ALPA to be put into receivership as World's Most Potent Fighter Pilot Scores Kill
DEADF007 License to Kill for Auld Alliance of City & Guilds
Crown Agents Sisters stand down some treasonous men. From Plum City with Love
DEADF007 License to Kill for Auld Alliance of City & Guilds
Crown Agents Sisters stand down some treasonous men. From Plum City with Love

SEGUE Agent Red Panther reaches for Minnesota Vikings tube sock. At Ogilvy & Mather and KPMG Canary Wharf, DLA-Piper, Femme Comp Inc and Senior Executive Service, the radical lesbos and their DEADF007 pedophiles wonder; "Who are those Abel Danger guys and what badges do they wear?” This chapter may help the losers answer such a question but even if they don’t understand that the Onion Router PKI is used both by their friends and their enemies, they will have to beware the 36 Stud.
Erich Hartmann of Germany had 352 victories in WWII, Richard Ira Bong of Wisconsin had 40 for the USA, Joe McConnell has the most jet-jet victories with 16 in Korea, but Agent Chips will avenge the death of over 3,000 innocents in the TREASON OF 9/11 as Civil Case 1:08-1600 (Pro Se) is set to go criminal.
26 “Among my people are the wicked
who lie in wait like men who snare birds
and like those who set traps to catch people.
27 Like cages full of birds,
their houses are full of deceit;
they have become rich and powerful
28 and have grown fat and sleek.
Their evil deeds have no limit;
they do not seek justice.
They do not promote the case of the fatherless;
they do not defend the just cause of the poor.
29 Should I not punish them for this?”
declares the LORD.
“Should I not avenge myself
on such a nation as this?
30 “A horrible and shocking thing
has happened in the land:
31 The prophets prophesy lies,
the priests rule by their own authority,
and my people love it this way.
But what will you do in the end?
If Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) is dismissed 5 dogs that haven't barked should be 'gettin' ready'. For the fear filled quintet they have learned too late that THERE IS NO HIDING PLACE FROM THE KINGDOM'S THRONE or for Agent Chips' well timed shots:
Dear Court Deputy for Judge Collyer:
I believe this was needed by 1700 today in Judge Collyer's Court. It is being electronically transmitted at 1645 and will also be sent registered with signature required via US Postal Service to the Court, ALPA and FBI Atlanta Field Office.
I will be in Washington before Christmas if the Judge needs me to appear as a Pro Se litigant.
God Bless you,
Field McConnell
218 329 6190 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 218 329 6190 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
Civil Action No. 08-1600 (RMC)(Pro Se)
Comes now Plaintiff for the legal basis of plaintiff motion for summary judgement stating there is no genuine dispute concerning the facts.
fair representation in case of Captain Field McConnell, Northwest Airlines.
2) ALPA was thusly negligent.
3) As a direct result of ALPA's inaction plaintiff sustained financial, and other, injuries.
4) As requested by ALPA and Attorney James Q. Butler plaintiff damages were enumerated on 19 June, 2009 and the amount therein enumerated was $4,552,207.17 with caveat that if not settled within 90 days demand would reset to original damages claimed plus 6% annual interest. That figure on 6 December, 2010 is $10,900,000.
Further plaintiff saying not.
Date: December 6, 2010
Civil Action No. 08-1600 (RMC)(Pro Se)
Comes now Plaintiff for the legal basis of plaintiff's statement of uncontroverted material facts.
1. Defendant Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) , is the largest pilots union in the world, and represents over 55,000 pilots. It was founded more than 70 years ago, with the motto “Schedule with Safety.” The union's aeronautics engineers and safety and security experts should be providing unparalleled independent analysis on emerging airline safety and security issues, as well as federal and industrial policies. ALPA accident investigators assist the National Transportation Safety Board and the Transportation Safety Board of Canada during on-site investigations and participate in associated public hearings.
2. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C § 1332 as this matter involves a controversy between citizens of different states, and the matter in controversy exceeds the sum of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), exclusive of interests and costs. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 1391(a)(2) because Defendant maintains headquarters in the District of Columbia.
3. On July 31, 2006, NWA entered into a contract of employment with the Air Line Pilots Association. That contract governs the discipline and discharge of NWA pilots, and particularly, the Plaintiff. Section 19 of that contract is titled “Discipline and Discharge” and defines all aspects of Plaintiff’s discipline and discharge and defines the rights of Northwest Airlines and Plaintiff.
4. As a NWA pilot and a member of the ALPA, Plaintiff is bound by, and his conduct governed by, the ALPA Code of Ethics. That Code of Ethics (“Code”) is incorporated by reference as though fully rewritten herein. NWA FOM 9.1.1. and FAR 121.533 mandated that Plaintiff report unsafe and illegal issues to competent authority and plaintiff discharged that on December 11th, 2006 when he advised ALPA, Northwest Airlines and NORAD/Northern Command Commander Tim Keating, USN of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft as charged in USDOJ/Boeing settlement of June, 2006.
5. The ALPA contract requires that only AME doctors examine NWA pilots, with one exclusive exception. That exception states: “If the Company has a REASONABLE cause to believe that a pilot has developed a MEDICAL IMPAIRMENT to his ability to perform his duties between the routine medical examinations required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Company may require said pilot to submit to a medical examination from a non-AME doctor chosen by the Company.” The Company did NOT have a REASONABLE cause to believe that Plaintiff McConnell has developed a medical impairment to his ability to perform his duties, which occurred between the routine medical examinations required by the FAA. The Company had knowledge that Plaintiff McConnell was on extended sick leave due to a hernia repair and WAS NOT MEDICALLY ABLE TO PERFORM HIS DUTIES.
6. Plaintiff objected to this procedure and requested that the Defendant ALPA representPlaintiff in his effort to prevent NWA from ordering Plaintiff to undergo tests from a non AME certified doctor. The ALPA did not give proper attention to Plaintiff’s issues, and provided no help. ALPA Attorney Rob Plunkett asked Plaintiff McConnell to advise Northwest Airlines Minneapolis ALPA Safety Representative of the 4 illegal modifications to Boeing airliners. Plaintiff McConnell did, in fact, brief ALPA Safety Representative in front of witness ALPA attorney Rob Plunkett.
7. On June 7, 2007, the Defendant ALPA Field Office located in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, asked that Plaintiff file a grievance. Plaintiff did that. But the Defendant ALPA took no effective action on that grievance, and failed to fully and completely represent Plaintiff in this process against NWA. To wit: ALPA attorney Rob Plunkett twice requested written evidence that Plaintiff McConnell had ever been advised of a psychological evaluation to be performed in Los Angeles on 1 and 2 March, 2007. Dr. Elliott of Los Angeles was often used by Delta, United, Continental and Northwest Airlines to 'evaluate' ALPA pilots reporting SAFETY ISSUES as they are compelled to do IAW FAR 121.533.
8. Section J.3.b, titled, Just Cause, of the ALPA contract; and, Section 19, titled Discipline and Discharge establishes that a pilot who has been disciplined by the Company may contest the Company’s action by filing a written request for hearing with the Managing Director of Flying within 30 days of receipt of the written notice. Defendant ALPA did not take the necessary steps to protect Plaintiff’s interests, or to protect Plaintiff for engaging in conduct which was mandated by the Code. Defendant directed that Plaintiff attend a meeting in the Minneapolis Field Office where the attorney for ALPA Rob Plunkett interviewed Plaintiff McConnell for about 20 minutes prior to Plaintiff leaving for a physical examination which was conducted by Dr. William Isaksen, at the Park Nicollet Clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Isaksen IS NOT a physician who is certified as an Aero Medical Examiner. The ALPA attorney requested that the NWA ALPA Safety Committee Chairman also sit in a conference room with Rob Plunkett and Plaintiff as Plaintiff explained his safety issues to each. Those issues were the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot, QRS 11 GyroChips, Smacsonic insulation and KU band communication facility. The NWA Safety Committee Chairman admitted to Plaintiff and Attorney Plunkett that he not understand the safety subjects being discussed and did not appear interested in learning anything regarding the subject matter. After about 15 minutes Plaintiff departed for the physical appointment with Dr. Isaksen, which Plaintiff then passed. Plaintiff had at that time had 40 years of passed flying physicals dating from April, 1966 at Tripler Army Hospital, Hawaii and continuing to present day, now 44 years.
9. Defendant ALPA refused to represent Plaintiff and refused to object to the decision of NWA in requiring Plaintiff to be subjected to a physical by a non-AME doctor, who is not qualified to assess Plaintiff’s health as it pertains to flying aircraft. Only AME Doctors can determine fitness for flying, which reflects the exact purpose why the FAA certifies those only certain physicians.
10. Dr. David Glatt, is Plaintiff’s AME physician. Notwithstanding that Plaintiff was not placed on an active status which would permit Plaintiff to fly, Plaintiff continued his regular and routine practice of undergoing physical and mental examinations by Dr. Glatt or predecessor AMEs, or military flight surgeons, at 6 months intervals, commencing in 1966, and continuing uninterrupted. Plaintiff had successfully passed all flying physical and mental examinations conducted by the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and FAA. Plaintiff is next scheduled to undergo his next First Class physical and mental examination in April, 2012. Dr. Glatt, or predecessors, with their record of thoroughly testing Plaintiff during more than 80 medical examinations, has never found a reasonable belief that Plaintiff should undergo a psychiatric or additional medical examination and for 16 years during his Northwest employment Plaintiff McConnell had a top secret security clearance and a NORAD mandated AUTHORITY TO KILL which was demonstrated by his unit, 119th Fighter Wing, when on 9/11 four F16 aircraft from 119th FW were tasked with ID KILL any airbreathing flying vehicle inbound to P5606 airspace.
11. At the time of the allegedly scheduled physical examination, for which no reasonable basis existed, Plaintiff was already on an approved medical leave relating to a hernia. As a result of this hernia, and of which NWA had knowledge, Plaintiff’s blood pressure was dangerously elevated and this condition additionally disqualified Plaintiff from flying. As a result, there was no logical reason for requiring Plaintiff to be physically examined by any physician, particularly a non-AME physician. NWA knew that Plaintiff’s erratic blood pressure prohibited Plaintiff from flying airplanes. The company had no reasonable cause to believe stacking another alleged medical reason on top of that medical issue would provide an additional medical impairment to prevent Plaintiff from assuming his duties as a pilot. Northwest Airlines was WELL AWARE of information that Plaintiff was communicating to ALPA, FAA, FBI and NORAD as compelled by OATHS OF OFFICE (4).
12. Pursuant to the ALPA contract as stated above, NWA can only require Plaintiff to be examined by a non-AME physician, “If the Company has a REASONABLE cause to believe that a pilot has developed a MEDICAL IMPAIRMENT to his ability to perform his duties between the routine medical examinations required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Company may require said pilot to submit to a medical examination from a non-AME doctor chosen by the Company." In fact, the Company, NWA, did not possess a REASONABLE cause to believe that Plaintiff McConnell has developed a medical impairment to his ability to perform his duties, which occurred between the routine medical examinations required by the FAA.
13. Plaintiff requested that Defendant ALPA, through representative Ken Watts, take action that would result in Plaintiff being made financially whole to Plaintiff’s maximum retirement age. Defendant ALPA did nothing.
14. Notwithstanding that Plaintiff was not placed on an active status which would permit Plaintiff to fly, Plaintiff continued his regular and routine practice of undergoing physical and mental examinations at 6 months intervals, by Dr. Glatt. This routine practice has occurred since 1966, including successfully passing flying physical and mental examinations conducted by the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Air National Guard and FAA.
15. On March 13, 2007 NWA stated in writing that after Plaintiff presented himself for an unnecessary physical by a doctor unqualified to assess Plaintiff’s flying worthiness who then, when Plaintiff passed, referred Plaintiff to a psychiatrist who is known to be hired by Continental, United, Delta and Northwest airlines to disqualify pilots, stated that Plaintiff failed to appear and the Elliott Clinic in Los Angeles. It should be noted that ALPA and Elliott are serially cooperating across state lines to silence safety conscious career pilots with impeccable records and perfect health.
16. NWA had scheduled an appointment for Plaintiff to undergo a neuropsychological examination by Dr. Robert Elliott. Dr. Elliott is a board-certified neuropsychologist who has devoted fifty percent of his practice to the evaluation of pilots, consulting with most of the major air carriers such as Continental, Delta, United, and NWA, and the FAA. He has performed over 800 evaluations of airmen since 1976.
17. Plaintiff did not attend the scheduled psychological exam scheduled by NWA with Dr. Elliott because NWA never advised Plaintiff that a psychological examination was scheduled. Plaintiff was not notified orally, electronically, or through the U.S. Mail. Consequently, for the alleged failure of Plaintiff to attend the allegedly scheduled psychological examination, NWA removed Plaintiff from the payroll of NWA which Plaintiff believes is Felony Constructive Discharge leading to Misprision of Felony Wrongful Death.
