Thursday, August 8, 2019

Addiction, Polygamy, and Neofeudalism

Source: The Duran

August 8, 2019

Class and cultural warfare are now waged on all levels, visible and invisible, directly and indirectly – because the working class has been divided and demoralized up to the hilt.

Authored by Serban V.C. Enache via Hereticus Economicus:

We shall see how chemical thralldom, cultural and class warfare lead to demoralization, disease, violence, and political instability.

More than 70 percent of societies studied by anthropologists allowed men to have more than one wife. Polygyny has seen a decline over the past centuries. But in recent times, it’s been on the rise, even in countries where it’s still technically outlawed. Four years ago, professor Valerie Hudson wrote a thoroughly convincing article on the threat to national security posed by polygyny. I’ve never been a fan of this marriage system, ditto for polyandry, and my instinct on this matter turned out in line with actual reality. It's from Valerie Hudson I borrowed the most important points for this blog post.

Polygyny was legalized in 2013 in post-Gaddafi Libya, alongside the de facto resurrection of the slave trade there – thanks to the wonderful liberals and humanitarians in NATO. There are also factions in Tunisia who are pushing for the legalization of polygamy. Even in post-Soviet countries like Kyrgyzstan, polygyny is a hot topic on the agenda. Legalization attempts failed there in 2010, only because polyandry [a woman having multiple husbands] would have had to be legalized as well. Almost all the upper class men from Kyrgyzstan have more than one wife [between two and four, usually acquired around the age of 18].

According to a Gallup survey from 2015, 16 percent of Americans consider polygamy as morally acceptable; in 2003, only 7 percent held that view. Some analysts predict full legalization [of polygyny and polyandry] in Western countries in the next decades. This trend isn’t a positive phenomenon, in fact, folks should be alarmed.

Historically speaking, polygyny [a man taking multiple wives] is the most common form of polygamy. Research has shown plenty of problems directly created by the socio-economic and cultural system of polygyny. Maternal mortality rates are five times higher in societies with the highest rates of polygyny compared to those with the lowest rates. Women in these societies also have reduced life expectancy compared to monogamous societies, the difference being around 20 years in lifespan. Polygynous societies exhibit levels of sex trafficking and domestic violence [toward women] twice as high compared to monogamous or low-polygyny societies, while the risk of female genital mutilation in strong polygynous societies jumps by a factor of 100. And when it comes to children, boys and girls face a higher risk of malnutrition and receive less education, narrowing social mobility.

There's more to it, though. Polygyny, at its core a rigid class system, is a threat to national security as well. It creates a strong imbalance between the wed and those unwed, seeking a spouse. If each man takes more than one wife, it leaves other men [usually from the lower classes], without any wives at all. Nearly half the boys in polygynous cultures need to be removed from their primary community at puberty in order to sustain this imbalance whereby few [older, wealthier, more influential men] claim a disproportionate share of women for themselves. Because these estranged boys tend to come from the poorer segments of society and are often left with less education and little social support, few choices are available to them, short of violence, to carve out their own destiny. A strong link between the number of greenhorns taken in by terrorist groups and the prevalence of polygyny has also been identified.

Greater competition among men looking for wives leads to unstable political situations – and as a consequence, increased government repression to contain the phenomenon. Highly polygynous societies sport rigid [unmeritocratic] hierarchies and despotic governments. Historian and anthropologist Laura Betzig studied 186 societies around the globe and found a strong correlation between polygyny and despotism. Compared to monogamous societies, these countries grant far fewer civil and political rights to their citizens, men and women.

Anthropologists also found strong links between polygyny and warfare. It fuels tensions between men who are seeking to reproduce, and those men or forces who deny it to them – "the first law of intergroup conflict [civil war]." Polygynous societies are more likely to engage in expansionist warfare as a means to distract low-status males without wives. Countries with higher rates of polygyny spend significantly more money on weapons. In studies examining more than 140 states, Valerie Hudson and her colleagues found that polygyny is strongly linked with lower levels of national security and political stability. A great many scholars across the social sciences, who studied the relationship between polygyny and violence inside and among groups, conclude the same. Real academic consensus exists on the critical subject matter of polygyny. These solid correlations hold true regardless of region, faith or culture. The negative socio-economic and political dynamics associated with polygyny are not bugs in the system, they are its features. The system's math creates a pool of disgruntled young adult men who [rightly] seek to oppose the establishment. In these marriages, when the females suffer from structural inequality and subjugation, and this state of affairs is built into family culture, the boys who grow up into men under under this way of life, come to regard women as 2nd class citizens against whom violence is acceptable. Under this rotten script [the script authored by and for the select few men], polygyny generates ever-growing cycles of violence within and between individuals and societies.

This particular blight is growing in the East as well, in the former soviet republics. While the consequences of the one child policy, and of sterilization [population control policies inspired and sponsored by Western Governments and Western NGOs] are felt in countries like India, China, Vietnam, and Korea; where an imbalance in the gender population is causing a huge wave of child abductions due to a lack of women for marriage. Around 170 million women are 'missing' from the demographic count; they were never born due to State policy agendas, touted as humanist programs destined for humanitarian purposes.

The polytheist Romans and Greeks were wise enough to practice monogamy. For Europe, the USA, and other countries, monogamy is a legacy of our pagan ancestors and must be defended at all costs. Even the Zionist state of Israel has outlawed polygamy ever since 1977, despite the fact Judaism approves the practice. Israeli state planners understood the threat polygamy poses to the stability of the country.

Please go to The Duran to read the entire article.

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