September 22, 2011
SES Marcy’s FBI VideoGuard hides pedophile Fast & Furious contract hits
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy procured VideoGuard encryption devices through the FBI to hide ownerless images of contract hits by Fast & Furious pedophiles in Matrix 5 propaganda attacks on the U.S. Senior Executive Service.
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
VideoGuard-encrypted CSI “FBI: Caught on Camera”
VideoGuard-encrypted CSI “Fox News Exclusive on Fast and Furious: New Evidence Of FBI Cover-Up”
“Video Full - Monterrey México Casino Attack - 52 Deads - Obama condemns 'reprehensible'”
“The New American ... Fast and Furious Scandal Grows Written by Bruce Walker Thursday, 22 September 2011 09:43 Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif., left), Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is not impressed with the explanations given by Attorney General Eric Holder and other Department of Justice spokesmen about Operation Fast and Furious — the gun-walker scandal in which ATF officials oversaw the transfer of 2,000 weapons across the border to brutal Mexican drug cartels, mainly the Sinaloa group. He is calling for a formal review by someone outside the government: We’d like to have a true special prosecutor, particular when it’s obvious if Eric Holder didn’t know, it’s because he didn’t want to know or because he wasn’t doing his job…We’d like to know who did know and why they didn’t brief the attorney general. Holder in May said that he did not know when he first heard about the operation. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claimed that she did not know about the operation until after some weapons sold by federal officers to Mexican drug cartels were found to have been used to murder Border Patrol agents. The sales were out of the Phoenix office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (still known as ATF) in collaboration with the FBI. Napolitano served as Governor of Arizona before taking her federal position. FBI Director Robert Mueller also professed ignorance of the operation. Issa responded to those statements: So, one of our questions is, why wouldn’t you have known? When was it appropriate for you to be briefed on this and who was keeping it from you? And that becomes the next opportunity with Secretary Napolitano or Eric Holder. One of our questions is: Where do you spend your days and why aren’t you briefed on something like this?... People are picking their words very carefully. Certainly there are FBI individuals that knew what the director did not know. Certainly there are Homeland Security briefings in which there should have been more. … One of the problems was this is what was called an OCDEFT operation, which means the FBI was an active part of it. Joint funding was used. So, if one were to say, did DEA know, did the FBI know, the answer is yes. Did the director know? I take him at his word — the answer is no. The Phoenix ATF office illegally sold more than 2,000 firearms under the program with the supposed intention of tracking those weapons to Mexican drug cartels. The reaction of the federal government to the subsequent scandal was to reassign ATF Director Kenneth Melson and to fire the U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona. Issa has expressed doubt that the Department of Justice will be more aggressive in pursuing possible wrongdoing by higher ranking officials in that agency. Interestingly, other ATF officials involved in Fast and Furious were actually promoted after the incident, including William McMahon, William Newell, and David Voth, who oversaw the operation in the Phoenix office. In Fast and Furious, ATF agents were specifically forbidden from either interfering with the illegal sales of firearms, intercepting firearms smugglers, or retrieving illegally sold weapons. If Holder and Napolitano have hidden their knowledge of the operation in sworn statements to Congress, whether or not the original operation was legal or not, their perjured testimony would be a crime for which they could be indicted. Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf Trading Company, the gun store which sold many of the weapons for the Fast and Furious operation, recently revealed through his attorney, Larry Gaydos, that he made tapes of his conversations with ATF agents after he began to suspect that they were lying to him. Gaydos told Fox News: Andre was acting under the direct supervision of the Department of Justice and ATF. And he thought he was making a difference and that these people were being arrested and there were going to be indictments and that there were going to be prosecutions. He is appalled at the position being taken by the Department of Justice and the lack of candor and lack of cooperation with Congress. ATF agent Larry Alt has also come forward to reveal that because he and another agent, John Dodson, opposed Fast and Furious, they were both reassigned to unattractive jobs: We were transferred from the group. We were placed in positions away from the investigation itself, denied access to the investigation. I would view that as a measure of control and if your want to call it a cover up, that would be an accurate statement. A growing number of observers believe that there is more than enough questionable behavior and dubious sworn statements involved with Fast and Furious to merit the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the operation. And now House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has publicly called for such a move.”
Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [Revised September 22, 2011: Kristine Marcy is a Matrix 5 principal and the de facto President and Chief Executive Officer of Washington D.C.-based NAPA (The National Academy of Public Administration); she allegedly placed federal pension and organized crime bona vacantia funds with Permira to obtain control over NDS and News Corp pay-television technology of VideoGuard; she allegedly ordered Robert Hanssen to set up a VideoGuard pedophile trap for foreign diplomats in the United States and leaders of different orders of domestic government; she allegedly procured through Hanssen, encrypted images of the JonBenet Ramsey murder for her SES feminists to extort the support of Norman Mineta for Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks on 9/11; she allegedly procured VideoGuard encryption devices from the FBI through the Treasury Solicitor’s corporation sole to allow her 8(a) companies to hide – spoliate – crime scenes images through the 9/11 attacks; she allegedly has custody or knows who has custody of VideoGuard encrypted images which show ownerless SWAT team members’ ‘liquidating’ Captain Chic Burlingame and broadcasting Matrix 5 propaganda during the phony war games of 9/11; she allegedly set up a revolving fund (# 15X4275) with bona vacantia – ownerless goods – assets confiscated from the drug trade in a joint venture with the Treasury Solicitor; she allegedly used bona vacantia assets to finance illegal modifications to aircraft to support EW/ELINT contract hits executed through the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’); she allegedly appointed Price Waterhouse (later PwC) as a trusted third party for the issue of PKI certificates to Con Air for use in Matrix 5 extortion and murder for hire by francophone, lesbian and pedophile-owned companies in the Small Business Administration database; through Women @ Sidley brokers, Marcy procured ‘Con Air’ Lear Jet aircraft which had been designed by Bombardier's homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams to support an Entrust-beTRUSTed chain of command and the decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 911; Marcy allegedly sabotaged continuity of government protocols during Matrix 5’s phony war-game exercise on 911; she allegedly staged the war games with bogus Entrust-beTRUSTed cutout identities such as the ‘al-Qaeda’ operatives allegedly created by the Canadian Privy Council and ‘advised’ by the recently appointed NAPA vice president Lena Trudeau; given her role in building Matrix 5 hit teams inside targeted sovereign governments, Marcy is now recognized by Abel Danger as the most dangerous woman in America; Marcy was allegedly recruited into Matrix 5 in the 1964-1968 period at pedophile oath-taking ceremonies designed by Canadian depopulationist Maurice Strong for the mothers, aunties, ‘clients’ and sponsors of SOS Children’s Villages; she was an alleged witness to crimes of the type described in Strong’s paper in the archives of Harvard University, “Mau Mau oath ceremonies – Kenya 1954”; she was an alleged participant in sexual oath-taking ceremonies, organized off campus by Odd Fellows or Rebekah cult leaders to entrap students and faculty at targeted universities; Marcy allegedly infiltrated Matrix 5 hit teams into George Washington University, University of Chicago and Northwestern University (she visited Chicago in July 1966 prior to alleged Matrix 5 contract killing of Valerie Percy), University of Hawaii BA French and Georgetown University where she took an MFS, master foreign service; she is an alleged user of Tuvalu .tv root authority from Privy Council in Britain to support Matrix 5 pedophile entrapment, sexual extortion and snuff-film murder for hire; Marcy is an alleged handler of Matrix 5 communities `B.A.F.L.P.' – pronounced ‘baffle-pee’ – where acronym stands for (a) Bankers associated with the Bombardier Master Trust, HSBC and Rothschild who helped to launder drug money through the DOJ Pride revolving funds and allegedly used PwC’s Entrust-beTRUSTed certificates to authorize the liquidation of targeted SBA 8(a) companies on 911 (b) Anglophones associated with the U.S. Senior Executive Service which Marcy launched in 1979 (c) Francophones associated with Femme Comp Inc C4 which she launched in 1979 (d) [Feminist] Lesbians associated with the DOJ Pride community which Marcy founded in 1994 and, (e) Pedophiles allegedly associated with rendition, logistics and PwC trusted third-party services of the US Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’) which Marcy founded in 1995; in 1969, after the pedophile Kray Twins had received a life sentence for murder, Matrix 5 leaders ‘placed’ Marcy as a `sextortionist' aide to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Frank Carlucci in Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.'s Office of Economic Opportunity; evidence of ongoing [wo]man-in-the-middle extortion of top officials in FBI, ICE USIS, DNS, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) and ATF etc; evidence of her organizing the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for La Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; evidence Marcy is a psychopath from her recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; evidence of pedophile trade and Tuvalu snuff-film .tv joint venture between Marcy’s associates in the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Krayleigh Enterprises; evidence of Marcy’s use of SBA 8(a) military-industrial patent pool devices including Unabombs, QRS11 gyroscopes, Smacsonic and Onion Router at Waco, Murrah Building and 9/11 crime scenes; evidence Marcy auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs with patented-device liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; evidence Marcy exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating bombs; evidence Marcy organized the execution of Timothy McVeigh as a cutout patsy; evidence she used .tv snuff films to blackmail Office of Personnel Management; evidence she has prevented release of `paperclip' passport files which would otherwise show Obama's status as CUKC alien and a victim of Matrix 5 pedophile grooming by Frank Marshall Davis and his grandparents; evidence Marcy forced U.S. patent office to re-assign liquidation rights in patent pool devices including .tv encryption to Crown Agents' Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers; allegedly Marcy used Entrust-beTRUSTed PKI to set up cutouts for 911 such as Lynn McNulty who designed ‘al-Qaeda’ Onion Routes, Dr. David Finkleman who sent Onion Router relay messages via ALPA pilots to al-Qaeda gyroscopes, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander in Chief, NORAD and Commander USNORTHCOM in Cheyenne Mountain, who stood down the U.S. Air Force, Rear Admiral Gordon Piche who used the U.S. Coast Guard in posse comitatus, Robert Mueller who opened a backdoor into FBI CSI, Bruce McConnell who stole Entrust-beTRUSTed public keys, Robert Hanssen who set up bogus continuity of government protocols and John Mark Kerr who claimed to have killed JonBenét Ramsey; collectively, these extorted victims give Marcy and her Matrix 5 colleagues at PwC the power to set up the President of the United States himself as a Middle Temple cutout for attacks on America from an on-campus elite and traitors within the gates]"
Semper fi.
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