Saturday, June 18, 2011

Belling the Rothschild Cat - Elite Flush With Cash - Moral, Intellectual and Economic Liberation - Your Education Must Become Imperative

Source: Dick Eastman

Belling the Rothschild Cat

You've seen this old diagram (click on images to enlarge them):

It merely illustrates how the domestic economy (lower loop) can suffer from depression-causing deflation while the elite group is flush with our cash and the wealth we created.

But now let us take in the full magnitude of Upper Loop exploitation and theft -- drawing a picture of how they are plundering the American economy:

Guess what? With these diagrams we bell the cat.

Where does the bell come from, my fellow mice?

Arthur Kitson: The Money Problem

Clifford Hugh Douglas: Social Credit (1924)

Gertrude Coogan: Money Creators (1935)

Irving Fisher: The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions (PDF File)

Frederick Soddy: Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt

John Hobson: Imperialism

Ignatius Donnelly: The American People’s Money

Leo Tolstoy: What Then Must We Do? (PDF File)

Ellen Brown: How to Get Out of a Global Debt Crisis

Anthony Migchels: Stagflation Explained Gold Revisited

Ezra Pound: Impact: Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization

Margrit Kennedy: Why Do We Need Monetary Innovation? (PDF File)

And from these was derived this "Tricky Mouse" solution: American Social Credit

Social Credit Sally says: "We don't owe them stinkin' banksters nuthin'!"

Two-Loop Explanation of why the poor are in a tight-money deflationary bust while the elite get all of the stimuli and bailouts and foreclosed assets

The Kitson-Hobson-Feder-Fisher-Douglas plan for moral, intellectual and economic liberation is an obvious solution once pointed out -- yet it remains out of reach because the criminals control and punish citizens' independent thinking among ourselves.

So let's go from here...

Kitson-Fisher-Hobson-Eastman's Debt-Money / Excessive-Debt-Burden /
Net-Interest-Drain Explanation of Deflationary Depressions in the Lower Loop

Only criminals and their ignorant dupes want mere "recovery." We need more than recovery -- and besides, when was our economy ever completely well, ever free of Rothschild manipulation?

Note: The imbalances represent leakages from the national economy to international usurers, speculators, rentiers -- the Rothschild interests -- the Jewish mafia (Mishpucka) and their allies the elitist governing minorities of each country on the planet. here:

Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds -- This Is Our Common Ground!!!

... so mankind can live happily ever after.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man

Supplementary information:

A Short Economic Education: The Two-Tiered Economic System of the Elites
Answering the most important question a 21st century nation can ask

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