Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Saturday April 30, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Hibert’s fast-tracked Bouchard just killed Gadhafi youngest son
I note that Charles Bouchard, the man fast-tracked by Russ Hiebert with a 2007 promotion to Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command, has used Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix to co-ordinate the J2 francophones who just killed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s youngest son.
“On February 8, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Hiebert parliamentary secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor [where he arranged a fast track promotion of Charles Bouchard to Deputy Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command]. Hiebert generated positive headlines in January 2007 when he delivered wheelchairs to a hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan . In June 2006 he was elected by his colleagues from all parties to the chairmanship of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. He also continues to serve as Conservative co-chairman of the all-party Parliamentary Border Caucus. On October 10, 2007 Hiebert was appointed as the inaugural parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Rona Ambrose. Hiebert was also the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held [whitewash] hearings on the high profile Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008.”
“Bouchard has had a long career in Tactical Aviation within Canadian Forces Air Command, which included flying positions in several squadrons, command of 444 Tactical Helicopter Squadron at Lahr in Germany, and command of 1 Wing Kingston. Bouchard has served in the United States as Deputy Commander for Continental NORAD Region and was standing duty at Tyndall Air Force Base conducting Air Operation on September 11, 2001 [when he used Bombardier francophone VFM to stand down US Air Force and let Kristine Marcy's SBA 8(a) al-Qaeda pass]. Bouchard would later become Deputy Commander of Aerospace Defense Command, and from August 2007 to June 2009, Deputy Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command, receiving promotion to Lieutenant General on taking up the appointment. In 2009, he assumed the position of Deputy Commander, Allied Joint Force Command Naples. While continuing to serve at Naples, on 25 March 2011, Bouchard was named Commander of Operation Unified Protector, NATO's military intervention in Libya.”
“Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi escaped a NATO missile strike in Tripoli on Saturday, but his youngest son and three grandchildren under the age of 12 were killed, a government spokesman said .. The attack struck the house of Gadhafi's youngest son, Seif al-Arab, when the Libyan leader and his wife were inside. White House spokesman Shin Inouye declined to comment on the developments in Libya, referring questions to NATO. The alliance acknowledged it had struck a "command and control building in the Bab al-Azizya neighborhood" Saturday evening, but it could not confirm the death of Gadhafi's son and insisted all its targets are military in nature and linked to Gadhafi's systematic attacks on the population. NATO regrets loss of life. The commander of the NATO operation, Canadian Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, said he was aware of unconfirmed reports that some Gadhafi family members may have been killed and he regretted "all loss of life, specially the innocent civilians being harmed as a result of the ongoing conflict." On Tuesday, British Defence Minister Liam Fox and U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates told reporters at the Pentagon that NATO planes were not targeting the Libyan leader specifically but would continue to attack his command centres.”
I note that Russ Hiebert also sponsored the fast-track career of a past colleague of Charles Bouchard, namely Russell Williams, the homicidal pedophile and former Bombardier electronic-warfare pilot who we have inferred, was planning a Francophonie airborne attack on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics up to the time of his arrest a few days before the opening ceremony.
The media should ask Hiebert ‘Quo warranto?’ – ‘By whose authority?’ – are contract hits being delegated to NATO francophones over Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Saturday, April 30, 2011
A Warning? - Co-Investors In the Bombardier Debt - 'Bomb Ardier' - French Became a Weapon - Back to Montreal
Dirty Penny's animated music video of "Bomb Ardier" from their 2007 release Tada. A haunting narrative about the lynching of a French-Canadian slum by a poor English mob.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Open Letter to Governor Perry - Jeffersonian Decentralization Movement - US Central Bank Military Forces - End Central Bank Warfare Model
Texas Governor Perry Receives Letter of Assistance from Descendant of Ben Franklin
Insiders at Governor Perry's office received a letter addressed to the Governor and was leaked out by a person who has been following the posts on Able Danger: Developing....
Dear Governor Perry:
The Jeffersonian Decentralization Movement invites Texas to form a chapter of the Army of the New Republic and be prepared to fend off enemies foreign and domestic like the US Central Bank Military forces after the next financial collapse starting before Christmas 2011. I believe there are over 2 million gun owners in Texas...that's the nice beginning of a return to complete sovereignty. I also think, that legally, the 1933 bankruptcy has gone on long enough and we do not owe the Bank of England; [the majority share holder in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York]; anything at this point and ask that you reject all federal funds and call upon the patriotism of the Texan People to get these fires under control - band together as brothers against a common foe creating unity and strength of character among the citizenry.
The way to attain total freedom for Texas is to abrogate the use of FRB fiat currency immediately and print your own money backed by sliver to start up a real sustainable economy in Texas as a National model. Our Staff is available to your administration to discuss re-establishment of the Republic of America in Texas and to prepare peace treaties with the surrounding 'sovereign' states and grow outward with a return to freedom from there.
Our major thrust is to return to alloidal title and land patent ownership by canceling all land contracts with the City of London - Bank of England, Start a US Mint to print Silver Certificates to retire federal reserve notes with a final rejection of the Central Bank Warfare Model. I am at any governors service who is in the service of the Republic.
General Tiberius Franklin - WESCOM ANR
"Long live the Republic... and the republic of Texas"!
Insiders at Governor Perry's office received a letter addressed to the Governor and was leaked out by a person who has been following the posts on Able Danger: Developing....
Dear Governor Perry:
The Jeffersonian Decentralization Movement invites Texas to form a chapter of the Army of the New Republic and be prepared to fend off enemies foreign and domestic like the US Central Bank Military forces after the next financial collapse starting before Christmas 2011. I believe there are over 2 million gun owners in Texas...that's the nice beginning of a return to complete sovereignty. I also think, that legally, the 1933 bankruptcy has gone on long enough and we do not owe the Bank of England; [the majority share holder in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York]; anything at this point and ask that you reject all federal funds and call upon the patriotism of the Texan People to get these fires under control - band together as brothers against a common foe creating unity and strength of character among the citizenry.
The way to attain total freedom for Texas is to abrogate the use of FRB fiat currency immediately and print your own money backed by sliver to start up a real sustainable economy in Texas as a National model. Our Staff is available to your administration to discuss re-establishment of the Republic of America in Texas and to prepare peace treaties with the surrounding 'sovereign' states and grow outward with a return to freedom from there.
Our major thrust is to return to alloidal title and land patent ownership by canceling all land contracts with the City of London - Bank of England, Start a US Mint to print Silver Certificates to retire federal reserve notes with a final rejection of the Central Bank Warfare Model. I am at any governors service who is in the service of the Republic.
General Tiberius Franklin - WESCOM ANR
"Long live the Republic... and the republic of Texas"!
Hiebert Sponsored Bombardier Pilot? - Fast-Track Career of Russell Williams (911 War-Game Maestro) - Killing of JonBenet Ramsey - Vancouver 2010
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Friday April 29, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert sponsor Bombardier pilot who produced snuff-film JonBenet?
I have asked my Hawks CAFE and Abel Danger colleagues to investigate Russ Hiebert as an unwitting (?) sponsor of the fast-track career of Russell Williams, the former Bombardier electronic-warfare pilot and 911 war-game maestro who, we have inferred, was co-producer with his wife of a snuff film of the torture killing of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996 and who, we have inferred, was planning an airborne attack on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics up to the time of his arrest a few days before the opening ceremony.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
"Russell "Russ" Hiebert (born February 8, 1969) [but conceived at an SOS Children's Villages?] is the Canadian Member of Parliament for South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale. He was born in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a BA from Biola University, and an MBA and LL.B from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Hiebert was a practicing lawyer and small businessman prior to entering Parliament .. On February 8, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Hiebert parliamentary secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor. Hiebert generated positive [WTF?] headlines in January 2007 when he delivered wheelchairs to a hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan ... On October 10, 2007 Hiebert was appointed as the inaugural parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Rona Ambrose. Hiebert was also the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the high profile [Lyin' Brian] Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008."
“Bio Russell Williams was born on March 7, 1963, in the Midlands region of England. At a young age he moved to Chalk River, Ont. and later to a house near the Scarborough [Rapist?] Bluffs east of downtown Toronto. .. June 2004 Williams is promoted to lieutenant-colonel and appointed commanding officer of 437 Transport Squadron in Trenton, Ont., a post he held for two years .. December 2005 to June 2006 .. Williams is the commanding officer at Camp Mirage, the Canadian Forces forward logistics base that's not officially acknowledged by the government or military but has been widely reported to be near Dubai .. July 2006 Williams is posted to the Directorate of Air Requirements, where he served as project director for the Airlift Capability Projects Strategic (CC177 Globemaster III) and Tactical (CC130J Hercules J), and Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue. January 2009 Williams is posted to the Canadian Forces Language School in Gatineau, Que., for six months of French-language training, during which he is promoted to the rank of colonel. July 15, 2009 Williams succeeds Col. Mike Hood as commanding officer at CFB Trenton. .. Jan. 30, 2010 Williams is interviewed about 8 Wing's participation in Haiti relief. He says that in addition to Haiti, 8 Wing co-ordinates the resupply for Canada's mission in Afghanistan and air support for the Vancouver Olympics [attack planned by Bombardier EW pilots?], which has a significant military presence Oct. 18 In a Belleville, Ont., courtroom, Williams pleads guilty to all 88 charges against him. These include two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of sexual assault and two counts of forcible containment, as well as 82 counts of breaking and entering and attempted breaking and entering. Oct. 21 The former commander of CFB Trenton is sentenced to two life terms for the first-degree murders in Ontario of Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, 38, of Brighton and Jessica Lloyd, 27, of Belleville. Oct. 22 Williams's commission is revoked by the military. Dec. 10 Former colonel and convicted murderer Russell Williams is officially expelled from the Canadian Forces, according to an announcement by the Department of National Defence. In finalizing his release, officials retrieved his South-West Asia Service Medal with Afghanistan bar and Canadian Forces Decoration with clasp and Commission Scroll. Additional information According to Williams's DND profile, he is a keen photographer, fisherman, musician and runner. He and his wife, Mary-Elizabeth Harriman, have homes in Tweed, Ont., which is about 60 kilometres northeast of CFB Trenton, and a house in Ottawa, which was being renovated at the time of his arrest.” .. “Police found child pornography [JonBenet snuff film?] on Russell Williams’s computer, but prosecutors didn’t lay charges because that would have been a deal-breaker in persuading him to plead guilty, says a new book about the sex predator who terrorized rural Eastern Ontario until his 2010 arrest.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights – abolished by Pierre Elliott Trudeau – so We The English Speaking Peoples can eliminate the culture of political corruption in francophone Canada which allegedly links Bombardier to what the RCMP called a ‘virtual floating matrix’ of organized crime including pedophile snuff-film producer, Russell Williams, and naïve politicians such as Russell Hiebert.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Press release: Friday April 29, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert sponsor Bombardier pilot who produced snuff-film JonBenet?
I have asked my Hawks CAFE and Abel Danger colleagues to investigate Russ Hiebert as an unwitting (?) sponsor of the fast-track career of Russell Williams, the former Bombardier electronic-warfare pilot and 911 war-game maestro who, we have inferred, was co-producer with his wife of a snuff film of the torture killing of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996 and who, we have inferred, was planning an airborne attack on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics up to the time of his arrest a few days before the opening ceremony.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
"Russell "Russ" Hiebert (born February 8, 1969) [but conceived at an SOS Children's Villages?] is the Canadian Member of Parliament for South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale. He was born in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a BA from Biola University, and an MBA and LL.B from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Hiebert was a practicing lawyer and small businessman prior to entering Parliament .. On February 8, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Hiebert parliamentary secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor. Hiebert generated positive [WTF?] headlines in January 2007 when he delivered wheelchairs to a hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan ... On October 10, 2007 Hiebert was appointed as the inaugural parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Rona Ambrose. Hiebert was also the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the high profile [Lyin' Brian] Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008."