18. NWA had employed Dr. Elliott in Los Angeles to do a variety of things for the contracting airlines. Proper procedure requires that ALPA is always notified before a pilot is directed to be examined by a physician, and this incident with Plaintiff was no exception. While exerting such rigid and careful management of the allegations of Plaintiff’s infirm mental condition by NWA, Defendant ALPA had knowledge any medical and mental assessment of Dr. Elliott would be biased in favor of NWA and that Plaintiff would have been victim of an unfair and predetermined mental evaluation by Dr. Elliott such as those performed on Captain Daniel Hanley, UAL, First Officer Newton Dickson, CO/TSA, and Captain Michael P. Driscoll, Spirit Airlines among many others.
19. Defendant ALPA had knowledge that the medical and mental assessment of Dr. Elliott would be biased in favor of NWA and that Plaintiff would have been a prospective target and victim of this unfair mental evaluation by Dr. Elliott which never occurred because Northwest Airlines had never advised Plaintiff/Intended Victim McConnell to travel to Los Angeles for the unwarranted exam. Dr. David Glatt had communicated with Dr. Isaksen and, with 41 years of McConnell's medical records commented 'any attempt to question Captain McConnell's mental health' would be an unsuccessful uphill climb.
20. During the aftermath of the national disasters that occurred on September 11, 2001, relating to droned Boeings crashing into the World Trade Center in New York City, into the Pentagon, and into the country side in Somerset, Pennsylvania, Plaintiff began to question the public accounts, pursuant to his duty and obligations imposed by the Code at ALPA and his 3 military oaths. As a direct consequence of Plaintiff’s expressions pursuant to the Code NWA scheduled Plaintiff to undergo a physical examination by a non-AME physician. This was at a time when Plaintiff was already on extended sick leave due to erratic blood pressure.
21. ALPA attorney Rob Plunkett requested that NWA Chief Council David Driscoll to produce any letter directing Plaintiff to submit to the allegedly scheduled examination by Dr. Elliott. To the present day, 6 December, 2010, NWA Chief Council David Driscoll has failed to produce such a letter which is impossible as no such letter has ever existed.
22. There existed no notification to Plaintiff by NWA to submit to the medical evaluation. NWA and Plaintiff had entered into a written contract on August 22, 2001, wherein NWA CEO Richard Anderson, or his chain of command representative, tacitly approved Plaintiff’s physical and medical condition that barring a buyout to age 82, without financial penalty, any flying done for NWA was deemed to be "under protest and free of prosecution from any quarter". That series of letters and the contract tacitly approved went to the Minneapolis Chief pilots Rick Toscano or Tim Beutell to NWA Director, Flying Operations Jeff Carlson, for Jeff to deliver to CEO Richard Anderson. The letters unambiguously stated that any agreement would be between Plaintiff and Richard Anderson. Each letter was returned to Plaintiff without modification from NWA in the chain of command. This exchange and tacit approval were related to unsafe events reported to CEO Richard Anderson IN WRITING.
23. In the August, 2001 NWA HAD FALSIFIED SAFETY RELATED FLYING RECORDS. On 11 December, 2006 NWA was in receipt of verifiable and precise safety related
information. Three different VP level NWA management officials: Tim Campbell, Ken Hylander and Peter Moore made light of Plaintiff’s safety concerns and expressed ridicule of Plaintiff’s safety interests, expressed by Plaintiff in compliance with his duty pursuant to the ALPA Code, FAR 121.533 and NWA FOM 9.1.1. Instead of forwarding the message to their superiors in the chain of command, these individuals took no action other then to ridicule the messenger in a childish fashion prior to the fatal crashes of Adam Air 574 (Jan 07), Kenya Airways 507 (May 07), Colgan 3407 (Feb 09) and Air France 447 (Jun 09) in manners consistent with Plaintiff McConnell's written warnings.
24. The information itself was not in dispute as Boeing had in June, 2006, paid a $615 million settlement to the United States Dept. of Justice, to settle issues relating to an investigation of illegal modification of Boeing jets and illegal export of military technology regarding the QRS 11 GyroChips (BEI Corporation/Rose Law Little Rock) . Instead of acting upon Plaintiff’s concerns, Campbell, Hylander and Moore ordered, in writing, Plaintiff to retract his statement, in writing, regarding the deployed technology. Plaintiff refused to retract his statement, pursuant to his duties and responsibilities as demanded of him by ALPA code, FOM 9.1.1, FAR 121.533 and 3 sworn oaths relating to “enemies, foreign or domestic". To the present time, Plaintiff maintains that the modifications made to the Boeing airplanes, and which remain today, 6 December, 2010, are unsafe and illegal modifications. In support of this position, 21 days after Plaintiff alerting NWA and ALPA, Adam Air flight no. 574 was vaporized in mid-flight. The plane, with 96 passengers and six crew on board, was lost from the radar screen while in flight at 35,000 feet.
25. Four months after this incident, Kenya Airways Flight 507 was vaporized. It was a Boeing 737 flight of Kenya Airways flying from Douala International Airport in Douala, Cameroon, to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya, that crashed on May 5, 2007. The flight originated from Port Bouet Airport in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, and made a stop in Douala to pick up more passengers. It departed Douala at 0105 GMT (0005 local time) on May 5, 2007. The airframe was only six months old when the plane broke up into small pieces and came to rest mostly submerged in a forested swamp.
26. Each of the subject B737s were destroyed in a manner which was consistent with Plaintiff’s written warnings to NWA, FBI, NORAD and ALPA. Further, Plaintiff had a face to face interview with the NWA and ALPA safety representatives with ALPA Attorney Rob Plunkett present on January 31, 2007, wherein Plaintiff briefed NWA, ALPA and attorney Plunkett on the deployed weapons. This information was not passed along the chain of command. Plaintiff possesses volumes of emails to ALPA National regarding the same issue and they claimed they were aware of QRS11s but did not know the full potential of their deployment in Boeing and Thales flight guidance systems.
27. Because of Plaintiff’s expression of his concerns pursuant to the Code, on March 2, 2007, NWA dropped Plaintiff from its payroll for missing an alleged appointment of which he was never advised. On March 13, 2007, Plaintiff was constructively discharged by NWA, a felony. Misprision of Felony also now applies due to wrongful deaths of all aboard Adam Air 574, Kenya 507, Colgan 3407 and Air France 447.
28. As a direct and proximate result of the conduct of Defendant ALPA in not fully, completely, and properly representing Plaintiff in the grievance process; and, not fully representing Plaintiff in the against the procedures involving the slanted medical and psychological examinations, and permitting Plaintiff to be subjected to the unfair and biased treatment by NWA, Defendant caused Plaintiff to incur the loss of his employment at NWA. As a direct and proximate result of the conduct of Defendant ALPA, Plaintiff has been damaged, and made to endure serious and extreme financial losses, including back pay, front pay, lost benefits, decrease of retirement pay and false statements by Peter Janhunen regarding his mental ability.
29. It is suggested by Plaintiff that ALPA is guilty of Misprision of Felony and should immediately be put in receivership.
Further plaintiff saying not.
Date: December 6, 2010
Civil Action No. 08-1600 (RMC)(Pro Se)
Comes now Plaintiff for the legal basis of plaintiff motion for summary judgement in this memorandum.
1) That AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION, INTERNATIONAL (ALPA) failed to pursue fair representation in case of Captain Field McConnell, Northwest Airlines.
2) ALPA was thusly negligent.
3) Inaction by ALPA has contributed to four hull loss aviation events in period 11 December, 2006 and 6 December, 2010.
4) Plaintiff seeks immediate Judgment in favor of Plaintiff, Captain Field McConnell.
Further plaintiff saying not.
Date: December 6, 2010
As Chips kept driving home the message to an insatiable choreographer from Austin, Texas who was a very good kisser and kick-ass dancer, Agent Red Panther, he snuck a peek over her quivering left knee as saw that battery power had been restored as the moving map on the wall of the CRF now indicated a flashing BIKF and an ETA of 17 minutes. Chips hated to waste valuable rack time on the other hand he was the consummate gentleman so he held a tin of Chicken of the Sea Smoked Oysters where Agent Red Panther, a choreographer from Austin, Texas by day, could see it. She nodded affirmatively as she grimaced trying to forestall 'multiples' as the pile driving by Agent Chips made her hark back to the oil derricks that were scattered around her hometown of Beeville, Texas where Chips had served as an instructor pilot in VT-25 as a Marine Captain in 1974-1977 and she was 15 year old jail bait with a wet and willing way. As Chips had finished the Smoked Oysters and swallowed the oyster juice, Red Panther placed her other knee on Chips' other shoulder and put a 'piggin string' in her mouth signaling her desire for 'rodeo sex' before the enduro would be completed. The low rumble and a mild vibration of a windmill started engine enhanced the pleasure in Red Panther's 'target area' and indicated to Chips that AC power had been delivered to the igniters in the right engine as the air start had achieved light off just as Red Panther was positioned for a soon to occur blastoff, so to speak. As the second, the left, engine came up to stabilized idle both Red Panther and Chips noticed two flashes of the thunderstorm lights as main generator power was restored thru IDG 1 and IDG 2. They both interpreted it as a dual sequential exploculation but upon determining it was simply the t-storm lights flashing they looked up at the FMGS and noticed 13 minutes to touch down. Chips realized the time had come to bury the bone and seal the deal. Too many of God's Little People were believing the lame stream media and felt that the Lord had flown away. Yes he did in fact fly away in 33 AD but he will be back for his people, and Agent Chips and Agent Fish are EXPECTING TO FLY. ALPA, you are done, Misprision of Felony Wrongful Death in Colgan 3407 and Air France 447. Bye bye.
Aware that he had less than 10 minutes to finish her off he called 'switch' and as she rolled 180 degrees to her right and buried the right side of her face in a fluffy pillow Chips saddled up from the rear and called her by another girl's name, "Ginger Cookie". At that sound of the other girl's name Red Panther started bucking like a red-eyed bronco, not dissimilar to the evil bronco on display in the Denver Airport with code DIA (doesn't include aircraft?), as she tried to 'buck him off' just as the lame and felonious Air Line Pilots Association had tried to buck him off the scent of the DEADF007 Misprision of Felony in that John Prater, President of ALPA and attorney Rob Plunkett of ALPA had been briefed on the Strangler's Suite of illegal modifications on 11 Dec 2006 and 31 January, 2007 BEFORE Adam Air 574, Kenya Airways 507, Colgan 3407 and Air France 447 suffered "SES SERCO HITS" involving NPR airliners taken down by the Queer Quarter which Agents Slade Lane, Sooky Slicer, Fanny Galore and Agent Chips had penetrated, I say again, penetrated prior to Slade Lane's meetings with Chips on Father's Day in London area ( Goff Manor, Crawley ) and shortly thereafter at the Ramshead Tavern at 1773 Old General's Highway near Annapolis, Maryland. Due to their shared desire that rodeo sex should not be limited to the 8 seconds allowed a PRCA cowboy, they had agreed that once 'rodeo' was commenced Red Panther would have 8 minutes to buck him off. Just as in the Guinness world record lowest jet air-refueling in history, seen below this paragraph, Agent Chips 'hung in their' for the requisite 8 minutes and as the clock wound down he doubled his stroke and finished her off just as the 'two dings' indicated they were cleared to land at NAS Keflavik which was a dual use airport also known as Reykevik International where Chips had flown F4Ds on a rotation out of Fargo, North Dakota, with the 178th FIS (Happy Hooligans) while the home town F15s of 57th FIS were deployed to Tyndall AFB for Combat Pike in April of 1984, the same year a kick-ass special operations type one-star took command of a composite special forces group in the Philippines. As Red Panther had ejected the tubesock and collapsed into a hyperventilating heap of satisfied heterosexual breed-worthy female, Chips withdrew and put on his Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster in Pastel Manly Mocha, took a Marine Corps shower and then a sneak peak of Red Panther's privates to mentally prepare for the next security debriefing, all in the interest of maintaining sovereignty of the United States of America against the QUEER QUARTET that had deployed a CUKC pass-ported product of Kenya known as the Kenyan Kid Khat to be the final monkey to dance to George Soros' string pulling prior to Glenn Beck's exposure of George Soros for who he was and who he is. As Chips sprayed some 'foo foo' juice behind each ear he let himself out of the CRF just as the landing gear was being dropped which caused his turgidity to elevate as for 39 years the end of a flight signaled the beginning of 'quality time' for our affable but never flappable Agent Chips, his purple tipped red champion and his brass balls that were legend in a Welsh Limerick.
There once was a man from Madras,
Whose balls were constructed from brass,
When jangled together, they played Stormy Weather
And lightening shot out of his ass.
Low air refueling
Chips took an open seat next to Hamish and fastened his seat belt. Agent John Galt from the Phoenix Abel Danger office handed Chips a 32 ounce Captain Sherlock Martini just like the ones SuzieQ makes for her back door man who doesn't cause friendly dogs to bark and a short message printed on the ACARS printer up front in what the french, lower case F intentional, called cock pit. Many times in Iceland Chips and the WEE ONE used those terms as they played 'doctor' after a night at the Brass Nut, a squadron bar in the Navy P3 aircrew barracks where in April, 1984 Chips and the Hooligans had reduced the entire bar to 'toothpicks' while keeping an eye on Russian TU-95 Bear bombers transiting the GIN GAP (Greenland-Iceland-Norway). The GIN GAP was second only to Fanny Galore's Gap in the Iceland Area of Operations, capeche? As Chips took his first pull on the delightful martini he read the short note that had been sent from Abel Danger Global where Banzai Pipeline had the hammer and Agent Bean had the zipper.
