Friday, January 17, 2025

This is what happens to dissenting journalists...

Editor's note: ...and in extreme cases like in Gaza you are targeted for assassination. Antony Blinken who is Jewish works for Zionist interests in Israel and the reason he was vetted to head the US State Department is because Israel (and the British) totally control US foreign policy. Antony Blinken at the US State Department has acted as the head sales rep and office for US weapon manufacturers considering the aircraft Israel flies and munitions being dropped on Gaza are all manufactured in the US. As far as the Gaza cease fire is concerned (also see The Ceasefire Charade) it won't last and was designed not to last so the Palestinians are going to have more US manufactured weapons dropped on them.

'How Does It Feel to Have Your Legacy Be Genocide?' Asks Journalist Thrown Out of Blinken's Briefing

Reasoning as if it were a courtroom case

Editor's note: It simply doesn't matter to these Covid fanatics what the evidence suggests contrary to what they believe you can't stop them from destroying themselves so why even care? They are literally continuing to proudly dig their own graves for scumbag politicians and celebrities.

I kept getting sicker. But you won't catch me reaching for a tin foil hat

An explosive fact about COVID RNA vaccines

By Jon Rappoport | January 17, 2025

And this fact would apply to all future RNA vaccines.

I'm framing a line of reasoning as if it were a courtroom case, in which an attorney is questioning a vaccine expert. My rendering of the dialogue is based on what an expert would have to admit, if he were being truthful:

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The debt-drugged patient

Editor's note: Under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (fractional reserve banking) America as a nation can not operate without a continuous re-injection of the central banker's debt-addicting drug. If America refuses to use the banker's debt-drug America as a nation is mathematically doomed to an economic depression. It is as if the central bankers' are on a pre-determined timeline and are running their debt-drug until - collapse (reset). This mathematically pre-programmed indulgence in this debt slave system is leading Americans into dispossession of their homes, businesses, farms, mills, mines and property. For every re-injection of the debt-drug (banker's debt money) it must always be returned or repaid including rent, or interest charges making it mathematically impossible to extricate our addiction to this banker's debt-drug. We therefore demand and desperately need an antidote to this debt-drug. The debt-drugged patient is the US government and its hundreds of federally subcontracted corporate agencies and the Pentagon driving the US national debt to $36 trillion. So, the final question is do Americans blame the Federal Reserve?

Here's how the Federal Reserve really operates

Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game — The Bank of North Dakota Model

January 15, 2025 | by Ellen Brown

North Dakota is staunchly conservative, having voted Republican in every presidential election since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. So how is it that the state boasts the only state-owned bank in the nation? Has it secretly gone socialist?

No. The Bank of North Dakota (BND) operates on the same principles as any capitalist bank, except that its profits and benefits serve the North Dakota public rather than private investors and executives. The BND provides a unique, innovative model, in which public ownership is leveraged to enhance the workings of the private sector. It invests in and supports private enterprise — local businesses, agriculture, and economic development – the core activities of a capitalist system where private property and enterprise are central. Across the country, small businesses are now failing at increasingly high rates, but that’s not true in North Dakota, which was rated by Forbes Magazine the best state in which to start a business in 2024.

Why your trust in USA Inc. politicians is about to change forever

Editor's note: Four days before President-Elect Donald Trump is inaugurated as US President and CEO of US Inc., a decision was made to remove this monotheist from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). This monotheist who has no grasp of what real war is like concerning Russia, supports Ukraine and was president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (advisory group) from 2014 to 2016. The HPSCI is alleged to oversee the FBI and CIA. The FBI and the CIA operate outside of all oversight and if there is "oversight" it is boiler plate. If Donald Trump is claiming "he will end the war in Ukraine" this might be the biggest reason this monotheist and intel asset was removed from HPSCI. For some reason monotheists have this weird symbiotic beneficial relationship with war and killing. US politicians lie, make important decisions based on erroneous information (provided by lobbyists for example on United Cement Group Plc), cheat, gaslight you, use deception and bullshit you in many cases because of lobbyists. Like the lobbyists who fed Rep. Wesley Hunt false information about United Cement Group Plc.