“Bio Russell Williams was born on March 7, 1963, in the Midlands region of England. At a young age he moved to Chalk River, Ont. and later to a house near the Scarborough [Rapist?] Bluffs east of downtown Toronto. .. June 2004 Williams is promoted to lieutenant-colonel and appointed commanding officer of 437 Transport Squadron in Trenton, Ont., a post he held for two years .. December 2005 to June 2006 .. Williams is the commanding officer at Camp Mirage, the Canadian Forces forward logistics base that's not officially acknowledged by the government or military but has been widely reported to be near Dubai .. July 2006 Williams is posted to the Directorate of Air Requirements, where he served as project director for the Airlift Capability Projects Strategic (CC177 Globemaster III) and Tactical (CC130J Hercules J), and Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue. January 2009 Williams is posted to the Canadian Forces Language School in Gatineau, Que., for six months of French-language training, during which he is promoted to the rank of colonel. July 15, 2009 Williams succeeds Col. Mike Hood as commanding officer at CFB Trenton. .. Jan. 30, 2010 Williams is interviewed about 8 Wing's participation in Haiti relief. He says that in addition to Haiti, 8 Wing co-ordinates the resupply for Canada's mission in Afghanistan and air support for the Vancouver Olympics [attack planned by Bombardier EW pilots?], which has a significant military presence Oct. 18 In a Belleville, Ont., courtroom, Williams pleads guilty to all 88 charges against him. These include two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of sexual assault and two counts of forcible containment, as well as 82 counts of breaking and entering and attempted breaking and entering. Oct. 21 The former commander of CFB Trenton is sentenced to two life terms for the first-degree murders in Ontario of Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, 38, of Brighton and Jessica Lloyd, 27, of Belleville. Oct. 22 Williams's commission is revoked by the military. Dec. 10 Former colonel and convicted murderer Russell Williams is officially expelled from the Canadian Forces, according to an announcement by the Department of National Defence. In finalizing his release, officials retrieved his South-West Asia Service Medal with Afghanistan bar and Canadian Forces Decoration with clasp and Commission Scroll. Additional information According to Williams's DND profile, he is a keen photographer, fisherman, musician and runner. He and his wife, Mary-Elizabeth Harriman, have homes in Tweed, Ont., which is about 60 kilometres northeast of CFB Trenton, and a house in Ottawa, which was being renovated at the time of his arrest.” .. “Police found child pornography [JonBenet snuff film?] on Russell Williams’s computer, but prosecutors didn’t lay charges because that would have been a deal-breaker in persuading him to plead guilty, says a new book about the sex predator who terrorized rural Eastern Ontario until his 2010 arrest.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights – abolished by Pierre Elliott Trudeau – so We The English Speaking Peoples can eliminate the culture of political corruption in francophone Canada which allegedly links Bombardier to what the RCMP called a ‘virtual floating matrix’ of organized crime including pedophile snuff-film producer, Russell Williams, and naïve politicians such as Russell Hiebert.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vote David Hawkins
If you would like to print this post, CLICK HERE for a Google document that you can print.
David Hawkins, Forensic Economist (Sherlock Holmes of the Modern World), has been a passionate and compassionate leader with integrity all of his life – even as a child he showed empathy with all forms of life, even pebbles at the bottom of the stream which he felt didn't have a view. In large projects such as Oil Rig Blowout Safety (ORBS), small projects such as keeping a parking lot clean or personal relationships, he stays true to his heart. Working in the Middle East, Africa and many other countries, he became widely respected for his management skills and vision always seeking to bring out talent and genius in EVERYONE. After a career, long in adventure and experience, David shows no sign of slowing down or his optimism waning and he is confident he can clean up military-procurement fraud in Canada to 'Stand On Guard for Thee.'
South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Flat Tax – Grand Jury – Whodunnit?
- ADOPT FLAT TAX to improve cash flow for small business and community health
- INFORM protect and empower independents to solve big problems and cold cases
- AUDIT what Bombardier flew for Hiebert Great Escapes and Taliban contract hits
David Hawkins, Forensic Economist (Sherlock Holmes of the Modern World), has been a passionate and compassionate leader with integrity all of his life – even as a child he showed empathy with all forms of life, even pebbles at the bottom of the stream which he felt didn't have a view. In large projects such as Oil Rig Blowout Safety (ORBS), small projects such as keeping a parking lot clean or personal relationships, he stays true to his heart. Working in the Middle East, Africa and many other countries, he became widely respected for his management skills and vision always seeking to bring out talent and genius in EVERYONE. After a career, long in adventure and experience, David shows no sign of slowing down or his optimism waning and he is confident he can clean up military-procurement fraud in Canada to 'Stand On Guard for Thee.'
Call David at 604 541 1429 for an FAQ session.
N.B. Voters will have real influence in Ottawa
if they are represented by an Independent MP
Polling Day is May 2, 2011!
Field McConnell & David Hawkins: April 2011
Source:, hawkscafe,
27 April 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
20 April 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2
13 April 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
6 April 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2

audios 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Crown Sister's Work: Obama Passport Frauds - Serial Identity Thefts - Trail of Fake Documents: Spoliation of Evidence - Extortion of Senior Executives
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock
To those awake whom it may concern:
April 27, 2011
Crown Sister Marcy’s identity thefts behind Obama passport frauds
Abel Danger believes Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy has engaged in serial identity thefts by faking a supposedly US-citizen document trail for the man carrying a passport in the name of Barack Hussein Obama; our spoliation inference from the emerging trail of fake documents associated with Obama passport frauds, links Crown Sisters (see link) to the corruption or extortion of senior executives in the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Federal Investigations, now privatized into the Carlyle-owned U.S. Investigations Services (USIS).
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
“1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [In 1969 – when the pedophile Kray Twins received a life sentence for murder – she allegedly became a ‘sextortionist’ aide to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Frank Carlucci in Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.’s Office of Economic Opportunity; she allegedly went on to extort Dr. David Finkleman (Onion Router relay messages via ALPA pilots to al-Qaeda gyroscopes and ordered stand down of U.S. Air Force on 9/11 with the faked Entrust authority of Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander in Chief, NORAD and Commander USNORTHCOM in Cheyenne Mountain); Lynn McNulty (Encryption Committee of the President's Export Council, 1999-2001); Rear Admiral Gordon Piché (former Director of Personnel management for Coast Guard); Robert Mueller (Director FBI); Bruce McConnell (former White House Onion Router and currently PKI Czar); and, Robert Hanssen (former FBI counter-intelligence chief); in 1979, she founded U.S. Senior Executive Service with pedophile information technologists at Femme Comp Inc C4; evidence of her ongoing [wo]man-in-the-middle extortion of top officials in FBI, ICE USIS, DNS, ICE, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) and the National Academy of Public Administration etc; evidence of her organizing the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; evidence of her psychopathic tendencies with a recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; evidence of pedophile trade and snuff-film joint venture between her associates in the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Krayleigh Enterprises; evidence of her use of SBA 8(a) military-industrial patent pool devices including Unabombs, QRS11 gyroscopes, Smacsonic and Onion Router at Waco, Murrah Building and 9/11 crime scenes; evidence she auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs with patented-device liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; evidence she launched LGBT and pedophile extortion of Justice through DOJ Pride; evidence she exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC; evidence she executed Timothy McVeigh as a decoy patsy; evidence she blackmailed Office of Personnel Management custodians of ‘paperclip’ passport files which show Obama’s status as CUKC alien and victims of pedophile abuse by Frank Marshall Davis and his grandparents; evidence she forced U.S. patent office to re-assign liquidation rights in patent pool devices to Crown Agents’ Spectacle Makers]”
“Carlyle's USIS Has Your Security Background Check The Carlyle Group has its hands on millions of sensitive files on American citizens stored in a limestone mine in Pennsylvania By Wayne Madsen 1-26-6 The problems with the 1997 privatization of the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which ultimately became U.S. Investigations Services (USIS), now owned by The Carlyle Group, were known to members of Congress, according to a former OFI official. A number of employees of OFI, which was part of [Marcy's] Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before privatization, refused to accept the terms of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The late Democratic Senator Paul Simon of Illinois was particularly opposed to the privatization of OFI. After OFI became USIS, the timeliness and quality of the security background checks conducted on Federal employees quickly deteriorated according to former OFI employees. They saw USIS being turned into a cash laundering operation whereby a few officials at the top became instant millionaires. Insiders also report that USIS "branched" into other operations never before conducted by OFI/OPM. These other operations were the focus of Col. Ted Westhusing's investigation when he was "suicided" in Baghdad. It is also noteworthy that USIS assumed control of a converted limestone mine in Boyers, Pennsylvania. The mine, built during the Cold War to safeguard files in the event of a nuclear conflict, contains millions of government files, including those held by the federal Employee Service and Records Center. That means that The Carlyle Group now has access to sensitive personnel files on millions of current and past government employees as well as contractors who have applied for security clearances.”
“What is it about twin girls born day after Obama? Posted: April 27, 2011 9:58 pm Eastern © 2011 WorldNetDaily Today, Barack Obama blinked – releasing birth records he has hired lawyers to prevent the public from seeing, even at the expense of allowing U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin to be court-martialed and sent to prison for having dared ask questions the White House until now has resolutely dismissed with ridicule and disdain. A key problem for Obama is that birth certificates issued to twin girls born one day later at Kapi'olani hospital, the Nordykes, are the Rosetta Stone of deciphering both Obama's previously released short-form Certification of Live Birth and the newly released purported copy of his long-form birth certificate. The problem since the short-form certificate was released during the 2008 presidential campaign has always been this: As WND reported, the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins have certificate numbers lower than the number given Obama, even though the president purportedly was born at the same hospital a day earlier than the Nordykes. .... Note, Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961. .... Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961. .. Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth displayed by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form birth certificate the White House released yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordykes. ... Note, Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961. In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals. Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu. This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned” ... “There is nothing about stacks that could explain a BC being given a number on the 8th that is higher than the numbers given on the 11th. The “date filed” is the date that the number was given. Obama’s was given 3 days earlier but it was a later/higher number. Whatever piles there were either in a hospital, local registrar’s office, or the HDOH, Obama’s was actually numbered on the 8th and the Nordykes on the 11th. Or at least that’s what both forgeries by Obama claim. The numbers given don’t support that. And furthermore, the fact that Obama didn’t even know a “date filed” and BC# combination that would work together suggests that he didn’t have a legally-valid Hawaii BC to copy off of when he forged the COLB. If that is the case, then he couldn’t have been using a Hawaii BC his entire life. What BC WAS he using then? This discrepancy causes very serious problems for Obama and for all his handlers and co-criminals in the government agencies that have faked a supposedly US-citizen document trail for him - which includes every government office that claims to have records for him. I’m very glad that Corsi is saying that what Obama released is a serious thing and needs to be forensically tested. As I understand it, what he released shows signs of 9 different areas of C&P, which is very problematic. The BC#/”date filed” discrepancy and the forensic analysis suggest the same thing: that this is a fabrication to hide that he doesn’t have a valid Hawaii BC.”
“You see Watson but you do not observe!”
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 218 329 6190
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out response teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigations.
To those awake whom it may concern:
April 27, 2011
Crown Sister Marcy’s identity thefts behind Obama passport frauds
Abel Danger believes Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy has engaged in serial identity thefts by faking a supposedly US-citizen document trail for the man carrying a passport in the name of Barack Hussein Obama; our spoliation inference from the emerging trail of fake documents associated with Obama passport frauds, links Crown Sisters (see link) to the corruption or extortion of senior executives in the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Federal Investigations, now privatized into the Carlyle-owned U.S. Investigations Services (USIS).
