Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Best Friends Forever: John McCain 'Accused of Accepting Improper Donations From Rothschilds'

Source: Russia Insider

Nothing to see here. Move along.

John McCain certainly "gets around". The famous Arizona warmonger and Moloch worshipper has a lot of fancy friends, too:

#2917: Can Trump Purge Serco's 8(a) Fake-News Demons On Boeing Anthrax Nerve Gas Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 28, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) explains below how President Trump can purge Serco's 8(a)-company resilience exercises, war games or honey traps of fake-news injects by exposing Serco's alleged use of Demon face-recognition software to blackmail pedophiles in murder-for-hire, and, alleged use of patented devices on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority network to broadcast fake news and snuff films of the Boeing, anthrax and nerve-gas (BANG!) attacks since 9/11.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Covert War Against Russia - If Russia Speaks Out, It Would Mean All-Out War - Blame Russia For Everything From Brexit to Killer Squids - Russian UN Envoy Vitaly Churkin Investigated Organ Trafficking - Deep State War? Russian Officials Keep Dying Unexpectedly

Source: Russia Insider

The Body Count Grows: Covert War Is Being Waged Against Russia

But if Russia speaks out, it would mean all-out war
What can be done? 

In October 2014, the Washington Post openly speculated that Russia was responsible for spreading Ebola.

Abel Danger Considered "Among the Most Untrustworthy Sources in the Media" - One More Reason to Read Abel Danger - How the CIA Made Google Inside the Secret Network Behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War, and Skynet - Free Media - "The Underdog vs The Cartel" - A Dance of Robotic Data - Final Analysis: Billionaires Are getting Billionaire'd

Dear readers of Abel Danger blog:

Abel Danger blog has been targeted by a self-appointed arbiter of fake news called "Fake News Checker" in an apparent attempt to diminish Abel Danger as an "alternative news site". The intent of Abel Danger all along was never to be an "alternative news site" only to be placed in some type of catagory by self-appointed anonymous "news fact" overseers. Abel Danger was originally set up to provide law enforcement and to a lesser extent intelligence agencies, which are completely compromised ever since being privatized, important evidence on the flying events of 9/11, as well as on the economic forensics used by the criminal state in relation to 9/11. The website Fake News Checker has recently put up information regarding Abel Danger blog that readers may be interested in learning about to see for themselves what should rather be called "free media" and not "fake news" as the website Fake News Checker uses. The following description of Abel Danger blog by Fake News Checker:

Sunday, February 26, 2017

#2916: Can Trump And/Or Bannon Kill Serco's 8(a) Fake-News Demons On MH VX Patent Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 26, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) explains how President Trump and/or his chief strategist Steve Bannon could have Serco's 8(a) agents killed if they are found to have used Demon face-recognition software to extort pedophile newsgroups into concealing murder-for-hire with fake news – as was allegedly the case in the Kula Lumpur VX nerve-gas attack and the droning of MH370 – about patented weaponized devices synchronized on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

President Trump Announces Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation

Source: YourNewsWire

February 24, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry in News • US • 8 Comments

President Trump has announced a federal investigation into the Pizzagate elite pedophile scandal involving human trafficking on Tuesday and promised to help put an end to the "horrific, really horrific crimes taking place."

Friday, February 24, 2017

#2915: Can Trump Track Crimewatch Murder To Serco's 8(a) Demons, Bannon's Fake News Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 24, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) explains below how President Trump can track the murder of the former presenter of the BBC programme Crimewatch Jill Dando on 26 April 1999 to Serco's alleged use of Demon face-recognition software to control/extrort/blackmail the 8(a) pedophile network which appears to provide Steve Bannon's banking associates with a real-time fake-news and murder-for-hire service on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Serco shares slide as investor concerns mount over turnround

Source: FT

Revenues and profits fall after hit from lossmaking and terminated contracts

Rupert Soames © Bloomberg

Please go to FT to read the entire article.

