21 The Missing Link to Glenn Beck’s Crime, Inc.
by John Galt
June 21, 2010
Before I go proverbially “whole hog” into this discussion of what I disclosed this past Friday night, I must first post a disclaimer:
1. I’m dead freaking broke, so if you can create a fictional lawsuit alleging I’m posting fiction about “your company,” well first screw you and second we’ll meet face to face in court because I don’t own enough to justify your lies and insanity, not that it has stopped TPTB in the past.
2. I have nothing to lose by posting information that is readily available on the internet for all to see if they would get off their lazy butts and pay attention.
3. Nothing stated here is a reach. You can pretty much read it and determine that the truth is out there but the MSM is too lazy and/or willing as accomplices to cover up for the corruption we are witnessing.
On Friday night, June 18, 2010 your esteemed BlogTalkRadio.com host and author of this website spoke about a subject apparently forbidden for the mainstream media or the talking trilogy of prime time and the other guy in not so prime time on Fox News could not discuss beyond flowery political platitudes. Glenn Beck, a somewhat famous talk show host who I met many moons ago when he was doing Tampa drive time at WFLA, stumbled upon one of the most important stories of the year which was promptly ignored by the very corporate media he is employed by and the various competitors who have only one agenda somewhat related to keeping their lips attached to President Purple Rain’s tuckus. This host however has no such obligations, interference, nor willingness to succumb to threats or intimidation as after all, when you have nothing else left to lose, you are truly free.
Thus the program on BlogTalkRadio.com which you can download for free and listen to at your convenience or via iTunes under JohnGaltFLA. Mr. Beck begged so many people to help with this project and after only taking two bites of the apple, I now understand why. There is a web of corruption so expansive, so terrifying, it makes the Sopranos look like a cartoon involving Mickey and Minnie, with hand axes and bad intentions mind you.
Thus the following presentation with poorly made graphics, links, and discussion which is NOT, I repeat NOT that of Fox News Channel, Mercury Inc., nor Glenn Beck or his staff unless indicated otherwise.
1. Glenn Beck: Crime Inc.
The link above is direct from Mr. Beck’s home page and as I type at this late hour, the best way to surmise the angle he took is to extract two quotes direct from his home page and the April 30th link above:
On Monday, we gave you a story and explained that you can’t have financial regulation done by the crooks and thieves we currently have in Washington, D.C.Interesting, riveting, but not the hard core total I was looking for initially.
So the question is: Why is it still being pushed? The redistribution of wealth and to enrich the corrupt. We did a little digging and followed the money and the answers tell a familiar story. And before we get going on this, I just want to warn you: If there’s one thing I’m learning about progressives, they really like creating groups. They’ve got tons of them and it seems they just pass the money from one to the next. It’s almost like money laundering. It’s why health care can pass: You don’t know what the hell anyone is talking about and everyone always sounds so happy. Words and names of groups mean nothing. Unfortunately for them, people’s faces still matter. We know them by reputation.Unfortunately for Glenn and without my stepping on to the tracks to catch the Woo-Woo Train, he’s about 40% of the way there with the April 30th commentary.
The “Progressives” have rightfully become the politically correct term for the Marxists pushing a new order agenda parallel to but not 100% in conformity of the prior administration’s vision nor that of the other two leaders dating back to 1988. Unfortunately for the average American citizen, it has become quite obvious that the problems are far expanded though beyond the wing nut leftist extremist Marxist movements [Spawned in the City of London] embedded in our universities and at protest sites around the nation. The new alliance they discovered under the likes of William Ayers, Van Jones, the Harvard and Princeton professorial brain trusts, and of course the various anti-American parasites like George Soros is that by using the principles of the Wisconsin Idea in coordination with the willing accomplices within our corporate hierarchy that the new ‘enlightened’ model of economic and political society could be made palpable for the “masses” to accept and in the end, demand.
With the sudden burst of sunlight Glenn poured on the rats behind the creation of the Chicago Climate Exchange, power grid control mechanisms patented to the housing GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, plus the massive interaction between the radical Marxist movement with several key political and banking entities, it caused something to go “click” in my head and of course decide to see just who the banks and other corporations were tied to just to attempt to marry some of this web together. This past Friday night, I did some of it and thanks to the expose started under Glenn, the logic of their plans started to make sense to this writer.
2. The Chicago Climate Exchange
Now the question has to be asked, if Goldman Sachs, the allegedly largest shareholder in the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States with somewhere around 12-13% control, goes whole hog into sponsoring and establishing the CCX then there is obviously a future profit to be had somewhere or they would not have invested into the project as they have, especially considering the current trading prices for carbon as of Friday 6/18 (Quotes direct from the CCX):
June 18, 2010 | Updated end of day. |
Total Daily Electronic Volume: 50,000 mt CO2 |
CFI 2003 | $0.10 | $0.00 |
CFI 2008 | $0.10 | $0.00 |
CFI 2010 | $0.10 | $0.00 |
To view all listed contracts click here.