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
“1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [In 1969 – when the pedophile Kray Twins received a life sentence for murder – she allegedly became a ‘sextortionist’ aide to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Frank Carlucci in Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.’s Office of Economic Opportunity; she allegedly went on to extort Dr. David Finkleman (Onion Router relay messages via ALPA pilots to al-Qaeda gyroscopes and ordered stand down of U.S. Air Force on 9/11 with the faked Entrust authority of Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander in Chief, NORAD and Commander USNORTHCOM in Cheyenne Mountain); Lynn McNulty (Encryption Committee of the President's Export Council, 1999-2001); Rear Admiral Gordon Piché (former Director of Personnel management for Coast Guard); Robert Mueller (Director FBI); Bruce McConnell (former White House Onion Router and currently PKI Czar); and, Robert Hanssen (former FBI counter-intelligence chief); in 1979, she founded U.S. Senior Executive Service with pedophile information technologists at Femme Comp Inc C4; evidence of her ongoing [wo]man-in-the-middle extortion of top officials in FBI, ICE USIS, DNS, ICE, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) and the National Academy of Public Administration etc; evidence of her organizing the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; evidence of her psychopathic tendencies with a recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; evidence of pedophile trade and snuff-film joint venture between her associates in the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Krayleigh Enterprises; evidence of her use of SBA 8(a) military-industrial patent pool devices including Unabombs, QRS11 gyroscopes, Smacsonic and Onion Router at Waco, Murrah Building and 9/11 crime scenes; evidence she auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs with patented-device liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; evidence she launched LGBT and pedophile extortion of Justice through DOJ Pride; evidence she exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC; evidence she executed Timothy McVeigh as a decoy patsy; evidence she blackmailed Office of Personnel Management custodians of ‘paperclip’ passport files which show Obama’s status as CUKC alien and victims of pedophile abuse by Frank Marshall Davis and his grandparents; evidence she forced U.S. patent office to re-assign liquidation rights in patent pool devices to Crown Agents’ Spectacle Makers]”
“Carlyle's USIS Has Your Security Background Check The Carlyle Group has its hands on millions of sensitive files on American citizens stored in a limestone mine in Pennsylvania By Wayne Madsen 1-26-6 The problems with the 1997 privatization of the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which ultimately became U.S. Investigations Services (USIS), now owned by The Carlyle Group, were known to members of Congress, according to a former OFI official. A number of employees of OFI, which was part of [Marcy's] Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before privatization, refused to accept the terms of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The late Democratic Senator Paul Simon of Illinois was particularly opposed to the privatization of OFI. After OFI became USIS, the timeliness and quality of the security background checks conducted on Federal employees quickly deteriorated according to former OFI employees. They saw USIS being turned into a cash laundering operation whereby a few officials at the top became instant millionaires. Insiders also report that USIS "branched" into other operations never before conducted by OFI/OPM. These other operations were the focus of Col. Ted Westhusing's investigation when he was "suicided" in Baghdad. It is also noteworthy that USIS assumed control of a converted limestone mine in Boyers, Pennsylvania. The mine, built during the Cold War to safeguard files in the event of a nuclear conflict, contains millions of government files, including those held by the federal Employee Service and Records Center. That means that The Carlyle Group now has access to sensitive personnel files on millions of current and past government employees as well as contractors who have applied for security clearances.”
“What is it about twin girls born day after Obama? Posted: April 27, 2011 9:58 pm Eastern © 2011 WorldNetDaily Today, Barack Obama blinked – releasing birth records he has hired lawyers to prevent the public from seeing, even at the expense of allowing U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin to be court-martialed and sent to prison for having dared ask questions the White House until now has resolutely dismissed with ridicule and disdain. A key problem for Obama is that birth certificates issued to twin girls born one day later at Kapi'olani hospital, the Nordykes, are the Rosetta Stone of deciphering both Obama's previously released short-form Certification of Live Birth and the newly released purported copy of his long-form birth certificate. The problem since the short-form certificate was released during the 2008 presidential campaign has always been this: As WND reported, the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins have certificate numbers lower than the number given Obama, even though the president purportedly was born at the same hospital a day earlier than the Nordykes. .... Note, Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961. .... Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961. .. Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth displayed by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form birth certificate the White House released yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordykes. ... Note, Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961. In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals. Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu. This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned” ... “There is nothing about stacks that could explain a BC being given a number on the 8th that is higher than the numbers given on the 11th. The “date filed” is the date that the number was given. Obama’s was given 3 days earlier but it was a later/higher number. Whatever piles there were either in a hospital, local registrar’s office, or the HDOH, Obama’s was actually numbered on the 8th and the Nordykes on the 11th. Or at least that’s what both forgeries by Obama claim. The numbers given don’t support that. And furthermore, the fact that Obama didn’t even know a “date filed” and BC# combination that would work together suggests that he didn’t have a legally-valid Hawaii BC to copy off of when he forged the COLB. If that is the case, then he couldn’t have been using a Hawaii BC his entire life. What BC WAS he using then? This discrepancy causes very serious problems for Obama and for all his handlers and co-criminals in the government agencies that have faked a supposedly US-citizen document trail for him - which includes every government office that claims to have records for him. I’m very glad that Corsi is saying that what Obama released is a serious thing and needs to be forensically tested. As I understand it, what he released shows signs of 9 different areas of C&P, which is very problematic. The BC#/”date filed” discrepancy and the forensic analysis suggest the same thing: that this is a fabrication to hide that he doesn’t have a valid Hawaii BC.”
“You see Watson but you do not observe!”
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 218 329 6190
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out response teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigations.
Russ Hiebert's Wheelchairs - Canadian Governor General - Francophone Double Agents - Correctional Services Canada - Taliban Escape Tunnel
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Wednesday April 27, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert's wheelchair Governor General fund the Taliban Great Escape?
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating Russ Hiebert's shipment of wheelchairs, procured by the office of the Canadian Governor General, for the alleged use of francophone double agents in Correctional Services Canada to move prisoners along a Taliban escape tunnel.
"Russell "Russ" Hiebert (born February 8, 1969) [but conceived at an SOS Children's Villages?] is the Canadian Member of Parliament for South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale. He was born in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a BA from Biola University, and an MBA and LL.B from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Hiebert was a practicing lawyer and small businessman prior to entering Parliament .. On February 8, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Hiebert parliamentary secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor. Hiebert generated positive [WTF?] headlines in January 2007 when he delivered wheelchairs to a hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan ... On October 10, 2007 Hiebert was appointed as the inaugural parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Rona Ambrose. Hiebert was also the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the high profile [Lyin' Brian] Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008."
Presumably Hiebert and Governor General David 'Lyin' Brian' Johnston think our soldiers about to be killed by Taliban esacapees, are too stupid to notice that the wheelchair-borne escape coincided with Canada's 41st election and Correctional Services' custody of Russell Williams, our country's very-first electronic-warfare commander and pedophile snuff-film producer.
"[Evidence that Correctional Services Canada, now overseen by Russ Hiebert's Canadian Governor General David Johnston, has use of Bombardier's EW capability and virtual war rooms needed to execute sophisticated military escape maneuvers] Hundreds of Taliban inmates dig tunnel to escape Kandahar jail; some recaptured Monday, Apr 25, 2011 06:00 am | Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Hundreds of Taliban prisoners broke out of a prison in a daring escape Sunday night, prompting a huge hunt for the fugitives. Kandahar Gov. Tooryalai Wesa said Monday that a total of 475 political prisoners had broken out, "including one criminal." The insurgents worked for months digging the tunnel they used to escape, Wesa said. The tunnel was started in a house located to the north-east of the prison in the city's Sarfooza area and continued to the entrance of the prison's political block about 300 metres away. "Some of the escaped prisoners have been recaptured by the security forces during searching operation," Wesa said. "Huge operations have been launched inside and on the outskirts of Kandahar city for the rest of them." A spokesman for the Taliban, Qarii Yousaf Ahmadi, claimed that 531 insurgents escaped overnight after tunnelling underground to avoid security checkpoints. The prison supervisor, Ghulam Dastagir Mayar, put the number of inmates who got out at 476, and said many were insurgent militants and commanders. "They dig earth and made a big whole underground and escaped from there," he said. Canadian authorities said they were keeping an eye on the situation, but added that Kandahar city was no longer their area of responsibility. The escape is reminiscent of one in 2008, when 900 prisoners broke out of the Sarposa prison following a Taliban attack on the facility, which was under Canada's oversight at the time. Canadian correctional services officers spent years training guards at the prison, and security had supposedly been tightened since then. Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, has been the focus of much of the international military effort to defeat the insurgency. Security, however, remains precarious with frequent suicide and other attacks. Authorities had biometric data on all of the escapees and Wesa said it would be easy for security forces to identify them, if they are found. The governor also ripped into security at the prison, saying they had failed in their duties and that investigators were trying to figure out how the great escape occurred."
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights – abolished by Pierre Elliott Trudeau – so We, The English Speaking Peoples, can eliminate the culture of political corruption which appears to link Russ Hiebert's Lyin' Brian Conservative Party to our governor general and the Lord President of the Council's wife Miriam Clegg.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 04 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Press release: Wednesday April 27, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert's wheelchair Governor General fund the Taliban Great Escape?
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating Russ Hiebert's shipment of wheelchairs, procured by the office of the Canadian Governor General, for the alleged use of francophone double agents in Correctional Services Canada to move prisoners along a Taliban escape tunnel.
"Russell "Russ" Hiebert (born February 8, 1969) [but conceived at an SOS Children's Villages?] is the Canadian Member of Parliament for South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale. He was born in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a BA from Biola University, and an MBA and LL.B from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Hiebert was a practicing lawyer and small businessman prior to entering Parliament .. On February 8, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Hiebert parliamentary secretary to the Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor. Hiebert generated positive [WTF?] headlines in January 2007 when he delivered wheelchairs to a hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan ... On October 10, 2007 Hiebert was appointed as the inaugural parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, Rona Ambrose. Hiebert was also the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the high profile [Lyin' Brian] Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008."
Presumably Hiebert and Governor General David 'Lyin' Brian' Johnston think our soldiers about to be killed by Taliban esacapees, are too stupid to notice that the wheelchair-borne escape coincided with Canada's 41st election and Correctional Services' custody of Russell Williams, our country's very-first electronic-warfare commander and pedophile snuff-film producer.
"[Evidence that Correctional Services Canada, now overseen by Russ Hiebert's Canadian Governor General David Johnston, has use of Bombardier's EW capability and virtual war rooms needed to execute sophisticated military escape maneuvers] Hundreds of Taliban inmates dig tunnel to escape Kandahar jail; some recaptured Monday, Apr 25, 2011 06:00 am | Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Hundreds of Taliban prisoners broke out of a prison in a daring escape Sunday night, prompting a huge hunt for the fugitives. Kandahar Gov. Tooryalai Wesa said Monday that a total of 475 political prisoners had broken out, "including one criminal." The insurgents worked for months digging the tunnel they used to escape, Wesa said. The tunnel was started in a house located to the north-east of the prison in the city's Sarfooza area and continued to the entrance of the prison's political block about 300 metres away. "Some of the escaped prisoners have been recaptured by the security forces during searching operation," Wesa said. "Huge operations have been launched inside and on the outskirts of Kandahar city for the rest of them." A spokesman for the Taliban, Qarii Yousaf Ahmadi, claimed that 531 insurgents escaped overnight after tunnelling underground to avoid security checkpoints. The prison supervisor, Ghulam Dastagir Mayar, put the number of inmates who got out at 476, and said many were insurgent militants and commanders. "They dig earth and made a big whole underground and escaped from there," he said. Canadian authorities said they were keeping an eye on the situation, but added that Kandahar city was no longer their area of responsibility. The escape is reminiscent of one in 2008, when 900 prisoners broke out of the Sarposa prison following a Taliban attack on the facility, which was under Canada's oversight at the time. Canadian correctional services officers spent years training guards at the prison, and security had supposedly been tightened since then. Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, has been the focus of much of the international military effort to defeat the insurgency. Security, however, remains precarious with frequent suicide and other attacks. Authorities had biometric data on all of the escapees and Wesa said it would be easy for security forces to identify them, if they are found. The governor also ripped into security at the prison, saying they had failed in their duties and that investigators were trying to figure out how the great escape occurred."
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights – abolished by Pierre Elliott Trudeau – so We, The English Speaking Peoples, can eliminate the culture of political corruption which appears to link Russ Hiebert's Lyin' Brian Conservative Party to our governor general and the Lord President of the Council's wife Miriam Clegg.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 04 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hiebert’s Governor General - Bombardier Underground Bomb - Pedophile Pilot Russell Williams - Bombardier Virtual Floating Matrix Communications - 7/7
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Tuesday April 26, 2011
From: David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Hiebert’s Governor General and the Bombardier Underground Bomb
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating Russ Hiebert’s links to Canadian Governor General David Johnston and the pedophile pilot Russell Williams in re their apparent use of Bombardier virtual floating matrix communications to co-ordinate the London Underground bombing on 7/7 and the construction of a Taliban escape tunnel by francophone double agents embedded with Correctional Services Canada.
