McConnell claims Marcy and Jarrett used NCEMC CyberTipline Clippers to entrap Edward de Sear – the Allen & Overy whistleblower who was apparently trying to expose the role of DOJ Pride’s pedophile pimps in the extortion of a $400 million fine from A&O's client BAE.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
McConnell Links Pedophile Privy Council To The Genocidal Maurice Strong
“The clipper Chip”
“Women in Technology Panel Discussion”
“Creating the White House Council on Women & Girls”
“Why Family Court Corruption Victims Show Evidence Protection Denials to USDOJ and Valerie Jarrett”
“[Spoliation inference that Kristine Marcy has been running a pedophile entrapment and extortion service for White House insiders and DOJ since 1984 when she launched the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)] Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention May 13, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE: United States Attorneys Offices, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Division, United States Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Office of Justice Programs Community Relations Service FROM: The Attorney General; Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration; Director, United States Marshals Service; Commissioner, Immigration and Naturalization Service; Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division; Chair, Attorney General's Advisory Committee; Director, Executive Office of United States Attorneys; Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs; Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Acting Director, Community Relations Service RE: Anti-Violent Crime Initiative/Youth Violence It has been almost two years since we announced the Anti-Violent Crime Initiative. Your outstanding effort in establishing coordinated strategies with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies has had a substantial impact on some of the most serious violent crime problems in your districts. We now need a similar, coordinated response to expand and reinforce our ongoing efforts to combat the crisis of juvenile violence. This is an issue of substantial importance to the Department of Justice, and it is important that the employees of the components working on this issue understand how we will address this challenge. For this reason, we are taking the extraordinary step of jointly sending this memorandum to all of you. … Fourth, in an attempt to ease the restrictions of the existing system, the Attorney General has delegated to United States Attorneys the authority to determine whether to seek the transfer of juveniles for adult prosecution. In addition, because the prosecution and detention of juveniles often involve unique problems, we have designated individuals at the United States Marshals Service, Bureau of Prisons, and Criminal Division to provide you with assistance when issues cannot be solved at the local level. [FN2] We have also scheduled seminars and prepared manuals for prosecutors and others to provide guidance on issues related to the prosecution of violent juvenile offenders. FN2. The contacts are: Kristine M. Marcy, Assistant Director for Prisoner Services, United States Marshals Service, (703) 416-8900; James L. Beck, Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Prisons, (202) 307-3171; and E. Thomas Roberts, Terrorism and Violent Crime Section, Criminal Division, (202) 307-3950 or (202) 514-0849.”
“Secret Documents: Hubbell Wanted Federal Access to Phones Charles R. Smith Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002 Al Gore once assured the American public that an Orwellian government would not monitor us. Even today, Al Gore will not claim that he planned to enable the government to tap every phone in the United States if it so desired.
Al Gore wanted to be Big Brother. In 1993, Vice President Al Gore spearheaded a project called "Clipper" which was designed to monitor America. Gore's leadership in this scheme to allow the Feds to have easy access to bug American telephones is all too well documented for him to deny. "We also want to assure users of key escrow encryption products that they will not be subject to unauthorized electronic surveillance," wrote Al Gore in a 1994 memo to Congress. "As we have done with the Clipper Chip, future key escrow schemes must contain safeguards to provide for key disclosures only under legal authorization and should have audit procedures to ensure the integrity of the system," wrote Gore. … The basic idea of the plan was to pay money to AT&T into using a National Security Agency (NSA) developed chip called CLIPPER inside its phones and computers. The Clipper chip would enable the Federal government to monitor both secure computer and telephone conversations. Hubbell arranged for the entire production run of secure AT&T phones to be secretly purchased, using the Department of Justice "confiscation" fund [in the custody of Kristine Marcy and her SES associates since 1984 to present] supplied by the "drug war", in order to keep the purchase off the general books. The project also included plans to "mandate" the Clipper chip into all U.S. homes and businesses. According to a secret March 1993 memo to Webster Hubbell, "FBI, NSA and NSC want to push legislation which would require all government agencies and eventually everyone in the U.S. to use a new public-key based cryptography method." [Kristine Marcy used Forfeiture Fund to build Clipper backdoor into the Federal Bridge where allies such as Jarrett can set pedophile traps to extort enemies.]”
“Huffington Post .. Posted: 02/28/2012 3:27 pm Protecting Women and Their Children Around the World Yesterday evening, I had the honor of addressing the 2nd Annual World Conference of Women's Shelters, hosted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and sponsored by Global Network of Women Shelters. The conference was composed of more than 1,300 advocates representing more than 90 countries, including the United States. I was incredibly inspired by the work these advocates are doing to keep women and their children safe. And I was proud to affirm that President Obama and his administration stand with them. Protecting women and their children is a cause he cares deeply about, not just as a President of the United States, but also as a son, a husband and a father of two daughters. This is why the President has made combating violence against women a key foreign policy goal. Under the new plan, for the first time ever, all United States government personnel in conflict-affected countries will be responsible for making sure that women have a seat at the table. And part of that responsibility will be to prevent violence against women. President Obama also believes we must lead by example here at home. The Obama Administration has directed public housing authorities and landlords to make sure victims do not lose their housing because of the crimes committed against them. Under new Title IX guidelines, schools, colleges, and universities that receive federal funds now have a clear legal obligation to prevent and respond to sexual assaults. As part of the Affordable Care Act, women will soon have access to medical screenings for domestic violence at no additional cost. And insurance companies are prohibited from discriminating against survivors of domestic violence by labeling their tragedy a "pre-existing condition." And we also are strongly advocating for the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act. These efforts are coordinated by Lynn Rosenthal, the first-ever White House Advisor on Violence Against Women. .. As the Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls, I am so proud to be part of an administration led by a President who prioritizes new strategies to help protect women and their children. When women are denied the chance to contribute because of domestic violence our entire society suffers. When women have a chance to achieve their dreams, everybody benefits. When women succeed, society as a whole does better.”
Presidential Field invites you to check links and enter Marcy and Jarrett’s Clippered-up OODA loop used by Secret Service pedophiles at Chicago’s NATO Summit, May 20-21.
Presidential Mandate
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