Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The final battle between the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent

Sir Oliver Klosov
I'm sure you have noticed the increasing number of hate crimes against Christians, especially in Christian nations. Attacks on property, including graffiti and vandalism, burning churches, damaging statuary, to physical assaults and murder of Christians, are increasing.
One might pause to ask who hates Christians more than any other group and why. And who could provide the infinite and endless funds to fuel their hatred.

That one is easy: follow the money. The Judaic supremacist banking "elite" constantly sabotage this world with their usury banking mafia debt instruments to inflate and deflate currency and drain wealth out of nations, like the knives that bled out Julius Caesar.

As I have said before, I don’t hate "Jews", but I do condemn "Jew" bankers – and to be more focused, the followers in all "Jewish" held and owned industry of the perverse doctrines of the Talmud. The whole "Jewish question" is intentionally confusing; not all "Jews" are the same.

There's an ethnic element, involving Mizrahi and Sephardi "Jews", who tend to be darker-skinned (Mediterranean); Ashkenazi "Jews" (lighter-skinned converts who migrated to eastern and northern Europe from Khazaria between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea); and various other ethnic groups. The predominant religion among these diverse ethnicities is in fact a superstitious cult, whose tenets and practices have been reviled by neighboring populations throughout history. The often ethnic supremacist Ashkenazi "Jews", whose main language has traditionally been Yiddish (primarily based on German), are currently the dominant "Jewish" faction: their "leadership", which dominates the World Jewish Congress, has been particularly cruel and hateful.

There's a religious element, mainly involving Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism. Many naive and ill-informed Christians believe that modern Judaism's main "religious" scriptures are the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), upon which the Protestant Old Testament featuring "Moses" is based. In fact, the Talmud, particularly the Babylonian Talmud (the Jerusalem Talmud aka the Palestinian Talmud is an earlier collection of texts), an assemblage of rabbinical scriptures compiled circa 500 AD, that comment on and interpret the texts contained within the Tanakh, form the basis of Rabbinic Judaism.

There's a political/ideological element, involving tribal supremacist and/or Zionist (Israeli) chauvinist ethics ("chosenness") versus universal ethics. "Chosen people" ideology is a self-serving, self-evident logical fallacy that needs canceling.

It is time to describe the battle we are in. Many say it is a battle between good and evil – and they would be right. More specifically, the battle that has reached a crescendo here in the end times is between two old evolutionary foes.

Thomas Jefferson read the Talmud and in 1813 had some interesting reflections on its contents and on these "Jewish" doctrines; in a letter to John Adams, he wrote: "What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit. It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrines." He was convinced they are in fact and in practice anti-social and anti-Christian.

America's founders gave us the right to bear arms to resist tyranny foreign and domestic: what did they know that we seem to have been taught to forget?

Let us also not forget the ancient tradition of ritual oral blood-sucking by rabbis of a freshly circumcised baby penis, the mechitzah b'peh; one of the two historical reasons "Jews" were banished from countries.

The other was and still is the child sacrifices and ritual drinking of blood from abducted and terrorized Christian children for the psychedelic effects of adrenochrome and adrenaline.
This disgusting practice was called "blood libel", whitewashed in recorded history as a false charge and "anti-Semitic", but ritual sacrifice is well documented as far back as Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac in Genesis 22. And despite this same group having taken ownership of the news industry to hide their history, the past has NOT been erased.

A letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar in 31 AD was quite specific about the tenor of their culture:

"Cursed be the day that I succeeded Vallerius Falceus in the government of Judea; for since then my life has been one of continual uneasiness and distress. I would warn the Romans to beware of the high priests of this country. They would betray their own mother to gain office and a luxurious living. It seems to me that, of conquered cities, Jerusalem is the most difficult to govern. So turbulent are the people that I live in momentary dread of an insurrection. I have not soldiers sufficient to suppress it. I had only one centurion and a hundred men at my command. I requested a reinforcement from the prefect of Syria, who informed me that he had scarcely troops sufficient to defend his own province. An insatiate thirst for conquest to extend our empire beyond the means of defending it, I fear, will be the cause of the final overthrow of our whole government. I lived secluded from the masses, for I do not know what those priests might influence the rabble to do; yet I endeavored to ascertain, as far as I could, the mind and standing of the people."