McCain Fingered as Major Trump Leaker - How Much Longer Are the American People Going to Tolerate John McCain?

Source: Zero Hedge

Via The Daily Bell
White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump's Classified Phone … This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain's life in politics. – True Pundit
Just the other day we wrote an article about John McCain and how he was trying to undermine President Donald Trump.

We suggested that if Trump could do something to rein in McCain that would be a net positive because McCain was being so destructive, not just to Trump but to the country generally.

#2914: Did Bannon Fool Trump With A Serco 8(a) Fake-News Dyke On A Pedophile Islamic Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 22, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) explains below how former banker Steve Bannon may have fooled President Trump by using Serco 8(a) companies to inject fake news on 9/11 through a witting or unwitting former BBC director general Greg Dyke and conceal the presence of pedophile spoliation crews in a Islamic murder-for-hire service on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Did Pablo Escobar Work for the CIA? US Media Quite as Son's Memoir Says "Yes" - American News Sources Prefer Fake News - Both Murdered Investigative Journalist Gary Webb and Marine Corps Aviator Col. James Sabow Say "Yes"


Did Pablo Escobar work for the CIA? The question is nothing new for conspiracy theorists who have long argued that the United States government's War on Drugs was actually a cover-up of its efforts to get in on the action, and a new memoir from an individual with a front row seat lends even more fodder to those suspicions.

Monday, February 20, 2017

America Is Being Manipulated Into Position for a War With Russia - Russian Ambassador To UN Vitaly Churkin Has "Died Suddenly" In New York - US Senators Graham and McCain Continue With Their Intense Irrational Rhetoric Against Russia - Deep State's Intent: War With Russia - Events Deteriorating In Ukraine - Global Arms Trade at Highest Point Since "Cold War" - Jewish Revolutionary Spirit - The Strong Put Their "Stamp" On Reality - A Long History of Fake News - The Left Has Always Been Ultimately Organized for Violence - Russia Already Had One Pogrom - What Will it Take to Convince You?

Mainstream Media's Fake News is Titanic Iceberg: Look Below the Water Line

By William Wraithwrite

[*Note: If you feel this essay is important then please take the initiative to publish (permission granted) share, tweet, email, discuss, etc., as this message is very important. You have a duty to yourself and those you care about to help preserve your American rights.*]

As President Donald Trump has taken office, and inevitable conflicts ensue for both good and bad reasons, we the American people, witness more from the same spigot of mainstream media lies and distortions that muddied up so much of the election process. Only now, with the advent of the Internet, we have an option of checking for alternative sources of news and opinion (but censorship is increasing there as well).

Sunday, February 19, 2017

This is a great 10 minute video explanation of Michael Flynn's resignation and how the US deep state committed treason

Source: The Duran

Michael Flynn: A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Malaysian Airways Flight MH370 - Boeing-Honeywell Uninterruptible Autopilot (BHUAP) - Dual Use Science and Technology - Aircraft Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) - This Technology Loaded Onto Boeing Aircraft

Evidence of the Hijack of Malaysian Airways Flight MH370 using the 
Boeing-Honeywell Uninterruptible Autopilot

Top 3 lies told by Insane McCain at the Munich Security Conference

Source: The Duran

by Sergey Gladysh
February 18, 2017

At the Munich Security Conference, US Senator John McCain (R-AZ) used the stage to deride President Trump, tell tall tales about the Russian aggression, and declare the West's superiority over everyone else.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

#2911: Can Trump Use RICO Remedies To Purge Fake News Serco Injects And 8(a) Murder For Clinton Hire?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 18, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) explains below how President Trump can use RICO remedies to purge Serco's fake news injects from three loosely-coupled sources – BBC/VOA*, SBA 8(a) pedophile newsgroups and the federal mentored bridge – and shut down the alleged murder-for-hire operations of the Clinton Foundation.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Obama Coup D'état - Gen. Flynn's Leaker Will Be Caught - What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You About Michael Flynn - These are the Top 8 Moments From Yesterday’s Kick Ass Trump Press Conference - Intelligence Leakers Should Probably Find the Best Lawyers in Washington - President Donald Trump: "Make America Great Again" - Eight Neocons Who Want to "Make America Bomb Again" - The Neocon Song

