Thursday, December 9, 2021

Jacob Rothschild - "Equality" is the End Game

Editor's note: So what does Apple do? Apple dropped $275 billion in China to make the Chinese "all equal." That is why corporations have allegiance to communism. It guarantees their markets as being "economically equal." Streamlines production to the lowest common shitty denominator for greater profits. 


Source: henrymakow

December 8, 2021

Rothschild confirms that Communist China is the model, although, so far, the Chinese are far from economically equal. Humanity is being downsized and homogenized.

"In your efforts to protect your old and failing civilization we are dismantling, we find these means necessary. If people will allow such vaccines to invade their own bodies and their children's in order to comply and to be the same or "equal" to "everyone" else they most certainly will not object to or oppose their wealth, use of resources and life styles being equalized as well."
"Everyone must do the same. In all communist nations we have fostered, it is customary that for "equality" for the desired and planned "leveling" in this new order, in order for people to have the same in their needs and wants, everyone has to be psychologically trained to obey the same commands" 

"The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation - psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental. Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour."

This missive from "Jacob R" was written in reply to this article which appeared at

In it, he confirms that covid is a hoax, but claims it is necessary to re-engineer humanity in order to address the problems we supposedly face.

"We see a future world without enough to go around, and therefore we must learn first to control it and then to share what is there as we deem most advantageous to those whom we choose. That is what power is for."

This is Jacob Rothschild speaking. My reply is, your trillions cannot buy the one thing you lack and want most, LOVE.

If you could experience God, you would want or need nothing else. You could be an incredible Force for Good, loved by billions, instead of a ghoulish parody of megalomania and greed. You can snuff out the human spirit but Truth will never be "outmoded." The only way you can be God is to know Him.

DISCLAIMER- I realize this could be written by a very talented disinfo agent with MI-6 who has been reading my writing and knows exactly how to discredit me. However, I am convinced this is the real JR and will elaborate on why in a upcoming article. My work is based on declaring truth when I see it. I am not afraid to be wrong. This passes my smell test.

Dear Henry,

You are very good at putting your finger on the problem but as you see, this Covid ordeal is a red hot one nurtured by many flames which are global and include the control and regulation of finances, resources, production, consumption, pollution and overpopulation.

None of the people heading up institutions directly or indirectly under the control of my family, including the British Crown, the Vatican, the Masons, and the major oligarchs and corporations of the world care what you think or say.

We control the major finances of the world but also your governments, the major media networks, most jobs on the planet, and even the money in your bank accounts. These are the facts which you cannot change.

The Jewish question is a complicated one, and thanks particularly to the influence and persistence of my family, it is generally no longer considered by very many as the "Jewish problem".

You see Henry you proceed to attack us based on the old and outmoded method of arguing which is with facts and reasons. That is not the way things are done anymore.

People generally like to pretend and generally will believe anything they see most other people believing in or else they simply do what they are led to do by the media and what we want. If someone like you goes against their interests and beliefs, they are likely to discount what you say and completely shut it out of their minds. That is what is happening to you.
If you have moral qualms about people in power misleading the masses, especially misleading and controlling those who have rejected and persecuted your kind, that is your problem and not ours.

If there is a history of mutual exclusion with Christians and other outsiders looking down on your people as some kind of inferior species, or resenting you because of your success which you know full well is based on our tribal solidarity and ability to concentrate and consolidate wealth, power, knowledge and intelligence to dominate so much in the midst of ongoing adversity, then why do you try to reignite the fires of that problem which we in any case are able these days to extinguish as soon as we see a spark? Why do you waste your breath blowing so hard to reignite things with such a wind against you? 

Is it because of your high regard for what you claim is the "truth"?

Your words are uttered in another nation in our realm but are published virtually in my own backyard here in England on this site which purports to have a high regard for the truth, albeit of the outmoded kind and with a relatively small, obscure, and scurrilous following. No one of any importance will listen to you. Yet, I feel obliged that on some special occasions, as with this most recent posting of yours, to try to set you straight.


When one has vast power and wealth, you tend to be in control of a great deal, a control which has to be delegated not only to protect your interests from a constant stream of lying courtiers and usurpers, but also you have to delegate that control in order to maintain and at times, to expand your interests.

Furthermore, you find that in maintaining your control there is a tremendous burden of responsibility placed upon you where you have to make decisions to resolve a never ending array of very difficult problems, such as mentioned above - pollution, competition, exploitation, over population, etc. Jacques Attali is a faithful disciple of our New World Order projects which come down to a global control over many things, with a world government, the means of which unfortunately require those very things your sentiments abhor which is a material levelling for equality and a radical reduction of the population of the world.

Please go to to read more.

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