Friday, February 28, 2014

#1865: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft Serco Triage Tags to Sandy Hook Common Purpose Bags

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft Warrants issued by Serco agents of the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company to attach triage tags to bodies at crime scenes, to the 28 Common Purpose bags allegedly used in a FEMA lone-gunman exercise on December 14, 2012 to hold the bodies of Adam Lanza, his mother Nancy and 20 children and 6 staff members of the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 14

Serco Suckers Given 22 April, 2014 Deadline
Holder, Dempsey, Soetoro, Marcy And [ redacted ]

Accurate Portrayer Of US and Barry Soetoro, Punahou ‘79
G-Spot: genderless + infertile + FIELD's box + Abel Danger

Thursday, February 27, 2014

#1863: Marine Links Mycroft MI-3 to Clinton Common Purpose Body Bags, Serco Benghazi, Sandy Hook Tags

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft Warrants issued to agents of the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company, to the Hillary Clinton operatives who apparently used Common Purpose body bags to remove Serco-tagged bodies from the September 2012 crime scenes associated with the Arkancidal murders of American citizens in Benghazi and the lone-gunman killing of children and teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown CT.

#1862: Marine Links Mycroft MI-3 Dick to Serco’s Gareth Williams Fairmont Tag and the Common Purpose Body Bag

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft Warrants apparently issued to Cressida Dick and her MI-3 Innholders Livery Company agents, to a Serco tag allegedly and unwittingly worn by the late Gareth Williams as he hacked the Fairmont Hotels Wi-Fi and body-bag triage operations of Common Purpose and “Do what thou wilt” alumni of the Bullingdon Club.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#1861: Marine Links Serco PF Beslan to MI-3 Mycroft Common Purpose, Pedophile Angel Tree

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s alleged infiltration of Prison Fellowship (PF) agents into over a 1,000 Russian jails prior to the September 2004 murder of 186 un-autopsied children in a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, to a Mycroft Common Purpose agenda – apparently sponsored by the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company and executed through Serco’s Pedophile Angel Tree triage network.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 26, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 26, 2014

Serco's General Dempsey 22 April Deadline

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1860: Marine Links Mycroft MI-3 Angel Tree Arsenal to Navigator Serco Clock, Madam Lanza Glock

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Mycroft arsenal of weapons in the custody of the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company and Angel Tree pedophile blackmailers, to Serco’s alleged use of an Obamacare call-center Navigators clock to synchronize the movements of a Glock 250SF machine pistol through the Mount Washington Omni Hotel in New Hampshire with the furloughs of Garner C.I. prisoners who appear to have shot Madam Nancy Lanza and her son Adam on December 13th or 14th 2012.

Banker Suicides: The JPMorgan-CIA-NYPD connection - Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us

Source: Canada Free Press

By Doug Hagmann (Bio and Archives)
Monday, February 17, 2014

I feel that this is one of the most important investigations I’ve ever done. If my findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes, and the end of the financial world as we once knew it. The evidence to support my findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

#1859: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft Angel Tree to Serco Madam Lanza BCC and Carver Phony Autopsies

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked MI-3 Innholders Livery Company deployments of Mycroft Angel Tree blackmailers to the late Madam Lanza’s use of Serco call-center bracelets, clock and chairs (BCC) to move victims of pedophiles through interstate and foreign commerce and Wayne Carver’s use of phony autopsies to hide alleged transportation of Lanza and son’s corpses from New Hampshire.

"Insurance Is the DNA of Capitalism" - Lloyds of London - Maersk Line - Maersk Alabama - The Trident Group - Two Dead ex-Navy SEALS - Pirating Is Big Business for London

Source: 21StCenturyWIRE

Ex-Navy SEALS Found Dead on 'Captain Phillips Ship' Points to Maritime Piracy Scam 

FEBRUARY 21, 2014
Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

Two security contractors who were former Navy SEALS were found dead aboard the Maersk Alabama, this is the same ship that was manned by Captain Richard Phillips during a subsequent Somali pirate hijacking and standoff in 2009, a story which had all the hallmarks of a Hollywood rewrite, similar to the celebrated Bin Laden tall tale, Zero Dark Thirty in its apparent accuracy…

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 13

Imprison Sandy Hook Malloy et. al.
4 Oath Oathkeeper Outwits 9/11 And Sandy Hook SERCO Sponsors
G-Spot: SERCO + + 9/11 + Sandy Hook + Field McConnell
G-Spot: Obama + McCain + Putin + FIELD MCCONNELL

