Friday, March 20, 2020

People Versus the Banks

Conspiracy, Science, and the Decisive Power of Even Conspiracy's Small Advantages in Prediction and Control

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
February 20, 2020 

In addition to the deflation caused by our interest and principal payments in our all-borrowed credit-money system, there is the deflation caused by taxation; by heroin and cocaine revenues to international drug lords and partner banks they launder with; and by rent to foreign, mostly Chinese, Saudi, City of London, and Israeli dual-citizen offshore-savings landlords. If I could convince you of what's going on and what it costs each of us, what would you do? You would not be backing any of the existing candidates for president or Congress. So let's run a less than perfect candidate who at least can bring up and focus on what the bad ones won't touch. As Chesterton rightly says, "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." Few use economics to serve the common good; those who do, show us how present laws and institutions work against the common good and they identify necessary practical changes to how money is created and distributed so as to yield the best way of life from the market economy of a populist republic. 

The goals of science are three: prediction, control, and interpretation. The goal of an organized minority to obtain their own advantages at the expense of the unorganized and unaware or otherwise helpless majority, i.e., of a conspiracy, is accomplished by exercising power of prediction and control with an overarching interpretation that recognizes a larger game that may be played by a conspiracy against the common interests of the unsuspecting masses. Four areas where a conspiracy may obtain secret advantage in prediction, control, and big-picture interpretation are:

1) the science of money and its macroeconomic effects on the economy, and the effect of those upon the microeconomics of business firm, individual, and fiscal government; in particular, the advantages of monopolists of credit manipulation in an economy where the entire money supply of a nation is borrowed at compound interest, and the credit controllers have power to either inflate and increase debt, or deflate and capture ownership of assets seized in the default and distress of borrowers;

2) the science of the heat and pressure "economy" of Earth's atmosphere that moves parcels of air and affects the amount of heat or lack thereof, wetness or dryness (precipitation or not), cyclonic spin occurring within the moving parcel, etc.; which is the power to sabotage crops, affecting prices in agricultural commodity futures, weaponizing famine, heat, hurricanes, tornados, etc., engineering rich profit opportunities for disaster capitalism and geopolitical advantaging, including conquest and the forcing of emigration;

3) the science of war, where secret technologies allow the waging of war by stealth: disguised, for example, as lightning-caused forest fires and natural-earthquake-caused tsunamis; all sorts of sabotage and blackmail war against the country that can be fought and won without the citizenry knowing that it was fought and lost, being blinded by ignorance to the warfare science employed;

4) the science of political control through the selecting and programming of a variety of candidates, each appealing to one or another polling or other demographic group of significant numbers, including homosexual misfits; abortion-mind-scared females; drug-stoned college kids who can be swept up by fictional perils such as, for example, the threat that too much CO2 will wreck the climate, killing humanity and all the most lovable animals, or that overpopulation, rather than too much conspiracy, will lead to starvation and a bare subsistence existence for everyone: so that the masses are willing to accept a variety of forms of slavery, constraint, and deprivation in return for relief from what was all along an imaginary threat.

In short, when a conspiracy by organized crime gains scientific advantage in prediction, control, and bigger-picture interpretation, the people become expendable slaves owning nothing and aware only of false interpretations of what is going on.

The job of everyone who sides with the bulk of the human race against the organized conspiring few is to rekindle the flame of true science: the discipline of accurate observation and checking of facts, the testing of claims, the following of logic, the use of detective work and healthy skepticism, the ability to make the best call given the soundest and most pertinent information and to share this information among those who are truly scientific in a community of scientific thinkers; mere Ph.D.s with think-tank affiliation and exposure as a recognized expert on mainstream media be damned. Show me. Prove it. How do you figure? Where did you get your data? How were these conclusions reached? But most of all, I have studied all I could find on this subject, and from that I conclude that this is the real situation; and that what this so-called expert is saying contradicts facts and does not hold together, and furthermore it is obvious that you are doing X, Y, and Z behind our backs and to our great detriment.

Money-monopoly capitalism, communism, and Zionism are attempting to deliver a final death blow to their inevitable enemy: national republics with limited representative government and constitutionally guaranteed rights established and administered for and by politically active and consequential citizens who individually and collectively have a say in their own destinies.


There you have it. So educate, organize, and win. Now is the time.

"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." – Lord Acton

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