Saturday, December 26, 2020

Season's Greetings From the FBI: Nashville Blast

Editor's note: If President Trump is going to clean this mess up he better bring a big broom.


Quite predictably, after the blast in Nashville stopped a Dominion audit, gun-toting white supremacists were blamed.

December 26, 2020

This story is developing, but that appears to be where they are taking it, by using a photo of a "white supremacist" with an AR-15 as a scapegoat. Milk it from both sides. Stop an election audit, and ban guns. That's how the left does it, everything is a BIG FAT LIE to make "double efficiency" possible. Kill two birds with one stone. Stop an audit, and bash gun owners. Those BASTARDS. Story developing, but here's the photo they chose to use.

This can no longer be found because the account has been suspended. They are trying to say this tweet is not legit; however, the fact that it is a photo and not a screen shot proves it's legit: you can put new text into a screenshot fairly easily because the white background is perfectly uniform. You only need to match the font. However, millions of gradients in a photo plus the nyquisting from the pixels on the screen make flawlessly inserting text impossible. This is legit as it gets.

Update: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are now onto this. It is not going away.
The FBI and the rest of the left is SO TRANSPARENT with their bullshit, everyone KNEW "gun nut" is where they'd take this. YES, RIGHT-WING GUN NUTS ARE SO STUPID THAT WHEN THEY FIND OUT WHERE THE VOTING MACHINES ARE THAT ARE GOING TO BE AUDITED SO THEIR COUNTRY WON'T BE STOLEN, THEY GO AND BLOW THE PLACE UP. HELL, THEY EVEN SACRIFICE THEIR NICE MOTOR HOME TO DO IT, WHEN THEY ARE JUST POOR HICKS. Oh yes, the left and FBI had motives which make blaming gun owners laughably stupid.

* Enforce election theft
* Ban guns
* Save the FBI's @ss by preventing a second Trump term
* Make motor homes look like a tool of destruction, so they can be banned too. Everyone knows the left HATES THOSE.


The FBI WAS ON THE SCENE IMMEDIATELY, NOT EVEN SECONDS AFTER THE BLAST, ON CHRISTMAS MORNING, A FEDERAL HOLIDAY, WHICH MEANS THEY DID THIS. They could not possibly have arrived quickly on a federal holiday, let alone instantly. If they did not do this, they'd have taken time to arrive ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. Their INSTANT ARRIVAL on Christmas morning says it all. FBI DESTROYED AN AT&T / NSA FACILITY THAT WAS GOING TO AUDIT VOTING MACHINES. THEY DID IT ON BEHALF OF THE SCAMMING LEFT AND ITS VOTE FRAUD TO MAKE SURE THEIR BUTTS WOULD NOT FRY. And quite predictably, they blamed the American gun owner.

Rumors of this being a "white hat" operation are BULLSHIT.

The FBI entered that facility during all of this and removed the machines. The election audit is probably over.

Yes, the left has elevated election theft to violence, destruction and murder. No one died at the blast site, they played a speaker telling people to stay away but prior to this they have been killing people.

Yeah, they are nice people. They warned everyone to reduce deaths before they destroyed a facility that was going to be used to stop them from genociding millions.

The Nashville mayor was laughing about this bombing on television. He's a Dem. Now we know why.

We have a situation where the people throwing America into communism are committing violence to protect their election steal, while the useless gun owners and others sit and do NOTHING. Sounds like winning! THE LEFT KNOWS VIOLENCE IS THE WAY TO WIN, ALL THE WHILE THEY SCREAM ABOUT HOW BAD IT IS. Nashville just proved that.

Wars are fought for a reason. Because violence works! The good guys had damn well better WAKE T.F. UP.

UPDATE: THE FBI WAS ON SCENE IMMEDIATELY, ENTERED THE BUILDING, AND SEIZED ALL THE MACHINES. So that confirms what this was, and there will be no audit.

Does Nashville Bombing Signal a CIA vs NSA War?

OPERATION GLADIO C: An Act of War in Downtown Nashville

Two days before the RV gets shredded in front of the AT&T building serving as an "NSA communications outpost":

Regular news coverage:


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