“[Evidence Reed Elsevier’s phony London Underground bombing exercise was back-doored by man-in-the-middle investors in Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix to trigger patented dial-a-yield munitions and simulate an al-Qaeda attack] The 7 July 2005 London bombings (referred to often as 7/7) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks upon Londoners using the public transport system during the morning "rush hour". During that morning, four Al Qaeda militants detonated four bombs, three on London Underground trains in quick succession, a fourth bomb exploding an hour later in a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. Fifty-six people, including four bombers, were killed by the attacks, and about 700 were injured. .. Investigators identified four men whom they alleged had been suicide bombers. This would make 7 July incident the first suicide bombings in the British Isles. The then French Interior Minister (later to become French President) Nicolas Sarkozy caused consternation at the British Home Office when he briefed the press that one of the names had been described the previous year at an Anglo-French security meeting as an asset of British Intelligence.” .. “Peter Power Divulges It Was Reed Elsevier He Was Working For On 7/7 Posted on May 7, 2009 by Clare Swinney By Clare Swinney, April 7th 2009 Peter Power of Visor Consultants, who openly admitted during a BBC interview [Youtube] shortly after the London bombings of July the 7th 2005, that he was running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where the 7/7 bombings occurred, has disclosed that the company he was working for was Reed Elsevier.On April the 6th, in response to a news item and a short blog related to the 7/7 bombings that were posted on the Uncensored website, he stated in the comment section that in 2005 Reed Elsevier asked Visor Consultants to prepare an effective crisis management plan and rehearse, and he wrote that: ” Several draft scenarios were drawn up and the crisis team themselves set the exercise date and time: 9.00am on 7 July…”. You can read his full statement here, which he provided to the j7: July 7th Truth Campaign Blog website back on the 3rd of October 2008, although it evidently did not attract any media attention then. It has now however, as the major alternative news sites, and have published the story. So what is Reed Elsevier known for? Their website shows that the company invests heavily in disseminating information across the globe, describing itself as a world leading provider of professional information and online workflow solutions in the science, medical, legal, risk information and analytics, and business sectors, as well as being one of the world’s largest media companies. It owns a wide variety of companies and publications, from LexisNexis to Gray’s Anatomy and New Scientist magazine. It promotes the unfounded notion that climate change is a threat and hails support for the United Nations Global Compact, and its activities are as diverse as funding medical facilities in the developing world, to hosting meetings to discuss designing a transatlantic agenda.”
“[Evidence Reed Elsevier’s phony London Underground bombing exercise was back-doored by man-in-the-middle investors in Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix including Ariane de Rothschild] RNS Number:8990U Reed International PLC Elsevier NV 29 November 2000 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA OR JAPAN Issued by Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV International Offering of shares by Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV Reed International P.L.C. ("Reed International") and Elsevier NV ("Elsevier") today announce an International Offering ("the Offering") of up to 98.87 million new ordinary shares in Reed International (representing approximately 8.6%) of its issued ordinary share capital and up to 57.61 million new ordinary shares in Elsevier (representing approximately 8.6%) of its issued ordinary share capital) .. Reed International and Elsevier have granted to ABN AMRO Rothschild, Cazenove & Co. ("Cazenove") and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, in their capacity as joint bookrunners, joint lead managers and underwriters of the Offering, over-allotment options of up to 14.83 million additional new ordinary shares in Reed International and up to 8.65 million additional new ordinary shares in Elsevier.”
“[Evidence Correctional Services Canada overseen by former parliamentary secretary to Minister of Defence Russ Hiebert, and the Canadian Governor General David Johnston and been back-doored by Bombardier’s man-in-the-middle of a virtual floating matrix] Hundreds of Taliban inmates dig tunnel to escape Kandahar jail; some recaptured Monday, Apr 25, 2011 06:00 am | Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Hundreds of Taliban prisoners broke out of a prison in a daring escape Sunday night, prompting a huge hunt for the fugitives. Kandahar Gov. Tooryalai Wesa said Monday that a total of 475 political prisoners had broken out, "including one criminal." The insurgents worked for months digging the tunnel they used to escape, Wesa said. The tunnel was started in a house located to the north-east of the prison in the city's Sarfooza area and continued to the entrance of the prison's political block about 300 metres away. "Some of the escaped prisoners have been recaptured by the security forces during searching operation," Wesa said. "Huge operations have been launched inside and on the outskirts of Kandahar city for the rest of them." A spokesman for the Taliban, Qarii Yousaf Ahmadi, claimed that 531 insurgents escaped overnight after tunnelling underground to avoid security checkpoints. The prison supervisor, Ghulam Dastagir Mayar, put the number of inmates who got out at 476, and said many were insurgent militants and commanders. "They dig earth and made a big whole underground and escaped from there," he said. Canadian authorities said they were keeping an eye on the situation, but added that Kandahar city was no longer their area of responsibility. The escape is reminiscent of one in 2008, when 900 prisoners broke out of the Sarposa prison following a Taliban attack on the facility, which was under Canada's oversight at the time. Canadian correctional services officers spent years training guards at the prison, and security had supposedly been tightened since then. Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, has been the focus of much of the international military effort to defeat the insurgency. Security, however, remains precarious with frequent suicide and other attacks. Authorities had biometric data on all of the escapees and Wesa said it would be easy for security forces to identify them, if they are found. The governor also ripped into security at the prison, saying they had failed in their duties and that investigators were trying to figure out how the great escape occurred.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Canadian Grand Jury rights, abolished by the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; We the English Speaking Peoples will then use recovered rights to access pre-trial evidence and distinguish between victims of murder-for-hire or wrongful deaths; our Petit Jury will then determine if Russ Hiebert’s Canadian Governor General and his pedophile pilot Russell Williams are the principals or the victims of the Bombardier virtual floating matrix which was allegedly used by Correctional Services Canada operatives for the 7/7 bombing and Taliban escape tunnel.
We urge those concerned to ensure Bombardier's virtual floating matrix assets, including any patented PKI/Onion Router devices capable of triggering underground bombs, are quarantined before the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William on Friday, April 29th.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Press release: Tuesday April 26, 2011
From: David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Hiebert’s Governor General and the Bombardier Underground Bomb
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating Russ Hiebert’s links to Canadian Governor General David Johnston and the pedophile pilot Russell Williams in re their apparent use of Bombardier virtual floating matrix communications to co-ordinate the London Underground bombing on 7/7 and the construction of a Taliban escape tunnel by francophone double agents embedded with Correctional Services Canada.
“[Evidence Reed Elsevier’s phony London Underground bombing exercise was back-doored by man-in-the-middle investors in Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix to trigger patented dial-a-yield munitions and simulate an al-Qaeda attack] The 7 July 2005 London bombings (referred to often as 7/7) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks upon Londoners using the public transport system during the morning "rush hour". During that morning, four Al Qaeda militants detonated four bombs, three on London Underground trains in quick succession, a fourth bomb exploding an hour later in a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. Fifty-six people, including four bombers, were killed by the attacks, and about 700 were injured. .. Investigators identified four men whom they alleged had been suicide bombers. This would make 7 July incident the first suicide bombings in the British Isles. The then French Interior Minister (later to become French President) Nicolas Sarkozy caused consternation at the British Home Office when he briefed the press that one of the names had been described the previous year at an Anglo-French security meeting as an asset of British Intelligence.” .. “Peter Power Divulges It Was Reed Elsevier He Was Working For On 7/7 Posted on May 7, 2009 by Clare Swinney By Clare Swinney, April 7th 2009 Peter Power of Visor Consultants, who openly admitted during a BBC interview [Youtube] shortly after the London bombings of July the 7th 2005, that he was running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where the 7/7 bombings occurred, has disclosed that the company he was working for was Reed Elsevier.On April the 6th, in response to a news item and a short blog related to the 7/7 bombings that were posted on the Uncensored website, he stated in the comment section that in 2005 Reed Elsevier asked Visor Consultants to prepare an effective crisis management plan and rehearse, and he wrote that: ” Several draft scenarios were drawn up and the crisis team themselves set the exercise date and time: 9.00am on 7 July…”. You can read his full statement here, which he provided to the j7: July 7th Truth Campaign Blog website back on the 3rd of October 2008, although it evidently did not attract any media attention then. It has now however, as the major alternative news sites, and have published the story. So what is Reed Elsevier known for? Their website shows that the company invests heavily in disseminating information across the globe, describing itself as a world leading provider of professional information and online workflow solutions in the science, medical, legal, risk information and analytics, and business sectors, as well as being one of the world’s largest media companies. It owns a wide variety of companies and publications, from LexisNexis to Gray’s Anatomy and New Scientist magazine. It promotes the unfounded notion that climate change is a threat and hails support for the United Nations Global Compact, and its activities are as diverse as funding medical facilities in the developing world, to hosting meetings to discuss designing a transatlantic agenda.”
“[Evidence Reed Elsevier’s phony London Underground bombing exercise was back-doored by man-in-the-middle investors in Bombardier’s virtual floating matrix including Ariane de Rothschild] RNS Number:8990U Reed International PLC Elsevier NV 29 November 2000 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA OR JAPAN Issued by Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV International Offering of shares by Reed International P.L.C. and Elsevier NV Reed International P.L.C. ("Reed International") and Elsevier NV ("Elsevier") today announce an International Offering ("the Offering") of up to 98.87 million new ordinary shares in Reed International (representing approximately 8.6%) of its issued ordinary share capital and up to 57.61 million new ordinary shares in Elsevier (representing approximately 8.6%) of its issued ordinary share capital) .. Reed International and Elsevier have granted to ABN AMRO Rothschild, Cazenove & Co. ("Cazenove") and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, in their capacity as joint bookrunners, joint lead managers and underwriters of the Offering, over-allotment options of up to 14.83 million additional new ordinary shares in Reed International and up to 8.65 million additional new ordinary shares in Elsevier.”
“[Evidence Correctional Services Canada overseen by former parliamentary secretary to Minister of Defence Russ Hiebert, and the Canadian Governor General David Johnston and been back-doored by Bombardier’s man-in-the-middle of a virtual floating matrix] Hundreds of Taliban inmates dig tunnel to escape Kandahar jail; some recaptured Monday, Apr 25, 2011 06:00 am | Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Hundreds of Taliban prisoners broke out of a prison in a daring escape Sunday night, prompting a huge hunt for the fugitives. Kandahar Gov. Tooryalai Wesa said Monday that a total of 475 political prisoners had broken out, "including one criminal." The insurgents worked for months digging the tunnel they used to escape, Wesa said. The tunnel was started in a house located to the north-east of the prison in the city's Sarfooza area and continued to the entrance of the prison's political block about 300 metres away. "Some of the escaped prisoners have been recaptured by the security forces during searching operation," Wesa said. "Huge operations have been launched inside and on the outskirts of Kandahar city for the rest of them." A spokesman for the Taliban, Qarii Yousaf Ahmadi, claimed that 531 insurgents escaped overnight after tunnelling underground to avoid security checkpoints. The prison supervisor, Ghulam Dastagir Mayar, put the number of inmates who got out at 476, and said many were insurgent militants and commanders. "They dig earth and made a big whole underground and escaped from there," he said. Canadian authorities said they were keeping an eye on the situation, but added that Kandahar city was no longer their area of responsibility. The escape is reminiscent of one in 2008, when 900 prisoners broke out of the Sarposa prison following a Taliban attack on the facility, which was under Canada's oversight at the time. Canadian correctional services officers spent years training guards at the prison, and security had supposedly been tightened since then. Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, has been the focus of much of the international military effort to defeat the insurgency. Security, however, remains precarious with frequent suicide and other attacks. Authorities had biometric data on all of the escapees and Wesa said it would be easy for security forces to identify them, if they are found. The governor also ripped into security at the prison, saying they had failed in their duties and that investigators were trying to figure out how the great escape occurred.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Canadian Grand Jury rights, abolished by the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; We the English Speaking Peoples will then use recovered rights to access pre-trial evidence and distinguish between victims of murder-for-hire or wrongful deaths; our Petit Jury will then determine if Russ Hiebert’s Canadian Governor General and his pedophile pilot Russell Williams are the principals or the victims of the Bombardier virtual floating matrix which was allegedly used by Correctional Services Canada operatives for the 7/7 bombing and Taliban escape tunnel.
We urge those concerned to ensure Bombardier's virtual floating matrix assets, including any patented PKI/Onion Router devices capable of triggering underground bombs, are quarantined before the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William on Friday, April 29th.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
Lesbian Cults, Pedophile Oaths and Guild of Patented Hits - Chapter 2
Did Hiebert Governor General take Harvard pedophile oath?
