Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Place your orders here please

Editor's note: The US State Department is a branch of the Pentagon doing what it does best: Selling weapons. We are terribly sorry to inform you there will be no peace deals here anytime soon. The US State Department under Blinken isn't about "peaceful settlement" or diplomatic negotiations. It's about selling more weapons as the US State Department has become a wing of the US military. As Russia, China, North Korea and Iran establish BRICS (see The Four Powers Aligning) watch for even further record sales of US manufactured weapons. The US is saying, "Look, if you want to establish BRICS and have your own monetary and payment system, it will cost you a war." The monster 4000-page federal budget bill has $886 billion marked for "defense." The Pentagon is running the US economy just in case nobody has noticed.

US weapons sales abroad hit record high in 2023, boosted by Ukraine war

State Department Approves $2.2 Billion in Arms Sales for Saudi Arabia, UAE

The deals include Hellfire and Sidewinder missiles and ammunition for artillery, tanks, and machine guns

by Dave DeCamp | October 14, 2024

The Biden administration has approved a series of arms sales for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, worth a combined total of $2.2 billion.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Your best option is to go in peace...

Editor's note: ...by extracting yourself from this predator and prey ecosphere. You're damn right the DoD can shoot you because you are a corporate entity and you have been since birth as a birth certificated person (redefined human beings as a "person" during the US civil [rights] war in 1862) registered as a corporation. Americans were then reconstituted as 14th Amendment subject citizens given privileges. If you are deemed a threat to the US corporation that corporation, in this case the DoD, can kill you with impunity because you will be considered an "enemy combatant", a "terrorist", a "competing corporation", or a "belligerent." How many times and from how many credible sources will it take for Americans to comprehend your corporate status is a birth certificated corporation? The US corporation and those who run it would like nothing better than a "civil" war to erupt in the US. It would give the US corporation one more reason to knock off another few thousand maybe more Americans after the first Covid kill shots.

American citizens can now be assassinated by the US government—'LEGALLY'

October 14, 2024 | by State of the Nation

BEWARE! Assassinations of American citizens can now be carried out 'legally' by the U.S. Military

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé is as important as it gets regarding the rapidly evolving American Bolshevik Revolution being stealthily perpetrated by the communist-run Democrats, Deep State, U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, United Nations and the New World Order globalist cabal.

Are you tired of looking at the world through a Jewish lens?

Editor's note: Who else is tired of looking through a Jewish lens to understand the world we live in that in more cases than not is a created illusion? This blog has linked numerous articles to the ex-banker and Jewish Ron Unz at The Unz Review, not because of Unz himself but because of the authors he hosts on his site. There are only a couple of paragraphs of Unz's article republished here but readers are encouraged to go to Unz's site and go through the article reading with particular focus on Unz's critique or review of the work of Miles Mathis whose essays we have posted to this blog. Then go to the linked essay here written by Miles Mathis in rebuttal to Ron Unz. Have fun: 

Ronald Keeva Unz

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper, Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4 • 1h28m

By Ron Unz | October 14, 2024 | 270 Comments

I've always enjoyed solving historical puzzles and figuring out what really happened, but I’d never had the slightest interest in conspiracy theories, which I'd always dismissed as nonsense. As a consequence, I’d spent nearly my entire life never doubting nor questioning the broad sweep of our last century of world history, as had been so conveniently presented to me in all my academic courses, books, magazines, and newspapers.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

There's that smoke again...

Editor's note: ...as "an example of the mathematical phenomenon of chaos" (see linked article below). Even though this clip is 9 years old done by Rihanna (Robyn Rihanna Fenty) the really big question here why is this noise called rap music being produced and who is behind it? This is about exposing whites to the criminal madness of blacks. If you doubt this listen to this music and pay very close attention to the graphic images then read this article: Mo with the Flow: How Third-World Migration Is a War-Crime Against the White West.

West Point's new motto: "Lie, cheat and steal and tolerate those who do"

Editor's note: The title of Consortium New's article linked below makes you think doesn't it? "Spat on West Point?" Or did West Point spit on itself? West Point's motto is "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do." Years later when Pompeo shows up as the head of the CIA, he relates how the CIA "lies, cheats and steals." Well, no kidding. Then listen to them laugh and applause about it after Pompeo makes the remark. If readers need reminding Pompeo is a British asset explaining Pompeo's underlying motives. This video was sourced from: When Pompeo Spat on West Point.

The killing is only now getting started...