Global Hammer Banzai Immediate Clipper to Agent Chips, copy Ginger Cookie, Fanny Galore and SuzieQ: “Chips, Otto Pilot and James Crosby both note your diversion into KEF. Your 'little friend' from 57 FIS Medical is no longer there and your ground time will be brief, I say again, brief as Stone reports all electrical systems CODE ONE so it will be a one engine refuel. Agent Bean has arranged with Base Supply to restock Grolsch, Smoked Oysters and Thongs however Iceland has no Rodney Baldinger EOPS so I have taken the liberty of having Agent MoLes, the urologist with palsied hands that her male patients enjoy, of Austin prescribe a generic substitute. She recommends 3 Cialis daily use and 8 ounces of Red Bull prior to any enduro. Further she cautions if you experience an erection longer than 8 hours or 9 inches you should consider yourself very fortunate, things could be worse for instance the Peronie's Syndrome that frustrates Thunder Thighs or the Hot Rectal Air that caused Mrs. Gore to set him out by the curb denying his request that she pull his finger, or anything else pullable. Two mission items; post KEF destination RAF Brawdy, Wales to pick up the WEE ONE and at that location you, Ginger Cookie, Fanny Galore and Nano will proceed via Boeing Phantom Eye or your private Boeing X-37, to COL where Agent Whistlestop from D2 banking will exchange files with you.. Red Panther will proceed via a Black 2009 Harley Dyna with Hamish on the back, and SuzieQ is positioned to meet you near the Lion's Head or in case of inclement weather, Waterloo Station. Ginger Cookie has been turned back by security at KEF and refused entry heading west so she will join you, but not refuse you entry, at KEF for COL-2 Operation Cornhole COBB (relating Clinton, Obama, Bush 1, Bush 2 to City of London/Vatican). JCS/MI report missile launch capable Raytheon THAAD and seek a briefing from you reference DEADFOOT/FO07. Secret Code Pastel Ginger Snap. Banzai Pipeline, The Plum”Chips took another sip of his industrial sized martini as Stone rolled the Dassault Falcon 7x onto the runway at KEF while Ginger Cookie in the Brass Nut saw from her Clipper Thesauras that she had been 'activated' for COL-2, the second penetration, yeah, that's right, penetration of COL by AD who would be working with UK Column, MI5 and FBI ( Atlanta office to avoid Princeton Grad in DC ) on a covert action to protect children and bring down Foundation X, the D2 bankers working for the world's greatest wankers, not to be confused with COMMON PURPOSE who though wankers are not the world's greatest and ensure that the WikiLeaks agent of SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE would be safe after BBC would eventually report Hillary Clinton, outgoing Secretary of State, would vainly request enhanced 'cyber security' to cover her tracks, tracks that Lieberman would help Abel Danger TRACK; FAT CHANCE Sweet Cheeks. As Ginger Cookie noted the departure time of Angel for RAF Brawdy she checked the condition and color of her IOC and determined she was good to go. As she drained her Cuba Libra with triple lime slice she asked a Lt Commander from a P3 crew if he could get her to Base Ops within 15 minutes. As he polished of his Grolsch 16 ouncer and grabbed another, he led her by the hand to his 1965 Jawa and kick started the bike as Ginger Cookie straddled the back seat and thought of how she'd be kick starting Chips if things worked out, and in, and out. Four minutes later the Jawa, lights out, was making it's way through a SERVICE VEHICLE ONLY (SVO), but not the SVO airport in Moscow where Vladimir Putin took custody of Nipple Clamps Chapman when a TU154 brought her home from the Vienna 'switch' point with the CIA Vision B757 that had whisked her out of the USA, security gate as Lt Commander Hungwell inserted a plastic code key numbered 427 and the chain-link fence opened horizontally. So as to be as quiet as possible, Hungwell idled over to the Falcon in second gear as Ginger Cookie chugged his Grolsch before inserting an Altoids Curiously Strong and much celebrated mint into her oral cavity as she dreamed of Chips and their favored position, Bangors and Mash, which exercised a different cavity if you are into 'non-dental drilling'. To avoid confusion amongst FAA and ALPA who are very slow to catch on, it should be repeated that SVO does not refer to the Moscow Airport where Anna Chapman was delivered, titty clamps and all, to a former KGB agent named Putin whose aerial entourage Agent Chips can 'infiltrate', see photo from 23 October, 2010. After peering at the Air Force One that Chips inspected in Astana, Kazakhstan one might ask Pistole-Chertoff-Dogface why the Russians have junked technology screening in favor of canine screening. Agent Chips was in Moscows SVO airport many times and can attest to the increased security of dog sniffers over technology and Chips has done a fair amount of sniffing also in addition to the US Navy Intelligence protocol whose acronym is SNIPH (Standard Navy Intel Profiler Human). Further, canine sniffers are deployed by US military in Afghanistan and Iraq and are vastly more reliable and less expensive than the Full nudity scanners that turn you into a domestic extremist if you opt out. Dear Chertoff-Pistole-Dogface.....we the people of the US opt you out of the corrupt offices you oversee for George Soros, Senior Executive Service, Crown Agents, ADT, Serco and the Kenyan Kid Khat with a vacant forehead awaiting a birth certificate to plaster on it.

LCdr. Studly Hungwell stopped his Jawa near the boarding door of the Falcon 7X just as Marquis and Hamish had inventoried the supply items delivered by catering personel for the Liner Diner at NAS Keflavik and as Agent Stone Kohl had finished his walk around preflight of the borrowed Falcon 7x with the bogus call sign Angel and bogus registration number N007HT just as back at the Abel Danger Global HQ bogus license plates were adorning the 36 Stud.

Stone had the jet going around the corner when the Navy Petty Officer in the tower cab at KEF cleared him thusly: "Angel, you are cleared for takeoff, cleared on course, high speed approved, climb unrestricted to flight level 360 contact Joint Stars on 123.45 or Clipper 2. Good hunting Chips."
"Roger all that pilot talk KEF, Chips is back in the intel suite debriefing another agent, this is SOC, son of Chips, not to be confused with the Northwest Airlines SOC (systems operation center) which benefited in October and December of 2009 when Abel Danger blocked corrupted X band and KU band signals to NW188 and NW253. So long" Two clicks of the mic from the Navy Petty Officer indicated message received. As Stone engaged AP2 he reached down to his flying kit bag and took out his Abel Danger ball cap and grabbed a Grolsch wide body with signature white porcelain stop. As he settled into his sheepskin seat, back in the Crew Rest Facility Agent Chips was dealing with sheepskin of another variety.
"Chips, no need to put on that sheepskin, I am beyond the age where we need to prevent anything. I see we have just over two hours before we coast in so I think this song will be a good one to start with now that the Pastel Ginger Snap and Pastel Manly Mocha have been draped over the bedside tables. I cannot wait to see what position you suggest when you hear the music start, please select F4 and continuous 120 on my Clipper Cookie Jar and then bring your cake froster to bear on my batch of dough in the hot oven."
Chips had been at full battle strength since before the Crew Rest Facility door was closed and latched and had exceeded 115% as her over the shoulder boulder holder had been removed exposing her big boobs just as Chips' letter to FBI dated 21 November, 2010 would expose two big boobs to International Court officials who would then look into the Senior Executive Service ( Dial M for Murder ) and the D2 bankers deploying the Crown Agents where Agent M ran Foundation X which was so powerful they brokered the murder of Christopher Story, the Robin Cook mountain-climb heart attack to conceal the al-Qaeda DEADF007 pedophiles and Gareth Williams to conceal their involvement in global nefarious enterprises which would violate RICO if those statutes were enforced for foreign corporations involved in sequential and interstate crime such as the Air Line Pilots Association has been for many years that may soon be addressed when legal pleadings of airline Captains Michael P. Driscoll, Newton Dickson and Daniel Hanley join formation with Captain Field McConnell's Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)(Pro Se) which will occur immediately following Thanksgiving weekend in the United States if any False Flag aviation events in the US cannot be suppressed by Abel Danger and it's Ace of Asymmetric Cyber Warfare Agent Chips, honored here by Agent SuzieQ, well pleased with service rendered and of the might that the mouse on his computer should be honored as the MOUSE MIGHTIER THAN FOUNDATION X, CROWN AGENTS or the Senior Executive Service, see also USDOJ Pride. What sick ass failures they are. And Janet Napolitano is their poster child beating Elena Kagan 'by a hair'. We'd be more specific but PETA and the AKC have some well paid lawyers. (see also treasonous acne laden pawns). Yuk.
Chips had been encouraged by the blind Canadian Jeff Healy to do a Braille search of Agent Ginger Cookie's most private places and he found some items that he could engage. Chips had positioned Agent Ginger in one of her signature postures, the whirlybird. Knowing that she preferred express service due to the pace of the song I Got A Line On You he selected 1000 rpm just like the high PTO setting on the John Deere 4720 that was discussed on Agent Uncle Ray's rayedio show on 17 November, 2010. After a mere 3 minutes Ginger Cookie was reaching for the Vikings tube sock so Chips disengaged and repositioned so that her early exploculation would not cause him to have to fake a premature exploculation for her self esteem issues. Chips whispered DR LIVINGSTON and Ginger nodded and repositioned for missionary style and a slower pace so that she would not have the first of his signature multiples prior to the first switch or two not to be confused with switcheroo such as the White Star Line's Olympic and Titanic in the 1913 campaign to cram the Federal Reserve up America's ass or the drones and the decoys of 9/11 significance UA93, AA77 and the other two. The other two may have been provided by TWISTED SISTER Darleen D. but UA93 and AA77 are significant as they were Douglas Drones replacing Boeing decoys. Chips and Ginger had achieved a slow synchronicity and as he was giving her the old milk bone they both saw an Immediate Clipper blink on the Clipper Cookie Jar. Chips had his hands full as he was still committed to Breast Awareness Month which was also his birth month, October. As in October 2, 1949 the same day the lesbo who took the photo of nude John Lennon and fully clad Yoko was born. Before one sling any accolades to the lesbo shutter bug they might wish to study her father's background. Or Obama's for that matter. Ginger Cookie selected AV so that Chips could be focused on the incoming Clipper and forestall exploculation. As Chips was providing Ginger Cookie the full measure of his lovin', he wished he knew for sure who the father of Barry Soetoro was so that the world could learn what the City of London and Crown Agents already knew about David Cameron and Barry Soetoro. Neither had a work history, neither came from the countries they were assigned to control in favor of the Crown by City of London after the City of London had $70 trillion transferred their way after their CA-SES-ADT-Serco-ITEM 5 attack on America on 9/11, and in both cases they were overshadowed by their wives, hence their collective moniker NOWHERE MEN; pity the Beatles hadn't entitled it No Where Boys as these sick pukes will be taken down, soon, but not until justifiably angry Brit students attack the Rolls Royce carrying Tampon 1 and Camilla, capeche?
