Civil Case Against BBC’s Dyke Implicates President Harrison J. Bounel Wounded
By Orly Taitz And Gaffed By Marine’s Trident
Chapter 20 Segue
Field McConnell Punahou ’67 Oysters
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79 Oysters
Greg Dyke Pulls Plug On Jane’s Timing SNAFU
One Big Ass
Even Bigger Ass, Benghazi’s Bungler-in-Chieftess
Queen Frets As Vultures Move Into Range of Soetoro, Hillary, Harper and Her Consort
Chapter 20 begins here, capeche?
When BBC and Barry Soetoro are exposed in court on 25 February, 2013, God Only Knows what lay in store for ‘Dyke in Middle Greg’ and Man’s Country Tail Gunner Barry Soetoro, who was just a boy when Agent Chips was a senior at Punahou School, graduating in 1967, 12 years ahead of King Obama, The Soon To Be Removed due to the exposure on Saturday, 16 February that Harrison J. Bounel is a deceased relative of Sasquatch and that a certain Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79 used the Social Security Number of Harrison J. Bounel on his most recent tax filing. Abel Danger investigators are searching Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia to see if Harrison J. Bounel was the proprietor of Negro Head Oysters, grab some popcorn and check back at the 11 pm news, but don’t check BBC as they are in DEEP SHIT over the BBC-Lord Garden-GAPAN attack on America they thought Hillary could lay at the feet of Islam. What an arrogant Fat Ass.
Scripture of the Day: 1 John 3:11
For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
Gospel Song of the Day:
I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven to get my reward
(repeat until it sinks in)
Lightning Strikes Evil Ratslinger
In Chapter 19 we discussed the ‘lightning strike’ on the Vatican as Ratslinger was being removed by (redacted), not for the Pedophile issues rampant in the Priesthood, not for the financial misdeeds that have the Black Pope in a hissy fit and former Prime Minister of Italy, Berlusconi, in hot water again, but Ratslinger was removed because of ( redacted ) as reported by Abel Danger as they prosecuted Abel Danger Operation RAT’S ASS as part of the three pronged attack of the Marine’s Trident [Queen’s Pussy, Nutcracker, Rat’s Ass] On a related issue Berlusconi, age 76, has let the world know that his 27 year old fiancée can cause a golf ball to move through a garden hose using negative viscous pressure, capeche?
25 the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. Mark 13:25
In the scripture above, please note it is plural stars and plural bodies. The global media reported the Siberian projectile which fell on 15 February but why have the industrialized western nations not reported the event on 13 February, same day as Siberia, that occurred in Cuba?
Meteorito podría haber surcado cielo cubano
Way back in Chapter 19 , a Clipper caused the Sicilian to stop on Trade’s Day Boulevard awaiting further instructions.
“Rat’s Ass Agent Scatman, Chips, 80W and Tillman, copy all players in Rat’s Ass: “In 90 seconds wait for an all green or ‘abort’. Hold present position. The Icelandic ladies have detected some rogue players near Cottage #87. Kill orders received. Pending, standby.”
Agent Chips mentally reviewed the Icelandic ladies riding shotgun in Tillman’s Ghost and thought back to his deployment to Keflavik in April of 1984. Scatman mentally reviewed the last two popes revealed in Malachy’s Prophecy: current Pope GLORY OF THE OLIVE to be followed by Peter the Roman, who will bullshit the catholics in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. Agent 80W was thinking about peter roamin’, specifically her favored position, SAUCY SPOONS. She favored it as Chip’s hands could explore even the most tucked-away areas of her private parts, for instance, Skene’s gland . Agent 80W’s digits could give him some hands-on instruction, so she’d get the type of touch she ached for. Another passion plus, saucy spoons is perfect for languorous lovemaking and the fact that you’re so close increases the intimacy as you wait for the exploculation heard round the world. As Agent 80W was dreaming of a straight arrow in her quivering quiver, the 90 seconds were gone.
Two red flares were fired from either side of Trade Days Boulevard. As Scatman dropped the hammer, Chips reviewed the briefing guide for ‘two reds’. He recalled that there was one red at the VZCM Museum where his F4 was the main attraction. As he mentally prepared some BOILING WHOOPASS to reduce Pinhead, Horse Holder and Thunder Thighs to a puddle, just like the wicked witch of the west, not to be confused with Dianne Finedickcheesestein, the Ford F350 was joined by Tillman’s Ghost, with the two Icelandic Ladies in the passenger seat.
