Sunday, March 17, 2019

Mr. MAGA and the end of Western Civilization

Source: The Saker

March 15, 2019

[This column was written for the Unz Review]

The true birth of the Western Civilization

Folks in the West are taught that their civilization has its roots in ancient Rome and/or ancient Greece. This is more a case of self-aggrandizement than serious historical research. While it is true that the city of Rome was sacked in 410AD, the Christian Roman civilization continued in the East for another 1000 years until 1453. The real roots of what we nowadays call the western civilization are to be traced back to the following time periods:

Most ancient (theoretical) roots: the early Frankish Merovingian Kingdom (481–751) and Carolingian empire (751–843).

Formative roots: the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" (800-1806) which was "Roman" only in name (this term appeared only in the XIIIth century; in French it is called more accurately "Saint-Empire romain germanique" but it really ought to be called the "Germanic Empire", since it was neither "Roman" nor "Holy").

Modern (ideological) roots: Renaissance, French Revolution, WWI, WWII, Cold War.

But in practical terms, we can say that the western civilization emerged from the Middle-Ages (5th-15th centuries) or, even better, from the times of the Crusades (1095-1410). Far from being the heir to the Roman Empire, the AngloZionist Empire is a direct descendant from the Franks and the civilization they built in the West on the ruins of the Christian Roman Empire. When Muslims nowadays speak of "Western Crusaders" they are absolutely spot on. The only difference between the original Crusaders and their modern descendants is that the former at least pretended to be Christians. The latter wear their crass materialism as a badge of honor.

This civilization can be characterized by tremendous intellectual, technological and scientific achievement, arguably the most beautiful music ever composed (especially J.S. Bach) and many other artistic and architectural masterworks. Alas, it also has a darker side: imperialism, racism, genocide, slavery, religious and political persecutions and, of course, two world wars. So that record is checkered, to put it mildly, but it cannot be denied that in spite of its sins and flaws, western civilization also brought the world an immense intellectual legacy which inspired people worldwide. If you ask most western people what they associate with the western civilization they would probably name things like the scientific method, democracy, human rights, civil rights, the separation of powers, equality before the law, etc. People from other civilizations might view the western civilization in a very different way, but we can ignore that for our purposes. But what the so-called "collective West" (aka the AngloZionist Empire) is showing today is the exact opposite of what the West is supposed to stand for. Here are just a few examples:

1. International law: with the US/NATO aggression against the Serbian nation, a major feature of western civilization died: international law. What began then with bombs on Serbian civilians in the Serbian Krajina and Bosnia continues today with the absolutely disgraceful "alignment” of the key western power and the diktat of the Anglosphere, be it on the Skripal false flag, the many chemical false flags in Syria or, most recently, the AngloZionist coup against the legitimate government of Venezuela. The truth is that nobody gives a damn about international law in the AngloZionst Empire's ruling class and that nowadays "might makes right".

2. Human rights: the sad and outrageous truth is that the West is currently backing a (completely illegal) Nazi regime in the Ukraine, a Takfiri regime in the KSA and a Zionist (and openly racist regime) in occupied Palestine. All these regimes are mass violators of human rights and basic norms of civilized behavior. Needless to say, the US does violate a huge number of international norms and conventions in human rights, labor rights, due process, civil rights, etc. And we all know that the infamous Patriot Act was written even before the 9/11 false flag operation.

3. Law of War and Geneva Conventions: same here, the US is gleefully ignoring many of the most sacred provisions of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions either by not ratifying parts of these instruments or by finding ways to circumvent them (think GITMO, Abu Ghraib, Bagram or even the many "black" CIA prisons located in various countries world-wide; think "extraordinary rendition" too, of course). Likewise, the USA totally and unconditionally support the Uber-violator of all imaginable legal obligations: Israel

4. Due process, especially evidentiary rules, have become a farce. Anybody doubting that should look up the following names: "Sami al-Arian", "Sibel Edmonds", "Victor Bout", "Anwar al-Awlaki" or even "Julian Assange". While nominally independent from the other branches of government, it appears that at least the main US courts are fully controlled by the Neocons and their Deep State.

5. Respect for the political process: it is absolutely clear that the Clinton Gang never accepted the election of Trump as POTUS and by rejecting this outcome, or by trying to label Trump as a "Russian agent", the AngloZionist leaders will never accept their defeat. Hillary's famous "basket of deplorables" comment is a perfect illustration of the immense contempt in which the AngloZionists hold the regular people of the USA.

6. Open, competitive, markets. It is pretty clear that the US has no use for open, competitive, markets and that the leaders of the Empire will use any and all methods to avoid an honest competition with the other countries, hence all the endless lists of sanctions, of threats against countries which might dare purchase non-US systems (the entire S-400 vs F-35 issue with Turkey is a perfect example). When we look at western countries, especially the USA, we see what some call "crony capitalism" with absolutely fantastic levels of corruptions, huge mega-corporations in control of entire segments of the economy, exports imposed by sanctions and threat of sanctions rather than competitive advantages, feudal labor laws, a ruthless imperialist/colonial policy of systematically robbing those who dare to live above resources the Empire needs or wants.

7. Respect for alliances and partnerships. The AngloZionist Empire has no allies – only vassal states, puppet regimes and comprador 5th columnists. The US has always treated its so-called "allies" with utter contempt, but until Trump this contempt was hidden behind a thin veneer of diplomatic language. With Trump, even that is long gone.

The list goes on and on, really.

Please go to The Saker to read the entire essay.

Related to the content in the above essay:

…and forgive them their debts

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