Royal Crown Agent Dwarf Immediate Clipper to Banzai Pipeline, Hamish, Umbrellaman, Fanny Galore and Chips, copy Bean: “Canadian Hammer Office has learned of a tight, I say again, tight linkage between the two NOWHERE MEN; David Cameron and Barry Soetero. Former Communications director Anita Dune is advising David Cameron. Chips and the City of London Dangerettes need to feel out Joel Benenson and determine his relationship to Gordon Brown while considering the verb 'fagging' as it pertains to Eton and Oxford. It appears that Anita and Joel helped 'deep six' Brown in favor of the Scottish Cameron who once was a boat jumper in Hong Kong while his wife was jumping other things while sporting a fish tattoo according to Our Man Chips who saw the tattoo close up in Brighton, England in Operation Bone Finder, 1999. Joel and Anita were wired, chipped and given the NDSU polymer 'hitchhikers' about 11 months ago and it appears that England's #2 is the woman from Spain married to the Khazar; see also 'axe handle' or photos of Thunder Thigh or Sasquatch's lower unit which are so wide they have to turn 90 degrees to get through one of Chertoff's PornMaster Scanners.. Suggest Fanny Galore and Chips contact NIGEL GLASSCOCK (D2) at the Cutty Sark. Dwarf, Canadian Hammer Office.”Chips appreciated the timing of the Dwarf Clipper as it got his mind off Ginger Cookie's physical attributes which included very good hardware driven by someone who knew what she was doing and what any heterosexual male would enjoy most and that of course doesn't include people such as the NOWHERE MEN or the OXFORD RAPIST, aka Dope from Hope. The way Ginger could lock her ankles and squeeze had Chips thinking that a visit to Maine should be penciled in when time allowed, with the plausible mission of seeing why Barbara Bush would be so critical of Sarah Palin as if to infer that Sarah was in the loop at Abel Danger at the same time sick-ass Nazi George Soros is offended by Glenn Beck's truthful reporting of how George Soros' Shadow Government led by Thunder Thighs and Gorillawoman almost destroyed America on 9/11 being blocked only by the 41 minute delay in Captain Jason Dahl's United 93 by a ground stop arranged by Abel Danger. To think that Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck were in cahoots with Abel Danger might be scary for the NOWHERE MEN and the D2 Bankers in City of London who silenced Christopher Story, Gareth Williams and Robin Cook AKA mountain climb heart attack and now had their sights set on the 36 Stud It would be difficult to find any linkage between Abel Danger and Palin unless Barbara Bush was savvy enough to google MOTHER MOOSE + Chips and judging by her family history of forgetting how to spell their surnames, plural, Chips doubted that she would find the link:
Chips saw Ginger Cookie reaching for the Minnesota Vikings tube sock so he withdrew from her quivering vulva in time to stop forward progress and keep the ball rolling, in a manner of speaking, as the Bunnies of London and the Pussies of Plum knew full well. As she lay heaving in repose she gave an appreciative sideways smile to the swordsman who had saved them both from a premature exploculation which does not necessarily portend Boo Boo's leaving 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue long prior to January, 2013. Ginger Cookie whispered 'Pub Food' in Chips' good ear which signaled she was ready for a round of Bangors and Mash where she would sit on a sausage she saw for the first time at an air show at Bangor, Maine which at that time was a SAC base and Chips would quote 'zingers' made popular by Alan Alda's Hawkeye character, also from Maine. What made Bangors and Mash different and special was Chips utilized his jackhammer technique which could cause multiples to occur even in frigid women such as the radical lesbians unleashed, remember a leash restrains a dog, unleashed by some perverts in Chicago including Bernardine Drone, Thunder Thighs, Sasquatch and the Sherrin woman born in 1947 that cruised through GW University in 1964 and is now squealing on the three stoogettes. Chips had just settled into his jackhammer act when an Immediate Clipper ran across the MMD (moving map display) on the wall indicating that Agent Stone in the cockpit believed it was significant enough to interrupt an enduro, rodeo sex, airstart or a moustache ride.
Crown Royal Agent MissPrision MP7 Immediate Clipper to Agent Chips, Hammer Banzai, she-Hammer Bean and Dangerettes assigned to COL-2 mission to City of London: “Time to pull out the Saul Alinsky play book of dirty tricks Rules for Radical Lesbians as written about in the thesis of Thunder Thighs, to wit,: Rule #4 "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules". You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity just as the perverts in DOJ and DHS could opt out of TSA gropes or Nude downloads without being branded a 'domestic extremist. Rule #5 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon". Hence Agent Chips' claim that he is the WORLD'S MOST POTENT FIGHTER PILOT. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage as briefed by LtCol John F. Boyd a fighter pilot peer of Chips who helped create the OODA loops and R2 CITs (cyber infiltration techniques) not to be confused with CLITS (Clinton Lesbos Infiltrate Terminal Security). A lady friend named Vani will be sending some pager logs of airline operations during Abel Danger's delaying of United 93 at Newark Liberty in failed TOPOFF. MissPrision, Pastel Code Pink Panther, Abel Danger NYC if not remote to Ft Myers or COL-2.”In strict adherence to Rule #5, the following application has been received at FBI Atlanta and Houston:
Chips was jackhammering Ginger Cookie but mentally picturing Roadhog, Sasquatch and Gorillawoman to make sure he didn't exploculate before the thoroughly engaged Ginger Cookie could cross the finish line first, by a whisker, not too far before landing at RAF Brawdy in Wales where the US Navy had an intel and electronic warfare operation in the 1970s after Chips had sailed into Portsmouth on LPH7 Guadalcanal in July, 1970 and before he returned in an EKA3 which had also appeared at Midway Island Naval Air Station during Operation Pony Express in September/October 1974 and whose pilot in 74 was Mike Clark, USNA '69, a tight end, much like Ginger Cookie, Suzie Q, Red Panther or Fanny Galore, all of them 'tight ends'. For the doubters out there let's put our heads together and determine why the US Navy titled their intelligence magazine 'Chips'. Also, one might enjoy learning about Navy's DEEP BLUE group and cross referencing McConnell names at DNI and some other Navy/Intel 'shops'. Speaking of shopping, Black Friday and Cyber Monday straddled the weekend where Agent Chips and the WEE ONE would be straddling each other at the Richmond Hill Hotel near Kew Garden when Chips and Wee One were to celebrate Thanksgiving with a drumstick to die for her and sweet potato pie for him, yum yum, here comes the gravy. Chips risked an early exploculation by looking forward to plowing new ground with Wee One so he put his mind back on the here and now, and the in and out, and saw Ginger Cookie starting to bite her lips, which gave Chips an idea of biting a different set of lips but not in the disrespectful way that Oxford rapist William Jefferson "Dope From Hope" did resulting in his expulsion from the cheesy college in gay old England where fagging boys become faggin men at Eton and Oxford dating back several hundred years prior to their installation in powerful positions of disservice, see also George Soros Organ Grinder Monkey while Ginger Cookie and Chips grind organs as they are designed to be ground although Ginger Cookie and Chips are not monkeying around, capeche?
Chips had just responded to a switch call where Ginger Cookie had demanded 'pile driver' when he noticed another Immediate Clipper on the MMD.
Crown Agent Bob Six/P63 Immediate Clipper to Mr. Bigg, Umbrellaman, Name Dropper, Chips and COL-2 Dangerettes, copy Hamish and Rico Gambolino: “Have Atlanta and/or Houston FBI Office Patriot check out the biggest holdings of Level Global. The hedge fund looks to be heavily invested in tech, media and food and Banzai Pipeline Global Hammer and MissPrision of New Jersey smell a rat. Connecticut hedge funds should be raided by the FBI in connection with the huge insider trading and an investigation must get underway. Both funds are run by former SAC traders. Level Global is one of them. The firm's latest 13f-HR shows the firm's top holdings are: Apple: ~$152 million (~538,000 shares) Citi: ~$105 million (27,000,000 shares) McDonalds ~$104 million (1,400,000 shares) Monsanto ~$141 million (2,950,000 shares) Oracle ~$119 million (4,450,000 shares) Sina ~$112 million (~2,220,000 shares) Virgin Media ~$445 million (~19,000,000 shares) It also has large stakes in other media companies like Cablevision, Vodaphone, Viacom and Motorola. Other focuses include retail (Talbots, Guess, Fossil) and food and food-related companies (Starbucks, Potash). Suggest Abel Danger and Patriot Oathkeepers recall that Germany through England sent Thalidomide to USA in 50s/60s and Germany through England is sending GMO food to CONUS to render American men impotent within 3 generations. Suggest Chips is accompanied by Fanny Galore and MissPrision in COL-2. Galore because of the word meaning 'oath breaker' and MissPrision because if ALPA doesn't settle with Chips by Pearl Harbor Day the Civil Case is dropped and a Criminal Case for Miss Prision of Felony (Wrongful Death, four counts, will be filed against 3 ALPA 'dolts') Bob Six, P63 POC.”

Royal Crown Agent Vani Immediate Clipper to Global Hammer Banzai, Global she-Hammer Bean, Umbrellaman, Bob Six and Agent Chips, copy COL-2 Dangerettes, Hamish and Name Dropper: “Chips, the pager tracks from 9/11 show a one hour and 40 minute break between 'routine' and 'emergency'. This squares with the corrupted alarms at Port Allen and the corrupted scramble of the 3 F16ADFs off Langley AFB, Virginia led by Major Dean Eckmann with wingmen Captain Brad Derrig and 1st Lt. Craig Bjorstrom that were corruptly taken off scramble/ID-kill-Bigfoot vector and headed out towards W386/GiantKiller while the 4th F16ADF was a B model flown by Ricky Gibney with NY State FEMA Director Jacoby in the back seat to watch the carnage inflicted upon America by TWISTED SISTERS controlling FEMA, DOJ, FBI and FAA (Hillary, Jamie, Janet, Nancy and ITEM 5) . The SOF at Det. 1, Lt. Col. Mike O'Connor and pilot of 4th F16 flown by Ricky Gibney indicate corrupted C&C operations beginning at 0908 on 9/11/01. See pager intercepts and confer with JUSTICE regarding charges of Misprision of Felony Wrongful Death regarding ALPA and FAA as ALPA and FAA had the 'Strangler's Suite' file from Agent Chips PRIOR TO Colgan 3407 (DEADF007 disabled the de-icer) and Air France 447 (DEADF007 hacked TCAS – Traffic Collision Avoidance System ), and Misprision of Treason regarding Senior Executive Service, Senator Byron Dorgan and FIRST BITCH 42. See attached and note break 0908-1048. Our woman from SOUTH TOWER has the missing 100 minutes as well as the 3 missing frames from the FBI film of the Pentagon Hit. She also will forward comm tracks of AON and Northern Trust International Banking warned to no show at WTC on morning of 9/11. Vani, the Garden State.”Chips was holding up his huge end of the pile driver bargain while Ginger Cookie was 'taking it all in' and reaching for the Minnesota Vikings tube sock when a routine clipper scrolled across the MMD as Agent Stone Kohl in the copilot seat relayed as message from Quantico Abel Danger/Uncle Ray regarding one of the FOUR HORSEMAN suing ALPA for RICO transgressions including Dr. Elliott and Dr. Berry and interstate crimes involving Delta, United, Continental and Northwest pilots MIS-represented by Captain John Prater's ALPA goons including Attorney Rob Plunkett. As Chips was getting focused on the streaming message Ginger Cookie called 'switch' and positioned Chips for a stern shot, the dream of every real fighter pilot and Ginger Cookie certainly believed Chips was THE WORLD'S MOST POTENT FIGHTER PILOT.
Chips harked back to recon duty at Bong Air Force Base in Wisconsin in the time frame between summer of '66 and June '71 as he was monitoring some 'bad guys' roughly his age, mostly born in 1947, in Chicago. Most folks in Chicago and the Air Force have never heard of Bong AFB. On the other hand, most folks had never heard of Senior Executive Service, Crown Agents, Serco, D2 Banking or ITEM5 before Agent Chips exposed them in accordance with Ephesians 5:11 after being informed according to Jeremiah 33:3 by a Power that, according to Philippians 1:6,7, would continue the mission until Victory as foretold in Proverbs 21:31. As Chips got back in sync with the eager to please Ginger Cookie who had a pair of long femurs Chips made her a believer that he had a third femur, in a manner of speaking, although the 3rd femur did not have an ankle attached to it although she had her ankles locked behind his head.
The streaming message scrolling horizontally across the moving map display was in reference to the 4 ALPA pilots with cases lined up timed so as to be in court before the Aviation False Flag scheduled for 13 February, 2011, a False Flag that Abel Danger was confident it could avert just as Abel Danger had delayed United 93, prevented a 'turn-back' of the Raytheon THAAD using X band suppression by James Crosby in JointStars and had caused the TWISTED SISTERS to scrub the Thanksgiving weekend triple false flag events scheduled for Chicago, Portland and Boston. Chips wondered what ALPA/FAA/DOJ would think when the 5th filer, ACE, joined the legal pleadings of Captains Dan Hanley (UA), Mike Driscoll (Spirit), Newton Dickson(CO), and Field McConnell (NW) as the DC Examiner monitored the suppression of Truth involving Air Safety, illegally modified airliners and a flunky shill shrink named Elliott who may get FINGERED in a RICO suit when ACE joins the Four Horsemen. It seems to the ACES that FBI, USDOJ and Congressional reps have not be being what they are supposed to be.
United States Court of Appeals
No. 10-1091 September Term 2010
Filed On: November 29, 2010 [1279897]
Newton R. Dickson,
National Transportation Safety Board and
Federal Aviation Administration,
It is ORDERED, on the court's own motion, that this case be scheduled for oral argument on January 21, 2011, at 9:30 A.M., before Chief Judge Sentelle and Circuit Judges Henderson and Garland.
The time and date of oral argument will not change absent further order of the Court.
A separate order will be issued regarding the allocation of time for argument.
Mark J. Langer, Clerk
BY: /s/
Cheri W. Carter
Deputy Clerk
Following immediately behind the communiqué regarding the 21 January, 2011 Appelate proceeding, Chips saw a Priority Clipper that was being forwarded from the cockpit. The Abel Danger Agent who was a mole inside 3 cel phone companies (pager specialist)on 9/11 was dutifully forwarding cel phone intercepts that contained evidence of foreknowledge and wrongdoing on a large scale, say larger than WikiLeaks that has Hillary worried and the Interpol Swedes acting like they can do something to oppose City of London. OK you Volvo cops, march right into the City of London and find the WikiLeaks Crown Agent, I double dirty dog dare you pardon reference to Hillary and Janet. On 5 November I had a beer with him at the Spy Catcher Pub not far from MI6 in the 1.12 square mile center of evil, not to be confused with the EVL Labs in Chicago that are sold out to Crown Agents and Big Banks including ITEM 5. Is it Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan? If Interpol gets to the Leakmaster before he can sing like a Canary Wharf canary Agent Chips will answer that question on a Wednesday Rayedio Show at the Micro Effect Radio Network where sanity has been restored in the WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS CHATROOM, capeche?