#1858: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft CSI to Serco BCC and Garner Sandy Hook Angel Tree

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft CSI actors hired by the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company to Serco’s alleged use of Wi-Fi bracelets, clock and call-center chairs (‘BCC’) to mingle Angel Tree blackmailers with associates of the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department and paroled Garner CI prisoners during phony lone-gunman exercises near the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

Friday, February 21, 2014

#1857: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft to Serco Bracelet/Clock/Chair and Sandy Hook Angel Tree Blackmail

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft crime scenes managed by the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company to Serco’s Wi-Fi bracelets, clock and call-center chairs allegedly used by the Angel Tree blackmailers of participants in the Sandy Hook Elementary School lone-gunman exercise of December 14, 2012.

McConnell recognizes a Mycroft Warrant as a writ issued by a competent but blackmailed or extorted officer, usually a judge or magistrate, who permits an otherwise illegal act such as the spoliation of evidence at a crime scene or the hiring of assassins in pre-positioned triage teams, and affords the person executing the writ protection from damages if the act is performed.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is Ukraine Moving Towards Civil War? - U.S. State Department Spends $5 Billion to Subvert Ukraine - Ukrainians Are Getting Killed - Geo-Political Map Being Fundamentally Changed - Victoria Nuland: "F#%k the EU" - Russia and Germany Considering Options

Source: Paul Craig Roberts

Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War And Great Power Confrontation? 

February 20, 2014

Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War And Great Power Confrontation?

Paul Craig Roberts

People ask for solutions, but no solutions are possible in a disinformed world. Populations almost everywhere are dissatisfied, but few have any comprehension of the real situation. Before there can be solutions, people must know the truth about the problems. For those few inclined to be messengers, it is largely a thankless task.

February 20, 2014 - Sandy Hook Investigator Stonewalled and Threatened

Source: TheAlexJonesChannel

#1856: Marine Links Serco MI-3 007 Bug to Marcy Prison Fellowship, Mycroft Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco procurements of Herman Miller factory-bugged call-center chairs for the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company and the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007), to his sister Kristine Marcy’s use of the Prison Fellowship blackmailers with Mycroft Warrants who allegedly staged a Sandy Hook Elementary School murder mystery on December 14, 2012.

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 12

Serco/Crisis Actors Fingered, Sandy Hoax ‘Achilles’
Serco’s Morsi/Crisis Actors Fall To ACE OF ASSYMETRY @ Benghazi

Ace Of Assymetry Exposes Malloy’s Sloppy Seconds
G-Spot: malloy + simmons + Rincon + carver + pumpkin + ABEL

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Natural Gas Production in the Levant - Modern Continuation of the Silk Road - Four Years Later: The Syrian Production - The Merhav Group - Natural Gas Pipelines and Maps

Source: Christopher Bollyn

TAPI Pipeline - The Real Reason for 4 More Years of War

December 20, 2010

 TAPI Gas Pipeline Deal Signed

Indian energy minister Murli Deora, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Turkmen President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov and Afghan President Hamid Karzai after signing TAPI agreement in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 11 December 2010

Abel Danger Has Been Looking at Honey Pots For Six Years - Ex-Congreesman Mel Reynolds (D-Ill.) Busted In Zimbabwe - Smartphone Image and Video Taking of Naked Men and Women

Source: The Hill

Ex-congressman pleads not guilty in Zimbabwe

February 19, 2014
By Julian Pecquet

#1855: Marine Links Serco 007 Defence Academy to Mycroft MI-3 Travelling Criminals, Obama Bullets at Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s U.K. Defence Academy hacking of the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) to Mycroft Warrants allegedly issued to criminals traveling as guests of the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company who added realism to Obama cyber-war exercises by leaving 154 bullet casings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, CT, on December 14, 2012.

Call For National Reconciliation - Aroostook Watchmen Recorded Interview With Wolfgang Halbig re: Sandy Hook


Interview with Wolfgang Halbig on Sandy Hook

Please go to this TalkShoe link and listen to this important discussion with Wolfgang Halbig on the circumstances involving the alleged shootings at Sandy Hook.

