Friday, December 31, 2021

Raymond Obomsawin Met With RFK Jr - An Interview With RFK Jr

Editor's note: Watch the story closely on the sudden death of Raymond Obomsawin who died shortly after meeting with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Apparently, there is no reason to be suspicious yet but certainly worth watching closely. 

This story was sourced from: RFK, Jr., on Dr. Fauci

Don't Allow Yourselves To Be Lured Into the Target Zone and Ambushed - The Big Knockdown - 44 Reasons to Deduce What Is Happening to Us

Editor's note: Hold your ground. We're not out of this yet. Don't allow yourselves to be lured into the target zone and ambushed as we are seeing more and more people being knocked down by these injections by a global criminal extortion and racketeering syndicate.

"Jacob R"--Expect A More Virulent Omicron Variant to Murder the "Unwanted"

2022: The Year to Slam Covid Into Chips of Plywood - Tribute to Kary Mullis

Editor's note: The following is the republished Forward to the book Inventing the AIDS Virus by Dr. Peter Duesberg. The Forward was written by Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test that has been fraudulently used all around the world to "prove" the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Something Kary Mullis warned against doing. Two years into this Covid global Big Hoax it is now being reported all over that the PCR test is invalid. 



In 1988 I WAS WORKING as a consultant at Specialty Labs in Santa Monica, setting up analytic routines for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). I knew a lot about setting up analytic routines for anything with nucleic acids in it because I had invented the Polymerase Chain Reaction. That's why they had hired me.

Children Are Victims of the Vaccine War

Editor's note: Fauci says, "Jab them anyway." What do children in California say?

California School District Reverses Vaccine Mandate After Thousands Of Children Refused To Comply

Criminal Complaints Filed at the ICC

Editor's note: Observe closely the pirate City of London and what happens there as the commercial warfare pirates seek an "exit strategic" on their global Covid scam pandemic and associated Covid injections. Just the other day, the UK was claiming a "war footing" as the Omicron variant came roaring into the UK. Do people finally see now how dysfunctional and completely out of control these psychopaths are? Good luck Andy, you and your "royal" inbreds will need it. The criminal complaint filed at the ICC also includes Booster Boris. They lose. Here is the beginning of their Covid exit strategy:


Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK Officials Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the ICC
December 31, 2021 | By Covert Geopolitics

Thursday, December 30, 2021

This Is Not an Exaggeration: We Are Approaching a Dark Abyss - Pathological Agents of Mediocrity Running Covid - Utopian Sh*tshows

Editor's note: The circumstances with bureaucrats using Covid to build ultimately power because all objectivity about what is going on has been lost is best understood by reading Fyodor Dostoyevsky's book Notes From the Underground. The story of a bitter bureaucrat who wants to nullify his own bitterness and anger towards the world. You bureaucrats (Covidcrats) running this Covid scam take note: You are approaching a dark abyss. The story is so typical of the utopians sitting in these bureaucracies who have brought about this complete mess concerning Covid. All of this including the WEF and the "Great Reset" were spawned out of the Venus Project more than ten years ago. Another utopian shitshow who's founder was courted by European royalty. 

The present circumstances have come about because of pathologically fanatical bureaucrats who think they can completely eradicate a virus they allege exists. That would be a first since the dawn of history. Read Dostoyevsky. He tells you precisely what is going to happen here. This is what bureaucrats do. It is weaponized pathological mediocrity with the greatest propaganda campaign ever in the history of humanity with this global Covid scam. These pathological liars and very clever bureaucrats are gaslighting the shit out of you to the maximum. How many news article have you seen of political leaders and bureaucrats having parties or meeting in groups with out masks and social distancing? They are doing that on purpose. Then they offer an apology and say "lessons learned." Stop buying into this shit. What is your first reaction to these politicians and bureaucrats? Admit it. You want to kill them right? These elites, bureaucrats and politicians who are largely psychopaths are deliberately breaking Covid lockdown policies to reinforce in your mind the pandemic is real.

American Pravda: AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis

Editor's note: Astonishing of all though, is that Fauci's retirement package from the "federal government" (regulatory capture) is the highest annual federal pension in history coming out to $350,000 a year in retirement. These people like Fauci are corporate pirates and there is no other way to phrase this. Of course, in the land of the blind the one-eyed pirate is king. Fauci says: "You know, we're in a war. It's kind of like we're halfway through World War II, and you decide, well, I think I've had enough of this. I'm walking away. You can't do that. You've got to finish it." War alright. Commercial private corporate warfare. 

Fauci to collect fattest govt retirement package in US history


UK Does a "Hail Mary Pass" on Omicron

Editor's note: What can we conclude about what is happening in the UK with Omicron? Omicron are the vaxxed. Think about how UK media sources will "fix" the numbers by trying to tell us for example, "90 percent of the ICU units are filled" when most hospitals have only 10, 12 maybe 16 ICU beds. As the UK goes on a "war footing" all of this is going on during a regular influenza season and where depending on reports, "25 million British have received a top off jab." No problem. It's like pulling into a gas station to top off your gas tank. Twenty-five million have received a "top off" jab in addition to two previous injections and the UK is going on a "war footing?" 

