Fracking of Mona Blue and Tracking of Mona Bleu
Social Security Number 042-68-4425 Is Assigned to Agent Mona Blue of Moscow
Horses’ Asses Reid, Pelosi and Barry Soetoro, Punahou ‘79
Vogt gets $300K to act wounded; Barry Soetoro gets $billions to act heterosexual
Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton Bush Vote to Kick Barry Soetoro Off the Island Citing His Failures at Race Baiting, Class Baiting and Heterosexuality
“What’s the big deal, only 4 Americans died” said Ugly Duckling Hillary, Holder Marcy and Buster Hymen; Fast and Furious Shitheads
Google This Auchi: Agent Chips + Tom Jones + Wendell + Raghuveer Nayak
The Queen’s three pussies have been thrown under the bus, train, plane and automobile by these items forwarded from Mary Elizabeth Harriman and Jennifer McKinnon, see also Julian Fantino and David Johnston: Hardware (Cisco RV180W Multifunction VPN Router), Methodology of Attack Coordination (SNAP Gap), SBA Funding (Kristine Marcy's DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund) = Marie Collins Johns, GLSEN (entrapment modality) + hybristophiliacs = Rick Moran, JABS actors to crime scene (pre and/or post) Also, in the event you do not surface by 28 April I will have Vogel Law in Fargo serve the complaint in Civil Case 3:13-cv-69. I don’t know if you have ever been to Tyler, Texas but believe you me, Mineral Water is expensive in this locale. Agent Hamish.
Agent Mona Bleu, AD Asset Assigned RAF Menwith Hill On Remote PINE GAP
In the last Chapter Agent Chips had been giving Agent Mona Blue, ( Social Security Number 042-68-4425 ) an enduro involving both ‘side oiler jackhammer’ and ‘slow hand, heat seeker’ to commemorate her 29th birthday and her heterosexual and CEMAW libido which was legendary in Moscow, Plum City and City of London. To keep from embarrassing himself with an early exploculation he mentally reviewed where Amal Hijazi and Nadhmi Auchi ranked on the Arab World’s Leading Philanthropists List shown to Agent Chips by the well stacked infiltrator of RAF Menwith Hill not to be confused with Abel Danger Agents Chips and Tillman, Menwith Wood. He considered random names from a Philadelpia phone book including Nugudy and Rezko, yea, like Tony Rezko who needed Blago to go down in advance of Jesse Jackson Jr’s ‘bag man’ named (redacted). Checking an Indian-English dictionary I find that ‘redacted’ in Mumbai translates into Raghuveer Nayak in Plum City or that cess pool to the south, Chicago. Chips was mentally connecting Leah Zell Wanger, that is WANG and ‘er’ not to be confused with WANG excavating in River Falls, Wisconsin, and considered that though the ACORN relationship between Leah and Wade Rathke is not clear, it is a connection of interest to Patrick Fitzgerald’s Law Office where he was given a cush job after he covered for 9/11 Treason and Eugene Wedoff’s felonious bankrupting of United Airlines in the decade preceding Barry Soetoro’s sequestration strangulation of the few remain U S airlines who are not protected by Abel Danger. As Chips was burying the bone he was considering Chechnya, Dagestan and the BIG DIG DECEPTION solved by googling [ Vogt + Dunning + John Simmons + Crisis Actors + Barry Soetoro + Rincon ] when suddenly Agent Mona Blue of Moscow gushed “Finish me off now, finish me off hard, oh Wendell….]As Chips complied with the mystery Wendell he polished her off with a rimshot at the buzzer just as Hoss turned off the seatbelt sign following Dwarf’s transmission “splash 2”.
Dianne Finejewdickcheesestine Can’t Stand the Kitchen So She Jumped Into (redacted)
Before we begin Chapter 9 consider this: At 1358 local, 25 April, a white Buick Roadmaster Wagon left the Frederickson, Texas area destined for Tarrant County, Texas.
The car will soon be in Wisconsin. It will avoid Illinois. It cannot be stopped. Here is why and if you see the Marine swearing his oath, check the ring on his right hand.
Scripture of Day: Colossians 1:27-28 NKJV
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Gospel Song of Day: He Touched Me
Secular Song of Day: Whenever God Shines His Light On Me (**)
(**) None of the babies in this video were killed and burned by Soetoro/Romney
Radio Show of the Day: Barry Soetoro Treason
4-26-2013 Barry Soetoro Treason
Threat Window of Day: Sent to FAA Huerta and DoJ Holder at 1131/25Apr13 Plum City, WI time
Attenion FAA Huerta and DoJ Holder:
In tomorrow's live show ( https://new.livestream.com/accounts/1990801/events/2054632 ) we will announce the filing of a lawsuit in U S District Court, District of North Dakota. The contingent filing was left with an employee of the State's Attorney Office where on 1 May 2007 I filed Civil Case 3:07-cv-49. The current filing is titled FIELD MCCONNELL Punahou '67 v. BARRY SOETORO Punahou '79 as involves Treason and Felony Wrongful Deaths to include any that occur during pendency of Threat Window 1304.
