Thursday, October 17, 2024

Another conspiracy but the music was good...

Editor's note: ...especially Billie Jean.

The Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson

It's a long term construction project...

Editor's note: the Greater Israel Project (must have been an Abrahamic contract) goes full projection. Kill everyone in the way then move in and that also includes Lebanon. The entire region will be converted to a paradise luxury resort region complete with five star hotels and modern office buildings. Developers are probably already staking out real estate claims and lining up construction projects for new hotels, gambling casinos and resort spas along the Lebanon coast. Leveling entire city blocks with US-manufactured bombs saves on later construction costs. Now all Israel has to do is bring Iran into the equation by killing off the Islamic monotheist leaders and 30 million young Iranians will be enjoying a better future. If you are an aid worker, peace keeper, journalist or are in the region trying to provide assistance you may want to take extra precautions. 

Mayor and 15 others killed in Israeli strike on Lebanon council meeting

By Joel Gunter | October 16, 2024

Nabatieh's governor said the number of dead could rise as the rubble was still being searched The UN's special coordinator for Lebanon has criticised Israel after air strikes on municipal buildings in the southern city of Nabatieh killed the mayor and 15 other people.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert called the killing of mayor Ahmad Kahil "alarming" and said any violations of international humanitarian law were "completely unacceptable".

"Your greed stains you."

Editor's note: Where did these ancient Spartans go for their ideas about war? They went to the oracles who were virgins and the oracles told them what to do. Spartacus looked into the eyes of the oracle and asked her, "What was Sparta's problem?" The oracle told him, "It was greed." Greed stained Athens. Where is this voice in the world today? Where are the oracles today who in ancient Greek times used drugs to bring out that passion? Thomas Jefferson was influenced by the Greek Oracle at Delphi to stand together as a unified political group against their abusive tyrant. The Spartans marched to liberate Athens from the terrible tyrant Hippias. The teenage drug-addled female voices of the oracles were the guardians of western culture who consistently favored the development of democracy over aristocracy. They were the first pioneers of free speech.  The oracles of Sparta labored to preserve the rights of the citizens over tyrants. The oracles viewed mankind's drive for wealth and success as the manifestation of self-worship a terminal disease of the human soul acts of hubris.  "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Your healthcare is now the responsibility of the US military...

Editor's note: if you don't take responsibility for your own health in all of its complex facets the US military damn sure will considering healthcare is around 1/4th of the US GDP. The US State Department presently run by Antony Blinken is an extension of the US military - so is your healthcare. The Covid attack on civilization with the subsequent jabs were a DoD operation.

The Public Health Insurgency

By Vicky Davis | October 15, 2024

By now, anybody who doesn't understand that the United Nations is trying to stand up as a world governing body is either brain dead or invincibly ignorant – meaning they choose not to see. The U.S. State Department has been the two-headed beast that put us in this position and it needs to have a wooden stake driven through its heart. Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt agreed to the idea of a united nations organization as the U.S. was about to enter World War II. It was through the U.S. State Department along with their British counterparts that have been carrying out the plan since the signing of the Atlantic Charter. As a result, the State Department has been setting both foreign and domestic policy ever since.

Nobody gives a flying f*ck about Germany now

Editor's note: Germany is gone and there is no going back. Germany knows the US was behind one of the biggest acts of industrial terrorism in the past century blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines although the Germans did nothing about it. The general reality is the Russians could give a "flying fuck if Germany ceases to exist tomorrow." Lady Justice has been vanquished from the west a long time ago leaving these countries in the hands of psychopathic predators in this predator and prey ecosphere. The voices (the Muses) of young girls who lived in Athenian history sung songs of natural justice represented by the Kore. They were the "bloom of life" and were a source of veneration in Athenian life. They have been silenced forever in Germany. Themis' voice was of divine cosmic justice to triumph over the "Earth-born monster of self-worship and greed." The Germans should know better. They were some of the best philologists in the world of ancient Greek.

German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Persecution in Prison

Today, Germany has become Neo-Nazi on steroids


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You may find this harrowing, as it must be for Reiner. He has now been in solitary confinement in prison for over one year, with no sign of an actual trial taking place. I’m afraid he must be considered a political prisoner and one the perpetrators intend to keep locked up indefinitely. - Dr. Mike Yeadon

By Reiner Fuellmich and Peter Koenig Global Research, October 14, 2024

Americans have no idea just how dark and how deep it is

Editor's note: In this republished material from Armstrong Economics there is a reference to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken "as the real president in the Biden administration" for the "deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott). Blinken (see Blinken Puts Lipstick on the Pig) comes from a line of Hungarian Jews and his father was co-founder of the private equity firm Warburg Pincus (Paul Warburg engineered the Federal Reserve). Again, we see the world through a Jewish lens and since this is the case who are these Jews ultimately working for? What is their ultimate goal now that America has long ago fallen to Jewish power? It is likely Kamala Harris' handler Doug Emhoff who is also Jewish is running the White House

The Deep Very Dark State

October 16, 2024 | By Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: What do you think of this independent journalist _____ who claims Trump is not what people think and is pointing to people in his first cabinet?