Scatman drove directly to the Van Zandt County Veteran’s Memorial hoping that the Sicilian lady who owned the interesting hotel would answer her cel phone. Agent 80W was melting, in another fashion, as Agent Chips wondered if the faint hint of clover his proboscis was registering might foment well for knight action. His thought had been interrupted by the forwarding of an email ‘monitored’ by the Abel Danger Office in Taldykorgan. Chips read what Agent Fox Lily had snatched from a guest at the hotel where she worked the reception desk, ostensibly, why working full time for Abel Danger as Chief Dangerette, Kazakhstan.
Operation Nutcracker Agent Fox Lily Immediate Festus to Agent Chips, FYEO: A state official from Russian Federation intercepted a message you might be intrigued by. It is the same interceptor who linked Frank Guistra and Bill Clinton to Operation Kazak Uranium Swindle that ingratiated you to President Nursultan Nazarbayev especially when your forensic accounting audit of his brother’s concrete business made the brother a persona non grata. Natalya’s x-husband at GRU suggests that there were to be three incoming bilotes; Siberia, Cuba and (redacted). Message in Russian for security purposes. [ Уважаемый Владимир, я хочу предупредить вас, что я буду посылать метеоров в северном регионе, где поле Макконнелл вылетел с февраля 2008 года по август 2009 года. Я ценю, что Россия не позволяет детям быть приняты в Соединенных Штатах. В знак моей власти, я буду иметь метеорит спуститься в замерзшее озеро. Мне нужно, чтобы Обама и Харпер удалены королева Англии или, возможно, Фил Duck будет «исчезать». I Am ] Please come back to Kstan or I could meet you again in London or Amsterdam, Fox Lily.
Scatman was in the left turn lane at the intersection of Trade Day’s Boulevard and Veterans Memorial Parkway when he saw TILLMAN’s GHOST drop the two Icelandic ladies at the corner from where they could walk directly over to the Coast Guard boat and the Marine Corps Huey chopper to take up their defensive positions as Scatman would soon have ‘the client’ at the gift shop located at 1200 S. Trade Days Blvd, Suite 600 Canton, TX 75103. When given a green turn arrow to the left, Scatman made a left turn, drove about 500 feet made another left and then a half left into the Visitor Center parking lot. Agents 80W, Chips and Scatman listened to KDFT Radio, 540 on the AM dial. Checking their watches they agreed that if the next song was Pancho and Lefty, then the Spanish Christian Radio 23.3 miles away in Ferris, Texas was getting good signals from both Icelandic ladies and the area was secure.
The song started and at 1 + 11 they got the signal to wear their guns outside their pants for all the honest world to feel. As Bruce and Red came to greet 80W and Chips, Chips’ Clipper Squirt Gun received an incoming Immediate JASPAR from Agent Atomic Betty of the Gatineau Abel Danger Office where she monitors Greece, Cuba, Italy, Portugal and Malta. Chips indicated he’d stay in the truck as Agents Scatman and 80W went into the recently renamed gift shop.
Rat’s Ass Agent Atomic Betty Immediate JASPAR to Agents Tillman, Bean, Barry M. Hall, MacCheese, Hamish, Rooster Cogburn and Chips, copy Corazon Dulce: We are continuing to monitor the western media for reports on Wednesday event in Cuba that, thus far, is given no ink. To help support Tony Rooke in his civil complaint against BBC Hamish and I intend to publish the message following at 1811, today, Saturday 16 February, 2013 as we see that Kristine Marcy is back in CONUS and the Surpremes have the 4 votes necessary to move the case against Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79. Please review the post and send edits by 1800 or it ‘flies’. Time now 1716 Gatineau. Atomic Betty, FSD MR.
Chips read the attached post rapidly as he wanted to determine if Agent 80W was the source of the faint hint of clover; see also Skene’s Gland.
Plum City – ( –February 16, 2013. United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former Lockheed Martin director Lynne Cheney to BBC Crimewatch archive of time-stamped ‘Dykes-in-the-Middle’ snuff films and the NORAD Santa team which, through the alleged use of Serco/NIST clocks, synchronized the midnight rape, torture and murder of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996.
