Thursday, September 24, 2020

What Does Rabbinic Judaism Say About What Makes Jews and Gentiles Different?

Source: The Saker
September 21, 2020 | 39 Comments | By Michael Hoffman for The Saker Blog

Copyright©2020 by Independent History and Research

Author's Preface

Studies of Orthodox Judaic believers (followers of the post-Second Temple Judaism faithful to the Mishnah, Gemara and derivative sacred texts representative of the theology of the ancient Pharisees), have almost always been marked by two extremes: giddy approbation, or its antipode, atavistic contempt. Both views are predicated on fallacious judgments. In the former case, credulous acceptance of pious sloganeering and lachrymose self-righteousness, and in the other, a callous dismissal of the humanity of those who are captives to Talmudism, along with a failure to discern in our own behavior and beliefs those sins for which we censure the rabbis. 

Nothing in this study is to be construed as giving aid and comfort to Jew-haters, anti-Semites or pseudo-Christians who direct detestation toward or advocate the oppression of Judaic persons. Our work entails the analysis of iniquitous ideas and texts; not people. Like the goyim (gentiles), Judaic persons are fully human beings deserving of dignity, respect, compassionate understanding and love, having been made in the image and likeness of God. Christians are enjoined by our Savior to "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44). These are among the most profound, counter-intuitive words of wisdom ever spoken, exemplifying the crux of the theology of the believers who make up the true Klal Yisroel (people of Biblical Israel). 

There are some worldly ones who, upon discovering the extent to which they or others may have been cursed, hated or spitefully used by certain adherents of Orthodox Judaism, proceed to disobey or at the least, derogate the command of Jesus in Matthew 5:44. By this act of disobedience they are engaging in the mockery of becoming what they oppose: a Talmudist in spirit and a Christian in name only.

Historically, the counterfeit of Christ's ecclesia has sometimes been termed "Churchianity," and it was this impostor institution bearing the name of Christ that mirrored the revenge and contempt which it denounced as the apex of evil when practiced by rabbis. This bipolar approach to Judaism severely undercut Christendom's evangelical mission, and served demonic spirits in so doing. Jesus defined our love for Him very sharply and clearly. If we love Him, then we will keep His commandments. Matthew 5:44 is one of Our Savior's commands which we must place uppermost in our minds as we proceed to explore the theology of the Talmud.

Furthermore, believers in rabbinic Judaism are urgently in need of our concern and missionary effort. In addition to the obvious reason that they have refused a saving faith in their Messiah Jesus, the negative consequences of institutionalizing that rejection are enormous: oppression by Talmudic and cognate theological dictates, including the suffocating, tyrannical micro-management of their lives. The misnamed "Laws of Family Purity" (Halakhos of Niddah) for instance, are among the most reprehensible forms of oppression of women ever devised (cf. this writer's Judaism Discovered, pp. 729-747).

Another illustration is the requirement that Jewish women remove from their homes every speck of chametz —leavened grain of any type (wheat, oats etc.). This dictate is a source of neurosis and misery. Not even a crumb may be present in her home during the eight days of Pesach (Passover). Her "failure" to totally eradicate every particle is believed to invite a curse on the family due to the "negligence" of the wife. In the Kabbalistic texts, chametz represents a Jew's individuality, something which, the Orthodox rabbis assert, "must be eliminated at all costs."

Another wretched factor is Talmudism's incitement to unethical conduct. Among the dense thicket of heinous halakhic injunctions, is the command for Jewish males to become completely drunk on alcohol every year on the holy day of Purim (BT Megillah 7b). Then there is the admonition to Jews in BT Moed Katan 17a, to perpetrate evil in secret:

"If one sees his yetzer hara (evil inclination) gaining sway over him, let him go where he is not known, put on sordid clothes and do the evil that his heart desires."

The lives of their own unborn babies are also forfeit in Orthodox Judaism. It was the ruling of the famed rabbinic law-giver "Rashi" (Shlomo Yitzchaki), that a Jewish baby, before being born, is not a human being with a soul (nefesh).

According to rabbinic law, it is permitted to kill the dehumanized child with abortion in situations where the unborn infant is considered a "pursuer" (rodef) who represents a danger to the mother (cf. BT Sanhedrin 72b, and Moses Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Sefer Nezikim, Rotzeach u'Shmirat Nefesh 1:9).

The exposition in this study of radical truths concerning the theology and praxis of Orthodox Judaism is imperative for the advancement of both the Gospel and human reason, as well as for the protection of innocent human beings, particularly in Palestine and Lebanon. It is intended equally for the enlightenment and liberation of Jews and non-Jews, and it is toward those ends and in that spirit alone, that we have undertaken this work.

Under Threat of Death

It is worth noting that on the authority of the law of the rabbis in the Babylonian Talmud, in Berakhot 58a, the publication of this study renders its author a rodef (רודף‎, homicidal "pursuer"). According to the law of din rodef, a person designated a rodef is liable to be killed on sight.

