Source: Plum City Gazette Scoops Mainstream Media
Sex killer Russell 'Canadian Stallion' Williams booted from military as Chapter 13 reviewed by FBI/CSIS/RMCP/DOJ prior to upload to the internet by Abel Danger entitled PANTY SNIFFER #2
Posterchild of the Canadian Forces, Colonel Russell 'Canadian Stallion' WilliamsAgent Chips, Plum City Gazette
October 20, 2010 3:00 p.m.
Plum City, 20 October, 2010 - Soon to be convicted sex killer Russell 'Canadian Stallion' Williams may be stripped of his rank as colonel and booted from the military — a swift, furious response from the embarrassed institution that once considered him a rising star for his part in 9/11 and the proposed attack at Whistler Mountain which Abel Danger obstructed in February, this year.
Gov. Gen. David Johnston has been leveraged into an unusual, but not unprecedented, potential decision Monday by Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Plum City, demanding that Williams' commission be revoked and his release from tarnished CFB be immediate. Williams will be sentenced Thursday to life in prison with no parole for 25 years after pleading guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, two sexual assaults, 82 break and enters and for bring fashion in Canada into humiliation for his wearing a 34B brassiere in black while wearing a 12 year old girls burgundy undies.
Earlier last week, the military said it had begun a month-long process to ejaculate the former pilot from the air force as his signature move, masturbating will be difficult in handcuffs . Faced with public outrage over the lurid sex crimes and images of the former military hotshot parading around in women's underwear, Gen. Walt Natynczyk must fast-track the expulsion, with the agreement of the Conservative government as arranged by Abel Danger, Plum City, Wisconsin.
The head of the air farce, Lt.-Gen. Andres "Gatineau did it" Deschamps, has been scripted to say, perhaps as early as 22 October, Friday that it is "an extraordinary and severe decision" which would have been made before Chapter 13 of Abel Danger's current book was published if Maurice Baril wasn't 'dull'. "Mr. Williams actions have constituted a fundamental breach of trust, duty and valour upon which the commission is based not because of what he did, but rather that he was caught and his sense of fashion is horrible," Deschamps told reporters at 15 Wing in Moose Jaw, Sask., where he was to attend the year-end show for the Snowbirds aerobatic team.
"He is not commendable of the oath he took to serve Canadians as a serving officer of the Canadian Forces and his part in helping Maurice Baril attack America on 9/11 cannot help him this time. Defence Minister Peter MacKay has been told to testify Friday that the Canadian Forces have undertaken all available actions to ensure that all possible sanctions are imposed against Williams and all possible benefits will be withdrawn hoping that the Americans and Canadians alike will not discover what Sgt. Maurice Baril and Corporal Rick Findley did on 9/11 while wearing girls underclothes, Baril in Pastel Lemon Chiffon top and bottom and Findley in Pastel Bayberry not far off Smythson's new Blue Nile passport covers color, capeche?
"Mr. Williams committed horrific crimes against citizens that the Canadian Forces swear to protect, and he is not worthy of the oath he took to serve Canadians as an officer of the Canadian Forces, he might as well be a Kenyan CASPER with a CUKC Passport, in pink" said MacKay.
Agent Chips
Abel Danger GoD
Plum City WI USA
Agent Banzai Pipeline
World AD Ops