Friday, November 13, 2020

Elite Transnational Fascism

Source: winter oak

November 12, 2020 | by winter oak
We are reposting here this important article by Ullrich Mies from the German-language Rubikon site, in the form of a "raw" translation via Alison Blunt and

Since March 2020, the form of rule that has been systematically unfolding since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989/1990 has been fully in evidence: A transnationally operating oligarchic caste has taken over rule in the Western "democracies"

The mass base of "traditional" fascism was the enthusiastic petty bourgeoisie, incited by propaganda (1). The leader (state) promised the masses salvation from all evils. The leader carried the masses, the masses carried the leader (state) and the latter led them into war and ruin in the interest of (monopoly) capital.

In the course of recent decades, a transnational, well-connected caste has emerged, which no longer conducts its wars only outwardly, but has recognized civil societies as a whole as a threat to its power. Since March 2020, the centers of power have expanded their wars inwards in the name of the corona infection regime.

By transnational "elite" fascism I mean an alliance of transnational capitalist class, transnational power elite (2) with the transnational digital, military, intelligence, science and media complex and the governments as their executive committees. I refer to this conglomerate as the parasites of civil societies, which serve as their "host" bodies.

Their new means of rule is a health dictatorship based on infection regimes that can be activated at any time. Today Covid-19, tomorrow rhinoviruses, the day after tomorrow perhaps malaria or a "biological warfare" attack.
A propagandistic masterpiece unprecedented in the history of mankind
The never-ending "war on terror" has been extended by the "war on infection" since March 2020. This is directed against humanity as a whole.

The "great concern" of the centres of power for "public health" is a propagandistic masterpiece unprecedented in the history of mankind. It is a PSYOP prepared for years, a psychological warfare against civil societies.

After decades of mistakes by the ruling cliques, the legitimacy of Western politics was at zero by the end of 2019. And those who have ruined the planet, humanity, coexistence, inner and outer peace and all positive values of human history, should now be the great saviours of humanity?

How ahistorical, unsuspecting, naive and brainwashed by the media does one have to be to relieve the drivers of globalized catastrophe capitalism and the perpetrators of the disaster that has been wreaked of the great concern for the health of the people?

Emergency state as permanent state

The "mass base" of the centers of power has long since ceased to be the followers of convinced people. Their new followers are the masses of manipulated, lied to and terrorized people in a state of fear and panic. The mass media stupefaction secures the fear-based entourage.

Jeffrey A. Tucker from the American Institute for Economic Research writes about this in his article "When will the Madness end?" 

"I'm a practicing psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety disorders, paranoid delusions, and irrational fear. I've been treating this in individuals as a specialist. It’s hard enough to contain these problems in normal times.

"What’s happening now is a spread of this serious medical condition to the whole population. It can happen with anything but here we see a primal fear of disease turning into mass panic. It seems almost deliberate. It is tragic. Once this starts, it could take years to repair the psychological damage”. (3)
From now on, the state of emergency can be declared a permanent state at any time
In addition, the mask compulsion is intended to practice obedience and subservience, to ensure the "cohesion" of the mask wearers and their submission to supposed authorities, as well as to outlaw the "mask enemies" as "non-solidary endangerers".

Currently, the perpetrators are terrorizing our children in the schools by forcing them to wear masks. This is where the new subject is bred.

The means of domination of the centers of power is the "infection” state of emergency with the exclusion of civil rights.The Merkel clique and their entourage have cold-cleaned the Basic Law. From now on, the state of emergency can be declared a permanent state at any time.

Even "democracy" in its deficient form of party democracy has been suspended by the Covid state of emergency, and the separation of powers has largely collapsed.

Bill Gates and his scientific and political collaborators do not want us to ever return to the pre-Covid 19 state (4).
This is the end of the democracy project and the final takeover by the plutocracy, a silent coup d'état
Democracy as we knew it belongs to the past. Bernd Hamm wrote about this already in 2017: "The neoliberal ideology has helped to reduce state regulations & accumulate wealth at 1 percent. The rich are able to influence a considerable part of state legislation in their favour.

“They and their wealth are advised and protected in their services by hosts of parliamentarians, managers, accountants, lawyers, tax advisors, think tanks, radio stations, film studios, publishers, media, researchers, hacks, lobbyists, bodyguards and other lackeys.

"Private property is the golden calf of capitalism and unregulated capitalism is the bible of the ruling class. They can even mobilize police and military on their behalf. The nation state and its government remain important institutions, but above all, governments must keep the masses under control. This is the end of the democracy project and the final takeover by the plutocracy, a silent coup d'état" (5).

Traditional fascism combined mass support and propaganda with hard-hitting (street) terror and hall battles against its enemies.

By contrast, transnational "elite" fascism is much more subtle and intelligent. As the German variant of transnational "elite" fascism, Merkel clique, the neoliberal party unit and media front, as well as the third-party prostituted science (6), try to push through their position and maintain their power by all means of propaganda, censorship, the dismantling of any opposition and the suppression of "deviators".

Please go to winter oak to read the entire article.

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