Royal Crown Agent MissPrision Priority Clipper to Global Hammer, Uncle Ray, Marquis d'Cartier, Name Dropper, Fanny Galore and Chips, copy Hamish and John Galt: “Agents on Operation Cornhole COBB; note 1 hour and 40 minutes has been 'bleached' from this snatch file of interoffice comm on morning of 9/11. We have recovered the bleach from BLOWFISH BELLY courtesy of McConnell International and Serco insiders, see also ADT/Clinton-Rubin named for Hillary and Robert. Suggest Chips, Fanny and I have a 3 way at Richmond Hill Hotel night of 5 November, 2010 after the mission to Cutty Sark with UK Column and later D2 and R2. MissPrision, Abel Danger Manhattan on assignment Fort Myers.”[007557212]
bldg 156 m/s down 08:07am 2nd time processing f1462-am ctl 347
owl f3951 ind eta 10:05am-am ctl 347
mem f3202 bos/ewr blocked act 08:43am sch 08:47am -04 mins-am ctl 347
attn:mgrs pls have ur emergency contact list available in case we have to call employees .-am ctl 347
Chips felt the speed brakes deploy as the Dassault Falcon 7x commenced descent into RAF Brawdy, Wales. A quick glance at the Moving Map Display indicated nine minutes to touch down so Chips grabbed Ginger Cookies knockers and squeezed three shorts and a long to signal a change in jackhammer speed. He then grabbed them again and squeezed twice slowly whereupon she backed into him all the more and he reciprocated with an enthusiastic closing act that had Ginger Cookie harking back to the night in October of 1961 she and Chips had first discovered each other at the Thousand Island Recreation Camp operated by Griffiss AFB near Rome, New York not to be confused with Rome, Ohio where CIA contractors do unscheduled garbage pickups for USIC and Tomoye, which on 9/11 would have a mole C130 pilot in the NEADS command structure who slowed the NORAD effectiveness when he didn't order the Faker Monitor to take out the 'fake radar IDs' from Huntress's GCI Scope. Thinking back to their youth she doubled her stroke and finished herself off followed shortly thereafter by Our Man Chips who launched 9 ounces of Smoked Oysters into a willing receiver, which is pilot talk for the one getting the fuel in an air refueling such as the one captured on video below. As she piled into a quivering heap of happy heterosexual woman with knockers to die for and a cute, pouting bum and who knew the womanly arts she found herself humming Dreams of the Everyday Housewife by Glen Campbell and realized her life had been Blessed. Chips withdrew, took a Marine Corps shower, splashed on some foo-foo juice and repaired to the forward lounge and sat between Pierre Rogue-Phart of 5th Wing Goose (google it), who squealed on MG Maurice Baril and Colonel Russell "Canadian Stallion" Williams, and Hamish who along with Marquis d'Cartier were briefing a Canary Wharf Train Station visit including tech laden Plum Nancy had fags, strike that, hand bags the brainchild of Sam Cam Wham Bam who enjoyed inspiring Thong pastel colors such as Pastel Orange Bijou (BJ?) or Pastel Playful Cerise. Just as the landing gear went down, John Galt handed Chips a 32 ounce Captain Sherlock Martini and a handwritten note.
Low Air Refueling
Chips was stirred but not shaken by the note from Global Hammer Banzai posted to the Plum City HQ during the absence of Swordsman Chips:
Royal Crown Hammer Banzai Pipeline Immediate Clipper to Agent Chips FYEO: “At Brawdy Agent WEE ONE will join you. She will have details of DEADFOO7 steganographic plea from our Slade Lane, now slain and a WEATHER REPORT from 24 August/Anglesley. In addition to unmasking th International Ped operation, he also got inside the D2 Bankers but of most importance he had taped testimony of descendants of Ian Fleming and their relationships to profiteering in WWII and then the cheesy spyflicks with your predecessor James Bond not to be confused with Elizabethan Spymaster John Bond or world's second most capable fighter pilot Lt Col John F. 'OODA' Boyd. Chips, the information that WEE ONE carries is protected by a sheer layer of Pastel Scottish Heather in a moist chamber containing a latex envelope. Seek and ye shall find. This shit is getting heavy with Hillary running scared and Interpol crying fowl; as Hammer, I have made the decision to replace your previously assigned OSA with Agent MissPrision from Slidell, Louisiana, far from the home of the WEEPING JEWISH JUDGE who believes what the Blind Sheikh sees. She is aware or your offer of expert witness testimony in the scrubbed KSM trial. She needs to be close to you not to be confused with the Carpenter's hit from 1970. Reservations made for 3 and 5 November at Richmond Hill Hotel, Room 463 and 494. Surname McConnell. Night of the 4th is classified so the bitch that ripped off the QRS11 patent cannot have a Barzan al-Tikriti necktie delivered before you complete your BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT of the Twisted Sisters Nancy, Hillary, Jamie, Janet N. and ITEM 5. Security code new OSA is Pastel Pink Panther, Banzai, out.”As the Falcon jet borrowed from a paint facility in Little Rock, Arkansas, where Hillary Clinton had pirated intellectual property relating to BEI Corporation QRS11 GyroChips that directed the drones on 9/11, stopped at the rollout end of the runway, a black London taxi with no lights arrived as Marquis d'Cartier lowered the forward left door. As a woman with fairly short hair came up the stairs she handed two identical notes to Stone Kohl in the right seat and Marquis d'Cartier who was in charge of the cabin war room not to be confused with the Virtual War Rooms atop 1 Canada Square, Boeing’s headquarters at 100 North Riverside Plaza, Chicago, or, at Plum City Global HQ in Plum City, Wisconsin not to be confused with the Lesbian Friendly VLPEOC operating below the White House on the morning that Minutia and Lynee ensured the SHOW MUST GO ON only to have the shit trumped out of them by Abel Danger. As Stone read the FLASH CLIPPER printed on a Thales printer in the back of the Black Leyland Taxi, Marquis read a verbatim copy for the Auld Alliance printed in French.
Royal Crown Agent Umbrellaman FLASH CLIPPER to ANGEL, COL-2 Field Agents, Buck Naked, Stone Kohl and Dangerettes Abroad: “Umbrella Man invokes CHICKEN CHOKER in advance of Wikileaks Hit of an Assange bonded-pedophile nature, note transfer of Wikileaks server from Sweden to USA. Buck and Stone to depart immediately for COL. Only R2 and Chips to be PAX, others to headquarter at Gliffaes House, Crickhowell, Powys Wales and await further briefing while Agent R2 receives a debriefing in Angel enroute COL. Buck, get airborne ASAP. Recall code GALORE, I repeat, recall code GALORE. Acknowledge 'seahorse'. Umbrellaman”Buck Naked was still asleep so as Marquis led the other PAX to the Leyland Taxi, Agent Chips closed the forward door as Stone did a 180 degree turn on the end of the runway and COBBed the power. Agent Chips used the electric cylinder lock to prevent Buck or Stone from observing the debriefing on the conference table as Agent Fanny Galore positioned to receive a COB of a different variety. As a precaution she had draped her Wee IOC in Pastel Scottish Heather over the security camera that viewed the cockpit entry area as Agent Chips viewed the PENIS (Pilot Exhibiting Naval Intel Savvy) entry area. As the jet became airborne and turned to a position directly over the MAGIC ROUNDABOUT in Swindon, Chips achieved full battle strength as Fanny passed 93.6 percent in her MI. Chips had a nose for intel and Fanny presented it in a manner where he couldn't miss it.
"Chips, seek and ye shall find. Please ensure your hands are warm" as she passed him a hot cup containing Crown Royal, Rum, Butterscotch Schnapps and Red Bull (known as a Fender Bender at Molly's on Main, Plum City). After Chips warmed his right hand he took a big gulp and returned the cup to Fanny who took a Wee gulp in a ladylike fashion although she was sudsing like a Maytag. As Chips reached into the hiding place he digitally located the waterproof container and removed it with his teeth, incisors only, before placing a humongous item in so he wouldn't loose his place not to be confused with the 'wouldn't lose his place' sung about in Cherokee Fiddle, a kickass country song by Johnny Lee that is not available on youTube sadly. As Chips pulled the Smythson note card printed on BUBBLEGUM PINK parchment, the Wee One started undulating to keep her man calm. What Chips read was Fanny's handwritten notes from the last meeting of Fanny Galore, Chips, Farhad from Iran and Slade Lane who was slain. The meeting had taken place at Goff Manor, Crawley, and on Father's Day this sign was as plain as the nose on Chips' face.

Word: Galore
Pronunciation: gê-lor
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: In abundance.
Notes: Today's good adjective is unusual in that, rather than appearing before the noun it modifies, it appears after it: "Words galore mean fun galore." Enough, the original meaning of today's word, is an adjective that may be placed on either side of its noun: "I have had enough turnips for one day" or "I have had turnips enough for one day." Galore, however, may only follow its noun. In Play: The opportunity to use today's word lurks wherever there is superfluity:
"Investigators of Enron Corporation's management have found guilt galore" (plenty to go around). Since his novels often deal with excesses, it should be no surprise that the world of Ian Fleming offers opportunities for the exercise of this word: "Even though he is in captivity for much of the novel, James Bond has adventures Galore in Ian Fleming's novel, Goldfinger."
Slade's Mission DEADF007: To prevent malevolent use of code broken by Slade Lane regarding D2 Banking, Wikileak spillage by Senior Executive Service sluts, or inadvertent trigger of Iran-Israel conflict for rogue 3rd party nation operating BVR, Slade is to corrupt the code by changing only one letter in the entire protocol. When Abel Danger obstructed TOPOFF 2001 we lost one of the Five BIG BOYS, Chic Burlingame who was murdered in W386/GiantKiller. And then there were 4. If the SES, Crown Agents, ADT, Serco and ITEM 5 don't alter course they may try to kill one of we four. Slade to alter code one character.
Chips' Mission DEADFOOT: Chips working with R2 Wee One, James Crosby and Brumhilde will monitor and corrupt any X or KU band trigger signal to a flying vehicle outfitted with Thales Flight Guidance and Hillary Clinton's BEI patented SES stolen Raytheon deployed QRS11 GyroChips but inserting either Scottish Heather or Manly Mocha in a 5 color penta-nym containing 4 but not 5 of the following 5 colors: Nile Blue, Orange Bijou, Bond Street Pink, Playful Cerise or Bubble Gum pink just as he did in corrupting the arming sequence of the Minot B52 heading to Iran that Abel Danger redirected to Barksdale by PADLOCK the arming of the NUCs by replacing Playful Cerise with Pastel Cinnamon Swirl to put all future even-year crime scenes at Sixes and Sevens i.e. isentropic chaos.
R5 Mission LEADFOOT: Continue to lurk and listen at 1 Canada Square and have R2 close to Agent Chips for liason during Operation Cornhole COBB until R2 and D2 have positively identified the LOYAL ONE that has served in opposition to Bruce M. is Assymetric Cyber Ops during POTUS 42, 43, 44. We had the bad gals fingered, some one loyal oathkeeper is keeping Abel Danger informed and we need to 'keep it up and push it up' as directed by DEEP BLUE via steganographic messaging in Chips Magazine.
Item 5 Mission: Stay in reserve and BVR until need, hoping never to serve. However, they took out Chic Burlingame on 9-11 and our friends in SES say that two of remaining 3 BVR Operatives are targeting. Pray Godspeed in our obligation to uphold our oaths. End notes. Fanny Galore R5 rep to Father's Day Abel Danger Schlumberger-Gorelick Damage Control, Goff Manor, Crawley. FG
As Chips considered Fanny's notes, Fanny noted Chips' bits and pieces and started sticking her tongue in his good ear. She had sensed his turgidity index as it slipped close to 94% and she knew how difficult it is to push a rope. Her TIE (tongue in ear) tactic worked like a charm and as he regained full battle strength she whispered, "Chips, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. I hope you have the balls to identify your sister's SBA 8(a) $90 Billion 9/11 TOPOFF Loan Portfolio as the funding source of the Treason of 2001. As your R2 'aide-de-Chips' if there is anything at all you want, you got it as she removed him from her security storage space and provided him pleasure in a different way. Chips was about to lose his mind and exploculate prior to the MAGIC ROUNDABOUT in Swindon so he withdrew and reinserted in her signature position the sidewinder and selected C60 and F4 on his Clipper Squirt Gun. Moments later Fanny Galore got a musical answer to her heartfelt offer of service, in this case 36 Stud service, as Chips looked into her loving thighs.

