Friday, December 3, 2021

The Federal Reserve Has Outlived Its Usefulness

Source: Freedom Works

Alternatives to The Federal Reserve System

We have seen that the current system of the Federal Reserve's control over the money supply can lead to false signals being sent through the economy, creating financial bubbles which inevitably burst. This creates market instability and is a major cause of recessions and financial crises. Recognizing that this is a problem, it is reasonable to ask what alternative systems could be put into place that would result in better outcomes. 

This material has been hyper linked so that we can take these ideas to start building new systems and alternatives to the Federal Reserve and the central bank's monopoly over "fairy dust" magic money creation out of thin air.

5 Alternatives to the Federal Reserve

What are the Alternatives to the Federal Reserve Bank?

Free Banking as an Alternative to the Federal Reserve

What's the alternative?

Current information: 

We need to begin a genuine populist monetary reform movement:

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