Source: News Punch

NHS England Setting Up Nightingale 'Surge Hubs' To Deal With Omicron Wave

December 30, 2021 | By Niamh Harris
NHS England has announced that coronavirus "surge hubs" are to be set up at hospitals across the country as the NHS goes on a "war footing" in preparation for a potential wave of Omicron admissions.

Inject, Inject, Inject... - Will the Vaxxed Become Property of XXX Corporation? - Netherlands Going for World Record in Number of Covid Injections

Editor's note: Apparently, the US supreme court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. To date, there are no cases concerning "are vaxxed people transhuman property of XXX and not human", so this one is going to have to be watched closely. 

Source: National File

Netherlands Now Plans up to 6 Jabs for COVID
By Tom Pappert | December 30, 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Covid Injected Are the "Covid Surge" in Massachusetts

Editor's note: What can possibly explain what is going on in Massachusetts with the National Guard called out to "help with a Covid surge" when some Massachusetts counties have up to 76 percent Covid injection rates? There is a "Covid surge" moving into the middle of the influenza season? If we are to accept the official Covid injection statistics from official sources in Massachusetts, "6,235,047 people or 90% of the state has received at least one dose. Overall, 5,134,522 people or 74% of Massachusetts's population has been fully vaccinated." "Covid surge" with 90 percent of the state injected during a normal flu season? Huh?

Source: SHTF Plan


By Mac Slavo | December 29th, 2021


Editor's note: What can explain this drive to technological domination? What happened 200,000 years ago considering the uniqueness of chromosomes #2 and #7? Is technology and this aggressive drive to deploy A.I. and transhumanism (including Covid injections) being built and used to confront what is being reported by NASA as an "alien discovery?" Or is this technology being used to supplant and replace our origin? The only thing we can think of is fascinating...

Kissinger Prompts Us on What It Means To Be Human?

Editor's note: Don't we already know what it means to be human? We need Kissinger to remind us? All systems fail and so will A.I. Artificial intelligence is only as good as its creators and we know presently how malevolent they are. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) using the full potential of A.I.? Remember when Steve Bannon raked Kissinger over the coals even threatening him about his relations with the CCP? For the CCP it is one scam after another. And we're going to trust the globalist's "Frankenstein monster" the CCP as the world's leader in A.I. technology? Are we nuts? Kissinger has it wrong. What we should be asking ourselves instead is, "A.I. will prompt humans to rethink creating this potentially dangerous technology." Kissinger who works for large multinational corporations set up in China to become the world's manufacturer while the industrial base in America is destroyed including agricultural production. That's Kissinger's legacy and now he is telling us what we need to do to be human?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Hemorrhagic Fever Breaks Out in China Related to Covid Symptoms?

Source: Global Times

Multiple unclear transmission chains, hemorrhagic fever highlight necessity of Xi'an lockdown as Winter Olympics approaches

Xi'an punishes 26 people in latest COVID-19 outbreak since reporting imported case from Pakistan

By GT staff reporters | December 23, 2021
Residents line up for nucleic acid test at a testing site in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, Dec. 21, 2021.Photo: Xinhua

New York Converted to a Big Covid Concentration Camp

Editor's note: New York goes from the "Big Apple" to the "Big Injection." It is likely people will continue leaving the blue state of New York as the place is converted into a Covid concentration camp complete with prostitutes for the camp's inmates after they are injected. The rat infested colossal cesspool in New York continues to get worse as an "international center of trade."


NY Mayor's 'Hookers for Needles' Vaccination Plan Exposed

by Jon Rappoport | December 28, 2021

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Elbert Farthing, an in opinion piece for the NY Times (1/2/22), writes: "Exiting NY Mayor Bill de Blasio was about to issue a startling directive in the spring of 2021. Any male between the ages of 18 and 23 who stepped up to receive a COVID vaccine would be rewarded with a prostitute for an evening in a city hotel room."

Are Killer Lymphocytes Activated by Covid Injections the Cause in the Increase of Tuberculosis?


Tuberculosis deaths on the rise again for first time in more than a decade due to COVID, says WHO
In this March 24, 2018 file photo, a tuberculosis patient sits on a bed at a TB hospital in Gauhati, India. - Copyright Anupam Nath/AP

By Julie Gaubert with AFP • Updated: 15/10/2021

Deaths from tuberculosis (TB) have risen again for the first time in more than a decade as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts access to health services, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Regulatory Capture is Killing Us, and We Are Two Steps Away from the Totalitarian Fascist Regulatory States of America

Editor's note: Corporations run from the top by psychopaths ultimately want monopolistic control with communism/fascism/Nazism (Communism & Nazism -- Two Wings of Same Satanic Cult) tyranny and have no allegiance to the idea of a country or respective governments.

Source: Popular Rationalism

From the EPA to the FDA, the massive influence of corporations on the agencies tasked with regulating them has proven to be a deadly experiment in American-Style Fascism.

By James Lyons-Weiler | December 25, 2021

From the EPA to the FDA, the massive influence of corporations on the agencies tasked with regulating them has proven to be a deadly experiment in American-Style Fascism.

