called for "The Firing Squads of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford" - Follow-up Letter to the BBC - "Cash Deal on Nuclear Weapon Sales to the UK Government" - Lord Greville Janner's Thirteen Zio Companies
Gordon Bowden on Bombs, 'Boiler Rooms' and Paedophiles
Sunday, December 6, 2015
What's with all the "terror" nonsense?
Suicide bombers are total propaganda B.S.
Jim Stone, Feb 10, 2014, based on investigative work I did in 2003, with updated info to bring it current.
On Feb 10, 2014, the Drudge Report had two terrorism related articles up – one is obvious B.S., where an "Iraqi suicide bombing instructor" killed himself and his students by accidentally pushing the button on the belt.
Jim Stone, Feb 10, 2014, based on investigative work I did in 2003, with updated info to bring it current.
On Feb 10, 2014, the Drudge Report had two terrorism related articles up – one is obvious B.S., where an "Iraqi suicide bombing instructor" killed himself and his students by accidentally pushing the button on the belt.
#2530: Auld Alliance Carbon Cap – Serco's Red-Switch Nine-Eyes Navy – Will Dumbo's Dunford Stay in Port?
D-Day + 6 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 6, 2015
1. AD asserts that military agents for the Auld Alliance of Scotland and France (founded 1295) are extorting delegates to the UN climate-change (COP21) summit at Le Bourget on the outskirts of Paris and are planning to impose a global carbon cap on the world's sovereign states after the conference ends on December 11.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
#2529: Serco Obamacare Surveillance – Trudeau Nine-Eyes Act of War – CJCS Dunford and the Navy Carbon Cap
D-Day + 5 Progress Report
The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Firing Squads of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joseph Dunford
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 5, 2015
1. AD asserts that Serco is using a Montreal-based Obamacare network to run surveillance on any climate deniers or whistle-blowers who may object to carbon caps agreed by delegates to the climate-change (COP21) summit at Le Bourget.
#2528: Serco's Paris Spectre Nukes – Lockheed Bypassed Trudeau Spooks – 8(a) White House Backdoor Dykes
D-Day + 5 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 5, 2015
1. AD asserts that Serco protegees have seeded Paris with ammo caches and dial-a-yield nuclear devices developed at the 'Spectre' Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermaston U.K. to extort a carbon-cap commitment from terrified delegates to the climate change (COP21) summit at Le Bourget on the outskirts of Paris.
Infamous Bloody Bataclan Photo Is a Fake That Could Have Been Staged Anytime
Dead People in France Concert Theater Are Dummies, Not Real Humans
17 November 2015 | NODISINFO
17 November 2015 | NODISINFO
Dead People in France Concert Theater Are Dummies, Not Real Humans
Friday, December 4, 2015
#2527: Serco's Obamacare Eugenics – The Disabled of San Bernardino – 8(a) Ammo Center
D-Day + 4 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 4, 2015
1. AD asserts that Serco – with CGI Stanley out of Montreal – have developed a Nine Eyes (Five Eyes + BRIC) eugenics surveillance network to identify suitable targets to be carbon capped i.e. killed and ease Obama's fear of catastrophic global warming.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Alleged U.S. Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry Selected Russian SU-24 for Targetting - Elavates SU-24 Shootdown to a U.S.-NATO War Crime on Russia - U.S.-NATO Are Not Interested In Eradicating Terror In Turkey - What Will It Take to Stop U.S.-NATO "Full Spectrum Dominance?" - I$I$ Feeding Turkey's Economy With Stolen Oil - Russia Will Bring US$44 Billion Worth of Sanctions Against Turkey - U.S.-Saudi-Turkey Sponsored, Financed and Trained Islamic Caliphate: I$I$/Daesh - The U.S.-NATO Have One Goal: Destruction Then Balkanization of Syria - The End of the Nascent Kingdom?
Bombshell: The Turkish Assault on Russia's SU-24 was Guided by the US Air Force
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, December 03, 2015
Russia Insider reports that the ambush on the Russian U-24 bomber was guided by the US Airforce. In an interview with the Russian news agency Regnum, a Russian military expert said that "A US Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS plane took off on 24 November from the Preveza airbase in Greece. A second E-3A of the Saudi Arabian air force took off from the Riyadh airbase. Both planes were executing a common task—determining the precise location of Russian aircraft. It is they that picked the "victim."
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, December 03, 2015
Russia Insider reports that the ambush on the Russian U-24 bomber was guided by the US Airforce. In an interview with the Russian news agency Regnum, a Russian military expert said that "A US Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS plane took off on 24 November from the Preveza airbase in Greece. A second E-3A of the Saudi Arabian air force took off from the Riyadh airbase. Both planes were executing a common task—determining the precise location of Russian aircraft. It is they that picked the "victim."