Serco Awarded New $12 Million C4I Contract with the U.S. Navy

Source: PR News Wire

July 7, 2016 

RESTON, VIRGINIA – July 7, 2016 – Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services, announced today that the Company has been awarded a contract to deliver Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I)/IT infrastructure installation for the new Command and Control Facility at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. The Navy's SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) is leading the effort to upgrade the IT infrastructure in support of the United States Air Force. The new four-year contract awarded by SSC Pacific is valued at $12 million, including options.

Donald Trump aide accuses BBC of 'fake news'

Source: BBC

February 17, 2017

In a heated exchange between Newsnight's Evan Davis an aide to President Trump, both the presenter and the BBC were accused of "fake news".

Human Sacrifice is an Integral Component of Elite Control - Watching Movies Removes You From Personal Responsibility Inducting You Into the Ritual - Historical Precedent: Elizabeth Báthory - Everyone Needs to Work for Open Source Intelligence - Demons to Purge Clinton Pedophiles - Flynn Fired Over High-Level DC Pedophile List - Reinhold Richard "Reince" Priebus an "Enabler and Cover Upper" of Pedophilia? - The Republican Party is About to be "Taken Down" - Democrats: Pedophilia is an "Acquired Taste"


"Draining the Swamp": Hillary Clinton's IT Guy Bryan Pagliano Referred to DoJ for Charges - Restore Legislative Branch Authority

Source: Hot Air

House Oversight Chairman Chaffetz refers Bryan Pagliano to DOJ for charges 

February 16, 2017 • by John Sexton

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions today asking Sessions to consider convening a grand jury or bringing charges against Hillary Clinton’s former IT guy, Bryan Pagliano. Pagliano was subpoenaed to testify before the committee last year but refused to appear on two occasions. After the second refusal, the Oversight Committee voted to hold Pagliano in contempt.

The All-Borrowed Money Supply and International Trade Rothschild-Style -- Curses We Must Eliminate

by Dick Eastman

You have been taught to worship "tree trade" as the greatest blessing for the wealth of nations. Let me show you how greatly deceived you have been.

The United States and other countries has people capable of producing most of the goods and services, the food, clothing, housing, furniture, appliances, schools, literature, art, infrastructure, machines and so forth that it needs. People are willing to work, to acquire the skills, to invent, to add to scientific knowledge, to teach, to manage, to extract resources from nature, to build, and to contribute the entrepreneurship which fits production to demand.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Meanwhile, In Ukraine: Kiev Nazis Operating in Easten Ukraine - Crimes Against Humanity - War Crimes - Russian Hackers Prank Phone Call to Senator McCain (Video)

Nazis ucranianos entierran vivo a un prisionero/Ukrainian nazis bury a prisoner alive

Life is Being Engineered to Serve Corporations - The Looting of America - How Much is Missing? - $4 Trillion? - Populations Being Forced Into Megacities - "Drain the Swamp?" - Remember: IBM Ran Data Base For Concentration Camps - Pentagon's Jargon: "Adversaries" - IBM Controls the Data Base for the Last Census - There Is No Government, Only Lockheed Martin, IBM and DynCorp - Can America Move From a Debt-Based to an Equity-Based Economy? - What is Your Value to Corporations?