McConnell notes that Cheney rewarded JonBenet’s father and former CEO of Lockheed Martin’s Access Graphics, John Bennett Ramsey, with a $118,000 bonus in 1996 for his work in integrating network time protocols (NPT) for the alleged use of Serco investors to synchronize phony crime scene investigations and time-stamp money shots with the pedophile propagandists employed by the BBC. McConnell also notes that $118,000 is the amount requested in a ransom note left at JonBenet’s home after Cheney’s “Dykes-in-the-Middle” had allegedly procured a time-stamped money shot needed to extort a Pentagon stand down during a Serco-synchronized attack for Greg Dyke's BBC Snuff-Film 9/11.
Chips thought back to Daniel 2:21,22 and realized God was micromanaging the timing of the exposure of Barak Obama in perfect sychronicity with both the Abel Danger “Dyke in the Middle” revelation but also the Civil Complaint against Greg Dyke’s BBC that was central to the disinfo story regarding Muslims and 9/11. Wanting to perform an MI check on 80W he did the professional thing and mentally reviewed the file on Sasquatch’s dead relative Harrison J. Bounel, stock boy at Negro Head Oysters.
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79 Oysters Resemble Fetuses Harvested in Chicago
Chips recalled that the fraudulent SSN being used by Barack Obama is shown in a national data base accessible by debt collectors and ‘skip tracers’ to have been assigned in the state of Connecticut to one Harrison J. Bounel. Chips recalled that Harry Bounel is a deceased relative of Michelle LaVaughan Robinson Sasquatch Soetoro; Harrison J. Bounel (aka Barack Hussein Obama II) According to the 2009 tax return submitted by Sasquatch’s gay beard, he’s the President of the United States. All nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to discuss this anomaly today, Saturday, 16 February, 2013. The case in question is Edward Noonan, et al v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State, and the Justices are finally looking at it thanks to the dogged determination of Orly Taitz pictured here by Agent Chips’ Purple Limo used during the Tea Party National Convention at Gaylord Opryland Hotel in early February, 2010
The case calls into question many of the documents Obama (Bounel, Soetoro, Soebarkah, etc.) has used and/or released as authentic since he came on the national scene. The case contends that the documents — birth certificate , Social Security number, Selective Service registration, etc. — are fakes or forgeries. If that’s the case, Obama should not have been on the California ballot in 2008 and, therefore, should not have received the State’s electoral votes. Four of the nine Justices must vote to move the case forward and Jim McDermott is hoping the Cock Brothers don’t line 8 pockets or McDermott could ‘swim with the fishes’.
Chips thought back to Steve Gulbrandson, a slender young man who served his country responsibly during the global elitist bankers was started under the false pretense of a Gulf of Tonkin Incident that never happened, just like Newtown Connecticut Sandy Hook street theater never happed. He wonder if Chris Hook ( ) was getting all the evidence forward by Abel Danger Global regarding this google combo:
Steve Gulbrandson, an F4D and his ‘skinny little wingman’ AIM-9 Sidewinder
Chips was getting in a Merle Haggard ‘Fightin’ Side of Me’ mode to think that Steve Gulbrandson’s life was impacted by two ejections from F4 Phantom’s so that Fat Asses like Jim McDermott could disrespect Jewish folks like the Kochs intentionally calling them ‘cocks’. He thought back to the intercepted message from Taldykorgan sent by Fox Lily which, in English, was something like:
Dear Vladimir, I want to warn you that I will send a meteor in the northern region, where Field McConnell flew from February 2008 to August 2009. I appreciate the fact that Russia does not allow children to be adopted in the United States. As a sign of my power, I will send down a meteorite into a frozen lake in Siberia and another into Cuban airspace. I wish Obama and Harper to be removed the Queen of England, or perhaps Phil Duck will "disappear." I Am
Chips was intimately aware of who I AM is as he was sung about by the Lennon Sisters, Righteous Brothers and, originally, Al Hibbler who did not work for Negro Head Oysters but rather had a beautiful gift from God, a voice. Al was blind but it did not prevent him from understanding the power, mercy, grace and sovereignty of the one True God the creator, who alone could see what lies beyond the bend.