ANSWER: Pure propaganda. I question what the motive is or if there is just ignorance of what is taking place in the Biden Administration. There is a serious lack of any inside knowledge of how things truly work behind the curtain. I strongly urge you to watch the new documentary of General Mike Flynn. Trump did not pick his own cabinet in 2016. The Deep State did and stuffed in people like John Bolton. Obama warned Trump not to bring Flynn in because he would drain the swamp. Obama was all about protecting the Deep State. Even Flynn states in his documentary that Trump was unaware of the dark corridors of Washington.

Texas Governor Abbot: Stay this unjust execution

Editor's note: Call to action. There is only one day remaining. Read the entire background here and understand this is all about the flow of money. If you tamper with the flow of money to the pharmaceutical cartels you place yourself in great peril.

News update for 17 October 2024: His sacrifice by Big Govt, Big Pharma & Medical Mafia will blow the extremely dangerous and deadly Super Vaccination Agenda wide open


RED ALERT! Innocent Man Faces Execution Over Flawed Science

October 16, 2024 | by State of the Nation

Take Action:

On Oct. 17, Robert Roberson could be the first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited "shaken baby syndrome" hypothesis.
Call Gov. Greg Abbott to Stop Robert Roberson’s Execution: 361-264-9653

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looking carefully at Haiti through a Jewish lens

Editor's note: In a recent post it was outlined how we often perceive the world through a Jewish lens and looking around it seems as though Haiti is no different. In reference to the migrant crisis, readers are reminded of the estimated 20,000 migrants from Haiti dumped in Ohio. After learning about what is really going on in Haiti and who is running the place, it is almost like the Italian mafia running their gambling casinos in Cuba during the late 50s and early 60s when the Jewish mafia took over. These Colombian mercenaries received US military training:

Haitian Govt: Colombian Mercenaries Behind President's Assassination


Israel's Man in Haiti and the Architect Behind the US Migrant Crisis

October 13, 2024 | By Covert Geopolitics

Gilbert Bigio, Haiti's richest man, is more than just a local power broker—he's a key player for Israel.

In December 2022, Canada imposed strict sanctions on Gilbert Bigio, frequently referred to as "Haiti's only billionaire" and the deeply impoverished country's "richest man." He, along with two other super-wealthy Haitian citizens, was accused by Ottowa of using his outsized influence and power in the country "to protect and enable the illegal activities of the armed criminal gangs" that have been tearing Port-au-Prince apart for years. Since then, Bigio has remained at liberty and unpunished – meanwhile, Haiti has slid ever further into catastrophe.

Place your orders here please

Editor's note: The US State Department is a branch of the Pentagon doing what it does best: Selling weapons. We are terribly sorry to inform you there will be no peace deals here anytime soon. The US State Department under Blinken isn't about "peaceful settlement" or diplomatic negotiations. It's about selling more weapons as the US State Department has become a wing of the US military. As Russia (read The ruble for the first time became the main currency for settlements with Asian countries), China, North Korea and Iran establish BRICS (see The Four Powers Aligning) watch for even further record sales of US manufactured weapons. The US is saying, "Look, if you want to establish BRICS and have your own monetary and payment system, it will cost you a war." The monster 4000-page federal budget bill has $886 billion marked for "defense." The Pentagon is running the US economy just in case nobody has noticed.

US weapons sales abroad hit record high in 2023, boosted by Ukraine war

State Department Approves $2.2 Billion in Arms Sales for Saudi Arabia, UAE

The deals include Hellfire and Sidewinder missiles and ammunition for artillery, tanks, and machine guns

by Dave DeCamp | October 14, 2024

The Biden administration has approved a series of arms sales for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, worth a combined total of $2.2 billion.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Your best option is to go in peace...

Editor's note: extracting yourself from this predator and prey ecosphere. You're damn right the DoD can shoot you because you are a corporate entity and you have been since birth as a birth certificated person (redefined human beings as a "person" during the US civil [rights] war in 1862) registered as a corporation. Americans were then reconstituted as 14th Amendment subject citizens given privileges. If you are deemed a threat to the US corporation that corporation, in this case the DoD, can kill you with impunity because you will be considered an "enemy combatant", a "terrorist", a "competing corporation", or a "belligerent." How many times and from how many credible sources will it take for Americans to comprehend your corporate status is a birth certificated corporation? The US corporation and those who run it would like nothing better than a "civil" war to erupt in the US. It would give the US corporation one more reason to knock off another few thousand maybe more Americans after the first Covid kill shots.