In BT Berakhot 58a, an interlocutor is asking a rabbi residing in Persia about the racist denigration of non-Jews. The religious authority being questioned, Rabbi Sheila, responds to the questioner by stating that gentiles are beasts of burden ("donkeys"). Rabbi Sheila then deduces that the man who is the questioner is going to report this denigration of non-Jews to the rulers of Persia. At that point the Talmud states, "This man has the legal status of a rodef." This section of Berakhot 58a concludes with the rabbi righteously killing the would-be reporter.

The Talmudic permission for the murder of reporters and scholars who testify to the factual content of rabbinic law has never been rescinded.

The rodef is also found among those who seek to return land stolen from the Palestinians. As recently as November 4, 1995 a dramatic murder of an individual classified as a rodef took place in Tel Aviv, when no less an eminent personage than the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who sought a land-for-peace treaty with the Palestinians, was gunned down by Yigal Amir, a zealous Israeli Talmud student. An alumnus of Bar Ilan University, Mr. Amir specifically cited the Talmud as his justification for murdering the Israeli Prime Minister.

In endeavoring to answer the question:

"What Does Rabbinic Judaism Say About What Makes Jews and Gentiles Different?"

Our Response is Rooted in Halakha (Rabbinic law)

The founding legal texts of rabbinic Judaism are the Mishnah and the Gemara. They are collectively termed the "Torah she-be'al peh" (תורה שבעל פה), i.e. the oral law committed to writing as the Talmud Bavli (i.e. Babylonian Talmud, abbreviated as "BT").

According to the Babylonian Talmud, God himself is subservient to the rabbis: "Since God already gave the Torah to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai we no longer pay attention to heavenly voices. God must submit to the decisions of a majority vote of the rabbis." (BT Bava Metzia 59b).

Consequently, the Word of God (Scripture) is subordinate to the traditions of the rabbis. These traditions were previously oral. They were committed to writing, first as the Mishnah, in the early centuries (Tannaitic era), after the crucifixion of Israel's Messiah. The subsequent portion of the Talmudic canon (the Gemara) produced mainly during the Amoraim era (circa 300-450 A.D.) was written in the Aramaic language.

The Babylonian Talmud (as distinct from the Jerusalem Talmud which is not authoritative), is the holiest text of the religion of Judaism. The revered Pharisaic "sages of blessed memory" decree this themselves in the Talmud. In BT Shabbat 15c and Baba Metzia 33A, we see the Three Declarations of the much-honored, goyim-despising Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai, one of the most adored of all the "sages." Yohai wrote: A. "He who occupies himself with Scripture gains merit that is no merit. B. "He who occupies himself with Mishnah gains merit for which people receive a reward. C. "He who occupies himself with Talmud — there is no source of merit greater than this."

What part of the preceding unimpeachable statement from the supreme sacred book of Orthodox Judaism do gentiles and Christians not understand? Old Testament law is a distant second in Orthodox Judaism. It is studied, misapplied and nullified by being read through the distorting prism of the Talmud.

The non-Biblical basis of Orthodox Judaism is acknowledged in the Mishnah: "The laws concerning the Sabbath, Festal-offerings and acts of trespass are as mountains hanging by a hair, for they have scant Scriptural basis but many laws" (Mishnah Hagiga i, 8).

"Torah-True" Jews?

"Torah" is Orthodox Judaism's spurious badge of authority. The rabbis proclaim that they have the Torah, have mastered the Torah, base their laws on the Torah and that they are "Torah-true." Yet these rabbinic claims are a deceptive play on words, for the "Torah" upon which they base their laws is not the Old Testament, but the counterfeit Torah SheBeal Peh. Hence, when the rabbis are acclaiming their relationship with the "Torah," Christians are deceived into imagining that the rabbis are harkening to their allegiance to the Old Testament (Torah SheBichtav), when Orthodox Judaism's laws emanate from the man-made Talmud Bavli, which is the "Torah" they regard as supreme.

In 2010 something of a confession concerning this fact came to the fore in the Judaic media. In an article at of Feb. 10, 2010 titled, "Time to Face Haredi Secret," Efrat Shapira-Rosenberg reported a remarkable admission about the ultra-Orthodox "Haredi" (Hasidic) Judaics:

"Not too long ago I happened to speak with a young man who studies at one of the 'flagships' of the Haredi yeshiva (Talmudic academy) world; a yeshiva which is no doubt among the most important and elitist ones. We spoke about various issues, and at one point I referred to a certain Biblical character I'm especially fond of. This figure was not one of the Bible's leading actors like Abraham or Moses, but it was not a particularly marginal character either, but rather, an interesting and significant one in my view; one that conveys an important message to biblical scholars.