If any 'exercise' goes live between 1231 EDT today, 25 April, 2013 and 2359/26May13 additional defendants will include Crisis Actors Simmons and Vision Box Rincon and the Canadians who detonated the amateurish devices in Boston.
[ dhs + dmort V + hseep + crisis actors + vision box ] for Sandy Hook
[ vogt + dunning + crisis actors + hseep + boston ] for Boston
[ 23 star fraggers + pat tillman ] for the suppressors of Truth in Tillman Assassination 22 Apr 04
[ crisis actors + vision box + dubie + northern command + sequestration + airlines ] for (redacted)
In 1871 Blatchford detonated/lit the GREAT CHICAGO Fire to distract America from the 13th Amendment.
Later today we will explain the K&J MitM attack on Boston, or you can listen in tomorrow on our live show. 4-26-2013 Barry Soetoro Treason2pm EDT Friday, 26Apr13 For those of you in FAA/DoJ/ALPA expect to see FRAUD UPON THE COURT re: Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) Field McConnell U S Marine Annapolis '71 715 307 8222
Chapter 9, The Superhighway to Hell
In the previous Chapter Agent Mona Blue had been revealed to be an asset of Abel Danger fluent in French who sometimes wore a wire when exposing the francophonie perverts who put Auchi and Rezko into Chicago and who later threw Jesse Jackson Jr. under the bus when Blago was not enough of a sacrifice to protect the Achilles Heel of the Chicago Arab Cabal, The Chicago Tribune. Chips had been in touch with John Chase and others familiar with both the Wade Rathke, Leah Zell Wanger friends who wired a Chicago Trib writer who may, or may not have been, the only wire that sent Pat Marcy to the big house. If anyone wishes to draw a parallel between Pat Marcy and Carl Marcy I think the free world would encourage you to do so. These five names are pivotal: John Chase + Bob Cooley + Nadmi Auchi + Patrick Fitzgerald + Field McConnell. Three of them are ‘good’. All of them know what is in the SEALED WIRE TAPS and also the video tap of Obama at a Saudi retirement party which Sam Zell thought he had control of in the same way GHWB thought Barry Adler Seal had only one videotape of one Clinton and two Bushes on Tamiami Tarmac with lots of cocaine in the Texas governor office official aircraft with tail number N6308F which was hand written on a cocktail napkin from a Jacksonville, FL bar in an airport near the FL ANG when Barry and an F4 pilot from Fargo discussed the hauling of $75M in cocaine from Belize to Jacksonville in 1986.
Field McConnell, F4 66-7478 and the Queer Canuck CF18s He Kicked the Shit Out Of
While Mona Blue did much good work wearing a wire, Agent Chips was very impressed with the quality of her work when she wore nothing at all which brings use back to 1989, Keith Whitley and Sandy Hook. Google [ keith whitley + sandy hook ] if you have balls bigger than mustard seeds, capeche? As Mona was finishing up her Abel Danger PBP ( post boinking protocols ) Chips took an Immediate IM on his Clipper Squirt Gun which he often carries concealed, even in the cesspool ( notice I didn’t say Chicago? ).
USDoJ Considers Christian Patriot Marine a Domestic Terrorist; How Queer
Queen’s Pussy Agent Muddy Waters IMMEDIATE JASPAR to Agents Mona Blue, 80W, Ginger Cookie and Bean Spiller: If any of you MR FSDs see Agent Chips tell him that according to Tomoye, Sidley Austin and DLA Piper Canada’s Justin Trudeau is undermining Glamourboy. Tomoye eavesdropped on Frogface and heard talk of an Indian fellow, Raghuveer Nayak, and the female at NSAWW suggested that the Indian was Jesse Jackson Jr's money man for the purchase of Obama's senate seat. Of course Gerald Fitzpatrick, notice I didn’t say Patrick Fitzgerald, was sent from Mukasey’s South East District Obstruction of Justice Operation in NYC to put the brakes on 9/11 Truth and conceal the payment of $40M to Judge Wedoff in the corrupt bankruptcy ( pardon the redundancy ) of United Airlines with the willing participation of Glenn Tilton and a fellow named Mahood, how appropriate. The feds have their boot on his neck. This appears to be why the SIKH CUDAHY false flag so closely followed the AURORA False Flag we are hearing from some in the Indian community in Chicago not to be confused with the Four Affiliated Tribes in Cannonball ND or the Pima in Phoenix who helped Agent Chips get the Tillman’s Ghost license plate on the wall of the PAT TILLMAN American Legion post just off US51 in Phoenix last Sunday, 21 April 2013. By the way, while there is a Blatchford at Sidley Austin it is not him we are listening to? Have Chips listen in to Umbrellaman’s briefing once the Falcon 7x is outside the 200 mile Lesbo limit around Gulliard’s Fairyland. Muddy, Chicago Trib Oh, and not to sound like Columbo but ONE MORE THING, tell Agent Chips the following 6 names will help harpoon the OCTOPUS in Northern Command’s Operation AMALGAM HAIRSPRAY: [ Sunil Tripathi + tfyrfy + Jesse Jackson Jr. + Raghuyeer Navak + Michael Lynch + Judge Eugene Wedoff ]
Nayak's in the federal frying pan. But where's Jesse Jackson Jr.?