Editor's note: ...with Hezbollah launching a drone at an IDF facility when Israeli soldiers were eating dinner with the IDF suffering a "mass casualty event." This as 52 Palestinians were reported killed in Gaza over the past day.  As can be observed, Israel is not winning and Hezbollah is not losing as the US military begins its buildup in Israel to defend the country. Israel supercharged with their monotheistic cult religion are going to go until all of the Middle East is conquered and it doesn't matter how many people are killed in the process. The reality is the bombing and killing isn't going to stop. The escalation for war is concurrent both in the Middle East and in Ukraine where the British are now sending the British army under cover of "training." Prepare yourselves because this shit is going to get really bad as we move into the apocalypse. If you're religious ask your monotheistic God if the Book of Revelations is bullshit or not. 

America is now in "uncontrolled chaos" on its descent down...

Editor's note: ...except for advanced weapon manufacturing for the "deep state." Is the title histrionics or hyperbole? We'll see. Voting for Kamal Harris or Donald Trump (circus animals passing as leaders) is not going to change America's direction 180 degrees going from its current state where the US government no longer has any credibility (intentional) to an economically sound and "free" nation. Your best option at this point is to vote for yourself. Here are a few partially republished articles that may give readers a better frame of reference on the reality that is America today. The question was raised and rightfully so, "where are the men in America?" The Jewish Neocon William Kristol had a point whether you disagree with him or not. Kristol thinks the American white male are fat, dumb, lazy and happy and need replacement by mass migration into America. All you have to do to confirm this is to watch the fanboys (brainwashed pussies) at professional faked and staged NFL football entertainment games. The NFL football fanboys even fight with each other in the stands while "their country" literally goes to shit in a hand basket with the US military used to protect Israel more than the US.

Is There Hope for the US?

October 13, 2024 | by Jeff Thomas

For the entire lives of anyone under the age of seventy-five, the US has been at the top of the heap in almost every way. For decades, it had greater freedom, greater prosperity and higher production than any other country in the world.

America was a cornucopia – the centre for innovation and trends in technology, the arts and social development. And today, many Americans, even if they complain about changes for the worse in their country, come back quickly to say, "This is still the greatest country in the world." Or, "Everybody is still trying to come here."

Friday, October 11, 2024

Another nail in the coffin of legacy media

Editor's note: What were John Kerry and Hillary Clinton going on about ranting against news sources and social media outside of "official sources" saying "they will lose total control." "They" is the legacy media and they are no longer in control? Clinton's plan is to kill social media. John Kerry's plan is to strip away the 1st Amendment. See how these control freaks think? The following is another clear example of why the legacy media no longer matters. Nobody in their right mind accepts anything they report on anymore. This news was sourced from: Ex-CBS staffers call for outside probe of ‘60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris amid editing scandal.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

My God is better than your god monotheists demonstrate how to hate

Editor's note: Look at these monotheist cultists calling for death and destruction and killing each other. How do we know first they are monotheists? Look at the culture and surroundings they were born into and where they spent their time. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Have they lost all self-respect and dignity? Apparently so. People in LA were filmed kicking around a soccer ball in the shape of Donald Trump's head at an "anti-hate" art exhibit. Then we have a professor at the University of Kansas (apparently, Lowcock talks about religion) talking about any male supporter of Donald Trump should be "lined up and shot." Then we come to Matthew Brodsky who works at the Gold Institute for International Strategy wonk tank strategizing for Judaic monotheists in Israel calling for Israel's IDF to "drop napalm" on Irish peace keepers in Lebanon because they refused to obey the IDF's commands to leave their position. While the Judaic monotheists in Israel are doing war on the other monotheistic Abrahamic cult of Islam.

Professor Suspended After Calling For Male Trump Supporters To Be "Lined Up And Shot"

Ex-Trump administration advisor said Israel should 'drop napalm' over Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon 

Matthew RJ Brodsky's X account has since been suspended, and the Taoiseach labelled the comments "despicable".

October 9 2024 | The Journal

A FORMER ADVISOR to the Trump administration said Israel should "drop napalm" over Irish peacekeeping troops in Lebanon, before deleting the post.

Monotheistic religions have reeked havoc on humanity

Editor's note: In 2017 Russia decided to begin teaching Greek as a second language in schools throughout the Russian Federation. The Russian and Greek alphabet are very similar. How many American students speak a foreign language? Greek? How many Christian Americans know that Hebrew was considered a "Mediterranean gutter language" that erroneously interpreted the bible using incorrect and made up words from ancient Greek during the 3rd century giving Christians an entirely false and incorrect concept and understanding of biblical text? How is it even possible to interpret ancient Greek from the bible using Hebrew that originally consisted of only 8,000 words? Ancient Greek used over one million words. In ancient Greek thinking Gods and Goddesses were the "cosmic bloom of existence." The Greek translation first to Hebrew then to English eviscerated the Goddess of Justice Themis replacing this Goddess with the Hebrew monotheistic racist God of war Yahweh. Greek myth had extraordinary influence on ancient artists, architects and builders, statesmen, religious leaders and musicians. Language creates the culture/nation. Greek was the cultural cement that facilitated the construction of democracy, the establishment of the scientific method and education.