"So why am I telling you all this? Because the guy had no idea what I was talking about. He never heard about this figure, he was unfamiliar with it, and he was certainly unfamiliar with the important messages it teaches us.

"…the time has come to shatter the myth and explicitly address the most open secret which we all have known for a while now – Haredi education in its various yeshivas only focuses on one thing, while creating ignorant students on every other front. An important clarification: I am not referring, like secular critics, to the Haredi disregard for subjects such as math, science, English literature, etc…This is a different problem.

"The issue I have is with the fact that the vast majority of yeshivas only teach Talmud and related questions and answers. That's it.

"What about the Bible? I am not disparaging, Heaven forbid, the importance of the Talmud. Yet for once let's talk about the religious people who strictly adhere to the mitzvahs (blessed deeds), yet are unfamiliar with the Bible…And this is not an anomaly – this is the norm. The only Biblical verses familiar to yeshiva students are those quoted by Talmud sages, and that's that. The Bible is seen as a sort of inferior genre that is appropriate for young children (or for women)…" (End quote)

Jews who reject the Talmudic traditions of men and regard as supreme law only the Old Testament Word of God, are known as "Karaites" (“Scripturalists”). Karaism arose in reaction to the growing influence of the Talmud emanating from the Babylonian Talmudic academies in Pumbedita and Sura (in present day Iraq), among Jews of the late 7th and early 8th centuries. The Jewish patriarch of Karaism was an 8th century rabbinic convert from Talmudism, Anan ben David. His book of precepts, Sefer ha-Mizvot, undercut the authority of the Mishnah and Gemara. He famously stated, "Search diligently in the Scriptures and do not rely on my opinion."

Due to their Bible-only devotion, throughout their history Karaite Jews have been persecuted and even killed by Talmudic zealots. The existence of the Karaites is largely unknown to the Vatican II Catholics and fundamentalist Protestants who imagine that Talmudic rabbis are faithful Scripturalists.

The Talmud of Babylon and its successor texts:

Authoritative Halakha or mere Commentary and Debates?

In order to answer the question about what makes Jews different, it is necessary that we refute a familiar defense against charges that the Babylonian Talmud is the basis of the laws of Orthodox Judaism. Apologists assert that the more blatantly horrible passages in the Babylonian Talmud do not constitute the law of Judaism (halakha), but only commentary and debate. The truth is very different, however. Halakha is comprised of the traditions found in the non-Biblical, sacred rabbinic texts. Those texts as a whole comprise the Oral Law, what Josephus termed, paradôsis ("tradition").

The oral traditions of the Pharisees is the foundation of the Talmud, as Jesus declared (cf. Mark 7; Matthew 15). Those traditions consist of extra-Biblical superstitions and occultism, self-worship, racist hatred for non-Jews and sheer nonsense. BT Ketubot 60b-61a: "If a woman copulates in a grain mill she will have epileptic children. One who copulates on the ground will have children with long necks." BT Berakoth 55a: "A certain matron said to Rabbi Judah b. Ila'i: 'Your face is [red] like that that of pig-breeders and goyim!' The rabbi replied, 'On my faith both are forbidden me, but there are 24 toilets between my house and the Beth Midrash (house of study), and when I go there I test myself in all of them."

Apologists assert that the Talmud is only a record of debates (mahloket) between tanna'im and amora'im (the authors of the Talmud Bavli known collectively as Chazal who lived in the early centuries A.D.), and that by focusing on one portion of the controversy and upholding that passage as authoritative, the critic errs, for no legal sanction is given to either side of the "debates in the Talmud." This is demonstrably false. The Mishnah and subsequent rabbinic amplifications of it comprise the halakha, by which every believing Orthodox Judaic person is bound, down to the most minute and intimate particulars of his or her daily life. 

Please go to The Saker to read the entire article by Micael Hoffman.

Ed.'s note: Continuation of some of the more esoteric studies by Michael Hoffman interviewed in Part 2. Please go to the source link to listen to hour one. 

Source: Crrow777 Radio


Date: September 24, 2020

There are a few books that have given me the tools needed to get beyond falsehood, which is the current foundation of our synthetic reality. Mr. Hoffman lent his hand to two such books, King Kill 33 and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. I no longer waste brain cycles decoding false events as I am now able to detect/smell synthetic and staged information at a higher level. His books on the Vatican are also top shelf for those interested in knowing how and why the masters of the universe opted for the dark side. In short, if you would like to know how to better consider world altering events, head on over the Mr. Hoffman’s website and get a few books/texts that need to be protected from an uncertain future. Who is that man behind the curtain? And why does he ensure all the world is a stage, in this psychodrama, broadcast daily – everywhere 

Excellent discussion with Matthew Raphael Johnson on his perspective using the work of James Shelby Downard and Michal J. Hoffman.



Big Tech's dangerous attack on free speech and academic freedom: Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube censor SF State Palestine class

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