Culture Wars - The Left Is Finished

Editor's note: His two biggest hits to date: "Fake Woke" and "Snowflakes". It is cultural revolution time and the woke left, cancel culture, the Biden adminstration and everything the left values is going to get smashed. Enjoy...

CIA Laundering Money Through Inflated Art Prices

Editor's note: The CIA not only launders money through "art", the syndicate also controls the liberal media. A long way off from their original mandate in 1947. It doesn't end there either. The CIA is also involved in Satanic ritual abuse and child sex trafficking

Part 1: CIA's Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Source: Winter Watch

More Modern 'Art' for the Wall of Shame 
Examples of the late Cy Twombly's modernist "art" style.

December 24, 2021 | By Torchy Blane  

DO NOT Put Children on Pfizer's Sacrificial Alter of Profits and Vaccine (Injection) Schedules - Children Used as Pawns Under Liability Shield

Source: Mercola

The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids [Children]


December 26, 2021

The reason our children are being targeted by COVID mandates is because vaccine makers want to get the shots onto the childhood vaccination schedule
• Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries, unless the manufacturer knows about vaccine safety issues and withholds that information
• Products must satisfy four criteria in order to get emergency use authorization: There must be an emergency; a vaccine must be at least 30% to 50% effective; the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product; and there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). Unless all four criteria are met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained
• According to a U.S. federal court decision, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech's Comirnaty are not interchangeable
• Comirnaty is not fully approved and licensed. It's only "ready for approval." Comirnaty is licensed to be manufactured, introduced into state commerce and marketed, but it's not licensed to be given to anyone, and it's not yet available in the United States. They're waiting for it to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule, to get the liability shield

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Covid Variants "Coincidentally" Pick up the Same Names of Islands in Antarctica - Wtf Is Going on in Antarctica?

Editor's note: There are some rather entertaining developments taking place based on reports some of the appointed global masters, or elites, or whatever one wants to refer to them as, made a trip to Antarctica. We republished this news a few weeks back and didn't know what to make of it: Did The Global Elite Meet In Antarctica? Be advised: we cannot confirm one way or another a trip was made to Antarctica by these people. Until proven we think the story is b*llsh#t just as the story was b*llsh#t Klaus Schwab was arrested. How could Schwab be arrested when he was busy building a religious base for his "Great Reset" with the Vatican? Anyway, this is just really weird. By "coincidence," these global masters of earth are alleged to have converged in Antarctica for whatever reason, and the Covid variants conveniently have the same names of islands located in Antarctica. Please review the following information with a boatload of skepticism while considering the following image is a screen shot of Rothschild, Antarctica:
Rothschild, Antarctic

Deep Space Visitors - "Potentially Hazardous" According to Who? - "Rogue Planets?"

Editor's note: Here is some fun stuff. Apparently, Asteroid 2014 YE15 isn't the only thing hurtling towards earth. Do we collectively as a species get our sh*t together before arrival or after arrival? 

NIBIRU: The Comet-Planet Interloper with a Divine Mission - The FINAL SHIFT Fast Approaches

Astronomers spot up to 170 giant rogue planets floating through space

Source: RT News

2022 will start with a bus-sized asteroid approaching Earth

The beginning of 2022 will be marked by a large asteroid approaching the Earth. NASA’s classifications provide a clue on whether we should be worried.

December 25, 2021

According to the US space agency, Asteroid 2014 YE15, first discovered in 2014, will approach Earth at a distance of around 7,400,000km on January 6.

As NASA considers objects larger than 150 meters and which approach Earth within a distance of 7.5 million kilometers to be 'potentially hazardous', the seven-meter-wide – or 'bus-size', as the agency puts it – Asteroid 2014 YE15 is not regarded as a major threat.

WEF Selects Your Leaders - "Young Global Leaders" Likely Have One Thing in Common: Pfizer Injections - Pfizer Hits a Snag in India

Source: The Economic Times

Class of 2021: Deepika Padukone joins the list of WEF's new Young Global Leaders
Deepika Padukone joins a group of Nobel Prize recipients, Pulitzer winners, heads of state and chief executive officers who committed to improving the state of the world.

March 10, 2021

Angling for the White House

Editor's note: It looks as though Hillary Clinton & Co. are in the planning stages to take the White House. It appears Clinton is still angling for the White House in order to apparently "vindicate herself."


Source: Gateway Pundit

Hillary Clinton Met With Kamala Harris In The White House
December 25, 2021

Hillary Clinton just won't go away.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Covid Collapses - Next Best Option: Conflict - NATO Is the Enforcement Arm of European Central Banks

Editor's note: For the central bankers it's an incredibly lucrative business proposition. The suspense is literally killing us. Well, will the central bankers and their private intelligence networks start up a major war in Ukraine? See how it works? NATO's head Jens Stoltenberg wants to become a central banker when he leaves NATO. We certainly wish the best for Stoltenberg in his new capacity as a central banker. Let's hope he doesn't go against the central bankers who use assassination as official bank policy.

NATO's Stoltenberg Seeks to Become Norway Central Bank Governor


Source: SOTN

Fearful Power Elite + Failed Covid Plandemic = Distracting World War 3

December 22, 2021 | by State of the Nation

The New World Order globalist cabal desperately needs a worldwide distraction…

US Military and Covid Injections

Editor's note: The USS Milwaukee's entire crew were Covid injected.


