Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Since Truman No US President Has Spoken the Truth About Israel

Source: Russian Insider

by Thomas L. Are | April 2, 2019

Israelis demonstrating in Tel Aviv in support of shooting Palestinians

From Truman to Trump, we have never had an American president to speak with integrity when calling for peace in the Middle East.

What was it? Eleven minutes? And Truman was falling all over himself to be the first national president to "recognize" the new state of Israel. Never mind the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who had their homes, freedom and livelihood taken from them by force. Truman celebrated "peace" in Israel.

Even a child will shout, "It's not fair," when forced to accept tranquility without regard to justice. When Donald Trump casually announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, totally ignoring the historic, emotional and religious claims of Jerusalem as their national capital, even children will respond, "It's not fair."

Please go to Russian Insider to read the entire article.

Source:  The Ugly Truth

How Trump Can Help the Chosen People 

April 1, 2019

ed note–Amidst all the words and sentences that appear on a daily basis (and have for generations) dealing with the Palestine/Israel/Jewish/Gentile/Semite/Anti-Semite question, it is this one issue alone–'Chosen-ness'–that does not get the kind of attention that it should, and especially considering the fact that it is the nucleus around which the entire 'Jewish Question' has revolved, rotated and orbited since Pharaoh kicked Abraham and Sarah out of Egypt after it was discovered that ol' Abe lied about Sarah being merely his 'sister'.

As much as various characters, both from within the inner circles of the Jewish community itself as well as Gentile apologists who try to characterize the 'Jewish Question' as a difficult to answer and difficult to diagnose problem, it isn't. The beating heart of Judaic identity, whether it is 'religious', agnostic, secular, or even atheist, is at its core the very simple to understand/answer/diagnose issue of narcissism as evidenced by the tall tale featuring a penniless nomad named Abraham hearing voices in his head saying–

'I will bless those who bless thee and curse (destroy) those who curse thee, and because of thee, all mankind will benefit…'

Now, who comes up with something like this other than a self-absorbed, self-worshiping, self-adoring narcissistic-sociopath, the symptoms and characteristics of said mental/personality disorder being defined thus–

–Lack of empathy. …
–Exaggerated sense of self-importance. …
–Feelings of entitlement. …
–Selfishness in relationships. …
–Enviousness and suspicion of other people's motivations. …
–A need for excessive praise and attention.

Interestingly enough, the statistics of those who suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a very profound-in-its-implications 2%, the exact same ratio percentage that exists between Jew and Gentile worldwide.

Add to this all the violent and irrational lore and teachings that accompany Judaism as a TRIBAL CODE and what you have is the very same recipe for worldwide disaster that is in full bloom right now for all to see and experience.

By Dr. Michael Laitman for Breaking Israel News

At the time when the pro-Israel AIPAC lobby is making headlines, there are other players whose influence is no less important in safeguarding the interests of the Jewish nation: namely, the Evangelicals. How do they impact US foreign policy and what role should Jews play in this context?

The Evangelical population in the US represents approximately one quarter of the American electorate, according to recent studies. Among them, more than 70% approve Trump's presidency, according to yet another significant survey conducted at the end of last year. The import of Trump's actions respecting Israel will not be overlooked by this demographic group, which holds a strong conviction that Israel has a special role to carry out in human history, and must therefore be protected from menace. The move of the US embassy to Jerusalem and the official US recognition of Israeli sovereignty of the Golan Heights enacted by president Trump are certain to be remembered by these Israel supporters for generations to come.

The commitment of the current US administration toward Israel was expressed in a TV interview with Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who "certainly believes" that President Trump may have been sent by God to help save the Jewish people from Iran. The godsend flows in two directions. As is it written, those who support Israel will also receive blessings in return:

"I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:3)

Israel and the Jewish people indeed do have a special task within humanity. As Jewish sages have stated, "love your neighbor as yourself" is the seminal law of the Torah that was received by the Jews at Sinai. They were directed to implement this law firstly among themselves, and then to shine as an example of unity for the rest of the world. It is written about Israel's unique responsibility to stand as a spiritual superpower.

Please go to The Ugly Truth to read the entire article.


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