Source: The Rutherford Institute

Coming Soon to a City Near You: The U.S. Military's Plan to Take Over America

By John W. Whitehead
February 13, 2017
"Our current and past strategies can no longer hold. We are facing environments that the masters of war never foresaw. We are facing a threat that requires us to redefine doctrine and the force in radically new and different ways. The future army will confront a highly sophisticated urban-centric threat that will require that urban operations become the core requirement for the future land-force. The threat is clear. Our direction remains to be defined. The future is urban."— "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a Pentagon training video created by the Army for U.S. Special Operations Command
The U.S. military plans to take over America by 2030.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States Donald Trump: On Cynicism and Hatred

MUST WATCH: President Trump Takes ON CNN Reporter Jim Acosta During Press Conference

Breaking News! General Michael Flynn Targeted for Pedogate Conversation

Source: Northwest Liberty News

By James White • February 15, 2017

Michael Flynn Forced Out - Prime Minister Netanyahu Arrives in America - Has the Trump Presidency Been Neutered? - George Soros Provides Jared Kushner With $259 Million Line of Credit - The White House is Under Attack - The Kremlin Is Not Laughing - Trump's Jewish Elite Mafia - Russia and America Must Not Be Allowed to Become Natural Allies - Neocons Are an Occupation Regime - Americans: Basket of "Deplorables"

Source: The Saker

The Neocons and the "deep state" have neutered the Trump Presidency, it's over folks! (UPDATED 2x)

February 14, 2017

Less than a month ago I warned that a 'color revolution' was taking place in the USA. My first element of proof was the so-called "investigation" which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump's candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn. Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation. Trump accepted it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Contaminants in Vaccinations Including Corrosive Metal Toxicants - Why Are Metals and Aggregates of Metals Being Injected Into Children? - Immune Systems on Overdrive - The Long and Sordid History of Vaccinations - Robert Kennedy Jr. Chairs Commission on Vaccines - Vaccine Safety Press Conference - Three Volumes of Testimony on Vaccine Injury - India Immunized from Foreign Influence: Shuts the "Gate" on Bill and Melinda Gates - Vaccinations: Clear and Present Danger

Source: CMSRI

Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

by Celeste McGovern • Jan 30, 2017

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine.

#2908: Did Flynn Find Clinton ICE On Serco Red-Switch Bypass To Demon Pedophile Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 15, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) claims that Michael Flynn was forced to resign after he and journalists with Russia Today (RT) found the Clinton Foundation had been outsourcing ICE missions onto Serco's Defense Red Switch Network and bypassing demon pedophile groups on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

#2907: Did Flynn And Putin Track Serco’s Beslan Onion Router Over Clinton’s Demon Bridge To Pizzagate ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 14, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) claims that Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin have tracked Serco's use of the onion router for the September 2004 Beslan school siege – involving over 1,100 people as hostages including 777 children – over the Clinton Foundation's Federal Bridge Certification Authority to the Pizzagate pedophile newsgroup which allegedly use Demon face-recognition software to entrap suspected pedophiles for arrest by ICE.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Has Trump Checked Serco's Pedophile Newsgroups For Demons Blackmail of General Flynn?

Source: The Telegraph

Michael Flynn resigns as Donald Trump's national security adviser over contacts with Russian officials

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn stood down after his contacts with Russian officials Credit: Getty 

Ruth Sherlock, Washington Chris Graham
February 14, 2017 • 6:29am

#2906: Can Trump Track Serco's Pig-Farm Group To Clinton's Demon Bridge Or Bin Laden's Goose Bay ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 13, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) has explained how President Trump can track Serco newsgroups engaged in snuff film productions at a B.C. pig farm between 1996 and 2002 with Demon face-recognition software allegedly used by the Clinton Foundation on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority to entrap Bin Laden actors in simulated ICE training exercises at an air-weapons range near Goose Bay before the attacks of 9/11.

Muslim Brotherhood Penetrates House of Representatives; U.S. Department of State; House Committee on Foreign Affairs - Obama Hired Abid, Imran and Jamal Awan - Funneling Information to External Server - Accessing Computers Without Authority - Maria Bartiromo Goes Ballistic - History: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage - President Obama Was a Spy? - The Jihadi Shadow Government in America - American Enemies Know More About What Is Going On Than the American People - Total Failure of Government

Source: Angry Patriot

WATCH: 3 Muslim Agents Caught SPYING On Trump, Evidence Points STRAIGHT to Obama

During the end of his presidency, Obama made some very questionable hires that had people shaking their heads. Among these, were three Muslim brothers.