Chips realized he could think forever and still not understand the linkage of Strong Financial to Wapheton, North Dakota and how Maurice Strong’s little brother, the orphan, may be related to the LBGT allies of Congressman ‘Cock-byte’ McDermott, second fattest ass in Washington behind Mark Andrews, disgraced former senator from eastern North Dakota who tried to rip off Republic Airlines claiming the airline had disabled his wife AFTER they had built a therapy pool for her to treat her existing condition. Chips looked up to see Scatman signaling for him to come into the gift shop. Chips had just stepped out of the truck when another incoming Immediate JASPAR caused him to pause.
State of the Union Fascist Symbols Around Obama
Rat’s Ass Agent Stone Kohl Immeidate JASPAR to Commanders, East and West ARM, copy CC Agents Bean, MacCheese and Chips: Nano and Chips, ensure the militias are armed to the teeth as this is the second Chinese YEAR OF THE SNAKE in the 16 year span the Elitists set for the takedown/TOPOFF of America., 2001 was the last and the 9/11 attack exposed by BBC ‘timing errors’ now put the Queen, Honorable Artillery Company and Barry Soetoro on the ‘hot seat’. Regarding your request for ‘weapons status’, here is what we found out from staffs of Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Steve Stockman, R-Texas, allies of LOS TRES CUBANOS: Smith & Wesson-is running at Full capacity making 300 per day and are unable to produce any more guns to help with the shortages; RUGER: Plans to increase from 75% to 100% in the next 90 days; FNH: Moving from 50% production to 75% by Feb 1st and 100% by March 1; Remington-Maxed out; Armalite: Maxed out; DPMS: Can't get enough parts to produce any more product. COLT: Production runs increasing weekly...bottle necked by Bolt carrier's. LWRC:Making only black guns, running at full capacity...can't get enough gun quality steel to make barrels. Springfield Armory: Only company who can meet demand but are running 30-45 days behind. AMMO: Every caliber is now Allocated! We are looking at a nation wide shortage of all calibers over the next 9 months. All plants are producing as much ammo as possible w/ of 1 BILLION rounds produced weekly. Most is military followed by L.E. and civilians are third in line. MAGPUL is behind 1 MILLION mags, do not expect any large quantities of magpul anytime soon. RELOADERS... ALL Remington, Winchester, CCI & Federal primers are going to ammo FIRST. There are no extra's for reloading purposes... it could be 6-9 months before things get caught up. Sorry for the bleak news, but now we know what to expect in the coming months. Stay tuned, Cruz, Stockman, Nugent, Nano and McConnell keep you posted; Wisconsin-Michigan east of the Missippi, California west for ARM Command Posts. Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war. And that is troubling because Malachy predicts that the city of seven hills will be destroyed during Peter the Roman's tenure, which I believe could be accomplished by a nuclear missile launched from Iran, which would cause the "King of the North" (German-backed Euro army) to invade the Middle East to shut down Iran and supposedly in the process protect Jerusalem in a peaceful entry that becomes an occupation. Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the Statists have done more to promote gun ownership than the NRA ever did. Well done from Abel Danger and the 47 state militias but the Queen and her fascists elitist friends are very worried. Stone
Chips had just finished reading the message when Scatman and 80W reappeared at the front door of the gift shop and told Chips Umbrellaman and Hamish were to be on the AQWB-27Z Omniglobe at 1800 and that Global Hammer Rooster Cogburn was briefing all in Queen’s Pussy, Nutcracker and Rat’s Ass presently. Chips followed them into the briefing room, noting that 80W had no VPLs which made his arrow straighten thinking of a most pleasant quiver that did, in fact, quiver just as The Bells had mentioned in their 1974 Killer Hit ‘Stay’.
Chips sat down between Scatman and Red , across the table from Bruce and 80W and saw an image of the Jesuit Court Jesters who now, on 16 February, 2013, between a rock and a hard place as Barack Obama has failed in his ‘totally gay’ attempt to de-arm America as directed to do by the matronly queen consorting with the flatulent and flacced Prince Phartingham. As the Rat of the Vat was begging for immunity from prosecution he apparently was demonstrating a typical Catholic lack of scriptural understanding as he had forgotten the warning of Hebrews 10:26-31:
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[b] 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Good riddance, Ratslinger, your ass is grass and ‘you know who’ has the lawnmower.