Rona Russ Bombardier Bomb – London & Olympics Underground – Come Home
Rona Russ Bombardier Bomb – London & Olympics Underground – Come Home

Monday, April 25, 2011
Abel Danger Too Close For Comfort? - Here Comes the Psyop: WikiLeaks Documents Reveal Canada’s Alleged 9/11 Link - Because Wikileaks Says So
Source: National Post
WikiLeaks Documents Reveal Canada’s Alleged 9/11 Link
Stewart Bell, National Post
Apr. 25, 2011
Mohamedou Ould Slahi is a Mauritanian electrical engineer who studied in Germany before immigrating to Canada, where he served briefly as imam at the Al-Sunnah mosque in Montreal.
He is also Canada’s alleged link to 9/11.
According to the U.S. military, Mr. Slahi is a key al-Qaeda member who recruited three of the hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. ['key al-Qaeda member?']
Since 2002, he has been held at Guantanamo Bay. The latest batch of documents released by WikiLeaks [does this mean Wikileaks has better intelligence than the US Military? So Wikileaks is the last word?] explains why: the U.S. thinks he is a “high risk” and still holds secrets about al-Qaeda, including its activities in Canada. [Abel Danger getting too close to the events related to 9/11 that came out of Canada?]
The classified documents disclosed by WikiLeaks are assessments of almost 800 past and present Guantanamo detainees. On a scale of low, medium or high, they rate the detainees for their intelligence value and the risks they could pose if released. [after being water boarded]
The assessment of Mr. Slahi calls him “one of the most valuable sources” at Guantanamo, but says while he has been highly co-operative he has more to tell, such as details on “members, facilitators, and financiers within al-Qaeda’s Canadian cells.” [do they wear girls bikini underwear like Russell Williams?]
“Detainee still has useful information regarding extremist activity in North Africa, Europe, and Canada, as well as information concerning the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks,” reads the March 3, 2008 assessment.
The leaked Department of Defense documents were given to selected news outlets, and some were posted on the Internet. While they spell out U.S. concerns about detainees, in some cases they appear short on evidence, often relying on sources of unknown credibility.
Stewart Bell, National Post
Apr. 25, 2011
Mohamedou Ould Slahi is a Mauritanian electrical engineer who studied in Germany before immigrating to Canada, where he served briefly as imam at the Al-Sunnah mosque in Montreal.
He is also Canada’s alleged link to 9/11.
According to the U.S. military, Mr. Slahi is a key al-Qaeda member who recruited three of the hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. ['key al-Qaeda member?']
Since 2002, he has been held at Guantanamo Bay. The latest batch of documents released by WikiLeaks [does this mean Wikileaks has better intelligence than the US Military? So Wikileaks is the last word?] explains why: the U.S. thinks he is a “high risk” and still holds secrets about al-Qaeda, including its activities in Canada. [Abel Danger getting too close to the events related to 9/11 that came out of Canada?]
The classified documents disclosed by WikiLeaks are assessments of almost 800 past and present Guantanamo detainees. On a scale of low, medium or high, they rate the detainees for their intelligence value and the risks they could pose if released. [after being water boarded]
The assessment of Mr. Slahi calls him “one of the most valuable sources” at Guantanamo, but says while he has been highly co-operative he has more to tell, such as details on “members, facilitators, and financiers within al-Qaeda’s Canadian cells.” [do they wear girls bikini underwear like Russell Williams?]
“Detainee still has useful information regarding extremist activity in North Africa, Europe, and Canada, as well as information concerning the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks,” reads the March 3, 2008 assessment.
The leaked Department of Defense documents were given to selected news outlets, and some were posted on the Internet. While they spell out U.S. concerns about detainees, in some cases they appear short on evidence, often relying on sources of unknown credibility.
Russ Hiebert - Canadian Governor General David Johnston - Harvard Pedophile Oath - Brain Mulroney In The Airbus (?) Bribery Affair
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Monday April 25, 2011
From: David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert’s Governor General take the Harvard pedophile oath?
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating the apparent role of Canadian Governor General David Johnston – Russ Hiebert’s alleged co-conspirator in a whitewash of Brain Mulroney in the Airbus (?) bribery affair – in Harvard pedophile oath-taking ceremonies.
“Hiebert was the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the .. Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008” .. “Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had called a public inquiry in November, 2007, and appointed future Governor General David Lloyd Johnston as a special adviser, to study the matter and prepare terms of reference for the inquiry. Johnston had once reported directly to Mulroney during his term as prime minister. Johnston reported to Harper on January 11, 2008 that he had found 16 significant questions which required further examination. Harper accepted the report, and stated that a limited public inquiry process would begin once the House of Commons Ethics Committee finished its work [Hiebert sabotaged the Committee]”
A spoliation inference suggests that David Johnston, the only non-American citizen to chair the Harvard Board of Overseers, and his fellow Canadian privy councilor Maurice Strong are using pedophile oath-taking ceremonies to extort Harvard faculty and alumni into supporting their goal of global governance by world bankers and a pedophile elite.
"[Evidence Harvard has archived description, possibly including films and images, of Mau Mau or related oath-taking ceremonies which could make readers, viewers or witnesses vulnerable to extortion by pedophile psychopaths such as Maurice Strong] Harvard will soon have access to the personal papers of [Canadian Privy councilor] Maurice Strong [on] a growing system of global accords such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention on Biodiversity .. During his career Strong has served as the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, and the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio De Janeiro, 1992). He also served as a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development and the Commission on Global Governance [by world bankers and a pedophile elite] .. Repository: Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard University .. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954 History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d. Principles and practices of investment finance in Canada: n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of Mau Mau oath ceremonies)"
“[Evidence that Crown Agents have used ‘Pseudo Gangs’ and oath-taking ceremonies to control leaders and top officials for decades, starting no later than Obama’s Mau Mau grandfather in the ‘50s] Native word for “Oath” is “Muma,” but because of its pronunciation the Europeans wrote it as "Mau Mau.” .. In Winning Hearts and Minds – British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency, 1944-1960, Susan L. Carruthers points out that the Foreign Office Information Research Department (IRD) tried to spin the Mau Mau as Communist backed but the Colonial Office Information Department would have none of it as there was no evidence of Soviet meddling. IRD was the British black propaganda unit set-up after World War II [by Crown Agents Sisters using Maurice Strong] to counter the Communist threat .. On the 27 June 2009 BBC Radio Four show, "Saturday Live," Tim Symonds talked about his early life in Kenya. At just 17-years of age Tim Symonds went to Kenya in an attempt to get away from school and broaden his horizons. He was hired to work on a farm in Kenya and was amazed to find that there was a Mau Mau rebellion taking place .. After one year as a farmer, Tim joined the Kenya Police Reserve, (KPR), and became a tracker team leader .. Tim was called into headquarters and told that he was to become a member of a "Pseudo Gang" [al-Qaeda?] and would patrol with two former Mau Mau members who had returned to the government side .. During one mission in the bamboo forest he captured a 50 or 60-year-old insurgent named Obama who spoke perfect English. That is clearly not a Kikuyu name and Tim has written to the American Embassy trying to discover if this was the grandfather of U.S. President Obama [POTUS 44 and Harvard alumnus, apparently recruited for Global Governance by David Johnston, the former Chairman of the Harvard Board of Overseers!]”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate the Canadian right to a Grand Jury which was abolished by the late Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984.
We the English Speaking Peoples, are now demanding Grand Jury rights to access pre-trial evidence so that we can distinguish between the victims of murder-for-hire or wrongful deaths.
Our Petit (Trial) Jury will then determine whether Hiebert’s governor general and Harvard alumni are the predatory principals of or merely terrified witnesses to, oath-taking ceremonies allegedly staged in support of global governance by world bankers and their pedophile elites.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
N.B. The Grand Jury mantra "Accuse no innocent; shelter no guilty" has been attributed to King Ethelred the Unready (born 968?—died April 23, 1016, London)
Press release: Monday April 25, 2011
From: David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Did Hiebert’s Governor General take the Harvard pedophile oath?
My Hawks CAFE colleagues are investigating the apparent role of Canadian Governor General David Johnston – Russ Hiebert’s alleged co-conspirator in a whitewash of Brain Mulroney in the Airbus (?) bribery affair – in Harvard pedophile oath-taking ceremonies.
“Hiebert was the leading government member of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Privacy and Access to Information which held hearings on the .. Mulroney-Schreiber affair in fall 2007 and spring 2008” .. “Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had called a public inquiry in November, 2007, and appointed future Governor General David Lloyd Johnston as a special adviser, to study the matter and prepare terms of reference for the inquiry. Johnston had once reported directly to Mulroney during his term as prime minister. Johnston reported to Harper on January 11, 2008 that he had found 16 significant questions which required further examination. Harper accepted the report, and stated that a limited public inquiry process would begin once the House of Commons Ethics Committee finished its work [Hiebert sabotaged the Committee]”
A spoliation inference suggests that David Johnston, the only non-American citizen to chair the Harvard Board of Overseers, and his fellow Canadian privy councilor Maurice Strong are using pedophile oath-taking ceremonies to extort Harvard faculty and alumni into supporting their goal of global governance by world bankers and a pedophile elite.
"[Evidence Harvard has archived description, possibly including films and images, of Mau Mau or related oath-taking ceremonies which could make readers, viewers or witnesses vulnerable to extortion by pedophile psychopaths such as Maurice Strong] Harvard will soon have access to the personal papers of [Canadian Privy councilor] Maurice Strong [on] a growing system of global accords such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention on Biodiversity .. During his career Strong has served as the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, and the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio De Janeiro, 1992). He also served as a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development and the Commission on Global Governance [by world bankers and a pedophile elite] .. Repository: Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard University .. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954 History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d. Principles and practices of investment finance in Canada: n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of Mau Mau oath ceremonies)"
“[Evidence that Crown Agents have used ‘Pseudo Gangs’ and oath-taking ceremonies to control leaders and top officials for decades, starting no later than Obama’s Mau Mau grandfather in the ‘50s] Native word for “Oath” is “Muma,” but because of its pronunciation the Europeans wrote it as "Mau Mau.” .. In Winning Hearts and Minds – British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency, 1944-1960, Susan L. Carruthers points out that the Foreign Office Information Research Department (IRD) tried to spin the Mau Mau as Communist backed but the Colonial Office Information Department would have none of it as there was no evidence of Soviet meddling. IRD was the British black propaganda unit set-up after World War II [by Crown Agents Sisters using Maurice Strong] to counter the Communist threat .. On the 27 June 2009 BBC Radio Four show, "Saturday Live," Tim Symonds talked about his early life in Kenya. At just 17-years of age Tim Symonds went to Kenya in an attempt to get away from school and broaden his horizons. He was hired to work on a farm in Kenya and was amazed to find that there was a Mau Mau rebellion taking place .. After one year as a farmer, Tim joined the Kenya Police Reserve, (KPR), and became a tracker team leader .. Tim was called into headquarters and told that he was to become a member of a "Pseudo Gang" [al-Qaeda?] and would patrol with two former Mau Mau members who had returned to the government side .. During one mission in the bamboo forest he captured a 50 or 60-year-old insurgent named Obama who spoke perfect English. That is clearly not a Kikuyu name and Tim has written to the American Embassy trying to discover if this was the grandfather of U.S. President Obama [POTUS 44 and Harvard alumnus, apparently recruited for Global Governance by David Johnston, the former Chairman of the Harvard Board of Overseers!]”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate the Canadian right to a Grand Jury which was abolished by the late Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984.
We the English Speaking Peoples, are now demanding Grand Jury rights to access pre-trial evidence so that we can distinguish between the victims of murder-for-hire or wrongful deaths.
Our Petit (Trial) Jury will then determine whether Hiebert’s governor general and Harvard alumni are the predatory principals of or merely terrified witnesses to, oath-taking ceremonies allegedly staged in support of global governance by world bankers and their pedophile elites.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale 604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Procurement Fraud
N.B. The Grand Jury mantra "Accuse no innocent; shelter no guilty" has been attributed to King Ethelred the Unready (born 968?—died April 23, 1016, London)
NWO Bound Together With Pedophile Oath-Taking Glue - Strong-Obama Snuff-Film Ceremonies Archived at Harvard? - 'Detained' by the Russians?
'Detained' by the Russians?
Crown Agents' Sisters have 'owned' Barack Obama's family since the time his grandfather participated in Mau Mau pedophile oath-taking ceremonies in 1954 with the now-Canadian Privy Councilor, The Honourable Maurice Strong; a description of the Strong-Obama snuff-film ceremonies was archived at Harvard - allegedly for the purposes of extorting the Board of Overseers into silence re the 'Strong man' in the White House - per below ....
