Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Problem with the Old Testament (Tanakh) – The Torah Is a Recipe for Disaster

Source: Blog of Staś

Why the blind spot on the part of some of the best writers when it comes to the Old Testament?

Bible, E. Michael Jones, Israel, Jewish, Michael A. Hoffman II, February 15, 2019

By Staś

As the readers have observed, this blog has written against the violence of the OT and has done it's best to warn the "gentile world" of pouring so much devotion and energy into the Old Testament part of the Bible known as the Torah. Not a rejection of the teachings of Jesus Christ or the New Testament by any means, but a rejection of the OT which I see as a book exclusively by and for the Jewish people only. A book that has been used to literally take over the Gentile world. A book that teaches it's people that they are the chosen people and that they must conquer all other people to make their god happy.

Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that the LORD your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 16:20

Without question two of the best writers working in the world today that deal with religions topics and have done much to fight the Judaic NWO system are Dr. E. Michael Jones and Michael A. Hoffman II. Few men have done more than they have to wake up the Gentile world to the attacks against them by organized Judaic power. Yet both men are strong defenders of the Old Testament. Mr. Hoffman has warned the Gentiles about the dangers of the Talmud and its endless slick rules used to rule the goy/gentile. Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit is a must read and is one of the best if not the best books written that exposes the hatred of Jesus and of Gentiles. Hoffman has taught that Gentiles are ruled by The Talmud and Kabbalah. I would say that is one hundred percent true. However, don’t the Jews say that both The Talmud and Kabbalah are both inspired by the Torah? The common response is that the Jews are "anti-Biblical", but how can this be? The OT is their book and when they–as evidenced by daily events taking place in the Middle East–conquer and kill, they are following exacting what they are commanded to do per the teachings of the Torah.

Both Hoffman and Jones say the Jews made a mistake when they rejected Jesus as the Savior.


However when one reads their book, The Torah, it makes perfect sense that the Jews rejected and continue to reject Jesus to this day. They were and still are a warrior people. They worship and revere a war god. They want a war Messiah, not a Prince of Peace who warned that those who live by the sword shall die by it as well.

They are their own special characters in their own special book. The god of the Jews, Yahweh, is the god of the Jews and the Jews only.

Perhaps no Catholic in the modern age has done more to warn Catholics and Gentiles in general about the social engineering being done against them by organized Jewry as Dr. E. Michael Jones. The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Its Impact on World History is a must read for all Gentiles. It tells the history of how the Jews, by rejecting Jesus Christ became rebels against the Gentiles and the Christians in particular. He rightly assigns the rejection of Christ as part of Jewish identity. Jones also rightly rejects the racial aspect of the Jews as "the seed of Abraham".

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit tells the long and troubling history of the destruction of the Western World via the poison of moral subversion orchestrated by Jewry through what he refers to as Culture Wars. Again, few if any writers have exposed this better then Dr. Jones.

Both men have given their lives to the service of telling the truth as they know it. All their works must be read. However, no doubt they would both consider criticism of the OT as being an extreme form of heresy.

Please go to Blog of Staś to read the entire article.

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