The image of the nine mockers of justice faded and Umbrellaman’s voice covered Hamish face which was visible from all 360 degrees. As Hamish lip sync the script, his timing was better than the timing of Greg Dyke’s BBC announce Jane Staley who errantly reported the Salomon Smith Barney Building #7 had fallen 20 minutes before it fell.
“Agents deployed in MARINE’S TRIDENT I bring good tidings. The Queen is nervous, the Supreme Court faces millions of unhappy citizen, armed to the teeth, and word from ARM Headquaters is that ARM has told the 47 state militias that “fragging” is encouraged in any case where a commission officer does not go on record as say that neither he nor any in his command will fire on American Citizens. We will now be briefed by representatives of the Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officer Association and then we are told to expect representatives of both Senator Cruz and Congressman Stockman to join us. First, the video reminding us of the power of a Sheriff.”
“I wish to remind all of Abel Danger of the two pivotal Court Decisions that must be our girders going forward. These are two Supreme Court rulings that directly relate to the current anti-Assault Weapon issue everyone needs to be reminded of. The first is United States v. Miller 1939. Miller possessed a sawed-off shotgun banned under the National Firearms Act. He argued that he had a right to bear the weapon under the Second Amendment, but the Supreme Court ruled against him. Why? At the time, sawed-off shotguns were not being used in a military application, and the Supremes ruled that since it didn't, it was not protected. Even though Miller lost that argument, the Miller case set the precedent that protected firearms have a military, and thus a legitimate and protected Militia use. The military now uses shotguns regularly, but not very short, sawed-off shotguns, but an AR-15/AK-47 type weapon is currently in use by the military, therefore it is a protected weapon for the Unorganized Militia, which includes just about every American citizen now that both age and sex discrimination are illegal. (The original Militia included men of age 17-45) Therefore any firearm that is applicable to military use is clearly protected under Article II, and that includes all those nasty-looking semi-automatic black rifles, including full 30 round magazines such as the AR-15 that Agent Chips just had shipped from Florida to Wisconsin. The second important case is that of John Bad Elk v. United States from 1900. In that case, an attempt was made to arrest Mr. Bad Elk without probable cause, and Mr. Bad Elk killed a policeman who was attempting the false arrest. Bad Elk had been found guilty and sentenced to death. However, the Supreme Court ruled that Bad Elk had the right to use any force, including lethal force, to prevent his false arrest, even if the policeman was only trying to arrest him and not kill him. Basically, the Supremes of the day ruled that as a citizen, you have the right to defend against your civil rights being violated using ANY force necessary to prevent the violation, even if the offending party isn't trying to kill you.
Both of these cases are standing law to this day. The Miller decision clearly includes AR-15/AK-47 type weapons as having a military application. The Bad Elk decision means that if the government tries to confiscate your AR-15/AK-47, or arrest you for having one, you can kill the offenders on the spot, even if they are not trying to kill you.
These decisions were made by the United States Supreme Court did. I will now turn the briefing over to Agent Hamish who will explain how the ‘timing’ of the 9/11 attack was compromised by the privatization of ‘time keeping’ both in the US and in the UK and in both cases to benefit the Globalists who are doomed to fail as the Pope is removed and the Catholic Church is set to be exposed. Hamish, over to you.”
“Thank you Umbrellaman, I like to spend about 30 minutes discussing Lynne Cheney, Congressman Jim McDermott and other LBGT vermin trying to poison the life blood of America…….”.
Hamish was interrupted by Global Hammer Rooster Cogburn who had just been advised that Agent Chips was to meet the TWO CUBANS and the Buffalo Gal Motel on the ‘Hill’. Rooster had arranged for Tillman’s Ghost to expedite Chips to the hotel and had assigned the Iceland Ladies to provide personal security for ‘the client’. As Chips bade farewell to Agent 80W, Scatman and the crew at the Gift Shop, he headed out to the parking lot where the 1940 Studebaker with the 413 idled. Agent Barry M. Hall was at the wheel and as Chips went to converse a huge explosion shook the ground he was standing on. Chips’ Clipper had a FLASH FESTUS from Agent MacCheese: “Agent Chips, get lost, Icelandic Ladies indicate superior force on foot collapsing on the Veterans Museum in an ever shrinking circumference of foot soldiers; DHS, Federal Police and non Constitutional short sighted regular police. Blend in and get out, MacCheese.”