USS Milwaukee Remains in Port as Sailors Test Positive for COVID-19

24 December 2021

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY -- USS Milwaukee (LCS 5), a Freedom variant littoral combat ship, remains in port as some Sailors test positive for COVID-19. The crew is 100% immunized and all COVID-19 positive Sailors are isolated on board and away from other crew members. A portion of those infected have exhibited mild symptoms. The vaccine continues to demonstrate effectiveness against serious illness.

Why Do the Leftists Hate Christmas?

International asymmetric biowarfare correspondent - celebrating Jesus' ideas

Sir Oliver Klosov

There are a lot of reasons the left attack belief systems some they can but because they are inherently cowards they are afraid of approaching.

the Left sees in Christianity its primary ideological and political enemy. And it is right to do so. The only large-scale organized opposition to the Left comes from the traditional Christian community—evangelical Protestants, traditional Catholics, and faithful Mormons—and Orthodox Jews. Leftism is a secular religion, and it deems all other religions immoral and false.

From Karl Marx to Vladimir Lenin to George Soros, the Left has regarded religion in general and Christianity in particular as the "opiate of the masses"—a drug that dulls the masses into accepting their oppressed condition and, thereby, keeps them from engaging in revolution. The Left understands that the more people believe in Christianity (and Judaism), the less chance the Left has to gain power. The Left doesn't concern itself with Islam, because it perceives Islam as an ally in its war against Western civilization, and because leftists do not have the courage to confront Islam. They know that confronting religious Muslims can be fatal, whereas confronting religious Christians entails no risks.

Tools for Going on the Offensive

Germany is a country that is already discussing vaccine mandates complete with fines for all those that refuse the jab. A friend of mine asked me what could be done to avoid the coming vaccine mandates. He pointed out that Federal and state governments are increasing the pressure against those not "vaccinated," with regulations banning the unjabbed from all recreational activities, restaurants, retail outlets, etc. Also, in the coming year, there may well be universal compulsory vaccination and the fear is that only "vaccinated" people will then be able to participate in social life.

There are a number of ways of avoiding the illegal calls to get jabbed.

1. The first method is easy and very effective. Join the international Vaccine Control Group and order cards (available in English and German) for everyone in your family. The family rate is £20 and you can get them from

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Insect-Like Hive Mind

Editor's note: Is this why Covid injections depending on different sources of research related to mRNA Covid injections (planned well before the fake Covid pandemic) have the capacity to alter or change the DNA or genes in an individual? The theory behind this is that it is not the individual as the "driving force behind evolution" (materialistic view) but the gene. What is of benefit to the gene and if the gene can be altered, modified or replaced will this benefit evolution? The only problem is what are we being "evolved" (engineered) into with these injections? This synthetic biology delivered via injections are going to "overwrite genetics." To get there will require a sacrifice: those who are killed or injured after taking the injections. 

More here: Day 6: Technocracy's Necessary Requirements

Informed Consent?

Editor's note: This pharmacist pushing allopathic drugs under control of the medical mafia has no idea what the hell is being injected into people:

The Covid Injection Gauntlet

Editor's note: Be of firm standing because none of this applies to you once you comprehend My Mama. The Bolshevik Nomenklatura operating as front people for large corporations including the pharmaceutical cartels like Pfizer (drops billions into media advertising), Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and a few others prefer communism as apparent in the following content. The lowest common denominator; one size fits all slamming everyone into conformity by controlling the flow of information: How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate 

More here: Latest News for Dec 24, 2021 ---------"Merry Christmas!"

From: Maxine Waters: Rules for Thee but Not For Me

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Idaho Falls to a Communist Coup d'etat Under Cover of Covid Emergency

Source: Technocratic Tyranny

Idaho's Illegitimate Government
By Vicky Davis | December 11, 2021

Idaho no longer has a republican form of government. Our republican government ended when Governor Brad Little issued his Proclamation of a State of Emergency on March 13, 2020 followed by his proclamation of extreme state of emergency on March 25, 2020.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen Tested Resistance to Totalitarianism

Editor's note: This is MEP Cristian Terheș of the Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNȚ-CD) on Ursula von der Leyen's intention to impose mandatory Covid injections in the EU.

Federal Reserve: Failure - 1913 - 2022 (RIP)

Editor's note: The evidence is increasing the end of the Fed's FRN is at hand. The big question now is what will replace the FRNs? For the past 108 years the Federal Reserve system acted as a harvesting machine guaranteeing corruption and eventual collapse. They are not "petro dollars," FRNs are "pedo dollars." 


Source: MSN

Veteran San Francisco Fed Economist Glenn Rudebusch to Depart

By Olivia Rockeman | December 23, 2021

(Bloomberg) -- Glenn Rudebusch, executive vice president and senior policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, will step down next month after a career spanning more than three decades at the U.S. central bank.

Punishment Is Not Enough for Some Democrats

International asymmetric biowarfare correspondent - amazed at the depravity of the left

Sir Oliver Klosov

There are times when an individual is not eligible for being left alive, this is one of them.
This 'thing', this dog fucker, needs to be put down, not left within the gene pool.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

Editor's note: Santa harassed by German police for not wearing a mask at an "unregistered protest" while it's beginning to look a lot like...