Chips and Mona Blue were back in their lounging attire and were set to repair forward for a cock, I say again, cocktail when an Immediate from Atomic Betty arrived on Mona Blue Clipper Feather Duster. Chips opened the CRF door and allowed the lady to pass forward where Marquis d’Cartier was assembling all Abel Danger French speaking interlopers for a prebriefing in French prior to Umbrellaman’s 200 mile limit briefing.
Marquis noticed that Mona changed name tags to Mona Bleu and he tapped on his Riesling glass twice to acknowledge the French wire. As Marquis and Mona conversed in French, Agent Chips accepted the 32 ounce CSM offered by MdC and mentally google the solution to 5 important False Flags that had occurred since he retired ( it appears ) from federal service to enhance cyber security of the Republic, for which he stands. But not in the way that Tom Jones has Wendell standing.
Sandy Hook [ dhs + dmort V + hseep + crisis actors + vision box + holder ]
Boston [ vogt + dunning + crisis actors + hseep + boston ] ** Vogt lost his legs in Kandahar Nov 11 not Boston Apr 13
Tillman [ 23 star fraggers + Pat Tillman ]
9/11 [ Strangler's Suite + Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) + Field McConnell ]
Treason [ mccain + treason + pawlenty + mcconnell ]
As the French speakers were engaged he wondered if John ‘wetstart’ McCain ever tired of lying about being at the bottom of his Class of ’58 when actually he had9 or 13 guys even less impressive behind him. Being from both Annapolis ’71 and Punahou ’79 he realized that God, Himself, had had to accomplish that for this epic battle of Good vs. Evil which Barry Soetoro, Wetstart, Whale Vagina, and Sasquatch were losing due to cowardice of Simmons and Rincon, not to mention their emails to fieldmcc@yahoo.com
Chips notice that Mona Bleu’s circuit breakers were popped and thought it must be the cold air in the aircraft but stood corrected, like the erect primate he was, when she passed him a brief note on a cocktail napkin from the Embassy Suites at 4415 East Paradise Park Boulevard in Phoenix where 34,000 runners would safely complete the 4.2 mile run if the handguns, concealed or open carry, were enough to let Crisis Actors John Simmons and Vision Box’s Rincon know they could pull off a Sandy Hook, Boston, Los Angeles, Moscow Idaho or Assumption Parish False Flag in Arizona. He wondered if Mark Kelly realized that Agent Chips had offered Diamond Back Gun Supply more money for the M400 Sig Sauer that ‘sissy boy’ wanted to impress Piers Morgan with. He took another strong pull on his CSM as an incoming FLASH FESTUS from Hamish in Tyler, Texas came into his Clipper Squirt Gun.
Queen’s Pussy Agent Hamish FLASH FESTUS to Agent Chips, 80W, Grapevine and Doctor Stained Glove, copy all Dangerettes enroute to Lone Star State: Chips, I am still in Tyler, Texas talking to the TV19 KYTX station that aired the F4 Parade of 14, January, 2012. It appears Steve Stockwood, Ted Cruz and other Constitutional Patriots in Texas wish to be briefed by you regarding Fusion Centers when you go to Canton to speak on Memorial assuming the ZOMBIE FUSION INFUSION does not occur in Idaho or Nevada on 27 April, 2013. . The Fusion Center in Idaho is running the exercise which Mona has discussed in enormous painstaking detail. These Fusion centers to control transportation and all data are being brought into existence by Executive Orders. It is commerce by privateers and pirates. Your friends Danny Casolaro and Chic Burlingame need you to expose Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79. Remember what Skinner from Chicago said in the wiretap between Blago and Gerald Fitzpatrick; Fusion Centers - Finding the "Octopus" - Data Collection and Data Sharing Repository - Information Superhighway - All Accomplished Under Executive Orders - Smoke Blowing on Privacy and Civil Liberties - "Intelligence" Systems For Controlling People. It appears the small business crime [ Kristine Marcy SBA 8(A) ] and the BIG BUSINESS of terrorism can be linked to IBM’s Octopus and Serco, connected through Sidley Austin according to Blatchford-Skinner wires. The transportation system as envisioned by Serco and “tfyrfy’, see also Sunil Tripathi + tfyrfy + Jesse Jackson Jr. + Raghuyeer Navak + Michael Lynch + Judge Eugene Wedoff needed a new workforce as well as crooked university [ U. Chicago, Georgetown, Princeton ] grad students for the R&D of the emerging technologies that your spooks K&J, Karla and Justin (?) have backdoor since Inslaw lost Promis. The SBA University Corruption link has some characters like Kristine Marcy, Patrick Fitzgerald, Auchi, Leah Zeal Wanger, Skinners (plural) and ( redacted ) of the Chicago Tribune. More later, the Mineral Water is going to my head and I just can’t get it out of my head. Alexandre Padilla has stated "I think the underground economy is quite big in the U.S.," and he is not referring to the arms caches near Maiden Rock, Wisconsin, Sequin, Texas and Goodyear, Arizona that you’ve recently topped off. Hamish
Chips noticed that Mona Bleu was not very lady like as she crossed her legs giving him a clear view to something that reminded him of Willy Nelson’s beard. He began to feel clammy as Marquis d’Cartier handed him a single 8 x 11 sheet of typing paper in salmon with some French crap written in Fuschia which Chips was well aware of as evidenced by the color of his stone on his Annapolis ring and the Fuchsia Limo. Chips always fought fair and wanted ‘them’ to know that Chips knew that Leonhart Fuchs had created the color in 1892 the same year the Geddes, Blatchford, Rockefeller and McCormick pricks had gathered in Omaha to write the BANKER’S MANIFESTO OF 1892 which, when reported by Congressman Charles Lindberg of Minnesota resulted in the Spirit of St. Louis’s pilot to have his soon kidnapped and killed for pissing on the Cabal that lit the Chicago Fire in 1871 to distract America from the Corporation of the United States of America and the 13th Amendment much in the same way that Admiral George S. Morrison’s complaints regarding the U S S Bonhomme Richard’s dishonesty in the GULF ON TONKIN False Flag got Morrison’s son, Jim Morrison ( The Doors ) killed at age 27 but not before he wrote a tribute to Abel Danger, Riders on the Storm, capeche?