Barry M. Hall immediately inflated an inflatable doppelganger of Chips and got onto Veterans Memorial Parkway with the idea of turning right onto Trade Days Boulevard as if taking Agent Chips to the Mill Creek Ranch Resort. As Agent Barry M. Hall approaching the shrinking dragnet he was met with numerous Federal LEOs armed with the same types of assault rifles that Dianne Finejewdickcheesestein thinks veterans of the Army and Marine Corps should not be allow to own. Barry M. Hall stopped the car and turn of the ignition. He noticed a hot air balloon rising from the Church’s Fried Chicken parking lot, on a course direct for ‘the hill’.
Before the LEOs could ask Barry M. Hall a single question another terribly loud explosion shook the earth preceded by a brilliant white flash that temporarily blinded those outside.
Meanwhile, in the gondola of the balloon Agent Chips was being briefed by staff members of Constitutionally informed staff members of the Cruz and Stockman camps.
“Agent Chips, Barry M. Hall had to surrender your inflatable dobbelganger but he is now along side the highway just past the Denny’s where Highway 80 intersects with Trade Days Boulevard, we should be there in 8 minutes. I believe you know the Marine vet from Houston FBI, he will read you a brief mission statement from Umbrellaman.”
“Agent Chips, the guys from the 147th greet you and commend you. We just learned yesterday that a historic court case against the BBC’s cover up of 9/11 evidence is now scheduled to be heard at 10:00am on Monday, 25th of February in London. Mike and Roger are now seeing if your presence would be helpful. Please read this statement received on Valentine’s after the Newtown Perps aborted their plans for Janesville, Wisconsin.”
Chips was handed an 8 x 11 sheet upon which was printed:
Global Research, February 14, 2013
The BBC is being challenged strongly for its refusal to present to the British public the available scientific evidence which contradicts the official version of events of 9/11. Thank you very much to all those who have sent letters to their MPs asking that the BBC be held to account for withholding this evidence that the public must be allowed to see.
As a further progression of this campaign, a great opportunity has arisen. 9/11 truth documentary maker Tony Rooke has been granted a court hearing where he is challenging the BBC’s support of terrorist activity through supporting the cover up of the true evidence of 9/11. The court case will take place on February 25th at 10.00am at the address below. Real 9/11 evidence has rarely, if ever, been presented in a British court room, so this is a rare opportunity. Any support from the public on the day would be fantastic and will help to send the message that the people want to know, and deserve to know, the truth about 9/11.
Horsham Magistrates’ Court [Court 3]
The Law Courts
Hurst Road Horsham
West Sussex
RH12 2ET
This court case is based around Tony making a stand and refusing to pay his TV licence fee under Section 15 of The Terrorism Act 2000 Article 3 which states that it is offence to provide funds if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that those funds may be used for the purposes of terrorism. The BBC has withheld scientific evidence which clearly demonstrates that the official version of events of 9/11 is not possible and could not have been carried out in entirety by those who have been accused by our officials. In addition, the BBC has actively blocked and smeared those attempting to bring this evidence to the public.
By doing this the BBC are supporting a cover-up of the true events of 9/11 and are therefore supporting those terrorist elements who were involved in certain aspects of 9/11 who have not yet been identified and held to account. A new and independent investigation is required to determine what really did occur on 9/11, and by whom, otherwise these unidentified terrorist elements will remain free to potentially commit further terrorist activities. Greg Dyke probably has his panties in a bunch.
Posted by Tapestry at 12:30 pm
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captrichhog said...
The specific individual at BBC that may be mostly high ranking person in the attack on America is Greg Dyke. A political spouse is also implicated according to abel danger dot net which is referring to Greg and a "Dyke in the middle" attack; a play on words for "man in the middle" MitM attack which have been very common from World War Two going forward. If Tony Rooke would like an American or Canadian 'expert witness' abel danger dot net "Has Truth, Will Travel". They have been on Edge Media multiple times and their "Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11" has played many times in Great Britain.Chips finished the first sheet and was handed a second by a Ted Cruz staffer.
