It's all about those Bullingdon oath-taking ceremonies that Old Malvernians [notable alumni] don't get to attend; ceremonies that would have evolved from pedophile beatings which the late Old Etonian oath taker, Ian Fleming, would have attended, and which would have preceded any oaths of loyalty to HMG.
Some historical background on birching at Eton:
Birching at Eton
A more interesting physical effect of these birchings, however, was that frequently, at the end of the flogging, the victim had an erection. Whether this was caused by sexual arousal, or merely by the physical trauma and flow of blood to the area I don't know. Bearing in mind the shear savagery of the floggings at the school, and that a flogged boy was literally having every square inch of flesh on his buttocks and upper thighs, right up to his anal and perineal region, birched to a raw and bloody pulp, causing involuntary erection is really not surprising.
"Corporal punishment Eton used to be renowned for its use of corporal punishment, generally known as "beating". In the 16th century, Friday was set aside as "flogging day". Beating was phased out in the 1980s, the last recorded caning being administered by then Lower Master Jack Anderson to Sebastian Doggart, in January 1984. Until 1964, offending boys could be summoned to the Head Master or the Lower Master, as appropriate, to receive a birching on the bare posterior, in a semi-public ceremony held in the Library, where there was a special wooden birching block over which the offender was held. John Keate, Head Master from 1809 to 1834, took over at a time when discipline was poor. He restored order by vigorous and frequent use of the birch. He is supposed to have flogged 80 boys publicly on one day. Anthony Chenevix-Trench, Head Master from 1964 to 1970, abolished the birch and replaced it with caning, also applied to the bare posterior, which he administered privately in his office. Chenevix-Trench also abolished corporal punishment administered by senior boys. Previously, House Captains were permitted to cane miscreants over the seat of the trousers. This was a routine occurrence, carried out privately with the boy bending over with his head under the edge of a table. Less common but more severe were the canings administered by Pop (see Eton Society below) in the form of a "Pop-Tanning", in which a large number of hard strokes were inflicted by the President of Pop in the presence of all Pop members. The culprit was summoned to appear in a pair of old trousers, as the caning would cut the cloth to shreds and leave the boy's buttocks bleeding. This was the most severe form of physical punishment at Eton. Chenevix-Trench's successor from 1970, Michael McCrum, retained private corporal punishment by masters, but ended the practice of requiring boys to take their trousers and underwear down when bending over to be caned by the Head Master."Eton boys when they are out on the rugby field traditionally playing with each other:
Eton Wall Game (1921)
Eton had several "flogging blocks", which were piece of furniture upon which the boys were birched. This piece of furniture consisted of a block of wood about 2ft high, in the shape of two steps, the lower one being about 10" from the floor, and the upper one forming the top of the block. When a boy was to be birched, he had to completely remove his trousers and underpants, and mount the block. He did this by kneeling on the lower step, bending forward and resting his belly on the top of the block, and placing his hands flat on the floor on the far side of the block. Once in this position, younger boys would be strapped to hold them firmly in position, with two straps around his calves just below his knees, and another thicker strap around the small of his back, holding his belly firmly against the top of the block, to restrict movement of the boy's bottom during flogging. The knee straps would normally be placed about 18" apart, causing the knees to be spread apart. Older boys were expected to hold this position without being strapped.
The Wall Game - The nobility sit back and relax while the commoners do all the work! The holder of the ball is on his hands and knees with the ball between his knees in a submissive position.
(The wall was erected in 1717)
(The wall was erected in 1717)
Extra points are awarded for knocking a boy off the wall with a wooden shoe known as a "brattling clog."
Once in this position, the boy's bottom was fully exposed, with the buttocks parted, fully exposing his anal cleft, perineal region and scrotum.
Then the flogging would begin. The birches used at Eton were really quite savage instruments. Five feet long (3 feet of handle and 2 feet of "bush")The "bush" end being about12" in diameter. They were well soaked in brine to make the twigs supple and strong before use. The strokes (of which up to five dozen could be given in a single flogging)were delivered with the master's full strength.
With the victim in the position described above, each stroke of the birch would totally cover every square inch of the boy's bottom, with the lower part of the birch lashing the upper thighs and exposed perineal area on virtually every stroke, and stray twigs lashing into the anal cleft between the splayed buttocks. The perineal region is the area between the anus and scrotum, for those who don't know.
At the end of a severe flogging, the whole of the victim's bottom would be a raw and bloody mass of weals, from the small of his back down to his upper thighs, and every bit of flesh in between, including his anal, perineal and scrotal regions. The boy was being flogged "on his bottom", and I must presume that these areas were considered to part of his "bottom" and therefore fair game. Younger boys (say 11 - 14 years-old) invariably wet [And sometimes soiled.] the flogging block at some point during the flogging.