Jim’s father and Chips’ father worked together at Marine Camp H. M. Smith in school year 66-67 when Chips was a senior at Punahou and Barry Soetoro had a transvestite nanny named Turdi while studying in Indonesia registered as a Muslim before he went to Punahou where he was considered a Muslim from Indonesia before he went to Occidental College on a Fulbright ( half-bright? ) scholarship registered as an Indonesian Muslim before have Henry Bienen and Newton Minow converting him into an absentee student at Harvard and Columbia while David Johnston now the Queen’s Pussy in Canada had him in Quetta, Pakistan playing drop the soap with Tim Osman.
Of course Tim Osman was Osama Bin Laden and Barry Soetoro was morphed into Barak Hussein Obama until on 1 May, 2011 in a fit of hybristophiliac rage Obama killed Osama causing Tim Osman to die a third death. If the ‘invasion of Zombies’ penciled in for this weekend for Moscow, Idaho and Wendover, Nevada takes place remember, it’s that time of the season, capeche? As Mona Blue crossed her legs again, Chips understood it was her time of the season also.
Mona Bleu Assigned FCT in Pastel Fuchsia In Operation MOSCOW ZOMBIE
Chips, Marquis and Mona Blue heard the three dings from the cock, I say again cockpit where upon a jovial looking Agent Hoss came out, not like Obama might come out of the closet, but out of the cock, I say again, cockpit. Suddenly Chips realize Mona Blue was signaling she’d like to play pilot and get a little stick time. Of course Agent Chips once flew F16 926 at Fargo which Al Vasicek crewed and the picture of Teddy Roosevelt always reminded Chips to walk slowly and carry a big stick. Mona knew it got even bigger when is was, dare I say fondled? I dare, I do, there’s no one like you. Hoss handed Chips a message that had just come across the ACARS printer via some chicken shit Thales hardware. It was from Agent Vani of the Mahwah-Paramus Office in New Jersey but on assignment at Sidley Austin trying to sniff out who Skinner knew that wanted Blatchford to be exposed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 that made McCormicks richer and Geddes so rich he could someday have a Bullingdon Dolt marry an Astor with a very small forehead but a penchant for Tricky Dicks and Massive Attacks according to the Skinner who pointed out Sandor’s relationship to Chicago Climate Exchange and Isle of Man Banking, capeche? Chips read Vani’s message one more time aloud to Mona so they could consider the core message. As Chips read, Agent Hoss said that Umbrellaman would be briefing Operation MOSCOW ZOMBIE within the next 15 minutes. Hoss signaled Marquis d’Cartier that he’d like another Grape Nehi as Mona Blue crossed her legs a third time indicating she’d like something knee high and a pair of grapes or grapefruit sized nuts to go with it. Chips detected a faint hint of clover and he saw a glistening of some Skene’s gland liquid, and he liked that. Chips took one last quick peek at Willy Nelson’s beard before reading aloud to Mona Blue.
“Chips, Skinner told me that the Blatchford Bunch have lost situational awareness concerning the three Pelindaba Pickles and the Missing Minot Nuke. Further, no one at Sidley Austin, DLA Piper or MacDill AFB understand these three addresses: 105-D Shawnee Road, Minot AFB, 142 E Street, Ramey AFB, or 12 Garden Drive, MacDill AFB. The 2107 Venus Road in Bossier City, Louisiana and 6 Wellesley Circle in South Hadley, Massachusetts come up clean also. I think those 5 addresses have confused Sidley Austin and Eric Holder but not Bob Cooley who wore a wire to take down Pat Marcy in Chicago. James O’Keefe, Wade Rathke, Leah Zell Wanger were also names mentioned when Jamie Gorelick, Colby and Patrick Fitzgerald were considered to replace Louis Freeh the week before 9/11 which resulted in the crooked Princeton Marine taking over the week after 9/11 to help Smolich, Bienen, Sandor, Skinners and Marcys remain alive. Sam Zell indicates that a Greg Craig earned his way in by being Obama’s White House mouth piece in a classic Chicago PAY TO PLAY VFM. David Axlerod is linked to Blago and Auchi, according to Skinner. Sandor helped Chicago Tribune clear obstacles to Obama’s first run and for that they were given control of Los Angeles times for ‘no cash’ in a crooked Chicago bank transaction, pardon the redundancy. Haven’t heard from Michael Lynch lately so it seems Eugene Wedoff’s humps have quieted him down. Umbrellman is coming on in about 7 minutes, need to prepare the chat log and feed the horse, capeche? Vani, Pastel Teaberry. Would love some cream sauce for my penne pasta.”