These brothers, Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were accessing computers without the authority to do so, and may have seen classified information. These three men were overpaid, getting at least $160,000 and one of them had a criminal background. Yet, Obama hired them.

Trump slams 'out of whack' FAA in meeting with airlines

Source: Politico

President Donald Trump suggested that a pilot should be put in charge of the FAA, in an apparent dig at Administrator Michael Huerta — adding that "I have a pilot who's a real expert." | Getty

By Lauren Gardner
February 9, 2017

Gowdy: No one elected judges to 'second guess' commander in chief on national security

by WorldTribune Staff, February 12, 2017

Rep. Trey Gowdy, in a blistering rebuke of an appeals court's decision that blocked President Donald Trump's temporary immigration ban, said "there is no right to come to this country for non-citizens."

Gowdy, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, said "no one familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals should be surprised at today's ruling. The 9th Circuit has a well-earned reputation for being presumptively reversible.

Meanwhile, a report on Feb. 11 by the Center for Immigration Studies said that, since 9/11, 72 individuals from the seven Muslim-majority countries covered by Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism.

Somalia led the list with 20 convicted terrorists, followed by Yemen and Iraq with 19 each, Syria 7, Iran 4, Libya 2 and Sudan 1.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

#2904: Did Hotel Serco Demons Track CAI Pig Farm Pedophiles Through Liquidation Sister's 9/11?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 11, 2017

Abel Danger's Global Operations Director Field McConnell alleges that Serco shareholders used Demon face-recognition software in hotel security systems to track pedophiles through pig-farm raves allegedly sponsored by the CAI Private Equity Group and the 9/11 drone attacks allegedly sponsored by McConnell's sister Kristine Marcy's agents in the Office of SBIC Liquidation.

How to Create a Divided Society - They Want To Divide Us - Toxicity of the Whispers of Division - Incredibly Destructive People - Neo-Liberal Economic Lies - Leninist Morality: Lie and Cheat - Deafeningly Loud Lying Swine Media Megaphone - The Media Aristocracy Needs to End - From "Homeland" to Trumpland - There Is a Market to Blame Others - Facts Cause Pain - F#ck Your Identity Politics - What Are You Going to Do to Help Your Community? - Saddle Up

Source: billy blog

Thursday, February 9, 2017 by bill 

I am traveling a lot today and using my spare time to catch up on things. I have two major end-of-February deadlines impending for publishers – my book with Thomas Fazi, which will be published by Pluto Press and launched in London in late September (more details soon); and our new Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) textbook (with Randy Wray and Martin Watts) which will be published by Macmillan later in 2017. Both manuscripts have to be delivered by the end of this month. So busy busy. Today's blog is thus a little different and considerably shorter than usual. It loses nothing in its brevity. The main text is from a friend of mine (who wishes for professional reasons to remain anonymous) but succinctly captures the anger and angst that many progressive thinkers are feeling about how things are turning out.

Anti-Donald Trump: war propaganda

Source: Voltaire

by Thierry Meyssan

Our previous articles concerning President Trump have caused some fierce reactions from our readers. Some of them have been wondering about the naïvety apparently displayed by Thierry Meyssan despite the warnings issued by the international Press and the accumulation of negative signals. Here is his response, well-reasoned as always.

Voltaire Network | Damascus (Syria) | 7 February 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Three Man IT Spy Ring Busted in Congress! Maria Bartiromo Goes Ballistic

#2903: Can Trump Hotels Use Serco Demons To Purge Clinton Pedophiles From Boeing's 8(a) Mentor Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 10, 2017

United States Marine Field McConnell – Global Operations Director of Abel Danger – has explained how Trump hotels can use Serco's Demon face recognition software to purge the hotel industry of pedophile newsgroups which are allegedly deployed by the Clinton Foundation to blackmail executives of Boeing and other 8(a) mentors and inject fake news (MH370, 9/11!) into the Federal Bridge Certification Authority network.