[N.B. How many times are we going to have to tell people; Crown Agents Sisters' NWO is bound by a pedophile oath-taking glue? That's why Obama got his Harvard law degree]
"Leading Environmentalist Leaves Papers to Harvard Environmental scholars at Harvard will soon have access to the personal papers of Maurice Strong, one of the central figures in international environmental politics for the past 30 years. Strong's papers, recently donated to the University, document crucial events in the evolution of international environmental policy from an ad hoc collection of bilateral agreements to a growing system of global accords such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention on Biodiversity .. During his career Strong has served as the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, and the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio De Janeiro, 1992). He also served as a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development and the Commission on Global Governance."
Repository: Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard University. Call No.: ESPP MFS001 Title: Papers of Maurice F. Strong, 1948-2000. Creator: Donated by: Maurice F. Strong Quantity: EXTENT: Total boxes: 685. Total linear feet: 287.7. .. Series II. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954 History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d. Best places to see game [re: Africa]: n.d.[Paper on] Uranium: n.d. Principles and practices of investment finance in Canada: n.d. (Exam taken for course 1) [Notes on Caltex Oil Company]: n.d.[Early composition book]: n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of Mau Mau oath ceremonies)"
Source: Sherman Skolnick
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/6/05
Some meteorologists contend there has been weather-warfare. That is, they say, that there have been two man-made hurricanes, Ivan [The Terrible], 2004, and Katrina, 2005. And, that these storms were created by technology long-known and directed to specific areas.
One weatherman asserted that Russia has long claimed they can send extreme weather and turbulence from Siberia targeting the United States. He proclaimed that Russia did that with Ivan [later called Ivan The Terrible] in 2004 and Katrina, 2005.
About a night after Katrina hit the Gulf, it was described how brazenly the hurricane was created and directed, that as an inside signal, it came right over the National Hurricane Center in Florida.
If so, WHO had prior knowledge?
1. As a corruptly installed stooge and scapegoat for the Anglo-American Aristocracy, George W. Bush is a prime suspect having foreknowledge. If it became in time more and more evident of a high-level domestic plot, a new "Pearl Harbor", to carry out a long-planned war-mongering cancel-the Constitution agenda, then putting a Russian-style name in advance on the two later man-made suspected hurricanes, would form the basis for blaming Russia. Or like 9-11, falsely blaming "The Muslims".
2. Did Russian president Putin, suspecting he might be blamed for Hurricane Katrina, jump the gun? Just prior to Katrina hitting the Gulf, Putin noted that two U.S. Senators were in Russia snooping around off- limits secret facilities. That is U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D., Ill.) originally from the former British colony of Kenya and a year previous, before Obama was elected, was publicly fingered by me as a British spy; and his accomplice in Russia, U.S. Senator Richard Luga r (R., Ind.).
Putin had both of their passports seized and the two Senators were kept for a while in custody of the FSB, the new Russian secret political police. (An exclusive news bulletin was on
Crown Agents' Sisters have 'owned' Barack Obama's family since the time his grandfather participated in Mau Mau pedophile oath-taking ceremonies in 1954 with the now-Canadian Privy Councilor, The Honourable Maurice Strong; a description of the Strong-Obama snuff-film ceremonies was archived at Harvard - allegedly for the purposes of extorting the Board of Overseers into silence re the 'Strong man' in the White House - per below ....
[N.B. How many times are we going to have to tell people; Crown Agents Sisters' NWO is bound by a pedophile oath-taking glue? That's why Obama got his Harvard law degree]
"Leading Environmentalist Leaves Papers to Harvard Environmental scholars at Harvard will soon have access to the personal papers of Maurice Strong, one of the central figures in international environmental politics for the past 30 years. Strong's papers, recently donated to the University, document crucial events in the evolution of international environmental policy from an ad hoc collection of bilateral agreements to a growing system of global accords such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention on Biodiversity .. During his career Strong has served as the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, and the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio De Janeiro, 1992). He also served as a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development and the Commission on Global Governance."
Repository: Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard University. Call No.: ESPP MFS001 Title: Papers of Maurice F. Strong, 1948-2000. Creator: Donated by: Maurice F. Strong Quantity: EXTENT: Total boxes: 685. Total linear feet: 287.7. .. Series II. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954 History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d. Best places to see game [re: Africa]: n.d.[Paper on] Uranium: n.d. Principles and practices of investment finance in Canada: n.d. (Exam taken for course 1) [Notes on Caltex Oil Company]: n.d.[Early composition book]: n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of Mau Mau oath ceremonies)"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Source: Sherman Skolnick
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/6/05
Some meteorologists contend there has been weather-warfare. That is, they say, that there have been two man-made hurricanes, Ivan [The Terrible], 2004, and Katrina, 2005. And, that these storms were created by technology long-known and directed to specific areas.
One weatherman asserted that Russia has long claimed they can send extreme weather and turbulence from Siberia targeting the United States. He proclaimed that Russia did that with Ivan [later called Ivan The Terrible] in 2004 and Katrina, 2005.
About a night after Katrina hit the Gulf, it was described how brazenly the hurricane was created and directed, that as an inside signal, it came right over the National Hurricane Center in Florida.
If so, WHO had prior knowledge?
1. As a corruptly installed stooge and scapegoat for the Anglo-American Aristocracy, George W. Bush is a prime suspect having foreknowledge. If it became in time more and more evident of a high-level domestic plot, a new "Pearl Harbor", to carry out a long-planned war-mongering cancel-the Constitution agenda, then putting a Russian-style name in advance on the two later man-made suspected hurricanes, would form the basis for blaming Russia. Or like 9-11, falsely blaming "The Muslims".
2. Did Russian president Putin, suspecting he might be blamed for Hurricane Katrina, jump the gun? Just prior to Katrina hitting the Gulf, Putin noted that two U.S. Senators were in Russia snooping around off- limits secret facilities. That is U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D., Ill.) originally from the former British colony of Kenya and a year previous, before Obama was elected, was publicly fingered by me as a British spy; and his accomplice in Russia, U.S. Senator Richard Luga r (R., Ind.).
Putin had both of their passports seized and the two Senators were kept for a while in custody of the FSB, the new Russian secret political police. (An exclusive news bulletin was on
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Rothschild Family Fortune - Bombardier Master Trust Mingled With Equity of Canada? - Procured Aircraft - Air France 447
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
April 24, 2011
Did Ariane de Rothschild’s Bombardier Trust down Air France 447?
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister Ariane de Rothschild has extorted Baron Benjamin de Rothschild to take control of his family’s fortune and mingle its investments in Bombardier Master Trust with the Equity of Canada; we therefore ask if Mrs. de Rothschild could have applied these funds to procure the aircraft needed by the former Bombardier electronic warfare pilot Russell Williams, to down Air France Flight 447 on June 1, 2009.

“List of Crown Agents’ Sisters who allegedly use pedophile extortionists and snuff-film patent pools to support 'man-in-the-middle' attacks on leaders with an M.O. of command, contract hit and spoliation crews that dates back to the 1629 foundation of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers: ... 49. Ariane de Rothschild (nee Langner) [born 1965 in San Salvador; wife of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild; vice-president of Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA since 1999 where she allegedly directs mortgage-based extortion of worldwide SOS `Mothers' and pedophile alumni of SOS Children's Villages – including Algeria and El Salvador – through the Bombardier Fund of Funds; MBA from Pace University in New York; former broker at Société Générale in New York; extorted U.S. insurance group AIG, to enter the French and European markets; member of the Board of Directors of the private banks Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild in France and Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild in Switzerland; secret controller of Bombardier electronic warfare and GAPAN/ALPA patent pool contract hits with the Bombardier family, Bain Capital and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec; Ariane de Rothschild Fellows Program, in partnership with Columbia Business School, University of Cambridge and ESSEC is hiding the bogus bio of Obama; she runs Edmond de Rothschild Group among other wine properties in Bordeaux (Château Clarke, Chateau Malmaison, Château des Laurets), Spain (Vega Sicilia), South Africa and Argentina; manages Le Domaine du Mont d'Arbois, a luxury hotel complex in Megève; she leads a syndicated debt investment vehicle for a racketeering influenced and corrupt organization (RICO) of the PENSION COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL PENSION PLAN [where unwitting faculty were invested in the massacre of a group of apolitical women engineers by `une gang de féministes']; BANCO NOMINEES (I.O.M.) LIMITED, BANK OF BERMUDA (LUXEMBOURG), S.A., now called HSBC Security Services (Luxembourg) S.A., on behalf of Liberty Ermitage North American Absolute Fund Ltd., BANQUE PRIVEE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD EUROPE, CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOURG, as assignee of Banque Privee Edmond De Rothschild Europe/Isofin f/k/a Credit Agricole Investor Services Bank Luxembourg .. BASE FORCE, LTD., BOMBARDIER TRUST (CANADA), as agent of the administrators of the pension funds of Bombardier Inc. whose assets are collectively invested in the Bombardier Trust (Canada) (Foreign Assets) Fund [and the CC-144s which allegedly served as transports, patrol aircraft, and electronic 'spoofers' in Pan Am 103] THE BOMBARDIER TRUST (UK), THE BOMBARDIER TRUST (U.S.) MASTER TRUST .. COMMONFUND GLOBAL HEDGED PARTNERS, LLC, CONDOR ALTERNATIVE FUND, THE CORBETT FAMILY CHARITABLE FOUNDATION INC., THE CORONATION INTERNATIONAL ACTIVE FUND OF FUNDS, FORTIS [BNP Paribas Oil-for-Food and Anna Chapman sexual extortionist] GLOBAL CUSTODY MANAGEMENT AND TRUSTEE SERVICES (IRELAND) LIMITED as trustee for Coronation Universal Fund .. MELLON BANK, N.A., as Trustee for the Dominion Resources Inc. Master Trust .. FONDATION LUCIE ET ANDRE CHAGNON, ANDRE CHAGNON, SOJECCI II LTEE., FONDATION LILLA, GOULAM INVESTMENTS INC., GTALPHA, CHRISTA GUNTER, HERMES TRADING LTD., HSBC PRIVATE BANK (SUISSE) SA, formerly known as HSBC Republic (Suisse) SA [Family Office of the David Cameron Family] .. KREDEITBANK LUXEMBOURG, NC SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND, KUWAIT AND MIDDLE EAST FINANCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, LA COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD BANQUE .. LGT BANK IN LIECHTENSTEIN AG .. MAESTRO TRADING, INC .. NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA .. PENSION COMMITEE OF REGIME DES RENTES DU MOUVEMENT DESJARDINS .. THE PENSION COMMITTEE OF THE PENSION PLAN FOR THE REGIME de RETRAITE DE LA CORPORATION DE L'ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE [where unwitting faculty were invested in the massacre of a group of apolitical women engineers by `une gang de féministes']; ROTHSCHILD GESTION, SATNAM INVESTMENTS LTD., SEVEN SEAS PORTFOLIO A LIMITED, SIGNET MULTI-MANAGER INC., UEB (UNITED EUROPEAN BANK) GENEVA (SWITZERLAND), SIL NOMINEES LIMITED, SPGP (Societe Privee de Gestion de Patrimoine) .. STARVEST FUNDS, LTD., THE TAURUS FUND, Successor-in-Interest to Turkos Seventeen Limited .. WESTWIND FOUNDATION HOLDINGS LTD., WYATT INCORPORATED EMPLOYEES PROFIT SHARING PLAN, 171212 CANADA, INC. .. COMMERZBANK GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE LIMITED, COMMERZBANK ALTERNATIVE STATEGIES-GLOBAL HEDGE; directed racketeering loans and extortion of inter alia .. BANC OF AMERICA SECURITIES LLC; CITCO FUND SERVICES (CURACAO), N.V., THE CITCO GROUP LIMITED, ... PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (NETHERLANDS ANTILLES), INTERNATIONAL FUND SERVICES (IRELAND) LIMITED Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks]"
April 24, 2011
Did Ariane de Rothschild’s Bombardier Trust down Air France 447?