EP1398-Former Florida State Trooper Wolfgang Halbig on the Sandy Hoax.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

#1854: Marine Links Serco to MI-3 Mycroft’s Dick, Obama USM-007 Sandy Hook Bullets

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco to the MI-3* Innholders Livery Company’s alleged use of Mycroft Warrants for Travelling Criminals deployed by Cressida Dick to Barack Obama’s U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) and the 154 bullet casings with which added realism to the lone-gunman exercise at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Abel Danger Campaign Letter - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speaking in Mounds View, Minnesota - Sandy Hook Completely Exposed

Campaign Letter:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is speaking in Mounds View MN Thursday, 6 March. I will be there as a member of the MN Tea Party. I may be able to get additional tickets for non-members. $10 I believe.

I will be driving a Presidential Limo to the meeting and of course will practice my 2nd Amendment right to have my pistol with a full magazine and one chambered.

If Bill Parks or any other people from around Pierce County wish to attend, I suggest they contact Jack or Pat in the CC line in email previously sent.

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 17, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 17, 2014

Serco-Mycroft-Marcy Marcy’s USM-007 Murder...

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1853: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft Expert and Travelling Criminals to Serco’s USM-007 Bracelets, Obama’s hue and Cry Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the MI-3* Innholders Livery Company's use of Mycroft Warrants to move Expert and Travelling Criminals, to Serco's fraudulent procurement of covert locator bracelets for the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) and the false hue and cry raised by Barack Obama after FEMA had held multiple lone-gunman exercises on December 14, 2012, at and near the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

#1852: Marine Links MI-3 Mycroft Covert Locators to Marcy Serco USM 007, Sandy Hook Hue and Cry

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the MI-3* Innholders Livery Company’s apparent issuance of Mycroft Warrants to blackmail covertly-located guests, to his sister Kristine Marcy and her Serco associates’ use of U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) in the false hue and cry raised during a lone-gunman exercise at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., December 2012.

#1851: Marine Links Serco USM 007 Covert Personnel Locator to MI-3 Mycroft Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s deployment of a Covert Personnel Locator System to track assets on the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) to Mycroft Warrants apparently used by blackmailed guests of the MI-3* Innholders Livery Company to authorize the triage of children during lone-gunman exercises between 9 am and 4 pm at and near the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 11

Sandy Hook G-Spot Takes Out Napolitano, Bradford, Holder
( G-Spot: Malloy + Bradford + Napolitano + Field McConnell )
Malloy Cowers, Dai Bando Sets Crosshairs On Barry Soetoro, Punahou ‘79

Minnesota Tea Party, Sheriff Joe, Agent Chips, 6 March, 2014
G-Spot: Barry Soetoro Punahou ’79 + Field McConnell Punahou ’67 + Ace

#1850: Marine Links Serco MI-3 Mycroft Warrants to Marcy USM-007 Mull of Kintyre Murder

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s Mycroft Warrants apparently used to blackmail officials at triaged crime scenes controlled through the Langham Hotel and MI-3* Innholders Livery Company, to his sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent procurement of Serco’s Cubic Covert Personnel Locator System for the use of the assassins listed in the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) who allegedly ambushed a RAF Chinook helicopter on Scotland’s Mull of Kintyre on 2 June 1994 and murdered almost all the UK’s senior Northern Ireland intelligence experts.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 17, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 17, 2014

Serco-Mycroft-Marcy Marcy’s USM-007 Murder...

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1849: Marine Links Serco MI-3 Mycroft Warrants to Marcy’s USM-007 Murdered Spook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s Mycroft Warrants apparently used to blackmail officials at triaged crime scenes controlled through the Langham Hotel and MI-3* Innholders Livery Company, to his sister Kristine Marcy’s alleged use of the U.S. Marshals Warrant Information Network (USM-007) in the tracking, torture and murder of GCHQ code breaker (spook) Gareth Williams.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 14, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 14, 2014

Be Mine, Disney Pedophiles

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

Thursday, February 13, 2014

#1848: Marine Links MI-3 Langham Mycroft War Room to Serco’s Major Twin Towers Bovis Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mycroft war-room operations at the Langham Hotel for the MI-3 Innholders’ Livery Company, to Serco ignition signals allegedly relayed by former UK Prime Minister John Major and his fellow Langhamates (?) through the Standard Chartered Bank offices in WTC # 7 to the incendiary bombs apparently used by Bovis Lend Lease to demolish the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Termite Strategy for Economic Conquest - Jean Monnet's Termite Hill Turns to a Pile of Dust - "Free Trade" Undermines National Self-Interest - World Economy Capped With NATO Capstone - "Merchants of Peace" Translates to Economic Warfare - Brookings Institute