At these prices you can buy all the carbon credits you would like but without a mandatory legal requirement to do so, why would you waste your company’s, state’s or personal resources to do so? Thus the desire to rapidly expand the legal requirements for carbon sequestration, credits, and market regulation. This clipping from page two of the Fall 2009 CCX Newsletter demonstrates that more trading houses were jumping into the action and hence the need for the cap and trade package to become law inside the United States:
MF Global and Macquarie are not small players in the international commodity trading world and that means that for some strange reason, the big players are confident they can buy enough legislative support to make this become law. The entire world and the financiers around the world are counting on the Obama administration, Nancey Pelosi, and Harry Reid to pass the law sooner rather than later to complete the foundation established when President Bush enacted the TARP legislation which codified regulatory requirements for carbon sequestration and taxation policies for carbon trading vehicles. The next thing to review is just who are the big players at the CCX and why do they care about enacting this program to essential perform a dual purpose to the Federal Reserve, printing money out of thin air to support a banking cartel with the approval of and profit enhancement of the mercantile class.
From page five of the Fall 2009 CCX Newsletter you begin to understand the importance of seizing control of the discussion and passing the legislation in some form or another:
And for members of the European Climate Exchange here:
For the sake of those too encumbered to click on links (just kidding), here are the two pages from the membership list which caught my attention with those corporations highlighted, even though there are many others that will catch your eye:
Notice that the state of Ohio has an agency dedicated to helping the project as a “Financing Agency” but of even more interest as the thread weaves through this story is that Bank of America, an institution that has received sizable funding from the U.S. Government to survive along with allegedly being forced to acquire several flailing institutions such as Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. The list does not end there however.
The list of Liquidity Providers is most impressive. And disturbing. When you see the tie in shortly you will understand that some of the world’s largest financial institutions are participating in the CCX either directly with trading operations or via financial assistance in various forms.
3. The Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 and Climate Disclosure Standards Board
The thread woven thus far is not enough to sit there and force one to scream “Oh my God” to some but as you begin to understand that the TARP legislation was the foundation for the current cap and trade legislation, you then can analyze why major multi-national corporations are engaging in and actively participating in the ideas supporting the enactment of a cap and trade taxation structure. For example, there is this gem of a letter from Bank of America’s Head of Americas Corporate and Investment Banking, Brian Brille:
AIG Investments (Subsidiary of the US Treasury for all practical purposes)
Bank of America (PD)
CALPERS (The basically bankrupt California Pension system)
Daiwa Asset Management (PD)
Morgan Stanley (PD)
RBS Group (PD)
When you research the documentation available at the links above, you see numerous companies under the Supply Chain Project which includes such notables as Bank of America (again), Boeing, Conagra, Dell, Eaton, Google, H.J. Heinz, Kellogg, Pepsico, Sony, etc. Thus the list of companies that are active participants in these projects are beyond any concept for the average voter yet when you attempt to get your voice heard above the well financed lobbies of all of these companies along with the Global Partners who work also with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board in the UK (Accenture, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, CCX, Microsoft, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, and SAP) it does not take much imagination to figure out that they are manipulating the discussion and lobbying efforts worldwide to insure a profitable return for their investments all on the expense of the consumer. The list above with the “PD” though is the group I find most fascinating and what I term the missing link.
4. The Missing Link to Glenn Beck’s Crime, Inc.
The American people would like to believe that our financial system is established to create economic stability and fulfill the dreams of the economists that the business cycle can be managed without the series of devastating crashes which marred the development of the United States throughout the 19th Century according to their twisted “too big to fail” logic. The missing link which is going to permit the pursuit of a binding cap and trade taxation and carbon trading system though is best displayed with this list from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:
In the list above in section 3 (PD) indicates Primary Dealer.
Let’s not kid ourselves. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States would not participate nor encourage its members to participate in the CCX, CDP, or CDSB if this were some extremist left wingnut operation which would risk return on investment, much less the return of their investment. When you note that the majority of primary dealers are either active participant members of the CCX, CDP, or signatories to the reporting guidelines and principles it does not take much to realize that the entire concept behind “Crime, Inc.” is not to actively engage in some sort of carbon sequestration or anti-global warming agenda. It is to create an alternate inflationary expansion of the monetary supply with a new taxation regime on the citizens of the world, not just the United States and the Federal Reserve wants to insure that their members get their cut of the action. Why else would this many banks and brokers with literally hundreds of billions of dollars in portfolios so actively participate in the development of the guidelines and regulatory framework for trading in what amounts to imaginary hot air credits?
They want once again to print money on the backs of the consumer, to extract from thin air a reason to impose a further extraction of wealth from the average citizen. While I wish not to sound totally defeatist, they have a list of corporations with over $55 trillion in assets and earnings which to fight against the average citizen and this kind of money buys and sells governments like we buy groceries. They have envisioned a world where a regulatory system extracts additional funds from the citizenry and instead of their average paltry 2 to 7% returns via traditional Fed policies, they can double that by creating a false crisis and forcing mandatory participation by every citizen on earth. Thus the Federal Reserve appears to be the key and the missing link, the necessary part of the machine to insure cap and trade becomes reality, either under this President or his successor.
When one looks at the roster of names of the people who own or are CEO's of these companies, one sees well known republicans, not the alleged left wingnuts here states.
ReplyDeleteWhen one looks at the roster of names of the people who own or are CEOs of these companies, one sees well know Republicans, not the alleged left wingnuts here stated.