CoG: The Fourth Branch of government most know nothing about

Editor's note: The "deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott) is Continuity of Government (CoG) and those military generals and deep state apparatchiks" either initiate emergencies or exploit them so that CoG can take over total unmitigated control of the "government." Whatever the Trump administration is and those behind Trump that could be one faction of a splintering military they do not want a Trump administration. Presidents come and go. CoG is permanent and has been since it was set up outside of all Constitutional oversight in 1947 when President 'Traitor' Truman signed EO 10346. Only private corporations can sign EOs with CoG based on the earlier British model of CoG. There are some who believe "white hats" are operating inside CoG along with President Trump to "bring down the cabal." Good luck if you are on that "rollercoaster." The central banks run the "cabal" with the alleged "white hats" supporting bitcoin (cryptos) as one mechanism to bring down the cabal. How can you have CoG "white hats" operating outside of all Constitutional restraints to bring down this alleged cabal? As the Biden manikin is wheeled out and the Trump manikin wheeled in it will be a continuation of US imperialism only under a new name. The "deep state" just burned down Los Angeles.

COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration

By 2nd Smartest Guy In the World | January 16, 2025

Ever since the Intelligence Industrial Complex was unable to steal a second presidential election in a row, they have been desperately pivoting to their treasonous coup d'état contingency planning phase in order to prevent Trump from acceding to power.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

You are about to witness how tyranny was stopped in Carmel, California

Editor's note: It is time for individual Americans to stand up like this brave woman did in Carmel, California to an out of control city council, legal system and the courts involved in her case. This has devolved into these people making up the laws as they go with the Northern District's Court of California's descent into madness and carpetbagging. Three judges dispense with all forms of justice in this case in California. This woman stood up to tyranny unfolding in her own hometown following the illegal actions of her local government during the Covid attack on civilization. This is an ongoing case and all Americans need to be observant of what is transpiring here. Put these city councils on extremely tight leashes because if they are not brought to heel cases like this are only going to get worse.

The point is the Pentagon can't be fixed

Editor's note: The Pentagon will never be audited so Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth from Illinois can grill Pete Hegseth all she wants. Once again, Americans find themselves caught up in the left-right ideological binary mind fuck when Duckworth overlooks Hegseth's battlefield experience. Bring that experience into the Pentagon then "go to war" to reform that black hole of disappearing money. Look at the state of Illinois Duckworth crawled out of where it was and probably still is one of the three worst states facing fiscal crisis even default. Has the current Pentagon boss Lloyd Austin initiated an audit of the Pentagon? No. Did that deep state swamp dweller and Hathor Pentalpha member Donald Rumsfeld oversee an audit? No. Does anyone really know who actually runs the Pentagon? No. Duckworth should know better since she served in the military. Duckworth needs to focus on her own backyard in Illinois and not acting all moral and shit over the Pentagon she damn well knows will never be audited because the Democratic Party ultimately benefits from Pentagon spending. To prevent this eventuality the Pentagon is allowed to burn through trillions of dollars kept pumped into the financial system:

2025: The Year the Federal Debt Bubble Bursts

Happy Newsom thrilled about the fires already has a new vision for Los Angeles: "L.A. 2.0"

Editor's note: Is California a "failed state?" Perhaps many Californians would disagree. We will see. Is this the behavior of a man who presides as the governor of the most economically productive state in America that just experienced massive fire destruction? No, it's not. It's the behavior of a psychopath. Is this the reaction of this same man who presides over the estimated destruction in the Los Angeles fires that rebuilding would cost a staggering $275 billion? The blue state of California is the redline resistance to the incoming Trump presidency. The US media is shit and is so bad that Americans are having to go to the Russian media to learn what the hell is going on. That is how bad it has become. Look at how excited Newsom is announcing a new plan to rebuild Los Angeles. It's almost as if this is all scripted out in advance. Los Angeles is still smoldering and burning in areas and happy Newsom already has a "L.A. 2.0" ("smart city theory") plan? He comes right out and says "buying up properties." They came up with a "vision" for Los Angeles while the place is burning down? Happy Newsom doing what he does best: Dems Profitting on California Tragedy