Source: Channeling Reality

Termites and Traitors

A few days ago, Strobe Talbot of the Brookings Institute published an essay:

Effectively, Talbot wrote Organization of Power - Part 8 for me. His essay is the story of Jean Monnet and his efforts throughout his lifetime to build the United States of Europe - the European Union. Monnet is considered the "Father of the European Union."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#1847: Marine links MI-3 Mycroft Obama blackmail to Langham Serco Five Eyes and the Murder of Gabriel McGee

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked alleged deployments of Mycroft Obama ‘Five Eyes’ child killers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Conn., to a vig allegedly paid to the bookmaker agents of MI-3 Innholders’ Langham Hotel and Serco who apparently dressed the Connecticut crime scenes so that the BBC's armchair Sherlocks could attribute the murders to an excess of semi-automatic firearms in the community.

#1846: Marine Links Mycroft Obama Five Eyes Sandy Hook to MI-3 Langham Serco Vig

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked alleged deployments of Mycroft Obama ‘Five Eyes’ child killers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Conn., to a vig allegedly paid to the bookmaker agents of MI-3 Innholders’ Langham Hotel and Serco who apparently dressed the Connecticut crime scenes so that the BBC's armchair Sherlocks could attribute the murders to an excess of semi-automatic firearms in the community.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 10, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 10, 2014

Hillary Seeks Asylum

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1845: Marine Links MI-3 CSI bookie Mycroft to Ladbrokes Hilton Vig, Serco Cameron Body Bit Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company’s use of a CSI bookmaker ‘Mycroft’ service in the Langham Hotel since 1865, to a vig apparently paid by Ladbrokes Hilton for the removal of evidence of Serco and David Cameron’s alleged spot-fixing roles in body-bit bombings on 7/7.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

#1844: Marine Links Mycroft MI-3 Langham War Room to Bishopsgate Bullingdon Chancellor Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked ‘Mycroft’ war rooms apparently operated out of the Langham Hotel since 1865 by agents of the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company, to the detonation of the Bishopsgate bomb in the City of London on Saturday 24 April 1993 and alleged betting conspiracies between Bullingdon Club alumnus David Cameron and former U.K. Chancellor and Rothschild banker, Norman Lamont.

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 9

McCain Destroyed By True American Patriot MCCONNELL
Obama Genderless And Infertile Son Of LBS

Agents Chips And 99 Only Foreigners In Sochi?
G-Spot: Methane Man + Geriatric Goosestepper + Eton Pussy

Friday, February 7, 2014

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 7, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 7, 2014

Abel Danger/Lumpjaws Ignoble End

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1842: Marine Links MI-3 Langham War Rooms to Mycroft Spot-Fix Pride, Serco Wi-Fi 7/7 Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked MI-3 Innholders Livery Company war rooms (Imperial Brain) to a‘Mycroft’ spot-fixing service for Pride (LGBT) guests and staff of the Langham Hotel Group who allegedly bet on heterosexual body counts associated with Serco’s Wi-Fi bombing attack on the London Underground on 7/7.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

City of London: Dark Heart of Britain - Plutocracy, Pure and Simple - Stinking Rich Old Boys' Network - Vast Pool of Cash, Enormous Property Portfolio - Opening Doors at the Highest Levels - Extensive Partnership Work with Think Tanks - Network of Tax Havens - Laundering Loot of Oligarchs, Kleptocrats, Gangsters, Drug Barons

Source: The Guardian

The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest

Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance

By George Monbiot | The Guardian, Monday 31 October 2011 

It's the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable. But I doubt that one in 10 British people has any idea of what the Corporation of the City of London is and how it works. This could be about to change. Alongside the Church of England, the Corporation is seeking to evict the protesters camped outside St Paul's cathedral. The protesters, in turn, have demanded that it submit to national oversight and control.

#1841: Marine Links Serco’s Mycroft to Gareth Wi-Fi Sodomite Bag, MI-3 Imperial Brain

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a Serco root company’s apparent use of key word ‘Mycroft’ to encipher a Langham Hotel telegraph of news of the Lincoln assassination, to the Wi-Fi sodomites whom McConnell accuses of producing a snuff film of the torture killing of MI-6's Gareth Williams in a bag allegedly procured by the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company’s Imperial Brain.

