Thursday, July 9, 2020

Coronadulting: Thoughts on Adulting in the Age of Covinfantilization

Source: Piece of Mindful

The undiapered aren't a threat to public health. They are a threat to the power of the Gesundheitsfuhrers, who need to create the image of general sickness in order to maintain the fiction of its reality. ~ Eric Peters

My first stab at writing this rant came across as highly smug and sarcastic, with a reactive approach bordering on victim and martyr. Ugh. So I needed to check myself, because my goal is to model and define what it means to be a mature adult in the wake of deceptive agendas.

I have enjoyed Eric Peters' commentary since the beginning of the Coronavirus psychological operation. His most recent discourse resonated deeply. Peters states that ". . . healthy people wearing Face Diapers is as silly as continent people wearing actual diapers."

Individuals who have cowed to this event (and who may be sanctimoniously enabling its oppressive architects to milk hysteria from the terror-stricken herd), are posting "how-to" videos on making face masks from actual diapers. You can watch them here, and here.

I recommend that these individuals — who surely have good intentions — read up here, and here, on the alleged dangers of conventional disposable diapers. But my rant is not about the potential physical harms of diaper wearing — whether on our faces or elsewhere. My aim is to provide examples of individuals who I perceive are coronadults, and to highlight the seemingly planned humiliation of this face-diapering ritual, as it demoralizes and degrades us into subservient children.

First, let's review a few definitions:

Adulting: (defined in Merriam Webster)

To adult is to behave like an adult, to do the things that adults regularly have to do. This includes things like having a job and living independently, sure, but also such mundanities as taking clothes to the dry cleaners (and remembering to pick them up), making and keeping dental appointments, getting your car registered, doing yardwork.

Infantilize: (defined in The Free Dictionary)

To treat or condescend to as if still a young child: "The Victorian physician infantilized his patient” (Judith Moore). To reduce to an infantile state or condition: "It creates a crisis that infantilizes them—causes grown men to squabble like kids about trivial things" (New Yorker).

Coronadulting definition: No results found for "Coronadulting".

As there were no results from my search, here is my definition of Coronadulting: Devising potential solutions collaboratively with others who preserve freedom (amidst rulers unlawfully usurping personal liberties, such as health freedom, bodily autonomy, and food sovereignty). For example, these may include driving without a face mask, shopping in a store without a face mask, hiking without a face mask, doing yard work without a face mask, and most important, thinking independently — again, without a face mask. Moreover, coronadults consider options outside-of-the-box such as creating like-minded communities (whether in-person or online) for mutual aid and support. Coronadulting may also include such other mundanities as picking up face masks and disposable gloves littered by non-coronadults.

Simon Gottschalk, professor of Sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas explains in his essay, "The Infantilization of Western Culture," "While we might find it trivial or amusing, the infantilist ethos becomes especially seductive in times of social crises and fear." Yes, I would say so.

I surmise that a primary method of instilling infantilization is the propagation of the Pasteurian-based germ theory paradigm (promoted by Rockefeller medicine to become the basis of current allopathic medicine). This medical dogma keeps society belittled, as it injects — literally and figuratively — the notion that we are not responsible for our health, and that a pathogen outside of us is going to attack and kill us, regardless of our actions. It keeps us dependent on the medical cartel to provide their "drug for every bug." If you have been listening to any mainstream news over the past five months, did you hear any mention of how to naturally and safely boost your immune system, to defend from said pathogen? What if the current lockdown strategy, accompanied by mandatory face-masking and physical distancing, is misguided based on an artifact of the tenacious creed of contagion (and infection transmission), that may have been designed to oppress society from its inception? I suggest reading Good-Bye Germ Theory by Dr. William P. Trebing for potential answers. I also recommend "Scamdemic: Truth Be Told" by Rosanne Lindsay, ND, for more information in this regard.

Andrew Lobaczewski echoes a similar sentiment in Political Ponerology when explaining that some government officials are "like a virulent pathogen in the body." He succinctly stated, " . . . the psychopath is a predator." His motto in his book is: Ignoti null curate morbid (do not attempt to cure what you do not understand). Well, I would say that is entirely applicable on many levels at the moment. Lobaczewski warned in his book that" . . . nations that now think they are free will soon find they are paying still . . . It was terrible to learn that the overt system of suppression I had so recently escaped was just as prevalent, though more covert, in the United States."

What are we to do if our politicians (whether elected or selected) with unhealthy world views cause suffering to us? I would say one option is to learn more about how these individuals think and operate, and to practice strong psychological and moral hygiene ourselves by preserving our inherent goodness — our lack of evil. Whether evil is a sickness or not, the fact remains — we need to protect ourselves from its spell-binding influences.

I have found a number of coronadults who also desire to preserve our self-determination, but it has not been an easy task to identify them amidst a sea of disempowered individuals (AKA compliant citizens) who have had the wind knocked out of their sails. It is extremely disheartening.

Herein, follows a modest compendium of coronadults, if you will . . .

Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD, recently posted on Instagram, "We have been conditioned by authoritarian family structures and control-based parenting to conflate goodness with compliance. Conventional medicine is not your mommy, government is not your daddy, and it's time to learn how to take responsibility for yourself . . ." Dr. Brogan provides stunning, comprehensive insights in her article, "Masks: Have You Been Captured by This Psyop?".

Peaceful non-compliance is also a form of coronadulting. Peggy Hall (of The Healthy American website) delineates ways in which we can peacefully and lawfully resist the "emergency orders" (i.e., testing, masking, and social distancing). Here is one of her recent videos in this regard. In another video, Hall astutely explains how the diapered masses are being mocked by the controllers.

Please go to Piece of Mindful to read the entire article.


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