Greek to be taught as second language in Russian schools

November 25, 2016 | by GCT Team

Russian school students will be taught Greek as a foreign language as of January 1, 2017. The final decision and approval was signed by Russian Minister of Education, Olga Vasilieva, in the middle of this month.

A proposal for the teaching of Greek as a language selection from the Modern Greek Literature Faculty at the University of Kuban in Krasnodar (southern Russia), preceded the Ministerial decision, in the framework of the country's policy for teaching the languages of minorities in the region.

Americans really are sick...

Editor's note: ...of the bullshit coming out of the now demonstrably incompetent decision makers within the US policy establishment who all work for Israel. We are reading one story after another about how incompetent US military planners are concerning their decisions on Russia and Ukraine and their backgrounds. This while Blinken has turned the US State Department into a wing of the US military. The US manufactures glamor weapons to sell while Russia manufacturers weapons to wage war and there is a vast difference. The US military "top commander" Christopher Cavoli is calling for US manufactured cruise missiles to be fired from Ukraine into Russia. Cavoli as part of his undergraduate degree, did his senior thesis titled "The Effect of Earthworms on the Vertical Distribution of Slime Molds in the Soil", and this guy is glibly talking about firing cruise missiles at Russia? This is a US weapon manufacturer's boondoggle with Russia continuing to destroy almost every piece of military equipment sent to Ukraine. This story was sourced from: Watch: Reporter Goes Nuclear On State Dept Spox On Ukraine, Gaza, Iran Conflicts.

Without the flow of money nothing gets done...

Editor's note: ...in the most corrupt state in Europe if not the world Ukraine. Makes one wonder where the billions in US-EU aid loot is going when it hits Ukraine's banks after it gets siphoned off? Doesn't it seem like everything the west touches especially in Ukraine it turns to shit?  Ukraine's Zelensky must have overseas bank accounts like in Switzerland waiting for his retirement after Russia comes in to clean the US-backed sewer up? This story was sourced from: Corrupt Ukrainian official's son found lying in bed with huge sum of money, $6 million in total seized from medical fraud operation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

FEMA: Weather manipulation and geoengineering are being deployed weaponizing hurricanes

Editor's note: The real question that needs to be studied and better yet the answer to that question is why was the area in North Carolina targeted by this weaponized hurricane? What entity within the "breakaway civilization" (deep state) as it has been referred to are capable of deploying this technology? Think carefully what goes through the mind of decision makers who deploy this technology to intentionally destroy a vast swath of North Carolina destroying billions in property while killing "hundreds of people" (likely far higher numbers) ? What would be that valuable to these decision makers using this technology to risk that kind of massive destruction while most other non-affected Americans are preoccupied with professionally staged and faked NFL entertainment football games?

Time for a little revolt by pitch fork carrying Google employees

Editor's note: The reason why Google, that should be broken apart under anti-trust laws, backed Israel is because Google relies heavily on Israel's tech sector for Google's R&D. In addition to depending on Israel for Google's research and development, Google also sells advanced AI capabilities to Israel. This was all put forth in great detail in the Talpiot archives

Google backed Israel's military. Now its workers are in revolt

By Areeb Ullah | October 8, 2024

Dozens of workers have been sacked by the tech giant for speaking up for Palestinians against Project Nimbus - but others say they won't be silenced.

It's early morning, and Zelda Montes walks briskly through the crisp New York air as they head to Google's headquarters on Manhattan’s 9th Avenue.

Deep underneath the Baltic Sea

Editor's note: This was the most destructive industrial act of terrorism in the annals of commercial warfare and when the courts of international justice prosecute those responsible for this, indemnity (€400 million in damages) will be be paid to Russia and to the insurers and reinsurers for the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This story was sourced from: Danish media reports US Navy was spotted near Nord Stream blasts. As current political circumstances are suggesting when Russia cleans the gutter mess up in Ukraine "Europe will be liberated from the US." This as many are now coming around to fully understanding western economic sanctions have only gutted the US and Europe

News update for 9 October 2024: Russia has proof of US', UK's involvement in sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines — diplomat

Looking into our circumstances...