Source: National File

SORRY KIDS: Santa Was 'Detained' At 'Unregistered' German COVID Protest
By Tom Pappert | December 23, 2021

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming

Source: Corey's Digs

December 22, 2021 | By Corey's Digs 

In conjunction with "Social Emotional Learning" (SEL), the spiritual education agenda is called the "Collaborative for Spirituality in Education" (CSE). It was established by Steven C. Rockefeller, Sr. to promote the spiritual and moral development of young people in and through the U.S., that is incorporated into PreK-12 independent and public schools to "provide a foundation for a young person’s intellectual, emotional, moral, social, and physical development." They have a National Council on Spirituality in Education and the Awakened Schools Institute which launched in October 2021 that is free to all participants and has a goal of bringing an "awakened school culture" into public and under-resourced schools. Their programs INCLUDE social emotional learning. It is all part and parcel to the obedience training and brainwashing.

Tedros Ghebreyesus at WHO: "Some Countries Are Using Boosters to Kill Children"

Editor's note: Did Tedros Ghebreyesus go back and correct himself after this short clip? The bottom line is the technocrats with big Tech, big Pharma and big Covid behind them will not stop until all children are placed on a continuous path of injections. Injections are how children will be connected to the insect-like hive mind for digital control and surveillance to build out virtual worlds. The Covid injections are not necessary for anyone especially children (see: Pfizer Settled For $75 Million For Using 'Nigerian Children As Human Guinea Pigs'). Why are children being Covid injected when according to the CDC, 99.998% of children will recover form whatever Covid-19 is with no treatment?

Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Craig Kelly Australian MP (Politics, Science and Facts)

This story was taken from: Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Head of Gates-Sponsored WHO: "Some Countries Are Using Boosters to Kill Children" — VIDEO

The Insect (Hive) Mind - Building "Operating Systems" Inside Your Body - It Will End When We Stop Complying

Editor's note: We are not going to mince words here. All of this including the Covid injections are all part of the military and these people are not fucking around. These technocrats through their legions of networked organizations want the entire population injected in order (command and control) plug everyone into these digital systems/infrastructure. All of this has military applications (see MAC-CINATED [INTRA-BODY NANO-NETWORK] (QUINTA COLUMNA/C0R0NA 2 INSPECT)) for all of this technology. The sky is the limit with this technology because you can get people to do whatever you want them to do by building "operating systems" inside the human body. The ONLY way to build this insect-like hive mind is full on medical tyranny

World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox

Source: Truth Based Media
by Dr. Joseph Mercola | December 22, 2021 

• If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
• Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
• The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
• Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium

"Game Changer" Is a Marketing Term - Piracy: Revolving Door Influence-Peddling - Pfizer Scores $5 Billion With the Biden Nomenklatura - Omicron Is the Final Gasp - 3.7 Billion ("Official") Covid Injected and Gates Says: "We Could Be Entering the Worst Part of the Pandemic" - Huh?

Editor's note: Scott Gottlieb here who was at the federally subcontracted FDA and is now sitting on the board of Pfizer, tells us Pfizer's $5 billion score with the Joseph Stolen Bolshevik Nomenklatura sitting in the Washington Politburo with Pfizer's Covid-19 pill (part of a "tool kit") is a "game changer." Pfizer does not want the competing alternative treatments for Covid (however one wants to define what Covid is) including Ivermectin; N-acetylcysteine (NAC); Glutathione; Fennel tea; Star anise tea; Pine needle tea; Neem; St. John's wort; Comfrey leaf; Vitamin C to interfere with Pfizer's corporate piracy. These alternative treatments may help to detox the damaging affects of the spike proteins. Does this make sense: The federal government - ostensibly a "government" - that has been captured by pharmaceutical corporations using the federally subcontracted FDA that is a drug sales corporation to sell drugs to the federal government for the American people? This in addition to the fact this "revolving door influence-peddling" is completely ignored? Did Gottlieb have insider information Covid was on the way? Pfizer is the "dog that didn't bark."
Source: The Vaccine Reaction

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer

by TVR Staff | July 10, 2019 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Make No Mistake About it, They Despise You

Editor's note: The only thing you need to come around to the rapid acknowledgment of is that the political leadership class regardless of the country have absolutely nothing but complete and utter f*cking perfunctory contempt for the lower classes. This class of bureaucrats despises you and it doesn't matter what country you live in whether it be the US, the UK, Ireland, Canada or Germany, they hate you. Was Shakespeare right when he stated: "First, kill all the lawyers?" Perhaps that adage is long overdo for a rewrite? First, kill all the bureaucrats then take pot shots at lawyers. Ezra Pound was correct: "Stop hiring these goddamn bureaucrats." 