Royal Crown Agent Otto Pilot Immediate Clipper to Hammer PacRim Banzai, Hammer ConUS Uncle Ray, Umbrellaman and Namedropper, copy Fanny Galore, Chips, MissPrision and Dr. Nano: “We have intercepted an internal communication within US Department of State that suggests that next month Hillary Clinton will feign an effort to cutoff the leaker she created in keeping with her modus operandi ad nauseum of deploying a spin and then claiming any rightful response must be a conspiracy theory. At 0340/03Nov10 we took receipt of a VNN news release authorized by Roadhog to be released between Thanksgiving Day and Pearl Harbor Day, 2010 as follows: Interpol Issues 'Red Notice' for WikiLeaks Founder 01 Dec 2010 Interpol has placed the founder of the WikiLeaks whistle-blowing Web site on a so-called red notice wanted list following allegations of sexual misbehavior by a Swedish prosecutor, according to the police organization’s Web site on Wednesday. The notice said Mr. Assange was wanted for “sex crimes” on an arrest warrant brought by the international public prosecution office in Gothenburg, Sweden. Interpol is based in Lyon, France. We are certain that Roadhog is trying to 'damage control' the collapse of the European Union, the Euro and the economies of Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Belgium and then Italy. This at the same time FOUNDATION X – the back office for D2 Banking – has indicated it has sufficient cash and cash equivalents to ensure economic survival of United Kingdom and United States. Otto Pilot, AD Trondheim.”Chips took a sneak peak at the Wee One's target area and was pleased with her presentation. Fanny, granddaughter of Pussy Galore, had learned much from her granny and kicked off her spiked heels and locked her ankles behind Chips' ears. She whispered 'piledriver' in his good ear and he obeyed. As the pile driving and the justifiable moaning was increasing in pitch and tenor another Clipper moved across the moving screen with a green lettered ETA posting of 17 minutes. Chips and Fanny had lost track of time while they engaged in requisite Abel Danger security protocols in the interest of the sovereignty of the Anglosphere not to mention getting their collective rocks off, capeche? Fanny called 'switch' and positioned herself as a lass Collie that could forestall barking as long as her master threw her a bone. As Chips honored her gambit he saw an Immediate from MissPrision of the Slidell, Louisiana Abel Danger office just off the interstate that leads east to Gulfport or west to New Orleans, site of the Hillary Clinton-Wade Rathke show of their apparent hatred of black people in 2005 triggered by a Roadhog barge and four underwater demolitions which bore the same pattern as the 4 pre-set demolitions at the Murrah Building and the incendiaries used to roast heterosexual women and children at Waco, Texas as Gorillawoman, Wacko and POI-5 were settling in to a new administration at USDOJ as the VP, Web, Michelle and Leon were ensuring encrypted communications were sent north of the 49th parallel so that the George-Zbigniew-Warren TOPOFF 2001 would not be discovered by snoopy Christian Patriots with humongous brass balls. What business does Goldman Sachs have in having a party at Offutt AFB on 11 September, 2001 so that those attending from New York would be no where near the scene of the crime while the E4B maintained at Offutt but transferred to FEMA by Peronie's-breath was flying through P5606 viewing the self-inflicted carnage while in the back seat of an F16B Mr. Jacoby, NY State FEMA person was also viewing the carnage. These perverts and treasonous bastards and bastardettes will soon regret that Agent Chips has GREAT CARNAGE KNOWLEDGE and you Georgetown and Princeton grapes know the punishment For Unlawful Carnage Knowledge, see also Twisted Sisters and FC-KU Crime Scene. In Tony Joe White's only hit record the gators got the granny, this time around the grannies will get the GATOR (Genocidal Assholes Threatening Our Republic). What say you George, Warren, Zbigniew, Thunder Thighs and the recently invisible Al Gore whose wife of 40 years set him out on the curb for Wednesday pickup by WMI. The grannies go to church and serve the Lord but they and their Mascot Chips will come down to the level of the Shadow Government to do God's Will. See Ephesians, all of it, and then Proverbs 21:31 and Romans 8:31. The Christian Grannies assembled as THE DANGERETTES are lead by the SCOTCH GRANNY MASTER (SGM) whose has a tilt in his kilt so those with guilt get kilt, capeche?
Dear Agent Chips with BOSteel-- I know you'll understand this coded message :)I am a stiff old lady with one boob. I can barely walk across ice due to a rear-end car accident, in case I may fall and break a hip. I am not afraid of these F-in criminals and would tell them to their face! (I really hate to swear but language is powerful.) If a GRANDMOTHER LIKE ME can see the big picture and stand up to these CREEPY F-ing BASTARDS then WHERE IN THE HELL ARE OUR UNITED STATES MARINES??? Well-trained hard bodied MEN WITH THEIR BALLS STILL ATTACHED are sitting on their thumbs-waiting for WHAT??????GOD HELP US! AND SOMEBODY PLEASE SLAP SENSE INTO and WAKE UP THE US MARINES before the GRANDMOTHERS have to step in! Agent GC Good Nookie, aka Pastel Grayhair
Chips understood the frustration of MissPrision and also her impatience. However, he harked back to Psalm 27:14 regarding patience as he continued to dish out as much as he could into a wet and willing Wee One. In a very real way there are some great advantages to being Wee, and the purple tipped red champion was benefiting beyond measure making the 61 year old swordsman feel like a man half his age, or endowment, for that matter. Chips looked at the ETA and saw that time was tight, not unlike Fanny Galore herself. He respectfully asked permission for ZOOM and she grimaced and gushed 'please' and as Chips went into hyper drive to finish her off he felt the extension of the leading edge high lift devices called slats as Wee Fanny looked forward to a custody change of a large volume of Smoked Oysters involving US and Scottish assets. As he was 'pulling for China' and Wee One was pushing for all it's worth an ill timed immediate came in from Hamish who was holed up at the Gliffaes House where he was enjoying his third Mineral Water, a double, with signature Lime Slice and playing solitaire with a deck of 51. As he read the words written by Hamish he inadvertently disconnected from Fanny but the sure handed Fanny Galore got the junk in the bunk in record time as the mini-enduro at the corner of Wee One and Humongous was set to meet a mutually satisfactory climax, pardon the proper English but the Wee One is from UK but not YUK like Hillary, Janet, Jamie, Michelle and L5.
Royal Crown Agent Hamish Immediate Clipper to Chips, Marquis d'Cartier, Name Dropper, Banzai Hammer, Uncle Ray and Corazon Dulce copy Rico Gambolin, Grave Digger, Rimshot and Diehard: “Agent Dwarf has sent this from the British Columbia Investigation, please forward to Mr.Gerrish, Mr. Green and Mr. Graham regarding Hollie Grieg and this man from the Canadian Prairie, his name is George. “I lived my whole life on our reserve, just south of Calgary. As a young boy, I got taken to the Catholic residential school north of us. That’s where I got all these.” As the man lifts his shirt and reveals deep scars on his chest and arms. Another deep furrow runs across his head. It is reminiscent of the Eton Wall parties. “But that wasn’t the worst. It happened one night in winter. Cold as hell, and blowing hard. These three little girls from our reserve had all been raped by the head priest. The oldest girl was only seven. The others must have been five or six. The eldest one said to the others they had to run away. They was just in little cotton nightgowns, no shoes or nothing. But they escaped and ran off into that blizzard.” The man looks down and shakes his head. "They didn’t get more’n a mile. I was on the search team that found ’em. All three of ‘em were still holding each other’s little hands, lying face down in the snow. When we reached ‘em, the priest, the guy who’d raped them, got all mad and started cursing, like he was mad at them. That’s when I saw the oldest girl start moving. She weren’t dead. But when the priest saw her move she told me to just leave her there. He turned away from her and left her there, dying in the snow.” The man is about to continue when his bus arrives. “I couldn’t leave her there …” he begins. He turns to his wife, who has sat next to him the entire time, nodding sadly. “We gotta go” he says to the white woman. Dwarf and James Crosby both reporting Umbrellaman has suggested Green-Gerrish-Graham and a fourth fellow turn up the heat on the 'network' that abused the 3 little girls, Hollie Grieg, Gareth Williams, Chic Burlingame and ITEM 5. Umbrellaman further ordains that the BANK which is FOUNDATION X be reviewed by COL-2 as well as the D-2. Umbrellaman authorizes Chips to determine which ass set shall go with him to the D2 'transfer' at the Cutty Sark set from 2300 hours on 4 Nov 2010. Which ever ass set shall go will be wired with a BVR Cam and a knocker-MI2G. Dwarf of the Prairie.”Chips was moved beyond words, but the sound of the landing gear being hydraulically rammed into position made him realize the time for action was now. He whispered in the Wee One's ear "Is it OK now?"
As the Wee One answered in kind with her quivering 'target area' firing multiples Agent Chips sealed the deal, placed a kiss on her cheek and stuffed the monster into an Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster in Crimson and Gold. He handed the wee one an IOC in Pastel Scottish Heather and her matching bustier as he unlocked the hydraulic ram on the cock pit, I say again, cock pit door as the Dassault Falcon 7x was parked at the Menzies gate at the City of London Airport at the appointed hour. As Stone came out of the cock pit he noticed his father and the Wee One sitting in the leather seats reading recent copies of UK Column, a newspaper printed in Plymouth, the city in England not the POS car once littering the highways of America.
As Stone opened Door 1 L some ADT security personnel were there to greet the flight. The same ADT that was given a 45 year contract in 1989 to ensure Crown Agent goons could infiltrate airport security at KBOS, KEWR and KIAD for the Treason of 9/11 of which FBI, ALPA and DOJ has shown not interest in as of 1315 EST on 10 Dec 10. Stone checked to ensure his Sig Sauer P226 was in the correct spot; it was.
"Can I help you?" asked Stone.
"MI6 suggested we check your passenger manifest and ensure your passengers are not Domestic Terrorists as identified by the DHS, FEMA, DOJ, FAA or any other corrupted bureaucracy in the Colonies which our City of London has operated as a revenue producing and deployable military force since 1812 as we considering the spilling of American blood as cheaper than procuring weapons which we can ill afford as we are raping our college students and pissing off the Irish."
"Well here is our manifest, Captain Buck Naked, First Officer Stone Kohl, passenger Frank Baum, a writer and wordsmith and Dorothy Bumm, his flight nurse." Stone passed the bogus manifest to the Chief Inspector Nigel Glasscock who then requested passports. After viewing the manifest and while still holding all four passports Glasscock looked into the cock pit and saw the pilot dozing for dollars in the left seat matched the photograph so he laid the passport on the lap of Captain Buck Naked. Stone was given his passport and then Nigel Glasscock approached the two passengers to ensure they were not Domestic Terrorists as defined by ADT, Crown Agents, the wench from Arizona or Senior Executive Service. Chips and Fanny held up their UK Column papers as if they were not aware that Chief Inspector Glasscock and his lame sidekick Barley Phife were waiting. Fanny gave Chips a quick status check and found him to be at full battle strength. Chips immediately detected the scent of suds.
"Excuse me please but I have your passports and need to confirm your identify you for entry control" said Glasscock as he noticed Fanny's left hand was under the table in the vicinity of Chips' groinal area. "Your passports indicate Frank Baum of South Dakota and Dorothy Bumm of Emerald City, is that correct?"
"Yes Mr. Cock....."
"That's Glasscock, Chief Inspector Glasscock".
"Pardon me Inspector; yes, that is correct, our eTrust passports arranged by Emerson indicate we are Frank Baum and Dorothy Bumm..."
"Pardon the interruption but didn't a Frank Baum from South Dakota write the Wizard of Oz?"

"Yes, quite right, you may go. We have been told to check for a Domestic Terrorist named Agent Chips who was reportedly traveling with a Warrant Officer Fanny Galore...".
"Well you just missed them, they got off, pardon the expression, got of at RAF Brawdy as he had taken 3 Cialis daily use and a Red Bull and he got an erection lasting more than 8 hours. They both are seeing a Urologist in Cardiff by now, I would presume. Nice folks, sorry you missed them."
As Barley Phife stepped outside to place a call to Cardiff MI5 Nigel asked Dorothy Baum why Fanny Galore had to get off if the medical event was limited to his indefatigable woody.
"We were told that in addition to his power woody she was suffering from a Red Snapper" responded 'Dorothy Bumm'".
"Ah yes, the seafood served on transatlantic flights is no good for man nor beast."
"Quite right Glasswad, well we must be off. Cheerio!" As they brushed past Nigel Fanny placed an AQWB-27T 'hitchhiker' in his jacket pocket so that he could be geo-tracked just like every cel phone in the world if you fail to learn of and turn of geo-tracking.
At the foot of the steps a Black London Taxi purred like a kitten, some might suggest pussy, with a cheesy exhaust system. Fanny got in first and as Chips sat across from he she gave him three flashes of Pastel Scottish Heather, and he liked that so he placed her wee hand on something draped in Crimson and Gold. To distract the driver as Fanny was heading south Chips looked in the mirror and asked the driver, "You are a dead ringer for a driver friend of my, a Courtly Stonewall."
"Small world, we all have a twin somewhere, my name is Welsh, Cobbley Cornhole." Chips understood that this was Courtly as the driver revealed his top two incisors which were crowned in gold. "Say, you didn't have luggage did you, say a trunk?". Chips realized that Courtley was signaling that there was a Brit in the trunk hence the coded conversation. Courtly gave him another sure indication.
"Fanny kissed me when we met; jumping from the chair she sat in".

"Thanks for the lift Cobbley, if you are in the City in about 2 hours you can collect us and take us to Richmond Hill Hotel new Kew Gardens.