Agent Mona Blue asked Marquis d’Cartier to please record the Umbrellaman briefing as she had a headache and needed to repair to the after CRF as the jet was set to cross the international dateline within the half hour. She handed Chips a Ziploc bag with three Rodney Baldinger NDSU Extend-o-peters, an 18 ounce can of Chicken of the Sea Smoked Oysters and a brief message on a 3 x 5 index card, in salmon, with the few words written in Fuchsia.
“Eat your goodies, then mine. Remember not to be a dog without a bone. MI-99%. Mona”
Chips realized she, like him, love lyrics. Especially lyrics that scare the shit out of Bernadette Dohrnstein and the shithead named Bill who stomps on the flag of the United States of America not to mention the Zell, party of deux. Chips realized that if they were within 15 minutes of the International Date Line what the lady wanted was expressed in another masterpiece by Morrison not to be confused with a masterbait by Barry Soetoro or Stephen Harper, Pussies One and Two of the Pussy Posse going down before the Goosestepping Geriatric married to the flatulent and flaccid Prince Phartingham, resident kraut who once confided in Prince Charles that Nigger Head Oysters produced methane that was a turn-on for tampon riders like Camilla the Pungent. He knew he better not keeping Mona Blue waiting or she might drive herself to madness with a silver spoon, or a steely dan.
McConnell Punahou ’67 v. Soetoro Punahou ’79, Operation SMOKED OYSTERS
Natalya Tupelov, Ukrainian Dangerette Operation SUKHOI BUFFETT
“Marquis, just got an IM from Hamish in Tyler, Texas. He was looking for Agent Aunt Maudie’s phone number so he could call an express sympathy in the passing of Cherokee Comedian Jonathan Winters. I will be in the Aft CRF communicating with Hamish, please ensure that the Umbrellaman Briefing is recorded. I see we are approaching the International Dateline. Will be back for another CSM on the otherside of the line, that is, yesterday. Later.” As Chips headed back to the CRF he thought of how Agent Natalya Tupelov’s melons were so full that one could almost see them throught her black satin dress which looked good on her or better on the lampshade not to suggest that Tomatoes are derived from the nightshade plants.
He quietly let himself into the CRF where he assumed Agent Mona Blue would turn Bleu at the International Dateline and which to ‘switch’ from SAUCY SPOONS to Thighmaster which is not a Cessna aircraft flown by a lisping aviator.

Chips slipped into the CRF where a pair of small hands halfmasted his lounging attire and after placing them on the night light, removed his Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster Full Combat Thong in Pastel Manly Mocha, with EHP. She apologized that she needed to read him an incoming IMMEDIATE JASPAR she had received from Atomic Betty who had been cavorting in the cargo hold with Agent Tillman. Chips sensed her MI was profuse so he patiently listened knowing he get some hay for his donkey soon, not to be confused with the three Donkeys that presented a horses’ ass for a candidate in 2008 and 2012.
Horses’ Asses Reid, Pelosi and Barry Soetoro, Punahou ‘79
“Chips, Atomic Betty suggest that Glamourboy and Justin Trudeau are weighing the risks of terrorism, weighing the words of an old controversy, and wading through the questions on a federal form as the two Queer Canucks wonder which will be favored by the flabby queen who is very upset that Piers Morgan is not helping expose the Murdochs. Our listeners share their thoughts on some of the stories of the week. Atomic Betty mentioned a Muslim community leader who was surprised at his own connection to the family of one of the men arrested, falsely or otherwise, this week by the RCMP but not by RCMP Dick Bent of Vancouver or that special friend of Chainsaw Laureen, who, like Laureen, is very broad across the beam. Atomic Betty wishes to debrief you regarding Muhammad Robert Heft, or as he is known in gay bath houses in Chicago, Montreal and Gatineau Muhammad Bobby. He is the de-radicalization counselor who reads from a script like Barry Soetoro and reminds Atomic Betty of another alleged convert to Islam the media highlight following arrest of the so-called Toronto 18. She goes on to say that since 2005 he is the President of the P4E Support Group Inc. This is a non-profit organization that provides support to new Muslims and has been running since its existence. One of its main goals is to educate people on true Islam and challenge the negative propaganda spread by the media like the BS MSM fairytale regarding 9/11 and boxcutting Muslims when, as Leonard Cohen opines, ‘everybody knows’ it was Hillary and Kristine with the Chicago Machine, capeche? In 2007 Mr. Heft was made a representative for the Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Est. for all of Canada, and he holds this position even today even though, when challenged, he cannot remember all the words or pronounce them correctly. In 2008 he started the Stop Terrorism cause, which is a global and online cause with over 20,000 members thus far, and growing however until they identify the terrorists [ Whale Vagina, Sasquatch, Gorilliwoman, Queen Hornet, Nanny Piloti ] they may as well work for Jack Hoff in Naples, Florida where they can get paid to be master baiters.”