American citizens can now be assassinated by the US government—'LEGALLY'

October 14, 2024 | by State of the Nation

BEWARE! Assassinations of American citizens can now be carried out 'legally' by the U.S. Military

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé is as important as it gets regarding the rapidly evolving American Bolshevik Revolution being stealthily perpetrated by the communist-run Democrats, Deep State, U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, United Nations and the New World Order globalist cabal.

Are you tired of looking at the world through a Jewish lens?

Editor's note: Who else is tired of looking through a Jewish lens to understand the world we live in that in more cases than not is a created illusion? This blog has linked numerous articles to the ex-banker and Jewish Ron Unz at The Unz Review, not because of Unz himself but because of the authors he hosts on his site. There are only a couple of paragraphs of Unz's article republished here but readers are encouraged to go to Unz's site and go through the article reading with particular focus on Unz's critique or review of the work of Miles Mathis whose essays we have posted to this blog. Then go to the linked essay here written by Miles Mathis in rebuttal to Ron Unz. Have fun: 

Ronald Keeva Unz

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper, Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4 • 1h28m

By Ron Unz | October 14, 2024 | 270 Comments

I've always enjoyed solving historical puzzles and figuring out what really happened, but I’d never had the slightest interest in conspiracy theories, which I'd always dismissed as nonsense. As a consequence, I’d spent nearly my entire life never doubting nor questioning the broad sweep of our last century of world history, as had been so conveniently presented to me in all my academic courses, books, magazines, and newspapers.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

There's that smoke again...

Editor's note: "an example of the mathematical phenomenon of chaos" (see linked article below). Even though this clip is 9 years old done by Rihanna (Robyn Rihanna Fenty) the really big question here why is this noise called rap music being produced and who is behind it? This is about exposing whites to the criminal madness of blacks. If you doubt this listen to this music and pay very close attention to the graphic images then read this article: Mo with the Flow: How Third-World Migration Is a War-Crime Against the White West.

West Point's new motto: "Lie, cheat and steal and tolerate those who do"

Editor's note: The title of Consortium New's article linked below makes you think doesn't it? "Spat on West Point?" Or did West Point spit on itself? West Point's motto is "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do." Years later when Pompeo shows up as the head of the CIA, he relates how the CIA "lies, cheats and steals." Well, no kidding. Then listen to them laugh and applause about it after Pompeo makes the remark. If readers need reminding Pompeo is a British asset explaining Pompeo's underlying motives. This video was sourced from: When Pompeo Spat on West Point.

The killing is only now getting started...

Editor's note: ...with Hezbollah launching a drone at an IDF facility when Israeli soldiers were eating dinner with the IDF suffering a "mass casualty event." This as 52 Palestinians were reported killed in Gaza over the past day.  As can be observed, Israel is not winning and Hezbollah is not losing as the US military begins its buildup in Israel to defend the country. Israel supercharged with their monotheistic cult religion are going to go until all of the Middle East is conquered and it doesn't matter how many people are killed in the process. The reality is the bombing and killing isn't going to stop. The escalation for war is concurrent both in the Middle East and in Ukraine where the British are now sending the British army under cover of "training." Prepare yourselves because this shit is going to get really bad as we move into the apocalypse. If you're religious ask your monotheistic God if the Book of Revelations is bullshit or not. 

America is now in "uncontrolled chaos" on its descent down...

Editor's note: ...except for advanced weapon manufacturing for the "deep state." Is the title histrionics or hyperbole? We'll see. Voting for Kamal Harris or Donald Trump (circus animals passing as leaders) is not going to change America's direction 180 degrees going from its current state where the US government no longer has any credibility (intentional) to an economically sound and "free" nation. Your best option at this point is to vote for yourself. Here are a few partially republished articles that may give readers a better frame of reference on the reality that is America today. The question was raised and rightfully so, "where are the men in America?" The Jewish Neocon William Kristol had a point whether you disagree with him or not. Kristol thinks the American white male are fat, dumb, lazy and happy and need replacement by mass migration into America. All you have to do to confirm this is to watch the fanboys (brainwashed pussies) at professional faked and staged NFL football entertainment games. The NFL football fanboys even fight with each other in the stands while "their country" literally goes to shit in a hand basket with the US military used to protect Israel more than the US.

Is There Hope for the US?

October 13, 2024 | by Jeff Thomas

For the entire lives of anyone under the age of seventy-five, the US has been at the top of the heap in almost every way. For decades, it had greater freedom, greater prosperity and higher production than any other country in the world.

America was a cornucopia – the centre for innovation and trends in technology, the arts and social development. And today, many Americans, even if they complain about changes for the worse in their country, come back quickly to say, "This is still the greatest country in the world." Or, "Everybody is still trying to come here."
Looking into our circumstances...