So, there you have it. Birching at Eton as it really was, without the nastier aspects "hushed up" for the sake of decency. [And the even nastier aspects utilized in Ian Flemming's pedophile childhood oath taking]
Tom Brown's canning
Old Etonian oath takers including Ian Fleming, Boris Johnson, David Cameron and George Osborne, and their Bullingdon Club associates, including the late King Edwards' VII and VIII, would have grow up as pedophile victims or predators whose childhood oaths committed them to obey 'Dearest Warmist Leaders' in an 'Age of Stupid'. [produced by Franny Armstrong; she also produced 10:10]
Check out Ian Fleming's M.O. for 'T-Force' which allegedly included inserting DEADFOOT [DEADF007] saboteurs within a target organization such as HMG or, more recently, the EU, to neutralise its response to a T-Force attack by the Stupid Warmist pedophiles.
"Following the success of 30 Assault Unit, it was decided to establish a "Target Force", which became known as T-Force. Fleming sat on the committee that selected the targets for this unit, helping to create what were known as the "Black Books" which were issued to the officers of this unit. The infantry component of T-Force was in part made up of the 5th Battalion of the King's Regiment, which supported the British 2nd Army. It was responsible for securing targets of interest to the British military. These included nuclear laboratories, gas research centres and individual rocket scientists. The unit's most notable coup was during the advance on the German port of Kiel, where it captured the research centre for German rocket engines used for missiles, fighters and high speed U Boats. Ian Fleming was to use elements of this activity in his 1955 James Bond novel Moonraker. The story of T-Force and Fleming's connection to its work remained unknown until it was revealed in Sean Longden's book T-Force, the Race for Nazi War Secrets, 1945, published in 2009".
The signature of Ian Fleming's DEADF007 pedophiles, is all over the transformation of the Met Office into an MoD trading arm, thereby allowing Bullingdon Club oath takers to share in the profits of the Stupid Climate Fraud.
Sit up straight, you miserable little wretch! You turn my stomach. Where is your self-respect?
just shocking, disgusting they knew exactly what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteIn 18th and early 19th century London, there were many brothels dedicated to flagellation, and these establishments (notably that of one Mrs Teresa Berkeley) catered for unfortunate men who, throughout boyhood and adolescence, had had their sexuality corrupted by the countless floggings they had received while at public schools such as Eton, Westminster and Christ's Hospital. The effect of being regularly birched at school, particularly during the years of puberty and adolescence, and in the obscene manner which was customary in schools of the day (and which is so graphically described in this article) so suffused their sexuality that, as adult men, they could not achieve erection other than by having their boyhood floggings re-enacted.
ReplyDeleteIn the late 20th and early 21st centuries there wear and are numerous mistresses and masters who provide corporal punishment up to a judicial level to numerous customers who have never been to public school and were not flogged, caned or even spanked at school. It seems likely that a love of CP by men, and some women if should be said, is an aspect of human sexuality rather than something acquired through school beatings.
ReplyDeleteThe following quote is from a book called ‘Sexual Life in England’ by the prominent psychologist Dr. Iwan Bloch. In the chapter entitled ‘Flagellomania’ he deals in depth with the ‘English Vice’ of administering corporal punishment to the buttocks.
ReplyDelete“The English method of administering the birch acquired ‘refinements’, notably the notorious ‘cut-up’, which involved flagellation of the anoperineal and genital sphere. Cooper (ref. To Wm. Cooper, historian of corporal punishment) writing in 1870, suggested that the ‘cut-up’ was still in use in some schools at that time”.
The ‘cut-up’ was simply a technique of flogging the buttocks using vertical instead of horizontal strokes of the birch, so that on each stroke some of the twigs and buds would ‘cut up’ into the cleft, effectively whipping the anus, perineum and genitals as well as the buttocks.
"Younger boys (say 11 - 14 years-old) invariably wet [and sometimes soiled] the flogging block at some point during the flogging."
ReplyDeleteIndeed they did. I was birched by my housemaster at 12 and, due to a few days constipation, defecated massively during my punishment. Subsequently he made me bend over, face down in my steaming pile, and proceeded to sodomise me repeatedly.
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ReplyDeleteAbsolute rubbish, "birching 'till they bled, soiling the block, boys as young as eleven flogged to a pulp..."
ReplyDeleteAll aimed at the perverted reader looking for a cheap thrill full of fantasy and the product of wild imaginations.
Certainly boys were birched at Eton, Harrow and other such establishments but any of them would have told you that nothing was as painful as the cane and I can tell you from personal experience that six of the best, through trousers, was more than enough for any boy at boarding school, and, no doubt, state school.
But were we beaten until we bled ? Well not knowingly to the headmaster/housemasters who certainly caned to hurt and in consequence left week long sore welts and bruising - it was all part and parcel of school discipline and while it drew a few tears even from the stoutest of boys, it never drew blood as a birching was supposed to - maybe a graze or two from a cross stroke, but that was about the worst you could suffer even from the hardest caner in the school.
If people are going to fantasize about school thrashings on here, then at least make it credible. We were, after all, schoolboys, not criminals !
Six of the best was considered as about all a schoolboy could tolerate and all that he was expected to, but believe me, it was enough, more than enough !
What a very logical reply, thank you for an honest account.
DeleteBirching did not exist at my public school but we were caned bare bottom the younger ones were caned over the knee with a nursery cane very intense !