“In 2009 Heft formally started working with “youth at risk” and designed a 3-step de-radicalization program for Muslim Canadians. Through this program he has helped many youth who have turned towards radicalization and brought them away from that destructive state. Judge Dawson court approved Mr. Heft in 2010 as a de-radicalization counsellor in for Steven Chand, one of the “Toronto 18” after it was rumored that Steven was carrying Muhammad-Bobby’s love child. Heft continues to support government agencies on efforts of de-radicalization and is also supported by former MPs of the federal government, Mr. Derek Lee and Mr. Dan McTeague. Lastly, it is understood that Heft Muhammad installs the crème fillings in Tim Horton’s Crème filled ding dongs that are to die for.”
“Lastly our Agent Vani has shared with Atomic Betty the information regarding the Cyber Security and Forensics Conference and Expo that occurred last week in Wheaton, Illinois where 40 or more speakers, 200 or more professionals discussed Hacking, Malware and Cosmopolitan Sex Positions at the Illinois Institute of Technology. The only thing worth further study, according to both Atomic Betty and Vani is the segment called “An Anatomy of a Network Intrusion and Incident Response - KPMG LLP - Tanmay Patani and Jay Jewitt”. Agent Vani listened to a conversation between Patrick Fitzgerald and his handler at the Chicago Tribune that suggest one of the two, Patani or Jewitt, is the missing link code named “tfyrfy” in the google pairing [ Sunil Tripathi + tfyrfy + Jesse Jackson Jr. + Raghuyeer Navak + Michael Lynch + Judge Eugene Wedoff ] When Jamie Gorelick and Patrick Fitzgerald were passed over for FBI Director they appear to have been working with ‘tfyrfy’ to expand Chicago Tribune control over both the half-White house and the homosexual playground known as 24 Sussex. If you’d like to see the video we can watch it now, your call.”
“Mona, rather than watch a video, let’s finish our cock, I say again, cocktails and then why do you pretend your are Stephen Harper and I will pretend I am Ray Novak while Laureen is out with the broads searching for Hoary Marmots while dressed like hairy varmints not to conjure up visions of Sasquatch or to suggest that Laureen Harper’s first victim Neil Fenton was known as ‘seahorse’ by Maurice Baril. However do you feel about that?”
“I’d say let’s leave the intel work to Umbrellaman and Hamish while I set my Clipper Featherduster to a song that Jim Morrison wrote to inspire Glamourboy to work his way up the ladder of success prior to Justin Trudeau’s sister Frogface’s arranged to have the ladder kicked out from under the plump butt pirate by an Italian at the Chicago Tribune. I will play two songs, one for today on this side of the dateline followed by a longer one for yesterday, one the otherside of the dateline. Are you up for it?”
As the purple tipped red champion entered from an unobserved position astern of Agent Mona Blue, she had her answer as a TI of 113% met an MI of ‘splendid’ as Mona was sudsing like a MayTag. What seemed like hours later the sound of Agent Hoss announcing they were crossing the International Dateline Agent Mona Blue realized she was engaged with a giant king snake who typically rule his den. To show him who was boss she called ‘switch, Frisky Floorshow, pile driving, jackhammer’ as she selected C6 and C2+40 on her Clipper device.

Chips saw her select a new song and he was guessing it was ‘Stairway to Heaven’ but he wasn’t even close. As he saddled up as commanded, he thought forward to Operation HAIRSPRAY and promised himself that he would get fooled again as he was dishing out as much as he thought a 29 year old never having born a child could bear, comfortably. As the music started and Agent Hoss was giving arrival weather for Killeen, Texas, he got in time with the music, as did Mona Blue, and they both missed a Priority Clipper from Hamish in Tyler, Texas who had just solved the K&J MitM attacks that have confused CIA, FBI, CSIS, DoJ and MI6, but not Abel Danger. He thought back to Corsicana, Texas and 1975 when he and his Texas Tornado had gone to a concert after determining that leeches weren’t the only things that suck in Texas, capeche? As the bone was buried Chips thought about the old Constitution, and the upcoming revolution and he wondered if Piers Morgan and Dianne Finejewdickcheesestine knew they were numbers 3 and 7 on the ‘upcoming events’ schedule.
#1490 Marine links Homolka lesbian pig-farm JABS to CAI Cold Squad Boston bombs
Plum City – (AbelDanger.net). United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Nortel’s development of a Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) for Karla Homolka’s lesbian guests at Pickton pig-farm raves in B.C., to the 50+ Special Investors in the CAI Private Equity Group who allegedly hired BCE/CTV-affiliated Cold Squad crews to stage the bombing of the Boston Marathon and the subsequent spin.
McConnell claims that Homolka ran her pig-farm JABS service for international lesbian guests while she was incarcerated at Kingston's Prison For Women, and the Joliette Institution (a medium security prison in Joliette, Quebec, 80 km northeast of Montreal), a facility called "Club Fed" by its critics.