This second letter regarding weapons manufacturing potential in Texas had just been read as the balloon was descending towards the 1940 Studebaker in the Denny’s lot on the frontage road of I20 just beyond exit 527. A Cruz staffer pointed at a Federal Police white SUV speeding towards their location and he handed Chips a rope ladder. The staffer directed the balloon pilot to climb as over the side went Chips. When he got to the bottom rung he jumped about 5 feet to a soft landing on soft ground, ran to the Studebaker and rode shotgun. The Federal Police SUV was trailing the balloon as Tillman’s Ghost was enroute to Richardson, Texas at 90 mph. Barry M. Hall drove and Agent Chips decided he needed to calm down so he selected F4 on his Clipper Squirt Gun to listen to a song that Agent Atomic Betty really liked.
The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.
I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.
Ring the bells that still can ring ...
You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
Soothed by the song Anthem, Chips fell asleep dreaming of Pastel Pursuits as Barry M. Hall drove, and a Hamish Clipper went to queue to await the awakening of Agent Chips, who appeared to have a trip to London on the front burner followed by a Pat Tillman Race appearance and a Memorial Day Keynote speaking engagement. As he dreamed of pastel pleasures, Agent 80W was encouraging Scatman to get to Mr. Boo’s in Terrell as fast as they could.
Constitutionally mandated militia to swallow non oath keeping ‘newbies’.
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former Lockheed Martin director Lynne Cheney to BBC Crimewatch archive of time-stamped ‘Dykes-in-the-Middle’ snuff films and the NORAD Santa team which, through the alleged use of Serco/NIST clocks, synchronized the midnight rape, torture and murder of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996.
McConnell notes that Cheney rewarded JonBenet’s father and former CEO of Lockheed Martin’s Access Graphics, John Bennett Ramsey, with a $118,000 bonus in 1996 for his work in integrating network time protocols (NPT) for the alleged use of Serco investors to synchronize phony crime scene investigations and time-stamp money shots with the pedophile propagandists employed by the BBC.
McConnell also notes that $118,000 is the amount requested in a ransom note left at JonBenet’s home after Cheney’s “Dykes-in-the-Middle” had allegedly procured a time-stamped money shot needed to extort a Pentagon stand down during a Serco-synchronized attack for Greg Dyke's BBC Snuff-Film 9/11.
BBC SIX O' Clock News- Jill Dando 1999 (Part 1 of 3) [allegedly murdered by Cheney’s Dykes-in the-Middle synchronized through the Serco clock]
“Sisters is a 1981 novel by Lynne Cheney published only in a Signet Canadian paperback edition as part of the New American Library (ISBN 0-451-11204-0). Sisters is a historical novel set in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1886. Sophie Dymond, a magazine editor in New York, comes home to Cheyenne after the death of her sister, Helen. The novel is a historical and literary portrayal of the status of women in the Old West. In the novel, Sophie finds a letter that Amy Travers, a schoolteacher and close friend of Helen's, had written to her:[1]
Helen, my joy and my beloved,
Why do we stay? I have no reason beyond a few pupils who would miss me briefly, and your life would be infinitely better away from him. Let us go away together, away from the anger and imperatives of men. We shall find ourselves a secluded bower where they dare not venture. There will be only the two of us, and we shall linger through long afternoons of sweet retirement. In the evenings I shall read to you while you work your cross-stitch in the firelight. And then we shall go to bed, our bed, my dearest girl. . . .
The "him" referred to in the letter is apparently Helen's husband, James Stevenson. Later in the book, the author writes of Sophie's impressions on seeing Amy Travers and another woman, Lydia Swerdlow, with their arms around each other:[2]
The women who embraced in the wagon were Adam and Eve on a dark cathedral stage--no, Eve and Eve, loving one another as they would not be able to once they ate of the fruit and knew themselves as they truly were. She felt curiously moved, curiously envious of them. . . . she saw that the women in the cart had a passionate, loving intimacy forever closed to her. How strong it made them. What comfort it gave.