While Courtly monitored MP007 and Dick Randos, across town Chips and Fanny were checking it with the reception desk staff at the Richmond Hill Hotel and anxious to get to the Pembroke Pub.
"Do you have a room reserved for Agent Chips and Fanny Galore of Abel Danger?" asked Chips as Fanny gave him a wee tug on the tiller.
"Yes Mister Chips...."
"I'm sorry Mohammed that was just a question; you should also have a room then for me, Frank Baum and my daughter Dorothy Bumm".
"Yes sir, the Chips and Fanny room is 494 and the nearest room we could assign you and your daughter is 463. I see the rooms are prepaid for the nights of 3rd and 5th and that you will be elsewhere for the night of the 4th, is that correct?" as he handed two keys and a thick envelope to Chips. Fanny had hold of something thick also in her wee hand.
"Will there be anything else Mr. Baum?"
"Only this" as he handed Muhammed an envelope addressed to MissPrision and gave him two Fifty Pound notes, the kind soon to be propped up by Foundation X as the EU and the Euro would be going down like prom dresses within a fortnight or six in the order chosen by those who had routes back to Venetians and Phoenicians: Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Belgium and then....... As they headed into the Pembroke Pub, Fanny looked over her wee shoulder and saw Muhammed placing the envelope behind the counter and placing the Sterling notes in his steam pressed trousers. She wondered if his trouser trout was a helmut or an anteater.

"Double Tullamore Dew, dirty glass, no ice, thank you" as she gave Chips three shorts and a long under the bar. The bar tender placed two coasters next to them and went behind the restaurant wall to mix the drinks. Chips noticed both coasters were from the Spy Catcher Pub, and they were upside down meaning the logos could be read by ADHD but not GMCC. As Chips inverted his coaster, he read the short message while Fanny Galore asked him a question.
"Chips, the envelope to MissPrision MP007 was addressed to Room 494, correct?"
"Yes, Wee One, and in the envelope I explained that I'd had a change of mission and would not arrive until Friday, November 5th after the tapings at the Cutty Sark. This way you and I have 48 hours to play hide the salami, capeche?" as he smiled.

"By all means, Captain, perhaps I will see you again at the usual time?"

Chips carried the drinks and Fanny called the lift and pressed 4. While the wee lift lurched up 4 floors Chips was regaled with a three floor free shot, and he liked it. The humidity index in the small lift seemed higher than ambient. Once on the fourth floor Fanny fumbled in Chips' trouser pockets looking for the key, ostensibly. Chips mentioned the keys, plural, were in the hand holding 'the usual' and Fanny grabbed one and stuck it in. After the door was closed Chips intended to do the same. As Fanny draped Pastel Scottish Heather over the left lamp shade as if to mark her turf Chips took a pull on his Captain Sherlock Martini as Fanny removed the Crimson and Gold Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster Sports Thong and took a pull herself. Chips removed his shirt as Fanny removed everything else including her bustier in Pastel Scottish Heather. Fanny went to draw a hot bath and while she bent over to plug the tub Chips noticed not only what he'd like to plug in the tub but also a flash 'message' light. As Fanny reclined in the two-seater tub and relaxed with her double Tullamore Dew and her knockers to die for, Chips listened to a recorded phone message, laid the phone handset back into the cradle and then followed the purple tipped red champion into the lou, closing the door behind himself as Fanny playfully requested: "Request permission to pipe the Captain aboard""
"Permission granted". As Fanny did some piping of a non-nautical variety Chips was reminded of Larry Sinclair, Robert Wone, Barry Soetero and the Dead Choir Boy. After Fanny finished her project with the ADS (all day sucker), Chips, now beyond full battle strength, reclined next to her and took a long pull on the Captain Sherlock Martini.
"Chips, you seem worried, do you need more Rodney Baldinger NDSU Extend-o-peters or smoked oysters?"
"No, it's not that, but Courtly Stonewall just called from the Spy Catcher. MissPrision MP007 has ordered a third Screaming Orgasm and had given out the recall code word 'multiple' when she meant to say 'double'. Shortly after her cocktail was delivered she went to the Lou and never returned to her stool at the Spy Catcher. Stonewall had the place wired and he picked up a video CCTV segment with a DHL Van being loaded with a Pastel Pink Panther North Face Holdall and there seemed to be alot of motion in the bag as if someone was trying to get out. Stonewall left Dick Randos at the bar and followed the DHL van to a service delivery only loading dock behind 1 Canada Square. He saw some NATO blue hats in the area so he stopped at a red phone booth and placed a call via the BT phone. He told Muhammed we should meet Courtly at the Pembroke at 2100 hours; that gives us almost 5 hours of idle time Fanny."
Fanny immediately sprang to her wee wet feet and said "'time's a wasting" as she hastily dried off every part of her body with one wee exception as she spread her tiny wings and prepared to fly away.
Chips got her drift and similarly became erect and ambulated over to the bed, bobbing all the way. As the pre-moistened duel was commenced, Fanny selected C240 and F4 on her Clipper as she postured for an unobserved Sidewinder shot. Chips placed his skinny wingman in the heart of the envelope and listened for a growl. As Fanny's Clipper began playing the requested song, Chips noticed an Immediate Clipper from Hamish and thought to himself, not now Kato, and pressed snooze. As the song advanced to 'spread your tiny wings and fly away' Chips and Fanny were in sync and were pleased by the synergy in their spoon like posture. Chips knew it would take all of his tempered steel Marine Corps discipline not to blow oats prematurely as the lyrics also talked of a blastoff at zero hour.
Fanny Galore opened her wee left eye to check the video screen of her Clipper and saw that Hamish had routed an Immediate for her to read aloud to Chips was Chips was hammering home a message, a message that the Wee One found reminiscent of their endless evenings at the BOQ attached to the Brass Nut Club at NAS Keflavik.
Royal Crown Agent Hamish Immediate Clipper to Chips, MissPrision or Fanny Galore for relay to Chips: “From my biometric monitor of Chip's heart rate and turgidity index it appears that one of you PWAs is being briefed. I am assuming it is Fanny Galore but regardless of whose plugged please ensure Chips sees this: KPMG Chief Economist, Vicky Huhne needs to be checked out for the apparent use of ‘DEADF007’ pedophiles to spoliate evidence of a Crown Agents’ license to kill in re OJ Simpson, the Murrah Building and ‘the first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history’ on 9/11. Note Six and Seven signature at all the spoliated crime scenes, then track back to Cameron’s Carlton Communication’s Haberdashers and lucrative sub contracts to the Guild of Contract Hits from the Skinners and the Merchant Taylors. Looks like they used DEADF007 pedophile oath takers – hired through Jardine-Fleming investment trusts and D2 Banking at Canary Wharf – to camouflage attacks on the Anglosphere by an Auld Alliance of French and Scottish families which dates back to the 13th century. Crown Agents Sisters hired DEADF007 pedophiles through the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspapermakers; they concealed procurement of the QRS-11 gyroscopes needed by Auld Alliance families to guide the killers of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Nicole Simpson, Timothy McVeigh (OKC) and Captain Chic Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 on 9/11. The Auld Alliance (Scots) (French: Vieille Alliance) was an alliance between the kingdoms of Scotland and France. It played a significant role in the relations between Scotland, France and England from its beginning in 1295 until the 1560 Treaty of Edinburgh which was participated in by Galore and McConnell ancestors to Fanny and Chips. Although during the Middle Ages various assertions were made that the Franco-Scottish relationship began in the reign of Charlemagne, the Auld Alliance is normally dated to 1295. However, historians such as J. D. Mackie have dated it to 1173, when embassies between William I of Scotland and Louis VII of France supported a rebellion against the English king Henry II .. In 1346, under the terms of the Auld Alliance, Scotland invaded England in the interests of France. However, they were defeated, and David II was taken prisoner at the Battle of Neville's Cross .. In addition, in 1429 Scots came to the aid of Joan of Arc in her famous relief of Orléans. Scottish soldiers also served in the Garde Écossaise, the loyal bodyguard of the French monarchy. Many Scottish mercenaries chose to settle in France. Some were granted lands and titles in France. In the 15th and 16th centuries, they became naturalised French subjects. In 1558 the alliance between the two kingdoms was further strengthened by the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots to the future Francis II of France. However, in 1560, after more than 250 years, formal treaties between Scotland and France were officially ended by the Treaty of Edinburgh. With the height of the Scottish Reformation, Scotland was declared Protestant, and allied itself with Protestant England instead. 200 Scottish soldiers were sent to Normandy in 1562 to aid the French Huguenots in their struggle against royal authority during the French Wars of Religion .. In a speech which he delivered in Edinburgh in June 1942, Charles de Gaulle described the alliance between Scotland and France as "the oldest alliance in the world" and Good Queen Bess, Agent Chips and Fanny Galore need to drive a wedge in the heart of the Auld Frog deal and perhaps expose Foghorn Leghorn in the same stroke. Keep stroking Chips, the Anglosphere is counting on you. Hamish.”Fanny Galore decided to 'sit on it' and not tell Chips until after the enduro. She smiled thinking back to the stories she and Chips heard from their relatives in Aberdeen, Belfast and later Plum City of the Scottish couple wed in 1532(*), 'Tiny Dancer' Galore and Angus 'Chips' McTurgid. She felt she was going to suffer multiple premature exploculations and in spite of the time to go on the countdown timer she utilized her female prerogative and called 'switch' and passed Chips a plaid kilt in Pastel Manly Mocha. (*) not to be confused with Gold Price of $1532/oz if Barry Soetoro isn't gone 1-1-2011 as deflation is foisted upon the USA by the Agents in COL.
While Chips was putting it over his organ Fanny thought about practicing her bag pipes skill just as another Immediate Clipper came into her Clipper CCTV. So she could read it without disrupting Chips' impersonation of Clansman Derrick McPumper in the jackhammer performance she assumed the 'airedale' position and Chips positioned to drive home the message.
Royal Crown Agent Abigail Chopsticks, Brighton Immediate Clipper to Banzai, Hamish and the Dangerettes on the City of London Operation CORNHOLE COBB: “Hamish, Fanny Galore and SuzyQ, help Chips check out Crown Agents’ Sisters bi-sexual DEADF007 leverage over man-in-the-middle leadership positions. Vicky Pryce is the ditched wife of Energy Secretary Chris Huhne; she has announced that she hopes to join him as a Liberal Democrat MP with a view to becoming a Treasury minister in due course. She had noticed her husband spending considerable swathes of time with his press agent Carina Trimingham but since Trimingham was a lesbian, in a civil partnership with a female, Pryce hadn’t thought there was any possibility of a blossoming romance although Vicky did think that Carina's girth indicated she had been eating more 'trimmings' than ham. Trimingham looks like a classic DEADF007 lesbo .. After starting out as a reporter in the 1980s, she spent several years working in showbiz PR, promoting acts such as The Who and AC/DC, before returning to politics and working as a PR for the Liberal Democrats and crossing paths with Huhne, for whom she worked as press secretary during this year's General Election. By 1990, she was working for Sky News, not to be confused with Abel Danger's 'BLUE SKY NEWS' printed in the weekly Plum City Herald, as a political reporter before spending two years in Los Angeles covering the U.S. West Coast and it's abundance of lesbians. She returned to London and worked in public relations promoting BBC1's Top of the Pops .. It was Trimingham, too, who promoted gay former policeman Brian PadDICK, not to be confused with Cressida DICK, as the unsuccessful Liberal Democrat candidate in his bid to become Mayor of London in 2008. She reported on stories far bigger than her own including the OJ Simpson trial and the Oklahoma bombing and the tranfer of Abel Danger Global from Fargo to Plum City, Abigail Chopsticks, mobile in the Kew Urban Assault Vehicle.”