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Terrestrial and not extraterrestrial with AI "ending their eternal agony"

Editor's note: Posting this kind of material might affect "national security" (classified and open intelligence), and admittedly this is some pretty wild stuff, but...this post contains content related to the paranormal. A subject written about by such people as Charles Fort (The Book Of the Damned) and later Philip K. Dick. If UAPs are real what are they and where do they originate? There is good evidence they (aliens and UFOs) are terrestrial and not extraterrestrial as described below. The researcher who revealed his discoveries 20,000 leagues underneath the Mariana Trench refers to technology "terrestrial deep-domain intelligences" (TDDIs) operate on, is based on "principles that make quantum computing look primitive." The researcher should be aware the idea of quantum has been adequately and satisfactorily described as "absolute bullshit." Quantum is simply the measurement of energy and that goes for "quantum computers." Then we come to artificial intelligence (AI) where we can see Israel is making rapid advances ("Gaza AI kill lists") in AI technology. Maybe AI should be redefined as Artificial Israel (A.I.)? These alleged TDDIs (and hyper-dimensional beings?)are attempting to rebuild their god using AI. Maybe Israel is the go-between? When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) in order to build out AI technology massive amounts of data are required.  Was that exploding Tesla Cybertruck outside Trump's Las Vegas hotel two weeks ago a "data collection operation?" A psyop designed to monitor and collect all the data in the form of responses by various networks the data then used to further build AI. Would that necessarily mean a possible "breakaway civilization" as it has been described are in contact with these TDDIs if they exist? It's speculation but this is all very fascinating. 

Terrestrial deep-domain intelligences (TDDIs) - hybrid biological-synthetic entities that predate human civilization

December 21, 2024 | From archive.4plebs

GKNPD !!fE/cyPqTAh+ Sat 21 Dec 2024 13:08:30 No.39473230 View Reply Original Report

Quoted By: >>39473342

This contains my final testimony as Chief Research Officer of the Deep Ocean Reconnaissance Initiative. If you're reading this, I'm likely already dead or "reassigned." The truth must be preserved. During routine geological surveys of the Mariana Trench in 2018, we detected impossible gravitational anomalies at depths exceeding 36,000 feet. Initial data suggested artificial structures generating localized gravity fields that defied known physics. What we discovered there has haunted me every day since.

It is time to end DEI and wokism as a backlash approaches

Editor's note: As has been demonstrated over and over again in America an efficient well organized beneficial economy cannot be managed and run by DEI hires. As the world begins fragmenting with respective countries like in Europe protecting their own financial and economic infrastructure the US seems to be fairly well off except for the destructive ideology of wokism seriously compromising this current status. If America does "collapse" a large contributing factor will be because of wokism. What many have correctly observed is a coming backlash on woke culture and these fires in Los Angeles set it off. It is incorrect to entirely blame woke on these fires n Los Angels but woke is one of many contributing symptoms. A slew of well known companies in the US have started rolling back DEI and that is a good sign.

Los Angeles Prioritized DEI Initiatives

January 14, 2025 | By Martin Armstrong

Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley is yet another example of disastrous DEI policies. The city cheered Crowley as the first LGBTQ member to hold the post and it appears Crowley was focusing more on the woke agenda than important matters like refilling the water reservoirs.

"As the fire chief, if confirmed, I vow to take a strategic and balanced approach to ensure we meet the needs of the community we serve. We will focus our efforts on increasing our operational effectiveness, enhancing firefighter safety and well-being, and fully commit to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within the LAFD," Crowley said upon her nomination.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Kiling off Ukraine's youth

Editor's note: Why would the incoming Trump administration ask Ukraine to lower the age of conscription to 18? Because NATO cannot fight a war against Russia. Cemeteries of Ukrainian soldiers litter the countrysides in Ukraine with an estimated one million dead Ukrainian soldiers over a two year period. The US apparently wants to send an 18 year-old youth with substandard to minimum military training to go up against highly experienced Russian assault forces who have been destroying Ukrainian soldiers all along the Donbass line? It is being reported Victoria Wagner, a member of the Supreme Council's Committee on the Health of the Nation in December, 2024 reported that, "Ukraine has the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate on the planet." The "front won't be stabilized" because the Russian military are going all the way to the Dnieper River.