#2526: Comey's Dirty-Banker Insurrections – Serco's 8(a) Long-Range Ammo Caches – San Bernardino Carbon Cap
D-Day + 3 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 3, 2015
1. AD asserts that FBI Director James Comey is laundering dirty money through HSBC Holdings at Canary Wharf to fund insurrections whereby the key 'actors' are tracked through what HSBC clients call the Nine Eyes (Five Eyes + BRIC) surveillance network.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Climate Freaks in Hysterical Push at Paris Climate Change/Global Warming Circus; Malthusian Mind-Benders Fear Collapse of Anthropogenic Hoax; "Climate Science" Charlatans Go All Out to Strangle World Economy; Obama Plays Green Buffoon; 3,000 Years of Anti-Human Propaganda
UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity | TWSPTax Wall Street Party
Morning Briefing | Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Morning Briefing | Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Parson Robert Malthus; the sinister ideologue behind the Paris climate change conference
AD Suggests Looking at These Dynamite Links Between the Ex (?) Patent Lawyer Hillary Clinton, Dirty Donors, Pritzker and the Treasonous Outsourcing of the Operations of the USPTO to Serco for Spectre's Nine Eyes Surveillance Network
Reclusive Chicago Multimillionaire Throwing Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton Tonight
Over the years, Fred Eychaner has given millions to the Clintons and their causes. But he shuns the spotlight
In an era of political megadonors, Fred Eychaner is an outlier. He never appears on television. He never hosts weekend summits for fellow donors. And he rarely talks to reporters.
Over the years, Fred Eychaner has given millions to the Clintons and their causes. But he shuns the spotlight
In an era of political megadonors, Fred Eychaner is an outlier. He never appears on television. He never hosts weekend summits for fellow donors. And he rarely talks to reporters.
Even Ordinary Chinese Know That CO2 Is Not Pollution - "Climate Change" Is a Hoax - China Can Fleece (Blackmail) the Gullible - China, the Biggest Emitter of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Will Not Budge - COP21 Heading Towards Disaster - China Has the Western "Climate Change" Priesthood by the Balls
This news appeared
at Breitbart News
Paris Climate Talks Are Doomed Because China Knows 'Climate Change' Is A Hoax
December 2, 2015
at Breitbart News
Paris Climate Talks Are Doomed Because China Knows 'Climate Change' Is A Hoax
December 2, 2015
#2525: White's Club Taint In Nine-Eyes Labs – Le Bourget Caps As Serco Hacks – Air France 8(a) Nose-Up Stall
D-Day + 2 Progress Report for Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford's Firing Squads
United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net)
December 2, 2015
1. AD asserts that White's Club long range agents have been tainting evidence in the forensic laboratories of the Nine Eyes countries (Five Eyes + BRIC) to conceal the identities of death-pool bettors' timing deaths of victims at mass-casualty events.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Federal Agencies Are No Longer Responsive to Congressional Inquest - Political Message: Federal Deficit (Yawn) - Government Money Blown on More Bogus Reports - Here's the Analogy: Government is a Tree With a Diseased Core - Massive Structural Reforms Are Urgently Needed - Governments Don't "Fix" Problems, They Create Them - Refugee Problem Has Local Governments Distracted
This information from
The Technocratic Tyranny
Failing Government
By Vicky
December 01, 2015
The Technocratic Tyranny
Failing Government
The government is a tree with a diseased core.
By Vicky
December 01, 2015
David Cameron's Claim of "70,000 Moderates Fighting in Syria" - Looking for a Pretext to Force Russia Out of Syria - New Orwellian Term: "Moderates" - Brookings Doha Center Think Tank Wonk - Russia Doesn't Distinguish Between "Moderates" and I$I$ - Foreign Countries Pay Think Tanks to Develop Strategies - Syria Did Not Create Jihadis, They Were Smugggled Into Syria Through Turkey - Brookings Doha Center Chair: Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani - Qatar's New Status: Prime Sponsor of Terrorism - Qatar, How Are Preparations Going for the 2022 World Cup?
When Is a Head Chopping Rebel a 'Moderate'? Brookings Doha Has the Answer!
Simple! When they're not ISIS and it's useful for a western government for them to be moderate
This news appeared
at Russian Insider
Charles Lister, a propagandist at Brookings Doha which is financed by the Wahhabi regime of Qatar, has been tasked to sell Islamist radical head choppers in Syria as "moderate" rebels. He isn't good at it but the "western" media love him as a talkative "expert" from a formerly reputable think tank.
The mask comes off when Lister has to find the 70,000 "moderates" the British Premier Cameron promised to support by waging war on Syria. He finds those by ignoring a word's literal meaning. Here is Lister's new Orwellian definition of "moderate":
Simple! When they're not ISIS and it's useful for a western government for them to be moderate
This news appeared
at Russian Insider
Charles Lister, a propagandist at Brookings Doha which is financed by the Wahhabi regime of Qatar, has been tasked to sell Islamist radical head choppers in Syria as "moderate" rebels. He isn't good at it but the "western" media love him as a talkative "expert" from a formerly reputable think tank.
The mask comes off when Lister has to find the 70,000 "moderates" the British Premier Cameron promised to support by waging war on Syria. He finds those by ignoring a word's literal meaning. Here is Lister's new Orwellian definition of "moderate":
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