Operation Phoenix Run Through Fusion Centers - JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) Program Implemented by the FBI Through Fusion Centers - Big Blue Corporatism Fusion Centers - Entrapment Specialists: FBI - Blue, Green and Red Dissident Targets - "Enemy Combatants" Who Resist Corporatism - The FBI Is Hiring Entrapment and Informant Specialists - Gestapo Rebuilt in America as the Fourth Reich - All Over This Wasteland

Source: Rutherford Institute

The FBI: The Silent Terror of the Fourth Reich

By John W. Whitehead
February 08, 2017
"After five years of Hitler's dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI's seal of approval." — Historian Robert Gellately

"Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power." —Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

#2902: Can Trump Save Hotels From CAI Pig-Farm Leveraged Bridge Or Serco's 8(a) Demon Tracking ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 7, 2017

United States Marine Field McConnell has explained how Abel Danger (AD) can save Trump hotels from CAI loan sharks who allegedly extort leveraged guests with pay-per-view pig-farm snuff films over the Federal Bridge Certification Authority or who allegedly use Serco's 8(a) Demon software to track pedophiles online for eventual arrest by ICE.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Serco runs Obamacare – Great opportunity for its shareholders to engage in dead-peasant life insurance frauds

Source: Forbes

David Eveleigh Of Obamacare's Serco Group, On LPOs, Legal Cultures, And Choosing Outside Counsel

by David J. Parnell, Contributor

Dated May, 17, 2016

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Serco Group plc is a U.K. based outsourcing company that is perhaps best known here in the U.S. for winning the Obamacare contract. With approximately 100K employees, 4.6B in revenue (in 2015), and operations in Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and North America, Serco has its hands full where legal operations are concerned.

It Never Was "Obama Care"


Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: Burning Man - A "Painless Concentration Camp" - Ritual of Technological Subservience - The Silicon Mafia - Social Engineering: A High Tech Version of Woodstock - Attendees Have No Idea They Are Being Transformed - "Loving Their Servitude" - Pentagon Tests Equipment at Burning Man Festival - Conflicts and Power - Synergy Strike Force - "Everyone Is Equal" Except the Tech Billionaires Behind Burning Man - Put People In Harsh Environments and They Bond - Shadowing Events - Technology Outpacing Ability to Adapt

"The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude." ​-- Possibly falsely attributed to Aldous Huxley

Burning Man 2014 - the burn and massive pyro fireworks - Part 1

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Iran To Name US Individuals Involved In "Helping And Founding" Terrorist Groups - Rogue Jewish Group In US Treasury Orchestrated Iran Sanctions: Journalist

Source: Zero Hedge

by Tyler Durden

February 3, 2017

Following the escalation on Friday morning, in which the US Treasury Department published a list of 13 Iranian individuals and 12 Iranian entities facing new restrictions following Iran's recent ballistic missile test, Tehran promptly denounced the latest round of sanctions imposed by the US and said it would retaliate - something it has previously said it would do - however added a new twist when Tehran announced it would impose legal restrictions on American individuals and entities helping "regional terrorist groups", a Foreign Ministry statement read as quoted by TV.

From Yin to Yang

Israel Shamir • January 24, 2017 • 129 Comments

The ascent of Donald Trump is more than a change of tenant at the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It is a momentous swing from Yin to Yang, from dark feminine to bright masculine paradigm, from Cybele to Christ. Tremendous resistance to the regime change proves its unique importance.

#2901: Can Hotel Trump Stop Serco’s Switching Of 8(a) Mentors To Marcy Fast & Furious ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 4, 2017

United States Marine Field McConnell – Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – has shown how Trump Hotels security personnel can stop Serco from switching 8(a) mentor-protégé companies into terror-attack roles and exploiting a Fast & Furious gun-walking network allegedly set up for the Obama administration by McConnell's sister Kristine Marcy, founder of the U.S. Senior Executive Service and director of the ICE Foundation.

