Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Back Door Man - energy reductionism - ralph nader: demonstrating how to destroy america - reverse engineering America

Source: Channeling Reality

The Back Door Man

The Back Door Man is an apt description for the people who got the ball rolling for the small 't' technocratic agenda of energy reductionism in the name of environmentalism. Without energy, you have no economy. It's that simple. But we are being told that the economic plan of the United States is "growth through reductionism". LOGIC CHECK.

The quintessential Back Door Man is Ralph Nader. Nader is a Harvard educated lawyer who successfully sued GM over the design of the Corvair. He was right about the design of the vehicle. It was unsafe. But what he did with that lawsuit was to demonstrate the method by which America could be destroyed. But this is not about Ralph Nader. Nader was just first Back Door Man to achieve the kind of success to draw the sharks to join the feeding frenzy. Ralph Nader's genius was to define the method by which America could be reverse engineered. The method is really quite simple. Examine the business process, find the flaw (there is always a flaw - even if innocuous) and sue the living sh*t out the hapless business owner and use the courts to steal as many of his assets as you can grab. But it isn't the lawsuit itself that does the damage to the rest of the country. It's the Congressional "reform" that follows. Back when Nadar sued GM, you could buy a car for $4,000. Today, a low end car is around $20,000. Thanks Ralph. Cars are so safe now, they are nearly unaffordable.

Back Door Men of Energy

Only Ralph Nader knows who funded his lawsuit against GM. For all we know, it could have been funded by Ford or Chrysler because the strategy of the Back Door Men is a game of asset stripping and destruction. It can be played by the competitors as well as the customers. And in some cases, it can even be useful for the business that is being sued itself. And I believe such was the case with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in California in the 1970s. A lawsuit was used to break the regulated monopoly, financial model of the utilities. And before you jump on the word 'monopoly', think about power generation, transmission and delivery to your home. It's a high investment business with a long term recovery on the investment. But more importantly than that, the energy to your homes and businesses is the first in the list of inputs that are needed to drive the rest of the economy. As an essential service, deregulation was a license to steal. In fact, Enron gave us a demonstration of it. And the new model for the economy is to bleed you dry - their growth through your reduction in the ability to live and work.

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