July 30, 2011
Obama Odious Debt Attack with Marina in the Middle Temple
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister and Middle Temple lawyer, Marina Johnson (nee Wheeler), used .tv broadcasts of Matrix 5 propaganda to put a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies in position for an Obama Odious Debt Attack on nation states.
PwC Opened Ecocide ‘PKI’ Accounts - Matrix 5 D2 Bankers - Canary Wharf - A Femme Comp Wife - ‘Andrew Berwick’ - Unabomb Attack On Norway
New Captain Sherlock eBook
See # 66
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
“[Need we say more?] “Obama seeks $4-trillion debt package Steve Holland and Tabassum Zakaria WASHINGTON— Reuters Published Sunday, Jul. 10, 2011” ... “In international law, odious debt is a legal theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be enforceable. Such debts are, thus, considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion.”
66. Marina Johnson (nee Wheeler) [Revised July 30. 2011. Matrix 5 principal and second wife of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle Mayor of London, Boris Johnson; she was called to the Middle Temple Bar in 1987 and now practices from chambers in London at One Crown Office Row; she allegedly worked with Kristine Marcy, Miriam Clegg and insiders of the U.K. Home Office, the MOD, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to secure an electronic passport for Barry Soetoro which allowed him to conceal his status as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and run as Barack Obama during the U.S. Presidential election campaign of 2008; her fellow Crown Office extortionists have invented the crime of ecocide; they have equated a failure or refusal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – fraudulently claimed as a principal cause of catastrophic climate change – to the mens rea of a homicide; her fellow Middle Temple Crown Office extortionists are promoting the use of odious debt and predatory credit-default swaps to legitimize the execution of borrower-violators as on 911; her fellow Middle Temple Crown Office extortionists are allegedly using blip.tv to transmit digital images of torture, bombings and murder to secure the obedience of Matrix 5 agents and the silence of prospective whistleblowers; she is the sister-in-law of allegedly-extorted man-in-the-middle partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Leo Johnson, the snuff (?) film-maker who plans to replace government with PwC Ecocide PKI regulators who claim rights such as, “I will sabotage your plant if you are killing my fish, I will remove insurance, I will picket your product”; she allegedly forced Leo Johnson to issue PwC PKI security certificates to an ‘Andrew Berwick London’ account at D2 Banking allowing a virtual identity to finance the Ecocide / Unabomb attack on Norway’s oil and energy ministries; she is the sister-in-law of allegedly extorted woman-in-the-middle Rachel Johnson who was educated at the European School in Brussels and read Classics (Literae Humaniores) at New College, Oxford in the mid-‘80s; Marina’s husband Boris Johnson and sister-in-law Rachel Johnson have sufficient fluency in written Latin to qualify as suspect adopters of phrases used by the PKI identity, Andrew Berwick, "Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici" and “De Laude Novae Militiae”; she allegedly used Rachel Johnson’s position in the BBC in 1994 and as a freelance columnist in Washington DC to help PwC, RSA, Verisign and Entrust set up PKI Ecocide accounts for Matrix 5 insiders and prepare the 911 attacks on America; she allegedly forced Boris Johnson to employ Andrew Gordon, Head of Investigations in the PwC Forensic Services group, in a Forensic Audit Panel to whitewash financial and PKI identity frauds by insiders of the London Development Agency; she is the sister-in-law of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle Jo Johnson, former editor of the Lex Column on the Financial Times and MP for Orpington who allegedly uses PwC PKI certificates to manipulate the U.K. public accounts committee with its chairman and the former PwC consultant Margaret Hodge MP; she has forensic skills of a Middle Temple barrister to deal with bogus discrimination claims but lacks basic skills in spoliation CSI to properly conceal the PKI identities behind the bombings in Oslo and the shootings in Utoya; she is half English and half Indian; she is the daughter of BBC correspondent Sir Charles Wheeler and his second wife Dip Singh; she was educated at the European School of Brussels; in the early 1980s, she studied at the University of Cambridge where she wrote for the student magazine; after Cambridge, she returned to Brussels and worked there for four years; at the European School, she became a friend of Boris Johnson, the future Mayor of London; her sister is Shirin Wheeler, now the BBC's Brussels correspondent; she specialises in mental health matters and discrimination claims; January 2004 she was appointed to the B-Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown; In 2009, she joined the Bar Disciplinary Tribunal as a barrister member; works in discrimination law while recognizing more than 60 per cent of claims are bogus; she married her childhood friend, Boris Johnson in 1993 after they met again in Brussels, where he was covering the European Parliament for The Daily Telegraph; while promoting one-child policy for the peasants, they have four children, Lara Lettice, Milo Arthur, Cassia Peaches and Theodore Apollo; he worked for a short while for L.E.K. which now advises the UK government on the 100% carbon neutral and has developed a tested methodology for carbon; she is trying to engineer her husband to take over from David Cameron as prime minister; she allegedly forced Boris to set up the resignation of Paul Stephenson, Metropolitan Police Commissioner because his force had hired someone who used to work for the News of the World, when David Cameron, who had hired Andy Coulson, was still in his job; she appears to have set up a phone hack on her husband in re the story of the psychopathic Darius Guppy needing some addresses to break a rib or two and intimidate the media; she allegedly had him force Sir Ian Blair out of Met; she allegedly had him force resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson by exploiting the crossed wires of PKI accountability that connect the Metropolitan Police Commissioner both to him and to the Home Office; she allegedly had him force resignation of John Yates, Met's assistant commissioner using PKI inside information in re Yates’s relationship with Neil Wallis, the former deputy editor of the News of the World, known as "Wolfman", who had been hired by the Met as a locum spin-doctor; she allegedly had him sabotage Met's counter-terrorism operations in the year before the Olympics by replacing Yates with Cressida Dick, the Gold Room commander and PwC PKI user who allegedly authorized the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes on 8/7; she frames her husband as a harmless bombastic buffoon who talks of Kosovo-style social cleansing; she is the daughter-in-law of the allegedly-extorted man-in-the-middle Stanley Johnson, an Ecocide sponsor, who worked at the European Commission, served as a Tory MEP from 1979 to 1984, and stood as Tory parliamentary candidate for Teignbridge in Devon; she is the daughter-in-law of the allegedly-extorted woman-in-the-middle Charlotte Wahl whose father Sir James Fawcett was a barrister and president of the European Commission of Human Rights and whose ancestry includes the early feminist and suffragette Millicent Garrett Fawcett. Abel Danger has concluded that PwC’s Ecocidal PKI lesbians and Boris’s Femme Comp wife know how to operate a Matrix 5 MitM propaganda attack but not how to defend against one and they view the OODA loop as a redundant form of heterosexual contraception.]”
Those who may be concerned have a moral obligation to think hard.