Monday, June 1, 2020

Non-Linear Warfare Means You Are Confused - We Are In a Non-Spoken Non-Linear Civil War - Susan Rice Rant On CNN - Real World vs Fake World - Vladislav Surkov Makes Tyranny Hip - CNN as a Conduit For Avant-Garde Art - What the Hell is Going On Here?

Ed.'s note: The other day we did a post on Vladislav Surkov who was the "Grey Cardinal" behind getting Vladimir Putin into power whose skills were used by the government, oligarchs and political technologists in Russia to construct a "world of fakery" to keep Putin in power. Their reasoning was that the real world was too complex, therefore they built a theater of fakery for Russia. The documentary made by the British filmmaker Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation made in 2016, went into great detail on how this "fake world" was created in Russia based on the avant-garde progressive background Vladislav Surkov came out of during the 1980s and early 1990s. This "fake world" would be run by corporations and Russian oligarchs behind Vladimir Putin. What Surkov did was to turn Russia into a "post-modern theater making tyranny hip." Think of Russia now as a sort of "geopolitical avant-garde," and if that's the case, where did Vladislav Surkov go after he was dismissed by Putin?

The "real world" was replaced by the "fake world" and no one inside Russia would know the difference. When communism fell progressive avant-garde art was used exclusively by wealthy Russian oligarchs who became billionaires based on Russia's oil industry. What makes Surkov so good at what he does is his knowledge of Russian icons and their overpowering influence on avant-garde art applied to politics. The method for transitioning Russia from communism to a "fake democracy" (called "sovereign democracy"), where there is "free capitalism" but still retained oligarchical power over state institutions the previous Soviet Union had.

HyperNormalisation Inside America - Officially-Encouraged Delusional State - Silicon Valley Big Tech: Systems of Stability and Control - Vlad the Gaslighter - Bankers and Oligarchs Get Reality While You Get Fakery - Replicating Progressive Art Galleries

Vladamir Putin dismissed Surkov back in February, 2020 with no reason given for his dismissal. We don't republish or use the website ZeroHedge for references because it is an intelligence connected news site with a questionable motive for being in existence. ZeroHedge ran the article on June 1, 2020 "Susan Rice Goes Full Conspiracy Rant On CNN: 'Russians Behind Race Protest Mayhem!'", which we thought is intriguing considering that Vladislov Surkov might have hired out his services to political interests in the US possibly to Hillary Clinton, oligarchs who run America and the neoconservatives (see hyperlinked article above). Some of the conclusions here may sound absurd but be assured, there are US political and financial elite who watched carefully Surkov operate behind Putin ("Putin's Rasputin") who wouldn't hesitate a moment to hire out Surkov's services for their own political agenda in the US.

Governments that go to central banks to survive have applied Surkov's non-linear warfare (Quantitative Easing) against the American people which is what is going on inside Russia. If Surkov was hired out by Hillary Clinton, the Neocons and oligarchs running the US, first with coronavirus and now these intentionally run race-provoked riots, Susan Rice's accusations of "Russian interference" might not be such "f*cking lunacy" as the Intercept claims after all. This story was also run by Fox News that is also an intelligence media operation. In all of this you just have to ask yourselves: "What the hell is going on here?" If you ask that question you are being gaslighted. What can you do about it? Either walk away from it or try understanding what is going on. Then once you begin to understand just how powerful progressive avant-garde art has been used in Russia, you will come to know why the CIA controls art in America. Control the direction of art and you control the direction of people's minds. There is an interesting correlation here too. In Russia, progressive avant-garde art was used to take control of the state. In the US art was destroyed.


Source: Zero Hedge

Susan Rice Goes Full Conspiracy Rant On CNN: 'Russians Behind Race Protest Mayhem!'

by Tyler Durden | Mon, 06/01/2020

"This is fucking lunacy — conspiratorial madness of the worst kind — but it's delivered by a Serious Obama Official and a Respected Mainstream Newscaster so it's all fine," Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald fired off in response to a CNN segment blaming "foreign interference" for the still raging George Floyd protests and riots.

"This is Infowars-level junk. Should Twitter put a 'False' label on this? Or maybe a hammer and sickle emoji?" he added. Indeed after three years of national Russiagate obsession was promptly memory-holed given it died a fiery death with the great nothing-burger that was the Mueller investigation, Obama's former National Security Advisor and later ambassador to the UN Susan Rice appeared on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to blame it all on the... you guessed it: Russians!

"I'm not reading the intelligence today, or these days — but based on my experience, this is right out of the Russian playbook," Rice said in the interview.

"But we cannot allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country that are longstanding, centuries old, and need to be addressed responsibly."

Predictably and without asking for a shred of evidence, Wolf Blitzer responded: "you're absolutely right on the foreign interference." He further asked her on whether the Kremlin might be trying to "embarrass" the US by “promoting the racial divide in our country."

"Well we see it all the time, we've seen it for years, including on social media where they take any divisive, painful issue... and they play on both sides," Rice responded, echoing similar prior accusations that somehow supposed 'Russian intelligence' putting out anti-Hillary memes on Facebook in 2016 secured Trump the election.

"I would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides on social media... [or] that they’re funding it in some way, shape, or form," Rice added.

Also on Sunday current national-security adviser Robert O'Brien actually floated similar theories, naming China, Iran, and even Zimbabwe, as well as "Russian activists" as seeking to exploit unrest in US cities.

Please go to Zero Hedge to read the entire article.

Source: Fort Russ

Do Riots Distract From Hillary Clinton's June 2nd Deposition Regarding Illegal Emails?

By Joaquin Flores | Jun 1, 2020

[FRN] – FRN has learned that June 2nd 2020 is Hillary Clinton's court date to be deposed over the use of her private email server. Is it interesting that this lines up with the aftermath of Joe Biden's massive error on Charlamagne's show, saying that black people aren't black who vote for Trump?

Is it more interesting that Clinton's deposition takes place during a moment when all eyes are on on these manufactured riots?

A judge back on Monday March 2nd, 2020, while media was consumed with the spread of the coronavirus, ordered Hillary Clinton to testify at a deposition for a lawsuit related to her use of a private email server for involving official business while working as secretary of State under President Barack Obama.

She had avoided this for a number of years, but after successful work from Judicial Watch, the case is now live. The order to answer questions from lawyers for the conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch pours yet more fuel on the longstanding fire of controversy over Clinton's private server.

That controversy arguably dealt her Democratic candidacy for the White House in 2016 a fatal blow, and helped elect Donald Trump president.

The deeper meaning of 'the leaks' that was missed by the MSM was the pizzagate phenomenon, which was a parallel incident and was revealed from a wikileaks drop of her emails. The real fatal blow was that the FBI saw what was on Anthony Weiner's laptop used by Clinton's aide and Weiner's then wife, Huma Abedin.

Now, Clinton will have to testify.

"It is time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton," Judge Royce Lamberth said in his order issued in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., where Judicial Watch is suing the State Department over its handling of searches for Clinton's emails.

"As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton's state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business," Lamberth wrote.

Lamberth's order on Monday March 2nd limits questioning of Clinton to "her reasons for using a private server and her understanding of State's records management obligations."

Now with fires raging across the country, being set by police agents and social engineers who have infiltrated peaceful protests, the US is distracted once again from yet another huge Clinton scandal.


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