"I'm Just Another Soldier Boy Looking for Work" - Geneva: "That's Where the Money Flows" - "Ready for War"

Editor's note: Private corporate mercenaries operating in and around the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine. "Let's go, let's go to Moscow... ." More here:

U.S. Mercenaries Preparing Donbass 'Provocation' — Russian Defense Chief

Pfizer Achieves Global Supremacy - The Only Regulatory Agency Is Pfizer - DO NOT Question Pfizer's Authority - $cience Is What Pfizer $ays it Is - Omicron: Worth $50 Billion - We Need a "Vaccine" to Protect Us From Pfizer

Editor's note: Today's briefing: Pfizer. When Bill Gates says, "Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history and it will soon be in every country in the world", prepare yourselves. From this point forward all global citizens will now be required to seek Pfizer's permission to exist. You will no longer have access to public transportation, shopping, air travel, restaurants, public venues, vacations, raising animals, farming, access to employment, gatherings with your family or friends over the holidays, access to education, food, shelter or having families without Pfizer's Covid injections and a lifetime of boosters. If you offer even the slightest dissent or resistance you will be immediately targeted for a Brazilian takedown. Pfizer's new normal: You have no right to question Pfizer's science. If you doubt for a moment Pfizer's power and world supremacy over governments the following should convince you:

The final battle between the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent

Sir Oliver Klosov
I'm sure you have noticed the increasing number of hate crimes against Christians, especially in Christian nations. Attacks on property, including graffiti and vandalism, burning churches, damaging statuary, to physical assaults and murder of Christians, are increasing.

Then There Is the Question of Biological Weapons Being Built

Source: Great Game India

Is China Building DNA Targeting Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction?

December 17, 2021

Why is it that one of the US DNA-processing firms is set out to share American DNA with the Chinese? The truth is astonishing. Is China building DNA targeting biological weapons of mass destruction?

Monday, December 20, 2021

"F*ck Joe Biden"

Editor's note: This story from: Video: New Yorkers Yell 'F**k Joe Biden' During Live Fox News Broadcast

The Bolshevik Nomenklatura in the Democratic Party syndicate aligned with big corporations are likely preparing to remove Joseph Stolen. Biden being selected as president was all planned to weaken America and to humiliate the country: Democrats Prepare To Dump Joe Biden Now That He's Served His Purpose

The Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs

Editor's note: Let the concept of the borg mentality or the singularity on a global scale sink in for a moment all run by big tech that has captured governments and people who are endlessly glaring into their smart phones for their existence. "Government" today is a euphemism for big tech total digital surveillance corporate neo-feudalism on a global scale. All this is being pounded into existence just as a blacksmith with his steel mallet slams a piece of red hot steel into forged form on his anvil. There can be no "private and public" alliance when governments have been captured by big tech. That is an impossible proposition. The only thing we would like to see are smart phones placed on the anvil and then...

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Turbulent Brains - Ego Overrides Rationality Designing Robotic Creations - The Limits of Unlimited Power - Treating People as Objects

Editor's note: People working in the area of advanced computing, software, A.I. and robotics are designing and engineering their own ultimate elimination. When this thing is rolled out in its final version after being mass produced, one of them will be programmed through Amazon to locate you based on your scent, skin texture, fingerprints, eyes, voice, walk and unique mannerisms. It locates you then after it comes through your front door ripping it off its hinges and up the stairs to your smart city digital metaverse 2nd floor bedroom at 3:00am to either eliminate you or take you away, what are you going to do?

America Is Now in Terminal Descent

Editor's note: Is this for real? This babe actually sells flatulence in a jar. Who are the people buying it? The fart sales were recommended to this woman by some of her fans. The next business upgrade will be selling shit in a jar. This story was picked up from:

Which One Of These Is The Best Example Of The Extreme Degeneracy That Is Currently Sweeping Across America?

Trump accused of 'classic' antisemitism after claiming Israel 'had absolute power over Congress'

Editor's note: If there is "classic" anti-semitism is there "light" anti-semitism? What is really going on here? Is this political stage craft, optics and posturing to make President Trump out as being "anti-semitic" and opposed to Israel to gain a larger voting base in 2024 should his handlers decide to run him as president again? Andrew Feinberg who wrote this, is obviously Jewish and right from the start of his article he takes a swipe at Trump. When you attempt trying to understand what is going on here, none of this is about politics. It is all about power and money. Just remember that. Who cares if Trump said "Israel had absolute power over congress?" This has been known for decades and every time it was brought up it was dismissed as "conspiracy theory."

Source: Yahoo News

By Andrew Feinberg | December 18, 2021

The Pirate City of London Spewing More Nonsense Than Omicron

Editor's note: The pirates who operate out of the City of London are running an advertising and PR campaign for Covid.


Source: News Punch

Mayor Of London Declares 'Major Incident' Due To Omicron Rise

December 19, 2021 | By Niamh Harris
The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has declared a "major incident" due to the rapid spread of the Omicron covid variant in the capital.

Justin Trudeau’s Corporate Canada – The Cowards of Canada – Canada Is Not a Country, It Is a Corporation – Can a Corporation Be Convicted Under the Nuremberg Code of Violations?