The first insult: freedom from financial slavery

Pontius Pilate's letter to Tiberius affirms this:


Among the various rumors that came to my ears, there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man, it was said, appeared in Galilee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of God who had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave him the appearance of a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years old. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny complexion!

Unwilling to interrupt him by my presence, I continued to walk, but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. My secretary's name is Manlius. He is the grandson of the chief of the conspirators who encamped in Eturia waiting for Cataline. Manlius had been for a long time an inhabitant of Judea, and is well acquainted with the Hebrew language. He was devoted to me, and worthy of my confidence. On entering the Praetorium I found Manlius, who related to me the words Jesus had pronounced at Siloe. Never have I read in the works of the philosophers anything that can compare to the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Jesus if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied: "Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and unto God the things that are God's."

It was on account of his sayings that I granted so much liberty to the Nazarene; for it was in my power to have him arrested, and exiled to Pontus; but that would have been contrary to the justice which has always characterized the Roman Government in all its dealings with men; this man was neither seditious nor rebellious; I extended to him my protection, unknown perhaps to himself. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and address the people, and to choose disciples, unrestrained by any Praetorian mandate.

And that must have pissed the priesthood off more than anything else.

Circa 6-4 BC – c. 30 AD The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His rejection of the "Jewish" money changers' usury practices and his philosophy to turn away from the Jewish religious doctrines for a direct connection to the Creator – without "Jewish."

50 AD Roman Emperor Claudius expelled the "Jews" from Rome because the "Jews" constantly made disturbances to the social order.

66 AD The First Jewish–Roman War began. The revolt was put down by the future Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus.

70 AD The Romans destroyed much of the Temple in Jerusalem.

132 AD Roman Emperor Hadrian outlawed "Jews" from performing circumcision, deeming it a bodily mutilation. The Romans were fed up with "Jews".

135 AD Julius Severus ravaged Judea while putting down the Bar Kokhba revolt; 985 villages were destroyed and most of the "Jewish" population of central Judea was essentially wiped out: killed, sold into slavery, or forced to flee.

Circa 200–400 AD The Jerusalem Talmud and the Mishnah were created and compiled. The practice of sucking blood from a male baby's penis after circumcision, and the civilized abhorrence of that foul ritual, are not a recent occurrence.

339 AD Constantine's son, Constantius, the head of the Eastern Roman Empire, brought in legislation forbidding female converts to Judaism and intermarriage with Christians, to put an end to their interbreeding spawn, as well as ending "Jewish" ownership of slaves. "Jews" were determined by Constantius to be a "pernicious sect" and were increasingly forced out of Roman-occupied territories.
780–800 AD Birth of a new "Jewish" Khazar kingdom

The Khazar kingdom between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea was a powerful early medieval kingdom. The Khazar people themselves were a stronghold of the last Neanderthals – an ugly, brutal, and vicious people who robbed and killed anyone entering the kingdom. They got so out of control that the Russian Tsar sent his army to announce that if they did not adopt some kind of religion and moral code, he would wipe them out as a plague in the region. The Khazarian king Bulan converted to Judaism together with some four thousand of his noblemen, but they were light-skinned Ashkenazim – different from the "Jewish race" of Sephardim near the Mediterranean Sea – and maintained many of their previous ways.

The second insult: Russia destroyed their perverted empire
The Khazars were finally subdued by Russians who destroyed their kingdom in the early eleventh century. The Khazars left the area for Germania because Russia had had enough of them.

1144 AD First blood libel accusation, in Norwich, England

"Jews" ritually tortured and killed a Christian child, a local boy named William, to use his blood for further depraved rituals. This behavior would be repeated regularly in secret, both in England itself and throughout the lands of Europe, and would be continued right through the twentieth century.

1236 AD Christian condemnation of the "blood libel" (it's not "libel" when it's true)

The "blood libel" had been going on for close on a hundred years when it was investigated by Frederick the Second, the Holy Roman Emperor (the secular champion of Christianity), and "Jews" were becoming unwelcome in England.

1250 AD First "blood libel" in Spain 

The "blood libel" had appeared in many places in Europe over the previous century. When it appeared in Christian Spain, the tide was turning against the "Jews".

