Editor's note: You can register for your monthly digital income (it is not currency) at your local post office or nearest Federal Reserve (
Fintech) office. It will be deposited directly into your digital wallet and you will be required to spend it within that month or you will be docked the following month. As the
food supply chain is collapsed (note all the
chicken farms being torched) you will only be allotted a predetermined amount and type of food required for minimum subsistence. Technocratic corporate feudalism is coming through our front door and most are opening the latch on the door willingly. The programming is complete. Keep your face in your smart phone and comply for further instructions. What is your choice: "revolution" or a digitized corporate feudalistic predetermined existence?
It is mass mind control on a global scale because the internet has expanded the technocrat elites rule. Seems most people have a "natural" tendency to reject massive disruptive technological change. Technology is a tool, like money, so just as to be expected it has been weaponized. That's what technocrats do, they weaponize everything. The technocrats based out of the WEF, big tech and the Davos elites (
elite lunatics) with oligarchs behind them, have the occult working for them using what Michael Hoffman refers to as "
twilight language" to initiate the entire population into their digitized existence. Make no mistake about it: we are being