Source: Peoples of the Salmon

15th Dec 2021

Grand Jury Declare Bonnie Henry Guilty of Nuremberg Code Violations

Vancouver, BC, December 17, 2021 – On December 12, Peoples of the Salmon (PotS) Grand Jury, of 60 Common de Jure Lawful beings, declared Bonnie Henry "Guilty of Nuremberg Code Violations." The PotS stand as warriors fighting for the lives and freedom of All Canadians since July 21, 2021, when Headsman Popois served PM Justin Trudeau, Dr Teresa Tam, Patty Hajdu and DND's Harjitt Sajjan a Presentment Notice to Cease and Desist. The Government of the Corporation of Canada (registered at Canadian Embassy at 501 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC) was and still is prorogued indefinitely.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Who Is Doing This?

Editor's note: We aren't really too sure just how real this politics is, but a couple of really good questions recently surfaced and the first one is who are these people? The discussions have been solely on why this is all being done with the central banks but now it is time to ask who is doing this? Why does Jerome Powell suddenly decide to put millions of people out of work? Why is Jerome Powell running a private syndicate injecting massive amounts of money (value created out of nothing) into the criminal syndicates on Wall Street who are harvesting America? This while thousands of businesses all across America are shut down on the false pretext of a pandemic? Who is doing this? Central bank warfare: people trading digital assets while their children are under healthcare assault. Wtf? We need to make a decision right now about whether or not we are going to allow this to continue. The anti-Federalists were right over 240 years ago: decentralize whoever is doing this. 

Source: Real Clear Politics

Full Replay: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Briefing Following Open Market Meeting

By Tim Hains | December 15, 2021

23 Million UK UNJABBED, Not 5 Million #FAKEBRITAIN Hugo Talks #lockdown

Source: The Seeker
by tts-admin | Dec 18, 2021 | 3 comments

Refresher Course With Yuri Bezmenov

Editor's note: Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is moving in the right direction attempting to ban CRT from being taught in public schools and in the work place. 


Source: Forbidden Knowledge

NYU Professor: Trans Activism Is Part of Larger Effort to Bring About a "Communist Revolution"

December 16, 20212

CNN: Child Rape Central - This Is the End of Mainstream Media - NBC Gets Hammered in a Defamation Lawsuit

Editor's note: They obviously have some really f*cked up libidos over there at CNN. See what the cosmopolitan city life causes? An intense envy of children who have not been contaminated. Not only is CNN going down but NBC will never recover from this. This lawsuit is going to break NBC:

Nick Sandmann Settles Defamation Suit With NBC for 'Confidential' Sum

Source: News Punch

Another Senior CNN Producer Arrested for Raping Children – Media Blackout

December 18, 2021 | By Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Friday, December 17, 2021

Knock Down Time

Editor's note: It is Covid knock down time as the influenza season starts up. These maniacs are pushing hard to Covid inject infants from 6 months and older.

Operation Omicron: The Globalists are Preparing for Mass Murder in the Weeks Ahead

Source: WND

Columbia study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000

Other estimates of underreporting on CDC's VAERS site much higher

By Art Moore | December 15, 2021
President Joe Biden delivers remarks before receiving a COVID-19 booster shot in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Monday, Sept. 27, 2021, at the White House. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)

Who Were the Anti-Federalists? - The Anti-Federalist Aaron Burr Ends Up Shooting the Federalist Alexander Hamilton - Oligarchs Are Enshrined and Protected by the Constitution - Reevaluating Patriotism: Who Do You Patronize? - Central Banks: Create Value Out of Nothing

Editor's note: The basic premise here with the anti-Federalists was that they knew the central bankers would end up controlling American political life. The anti-Federalists held the view that political society only exists for "cohesion and defense" and not for financial (money power) and central banking interests. The anti-Federalists who opposed the Constitution also opposed oligarchy. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton viewed the oligarchical document the Constitution being designed to protect the wealth and power of that class. What we have today is the rule of money and bankers controlling political life and oligarchy over America. The anti-Federalists "predicted the income tax, the advent of the large mass bureaucracy, a large standing army, judicial activism and the external empire of the United States way back in the late 1700s." We don't want to ridicule those Americans who converged on Washington DC on January 6th in protest as "patriotic Americans" who were clearly ambushed, but the term "founding fathers" ("classic American political amateurism") is completely non-sensical. Above all, the anti-Federalists were opposed to oligarch central banking that creates value out of nothing centered in Washington DC. 

Source: ThoughtCo

By Robert Longley | November 03, 2019

Not all Americans liked the new U.S. Constitution offered to them in 1787. Some, particularly the Anti-Federalists, downright hated it.

The Anti-Federalists were a group of Americans who objected to the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and opposed final ratification of the U.S. Constitution as approved by the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The Anti-Federalists generally preferred a government as formed in 1781 by the Articles of Confederation, which had granted the predominance of power to the state governments.

Setting the Political Stage for War in Ukraine - Weapons Industry: Business As Usual - Neocons Have a Special Place in History for War

Editor's note: Despite all that has transpired over the past two years with this global Covid assault on civilizations and populations the weapons industry is booming:


Source: Ukrinform

U.S. draft budget for 2022 envisages $756M in aid to Ukraine - Kuleba
December 17, 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 1: Introduction

Editor's note: The insect mind.

