Sunday, November 24, 2024

Incoming PSYOP: IMF running their climate change scam

Editor's note: The US leadership including the Republicans are all in on the climate change PSYOP too. The IMF con is rather easy to penetrate their veil of bullshit. They use fear like a used car salesman sells a piece of junk to an ignorant buyer. The climate change scam isn't about the climate. It is about putting sustainability on the blockchain with hybrid smart contracts. Maybe we should put the IMF on lockdown? This is about predatory finance in a predator and prey ecosphere and we are the prey that are going to be taken to "net zero." This is not really that too difficult trying to figure out what these people are doing. They have to create supply and demand. Put that in the context of selling fear. Put that in the context of weapon manufacturers. Put that in the context of climate change and trading vapor - regulatory reductions - but allowing excess over the regulated reduction to a company that can't meet the regulatory requirement. That's why standards setters own the world. They set the benchmark. Overages and Underages - tradable commodities. We lose as they get the BBC into the climate change act to scare the shit out of you.

IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns

By Tyler Durden | November 24, 2024

At the height of the covid lockdowns and mandates a massive portion of the global economy was shut down, leading to supply chain instability, huge job losses and a stagflationary crisis. However, climate change propagandists argued that the event was actually a positive for the planet when it was revealed that emissions fell by 5.4%. They asserted that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called "climate lockdowns" - Presenting a plan for scheduled disruptions to global economic activity as a means to slow the effects of climate change.

Globalists also presented climate lockdowns as a kind of collective social punishment in the event that populations refused to cut carbon output on their own. As World Economic Forum "Agenda Contributor" Mariana Mazzucato argued in 2020:

"Under a "climate lockdown," governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.

Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected..."

After a public uproar over the notion of extending pandemic lockdowns into climate lockdowns, the establishment media would go on to "Fact Check" the issue and assert that it was a "conspiracy theory." They lied.

The pandemic lockdowns would eventually be exposed as pointless; a disastrous drain on the global economy that did nothing to prevent the spread of the covid virus. But as we witnessed with most of the restrictions instituted during covid, the goal was never to protect the health of the populace. Rather, the goal was to acclimate the populace to an exponentially increasing list of violations of their basic freedoms.

One organization that has a distinct interest in diminishing economic activity for the sake of preventing global warming is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In a recent 'call for global climate action' the IMF states that restrictions on economic activity and general emissions activity would have to far surpass those enforced during the pandemic in order to get to their stated temperature target of less than 1.5°C.

Open lockdowns of developed nations might not ultimately be the tool that globalists use to reach net zero, but carbon taxation on an oppressive scale could end up having the same effect. Carbon taxes could act like steep interest rate increases commonly used by central banks to slow economic activity during inflation. An indirect economic shut down of this magnitude would be absolutely devastating for western nations in particular, resulting in crippling energy shortages, food shortages, job losses, and eventually total collapse and a population plunge.

Net zero is not possible otherwise.

Please go to Zero Hedge to continue reading.

There was so much bullshit being delivered by UNEP director Erik Solheim that his content had to be fact checked before an interview with him could be released:

Former UNEP director Erik Solheim spews out so much disinformation at COP29 that The New American could not air their interview without fact-checking it

Here is where the climate change hoax began: California of course. It's like a mafia operation. The Climate Change Mafia. You can be in business but you have to give us our cut of the action. Consider the law that established regulatory authority over electric utilities was to "protect consumers and our economy." See any real protection other than a protection racket? And Al Gore is like a local enforcer, or capo.

The Back Door Man


Here is the climate change capo Al Gore scaring the shit out of people telling them the climate ozone is being destroyed back in 1992:

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