Sunday, December 1, 2019

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

Ed.'s note: This material is so important that we have decided to post it again this time with further updates and edits. Our suggestion: dump the birthdays then reclaim your property. Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is for educational purposes only under the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. The foundation: Origin begins at fertilization; legal fictions; there is no liberty unless we are a product (DNA) of God.

Source: CRROW777 Radio


"As it turns out it matters how and when we mark our birth. I am a living breathing human being born alive and yet legal fictions make the claim I am lost at sea with no life. I state, for the record, that I exist alive from the moment my mother and father's genetic material [property] combined. I am a living being since this moment – as I passed through the birth canal already alive for nine months. I make this claim for evermore. I am not, and have never been, lost at sea. What is your claim?"

Black's Law Dictionary definition for the word: BIRTH
"The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence. Wallace v. State, 10 Tex. App. 270"
"If everyone in the world right now claimed the origin of their fertilization the entire banking system would collapse."

The Catholic Church (Rome) and the Federal Reserve have claimed your property acting as your "mother." The etymological origin of the meaning of Federal Reserve:
federal (adj.)

1640s, as a theological term (in reference to "covenants" between God and man), from French fédéral, an adjective formed from Latin foedus (genitive foederis) "covenant, league, treaty, alliance," from PIE *bhoid-es-, suffixed form of root *bheidh- "to trust, confide, persuade."
reserve (v.) 
"something stored up," 1610s, from reserve (v.) or from French réserve, a Middle French back-formation from reserver "set aside, withhold," from Latin reservare "keep back, save up; retain, preserve," from re- "back" (see re-) + servare "to keep, save, preserve, protect" (from PIE root *ser- (1) "to protect"). Meaning "self-imposed restraint on freedom of words or actions; habit of keeping back the feelings" is from 1650s.
You are "lost at sea" for 9 months. Unless you claim this property private bounty hunters will.
sea (n.) 
Old English sæ "sheet of water, sea, lake, pool," from Proto-Germanic *saiwa- (source also of Old Saxon seo, Old Frisian se, Middle Dutch see, Swedish sjö), of unknown origin, outside connections "wholly doubtful" [Buck]. Meaning "large quantity" (of anything) is from c. 1200.
The Greek word for cake (Κέικ) is placenta. The birthday cake is the placenta. The lunar connection is important. The birth date is represented between zero and one but is not represented on a Christian calendar. The birthday cake represents your Anno Mundi calendar (Jewish origin) and begins with zero. The birthday cake is representative of your lunar or Anno Mundi origin with the cake itself. The cake is evidence of your Godly origin (placenta) and goes all the way back to the beginning. It is not noted on the Gregorian Calendar or the year One. There is a "hole" between the origin which is fertilization, and the Gregorian calendar (Christian Calendar) that starts at the year One. There is a space, or time that is missing in your life that you have yet to claim. When you claim the date of the birth you "kill off the man" and this falls under "genocide." If you claim a birthdate after the previous 9 months of life you negate your own existence.
Borrowed from New Latin placenta uterina ("uterine cake"), from Latin placenta ("flat cake"), because of the flat round shape of the afterbirth.
When you celebrate your child's birthday you are not celebrating the first 9 months of your child's life since fertilization. The placenta has been deserted.

The lunar representation of the date of birth: dim the lights and light the candle. Then blow the candle out on the cake (placenta) to "snuff" the previous 9 months. You're participating in your own genocide.

Here is where you start today to reclaim your property:

If you listen to the full interview at the Source link CRROW777 Radio, read the following linked news article here. Americans have turned over their responsibility to the Federal Reserve.

The Percentage Of Christians In America Has Hit An All-Time Low

Thomas Merton who was assassinated in Thailand on December 10, 1968 has an important message very much related to all that is going on economically and politically:

Thomas Merton

Extremely important legal information: Here is the crux of our problem (property ownership; we've omitted the legal ramifications there is life before the baby comes through the birth canal). The private law merchants have separated the unborn and the born by a birthdate. We are then hunted by bounty hunters (privateers) as abandoned property after birth. There is no unborn and born separation. We are being separated from our origin by our birthdates. We exist as unborn from fertilization through the cervix up until this time as man. It is one continuous continuum of life from the zygote (fertilization not conception is the whole story) to this very point in time. This may be extremely helpful to those who are concerned about the law when we come into this world literally, how we are abandoned at birth. Your origin is at fertilization. Please listen carefully:


Opening paragraph of a Constructive Notice:
"You have received this constructive notice if by mistake, fraud, error, legal construction, or fortuitous event, you or your particular church, sect, denomination, organization, institution, enterprise, government, or commercial franchise has ever handled or been the receiver of my unique manifest essence (DNA) or testament of my will (Res) without my knowledge or true full-disclosure consent. Global profiteers have for decades colluded in a conspiracy to acquire custody of the equitable "salvage" of presumably discarded essential (DNA) material unbeknownst to the true owner in order to control all evidence pertaining to a legal cause-of-action. This illicit forensic "slave-trade" is administrated by so-called Courts of Justice using information upon a "certificate of birth" (deed of interment) relative to a decedent "child" (afterbirth) regarded as prima facie evidence establishing original jurisdiction."

Based on:
Black's Law 5th Edition –
Slave. A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no freedom of action, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. One who is under the power of a master, and who belongs to him; so that the master may sell and dispose of his person, of his industry, and of his labor, without his being able to do anything, have anything, or acquire anything, but what must belong to his master. 
Slavery. The condition of a slave; that civil relation in which one man has absolute power over the life, fortune, and liberty of another."

Here is a demonstration of the above material. These Catholics are in a court. They shouldn't be in a court in the first place if they really are a product (DNA) of God. They are therefore not Godly. This Catholic archdiocese has a team of lawyers. There isn't anything more perverse in the eyes of God than lawyers. If you are in court you have not reclaimed your property based on all the material above, you do not have liberty and you most certainly are not a product of God.

The Vortex — Dirty Business

The Church Militant and Catholics need to go back and reclaim their property. Without this there will be no liberty and there will be no religious freedom. The Catholic Church will only continue to be a pedophile and homosexual lusting nexus of self-serving financially leaching arrogant mafia syndicate operating as a religion. Saul Alinsky was an atheist Jewish Marxist who got close to the Catholic chancery in Chicago. Al Capone called Saul Alinsky a "public utility." Catholics do not own their souls and forfeited them along with their property to private bounty hunters (ex: Alinsky and his communist Marxist useful idiots who bought into their concepts) at birth (please see above).

The Vortex — Alinsky and the US Bishops 

Stop this. Stop training your children to extinguish the first nine months of their life since fertilization where life begins as a gift from God. You are teaching your children to participate in their own genocide. The little boy apparently couldn't blow out the candle which is a very good symbolic meaning for our purposes here.

Little boy can't blow out birthday candle 

This can ONLY happen to abandoned property claimed by private bounty hunters:

News Report — Infanticide in U.S. Abortion Mills

Any decisions the US Supreme Court makes on abortion will be made under the auspices of a private corporation that is listed on Dunn & Bradstreet listings. Private corporate bounty hunters by the law merchants...

Why Is The United States Supreme Court Listed as a Private Corporation 

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