The book is now out of print. Existing copies have been put up for sale on eBay,, and various other Internet sites for prices ranging, at this writing (September 26, 2009), from $49.96 to $295.00 unsigned,[3][4][5][6] and $1,500 for a copy autographed by Cheney.[7]
In 2004, New American Library announced that it planned to republish the book. However, after being contacted by Lynne Cheney's attorney, Robert Barnett, who reportedly told them that Cheney did not consider the book her "best work," New American Library announced in April 2004 that it would not be republishing the book after all.[8]
In a February 9, 2005 interview on NPR with Terry Gross, Cheney denied that Sisters contained a lesbian relationship. Cheney suggested that the relationship between the two characters was in question and a historical mystery. She also suggested thatSisters was her one bad book, written in an "attempt to take the novel Rebecca (by Daphne du Maurier) and put it in a Western setting."
In an interview that took place on October 27, 2006 with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's The Situation Room, Cheney denied that Sisters contained rape or graphic depictions of lesbian sex.”
“Gregory "Greg" Dyke (born 20 May 1947) is a British media executive, jou rnalist and broadcaster. Since the 1960s, Dyke has a long career in the UK in print and then broadcast journalism. He is credited with introducing 'tabloid' television to British broadcasting, and reviving the ratings of TV-am. In the 1990s, he held Chief Executive positions at LWT Group, Pearson Television and Channel 5. He is most notable for his tenure as Director-General of the BBC from January 2000 until 29 January 2004, a position from which he resigned following heavy criticism of the BBC's news reporting process in the Hutton Inquiry. He is the chairman of children's television company HiT Entertainment and has been Chancellor of the University of York since 2004. … London Weekend Television (LWT) (now part of ITV London) was the ITV network franchise holder for Greater London and the Home Counties at weekends, broadcasting from Fridays at 5:15pm (prior to 1982 at 7:00pm) to Monday mornings at 6:00am. London Weekend Television is no longer individually identified on air, and uses the generic ITV logo for continuity announcements (the announcement of the next programme and forthcoming ones), and as a banner during commercial advertising breaks. The official name for London Weekend Television is now ITV London (Weekend). The company is managed with Carlton Television as a single entity (ITV London), but the two companies are still separately licensed. The franchise is currently operated by ITV plc under the licensee of ITV Broadcasting Limited. In its original guise, LWT was used as an on-air brand from July 1968 until October 2002 when it became part of ITV London.”
HISTORIC COURT CASE AGAINST THE BBC’S COVER UP OF 9/11 EVIDENCE [allegedly using the Serco clock for time-stamping packet switching and and front running of Wag-the-Dog demolition of WTC#7]
Global Research, February 14, 2013
The BBC is being challenged strongly for its refusal to present to the British public the available scientific evidence which contradicts the official version of events of 9/11. Thank you very much to all those who have sent letters to their MPs asking that the BBC be held to account for withholding this evidence that the public must be allowed to see.
As a further progression of this campaign, a great opportunity has arisen. 9/11 truth documentary maker Tony Rooke has been granted a court hearing where he is challenging the BBC’s support of terrorist activity through supporting the cover up of the true evidence of 9/11. The court case will take place on February 25th at 10.00am at the address below. Real 9/11 evidence has rarely, if ever, been presented in a British court room, so this is a rare opportunity.Any support from the public on the day would be fantastic and will help to send the message that the people want to know, and deserve to know, the truth about 9/11.
Horsham Magistrates’ Court [Court ] The Law Courts Hurst Road Horsham West Sussex England RH12 2ET
This court case is based around Tony making a stand and refusing to pay his TV licence fee under Section 15 of The Terrorism Act 2000 Article 3 which states that it is offence to provide funds if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that those funds may be used for the purposes of terrorism. The BBC has withheld scientific evidence which clearly demonstrates that the official version of events of 9/11 is not possible and could not have been carried out in entirety by those who have been accused by our officials. In addition, the BBC has actively blocked and smeared those attempting to bring this evidence to the public.
By doing this the BBC are supporting a cover-up of the true events of 9/11 and are therefore supporting those terrorist elements who were involved in certain aspects of 9/11 who have not yet been identified and held to account. A new and independent investigation is required to determine what really did occur on 9/11, and by whom, otherwise these unidentified terrorist elements will remain free to potentially commit further terrorist activities.
More to follow.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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