1290 AD Expulsion of the "Jews" from England

The "Jews" had been resented for generations because of their usurious banking activities and were expelled from England by King Edward I in 1290. Of the 3000 or so "Jews" who left, most went to the Germanic lands. In the 1700s, one family of Frankists that became financially prominent hung outside their door in Frankfurt the sign of a red shield / hexagram; they later renamed themselves "Rothschild".

1349-60 AD Expulsion of the "Jews" of Hungary

In the wake of the Black Death, many of the "Jews" of Hungary were expelled. A general expulsion order attempted to get rid of the rest in 1360.

A partial list of the localities which expelled their "Jews" over the next century and a half includes: Strasbourg (1381), Lucerne (1384), Berne (1408 and again in 1427), Vienna (1421), Linz (1421), Cologne (1424), Fribourg (1428), Zurich (1436), Augsburg (1439), Bavaria (1442 and 1450), Moravia (1421 and 1454), Breslau (1453), Trent (1475), Perugia (1485), Gubbio (1486), Geneva (1490), Ravenna (1491), and Campo San Pietro (1492).

1478 AD Start of the Spanish Inquisition to rid the nation of "Jews"

The problem of secret Judaics among the conversos had occupied the Crown and the Church in Spain for decades. Finally, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile decided to initiate an inquisition to try and flush out the secret Judaics from among the Christian population. After negotiations with the Pope, the first inquisitorial tribunal opened in Seville in 1481 and soon found itself so swamped with work that a countrywide system of inquisitorial courts was set up. These courts opened two years later under an Inquisitor-General, the famous Thomas Torquemada.

1654 AD First "Jews" in North America arrive in New Amsterdam (New York)

With the flight of the "Jews" from Recife in Brazil, Jewish settlement developed at many different places in the Americas as the "Jews" looked for new places to settle and continue their slave trade. Among the new settlements was the recently settled Dutch trading center of New Amsterdam in North America. Some two dozen "Jews" from Recife found their way to New Amsterdam and asked for permission to stay. In fact, they were not the first: about two months before their arrival, a couple of "Jews" had arrived from Holland to develop the slave trade the "Jews" had started after returning with Columbus in 1495.

1730 AD First synagogue in North America

The Shearit Israel congregation in New York dedicated its first synagogue. The congregation, like others in North America, had existed for some decades; this was the first time that a building would serve expressly as a synagogue.

But the Founding Fathers were wary of this pernicious sect and were sounding the alarm by the time of the Revolution to free America from England. They wanted no part of the "Jews".

The third insult: America acknowledged them as a danger to freedom
1787 AD Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, at the Continental Congress: "There is a great danger for the United States of America. That great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in whichever land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have created a State within a State, and when they were opposed, they attempted to strangle the nation financially as in the case of Portugal and Spain." "For more than 1700 years they have lamented their sorrowful fate, namely that they were driven out of the motherland; but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine as their property, they would immediately find pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and cannot live on other vampires. They cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race." "If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than a hundred years they will stream into our country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of government for which Americans have shed their blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews, while they remain in the Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands."

"I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jew forever, your children's children will curse you in your grave."

He was correct then as now and was talking about the followers of the Talmud. The Khazarians who adopted Judaism for political reasons later became the world bankers, because they who control the money control nations.

1841 AD Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto

1881 AD Assassination of a tsar; pogroms in South Russia to expel "Jews"

When Alexander II of Russia was assassinated by Jewish terrorists, a wave of pogroms broke out across South Russia. Many Jews realized that their situation, far from improving, was in fact deteriorating, and decided that there was no future for them in Russia.

1891 AD Expulsion of Moscow's "Jews"

During the 1880s and early 1890s, the Russian government's attitude toward the "Jews" had hardened, and a policy of harassment had been implemented. The climax of this was the expulsion of the "Jews" of Moscow at Pesach. At least 10,000 of the 20,000 "Jews" residing in Moscow were expelled, many in chains. This was part of government policy in order to "purify" Moscow.

1891 AD Corfu blood libel led to large-scale removal of "Jews"

In 1861 and 1864, Greek residents of the island of Corfu brought "blood libel" accusations against the "Jews" living there. The pernicious sect's actions in 1894 led to several thousand of them – the great majority – being forced to leave the island.