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister Ariane de Rothschild has extorted Baron Benjamin de Rothschild to take control of his family’s fortune and mingle its investments in Bombardier Master Trust with the Equity of Canada; we therefore ask if Mrs. de Rothschild could have applied these funds to procure the aircraft needed by the former Bombardier electronic warfare pilot Russell Williams, to down Air France Flight 447 on June 1, 2009.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Oh Henry Award - Cowardice In the Face of Truth - Glamour Boy, Seahorse and Errand Boy - The Canadian Stallion - Observable truth
An observable truth from Abel Danger:
Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) and Civil Case 3:07-cv-24 are being reviewed by attorneys at SNPL, Air France, Airbus and BEA and I will be busy in that dialogue having volunteered as an expert witness.
Abel Danger has announced we will be making awards of the prestigious OH HENRY award to the person or persons deemed most valuable in proving Colonel Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION Williams' linkage to the obstructed plans for aviation mayhem at the Vancouver Olympics ( blocked by Ellen Atkin of BC and Abel Danger of PC ) as well as THE CANADIAN STALLION'S participation as a Red Air Asset, not my choice of terms, in the 'little white jet' ( 5th Wing, Goose ) seen flying formation with UA93 ( seen by Susan McElwain and 2 others ) as well as seen in route formation with UA175 surrogate drone impacting second tower. While it is believed THE CANADIAN STALLION flew the EW Jet deployed by 5th Wing, Goose, 'Errand Boy' Bouchard was at Tyndall AFB, FL on 9/11 while Maurice 'Seahorse' Baril was commanding NORAD as agreed to in the treaty signed by 'Seahorse' and Gen Henry Shelton, see page 18 of this briefing document for the June 1,2 2001 practice for the Canadian attack on America apparently aided by Thales.
While there are many in Canada who know of THE CANADIAN STALLION'S coerced/sextorted participation in the cowardly attack of 9/11, we at Abel Danger believe that the top three should receive equal credit and thus we have come up with this video showing Maurice 'Seahorse' Baril, Charles 'Errand Boy' Bouchard and PM Stephen 'Glamour Boy' Harper as the first 3 witnesses to be called in any Grand Jury that may be empaneled in a Citizen's effort to promulgate the Truth of the failed attack of 9/11 to ensure the plans currently being discussed by City of London, Senior Executive Service and (redacted) are not acted out in TW 28-30 April, 2011 ( re: Royal Wedding snub ) or TW 11-13 May, 2011 ( FEMA NEW MADRID ).
Here is an 'imagined' scene in the upcoming movie STATUS PENDING which will memorialize the 10th anniversary of the cowardly attack that failed due to an imputed 41 minute delay of UA93. This scene is to depict Glamour Boy, Seahorse and Errand Boy. The POSTER BOY of the Canadian Forces must have had some rather interesting DNA to cause Glamour Boy to burn his uniforms and crush his car.
Please keep Abel Danger in the loop if you hear from Brasscheck. Perhaps they'd like the TV program that was taped in England on 31 March, 2011. Watch for news concerning Jamie Gorelick, Kristine Marcy and Hillary Clinton. Apparently that 'trapped trio' have never read, nor understood, what is Written in Matthew 10:26-28:
Matthew 10:26-28 (New International Version 1984, ©1984)
26 “So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Happy Easter honest Canadians who can follow the CANADIAN STALLION and the award of the 2011 Oh Henry award for cowardice in the face of Truth as Chapter 2 goes up Easter Weekend at
Field McConnell
Plaintiff, Civil Case 3:07-cv-24
Plaintiff, Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)
Witness, BEA v. Air France
Witness, BEA v. Airbus
+001 715 307 8222
Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) and Civil Case 3:07-cv-24 are being reviewed by attorneys at SNPL, Air France, Airbus and BEA and I will be busy in that dialogue having volunteered as an expert witness.
Abel Danger has announced we will be making awards of the prestigious OH HENRY award to the person or persons deemed most valuable in proving Colonel Russell THE CANADIAN STALLION Williams' linkage to the obstructed plans for aviation mayhem at the Vancouver Olympics ( blocked by Ellen Atkin of BC and Abel Danger of PC ) as well as THE CANADIAN STALLION'S participation as a Red Air Asset, not my choice of terms, in the 'little white jet' ( 5th Wing, Goose ) seen flying formation with UA93 ( seen by Susan McElwain and 2 others ) as well as seen in route formation with UA175 surrogate drone impacting second tower. While it is believed THE CANADIAN STALLION flew the EW Jet deployed by 5th Wing, Goose, 'Errand Boy' Bouchard was at Tyndall AFB, FL on 9/11 while Maurice 'Seahorse' Baril was commanding NORAD as agreed to in the treaty signed by 'Seahorse' and Gen Henry Shelton, see page 18 of this briefing document for the June 1,2 2001 practice for the Canadian attack on America apparently aided by Thales.
While there are many in Canada who know of THE CANADIAN STALLION'S coerced/sextorted participation in the cowardly attack of 9/11, we at Abel Danger believe that the top three should receive equal credit and thus we have come up with this video showing Maurice 'Seahorse' Baril, Charles 'Errand Boy' Bouchard and PM Stephen 'Glamour Boy' Harper as the first 3 witnesses to be called in any Grand Jury that may be empaneled in a Citizen's effort to promulgate the Truth of the failed attack of 9/11 to ensure the plans currently being discussed by City of London, Senior Executive Service and (redacted) are not acted out in TW 28-30 April, 2011 ( re: Royal Wedding snub ) or TW 11-13 May, 2011 ( FEMA NEW MADRID ).
Here is an 'imagined' scene in the upcoming movie STATUS PENDING which will memorialize the 10th anniversary of the cowardly attack that failed due to an imputed 41 minute delay of UA93. This scene is to depict Glamour Boy, Seahorse and Errand Boy. The POSTER BOY of the Canadian Forces must have had some rather interesting DNA to cause Glamour Boy to burn his uniforms and crush his car.
Please keep Abel Danger in the loop if you hear from Brasscheck. Perhaps they'd like the TV program that was taped in England on 31 March, 2011. Watch for news concerning Jamie Gorelick, Kristine Marcy and Hillary Clinton. Apparently that 'trapped trio' have never read, nor understood, what is Written in Matthew 10:26-28:
Matthew 10:26-28 (New International Version 1984, ©1984)
26 “So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Happy Easter honest Canadians who can follow the CANADIAN STALLION and the award of the 2011 Oh Henry award for cowardice in the face of Truth as Chapter 2 goes up Easter Weekend at
Field McConnell
Plaintiff, Civil Case 3:07-cv-24
Plaintiff, Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)
Witness, BEA v. Air France
Witness, BEA v. Airbus
+001 715 307 8222
Conservative Privy Councilors - Roméo-Adrien LeBlanc - Bombardier Genocides - Spoliation of Evidence - Equity of Canada - Rwanda (1994)
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Saturday April 23, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Conservative privy councilors and Bombardier genocides
I am asking my Hawks CAFE colleagues to investigate the role of Conservative-appointed privy councilors, including Canadian Governors general David Johnston and the late Roméo-Adrien LeBlanc in re the spoliation of crime scenes and the apparent attempts to hide evidence of Equity of Canada used in Bombardier-supported genocides in Rwanda (1994), Kenya (2008) and Libya (2011).
"Roméo-Adrien LeBlanc PC CC CMM ONB CD (December 18, 1927 – June 24, 2009) was a Canadian journalist, politician, and statesman who served as Governor General of Canada, the 25th since Canadian Confederation. LeBlanc was born and educated on Canada's east coast and also studied in France prior to becoming a teacher and then a reporter for Radio-Canada. He was subsequently elected to the House of Commons in 1972, whereafter he served as a minister of the Crown until 1984, when he was moved to the Senate and became that chamber's Speaker. He was in 1994 appointed as governor general by Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on the recommendation of Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, to replace Ramon John Hnatyshyn as viceroy, and he occupied the post until succeeded by Adrienne Clarkson in 1999, citing his health as the reason for his stepping down. His appointment as the Queen's representative caused some controversy, due to perceptions of political favouritism, though he was praised for raising the stature of Acadians and francophones, and for opening up Rideau Hall to ordinary Canadians and tourists alike. On August 8, 1974, LeBlanc was sworn into the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, giving him the accordant style of The Honourable; however, as a former governor general of Canada, LeBlanc was entitled to be styled for life with the superior form of The Right Honourable. He died of Alzheimer's disease on June 24, 2009."
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights in Canada abolished by the late Right Honourable (?) Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; we need them now to collect pre-trial evidence that our most powerful have been killing the world’s most vulnerable using the rationale of depopulationism to justfy genocides.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Bombardier Procurement Fraud
Press release: Saturday April 23, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Conservative privy councilors and Bombardier genocides
I am asking my Hawks CAFE colleagues to investigate the role of Conservative-appointed privy councilors, including Canadian Governors general David Johnston and the late Roméo-Adrien LeBlanc in re the spoliation of crime scenes and the apparent attempts to hide evidence of Equity of Canada used in Bombardier-supported genocides in Rwanda (1994), Kenya (2008) and Libya (2011).
"Roméo-Adrien LeBlanc PC CC CMM ONB CD (December 18, 1927 – June 24, 2009) was a Canadian journalist, politician, and statesman who served as Governor General of Canada, the 25th since Canadian Confederation. LeBlanc was born and educated on Canada's east coast and also studied in France prior to becoming a teacher and then a reporter for Radio-Canada. He was subsequently elected to the House of Commons in 1972, whereafter he served as a minister of the Crown until 1984, when he was moved to the Senate and became that chamber's Speaker. He was in 1994 appointed as governor general by Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on the recommendation of Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, to replace Ramon John Hnatyshyn as viceroy, and he occupied the post until succeeded by Adrienne Clarkson in 1999, citing his health as the reason for his stepping down. His appointment as the Queen's representative caused some controversy, due to perceptions of political favouritism, though he was praised for raising the stature of Acadians and francophones, and for opening up Rideau Hall to ordinary Canadians and tourists alike. On August 8, 1974, LeBlanc was sworn into the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, giving him the accordant style of The Honourable; however, as a former governor general of Canada, LeBlanc was entitled to be styled for life with the superior form of The Right Honourable. He died of Alzheimer's disease on June 24, 2009."
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights in Canada abolished by the late Right Honourable (?) Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; we need them now to collect pre-trial evidence that our most powerful have been killing the world’s most vulnerable using the rationale of depopulationism to justfy genocides.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Bombardier Procurement Fraud
Investigation Requested: Bombardier Aircraft Being Used To Transport SOS Children's Village Abductees? - Global Pedophile Trade - Grand Jury Rights
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Saturday April 23, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Are Conservative Privy Councilors hiding Bombardier pedophile trade?
I am asking my Hawks CAFE colleagues to investigate various Conservative-appointed Privy Councilors, including the Canadian Governor General, David Johnston, in re their spoliation of crime scenes and apparent attempts to hide evidence that Bombardier aircraft are being used to transport victims abducted from SOS Children’s Villages for the global pedophile trade.
“Canadian Forces Burns Russell Williams's Uniform 2010/11/19 | The Canadian Press .. Four military officials entered the eastern Ontario cottage where the former colonel committed one of his murders to retrieve his military clothes and other gear on Wednesday. Cmdr. Hubert Genest says Williams's clothes were held overnight in a military storage facility, then burned Thursday at CFB Trenton — the same base Williams once commanded ... Genest says the unprecedented step was taken because much of the clothing had Williams's name on it .. Williams was a [Bombardier EW] pilot and took French classes .. The military is still in the process of retrieving Williams's medals and his "commission scroll" — an official document signed by the Governor General”
“David Johnston .. Governor General of Canada .. Patron of SOS Canada .. SOS Children’s Villages [works] in more than 130 countries .. support from past Canadian governors general, including Jeanne Sauvé .. Roméo LeBlanc .. Adrienne Clarkson and Michaëlle Jean.”
“Sex killer Russell Williams had child porn, but no charges laid .. Tu Thanh Ha
Toronto— Globe and Mail Update Published Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2011 12:50PM EDT
Last updated Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2011 12:00PM EDT Police found child pornography on Russell Williams’s computer, but prosecutors didn’t lay charges because that would have been a deal-breaker in persuading him to plead guilty, says a new book about the sex predator who terrorized rural Eastern Ontario until his 2010 arrest. Mr. Williams could own up to being a burglar, a lingerie thief, a murderer, a rapist and a cross-dressing fetishist – but possession of child pornography was too loathsome for him to acknowledge, says the book, A New Kind of Monster, by Globe and Mail crime reporter Timothy Appleby.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights in Canada abolished by the late Right Honourable (?) Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; we need them now to collect pre-trial evidence that our most powerful have been killing the world’s youngest and weakest.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Bombardier Procurement Fraud
Press release: Saturday April 23, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Are Conservative Privy Councilors hiding Bombardier pedophile trade?