McConnell believes that Homolka’s lesbian guests who booked into the pig farm, included Janet Reno, Mary Elizabeth Harriman, Bernardine Dohrn, Lena Trudeau and his sister Kristine Marcy, and he opines laconically, that these women will prove to have classic symptoms of hybristophilia, being sexually aroused by their partner's violent sexual behavior.
Prequel 1:
Prequel 2:
Karla (2006) - The Movie Trailer
Financed by CAI
“Nortel Government Solutions, in collaboration with the Department of Justice (DOJ), built the Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) — a centralized system for automating the collection of fingerprint, photographic and biographic data, submitting this data to the FBI, and sharing it with participating law enforcement agencies nationwide.”
“Karla Leanne Homolka, also known as Karla Leanne Teale and Leanne Bordelais (born 4 May 1970 in Port Credit, Ontario, Canada), is a convicted Canadian serial killer. She attracted worldwide media attention when she was convicted of manslaughter following a plea bargain in the 1991 and 1992 rape-murders of two Ontario teenage girls, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French, as well as the rape and death of her sister Tammy.
Homolka and Paul Bernardo, her husband and partner in crime, were arrested in 1993. In 1995, Bernardo was convicted of the two teenagers' murders and received life in prison and a dangerous offender designation, the full maximum sentence allowed in Canada. During the 1993 investigation, Homolka stated to investigators that Bernardo had abused her, and that she had been an unwilling accomplice to the murders. As a result, she struck a deal with prosecutors for a reduced prison sentence of 12 years in exchange for a guilty plea for manslaughter.
However, videotapes of the crimes were later found that demonstrated that she was a more active participant than she had claimed. As a result, the deal that she had struck with prosecutors was dubbed in the Canadian press the "Deal with the Devil". Public outrage about Homolka's plea deal continued until her high-profile release from prison in 2005. Following her release from prison, she settled in the province of Quebec, where she married and gave birth to a boy. In 2007, the Canadian press reported that she had left Canada for the Antilles with her husband and their baby, and had changed her name to Leanne Teale. In 2012, journalist Paula Todd found Homolka living in Guadeloupe, under the name Leanne Bordelais, with her husband and their three children.
After her 1995 testimony against Bernardo, when Homolka returned to Kingston's Prison For Women, her mother started to suffer annual breakdowns between Thanksgiving and Chris tmas. The collapses were severe enough that she was hospitalized, sometimes for months at a time. Homolka was moved from Kingston in the summer of 1997 to Joliette Institution (a medium security prison in Joliette, Quebec, 80 km northeast of Montreal), a facility called "Club Fed" by its critics.
Homolka appeared to thrive in a highly structured prison environment. Several psychologists and psychiatrists examined her and agreed that she showed symptoms of spousal abuse, although some believe she simulated with coaching and books.
In 1999, Toronto Star reporter Michelle Shephard came into possession of copies of her application to transfer to the Maison Thérèse-Casgrain, run by the Elizabeth Fry Society, and published the story noting the halfway house's proximity to local schools, hours before the Canadian courts issued a publication ban on the information. Homolka sued the government after her transfer to a Montreal halfway house was denied.
Before her imprisonment, Homolka had been evaluated by numerous psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health and court officials. Homolka, reported one, "remains something of a diagnostic mystery. Despite her ability to present herself very well, there is a moral vacuity in her which is difficult, if not impossible, to explain." As Homolka proceeded through the Canadian prison system there were frequent flashes that illuminated this perception.
In Joliette, Homolka had a sexual affair with Lynda Véronneau, who was serving time for a series of armed robberies and who reoffended so that she could be sent back to Joliette to be with Homolka, according to the Montreal Gazette. Her letters to Véronneau, wrote Christie Blatchford in her Globe and Mail column, were "in French and on the same sort of childish, puppy-dog-decorated paper she once wrote to her former husband… the same kind of girlish love notes she sent to him." Her language, Blatchford noted, was "equally juvenile".
While being evaluated in 2000, Homolka told psychiatrist Robin Menzies that she did not consider the relationship to be homosexual, as Véronneau "'saw herself as a man and planned to undergo a sex operation in due course,' the psychiatrist wrote." Psychiatrist Louis Morisette, meanwhile, noted in his report that Homolka "was ashamed of the relationship and hid it from her parents and the experts who examined her. The psychiatrist mentions in his report that under the circumstances, the relationship was not abnormal."
Again, it demonstrated Blatchford's observation that "what is particularly compelling – and telling – is how radically different are the faces she presents" to each audience. Her former veterinary clinic co-worker and friend, Wendy Lutczyn, the Toronto Sun declared, "now believes Homolka's actions were those of a psychopath, not of an abused, controlled woman". Homolka, Lutczyn said, had promised "she would explain herself", yet though the women exchanged "a series of letters while Homolka was… waiting to testify at Bernardo's trial" and after she had completed her testimony, Homolka never did try to explain to Lutczyn "why she did what she did".
On 11 January 2008, the Canadian Press reported that letters written by Homolka to Lutczyn had been pulled from eBay, where they had reached $1,600 with a week to go. Lutczyn said she did not want them any more.