Urgent! New Report Exposes 6 Top Republicans on Soros Payroll! Guess Who's Being Paid to Stop Trump? (Video) - Paul Ryan, the Punk From Wisconsin - John McCain, How Much Does Soros Pay You? - AD Ensuring Serco Will Not Deploy Pelindaba Nukes - Soros Republican Traitors Exposed by Abel Danger - Message to Trump Team and DHS Regarding Pelindaba Nukes - Hungary Plans to Crack Down on All Soros-Funded NGOs - Soros Funding Anti-Trump Protests - 1984: Trump Hating Moves Into High Gear - Get Your 2 Minutes of Hate In

Source: Before Its News

Lindsey Bruce for Liberty Writers reports, We always knew that there were RINOS in Washington, but Opensecrets.org just revealed that some of those RINOS are actually traitors.

Friday, February 3, 2017

#2900: Can Trump Help Marine & Wife Who Exposed Serco's 8(a) Visa Voices In Bin Laden Snuff Film ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 3, 2017

United States Marine Field McConnell – Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – is asking President Donald Trump and United States Secretary of Homeland Security Gen. John F. Kelly for their help to reunite him with his British wife Denise McConnell after a forced separation of now 47 days.

Systemic Corruption

Source: TVOI News

The Insatiable Weaponized Charity Machine

February 03, 2017

Serco criticised after hiring limo to move asylum seekers

Source: theguardian

Outsourcing group apologises to Home Office after transporting group from London to Manchester in 16-seat Hummer

A stretch limo Hummer. Serco's actions have been deemed 'totally inappropriate' by the Home Office. Photograph: Alamy

Dated: Wednesday 14 October 2015

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Criminal Benghazi Treason - Most Qualified for Prison

Source: The Daily Coin

February 2, 2017

Clinton Probe May Move to Front Burner Again Video


Source: Public Interest Group

Copied to The White House, President Donald Trump, all members of Congress, all U.S. Agency executives, all members of the news media and U.S. Voters

Letter to Department of Homeland Secretary John F. Kelly - USCIS Rude and Unprofessional Behavior - No Excuse For Being Physically Theatening and Using Verbally Disrespectful Language - Retaliation Against Whistle Blower - Requesting Action

NOTICE: Trump Transition Team and DHS Secretary John F. Kelly Are Advised

Secretary Kelly, 

My name is Field McConnell, USMC 0116513, SSN 583 09 9001. I am 67 years old and myself and my wife Denise, a British Citizen, have been given horrible treatment by USCIS. Our Congressman Ron Kind has also not accomplished anything significant in regards to our 45 day effort to get my legally married wife into CONUS to be with me. However, these are administrative errors not worthy of your attention.

#2899: Is Serco Extorting Trump Hotels With 8(a) Visa Voices And Snuff Film Planes For ICE?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 2, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) has shown how Serco shareholders can extort the owners or operators of Trump Hotels by deploying "talented voice actors" as hotel guests' traveling on 8(a)-company visas and using the host-hotel's security system to remotely hijack planes and produce live-broadcast snuff films allegedly scripted by or for the senior bureaucrats of ICE.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

BREAKING: Trump Just Ordered Gowdy And Chaffetz Back On Clinton Case To "Go After Everything"

Source: Conservative Daily Post

February 1, 2017

You are sure to recall that during the presidential election, there was a lot of talk about Hillary Clinton and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This is a committee that is designed to go after government officials that have broken the law. Notably, Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz reside on this board, and are well-known for their vicious work during the Clinton case.

#2898: Can ICE Track Pedophile Angels With Serco 8(a) Hotel Visas On Con Air Boeing Bridge?

United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (AbelDanger.net
February 1, 2017

Abel Danger (AD) has shown how ICE (formerly INS) agents can track pedophile 'angels' – people who finance the production of child pornography – through Serco's elite-hotel 8(a) visa systems allegedly used to book actors and victims onto Con Air Boeing planes for missions mentored by the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.
Looking into our circumstances...