Wednesday, February 26, 2020

This Is What Hybrid Warfare Looks Like

Ed.'s note: In hybrid warfare the first victim is ascertaining the factual circumstances. Hybrid warfare creates fear, chaos, uncertainty and nonstop disinformation with the media running cover. The Chinese just had their B&RI plans sabotaged as fallout on this media-driven coronavirus scare is having enormous repercussions on the global economy. There is even talk now on whether or not Tokyo will cancel the 2020 Olympics. In Japan, the Japanese are shitting all over themselves scared half to death of this "sun virus." Surgical masks have been stripped off store shelves, concerts, weddings and social functions are cancelling daily, ordinarily crowded streets and intersections have far fewer pedestrians out and the media is non-stop "sun virus" scare.

The CIA's Complicity in Recent Global Atrocities Revealed

No Weapon Left Behind: the American Hybrid War on China

Coronavirus covert operation

by Jon Rappoport | February 27, 2020

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In my ongoing coverage of the "epidemic" (archive here), I've written about the covert-operation aspect of the brutal game.

I want to add a few notes.

By its very nature, a covert op is meant to CONCEAL its true goals and details and players, so it's no surprise we have unanswered questions. Rushing to supply all the answers in five minutes is a futile exercise.

A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation.

A covert op has cover stories and false trails. These are standard in the intelligence business.

A cover story is designed to divert attention from what is actually going on. It is basically a false picture floated to obscure the truth. The intent is: get people dividing into camps and arguing with each other about VARIATIONS of the cover story—thus taking them further from the hidden facts and motives.

In this case, the cover story would be: a contagious virus jumped species in China and started harming and killing people; it's spread.

People began taking sides: the contagious coronavirus is a natural microbe; it’s a leak from a biowar lab; it was weaponized in a lab and intentionally released; it's rather harmless for the most part; it's deadly; its effects are somehow magnified by interacting with chemtrails; because people are dying, the virus must be the cause, etc.

Once people have divided into camps, the covert operators can twist several of these cover-story variations, thus creating false trails, down which people can travel, without ever reaching an end.

For example, a loose study might appear "which proves the coronavirus is a bioweapon." If you read the study carefully, though, you realize the authors aren’t claiming the virus has been weaponized. Further, the study authors are saying the virus has a peculiarity which MIGHT mean THIS or COULD mean THAT or POSSIBLY IMPLIES something else. And there appear to be no other studies which confirm any of these equivocal findings.

But within an hour of the study being published, fifty thousand people on the Web are circulating this "proof of weaponization."

In any so-called epidemic, you will see some ex-military or ex-intelligence spook appear out of nowhere with "expert insider testimony" about the virus. He "knows it's a weapon." Therefore, it must be.

Likewise, other authority figures will show up to capture audiences with unproven revelations about the "bioweapon virus," or "the leak of the virus from a lab," or the "theft of the virus." Their audience, having rejected conventional media and government authorities, is looking for alternative substitutes. And they'll get substitutes.

Notice that, in all these insider pronouncements, whatever they are, there is a re-enforcement of the basic idea that THE VIRUS is the cause of the "epidemic." BUT REMEMBER, "THE VIRUS" IS THE BASIC COVER STORY. Planners of a covert op want people to buy the basic cover any which way.

To illustrate these points, imagine that, in an area of forest 30 miles from a town, people discover a large patch of dead trees. Some have fallen over. Others, leafless and gray, are still standing. At first, no one takes action. Then, it’s obvious the patch is growing larger. More trees are falling down. More branches and leaves are drying up and dropping on the ground.

The town newspaper, aided by pronouncements from local officials, runs a story about a fire. There was a fire in that part of the forest. It was "so severe and hot, its effects are still being felt." NOW, people begin arguing about the cause of the fire. It was a lightning hit. Someone set a blaze, using flammable liquid that burned at an exceptionally high temperature. Drug dealers fought with one another and burned up the drugs. A sinister creature, half-animal, half-human, rumored to live in the woods, set the fire. ET aliens set the blaze. Their small ship crashed and burned.

The fire is the cover story. People are arguing about variations of the basic cover. Actually, six months ago, a town firm that secretly sells a dangerous and illegal pesticide, believing they were about to get busted, sent employees with drums of the poison into the forest to dump them. That’s what happened. But the cover story is now so ingrained in minds, few people will consider there was no fire…THERE HAD TO BE A FIRE.

After having researched and written about epidemic duds (SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, etc.) for many years, I've taken a different approach.

I've asked more BASIC questions at every turn.

If public health officials and governments announce an outbreak and a virus, I ask, "How did they discover the new virus?" That's a reasonable inquiry. "Did they really find and isolate a new virus?" "What procedures did they use for the job?" "Are those procedures accurate and valid?" "Did the scientists who rushed to the outbreak-locale to take tissue samples—are these the CDC or World Health Organization virus hunters who always find a new virus, even if, at the designated location, an industrial corporation is releasing torrents of polluted poison into the ground and the water?

Please go to Jon Rappoport's blog to read the entire article.


China coronavirus hype straight out of the CDC flu playbook

Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) an engineered biological attack on China by America for geopolitical advantage?


Coronavirus Tailor-Made For a Vaccine?

WHO is a Dangerous "Corrupt Mess", 2956

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