Royal Crown Zipper FLASH Clipper to Umbrelllaman, Hamish, Chips, Yellowhammer and the Dangerettes deployed aField and aBroad: “Check out Crown Agents’ Sisters procurement for racketeering-family investment trusts ranging from a contract hit to take out a rival to a massive attack to kill millions. Mr Smith trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG. He joined the Jardine Fleming Group in 1986 serving, from 2003, as Chief Financial Officer and as a member of the Executive Committee. Mr Smith became a director of Robert Fleming International Ltd in 1998 and the Director of Origination - Investment Banking serving until 2000 [We presume that Jardine Fleming worked with KPMG Vicky Huhne on the DEADF007 acquisition of QRS11 gyros for 9/11]. Jardine Fleming was a Hong Kong based investment bank founded in 1970 as a joint venture between Jardine Matheson and Robert Fleming & Co. At the time of its sale to JP Morgan Chase in 2000, it operated in 15 countries.” ... “Jardine, Matheson & Co. was founded in Canton on 1 July 1832, following a meeting between William Jardine and another Scots trader, James Matheson from Sutherland. In 1834, the pair sent the first private shipments of Chinese tea to England; another big export to the UK was silk. In return, they traded opium to the Chinese. Jardine Matheson’s early profits were based on this trading of Indian opium into China. When the Chinese emperor tried to ban the trade, the company called on Britain to compel China to provide compensation for the confiscated opium, leading in 1839 to the first of two Opium Wars; there were ways by which, to a small extent, the monopoly of the East India Company could be circumvented so in 1817 Jardine left his first employers and began the process of establishing his own private firm. At this time James Matheson was employed in his uncle's business in Calcutta .. It was in Canton in 1818 that Matheson first met Jardine. The two men formed a partnership which included also Magniac and a man named Beale, an English inventor of clocks and automata. At first the new firm dealt only with Bombay and Calcutta, at that time called the "country trade" but later extended their business to London. The activities of these four men made an important contribution to the 1834 termination of the East India Company's monopoly in China” .. “Robert Fleming (1845 - 1933) was a Scottish financier, the founder of merchant bank Robert Fleming & Co. Born the son of a shopkeeper in Dundee, he launched the Scottish American Investment Trust in 1873, the first of the Scottish investment trusts. He went on to become an international financier in London, establishing the investment bank that bore his name for more than a century .. A contemporary of J Pierpont Morgan and a close business associate and friend of Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co... He was the grandfather of novelist Ian Fleming.” who would be considered a 'wanker' compared to Agent Chips, master Wordsmith of the Worshipful Company of 1936 Studebaker drivers, see also ... “Leon Trotsky was given $20 million in Jacob Schiff gold to help finance the revolution, which was deposited in a Warburg bank, then transferred to the Nya Banken (Nye Bank) in Stockholm, Sweden. According to the Knickerbocker Column in the New York Journal American on February 3, 1949: "Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia." Leon Trotsky left New York aboard the S. S. Kristianiafjord (S. S. Christiania), which had been chartered by Schiff and Warburg, on March 27, 1917 [along] with communist revolutionaries .. The British government (through intelligence officer Sir William Wiseman, who later became a partner with Kuhn, Loeb and Co.), and the American government (through Col. House) urged them to let Trotsky go. Wilson said that if they didn't comply, the U.S. wouldn't enter the War. Trotsky was released, given an American passport, a British transport visa, and a Russian entry permit. It is obvious that Wilson knew what was going on, because accompanying Trotsky, was Charles Crane of the Westinghouse Company, who was the Chairman of the Democratic Finance Committee. The U.S. entered the war on April 6th, [1917]. Trotsky arrived in Petrograd on May 17 [well prepared for the pedophile DEAD007 hit of Rasputin – From Russia With Love and a License to Kill!] Agent Bean, Global Zipper”Even before Fanny was finished reading Bean's update she saw an Immediate waiting in queue. Chips had reached from behind to lift and separate her whereupon he positioned a LFP, large fluffy pillow, between lefty and righty so he'd have a better final approach azimuth to the sweet spot. As he kept driving home the message, Fanny read an immediate from Marquis d'Cartier to Global Hammer Banzai.
Canadian Hammer MdC Immediate to Global Hammer Banzai, copy Hamish, Chips and the Dangerettes aField: “Brilliant Banzai, what a story we have uncovered. Fascinating thing is that the enemy cannot afford to engage because we then get discovery in the courts and with two you get eggroll but ALPA is not getting two but four federal suits at one time; with four you get Smoked Oysters. Hanley-Dickson-Driscoll-McConnell all in federal courts at the same time. And it is the shot you never hear that kills you Civil Case 3:10-cv-3572 will be a Misprision of Treason, Felony and Wrongful Death. There is a saying that the 'Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton'; perhaps we can claim that the 'War of the New World Order was lost by the pedophiles of Eton' when Chips proves he was the Big Gun of the final shootout at the F-M Corral as seen at the homepage of for the last 4 years. Time is up for ALPA and Vicky Huhne and Prince Philip’s Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators; pity their lack of spirit and soul. MdC, Canadian Hammer at Gliffaes Hideout.”
Chips responded by calling her by another girl's name "MissPrision" and the Wee One started bucking like the Sunshine Bull in Sam Peckinpah's 1972 classic Junior Bonner. Chips was not pleased that this plucky little lass could eject him from the saddle so quickly and he considered the possibility he'd been a rounder and a roamer much too long. He knew that when you get bucked off you should get back in the saddle before you lose your nerve, or in this case, your woody but he also knew Fanny Galore was a right proper woman and so he politely asked the Wee One "Fanny, could you approve a quickie? I want to finish this off properly so I don't become ill due to Oyster absorption."
"But Chips....."
"Please don't say butt and Chips in the same sentence Fanny"
"Right back at you yank, in the UK fanny does not mean butt, capeche? We have a rendezvous with Courtly in 1 hour and I want to look presentable".
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, the upside down extremis coaster had a message from Courtly. After reviewing the CCTV tape it turns out the DHL driver that tried to ice MissPrision got put into the pink holdall and Courtly and MissPrision decided to knock off a hunk in the back of the delivery van. He said that they'd be 30 minutes late.....".
Before Chips could finish begging Fanny placed her ankles behind her ears and said "How's this presentation for the WORLD'S MOST POTENT FIGHTER PILOT?"
Low Air Refueling
In keeping with USAF AR protocols he stabilized in pre-contact and reported "Ready"
"Cleared to plug" was her Boom Operator like response just like the UHF tapes of the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD LOWEST JET TO JET AIR REFUELING done at Bozeman, Montana in 1985 where a fellow from Fargo got plugged by a boomer with BIG BRASS BALLS. Chips was looking at the time and at 29 minutes and 30 seconds he was ready to 'top her off' and call 'offload complete' when a series of explosions shook the windows of Room 463 of the Richmond Hill Hotel on an evening in early November near Kew Gardens where opium is improved to justify sending more U S troops in to combat for benefit of Crown Agents, City of London Bankers, ADT, Senior Executive Service and ITEM 5.
Chips and Fanny had instinctively separated and rolled opposite direction off the bed to ensure one of them might escape the explosion of potential 'kill shot' to follow. Chips was lying on the floor reaching for his Sig Sauer P226 9mm when he saw a wee little foot with an extended big toe waving a Pastel Scottish Heather Thong as if she was 'surrendering'. Soon her smiling face appeared and she commented on Chips' battle readiness.
"Chips, did you know what the explosions must have been? And by the way, it appears you've become flaccid."
"No clue on the explosions, what could it be?" as he covered his diminished bits and pieces and reached for a 3 tab set of Rodney Baldinger NDSU extend-o-peters.
"I should have warned you, it Guy Fawkes Day, now get your old yankee junk up here and finish me off, it isn't gentlemanly to take me just half the way, fill me up to the top, don't stop ‘til I'm overflowing."
Chips crawled back up on the bed but covered himself with a sheet, somewhat embarrassed.
"Don't be concerned Chips, I have a remedy. Do you like Bagpipe Music?"
"Yes I do, especially Danny Boy" Chips said as the Wee One disappeared under the sheet. Chips found the music so enjoyable he was hoping that she would play the longer album cut. He had just achieved full battle strength when a knock was heard at the door, and the knocker wasn't knocking in the proper fashion to be considered an Abel Danger knocker. And Chips knew a lot about knockers so as he was getting into her knickers he slid the action on his Sig Sauer 226 and the knocking was stopped as the rocking was started.
As Chips and Fanny Galore we getting it only like most every night they wondered why ALPA, FAA and DOJ had dogs that seldom bark and never bite. But neither had seen the message posted under the door of Room 463 by Muhammed who knew that Agent Chips would enjoy hearing from a fellow Naval Aviator with URGENT BUSINESS in the Pakistan-Kazakhstan effort to save America and put the planners and enablers of 9/11 and 3 recent wars in the slammer awaiting Judgement.

I would suggest that you send your information to the two Congressman Westmoreland staffers below who have promised to open an investigation of my case. Also the SEC and FBI in Atlanta would appreciate your information.
Jean Studdard - Newnan, Georgia office
Third District Office
1601-B East Highway 34
Newnan, Georgia 30265
Phone: 770-683-2033
Fax: 770-683-2042
Office Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F
Joe Lillas - DC office - House Aviation Subcommittee staffer
Washington, D.C., Office
1213 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5901
Fax: 202-225-2515
Office Hours: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm M-F
SEC Matt McNamara - Assistant Director - Atlanta Office
Atlanta Regional Office
Rhea Kemble Dignam, Regional Director
3475 Lenox Road, N.E., Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30326-1232
(404) 842-7600
FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Brian Lamkin
FBI Atlanta
2635 Century Parkway N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345
Phone: (404) 679-9000
Fax: (404) 679-6289
Best of luck...a youtube video will be out by Sunday afternoon that will tell a lot.
Captain America!
Although neither Chips nor Fanny Galore were aware of the good news from Pakistan, after the 'bag piping' had restored Chips to full battle strength, he started packing something that made the Wee One very happy she had been an UKP in university; under kilt piper. As they finished off the enduro in right proper fashion, the 3rd, 4th and 5th pilots would be joining the formation of ACE which would take down ALPA, once and for all. Good riddance you treasonous pukes. Sign that Chips, 7 December, 2010.
As on Pearl Harbor Day – an odd year 1941; the Skinners had the DEADF007 license to kill; the Merchant Taylors had the job of setting the crime scenes at sixes and sevens i.e. confused, and ALPA was gripped with terror by a '3 card Monte' from Agent Chips, who was with the wee one snuggling by hearth at home, with two thongs draped like Christmas stockings, capeche? As he drifted into REM sleep, he was dreaming that the Treason of 9/11 would be understood, the City of London would be fingered, ALPA would be put into receivership and that all US military personnel would be withdrawn from City of London illegal deployments, authorized by the wife of the transparent KENYAN KID KHAT who had no hope.
In memory of Chic Burlingame, Maddy McCann and Gareth Williams. The City & Guilds of London Six and Seven murders by the Skinners and Merchant Taylors, will stop now.
As Chips and Fanny Galore got their crew rest prior to the 2100 meeting at the Pembroke Pub, a FLASH Clipper came in from the angry granny in Maine, not to be confused with the angry granny in Slidell, Louisiana or the granny that got eaten by the gator in Polk Salad Annie.
[0040072004] Chips this is neat. Agent Lurking-cat has information regarding the CHI (chicago? duh) Connections in WTC. two were from the world trade center LIST. 1) Northern Trust International Banking and 2) AON.. and they're taking the day off tomorrow..we think the Treason kicks off in NYC and DC: advise Fish and Bugle Boy, Ginger C:
nyc air space apparently closed; dunno about phil
ly, white plains or islip -- andy (1
SOX AT GRAND HYATT, 212 883-1234 -- ANDY (4
[005508040] field.. this just looks suspicious. im not sure what it is but is an ARMY case and names the DOD.
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|Initial/Reassigned OnSite Task Notification - Task#: 64265055|US ARMY Case # 62651828 Assigned Task 64265055 c: murnane charles t: murnane charles 410-854-6774 alt: 9800 savage rd fort meade MD 20755 t&m/n
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|OnSite Task Unaccepted After 15 Mins - Task#: 64265055|2nd Notice Assigned Task 64265055
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|Task Reassigned
to a Different Owner - Task#: 64261806|Task 64261806 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE : 62042471 ressigned to MCCLURE, Les: lm87819
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|Case Reassigned to a Different Owner - Case#: 62650156|Case 62650156 reassigned to MCCLURE, Les: lm87819 .
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|Case Reassigned to a Different Owner - Case#: 62651828|Case 62651828 US ARMY reassigned to MCCLURE, Les: lm87819 .
radiance@rad-db.Central.Sun.COM|Task Reassigned to a Different Owner
- Task#: 64265055|Task 64265055 US ARMY ressigned to MCCLURE, Les: lm87819
chris call me on break, tks dave 4107443991
[1875133] this is awesome. the KINGS county EOC was activated at 7:15 am today to monitor national level developments concerning the CA/COL/Vatican terrorist attacks in NYC and D.C. and that the EOC will be coordinating with the kings county sherriffs office and other agencies to review protective measures. any additional info, contact ERIC HOLDEMAN -KC Office Of Emergency Management..
Arif Ghouse
Metrocall [1875133] D ALPHA has notified ACC that All New York Airports are in Ground Stops. No Air Traffic in or out. Also, all airports are in Ground Stops via P-21. SHS
2001-09-11 09:46:24 Metrocall [1875133] D ALPHA Incident Command has been declared by P-21 in the Large Aviation Conference Room. Everything is grounded Civil / Commercial. SHS
2001-09-11 10:16:35 Metrocall [1875133] D ALPHA Aircraft Movement has been restricted on the Air port and the airport is in Low Visibility. Only ticketed passengers will be allowed on the concourses. SHS
King County EOC Activated - The Kin
g County Emergency Operation Center was activated at 7:15 AM today to monitor national level developme
nts concerning the recent multiple terrorist attacks that have occurred in New York and Washington DC. T
he EOC will also be coordinating with King County Sherrif's Office and other agences to review protective measures. For additional Info call Eric Holdeman, Manager, KC Office of Emergency Management at 206-205-8100 or 206-559-5672. SHS
I need 1 Lt. and 5 FF's to report to the fire station for over
time assignment. Please call the on duty captain before responding to the station. I will take the first callers. DAC
I have enough o/t folks at this time. We may need more at some time later today.
I will let you know when I know. Thanks for calling. DAC
lead on McDuff