Sunday, January 26, 2020

Gangster Capitalism

Ed.'s note: There is no better example of "gangster capitalism" than Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase.

Jamie Dimon Gets $31.5 Million Pay Despite Bank's Criminal Charges as U.S. Slides Below Uruguay on Corruption Index

From the Peace of Westphalia to the Law of the Jungle 

Source: Technocratic Tyranny

By Vicky Davis | January 06, 2020 | 3 Comments

The other day during a Facebook discussion among several people, the issues of communism and crony capitalism were mentioned. One woman who claimed to have a degree in Political Science responded with the standard definition that has been burned into the brains of Americans: communism is an economic system in which the government owns and controls the means of production. My response was that the economic system does not exist outside of the political system so what we are really talking about is power – who has it and how they are using it.

Crony capitalism which is actually corporatism is the merger of political power between business and government for the economic benefit of business owners. It should be noted however that not all business owners are equal. The wealthiest business owners win because they can buy more political power than less wealthy business owners.

From the point of view the average citizen, there is no difference between corporatism and communism. The average citizen can't buy any political power so he loses his voice in both the political and economic systems reducing his position in society to merely a factor of production – a worker and workers are fungible. To maintain any kind of legitimacy with the people who vote politicians into office, the government is obligated to "create jobs" – meaningless and unproductive though they may be.

Decay of the Nation-State

It is a maxim that if you fight with the king, you have to kill the king. Globalization is the process of transferring sovereignty to international bodies in effect, creating a new king. The creation of a new king at the international level means that national kings have to die. In other words, national governments have to die as the international bodies receive more and more power. On January 21, 2015, Brent Scowcroft gave testimony to the Armed Services Committee and he said that very thing using slightly different language but the essence of his testimony was the same because "softening of national sovereignty" is just a process leading to decay and ultimately death of national sovereignty.

Scowcroft's Confession

Scowcroft's statement should have made headline news. The think tanks should have held panel discussions and politicians should have been incensed by it but none of that happened. The hearing passed virtually without comment leaving the public still scratching their heads as to what is happening to our country. Fortunately, about a week ago, I watched an excellent video about the New World Disorder and the breakdown of the Westphalian system of nation-states that explains it brilliantly. It should be noted however, I do not agree with everything said in the video, just most of it.

The Decay of the World Order As We Know It | A World on the Brink 

So, we have Brent Scowcroft admitting what they did with the international system and what the consequences have been. The second video with highly credible people talked about the same thing – decay of the Westphalian system of nation-states. There is no question that the decay of the nation-state system is causing tensions around the world in all segments of societies.

To add to the confusion, we have military conflict as the defenders of their respective societies attempt to regain some say in what is happening to their countries with military leaders as defenders of nation-states talking about ideas like the Thucydides Trap. The Trap is a concept described by Graham Allison, the ideas of which pertain to rising and declining nation-state powers – specifically as it pertains to the U.S. and China.

Please go to Technocratic Tyranny to read the entire article.

Whereas in Russia we are witnessing the extreme polar opposite of what is politically happening in America:

The Federal Assembly Speech; Putin Vows to Rein in Capitalism and Shore Up Sovereignty

Russian History

The Minimum Wage

Vladimir Putin kicked the western Atlanticists out of the Russian government to secure the national sovereignty of Russia.

Russian government resigns as Putin seeks constitutional shake-up

Battle of the Ages

At one point in Russian history thesis how the Russians took care of oligarchs.

Ivan the 'Terrible' Wasn't Terrible at All - an Oligarch-Busting, Virtuous Hero, Demonized by the West

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