I am asking my Hawks CAFE colleagues to investigate various Conservative-appointed Privy Councilors, including the Canadian Governor General, David Johnston, in re their spoliation of crime scenes and apparent attempts to hide evidence that Bombardier aircraft are being used to transport victims abducted from SOS Children’s Villages for the global pedophile trade.
“Canadian Forces Burns Russell Williams's Uniform 2010/11/19 | The Canadian Press .. Four military officials entered the eastern Ontario cottage where the former colonel committed one of his murders to retrieve his military clothes and other gear on Wednesday. Cmdr. Hubert Genest says Williams's clothes were held overnight in a military storage facility, then burned Thursday at CFB Trenton — the same base Williams once commanded ... Genest says the unprecedented step was taken because much of the clothing had Williams's name on it .. Williams was a [Bombardier EW] pilot and took French classes .. The military is still in the process of retrieving Williams's medals and his "commission scroll" — an official document signed by the Governor General”
“David Johnston .. Governor General of Canada .. Patron of SOS Canada .. SOS Children’s Villages [works] in more than 130 countries .. support from past Canadian governors general, including Jeanne Sauvé .. Roméo LeBlanc .. Adrienne Clarkson and Michaëlle Jean.”
“Sex killer Russell Williams had child porn, but no charges laid .. Tu Thanh Ha
Toronto— Globe and Mail Update Published Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2011 12:50PM EDT
Last updated Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2011 12:00PM EDT Police found child pornography on Russell Williams’s computer, but prosecutors didn’t lay charges because that would have been a deal-breaker in persuading him to plead guilty, says a new book about the sex predator who terrorized rural Eastern Ontario until his 2010 arrest. Mr. Williams could own up to being a burglar, a lingerie thief, a murderer, a rapist and a cross-dressing fetishist – but possession of child pornography was too loathsome for him to acknowledge, says the book, A New Kind of Monster, by Globe and Mail crime reporter Timothy Appleby.”
My election campaign includes a proposal to re-instate Grand Jury rights in Canada abolished by the late Right Honourable (?) Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1984; we need them now to collect pre-trial evidence that our most powerful have been killing the world’s youngest and weakest.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
604 542 0891 Flat Tax, Grand Jury and Bombardier Procurement Fraud
Thursday, April 21, 2011
CAI Special Investor and Canadian Governor General David Johnston: Hired EW Pilot and Snuff-Film Producer Russell Williams?
Source: Hawks Cafe
To those awake whom it may concern
How Governor General's pedophile pilot ran Bombardier procurement fraud
An Abel Danger spoliation inference suggests that the CAI Special Investor and Canadian Governor General David Johnston, hired former EW pilot and snuff-film producer Russell Williams, to extort pedophile government officials into support for the fraudulent procurement of Bombardier aircraft, illegally modified for electronic-warfare attacks on the Anglosphere.
“PM was advised buying jets not 'cost effective' $100M untendered contract awarded two months later Andrew McIntosh, National Post Tuesday, October 21, 2003 OTTAWA - Canada's top bureaucrat raised questions in 2002 about the "cost effectiveness" of buying new executive jets for the Prime Minister and other ministers only two months before Jean Chrétien awarded an untendered $100-million contract to Bombardier Inc. for two new Challenger jets. Mel Cappe, the Clerk of the Privy Council Office in 2002, also notified Mr. Chrétien that the government's existing Challenger fleet had a near-perfect reliability record, adding to concerns already raised by senior officials at Public Works and the Department of National Defence that the untendered jet purchase was unnecessary. Mr. Cappe and his aides raised questions about buying new executive-jet aircraft in several memos they wrote for the Prime Minister on the subject of "ministerial air transportation" in January, 2002. The memorandums .. included one that outlined three options for Mr. Chrétien's consideration on Jan. 29, 2002. Mr. Chrétien went ahead with buying two new jets on March 28, 2002. The contract was signed on the last day of the government's fiscal year [allegedly using Governor General’s $30 billion revolving fund]. It is unclear what the other two options discussed by PCO officials were because they were blacked out [crime of spoliation] in the government documents .. because they represent "advice to a minister" under the federal Access Act and are exempt from release .. Prime Minister was personally told by Mr. Cappe in writing that the reliability rate for the government's existing Challenger fleet was almost perfect, calling into question the need for replacements. Between April 1, 2000, and Nov. 20, 2001, the Challengers were used on 1,595 missions or trips [allegedly including their use as on-scene commanders by Russell Williams durimg the Francophonie {phonetics?} war games of 911] .. only 13 delayed or aborted trips due to aircraft faults, yielding a 99.18% reliability rate, Mr. Cappe told Mr. Chrétien.”
Media leaders should ask Stephen Harper what happened to the dossier on the Bombardier EW procurement fraud which Abel Danger handed to him in August of 2009.
“You see Watson but you do not observe!”
To those awake whom it may concern
How Governor General's pedophile pilot ran Bombardier procurement fraud
An Abel Danger spoliation inference suggests that the CAI Special Investor and Canadian Governor General David Johnston, hired former EW pilot and snuff-film producer Russell Williams, to extort pedophile government officials into support for the fraudulent procurement of Bombardier aircraft, illegally modified for electronic-warfare attacks on the Anglosphere.
“PM was advised buying jets not 'cost effective' $100M untendered contract awarded two months later Andrew McIntosh, National Post Tuesday, October 21, 2003 OTTAWA - Canada's top bureaucrat raised questions in 2002 about the "cost effectiveness" of buying new executive jets for the Prime Minister and other ministers only two months before Jean Chrétien awarded an untendered $100-million contract to Bombardier Inc. for two new Challenger jets. Mel Cappe, the Clerk of the Privy Council Office in 2002, also notified Mr. Chrétien that the government's existing Challenger fleet had a near-perfect reliability record, adding to concerns already raised by senior officials at Public Works and the Department of National Defence that the untendered jet purchase was unnecessary. Mr. Cappe and his aides raised questions about buying new executive-jet aircraft in several memos they wrote for the Prime Minister on the subject of "ministerial air transportation" in January, 2002. The memorandums .. included one that outlined three options for Mr. Chrétien's consideration on Jan. 29, 2002. Mr. Chrétien went ahead with buying two new jets on March 28, 2002. The contract was signed on the last day of the government's fiscal year [allegedly using Governor General’s $30 billion revolving fund]. It is unclear what the other two options discussed by PCO officials were because they were blacked out [crime of spoliation] in the government documents .. because they represent "advice to a minister" under the federal Access Act and are exempt from release .. Prime Minister was personally told by Mr. Cappe in writing that the reliability rate for the government's existing Challenger fleet was almost perfect, calling into question the need for replacements. Between April 1, 2000, and Nov. 20, 2001, the Challengers were used on 1,595 missions or trips [allegedly including their use as on-scene commanders by Russell Williams durimg the Francophonie {phonetics?} war games of 911] .. only 13 delayed or aborted trips due to aircraft faults, yielding a 99.18% reliability rate, Mr. Cappe told Mr. Chrétien.”
Media leaders should ask Stephen Harper what happened to the dossier on the Bombardier EW procurement fraud which Abel Danger handed to him in August of 2009.
“You see Watson but you do not observe!”
Questions: Bombardier's Master Trust Investors and Procurement of a Francophone Electronic Warfare Capability - Anglophone-Rich Targets
Source: Hawks Cafe
Press release: Monday April 21, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate: South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
How Staub and Hiebert stay ignorant of Bombardier Olympic bomb
At last night's all candidates meeting in White Rock, I asked two fellow candidates – Hardy Staub, a highly-experienced Boeing pilot, and Russ Hiebert, for mer Parliamentary Secretary to a Minister of Defence – questions related to Hawks CAFE and Abel Danger research into the role of Bombardier's Master Trust investors in the procurement of a francophone electronic warfare capability to support attacks on ‘Anglosphere’ targets and leaders.
(Hawkins) Were you aware of the Amalgam Virgo war games of June 1-2, 2001? (Staub) No.
(N.B. This war game was allegedly staged for Bombardier’s francophone investors by the homicidal pedophile and EW pilot Russell Williams who mustered hijacked decoy and drone aircraft over Abbotsford for a simulated attack on the U.S. Capitol Building to be repeated on 911)
(Hawkins) Were you aware of the procurement of a francophone electronic warfare capability through Andrew Saxton Sr. and the Canadian Commercial Corporation to provide airborne protection for players, officials and visitors to the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games? (Hiebert) No.
(N.B. Bombardier's Olympics airborne EW facility was allegedly tested for its francophone investors by Russell Williams, the EW pilot and homicidal pedophile who apparently intended to stand down Canada’s airborne defenders during the Olympic Games and allow a francophone airborne hijack attack on Anglophone-rich targets such as the men's hockey finals between Canada and the United States)
Staub and Hiebert’s replies and also the manner in which they replied, told me that the two men were truly ignorant of the threat from a formerly trusted man-in-the-EW-middle such as Colonel Russell Williams, executing a switch between anglophone and francophone chains of command during an Olympic event or a war-game exercise.
The kindest explanation I have for their ignorance is that Bombardier Trust investors have developed their plans in French and are using patented PKI and Onion Router encryption devices, carried by Bombardier aircarft, to conceal the ultra vires delegation of authority.
Perhaps our anglophone media leaders could ask Stephen Harper what happened to the dossier on the Bombardier EW threat to the Winter Olympics which I handed to him in August of 2009 in front of an estimated 20 witnesses.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Tel: 604 542 0891 E-mail Official Agent: Maren Hartwell
Flat Tax, Grand Jury and unsolved crime
Press release: Monday April 21, 2011
From the desk of David Hawkins
Independent Candidate: South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
How Staub and Hiebert stay ignorant of Bombardier Olympic bomb
At last night's all candidates meeting in White Rock, I asked two fellow candidates – Hardy Staub, a highly-experienced Boeing pilot, and Russ Hiebert, for mer Parliamentary Secretary to a Minister of Defence – questions related to Hawks CAFE and Abel Danger research into the role of Bombardier's Master Trust investors in the procurement of a francophone electronic warfare capability to support attacks on ‘Anglosphere’ targets and leaders.
(Hawkins) Were you aware of the Amalgam Virgo war games of June 1-2, 2001? (Staub) No.
(N.B. This war game was allegedly staged for Bombardier’s francophone investors by the homicidal pedophile and EW pilot Russell Williams who mustered hijacked decoy and drone aircraft over Abbotsford for a simulated attack on the U.S. Capitol Building to be repeated on 911)
(Hawkins) Were you aware of the procurement of a francophone electronic warfare capability through Andrew Saxton Sr. and the Canadian Commercial Corporation to provide airborne protection for players, officials and visitors to the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games? (Hiebert) No.
(N.B. Bombardier's Olympics airborne EW facility was allegedly tested for its francophone investors by Russell Williams, the EW pilot and homicidal pedophile who apparently intended to stand down Canada’s airborne defenders during the Olympic Games and allow a francophone airborne hijack attack on Anglophone-rich targets such as the men's hockey finals between Canada and the United States)
Staub and Hiebert’s replies and also the manner in which they replied, told me that the two men were truly ignorant of the threat from a formerly trusted man-in-the-EW-middle such as Colonel Russell Williams, executing a switch between anglophone and francophone chains of command during an Olympic event or a war-game exercise.
The kindest explanation I have for their ignorance is that Bombardier Trust investors have developed their plans in French and are using patented PKI and Onion Router encryption devices, carried by Bombardier aircarft, to conceal the ultra vires delegation of authority.
Perhaps our anglophone media leaders could ask Stephen Harper what happened to the dossier on the Bombardier EW threat to the Winter Olympics which I handed to him in August of 2009 in front of an estimated 20 witnesses.
David Hawkins, Independent Candidate, South Surrey – White Rock – Cloverdale
Tel: 604 542 0891 E-mail Official Agent: Maren Hartwell
Flat Tax, Grand Jury and unsolved crime
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lesbian Cults, Pedophile Oaths and Guild of Patented Hits - Chapter 1
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