Source: Corey's Digs

By Corey's Digs | December 16, 2021 | 12 Comments

The magnitude of the agenda being exposed in this report is so astounding, so expansive, and so detrimental to the entire global population, that I feel it is necessary for me to introduce it in first person before rolling out the chapters. Time is of the essence, so it is vital that this information reach all ends of the globe as quickly as possible. This is about a mind control, obedience training, and brainwashing operation that the globalists have been working on for a couple of decades, and began implementing it at full speed in 2016. With the exception of a small number of people touching on a fraction of the overall agenda, they have been rolling out their master plan while distracting us with much smaller battles. This is about the psychological culling of the population to bring everyone into the 2030 Agenda with a one mindset and level of obedience that is tracked, controlled, and being scored, and it's all being disguised as a PreK-12 school "embedded" program that includes the parents' involvement and a lifelong journey of "learning" for all under the new "global citizenship," including adults. Even more disturbing is a second agenda that integrates with this one, based in their version of "spirituality" in an attempt to bring a whole new belief system drenched in dark practices and disguised as love and acceptance of all religions. It's as though the world is being hypnotized.

Massive Cyberattack - Central Banks Bringing Online Their Digital Banking System? - The Startup Nation - Does "Build Back Better" Mean There Is a "Kill Switch?"

Editor's note: In case it was missed there was a massive internet outage lasting only for a short time the other day. Can we conclude this was a test? Is there a kill switch? Are the central banks involved preparing for their new digital banking system? Note that the startup nation Israel with record private equity investments in 2021 is in the middle of this stimulated cyberattack referring to Benjamin Netanyahu's assertion "the real domain of power is cyber."

The Great Reset is a Social Carbon Credit Economy!

Source: Reuters

EXCLUSIVE IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system
Israel financial-cyber officials take part in a simulation of a major cyber attack on the global financial system with 9 other countries, the World Bank and IMF at the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem December 9, 2021 REUTERS/ Ammar Awad

The Conversion of Children to Digital Commodities – Transitioning Children Out of the Natural Organic World Into the Synthetic Digital World – Big Tech and Big Pharma Created Big COVID – "If You Want the Pandemic To End Turn Off Your Smart Phones"

Editor's note: We are in a war of attrition and Americans are worn out from the Covid assault. Human beings are the last commodity in this rapacious central banking warfare model death cult working with big tech and big pharma that created big Covid. The digitization of human existence eliminating the organic is the ultimate slave template as data becomes the new commodity. Many may think this an exaggeration but they do so as an addiction to smart phones. If you do not understand what is transpiring here with this technology related to injections we implore you to go to Wrench in the Gears and saturate yourself in the material presented there to better navigate your circumstances and those of your children. There is absolutely no reason to Covid inject children ("life course for vaccines") including with endless boosters other than to get them digitally compliant. This despite evidence appearing Covid injection efficacy is now negative. Once children are locked into these digital systems they will have no right of self-determination. 

Source: the defender

Digital Surveillance — the Real Motive Behind Push to Vaccinate Kids

"The real purpose behind the historic, unprecedented push to vaccinate the very young, even against diseases like COVID that do not pose a threat to them, is to fold the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system."

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | December 15, 2021

They Are F*cking With You - The Tsunami Called "Influenza" - He Who Slings Variants Loses Ground - Moderna's Chief Medical Officer Is Bat Sh*t Crazy (and Desperate)

Source: RT News

Catching both Delta and Omicron may result in super-mutant virus
© Unsplash / Viktor Forgacs

The combination of the Delta and Omicron Covid variants, which may result from a person contracting both at the same time, could create a new, more dangerous strain, Moderna's chief medical officer Paul Burton has warned.

Multinational Corporations Are Synonymous With Communism - How Do You Like Your Communism? - Time To Build a New Food Paradigm - Survivor Cow: A Message of Hope

Editor's note: The big driver behind the mass migration from the south into America smashing through America's southern border unhindered by the Biden Bolshevik Nomenklatura are two multinational corporations: ADM and ConAgra. Their profits depend on migrant labor. Large multinational corporations like ADM and ConAgra are synonymous with communism. These two malevolent corporations have two goals: monopoly and eugenics. How do we know this? Because the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are involved. If you want to stop mass "illegal" migration into America's southern border stop eating this food. The British are largely behind the UN:

Not surprising, both Vanguard and BlackRock (financialize all of nature) are loaded up on ADM ETFs. ADM and ConAgra need cheap labor from the south to work on their industrial plantations in the US to manufacture seed oils and meal from soybeans, cottonseed, sunflower seeds, canola, peanuts, flaxseed, palm kernel and DAG (Diacylglycerol) oil, as well as corn germ, corn gluten feed pellets, syrup, starch, glucose, dextrose, crystalline dextrose, high fructose corn syrup sweeteners, chocolate, ethanol, and wheat flour. Most of these products are likely to be found on the list of the ten most dangerous foods in the world. All "foods" the human body can do without including GMOs. Call it eugenics through eating ADM and ConAgra processed industrial "food." DIY eugenics. 

INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller's Big Pharma & GMO Agenda

Patrick Hennigsen - 21st Century WIRE Image License: Public Domain INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller's Big Pharma & GMO Agenda

By F. William Engdahl | 13 December 2021
Looking into our circumstances...