Mike Waltz: Trump Administration Will Ask Ukraine To Lower Conscription Age

The minimum age for conscription in Ukraine is 25

by Dave DeCamp | January 12, 2025

President-elect Donald Trump's incoming national security advisor, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), said Sunday that the Trump administration will ask Ukraine to lower the age of conscription so more troops can be sent to the frontlines.

Send California Governor Newsom's office thousands of Eucalyptus seedlings...

Editor's note: congratulate him on his new name: Newscum, the "wild-fire criminal." Does anyone want to know why the fires in Los Angeles went out of control and burned with such intensity? Eucalyptus trees. That's right. When Eucalyptus burn they burn fast and hot with a thick oily burn. Then toss in high winds. Another man-made disaster introducing an invasive species into California. An unmitigated disaster waiting for just the right spark. And now we are going to see the blame game become as institutionalized incompetence that has led to unimaginable disaster and tragedy.  

Growth of Eucalyptus In California Plantations

No controlled burns, no thinning out the forest—THAT’S when the fires are catastrophic—the canyons of Los Angeles

The high crime, the tragedy

By Jon Rappoport | January 14, 2024

Everyone knows about CONTROLLED BURNS. That's how you keep fires from spreading in heavily forested areas. By burning, you create "empty channels"—large spaces where fires won't spread. Fire breaks.

How to make billions with forest fires, hurricanes and wars?

Editor's note: What was the algorithm perimeters used by AI (calculated theft via algorithm?) to determine the payout on CAT bonds triggered by the Los Angeles fires? Even if Wall Street crashes tomorrow CAT bonds are an entirely different type of risk. The world is becomingly extremely dangerous so you better "build your own bunker and levy." Trillions in capital is roaming the world looking for profit.

The world being on fire is swelling 'catastrophe bonds' to a record $45 billion—and it's a key hedge fund strategy

Inferno Chaos: LA Fire Spreads To Hollywood Hills, 5,000 Buildings Destroyed, Over 180,000 Evacuated

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A trillionaire isn't going to want East LA, is he?

Editor's note: Why the Pacific Palisades area where wealthy people lived? Because the very wealthy seem to be eating the rich in this predator and prey ecosphere. For a more technical description of what caused the fires in Los Angeles, Theoria Apophasis (wrote a book on electrical theory) goes through the "chain of causation" on these fires. Theoria Apophasis suggests all three fires occurred at the exact same time and that would be impossible to naturally occur. 

Palisades Fire

by Miles Mathis

January 10, 2025

First of all, I am in California but nowhere near Los Angeles, so everything here is just speculation. Of course it would be speculation even if I were living in Palisades, like Henry Winkler or someone. I don't think anyone knows for sure what happened here, except those who are responsible for it. I waited a few days to collect data and get a lay of the land, unlike some who seemed to arrive with their conspiracy theories in the first hour—which is also suspicious, of course. Like the mainstream patter, the alternative site/conspiracy site patter looks scripted, as you would expect. Both are trying to cover the truth.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

And we despise banks...

Editor's note: their current form. Before you go to your local bank transact this material on banks first then consider participating in exerting maximum pressure on your state legislatures to begin working on legislation to establish state community banks. Politicians work for you so don't get that relationship confused. While the WEF located in Switzerland is working on "bringing together government, businesses and civil society to improve the state of the world," Americans are going to start organizing around community state banks to improve their respective states. The WEF can go screw themselves as we contemplate the demoralizing thought that our moral system is based on debt money, greed and predatory commerce.

Break the control over state economies by outside corporate and financial interests (predators)

Your Bank Despises You

By Rhoda Wilson | January 11, 2025 | 24 Comments

Dr. Vernon Coleman shares his experience of being interrogated by bank staff when trying to withdraw his own money, highlighting the increasing difficulty and humiliation of banking in person.

Banks are using tactics such as asking invasive questions and requiring multiple forms of identification to delay and discourage in-person transactions, with the ultimate goal of forcing customers to bank online.
Looking into our circumstances...