1897 AD First Zionist Congress convened in Basel, Switzerland

Over a century after the American Constitution was ratified, Austro-Hungarian "Jew" Theodor Herzl convened a Zionist congress to sell the idea of political conquest of both of the "Jews" and the non-"Jewish" world, and proclaimed the right of the "Jewish people" to "national rebirth in its own country". If they couldn't be accepted as settlers in Palestine, they would buy it.
1897-8 AD Founding of the Bund, the first "Jewish" socialist party in Eastern Europe

50 years after the 1848 publication of Karl Marx's original German-language version of The Communist Manifesto at Bishopsgate in the City of London, the Bund (union or league) was founded as a revolutionary party in the Russian Empire. Its initial object was to work among the "Jewish" workers and agitate for a revolutionary spirit which would be directed toward a general socialist revolution. In that spirit, they were a major constituent of the 1898 founding of the Russian revolutionary Social Democratic party, the Communist Party of later years.

1913 AD "Jewish" private central bankers seized control of the American money supply

Rothschild agent Paul Warburg led a cabal of prominent European and American bankers who met discreetly on Jekyll Island, Georgia in November 1910 and managed the stealthy passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, financially enslaving America to foreign-owned banks centered in the sovereign City of London.

Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) and Vladimir Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) were "Jews" sent by London and New York banks to overthrow the Christian nation of Russia as revenge for Russia's kicking the Khazarian mafia out of the Black Sea area a thousand years ago. John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company also desired to steal the newly discovered oil reserves in Baku. "Jews" had the ambition to rule over Russia with communism… Marxist communism… "Jewish" communism.

Later, Henry Ford and IBM helped fund Adolf Hitler's National Socialist regime to round up, catalog, and send to forced labor camps "Jews" and various political dissidents who opposed their order, and prevent the "color revolution" in Russia from infecting the rest of Europe with communism. 1933's Haavara Agreement between "Nazi" Germany and Zionist German "Jews" facilitated the migration of approximately 60,000 German "Jews" to British Mandatory Palestine, to help further the aims of Lionel Walter Rothschild's November 1917 Balfour Declaration and pave the way for a future "Jewish State" in Palestine in 1948. The subsequent "state of Israel" was also intended to serve as a forward fire base for the City of London Corporation's lust for world commercial domination by controlling West Asian and African natural resources and supply chains.

And here we are, in one huge battle with these monsters

If you haven't noticed, a crime wave that we have not seen in decades is sweeping the nation. This is communism, launched by the "Jews" against our Christian nation and around the world.

The "Jew" George Soros has funneled tens of millions of dollars into campaigns of far-left District Attorney candidates committed to undermining law and order to destroy our Constitution and transform this country into a communist tyranny.

Facebook's front "Jew" Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million to fund the ballot harvesting voter fraud in 2020.

All the pharmaceutical industry CEOs are "Jewish" and are participating in the plundering of national treasuries and theft of pension funds, having arrogated to themselves "immunity from prosecution". They've been employing their paid off congressional budget leaders on both sides of the political aisle to inject their pharma poisons to kill off and weaken national populations around the globe.

The leaders are identifiable – it's written in their Neanderthal genes: Schwab, Rockefeller, Weinstein, Kissinger, Zuckerberg, Soros.
The traitors Gates, Fauci, past presidents, the congress are facilitating this attack on Christianity and humanity at the behest of these Neanderthals that control the world's money supply via their central banks.

And their "green revolution" is clearly intended to reduce the amount of "carbon" on earth… but humans are carbon-based beings.

Anyone else sensing a pattern?

The time for negotiation is over; the time to remove the Neanderthals from this planet is long overdue.

The solution is simple – full metal jacket – and it will make a statement that will be heard around the world. We don't just fight for our freedom; we fight for the survival of our species. It's time to put the Neanderthals to sleep.


Tsar Nicolas II refused to turn the Russian ruble over to the "Jewish" bankers in western Europe. Because of this, Tsar Nicolas II became the "Jewish" bankers' enemy with his assassination being a "Jewish" ritual killing.

Neanderthal predation theory...

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