In a letter of apology to her family, she continued to blame Bernardo for all her misdeeds: "He wanted me to get sleeping pills from work… threatened me and physically and emotionally abused me when I refused… I tried so hard to save her." Tim Danson, attorney for the victims' families, has said that she has never apologized to them.
Homolka took correspondence courses in sociology through nearby Queen's University which initially caused a media storm. Homolka was required to pay all fees, as well as her personal needs, from her fortnightly income of about $69, although, she told author Stephen Williams in a subsequent letter, "I did get some financial assistance". Homolka later graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Queen's. News of Homolka's self-improvement courses was greeted in the media with disdain: "Nothing has changed. Concepts of remorse, repentance, shame, responsibility and atonement have no place in the universe of Karla. Perhaps she simply lacks the moral gene," wrote another Globe columnist, Marga ret Wente.
The complexities and challenges of completing behavioural studies of women who are suspected of having psychopathic traits have been noted in the forensic literature. The various different masks that the female psychopathic killer displays at different times often have more to do with the audience and the manipulation at that moment that will benefit the individual wearing the mask than the true nature of the individual wearing the mask.
Dr. Graham Glancy, a forensic psychiatrist hired by Bernardo's chief defence lawyer, John Rosen, had offered an alternative theory to explain Homolka's behaviour, noted Williams in Invisible Darkness, his first book on the case. She appears to be a classic example of hybristophilia, an individual who is sexually aroused by a partner's violent sexual behaviour, Dr. Glancy suggested."
Williams, who wrote Invisible Darkness, later reversed his opinion about her and began corresponding with her. This formed the basis for his second book, Karla – a Pact with the Devil. In her letters Homolka also disparaged a number of the professionals who had examined her and said she did not care "what conditions I would receive upon release. I would spend three hours a day standing on my head should that be required." Upon her release Homolka vigorously fought a string of conditions imposed upon her by a court (see Post-Prison, below).
Homolka participated in every treatment program recommended by prison authorities, until she was asked to participate in a program that had been designed for male sex offenders. She refused, on the grounds that she was neither male nor a convicted sex offender.
During Homolka's release hearing (under section 810.2 of the Criminal Code), Morrisette said the then-35-year-old did not represent a threat to society. Various hearings over the years have left a mixture of opinions. According to Candice Skrapec, "a fearless and much-sought-after criminal profiler", Homolka might herself be driven by malignant narcissism. If she posed any kind of danger, said Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, a forensic psychologist for Correctional Services Canada, it lay in the ominous but not unlikely possibility of her linking up with another sexual sadist like Bernardo. "She is very attracted to this world of sexual psychopaths. It's not for nothing that she did what she did with Bernardo," he told the National Post after reviewing her file. A scheduled newspaper interview with Homolka was quashed by her lawyer. It was not just the facts of the case that shredded Homolka's cloak of victimization. Her demeanour on the witness stand had been at times "indifferent, haughty and irritable".”
“CTVglobemedia (often abbreviated "CTVgm" or CGM), was one of Canada's largest private media companies. Its operations include newspaperpublishing (The Globe and Mail), television broadcasting and production (CTV) [Cold Squad] , radio broadcasting (CHUM Radio), and their respective Internetproperties. Originally established by BCE and the Thomson family in 2001 [Allegedly as a result of pig farm extortion by CAI Special Investors who, at the time of 9/11, served as top officials in the development of Nortel JABS, CTV Cold Squad, BC OnLine (pig farm mortgage) and Macdonald Dettwiler’s SABRE and PRIME BC] combining CTV Inc., which Bell had acquired the previous year, and the operations of the Thomsons' The Globe and Mail, the group was owned by those two parties as well as Torstar and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan. In September 2010, Bell announced plans to re-acquire full control of the group's broadcasting assets. At the same time, it was announced that the Thomson family would regain majority control of the Globe and Mail Inc.; this part of the deal, which did not require regulatory approval, was completed in January 2011 (although the company name did not immediately change to reflect this). The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) approved the Bell/CTV portion of the deal in March 2011; it was then announced that the company will be renamed Bell Media once the deal closes in April, with Bell'ssympatico.ca Internet portal becoming part of the group at the same time.”
“Firm involved in fatal accident often works with National Grid
Saturday, April 13, 2013 by: Larry Rulison
The Boston utility construction company that was involved in a fatal accident Saturday often does utility work for National Grid.
The company, Feeney Brothers Excavation, was working on a $10 million project to build a 4-mile natural gas transmission line to the Luther Forest Technology Campus in Malta.
…. National Grid is one of Feeney Bros. biggest clients, and the Dorchester company does a lot of utility work for National Grid in the Boston area. National Grid’s U.S. headquarters is located about a 30-mile drive outside of the city.
Although unknown here in the Capital Region, Feeney Bros. is well known in the Boston area and has 200 employees.
The Feeney brothers also own restaurants in Boston and are part-owners of Sweet Caroline’s near Fenway Park.
And last year, a Canadian private equity firm, CAI Private Equity, took a stake in Feeney Bros.”
More to follow.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
Hats off to you guys. Impressive GRANDE tiempo. comprende.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it you never name the HEAD of the snake Zbigniew Brzezinski?