Pope pressured to act on abuse after UN rebuke

Source: Associated Press

By Nicole Winfield – Feb. 5, 2014 6:01 PM EST

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis came under new pressure Wednesday to punish bishops who covered up for pedophile priests when a U.N. human rights panel accused the Vatican of systematically protecting its reputation instead of looking out for the safety of children.

In a scathing report that thrilled victims and stunned the Vatican, the United Nations committee said the Holy See maintained a "code of silence" that enabled priests to sexually abuse tens of thousands of children worldwide over decades with impunity.

Among other things, the panel called on the Vatican to immediately remove all priests known or suspected to be child molesters, open its archives on abusers and the bishops who covered up for them, and turn the abuse cases over to law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution.

Pope Francis holds his glasses at the end of his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#1840: Marine Links Serco MI-3 to Porter Wi-Fi Cluster Crime, Harper Lac Brake Mégantic

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company’s use of Serco prison/hotel tracking systems to Arthur Porter’s deployment of Wi-Fi script kiddies at cluster crime scenes and Stephen Harper’s alleged authority for the sabotage of the brakes on the train which incinerated Lac-Mégantic.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 8

Abel Danger Info Enables FBI Pedo-dragnet @ SB
Turdi’s Charge, Obama Balls, Putin’s Spotted Pussy

Abel Danger Prayed Serco’s Cabal Would Fix SB To Expose 9/11
G-Spot: 43-8 + rigged

#1839: Marine Links MI-3 Langham Onion Cipher Key to Mycroft Lincoln Hit, Serco Boston Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Langham Hotel operations of onion-router cipher keys for the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company to the alleged use of the imperial brain (‘Mycroft’) in the Langham’s telegraph office for the 1865 contract hit of Abraham Lincoln and the script kiddies who relayed Serco Wi-Fi trigger signals in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013.

Monday, February 3, 2014

System Engineers Designing Our Future - Commodifying Genius: Marketing Ploy For Rubes - "Tax Free Zone": Trojan Triangle - Slaves of Dubai - Economic Jihad - The Global Economy Isn't Working

Source: Channeling Reality

Engineering the Global Economy

Somewhere on my hard drive, there is a diagram that shows the "innovation cycle". I don't remember if that's what they called it, but the cycle is that as new "clean environment" technologies are developed, regulations are changed to force you to buy them - thereby creating a demand for them. The demand then spurs further development for more technologies creating a supposedly virtuous (depending on whose pockets are being padded) cycle of innovation and clean environment.

Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - February 31, 2014

Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger

Abel Danger Broadcast February 3, 2014

Abel Danger/Superbowl 9/11 Pedophilia

Listen or download: Abel Danger Broadcast

#1838: Marine Links Serco MI-3 Pedophile Onion Router to Sherlock Mycroft Boston Bomb

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s alleged use of onion-router patent pool devices to conceal communications with blackmailing pedophiles in the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company to BBC script kiddie roles of a Sherlock Holmes and his brother Mycroft in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Trojan Triangle System - Unholy Alliance: Government; Corporate; Academia Triad - Foreign Direct Investment - U.S. Military: Overseas Protecting American Investments - Foreign Militaries To America To Protect Foreign Investments

Source: Channeling Reality

Understanding the Trojan Triangle

When I first started looking into the individual elements of what I eventually called a Trojan Triangle, I could see that there was a system to it - with system being defined as the integration of separate processes linked together procedurally or physically to achieve an objective. What I knew at the time was that the transportation system, the education system and community (economic development) were involved. The delegation from China to view the area brought international trade into the picture.

#1837: Marine Links Serco’s MI-3 Langham Sherlock murders to Sam Cam Astor Blackmail, Clinton Massive Attack

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s development of a global murder-for-hire service for the MI-3 Innholders Livery Company – apparently launched from the Langham and Sherlock Holmes hotels in 19th century London – to blackmail victims of the Samantha Cameron and Astor families and script-kiddie keys for Massive Attack 9/11 allegedly distributed in New York and Washington by Hillary Clinton.

The List of Innholder Thurso – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed - Chapter 7

AD Operation BADFINGER Busts Serco SB PsyOp Evil
Operation SCARLET MUFF Ensures Tranquil Sochi

Smiling Hearts And Quivering Loins Not In The Picture
G-Spot: baginski + carlson nelson + marcy + hillary
Looking into our circumstances...